
Chrome enable hardware acceleration. Green screen video: causes and methods of correcting the error. Procedure for activating hardware acceleration

One of the characteristics by which browsers were compared in the last review was graphics speed. Then it was just one indicator among others, but today it will be given the main attention, and here’s why. The content of web pages is gradually becoming more complex and richer. On the one hand, this is facilitated by the development and promotion of HTML5, which directly supports video () and graphics (), and on the other hand, the gradual onset of cloud computing.

BrowserVector, HTML5Vector, FlashBitmap, HTML5Bitmap, Flash
Chrome 14.0.835.1869 18 37 14
Firefox 6.0.211 17 48 14
IE 9.0210 20 47 16
Opera 11.5116 19 9 15
Safari 5.12 19 12 15

It’s clear here that hardware acceleration plays a fundamental role in HTML5, although Opera did an excellent job with the vector test. Chrome's results with 2D acceleration disabled were significantly lower. However, the load on the GPU is clearly not too high, and the results are the same on all video cards.

Finally, the latest HTML5 test is one of the few built on the basis of a real web application (an archive store of radio station recordings). It is complex, uses various mechanisms, including, during its execution, it is noticeable how much fps “floats” depending on the situation/task.

Table (points/fps)

A good example of how heavy HTML5 applications can be for browsers. The results did not depend on the video card used, with the exception of Internet Explorer, which showed 3600/11 on the HD 6450. However, we must keep in mind that this site/test was developed specifically with the Microsoft browser in mind.


In this context, it is not entirely correct to talk about hardware acceleration, since WebGL is a JavaScript API for displaying 3D graphics in. But it is based on OpenGL and therefore will actually run on the GPU in most cases. Today, WebGL is supported by Chrome and Firefox, as well as Safari on the Mac OS X platform. There is no support in the stable version of Opera, although it was present in special test builds. Microsoft opposes WebGL, arguing its position on security grounds: there are certain complaints about the quality of video drivers, and WebGL allows web applications to directly interact with them, which can be used to hack the system. However, a holy place is never empty, and although the applications for it seem to need to be adjusted (in any case, not a single test has run correctly for us yet).

Table FishIE (2000/10000 fish, fps)

Chrome results are different in WebGL Demo and WebGL Demo 2 (shown separated by slashes). Here the scaling is also clearly visible, although changing the video card no longer had an effect on the following tests.

Table Performance in WebGL doesn't always scale either

Browser, fps(100/1000 fish), fps, fps
Chrome 14.0.835.18660 60/37 28
Firefox 6.0.259 40/18 36


So, how important is hardware acceleration in browsers and should users care about it? The current state of the web is that the new features of HTML5 are not yet very widespread. This is also supported by the slow development of Opera and Safari. However, the situation will change. Google and Microsoft are almost unanimous regarding the prospects for HTML5, and this alone speaks volumes.

Hardware acceleration is really necessary to play relatively high-quality video from the web. Apparently, it is precisely with its absence or insufficient efficiency that complaints from netbook and Chromebook users are associated. In this case, a particularly powerful GPU is not needed; what is much more important is high-quality decoder optimization, which is still sorely lacking for WebM.

When it comes to displaying web pages, the situation is less clear. It's no coincidence that most of the tests are, in fact, demo applications: the web is quite conservative, site creators usually try to support all common browsers, and HTML5 has not yet even been accepted by the W3C. However, the new features are too tempting, and the top three browsers make them accessible to most users. Accordingly, the massive emergence of sites rich in complex content can be expected in the near future. In most HTML tests, hardware acceleration can dramatically improve performance, although real load on the GPU, apparently, is not too high, since there is no scaling of the results when changing the video card to a more powerful one. For example, it is not clear how to achieve a higher frame rate in the WebVizBench test.

WebGL performance scales noticeably better - apparently, this API allows you to use the GPU quite efficiently. Consequently, truly heavy web applications will appear, the operation of which will significantly depend on the video card. By the way, these can be not only games, although attention is paid to them first of all - for example, here. Visualization of scientific and engineering calculations looks no less promising. If WebGL can really catch on, the importance of GPUs for the web will increase significantly.

Another general point to note is that hardware acceleration not only improves performance, but also reduces power consumption. Tasks for which even 100% of CPU resources are not enough (for example, HD video decoding) are often solved by the GPU with minimal load, on the order of a few percent. This is, of course, especially important for mobile systems.

The situation with the browsers themselves is quite clear. Hardware acceleration gives latest versions Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer are a significant advantage. On the platform Windows performance These browsers have been significantly improved, although some of Chrome's capabilities are still in an experimental state. Additional advantages in favor of Chrome and Firefox are their cross-platform and WebGL support, although you shouldn't expect the same results on all platforms. Safari, for obvious reasons, is primarily developed on Mac OS X, but Opera's position is frankly disappointing, especially considering the popularity of this browser in the CIS.

With the release of each update, any program, and browsers too, are equipped with new features or improvements to existing functionality. However, the new is not always better than the old; some innovations cause more inconvenience than advantages. Therefore, today we will talk about how to disable hardware acceleration in Google Chrome , we will also consider the features of this feature, its negative impact on performance, effective method solving the problem.

Initially, developers introduced hardware acceleration to increase the stability of the browser due to greater load on the video card. She was given a little more tasks to process, and the memory of the component was “used” more.

In general, such operation led to a slowdown in the operation of the entire operating system and response speed from Google. This is a common occurrence on weak computers. Therefore, the best solution in such a situation would be to disable unnecessary functionality.


To disable hardware acceleration in Google Chrome, there are exactly two methods that we must consider. Both do not require serious PC knowledge or time investment.

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

Through system settings

This is a simpler method and will suit most users. To make your plans come true, it is enough to:

The system will automatically make changes, and to apply them it is important to restart the browser.

The second method will be a little more difficult.

Hidden settings

The methodology involves accessing the secret settings of Google Chrome. To solve the problem with low performance you need.

You can familiarize yourself with the definition of the concept “Hardware acceleration”, for example, in this article we will try to answer this question as briefly and clearly as possible for a simple PC user, and in addition, we will consider how to disable it, and in what cases it can required.

Hardware acceleration is a way to increase the performance of a particular computer program and the operating system (OS) as a whole, based on redistributing the load between the processor (CPU) and the video card. Those. video and graphics processing tasks are transferred from the CPU to the video card, which ultimately allows not only to slightly reduce the load on the processor, but also to achieve a performance increase, both for an individual application and for the entire system, using the resources of the video card.

It so happens that due to various errors in computer programs, drivers for a video card, etc., the presence of acceleration can negatively affect the operation of the PC, making the system unstable, leading to freezes, crashes, artifacts and other problems when working on a computer. In these cases, to eliminate errors and ensure stability, it is better to disable hardware acceleration.

Let's look at a way to disable hardware acceleration using a flash player as an example.

Open any web page in your browser with Flash animation or video using Flash technology, right-click on the flash object (RMB), and select context menu“Options” item (as in the screenshot).

That's all, so we disable acceleration for applications.

Disabling hardware acceleration at the operating system level is not always possible (optionally depends on the video card driver), and it is rare that its presence causes errors or crashes in Windows, for example, in Windows 7.

To turn off hardware acceleration in Windows, right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

More and more famous, good browser browsers are appearing on the Internet. online games with excellent 3D graphics. However, they require 3D support in the browser to work. In this article we will look at the process of enabling 3D support in Google browser Chrome.

Sudo apt-get install libvdpau-va-gl1

After which you need to restart your computer. We will carry out all other actions to speed up browser games and videos in the Google Chrome browser. Please note that we are talking about Chrome and not its open-source variant Chromium.

I’ll immediately explain why it’s best to use Chrome for browser games. Firstly, this is the most optimal in terms of performance, and secondly, this browser comes with current version Adobe Flash under Linux, which is required for many browser games. So, if when you launch your favorite game in your browser you see the following warning, then by following these instructions you can disable it and increase game performance.

Step 1. Open technical page in Chrome chrome://gpu. On it you will see whether 3D acceleration is enabled in your browser. If your situation is similar to what you see in the screenshot (there are red and yellow points), then move on to the next step.

Step 2. Open the technical page in Chrome chrome://flags.

On this page we find the item "Overriding the software rendering list". This option is disabled by default, so we need to enable it.

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