
How to open the firmware. How to extract APK files from IMG (Parsing Android firmware). Command to find out bootloader version

Interpolation, interpolation- in computational mathematics, a method of finding intermediate values ​​of a quantity from an existing discrete set of known values.

Many of those who deal with scientific and engineering calculations often have to operate with sets of values ​​obtained empirically or by random sampling. As a rule, based on these sets, it is necessary to construct a function into which other obtained values ​​could fall with high accuracy. This task is called approximation. Interpolation is a type of approximation in which the curve of the constructed function passes exactly through the available data points.

There are many finite difference interpolation methods. Most
Newton's method for forward interpolation (Newton-Gregory method) is common. The interpolation polynomial in this case has the form:

We find coefficients C using the formula:

Implementation of the program in C#:
using System; namespace Interpolation ( class Program…

The program is divided into two threads in one of which sorting is performed, and in the other redrawing GUI. After clicking on the “Sort” button, the program calls the “RunSorting” method, in which the sorting algorithm is defined and a new thread is created with the sorting process running in it.
private void RunSo…

Today I want to show my Kacher, which I made last winter holidays. I will not describe the entire manufacturing process, since there are many articles on the Internet. I will write only about its main parameters.

Below are a few photos taken during assembly of the device.

The coil is wound with approximately 2000 turns of 0.08 mm wire on a PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a height of 200 mm.

A plate from an old one was used as a terminal. hard drive. Everything else was assembled according to the diagram located at the very bottom of the page.

The first option was powered from the power supply of an old computer, with a voltage of 12 V. Then a separate power supply was made, with a voltage of 30 V and with built-in cooling.

Device diagram:

Cross-domain resource sharing (CORS) is a W3C specification that allows cross-domain communication in the browser. By building on top of the XMLHttpRequest object, CORS allows developers to work with the same idioms as requests with the same domain. The use case for CORS is simple. Imagine that has some data that wants to obtain. This type of request is traditionally not allowed under the same browser origin policy. However, by supporting CORS requests, can add some special response headers that allow to access the data. As you can see from this example, CORS support requires coordination between the server and client. Luckily, if you're a client-side developer, you're protected from most of these details. The rest of this article shows how clients can perform cross-origin requests and how servers can configure themselves to support CORS. Continued…

Interpolation, interpolation- in computational mathematics, a method of finding intermediate values ​​of a quantity from an existing discrete set of known values.

Many of those who deal with scientific and engineering calculations often have to operate with sets of values ​​obtained empirically or by random sampling. As a rule, based on these sets, it is necessary to construct a function into which other obtained values ​​could fall with high accuracy. This task is called approximation. Interpolation is a type of approximation in which the curve of the constructed function passes exactly through the available data points.

There are many finite difference interpolation methods. Most
Newton's method for forward interpolation (Newton-Gregory method) is common. The interpolation polynomial in this case has the form:

We find coefficients C using the formula:

Implementation of the program in C#:
using System; namespace Interpolation ( class Program…

Visualization of sorting algorithms

The program is divided into two threads in one of which sorting is performed, and in the other the graphical interface is redrawn. After clicking on the “Sort” button, the program calls the “RunSorting” method, in which the sorting algorithm is defined and a new thread is created with the sorting process running in it.
private void RunSo…

Kacher Brovina on KT819G

Today I want to show my Kacher, which I made last winter holidays. I will not describe the entire manufacturing process, since there are many articles on the Internet. I will write only about its main parameters.

Below are a few photos taken during assembly of the device.

The coil is wound with approximately 2000 turns of 0.08 mm wire on a PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a height of 200 mm.

A plate from an old hard drive was used as a terminal. Everything else was assembled according to the diagram located at the very bottom of the page.

The first option was powered from the power supply of an old computer, with a voltage of 12 V. Then a separate power supply was made, with a voltage of 30 V and with built-in cooling.

Device diagram:

What is CORS and how to use it

Cross-domain resource sharing (CORS) is a W3C specification that allows cross-domain communication in the browser. By building on top of the XMLHttpRequest object, CORS allows developers to work with the same idioms as requests with the same domain. The use case for CORS is simple. Imagine that has some data that wants to obtain. This type of request is traditionally not allowed under the same browser origin policy. However, by supporting CORS requests, can add some special response headers that allow to access the data. As you can see from this example, CORS support requires coordination between the server and client. Luckily, if you're a client-side developer, you're protected from most of these details. The rest of this article shows how clients can perform cross-origin requests and how servers can configure themselves to support CORS. Continued…

Almost every user android smartphone there was a desire to create or edit the firmware to suit your needs and desires. In this article we will look at the principle of editing firmware for CWM (in zip format).


First of all, we need to decide which firmware we will use as a basis. It's better to use off. firmware in zip. For almost every common device there is a clean firmware + root.
When the firmware is selected, it must be downloaded to any location convenient for you on your PC (no need to unpack).
We will also need an archiver, I recommend using 7zip and the best of its kind text editor Notepad++.

Firmware structure:

Opening the archive with the firmware you see the following:
META-INF- The folder contains firmware installation scripts.
system- a folder with all firmware files (applications, tweaks, scripts, etc.).
boot.img- the core of the system.

Almost all manipulations are carried out in the folder system, its structure:
app- system applications.
bin- resources of the system itself.
etc- Scripts, tweaks, configs, profiles and system settings.
fonts- System fonts.
framework- the main system files are stored here (graphics, animation text settings, etc.).
lib- system libraries.
media- multimedia files (notification ringtones, loading animation, wallpaper, etc.).
usr- settings that cannot be changed in the future by the system (they work in read-only mode).
xbin- again, system configs and other tweaks.
build.prop- information about the system, locale settings and system performance.


Before adding/removing software to the system, you need to check whether your firmware is deodexed (that is, check for the presence of .odex files in the app folder. If there are files, then you need to get rid of them using this instructions .
Add software to the firmware:
First of all, you need to install in your smart those programs that you want to add to the assembly. After installation, we remove them from the system using Root Explorer and its analogues, they are located on the data/app path, we also need their libs (if they exist, of course), they are located on the data/data path. They are located in the folder of the same name in the application and have the extension .so. Then seized .apk put the files in the archive along the path system/app and files with the extension .so(libs) along the path system/lib .
We remove the software from the firmware:
Everything is simple here, go to the folder app- we decide what we don’t need and remove all unnecessary software (it’s better not to touch the system).

Language and firmware version:

Copy the build.prop file to your desktop. Open it with notepad and find the lines:


for the Russian language you need to do this:


enter the name of your mod in the line

in the same build.prop

Graphic arts:

The entire graphical part of the firmware is stored in two files framework-res.apk file path systemframework and SystemUI.apk along the way systemapp. And the graphical part of the settings application is stored naturally in the Settings.apk application.

Scripts and tweaks (system acceleration and optimization):

Most of the settings are done in the file build.prop, you can read about this. Also, if your kernel supports init.d there are a number of scripts for optimizing the system, one of them is described in this article (RAM optimization) and in this article Tweak scripts for init.d

Replacing system fonts:

As stated above, all fonts are contained in the folder fonts, the main fonts are: DroidSans.ttf and DroidSans-Bold.ttf they can be replaced with any fonts, renaming them similarly to the above and moving with replacement to the archive with the firmware in the folder fonts.


Theoretically, it is enough to replace boot.img its own, but in some cases the Cores are accompanied by additional scripts. Therefore, I advise you not to do anything if you have any doubts.

For those who want to start the journey to creating their own firmware for Sony based on the official ones, you need to know how to unpack Sony firmware FTF format.

What is necessary?

1. Computer

2. Download latest version not an official flasher FlashTool and install

3. Download Unix image manager ext2explore.exe

3. Download and install the free 7-zip archiver

4. Firmware Sony format FTF

Instructions on how to unpack Sony firmware in FTF format

1. Right-click on the FTF firmware - open the archive or unpack from the archive

2. After installing FlashTool, go to the path C:Flashtool
3. Launch the FlashTool program and select the menu in the panel Tools -> Sin Editor

4. Select the sin file extracted from the ftf firmware in the Sin Editor and click Extract data. After this, the process of converting the firmware file into readable form will begin.
5. At the exit you can get new file with extension yassf2 or ext4 or elf

If the file *. yassf2

Select Tools -> Yaffs2, after which a window will appear to select a file, select a file with the extension *.yasff2

In a couple of minutes you will receive a folder with files that were in the firmware

If the file is *.ext4 or *.elf

1. If you have a file with the extension *.elf, then rename it to *.ext4

2. Run the previously downloaded ext2explore program, select the firmware file, after which the contents of the firmware will appear in the window, now you can save the contents.

What's next?

If you plan to create a flashable in the future, then you should go to the article - creating an Updater Script

How to correctly extract the kernel from FTF firmware?

In order to get the “correct” kernel for flashing using, you will need the same Flashtool.

1. Open the FTF firmware with an archiver and extract kernel.sin

If you want to try your hand at creating and editing firmware on Android, then the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program will help you create firmware!

Briefly about the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program and its capabilities

With this program you will be able to:

  • Unpack Samsung firmware
  • Dress up the firmware
  • IN automatic mode embed Root rights
  • Automatically fill the firmware with your files
  • Freeze a project and then continue working on it
  • Pack the firmware

Required components and operating conditions for Samsung Root Firmware Replacer

Review and description of Samsung Root Firmware Replacer functions start program

1. Go to the folder with the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program, right-click to open in the terminal

2. In the terminal, enter the command

3. The program interface will open in front of you

4. If you launched the program for the first time, then execute - Settings Configuration

Working with Samsung Root Firmware Replacer

Paragraph Unpack firmware *.tar.md5- unpacks the firmware, to do this, move the file to the folder unpack_tar_md5, after which all files will be extracted, and the factoryfs or system file will be moved to input_img

paragraph Creating *.img from your Android (needs Android)- allows you to create firmware from your current Android states. For this item to work, you must have Android connected to your PC with USB debugging enabled.

This item has a submenu

Paragraph Creating *.img from original firmware allows you to change ready-made firmware; to do this, move any IMG file to the input_img folder.

This item also has its own submenu

An example of using the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program

In this example, the firmware is created from the current state of Android

1. Connect Android to PC

2. Launch the program

3. Select Create *.img from your Android (needs Android)

4. Select Remove image from Android and unpack img

5. Selecting the partition from which the image will be removed

6. Wait 6-7 minutes for the image to be removed and transferred to the PC.

Important! Your smartphone or tablet, as well as your PC, must have enough memory to take the image. The image size can range from 2MB to 2GB

7. After you have removed the image, you can modify it, if necessary (embed Root), you can pack it back, for this

8. Select Package project in img

9. Specify the size and name of the firmware.

  • Specify the partition size in this way: divide the block size by 1024 and add the letter M to the result.

  • The name must match the name you used to change

11. Also, do not forget to copy the kernel from your Android, to do this, use the item - Remove image from Android - boot.img or zImage

12. After all the manipulations, you need to assemble the firmware in TAR.MD5

13 In the main menu, select Pack firmware *.tar.md5

14 Firmware in Samsung program Root Firmware Replacer is ready, you can

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