
iPad 3 sizes. Review of the third generation Apple tablet. Apple tablet preview

    2 years ago

    First of all, this is the screen, screen and once again the screen is the best today, everything looks like on a glossy magazine. Optimized games also look cool. It works very quickly over wi-fi - surfing the net is very convenient. The touch is just super! There are so many advantages that you can’t count them all.

    2 years ago

    Super fast, user friendly, convenient in everything.

    2 years ago

    Great graphics. Works great. Charging really lasts for 10 hours. You can watch movies for a long time. Safety. Works quickly. Doesn't buggy (Unlike android). The graphics in the games are pleasing.

    2 years ago

    1. i-Tunes - for me this is really an advantage, since I have been communicating with this program quite closely for more than three years. And it’s “familiar” and “comfortable” to me (although it took a long time to get used to it). Plus it's nice to know that backup copy data and programs exist on the computer. 2. Technical parameters - for viewing photos/editing them/drawing sketches this tablet The nickname fits completely. As for games/videos, heavy videos play without problems, games don’t freeze either. 3. Graphics - I didn’t notice any “dead” pixels that some people are shouting about. Although I looked at four models in the store (we chose between 32 and 64 Gb and between the presence/absence of Cellular). "Color spots" in the corners white screen, about which many people also talk, alas, were not noted by me so

    2 years ago

    great screen, battery life is great (it charges from full discharge to zero in 4 hours), photo and video quality is excellent (you just need to get used to it and adapt, I had the opportunity to train on an iPhone, the quality there is a little worse, but also excellent ), I was also pleased with the sound, loud and high-quality, comfortable to hold, smart and responsive, for a case with auto-locking 5+ (worth the money), excellent wi-fi reception, brutal, stylish, many wonderful applications, incl. office ones for working with documents, I synchronize with the printer via Wi-Fi, everything prints, easy to use everywhere, enough memory for me, the case is metal (unlike the mini-iPad)

    2 years ago

    Overall quality of everything. See comment.

    2 years ago

    Fast, responsive, with tips and a humorous cat and dog, and in general with a lot of all sorts of interesting goodies. Books can be downloaded and opened without any iTunes directly in the browser. More precisely, download it in the browser and open it in iPad. The video is good. Internet TV is also great and free! Photos are simply super - now you don’t have to print photos at all.

    2 years ago

    1) Excellent screen, with excellent resolution (2048x1536). 2) operating system iOS, for which hundreds of thousands of applications are written. 3) Performance (even heavy games like GTA 3 can run in the background). 4) Design 5) Camera with optics from iPhone 4S and matrix from iPhone 4, capable of recording FullHD video. 6) Battery - on average 10-11 hours at full load. 7) The price is already quite adequate, and after the start of official deliveries it will decrease even more.

    2 years ago

    Retina screen, which is also a minus (it eats up a lot of energy) - camera (if you learn how to shoot with it, the first pictures were complete crap) - cases with auto-unlocking and locking - iTunes (of course, if you make friends with it) - beautiful effects and iOS itself - comfortable to hold in your hands - video on YouTube 720p (sorry, not 1080p) and much more

    2 years ago

    1. First of all, this display is bright, the resolution is simply amazing. Afterwards, looking at the laptop screen (the resolution on it is 1280x800) is somehow not very pleasant. 2. Stuffing. The device is very fast. Compared to the first iPad, everything opens instantly. Fast not only on the Internet and small programs, but also in games. Not a single game has ever crashed for me. 3. Design, few people can catch up with apple here. 4. iOS. Intuitive OS, thoughtful and optimized. Plus a huge number of applications for every taste. As for the closedness, I personally don’t see anything bad here. There will be fewer viruses. Jail, if desired, is done with just one click of a button in the appropriate program. Although I don't use it... 5. Battery. Lasts quite a long time. With active wi-fi you have time to watch two movies in 9 minutes each

    2 years ago

    It really takes a very long time to charge - but it also takes a long time to discharge. Without jail, i.e. Constantly pay for programs and games not in our country and with our wallet. P.S. Do not under any circumstances upgrade to iOS 6. There’s no point in it, but let’s not get into it.

    2 years ago

    I haven't found it in a month

    2 years ago

    Price. Closed system. Games eat up the battery faster than watching videos or doing office work. At powerful game The battery lasts about 6-7 hours.

    2 years ago

    1. Wi-Fi - sometimes it loses the network. Finds it within fifteen minutes. I still don’t understand what is causing this problem.
    2. Lack of flash - yes, it's unpleasant. In the same VK there is a lot of content built on flash. But - there's nothing you can do about it.
    3. Weight - you cannot hold this tablet with one hand for more than half an hour. Still, the weight is very, very noticeable.
    4. Price - it is slightly overpriced (in my opinion).

    2 years ago

    Not found yet, although charging through a computer would be a plus, and not just through an outlet.

    2 years ago

    There are none for such a device.

    2 years ago

    The screen sensitivity may be too high. Now, if only there was a button to turn it off for a while, otherwise you read something on the Internet, accidentally touch it with your finger somewhere, and immediately a new page jumps up for you. You have to click on the return arrow. So 2-3 seconds are lost. As the owner of an aimag, I didn’t even have to get used to the tablet - everything is the same and the logic of work is familiar. Well, except that there is no finder and dock. Well, for PC owners, I think from being unaccustomed to the fact that everything floats and spreads, it may seem like a frivolous toy. However, this is not surprising. So, for example, in the 20th century, the “LEICA” camera was first mistaken for a toy, and in our country children in “labor camps” collected a copy of it.

    2 years ago

    1) Charging takes about 8 hours, and when fully loaded it doesn't even charge.
    2) The screen fades greatly in the sun.

    2 years ago

    Webcam (I think this is real horror)
    -many wonderful applications, 95% of which cost money and not always $0.99, but $6 each (not a lot of money for a student at school)
    -there are a lot of accessories, but again they are not cheap
    -some people say that the iPad has become thicker, but for me it’s not - but not +
    -in the case the heating of the tablet is almost imperceptible
    -the main disadvantage is mono sound, either headphones or portable speakers

    2 years ago

    1. Heating. Before the purchase, I thought that the story with heating was an attempt by haters to reduce the popularity of the tablet. However, after purchasing it, I discovered that it actually gets hot. Sometimes quite strong (if you play heavy games like Infinity Blade)
    2. It takes a long time to charge. It’s not critical, of course, but if it is discharged to 10%, and an hour later you need to take it somewhere urgently, then during this time it will be charged to a maximum of 30%.
    I didn't find any other shortcomings.

The tablet received an improved Apple A5X processor, specially created for the Retina display. The processor contains 2 main ARM Cortex A9 cores and 4 graphics cores (PowerVR SGX543MP4) and, according to Schiller, is four times faster in graphics computing speed than the 4-core Nvidia Tegra 3 chip. The tablet also received a new 5-megapixel camera capable of shooting video in Full HD 1080p. IN new iPad The expected support for 4G LTE technology has appeared.

Main technical characteristics
Type tablet pc
CPU Apple A5X
CPU frequency 1 GHz
Volume random access memory 1024 MB
Storage capacity 64 GB
Screen diagonal 9.7 "
Resolution and screen format 2048 x 1536 QXGA 4:3
Peculiarities capacitive
Camera resolution 5 megapixels
Supply system
Time battery life 10 o'clock
Dimensions and weight
Width 18.5 cm
Height 24.1 cm
Depth 0.94 cm
Weight 0.6 kg
report a bug

Apple iPad 3: first real test in Russia

For the third year now, at the beginning of spring, people who are partial to tablets begin to feel feverish. Will Apple introduce a new product or not? And what will be new there? So far the company manages to surprise every time. And this is an undoubted quality that attracts loyal customers and forms a huge army of fans. And on the contrary, any “cosmetic” changes to a product cause a desire to “bury” a company that is supposedly “no longer the same” (c).

Most likely, we will soon see the fifth generation iPad and it will be significantly different from the “two”, which has gone through a couple of upgrades. In the meantime, I want to talk about the experience of using the good old iPad of 2012.

Corps and childhood diseases

There's not much to say here. If the iPhone of all generations had a bunch of specific problems, and with laptops not everything is simple, and the previous generation iMac had dust flying under the display protection, then the third generation iPad just works and that’s it. On aluminum housing Scratches and abrasions are clearly visible, all this is very easy to get, I don’t even know how the scratches appeared on this sample. Looks like I didn't drop it. If you treat your equipment thriftily, it is better to immediately take care of purchasing a cover that protects the back panel. Because the screen doesn’t really need protection; it quickly becomes covered with fingerprints, but it’s not so easy to leave a scratch. The buttons work fine, but the design of the connector is very annoying, unlike the fourth generation iPad and iPad mini, the old-style plug needs to be inserted only with the correct side - moreover, it is not just inserted, but pushed in with a crunch. I have seen scratches near the connector on many iPad users, this is normal - I personally approve of Apple’s initiative to switch to Lightning. It may not be great to change all the cables, but it sure is a lot more convenient.

Replacement issue

I’ll try to offer you my own view on this hot topic; many people ask whether it’s worth replacing the penultimate generation iPad with new version. I just have an iPad 3, bought in Munich last year. The main differences of the new version are a new processor, a Lightning connector, and an improved FaceTime camera. There is an opinion that if you switched to iPhone 5, then it is worth replacing the iPad, at least to avoid confusion with wires. It doesn't seem worth it to me. The difference in performance is noticeable, but not so great, I’m generally silent about the differences in the camera, most users don’t use FaceTime on iPad very often, at least in Russia, but iMessage is much more popular and in demand. Accordingly, I personally have no intention of replacing my old iPad with a new one; it makes sense to wait and see what Apple introduces in 2013. It seems to me that the new iPad may well use the design of the iPad mini, that is, a very thin frame next to the display and a proprietary feature where the edges of the display do not respond to accidental presses. Surely it will be lighter, thinner, probably with Retina and 4G support, it may well be that the list of versions will change - now for the fourth generation it is 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB, the younger version may disappear.


iPad owners are lucky people because they can choose hundreds of different accessories for their device. Here I will try to give advice on things that are really necessary, and you can always look at reviews of a variety of add-ons in the Apple section.

I'll start with the covers, I myself tried hundreds of different ones and eventually settled on SmartCover Apple, black leather version. This addition has a drawback, it is very easy to unfasten, but the advantages outweigh it - it practically does not increase the size of the device, it is easy to use as a stand, it looks good, nothing superfluous. The disadvantage is clear, the back is without protection, if you are afraid of scratches, then the solution will not work. In general, Apple does not produce many accessories, but all of them, as a rule, are sensible. Let's not just remember the Bluetooth headset announced along with first iPhone. In addition to SmartCover, you can also look at SmartCase, another proprietary addition, but I don’t like it because it increases the size quite a bit. But it also protects back Also, if you are afraid of scratches on aluminum, then you should pay attention to this option. As for other accessories, I repeat, the choice is very large, I would recommend paying attention to the products of Ozaki, SwitchEasy, HardGraft, among the inexpensive ones I liked the Denn case, I wrote about it recently.

Headphones, as you know, are not even included with a simple model without a remote control. The choice is great, but I still remain faithful to the Apple In-Ear Headset with a remote control, although now I increasingly use the EarPods included with the iPhone 5. Both the first and the second are not that expensive, the In-Ear Headset has a big plus - they are comfortable Silicone nozzles, I would recommend choosing between these two models. Naturally, with iPad you can use any headsets designed for Apple technology, ranging from expensive Bowers & Wilkins to nameless models. Still, Apple models are here to stay optimal choice, I’m willing to bet about the reliability and sound quality, I’ve been using the In-Ear Headset for several years, I haven’t noticed any problems, except that the cable turned from white to gray - and in general this is typical for all original cables. Just look at the power supply for MBP 15, only six months have passed, and the cable has already turned grey.

Speakers, here I will once again remind you that now there are a lot of universal speakers; you can connect a variety of gadgets to such devices using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. What you don’t need to do is buy a special speaker with a cradle for the iPad, that is, so that the size of the cradle allows you to install the tablet. Who knows, maybe in a year you will already have a new iPad? And there is another connector. Therefore, buying the same Jawbone Big Jambox or one of the Samsung speakers (such as DA-E750) looks much preferable. I use a simple Jambox with my iPad when traveling, but at home I connect it to the audio system using a cable, that’s also an option.

For the third generation iPad there is an interesting proprietary accessory that allows you to connect to the tablet HDMI cable and immediately display the image on the TV. If you watch movies on VKontakte, the quality will be very poor, I tried it in conjunction with a Full HD TV. If you upload movies yourself to AVPlayer, then it’s quite normal - we’re talking, for example, about TV series in normal quality. It’s interesting that I’ve had this adapter lying around idle for a long time, but now I often use it outside the city, the iPad works like a kind of VCR.

There is no need to buy cases with keyboards; as a rule, they are not very good. Better buy a short one Apple keyboard and the Incase Origami little thing for connecting the keyboard and tablet, a very convenient thing. The keyboard will come in handy later when used with other gadgets, for example, if you connect a monitor to a laptop. Or if you want to type text paired with a smartphone on Android based. To be honest, I hardly use the keyboard with the iPad, because there is MacBook Air 11.

There are a great variety of car holders, and it is difficult to say which one will suit you - it all depends, ultimately, on the car too. In general, I would recommend paying attention to universal holders for tablets - not only for the iPad, so that the mount is movable and can be used for other devices. I know that many people use iPad in the car not only for navigation, but also as a TV, stereo system, in this case it is worth choosing a model with maximum memory and 3G.

Which version should I choose?

Often when choosing an iPad, people have the same question: which version to take? How much memory, do you need 3G support? I periodically conduct such consultations among friends. And it all starts out banal, everyone needs top versions, but in fact it turns out that 16 GB + Wi-Fi is quite enough. It seems to me that you shouldn’t spend money on some incomprehensible benefits in reserve. My iPad mini is just the 16 GB version with Wi-Fi, and this is more than enough for me, literally for all occasions. See for yourself, you can probably listen to music from your smartphone and you won’t need tens of gigabytes for your iPad library. Watching movies on the road is great, but, as a rule, there are some nuances. If you have a long flight, more than ten hours, how many movies will you watch during that time? Considering that in any case you will have to sleep? Well, two, three. Just in case, you can copy four or five into memory, but even in this situation, 16 GB is more than enough. Especially if you don’t use AVPlayer, but prepare movies using iTunes (that is, convert so that the size of the original file becomes smaller). As practice shows, most often users on tablets take up the most memory from programs rather than content, so assess your needs soberly. Let's say the iPad in question has 64 GB of memory, it's been in use for a long time, so what's in the memory? See for yourself. But I took the tablet with me more than once. A little music, a couple of films, I just took with me on trips, everything else is programs. More often I watch movies online, Ivi is installed, and no one has canceled VKontakte. You can have different attitudes towards this network, but many tablet owners register with VKontakte in order to watch a variety of cinematic masterpieces.

Even more interesting with 3G. Don't forget that your iPhone or Android smartphone can work great as a hotspot, so a SIM card for a tablet is sometimes bought by many people along with their tablets, then used several times, and then happily forgotten about. No, there are exceptions, and many of you reading this review buy such SIM cards for normal use of the browser while roaming, for comfortable use of Safari in a cafe (if there is no Wi-Fi there), I can think of a hundred more options. Maybe you can tell me. But it’s like with memory, when buying, you shouldn’t take 3G in reserve, it’s better to immediately figure out whether you will use it or not. With the very first iPad I used a SIM card, with the second one too, but with the third one and the mini I don’t see the need. If I find myself in a place where there is no Wi-Fi, it’s easier to turn on the hotspot in the iPhone. How to throw money at the SIM card installed in the tablet. Another question is, if 4G appears in the new iPads, working with our operators, then we will need to think about connecting. Well, when choosing a third generation iPad, think carefully.

By the way, if you are planning to buy such a tablet for a child, then it is better to forget about 3G, but don’t skimp on memory, educational toys and other smart applications sometimes “weigh” a lot. Here you definitely need to take either 32 or 64 GB.

Here I want to say that the price range for the third generation iPad is very wide; if you search, you can find the cheapest version (16 GB + Wi-Fi) for 18,000 rubles. I sincerely believe that the secondary market should not be discounted, unlike smartphones, this often happens - a person buys an iPad, tries to use it, then puts it in a distant drawer. That is, it is easy to find a device in perfect condition at a good price. After rummaging through flea markets for five minutes, I found a white iPad 3 64 GB + Wi-Fi for 20,000 rubles, it seems to me that the offer is not bad - in general, it’s worth looking, especially if you need a device “for slaughter”, for constant use in the car or for child.


Surely you have your own set of software for the iPad; my device is mainly used as a replacement for a laptop in meetings, a bedside TV for watching videos, a music box in the bathroom or kitchen. The fact is that all iPads, including mini, have excellent speakers. You can take your iPad with you, go to the balcony, turn on music, and look at the surrounding picturesque views. I said above that there is practically no music on the tablet; I mainly use Soundcloud. In addition, with the release of iTunes in Russia, I bought iTunes Match, here is an excerpt from an article about the launch of the service:

“Russian iTunes users also have access to iTunes Match, this service helps you store your entire music library in iCloud, it costs 799 rubles for a year of use, I have already subscribed. Although it makes sense to do this only for those who have several Apple devices, a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop (or two laptops), an iMac. The point is that the entire library with MacBook Pro I can send it to transcendental distances, and then access it from my iPhone without any connection to the computer. How much volume can be uploaded to the cloud? iTunes Match has a limitation, but it is not related to the size, but to the number of songs, now it is more than twenty thousand, I don’t think many of you have at least a thousand songs on your hard drive.”

After turning on the service on the laptop, all the tracks were transferred to the “cloud” for quite some time. As you can see, duplicates, tracks purchased from iTunes, matching compositions, etc. are marked in iTunes on the laptop. Just turn on iTunes Match on your iPad to choose which tracks to download to your device and which to leave in the cloud. In the screenshots you can see what it looks like, an icon appears next to the track name, a cloud and an arrow; if you click it, it starts downloading to your device. For me iTunes Match is very convenient way access music from all devices, considering that I am constantly testing something, this opportunity is good.

Now briefly about the rest of the programs, I’ll try to simply list them and explain my choice. We will talk about what is on the iPad almost always, moreover, on all iOS devices. I download a lot, look at it, delete it.

SoundCloud, most convenient program for those who love electronic music, something like social network, where they share mixes, artists post new tracks, and sometimes allow you to download new songs. I also upload my podcasts here. This cloud is installed on everyone Apple devices, I recommend you try it too.

KORG iElectribe, just for pampering, a kind of exotic.

Shazam, music identification software, iPad version.

NARR8, I don’t even know what to call the utility - it contains comics, popular science literature and other interesting things. Watch our video for details.

As you can see, I actively use "Kiosk" As a rule, I buy magazines before traveling. In general, in this regard, the iPad has long replaced paper magazines for me, but what’s the point of carrying a paper issue if you can download everything here, read it and not litter the trash can later.

Today we will talk about the most interesting characteristic that can be found in the iPad is the size of its screen, the most impressive thing about these tablets.

For all Apple time released a lot of gadgets and now it’s time to take some stock. I'll tell you about the screen diagonal of each iPad.

What is the screen diagonal of the iPad?

Tablets are those devices where display size really matters. Let's look at what happened to Apple gadgets starting from the first iPad.

Screen size iPad, iPad 2,3,4

The very first iPad went on sale back in 2010. As soon as the first tablet appeared, it immediately became clear who would be the favorite in the coming years.

The design of these four models has remained almost unchanged and you will not find in them those features that made the tablets stand out. Almost everyone wanted them.

  • iPad:
  • iPad 2: 9.7 inches, IPS LCD, resolution 1024×768, 132 ppi;
  • iPad 3:
  • iPad 4:

Regardless of the model, the picture quality has always been very chic. But technology does not stand still, and the long-awaited Retina appeared in the last two generations of this series.

iPad Air, iPad Air 2 screen size

The continuation was very interesting, because the body was radically changed and new colors appeared. The frames have been dramatically reduced, but the display size remains the same.

The more compact size of the devices made these iPads more attractive and modern. New technology IGZO has taken screens to the next level.

  • iPad Air: 9.7 inches, Retina, resolution 2048×1536, 264 ppi;
  • iPad Air 2: 9.7 inches, Retina, resolution 2048×1536, 264 ppi.

Everything else remains the same, and the aforementioned technology has reduced response time and power consumption.

Screen diagonal iPad mini, iPad mini 2,3,4

It's time to talk about tablets that are very close to today's standards top smartphones. Manufacturers have already paused a bit with screen sizes, and this is for the better.

The mini version of the iPad is very popular today and for many it is very convenient to carry such a little thing absolutely everywhere. Its capabilities are almost as good as other models.

  • iPad mini: 7.9 inches, IPS, resolution 1024×768, 163 ppi;
  • iPad mini 2:
  • iPad mini 3: 7.9 inches, Retina, resolution 2048×1536, 326 ppi;
  • iPad mini 4: 7.9 inches, Retina, resolution 2048×1536, 326 ppi.

Despite the smaller display size, the quality is in no way inferior to larger models. The resolution is exactly the same, but the number of dots per inch is higher.

iPad Pro screen size

The last two models were simply excellent and one of them especially stood out. The size of one of the iPads is simply impressive.

Externally, the two representatives of the Pro series are very identical. Therefore, people here take it for its intended purpose, because a whole mini TV in their hands may not always be useful.

  • iPad Pro: 9.7 inches, Retina, resolution 2732×2048, 264 ppi;
  • iPad Pro: 12.9 inches, Retina, resolution 2732×2048, 264 ppi;.

So far, these two models have become the most impressive, both in terms of performance and picture quality. The new anti-reflective coating makes working in the sun even more comfortable.


That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about the screen sizes of all iPads and their diagonals. Apple hasn't released anything new for a long time, it's interesting to see the next generations.

Although judging by the performance, probably in another year or two the pros will be able to cope with all the assigned tasks and more.

Apple introduced its first iPad in 2010, and since then it is this name that first comes to mind of any user from any country in the world when trying to find an association with the concept tablet computer. We think about a tablet, and the iPad immediately comes to mind, even if we are an ardent fan of Samsung or Microsoft products. This material contains the history of the development of the iPad from 2010 to 2018.

First iPad (2010)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A4;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 GB;
  • Colors: silver back panel, black front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1219 (Wi-Fi) and A1337 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

The idea of ​​​​creating a tablet originated with Steve Jobs back in the mid-2000s, but Apple engineers were busy with projects iPod Touch and the iPhone made it possible to begin its implementation and release the finished device only by 2010. This is how the first iPad appeared - an intermediate link between a laptop and a smartphone, with a 9.7-inch diagonal multi-touch screen and a resolution of 1028 × 768 pixels (132 ppi).

The first iPad had a single-core 1 GHz Apple A4 processor and 256 MB of RAM, which looks pretty sad by today's standards. The tablet had no cameras at all, although the iOS 4 it supported already provided the ability to make video calls via FaceTime. Among the archaic elements we can also mention the floor tray and full-size SIM card.

iPad 2 (2011)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A5;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 GB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1395 (Wi-Fi), A1396 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1397 (Wi-Fi + CDMA).

So, even for the level of technology development at the end of 2010, the first Apple tablet was not impressive with its characteristics, to put it mildly. But already in March 2011, Apple introduced a new version of the iPad, in the description of which you can find many “2” numbers. The iPad 2 processor became 2-core, 2 times more RAM was installed (512 MB), and 2 cameras appeared at once with a resolution of 0.3 and 0.7 megapixels. In addition, Cellular models now supported the more popular MicroSIM cards, instead of the bulky standard ones.

In 2012, Apple also released a modified version of the iPad 2 with increased battery life, which was achieved through an improved Apple A5 processor (manufactured using a 32nm process) and a larger battery.

iPad 3 (early 2012)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A5X;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 GB;
  • Colors: silver back panel, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1416 (Wi-Fi), A1430 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1403 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, Verizon subscribers only)

The main innovation of the iPad 3 was the Retina display with a resolution of 2048 × 1536 pixels, which provided twice as much high quality pictures - 264 dots per square inch versus 132 dots for previous models. In addition, instead of the useless 0.7-megapixel main camera, the iPad 3 was equipped with a competitive optical module iSight with 5 megapixel matrix. The Apple A5X processor had the same two cores and a clock frequency of 1 GHz, but the capacity of the RAM module was doubled again, to 1 GB.

iPad 4 (late 2012)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A6X;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64, 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver back panel, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1458 (Wi-Fi), A1459(Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1460 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, MM (multi-mode))

Six months later, in October 2012, another update awaited the line of Apple tablets. Mainly, from the point of view of evolution model range, was the appearance in the new iPad of an 8-pin Lightning port (previously a wide 30-pin port was used), which is used to charge and synchronize iOS devices to this day. In addition, the iPad 4 was equipped with a faster Apple A6X processor and graphics core PowerVR SGX554MP4, and also installed a front FaceTime camera with a 1.2 MP matrix. In February 2013, the iPad 4 with a built-in memory of 128 GB went on sale.

iPad mini (late 2012)

  • Screen- 7.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A5;
  • Memory: 16, 32 and 64 GB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1432 (Wi-Fi), A1454 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1455 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, (multi-mode)).

The first “mini” became another intermediate link between a smartphone and a full-size tablet PC. The iPad mini with a 7.9-inch screen diagonal received a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels (which corresponds to 163 ppi), as well as the Apple A5 processor, which was quite outdated at that time. The compactness of the device was ensured by narrowed side frames, and the volume rocker was divided into two autonomous buttons.

iPad Air (Late 2013)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A7;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver back panel or space gray colors, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1474 (Wi-Fi), A1475 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1476 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, TD-LTE).

"Air" name introduced in October 2013 iPad Air due to the compactness and lightness of the device - it became 2 mm thinner, as much as 16 mm narrower and almost 30% lighter than the previous model. Following the iPhone 5s, new flagship line of tablets became the second mobile Apple gadget with a 64-bit A7 processor of our own production (in comparison with the “smartphone” analogue, it was even overclocked by 0.1 GHz).

iPad mini 2 (late 2013)

  • Screen- 7.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A5;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver or gray back panel, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1489 (Wi-Fi), A1490 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1491 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, TD-LTE)).

The iPad mini 2, also known as the iPad mini with Retina display, was introduced alongside the iPad Air on October 22, 2013. It’s not hard to guess that the main difference from the first mini-model was the high-resolution Retina screen (2048 × 1536 pixels, 326 ppi). The compact version of the tablet was also equipped with a 62-bit Apple A7 chip and an M7 motion coprocessor, thus placing it on the same shelf as the top gadgets of its time.

iPad Air 2 (late 2014)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A8X;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 GB and 128 GB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1566 (Wi-Fi), A1567 Wi-Fi + Cellular).

Apple's first iPad Air 2 mobile devices used a 3-core Apple A8X processor, which had a decent clock frequency 1.8 GHz, and also increased the amount of RAM to 2 GB. In addition, it was decided to abandon the specification with 32 GB of internal memory (it was later added) and implement the Touch ID fingerprint scanner expected by many users, which had been tested for a year on the iPhone 5s. Another long-awaited improvement is the upgrade of the main iSight camera matrix to 8 megapixels.

iPad mini 3 (late 2014)

  • Screen- 7.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A7;
  • Memory: 16, 64 and 128 GB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1599 (Wi-Fi), A1600 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

iPad mini 3 does not have three processor cores; in general, its hardware and design are practically no different from the previous model. Among the notable innovations, the only notable innovations that can be noted are the appearance of a Touch ID fingerprint sensor and a gold-colored body.

iPad Pro 12.9" (Late 2015)

  • Screen- 12.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A9X;
  • Memory: 32, 128 GB and 256 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray colors, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1584 (Wi-Fi), A1652 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

In September 2015, Apple introduced the first device in its line of professional tablets, which can handle many tasks previously performed exclusively on laptops and desktop PCs. The gadget received a large 12.9-inch screen with a resolution of 2732 × 2048 pixels, a dual-core Apple A9X chip with PowerVR Series 7XT graphics and an M9 co-processor, as many as 4 GB of RAM, a smart connector for connecting an equally smart keyboard, support Apple stylus Pencil and four speakers for better sound.

iPad mini 4 (late 2015)

  • Screen- 7.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A8;
  • Memory: 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray color, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1538 (Wi-Fi), A1550 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

At the same time, in September 2015, the last one to date was shown to the public. iPad model mini 4th generation. The gadget caught up with the iPad Air 2 technical specifications, having received an Apple A8 processor, 2 GB of RAM, and an 8-megapixel camera. In addition, for the first time, the parameters of the case were changed (for example, it became thinner), which created a difference when purchasing accessories for the iPad mini 4 and earlier models of the line.

iPad Pro 9.7 inches (2016)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A9X;
  • Memory: 32, 128 and 256 GB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1673 (Wi-Fi), A1674/A1675 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

The professional iPad in the usual 9.7-inch form factor is somewhat inferior to its older brother in terms of technical characteristics. It was equipped with a slightly less productive specification of the Apple A9X processor (2.16 GHz versus 2.26 GHz for the 12.9-inch model) and a RAM module cut in half - two gigabytes versus four. But iPad Pro 9.7 inches was the first among all Apple gadgets to receive True Tone technology, which allows the display to change color temperature depending on the level of ambient light.

iPad 5 (2017)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A9;
  • Memory: 32 and 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray color, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1822 (Wi-Fi), A1823 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

In March 2017, Apple again diversified its tablet lineup by offering a lower-cost option for users who don't need iPad functions Pro. The 9.7-inch gadget received a rather modest display matrix with a resolution of 2048 × 1536 (like the first generation iPad Air), an Apple A9 processor (without the “X”), and an 8-megapixel main camera. At the same time, the device has added in size and weight when compared with the iPad Air 2.

iPad Pro 10.5 inches (2017)

  • Screen- 10.5 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A9X;
  • Memory: 64, 256 and 512 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray, rose gold, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1701 (Wi-Fi), A1709 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1852 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, Chinese market).

Apple engineers managed to fit the 10.5-inch iPad Pro into a body comparable in size to the iPad Pro 9.7, while equipping the device with the top-end 6-core Apple A9X processor, manufactured using a 10-nanometer process technology. In addition, ProMotion technology was introduced into the tablet, allowing it to achieve a display refresh rate of 120 Hz.

iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation (2017)

  • Screen- 10.5 inches;
  • CPU- A10X Fusion;
  • Memory: 64, 256 and 512 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray colors, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1670 (Wi-Fi), A1671 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1821 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, Chinese market).

Like the 10.5-inch model, the second-generation iPad Pro 12.9-inch was introduced in June 2017 and mainly differed from its predecessor in the presence of the powerful Apple A10X Fusion chip, as well as a display with support for ProMotion technology. In addition, a new storage option has been added - 512 GB.

iPad 6 (2018)

  • Screen- 9.7 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A10 Fusion;
  • Memory: 32 and 128 GB;
  • Colors: silver, gold back panel or space gray color, black or white front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1893 (Wi-Fi), A1954 (Wi-Fi + Cellular).

A year after the release of the fifth iPad Apple generation made a minor update to the device, mainly related to performance. Visually, the tablet has not changed at all, but it has received a new Apple A10 Fusion processor, an M19 Motion co-processor and updated graphics.

iPad Pro 11 inches (2018)

  • Screen- 11 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A12X Bionic;
  • Memory: 64, 256, 512 GB and 1 TB;
  • Colors:
  • Model numbers: A1980 (Wi-Fi), A2013 and A1934 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1979 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, Chinese market).

Once again, Apple engineers have demonstrated their ability to save space - with an 11-inch Liquid Retina screen with a resolution of 2388 × 1688 pixels, new tablet fit into the body of the previous 10.5-inch model, and even became a little thinner and lighter.

At the same time, the gadget was equipped with a top-end 8-core Apple A12X Bionic processor, Face ID facial recognition technology (TrueDepth, Portrait mode, Animoji and Memoji) and USB-C port for charging. Separately, it is worth noting the appearance of a version with a 1 TB drive.

iPad Pro 12.9 inches, third generation (2018)

  • Screen- 12.9 inches;
  • CPU- Apple A12X Bionic;
  • Memory: 64, 256, 512 GB and 1 TB;
  • Colors: silver or dark gray back panel, black front panel;
  • Model numbers: A1876 (Wi-Fi), A2014 and A1895 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1983 (Wi-Fi + Cellular, Chinese market).

The larger model has the same distinctive features as the 11-inch. There is also no 3.5 mm jack for connecting a headset, Lightning is replaced by USB-C, the Home button along with Touch ID has given way to Face ID technology. The latter, by the way, implies the presence of another patented Apple development, TrueDepth, which allows you to take pictures in Portrait mode and create Animoji and Memoji.

Based on materials from yablyk

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