
BlueStacks how to change the language on the android emulator. How to change the language in Bluestacks to English How to switch the keyboard layout in Bluestacks

If you install the Android emulator on your computer and do not make any settings, then in BlueStacks the keyboard input language will be available only in Russian.

How to set BlueStacks to change language

In order for the keyboard layout to be included in English, you need to open the settings.

In BlueStacks, switching layouts is set in the settings

In the settings, click on Change keyboard settings.

BlueStacks keyboard settings

A window called Language and Input will open. In this window you need to find the Physical keyboard - AT Translated Set 2 Keyboard.

By clicking on the corresponding item you can change the language in BlueStacks

Clicking on it will open a window called Select keyboard layout. In this window you need to click Configure keyboard layouts

The layout selection is set by default and therefore the keyboard does not work in BlueStacks

A window called Keyboard Layout will open. In this window, you need to change the layout in BlueStacks by checking the boxes next to English (US, international) and Russian, then clicking on return.

Selecting languages ​​for layout

A window called Select keyboard layout will open again. An item should appear in this window: To change, press CTRL + Space.

In BlueStacks, changing the language will be done using the CTRL + Space keys

Press the return button again until all windows close and you are taken to the main window. Now you can change the language in BlueStacks from the keyboard and you can switch to English or Russian.
If this method It doesn’t help that in BlueStacks you have to simultaneously press the Alt+Shift keys on the keyboard to change the input language and, while holding them, enter text in English, and releasing the keys will again type the text in Russian.


This video shows how to enable the keyboard in BlueStacks to change the layout.

After installing BlueStacks, is the application controlled using the keyboard of a computer or laptop? default. However, this type of data entry does not always work correctly. For example, when switching to English language, to enter a password, the layout does not always change and because of this, entering personal data becomes impossible. But this problem can be solved by changing the initial settings. Now I will show you how to change the input language in BlueStacks.

Changing the input language

1. Go to "Settings" BlueStacks. Opening "Select IME".

2. Select the layout type. "Enable physical keyboard" We already have it by default, although it is not displayed in the list. Let's choose the second option "Enable on-screen keyboard".

Now let's go to the search field and try to write something. When you place the cursor in this field, the bottom of the window displays standard keyboard android. I think there will be no problems switching between languages.

The last option at this stage is to configure the keyboard. By clicking twice on “Select default Android IME”, we see the field "Setting input methods". Go to the keyboard settings window.

If you are installing this program for the first time, then some problems may arise. In addition to the fact that you can enter the password in Russian, a confirmation window was also displayed on App Store, which prevented me from entering the password.

I have been using this program since the first versions and this is the first time I have encountered such a program. So today I will tell you: .

Previously, the settings shortcut was like an application, but now the developers have hidden it in a different place. You need to drag the held mouse cursor in the upper right corner of the window, in general, so that a curtain appears, in which we will find the icon Settings(Settings).

Next, look for and click on the menu item Change keyboard settings.

Now we see many menu sections. We need a section Physical keyboard in which we click on the item AT Translated Set 2 keyboard.

A small window pops up in which you need to click on Customize keyboard layouts.

Now we put a tick in front of the languages ​​we need, this is English and of course Russian.

Press the button Back and after which the settings are automatically saved and a window is displayed where it is written that you can now switch the keyboard language using the keys CTRL + Space.

Now, whenever you enter text in the BlueStacks program, you can safely switch with this key combination without bothering.

How to login

If you have installed the most latest version and have difficulties logging into your account, then first of all try to switch the keyboard to English.

Then calmly enter your username and password. Now the program will work correctly and you will be able to install different applications.


Otherwise, write your problems in the comments and I will try to help you solve them as much as possible.

Video instruction

There is also a video that describes old version programs, but the basic essence is the same:

Many BlueStacks users are faced with the problem of changing the keyboard layout language. Using the Russian language in your operating system by default will allow it to be used within the application, including in the keyboard layout. In order to use English or any other language in the keyboard layout in addition to Russian, you will need to add it in the application settings. In this step by step instructions with photos you will learn how to change the language (Russian and English) in the BlueStacks emulator.

Step 1

How to change the keyboard layout language in BlueStacks

Start by launching the program by double-clicking on the shortcut with the left mouse button.

Step 2

Click the “Settings” button, which is shown as a gear, and select the “Settings” line in the list that opens.

Step 3

In the "Personal Information" block, click "Language and Input".

Step 4

Now in the “Physical Keyboard” block, click on the “AT Translated Set 2 keyboard” item.

Step 5

At this stage, click the line “Customize keyboard layouts”.

Step 6

The next step is to check the boxes next to the selected language. When choosing the English language, put a checkmark next to the item “English (USA, international).

Step 7

Leave a mark in the “Russian” line. Having selected the necessary languages, we return to the settings menu by clicking the arrow (number 2 in the photo example).

Step 8

To switch between languages ​​in the keyboard layout, you must press the key combination “CTRL+Space”.

Step 9

How to change Bluestacks program language from Russian to English

Let's consider the possibility of changing the program language from Russian to English. To do this, click on the gear and in the window that opens, select “Settings”.

Step 10

In the “Personal information” block, select “Change language”.

Step 11

Now select “English” from the list and left-click on the line. The program language has been changed to English.

Step 12

How to change Bluestacks program language from English to Russian

Now I will show you how to change the language of the BlueStacks application from English to Russian. Going to the settings item to change the program language is the same as in the method of changing the language from Russian to English. Then in the “Personal” block, click the “Change language” line.

Step 13

Now select “Russian” from the list of languages ​​and click on the line with the selected language with the left mouse button. The program language has been changed from English to Russian. If the information helped you, click Thank you!

Video: how to change language in bluestacks instructions

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