
Automatic posting of RSS feeds in the Odnoklassniki group. Autoposting from RSS to social services. Our RSS publishing service

Posting RSS– is the publication of posts on social media. networks, which are taken from the site’s RSS news feed, which, in turn, is formed from publications and materials posted on the site. This feed was created for convenient receipt and aggregation of news announcements from various web resources, so that users can quickly learn about the news. Typically, the RSS feed contains a limited number of introductory (trimmed texts, announcements) paragraphs of materials published on the site, sorted by the time they were posted. The tape has its own format and marking standard. This format is based on a markup language similar to html; all data from posts posted in the feed is framed with tags that characterize this data. Example entry:


Post announcement text

The main tags are title - the title of the post and description - the description of the post. There is also the time of the post (pubDate), the author of the post (author) and the category of the post on the site (category).

Post from feed

This data can be used to organize RSS posting from the feed to social media. networks in such a way that when new materials appear on the site, their announcements will automatically spread across social groups. networks of this site. For this, the main tags (title, description) are used, plus, usually, the image tag is used, which denotes the picture of the post, so that the posts are not just text, but visual, with a picture. When organizing posting, you need to remember (cache) those materials that have already been posted and avoid duplication.

RSS posting is a very convenient method of notifying your subscribers about site updates. If you have a website on any popular CMS then? Most likely, the announcement feed is generated automatically, or you need to add and activate the corresponding plugin. If you have a self-written development, then you may need to hire a programmer to create the tape.

Our RSS publishing service

To organize automatic posting from your feed, you can use our service, this functionality is implemented. To do this, you need to add your channel in the settings, and set the time and frequency of publication in the auto-posting section, selecting the added channel as the source of posts. From now on, all work will be carried out automatically.


As many people know, in Lately it has become fashionable to make money public pages using auto-posting on VKontakte. As you know, the easiest way to create public pages is like MDK, that is, the main content there is a vanilla quote with a vanilla picture, sometimes you can also attach music.

Stupid vanilla girls repost posts, their friends subscribe, the public grows.

Attention: if you need an excellent service for auto-posting on VKontakte, I recommend the service SmmBox.

But just as you yourself know, to promote a public page you need to regularly publish new interesting posts on the desired topic, otherwise there will be no influx of new subscribers. The social network VKontakte itself does not have the means for this; everything must be done on its own. This is where the services for automatic posting on VKontakte, which I wrote about below, will help you.

Autoposting on VKontakte- This is exactly what you need to fully automate the settings for publications on the VKontakte public page.

Right away, that the most explosive effect helps create a service. I use it to promote my public pages, and I’m always happy with the results.

However, all services support the bare minimum that we need (add new posts on a schedule), so you can choose on your own.

The service I use in this moment. Supports auto-posting on VKontakte and Facebook. Very convenient interface. In addition to scheduled posting, you can buy and sell advertising! So here you can get promoted, earn money, and save time. Great service!

In addition, this service also combines an affiliate program and allows you to publish posts from advertisers.

Registration also takes place through VKontakte and Facebook.

In general, this is almost the same as Buzzlike, but in a more beautiful shell. I can’t say that it’s much more convenient to use, but it’s certainly more pleasant.

Registration in the application is simple and comes down to authorizing it on VKontakte.

I'll start with the Buzzlike service. This is the first service that I became acquainted with, and besides, it is (as far as I know) one of the first services for automatic publishing in principle. The main advantages of the service are that it is visually similar to VKontakte, so it will not be difficult to understand it. Also supported multiplayer mode, so you can even hire freelancers.

Registration in the application is simple and comes down to authorizing it on VKontakte. Authorization does not require any “left” access.

The service seems to have died. Permanently unavailable, so the link has been removed. Check the work yourself:

This service is already more interesting. He supports delayed posting on VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Everything else is the same as everyone else.

Since the service supports posting to 3 social networks, you can log in not only through VKontakte. Authorization does not require any “left” access.

The service seems to have died. Permanently unavailable, so the link has been removed. Check the work yourself:

Bottom line

I am glad that now there is a choice, everyone can use the service to their liking. I stopped at

VKontakte announced the appearance new feature: Automatic posting to the group via RSS feed. The functionality will become available to all business communities in the very near future.

Thanks to the innovation, there will be no need to manually publish a link to a new article or news every time; it will be enough to set up the import once. When setting up, you need to choose in what form announcements of new materials will appear: a snippet and a link to the source, an article on VK or an article with a link.

How to set up RSS import in a VKontakte group

Setting up the conversion of RSS feed articles into announcements on the community page will not take much of your time. All you need to do is add a link to your feed and select the format for publishing links. Please note that you need to use only your RSS, and not take links to media channels or information portals.

Step 1. Go to community settings. Scroll down to additional settings and opposite the “RSS Import” field, click on the line with the content “Disabled” to switch it to the “Enabled” state.

Step 3. Selecting a publication format. There are 3 options:

  • link to article (selected by default) - an announcement is published containing an excerpt from the text of the post, a link to the materials and a snippet of the post;
  • VK article + link. When you select the “Publish as an article” option, the announcement is formatted as an article: VKontakte takes information from the source and formats it in the form itself in the right form: title, text, pictures, etc. In this case, the article will contain only part of the material and a link to the publication on the website;
  • VKontakte article without link. If you check the box next to “Do not include a link in the entry,” the material will be published as an article with a cover without a link.
  • the title of the article will be the title element;
  • the image from the img field or the first picture will be used as the cover for the article;
  • To display image captions correctly, use figure and figcaption.

There is a simple task: We need to make it as easy as possible for readers to find out about the release of a new article on the site.

I want automation. Fortunately, I have already walked a good part of this path, so enjoy it to your health.

Foreign ones are distinguished by their elaboration, good interface, flexible tariff plans with the ability to use it for free, stability of operation and a general lack of support for Russian social networks.

Russian ones, as a rule, are unstable, have an inconvenient interface, and lack critical functions. Well, if something is done more or less well, then our services turn on Wild Capitalism. There are no free plans.

But in vain. Everyone hereby capitalists know that a person should first give benefits, and only then will he willingly begin to part with money.

Capitalists apply this to offline businesses. And online, where the work of robots is virtually free, it’s simply stupid not to do this.

One of the Western services even draws a picture of where the funds paid to them go. Here you can see that the operation of an already made service (HOSTING) costs practically nothing:

Social media automation technology

One can imagine three options.

  1. After we've written a new article, we go to each social network and manually post updates to our followers.
  2. After we have written a new article, we go to Central Control Center, we post the news there, which will be automatically distributed across all our social networks.
  3. We have written a new article and you don't need to do anything, the robots themselves understand that a new article has appeared and send news about it to all social networks.

The third option seems to be the most preferable.

How can a robot know that we have a new article? There is a standard mechanism for this, called RSS. Every normal blog has several levels. At the top level people see it: with beautiful pictures, texts, comments. But there are also lower levels, like the engine of a car, where the same data is presented in a form convenient for robots. Here's an example:

So to automatically distribute updates to the social network, we will use RSS.

The best services for auto-posting from RSS to social networks

Let's get straight to the winners.
International stage: for deliver it = deliver it)
The service can do everything you need. Works stably and reliably. Can collect up to 5 RSS feeds for free, post to 3 different social accounts. Separately, I would like to note the flexible, powerful settings system. You can disable the link shortener so that original links to articles are posted.

Unfortunately, in order to publish on Google+, you need to pay for, so for our free mission we will have to use another service: humor; as you know twitter = chirping like a bird; at this time, hoot suite = set to hoot like an owl)
If you pay for this service, then it is not much worse than our winner. However, unfortunately, I was never able to disable the proprietary link shortener. Goodbye normal SEO. But free version hutsuit allows you to automatically post to Google+ from RSS. Just what you need!

The last bastion remains: the Russians social media. First of all, VKontakte. The services and seem promising, but they suffer from enjoying Wild Capitalism, there are no free tariffs. I mention them only because the other Russian alternatives are no better, even on paper.

For free posting we will limit ourselves to VKontakte. At the moment I have settled on the service: (link no longer available)(in translation [it is] time to publish)
On paper, this is a very good service. Free. In practice, Twitter falls off, doesn’t post on LinkedIn at all, and on VKontakte during testing, instead of one message, I posted about 20 at once.

If this will happen at least once in production, I will stop using it immediately. So far the flight is normal.

Alternative for VKontakte: You can try to write to VKontakte technical support so that they can enable your group to autopost from RSS. VKontakte, in principle, can do this in standard ways.

This completes our free kit, as soon as I publish this article, links to it automatically will appear in my twitter, group in contact with, group Facebook, page Google+. These are the social networks that seem most necessary to me.

My reader should not have to adapt to me. I will adapt to him, I will deliver my content to him exactly where it is convenient for him to receive it.

Today's post will be about content for VKontakte groups. Or more precisely, how to fill groups and public pages with content.

If you are planning promote your public, then you need to publish posts constantly. Posts should be posted at least once a day (this is the worst case scenario). Ideally, from 3 posts a day. Although it all depends on the topic. For example, in entertainment and news public pages, information should be updated much more often.

If you lead a group in contact, then you know how much time it takes to search for content. You have to surf the Internet for hours looking for interesting articles, sometimes rewrite them, then select pictures to go with them, and so on. It takes a lot of time.

But it is possible to fill the VKontakte group with content automatically! Now you don’t need to publish a link to a new article or news manually every time; it will be enough to set up the import once. When setting up, you need to choose in what form announcements of new materials will appear: a snippet and a link to the source, an article on VK or an article with a link.

This is all done very simply! You need to add an RSS or FEED link to the group

How to set up RSS import in a VKontakte group

Setting up publications of RSS feed articles on the community page will not take much of your time. All you need to do is add an RSS feed link and select the format for publishing links.

So let's get started.

Step 1. Go to your community settings. Scroll down to additional settings and opposite the “RSS Import” field, click on the line with the content “Disabled” to switch it to the “Enabled” state.

Step 2. In the “RSS file” section, paste the previously copied link to the RSS feed. (Read below for where to get them)

Step 3. Select “Publish as an article.”

Step 4. Uncheck “Do not include post link” (Sites that share RSS feeds with you ask you to provide a link to the source so as not to violate copyright)

All is ready! Now, as soon as a publication appears on the Donare website, it will automatically be posted in your group! You just need to check the group periodically and not waste time searching for content.

Where to get RSS links

Our site offers full RSS links, categorized to suit your group's topic. A full feed differs from a regular feed in that it conveys the entire publication, from start to finish, with images and videos. Regular RSS feeds are abbreviated, transmitting only the announcement of the publication.

A list of complete RSS feeds, you can view and copy links to them on the page

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