
Blacklist on Android. How to add a contact to the blacklist on Android. How to blacklist a number on an Android phone without using additional applications. Adding a number to the blacklist via “Call Log”

Blacklist on Android is a list of phone numbers from which calls are prohibited. When you receive a call from a phone number that is blacklisted, Android smartphone performs a reset automatically. This way, calls from unwanted numbers are blocked. In this article we will talk about how to blacklist a number on Android.

Method number 1. Call log.

You can blacklist a number in several ways. The easiest way is to use the call log. To do this, open your call log (recently dialed numbers), tap on the number you want to blacklist, and hold your finger until a menu appears on the screen with a list of available actions. This list should contain the item “Add to blacklist”.

After this, the number will be blacklisted, and a message informing about this will appear on the screen.

Also on some Android smartphones you can blacklist numbers directly from your contacts list. This is done in a similar way. Open contacts, click on desired number and in the window that opens, select the “Blacklist” option.

Method number 2. Call settings.

The second way to blacklist a number is through call settings. To use this method, open the call log, and then open the application's context menu, this can be done using a hardware button or using a button on the screen. In the opened context menu select "Call Settings".

After that, go to the settings section called “Call Rejection”.

And then open the “Black List” subsection.

As a result, a black list of numbers should open in front of you. To add a new number to this list, click on the button with the “Plus” sign. After that, all you have to do is enter the phone number that you want to blacklist on Android, and then save the settings.

IN modern world Almost every person has a smartphone. Thanks to this, you can almost always contact the user simply by calling his number. Unfortunately, in addition to the necessary subscribers, the user can almost always get through to “unwanted” numbers. That is why almost every modern smartphone has a “black list” function, thanks to which the phone is automatic mode will reject calls from unwanted numbers without causing inconvenience to the owner.

Blocking calls on an Android smartphone

To block incoming calls on Android device necessary:
  • Open the “Phone” program from the program menu or simply click on the dial icon.
  • In the program that opens, go to the “Journal” or “Recent” tab. On most phones it is displayed as a clock icon. This tab will display all phone calls.
  • In the list you need to find the number you want to block and long press on it until the pop-up menu appears.
  • In it you need to select the “Block number” option.

    On some smartphones, you can block a number through the phone settings menu. To do this the user will need:
  • Open the Phone app

  • At the top of the program, find an icon in the form of three vertical dots. Click on it.

  • In the window that opens, select “Settings”.

  • In the submenu that appears, you need to click on the “Call Blocking” button.

  • By selecting it, another menu will appear, which will display already blocked numbers and the “add number” option. By clicking on it, a window will appear in which you need to enter the number required for blocking.

    Since Android is open operating system and each manufacturer configures it differently, on some phones how to enter the number mobile phone blacklisted, may vary. For such cases there are many third party applications, essentially performing the functions described above. You can find them in Play Market by request “Black list” or “Call blocking”.

    Block incoming calls on iPhone

    To block a number on iPhone you need to follow these steps:
  • Open the phone application.
  • Select "Recent" at the bottom of the screen. This will open a call list in which you need to find the number you need to block.
  • Find the number, click on the “i” button to the right of the phone number.
  • The number menu will open, at the bottom of which there will be the “Block subscriber” item. By clicking on this item, the phone will be added to the “black list”

    The iPhone also has the ability to block an entire contact with all numbers “linked” to it. This requires:

  • Open the Phone app
  • At the bottom of it, select “Contacts”.
  • In the tab that opens, select the required contact and log into it.
  • At the bottom of the screen the “Block contact” item will be displayed, clicking on which will add it to the “black list”

    Now that you have added the number to your phone's blacklist, you will no longer receive calls.

    If you received SMS spam

    Your smartphone often receives SMS messages from advertising agencies. To prevent them from disturbing you anymore, you can block the subscriber directly through “messages”. This requires:
  • Open a message from the number you want to block
  • At the top of the display, select “Details”
  • A subscriber card will open in which you need to press the “i” button to the right of the number.
  • In the “Data” section, you need to click on the “Block subscriber” button.

    Nowadays, the concept of “personal space” has practically disappeared from human life. Having ordered any service by phone once, your phone number will forever be stored in the database of the company whose service you used. In the future, this data will be used to advertise new products and services, conduct surveys, etc. Most often, it is to avoid such intrusive advertising that they use the “black list” function on the phone.

  • Blacklist is a program for blocking unwanted calls and messages on Android. Numbers added to the list are blocked quietly, without any sign of a call. You can add them from your contacts list, recent calls, or manually. At the same time, you will not lose important messages or calls because the application saves your history. You can also use it to block notifications and calls from hidden numbers.

    Features of the Black List program

    • Supported by most phones and tablets.
    • The application is stable and lightweight.
    • Easy to use.
    • Low resource consumption.
    • Enable/disable blocking in one click.
    • Flexible settings.
    • Notifications about receiving blocked calls and SMS can be disabled in the settings.
    • Blocking unknown and hidden numbers.
    • Log of blocked messages and calls.
    • Block phones only by the first digits (option “Start with...”).
    • Ability to block all incoming calls and SMS.

    Plus, the Blacklist app is absolutely free! To unblock a number, you just need to remove it from the list. If you use other applications on your device with the same functions, there may be conflicts between them and the Blacklist. In this case, make sure they are disabled. Also add the application to the list of memory cleaner program exceptions.

    The blacklist significantly expands standard features mobile devices. Free distribution and support for most gadgets make it one of the best of its kind.


    Mobile phones have confidently become a part of human life. Sometimes people or advertising companies get boring with their constant calls, and you want to stop communicating with them for a while. For this purpose, Megafon employees came up with convenient function blocking. Figure out how to blacklist a number and limit communication.

    Description of the service Blacklist

    The desire to limit incoming calls from a specific subscriber has appeared repeatedly among many users of all cellular companies. Knowing how to add a number to the blacklist on Megafon, a person can easily limit unwanted communication. In many modern smartphones, the function of blocking incoming calls from a specific subscriber is provided in the device. If you know how to blacklist your phone, then you won't need any additional services.

    In your phone settings you need to find the line “Call blocking” or something similar. Can only be blocked unknown numbers or create a list of phone numbers you don’t want to contact. There you can also allow messages to arrive on the device, but not “disturb” the owner. It’s more convenient to enter numbers one at a time: this way you can avoid mistakes and the possibility of losing contact with important people due to inaccurate operation of the gadget.

    However, sometimes this program does not work properly: SMS messages are received from blocked users or calls are received. If Beeline can get confused when activating this service, then for Megafon subscribers everything is easy and simple. For the convenience of adding unwanted calls and setting a ban, several blocking options were invented. Find out how to add to the blacklist in Megafon and choose the most comfortable one.

    The number blocking service helps you save yourself from unnecessary problems and hassle from intrusive communication with annoying people. She will not allow you to get through and will correctly explain this as a mistake by the caller (as if the phone number was dialed incorrectly). However, you should not rely only on this option; sometimes it is better to pluck up courage and tell the person directly why there is no point in further communication.

    How to connect Blacklist Megafon

    It's easy to find information about the service you need. You can call service center, and clarify how to blacklist a number. You need to dial 51-30 and press the call button. Tell the operator which phones you want to block temporarily. In this case, two information messages will be sent with necessary information. If necessary, check with the employee all the details and nuances of connecting the service. Blocking numbers is a voluntary process, and you can cancel the option by calling 51-30.

    You can enable the service using the USSD command *130#. The service will send SMS messages to the client about changes in the function. Other, no less convenient way connection options – sending an empty message to the operator at 51-30. After this, the function will be enabled and the account will be debited subscription fee. For modern smartphones you can use the application - " Personal Area", where you need to select the desired option from the menu list and configure it.

    Often in our lives situations arise when we do not want to communicate with a certain person or organization, but we cannot say it directly, because we are embarrassed or because it is no longer useful to say it. It is in such situations that the blacklist function will be very useful for anyone.

    How to add any subscriber to the blacklist? It's actually very simple. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the functionality of your phone. Many modern models have a special blacklist function, which can be located in two places.

    How to add a subscriber to the blacklist through the address book

    You can add the subscriber's number, as well as any other numbers, to the blacklist directly in address book. To do this, you need to view information about the contact and use the key to call up an additional menu. If this function is not in your address book, then you can try it through your phone settings.

    How to add a subscriber to the blacklist through phone settings

    In your phone settings, you need to go to the “Calls” or “Calls” section. Then you should go to the “Phone Protection” subsection. This is where you can still find the blacklist function on many older phones. You can even create a group of blacklisted subscribers, and these people will simply never call you again, they will hear short beeps, as if you were talking on the phone all the time.

    How to add a subscriber to the blacklist if you do not have such functions on your phone? In fact, this is also as easy as shelling pears, it can be done through the operator cellular communication. But such services usually cost a small amount of money. If you're willing to spend money to avoid talking to an annoying person or company, then go for it. First, call the operator and ask about the availability of such a service and its cost. If the cost of the service is quite satisfactory to you, then you can find out how to use this very service.

    To use this service from MTS you do not have to install any applications on your cellular telephone, which, you see, is very convenient. You can blacklist up to three hundred numbers, which is a lot. Even if the person annoying you activates the AntiAON service on his number, he still will not be able to call you, since the system will automatically block the call.

    To activate the blacklist service on MTS, you need to dial the following combination of numbers on your cell phone:

    • *111*442# for ordinary subscribers;
    • *111*443# for legal entities.

    You can also send an SMS message to number 111, writing 442*1 in the message field, and follow the operator’s prompts to continue connecting. If you are uncomfortable using any of these methods or simply don’t want to, then you can always add or remove a service using a computer, using the Internet assistant from MTS. The cost of the “Black List” service is one and a half rubles per day. Agree, this is a very small amount for peace and comfort. Good luck!

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