
What to do if the speed on your computer has dropped. Why does the Internet speed drop through the router? WIFI router limitations

A person communicates every day, does work, has fun using various sites and social networks. Therefore, if the Internet speed has dropped, then the cause must be eliminated as soon as possible. The reasons for an unstable connection are different, but among them there are the most common ones that should be given attention.

Problems with network devices

Faulty network equipment often affects data download times. Some problems are being fixed on our own without involving a provider.

What to do if the Internet speed through the router drops:

  1. The simplest and safest solution is to reboot the router. To do this, disconnect the device from the power supply for a while. Then turn it on and check the result.
  2. Check the number of connections.
  3. Execute and enter all connected parameters manually.

The cause of router malfunctions can be external influences - falling, overheating of the device, excessive accumulation of dust on the chips. In these cases, the equipment is either restored on its own or through a provider. In extreme situations, buy a new router.

If all possible reasons If the reason for the drop in speed has been resolved, but the data transfer remains low, then you can try changing the installation location of the router. The quality of signal transmission is influenced by many factors, including the presence of nearby metal products and operating electrical equipment.

Browser problem

The reason that the Internet speed has dropped may be that the browser is not working correctly.

First of all, you need to clear the cache, since temporary files accumulate during operation. This slows down page loading times.
If the problem persists, you should reset your settings or completely update your browser. Often the problem lies in using an outdated version of the program. If these actions do not bring the expected result, then you should start working with another browser.

Using a connection to perform multiple tasks at once
If there is excessive traffic load, Internet speed may drop significantly. In this case, you need to limit the execution of several tasks at once. For example, downloading videos and watching online broadcasts can significantly reduce the quality of the connection.

PC memory or processor problems

Working on a computer with a weak processor and at the same time maximizing its load can cause the Internet speed to drop. Due to the slow performance of applications, there will be a reduction in data transfer.

To fix the problem, you need to reduce the load on the processor. To do this, you need to open the task manager by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. The window that appears displays the CPU and memory load. You need to disable applications that load the system. Afterwards you need to restart your computer.


The presence of malware can cause the Internet speed to drop. In these cases, the traffic is used to run applications in the background. Various virus files are downloaded and spam is sent, which can not only increase the download time, but also completely block the connection.

Several options will help you avoid the problem:

  1. Change the tariff to a more favorable one from unlimited traffic or the ability to connect an additional package of options if the connection deteriorates due to exceeding the maximum threshold;
  2. Try not to exceed the permissible traffic limit;
  3. Wait until the next reporting period, after which the traffic is updated;
  • Installing a good browser will help you avoid problems with loading and viewing websites.
  • A proven antivirus will protect your computer from malware and traffic wastage.
  • If you unplug your router from the power supply for a few hours every week, this will extend its life and eliminate the need to buy a new device.
  • Wet cleaning will protect device microcircuits from dust contamination, which will increase the life of the device.

You low speed Internet and you want to increase it? Then read this article and find out how to increase your Internet speed.

I won’t reveal a terrible secret if I say that Internet speed depends on only two factors: your Internet provider and you. You may ask: what does this have to do with me? Fine. I answer in order.

Factor one: Your provider.

It provides Internet connection and is fully responsible for the serviceability and speed of the Internet connection. Often providers are dishonest in their responsibilities and do not pay due attention to the development and maintenance of their communication lines and equipment. This leads to overloaded lines, and as a result, a decrease in Internet speed. As a rule, this situation can be observed during peak loads, in the evening.

Factor two: You. Or rather, not you, but your skill, and most importantly the desire to correctly configure that part of the Internet, the responsibility for which lies with you. Because, as a rule, most of the problems that prevent normal operation of the network arise not on the provider’s side, but on the user’s side.

Low Internet speed is affected by many factors that you can change

The first, the most obvious, and the most common. Antivirus

Antivirus is truly a double-edged sword. It’s bad without him, and not very good with him. Do you have an antivirus on your computer? Then conduct a simple experiment: check the Internet speed with the antivirus turned on (you can check it with any). Take not one, but at least 10 online tests. Calculate the average of incoming and outgoing traffic.

What can be done?
Of course, the easiest option is to disable the antivirus completely. But it’s probably not worth doing this. You never know... It's better to carefully delve into its settings and change the traffic scanning mode to a softer one. Different antiviruses do this differently. Some have this opportunity, while others do not. This must be looked at in a specific case.

Second: There may be low Internet speed through the router (if you have one, of course)

Do it. Then connect directly, bypassing the router, and run the test again. The results may surprise you! If this is the case, then try, first, re-flash the router new firmware. If it doesn't help, buy a new one.

Third: Modem

The situation is similar to a router, but testing is more difficult. Since for the test you need to borrow a similar modem from someone and make test measurements of the Internet speed. And this is not always possible. Therefore, as a rule, the modem is left alone.

Fourth: Computer and its performance

Check your computer for viruses. You may have plenty of them, even if you have a “cool” antivirus. Check third party programs or utilities. Not with your antivirus! He already sent all sorts of crap onto your computer. Recommended list free utilities is in the article

It’s simply impossible to watch a movie online with modern graphics and lighting effects without high-speed Internet, and role-playing games will freeze if the data transfer rate drops. What is the reason here, because yesterday everything was fine, but today the reception is at low speed? It is very difficult to get an exact answer to this question - this happens due to both the fault of the user and the provider. If in the first case you can try to fix everything yourself, then in the second you will have to use drastic methods.
So, let's look in detail at why Rostelecom's Internet speed has dropped and what can the user do in such an unpleasant case? And looking ahead, it should be noted that some problems can indeed be solved by yourself, but first you need to establish their cause, and then you can enjoy a high-speed connection. Conventionally, the reasons can be divided into 2 categories - from the user’s side and from the provider’s side.

Contents of the article

  • 1 What to do if it slows down due to the user’s fault
  • 2 What to do if it slows down due to the fault of the provider
  • 3 What else can be done to solve the problem
  • 4 How to check the speed yourself?

What to do if it slows down due to the user’s fault

Basically, the reasons can be very banal - incorrect settings software, virus infection and router configuration.

  • Infection of the system with viruses. A drop in speed may occur due to a computer infection - malware you need traffic to send information about all requests, passwords retrieved, and the links you use most often. To solve it, you need to install any anti-virus program and scan your computer, configure it to work in real time - to quickly remove possible infections.

  • Demanding antivirus. Sometimes the antivirus itself can use traffic, especially if it is configured to scan the firewall - all incoming data must be checked, compared with the antivirus database, and in case of danger, expended effort on deletion. To understand whether this is true or not, try turning it off and checking the speed. If it is decent, then most likely it is the antivirus that is spending most of the traffic. But if after testing everything remains the same, then the problem is different; you just need to try installing other software that is less demanding on PC resources.

  • Windows version. Not everyone can buy original OS builds. Sometimes a pirated version is installed on the computer, with a bunch of different viruses, remove them regular means It’s simply impossible - they will be launched from the command line again and again. Here we can give only one piece of advice - purchase licensed software, otherwise traffic will constantly be wasted without the user’s knowledge.

  • Diagnostics of data transmission by router. Many users do not pay attention to the type of device they rent from Rostelecom. In most cases, it cannot work on a 3 or 4 G network. Study the box carefully, and if this is the case, then there is no need to hope for high speed. It also happens that to your wireless network an attacker has connected, and then the traffic will be divided between all connected devices. Try changing your network password and check your speed again.

  • Problems with the computer's network card. The first thing you need to do is go to the “Device Manager” and update all dependent drivers - just right-click on the icon and click on update in the menu that opens. If this does not help, you can try checking the speed on another, working computer. And if you see that the speed corresponds to the declared one, then you will have to buy more new map, for laptops they also offer a removable one that connects via USB. You can try to reconfigure the card, set the speed to 10 Mb/sec from the service menu and the additional tab. The Internet will work stably, but at low speed.

What to do if it slows down due to the fault of the provider

If you are using a company router and notice that the speed has dropped sharply, then the reason may be that the network is overloaded - in the evening many people need to access the Internet, so the speed decreases. Try simply rebooting the equipment using the Reset button on the router panel. If all else fails, then you need to contact the company using the single Rostelecom support phone number 8-800-100-08-00 and install new hardware software - flashing.

It may also happen that the provider's transmission equipment has broken down and needs to be replaced. In this case, there is simply no talk of any speed. Contact the operator and clarify the reason. They can tell you when the problem will be fixed.

But if problems arise only with your Internet connection, then leave a request for correction - an employee will come and help solve the problem.

What else can be done to solve the problem

The speed may drop for some other reasons:

  • In many ways, the speed of responses to requests depends on the browser used - you need a high-speed one, or one that can work in Turbo mode, for example, Yandex or Chrome. You can disable commercials with special add-ons, and this directly affects the speed.

  • Download an antivirus program that will intercept viruses in the background and destroy them. And if an antivirus is already installed on your PC, then simply run a scan of the entire computer. It happens that some malware causes the speed to slow down.

  • It may be that the current Rostelecom Internet connection session has frozen. Just try disconnecting the Internet cable from your computer for 5-10 minutes and Wi-Fi router, if the latter is used, and then connect everything in place. As a result, the problem can be solved using this trivial method, and the connection speed will increase to the stated speed according to your tariff.

How to check the speed yourself?

  • Open command line from the control panel as an administrator.

  • Enter ping. Then enter, for example, the following values: ping -t -l 1500, where is your gateway.

  • If there are problems with the connection, the message “Interval exceeded…” will appear on the screen.
  • If the speed of your Internet connection has decreased significantly, then you need to take drastic measures and report it to your service provider.

    You can test the connection via online services, for example, here. Everything will become clear immediately. Also check out all free methods Rostelecom Internet speed checks in our special article.

    A comfortable online experience depends on the connection speed. Modern communication technologies are not available in all regions and some Rostelecom subscribers still use the Internet through relatively slow channels, for example, via Wi-Fi or ADSL.

    Slow Internet access is due to a number of reasons. If the problem is on the user's side, it is quite possible to solve it on your own. But there are often cases when it is impossible to do without the participation of the provider.

    Possible reasons on the user side

    The human factor, combined with the current technological abundance, gives rise to many situations that contribute to a drop in the speed of the Internet connection from Rostelecom. Let's look at the most common of them:

    Malware (viruses)

    This category of software consumes a lot of traffic and system resources. Why she needs this is not always clear, one can only guess. It all depends on the type of virus and its purpose. Often this is scanning user data (history of visited sites, reading entered passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) with the aim of sending them to virus distributors. Be that as it may, problems with Rostelecom Internet speed due to such software happen quite often. The best way avoiding them is computer hygiene.

    Be extremely careful about downloaded files, improve your computer literacy, and be vigilant. Or look for a good antivirus and rely on it.


    Poorly optimized antivirus programs are the reason why Rostelecom’s Internet speed has decreased. If the protection is configured to scan all incoming traffic (firewall), this will affect the quality of the connection. All downloaded information is checked in real time, then checked against the database, after which measures are applied to it, according to the possible degree of threat. Of course, the antivirus is not able to influence the connection so much that Rostelecom’s Internet disappears, but there will definitely be a clear slowdown when loading pages. Identifying the culprit is relatively simple - you need to temporarily disable the antivirus, and. If during the scan the Rostelecom Internet began to work faster, try setting up anti-virus software or looking for a new one.


    The low speed of Rostelecom Internet can be either on a device purchased by the user himself or on branded Rostelecom routers. Deterioration in connection quality occurs due to incorrect settings, old firmware or weak router hardware. In addition, the firmware installed on routers is susceptible to infection by viruses, just like computers.

    If, when connecting the Rostelecom cable directly to the PC, the situation changes in better side, we are trying to configure the router. To begin with, we flash to latest version, reset the settings to factory defaults and set the connection parameters with Rostelecom.

    If after this the Internet works normally only directly from the Rostelecom cable, then the router is not coping with its task, which can only be solved by replacing it with a more productive one.

    Client devices

    Often the problem lies directly in the computer or mobile gadgets. This applies equally to outdated components and software. Old LAN card on a PC with an ancient processor, Rostelecom is not able to provide normal speed indicators for Internet access. The same applies to updated drivers on equipment under Windows control or Trojan-ridden pirated versions of this operating system. Internet outages Rostelecom on mobile devices often arise due to non-compliance with standards wireless communication or incorrect settings on the router.

    Loaded network

    Each device in home network consumes traffic. If this happens constantly and the needs of gadgets are not controlled in any way, it is quite possible that sooner or later a situation will arise when one of the devices does not have enough speed, since the channel capacity is limited. On low-speed Rostelecom tariffs, it is enough to start downloading via torrent on one of the devices so that all other network users forget about a comfortable stay on the Internet.

    Possible reasons on the Rostelecom side

    In some cases, the operator is to blame. As a rule, if the situation is abnormal, subscribers are informed about it, and such problems are temporary.

    If during the day the quality of communication was not satisfactory, and in the evening, suddenly, the speed of your Internet connection drops sharply, most likely the reason is a temporary load on the network. Number of users in the evenings, weekends and holidays increases, and the provider’s resources are not enough to handle the resulting loads. This occurs due to low bandwidth cable lines, low-power switching equipment and other reasons that the user has no need to know about.

    Emergency situations

    These include line breaks, software or hardware failures on the operator’s servers. No communication service provider is immune from such problems. You should pay attention to how quickly these problems are resolved, and how timely the company informs users about possible works. It’s another matter if Rostelecom’s Internet constantly disappears. In such cases, it is necessary to inform the provider about the existing problem and request that it be fixed. If everything remains unchanged, we look for another operator.

    Checking the stated Internet speed of the service

    Special services will help you check how low your Internet connection speed is. The most popular of them is located at Go to the page and click on the “Check” button. After a relatively short test, data on latency (ping), download speed (from the remote server to the subscriber) and upload speed (in the opposite direction) will be displayed. The first test is carried out by default with the nearest server, as a rule, this is the Rostelecom server. Speed ​​indicators in such cases are maximum and are rarely achievable in everyday use.

    What the Internet speed should be depends on tariff plan Rostelecom. If a subscriber is connected to a 100 megabit package, but in fact it is less than 50 Mbit/s, then there are problems that need to be resolved.

    Another way to check how slow Rostelecom’s Internet is is to download a file via torrent. First, install the program itself, then download and launch the torrent file. The maximum speed is displayed during the download. The exception would be a situation where there are few users sharing the downloaded file. Therefore, you need to download popular movies, games or programs.

    How can you increase speed?

    There is no universal way to increase Rostelecom Internet speed. It all depends on the reasons for its insufficiency. If the problem is on the subscriber side, the following ways to resolve it are possible:

    • Search antivirus program, identifying and removing malware using it.
    • We remove applications from OS startup that consume traffic and system resources.
    • We look for weaknesses in PC components, replace outdated equipment with more efficient ones, update drivers and client software.
    • Setting up the router. We update the firmware to the latest version, understand the settings and install the optimal ones. If we can’t cope on our own, we invite a specialist.
    • We analyze the number of devices connected to the home network with Internet access. We eliminate unnecessary ones and prevent unauthorized connections of neighbors and other strangers via a wireless connection.

    Suppose you are confident that all home devices will work flawlessly, but Rostelecom’s Internet speed is lower than stated, what should you do in such cases? All that remains is to call the operator and hope for a prompt response, but if it does not follow, look for a provider who is more attentive to the wishes of its subscribers.

    Let's get started Drops in Internet speed can be affected by: Third-party programs running in the background and downloading updates Automatic Windows updates Viruses These could also be problems with the provider If the problem is not with the provider, then you need to do the following...

    Let's get started

    Drops in Internet speed can be affected by:

    • Third party programs running in the background and downloading updates
    • Automatic Windows update
    • Viruses
    • It could also be a problem with your ISP.

    If the problem is not with the provider, then you need to do the following:

    Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete (Task Manager appears)

    Go to the "Processes" section

    At the very first Windows startup in this window, on the Processes tab, as a rule, about 15-20 processes fit, the so-called system processes, which are required for the correct operation of the system. All further additions of processes are already user applications.

    If you roughly remember which processes you usually have enabled, then you can “catch” the process that slows down the Internet speed.

    If you don’t remember, then experiment. You can safely terminate all processes launched by the Administrator (user)

    If suddenly after completing the process your computer reboots, it’s okay!!! It’s also impossible to break your computer by ending processes!!!

    If it doesn't help, then you should disable " automatic update Windows" if it is connected at all

    You also need to try disabling Windows Firewall, which can also be found in the “Control Panel”, which is launched from the “Start” menu

    Disabling these services from the “Control Panel” items is not enough; you also need to disable them using the “Services” tool, from the “Administration” item on the “Control Panel”:

    You should check your computer with an antivirus, preferably even two.

    First, check with a second antivirus

    At the end of the scan, click “show list of infected objects” or something like that.

    Select all infected objects with checkboxes and delete ALL

    After deleting it will ask you to restart your computer, please allow it.

    ATTENTION: if the antivirus finds a virus lying in the drivers\str.sys folder, it will not be able to remove it, but you need to remove it

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