
What to do if Wi-Fi stops working? Problems with Wi-Fi and wireless home Internet Wi-Fi works

Wi-Fi today is the most popular way Internet connection. This was made possible thanks to good characteristics this protocol, ease of connection and the availability of a wide range of inexpensive equipment.

However, this interface also has disadvantages. Many users experience strange connection interruptions, errors, or low data transfer speeds. In this case, do not rush to immediately call the support service or call a repair team. You can deal with many troubles in the operation of your home Wi-Fi network yourself.

1. Reboot your router

Yes, yes, this is exactly what they advise you to do first when contacting support. And absolutely right.

A modern router is a complex device, the software of which may develop errors over time. The simplest and quick way to get rid of them - reboot the equipment. Some routers allow you to do this automatically according to a schedule; you just need to look for the appropriate option in the settings.

2. Install alternative firmware

Alternative firmware is written by enthusiasts to eliminate the shortcomings of proprietary software. The most famous project of this kind is DD-WRT. This firmware supports a wide range of equipment and is distributed completely free of charge.

Installing third-party firmware allows you not only to improve network performance, but also, in some cases, to activate previously unavailable device functions. However, it is worth considering that the process of flashing and subsequent configuration of the equipment will require time and special knowledge from you.

3. Use a Wi-Fi repeater

If devices in any part of the house constantly lose connection to the Internet, then the router signal there is too weak. You can solve the problem using a special repeater, which is also called repeaters, or repeaters.

The main task of the repeater is to strengthen the signal of the existing Wi-Fi network. These are compact and inexpensive devices are produced by almost all popular manufacturers of network equipment, as well as dozens of unknown Chinese companies.

4. Design a signal amplifier

Using a Wi-Fi repeater may not help in all cases. Sometimes, to strengthen the router signal, you have to resort to other, more artisanal methods. For example, you can design a special reflector from or for CDs.

But if you need something truly powerful, then try assembling an antenna from scrap materials to expand your “home zone” wireless internet, which we wrote about in this one.

5. Control application access to the Internet

If someone in your house is constantly watching streaming videos, playing online games, or downloading large files, this can significantly slow down the network. Particular attention should be paid to torrent clients. Some of them are configured in such a way that they automatically start when the system starts and continue downloading and distributing data in the background. Separate pain - computer games, which quietly download multi-gigabyte updates and additions.

6. Block access to strangers

By default, the manufacturer sets the same well-known logins and passwords on all its routers. Each user must change them independently to protect their network from unauthorized access. However, unfortunately, not everyone does this.

If you do not want your neighbors to use your wireless network, thereby interfering with you, then you need to perform detailed configuration of the router. You can read how to do this in our guide “”.

7. Get rid of clutter

The quality of the signal transmitted over a Wi-Fi network can be affected by many different factors, including interference from phones, microwave ovens, and so on. You can get rid of them only by placing the router and the source of interference at the maximum distance. A special tool will help you cope with this task. WiFi app Analyzer, which can display signal strength in real time.

8. Tune to an available channel

In modern apartment buildings, many wireless access points operate simultaneously, occupying all available channels. As a result, some of them have to share the same channel, which leads to a mutual decrease in the speed and stability of communication.

9. Find a new location for your router

Poor location of the router in the apartment can also affect the quality of the connection. If your workplace There are several concrete walls separating the connection point, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the Internet is constantly slowing down.

You can only choose the optimal location for the router through experience, moving it around the apartment and measuring the signal quality. The NetSpot diagnostic utility and our instructions, called ““, will help you do this.

10. Use modern technology

One of the best ways To make your wireless network as fast, stable and secure as possible is to use modern equipment.

Communication standards are constantly evolving and improving. New implementations of this protocol provide faster connection speeds, reduce errors and susceptibility to interference.

However, to use them you need the appropriate equipment. Therefore, the most radical and expensive method of improving quality home network- this is the purchase of a modern dual-band router from a well-known manufacturer.

As you already understood from the title of the publication, in it we will consider the device and principle Wi-Fi work and WiMax. It would seem that today everyone knows about this technology and there is no point in writing such material on this topic. But after analyzing how often people today are looking for an answer to a similar question, I came to the conclusion that it has not been fully disclosed and is still relevant today. As a rule, this question interests curious and novice users or people who are interested in digital technologies generally. So, first of all, we will look at what Wi-Fi is?

WiFi is an abbreviation that comes from the English phrase Wireless Fidelity, which means “ wireless transmission data" or "wireless accuracy". It is a short-range system that covers tens of meters and uses unlicensed frequency bands to provide network access. This is a protocol and standard for equipment for broadband radio communications intended for organizing local wireless networks.

In other words, Wi-Fi is a modern and promising wireless technology that uses radio channels to transmit data. This technology assumes the presence of a Wi-Fi access point/router (802.11a/b/g/n standards), which provides stable access to the network from a certain area with a radius of up to 45 meters indoors and 90 meters outdoors (the range depends on many conditions and may vary in your case).

Basic Wi-Fi standards:

IEEE 802.11 - defines a set of protocols for the most low speeds data transmission and is basic standard WLAN.

IEEE 802.11a - The protocol is not compatible with 802.11b and carries higher transmission rates than 11b. Uses frequency channels in the 5GHz spectrum. Maximum throughput up to 54Mbit/s.

IEEE 802.11b - The standard uses faster transmission speeds and introduces more technological restrictions. Uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum. Maximum throughput up to 11Mbit/s.

IEEE 802.11g - the standard uses data transfer rates equivalent to 11a. Frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum are used. The protocol is 11b compatible. Maximum throughput up to 54Mbit/s.

IEEE 802.11n - on this moment This is the most advanced commercial Wi-Fi standard that uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz spectrum. Compatible with 11b/11a/11g. Maximum throughput up to 300 Mbit/s.

For a more detailed presentation, here is a comparative table of standards wireless communication, which contains detailed information about such technologies as: Wi-Fi, WiMax, Bluetooth v 1.1, Bluetooth v 2.0, Bluetooth v 3.0, UWB, ZigBee, infrared port.

It all works as follows. Client devices are connected to the access point: tablet, Smart TV, computers, laptops, PDAs, smartphones and others mobile devices having Wi-Fi adapters (receivers). And literally in a few seconds a connection is established with World Wide Web or local network.

The method of connecting the Internet to the access point is not important. Access points are divided into public and private. The first provide Internet access for free or for money unlimited number users. The latter are, in principle, used only for the needs of the owners. However, you can also connect to them if the network is not password protected.

Public hot spots (hot spot - connection point to wireless network WLAN, or literally “hot spot”, “hot spot”) are often found in public places: airports, train stations, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops, libraries. You can connect to such networks freely on the territory of the establishment or close to it. Some require authorization, and you will be given a login and password after you pay for the services of this establishment.

Some cities in the world are almost completely covered Wi-Fi network: to access it, just pay for an inexpensive subscription. Not only commercial services are offered to consumers. Individuals, communities, and municipalities are actively building free Wi-Fi networks. Small networks, providing residential buildings and public institutions (libraries, educational institutions) with wireless Internet, are gradually becoming larger, using a common peering agreement for free interaction with each other and existing on the basis of donations, voluntary assistance and other sources.

City authorities often support such projects. In Paris, for example, OzoneParis gives free and unlimited Internet access to anyone who provides the roof of their home for installation of a Wi-Fi network. In Jerusalem, the Unwire Jerusalem project operates, within the framework of which free access points are installed in large shopping centers in the cities. Many Western universities provide Internet access to their students, employees and visitors. In the CIS countries the situation is worse, however, the number of hot spots is constantly growing.

Benefits of Wi-Fi:

Down with the wires. Due to the absence of wires, it saves time and money on their installation and wiring. The network can be expanded almost endlessly, increasing the number of consumers and network geometry by installing additional access points. Unlike laying wired networks, there is no need to damage walls, ceilings and floors with cables, trench walls and drill through holes. Sometimes a wired network cannot be built purely physically.

Global compatibility. Wi-Fi is a family of global standards (despite some restrictions that exist in different countries), so in theory, a device made in the USA should work fine in the CIS countries. And vice versa.

Disadvantages of Wi-Fi:

Legal aspect. Different countries have different approaches to the use of the frequency range and parameters of wireless signal transmitters/receivers of IEEE 802.11 standards. In some countries, for example, registration of all Wi-Fi networks operating outdoors is required. Others impose restrictions on the frequencies used or transmitter power.

In the CIS countries, the use of Wi-Fi without permission to use frequencies from the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) is possible to organize a network inside buildings, closed warehouses and industrial areas. If you want to connect two neighboring houses with a radio channel, it is recommended to contact the above-mentioned supervisory authority.

Communication stability. Standard home Wi-Fi router Common standards 802.11b or 802.11g have a range of about 40-50 meters indoors and up to 90 meters outdoors. Some electronic devices(microwave), weather conditions (rain) weaken the signal level. Also, the distance depends on the operating frequency and other factors. You can learn more about the factors that affect Wi-Fi wireless communications.

Crosstalk. With a high density of access points, problems may arise in accessing an open access point if there is a nearby hotspot operating on the same or adjacent channel and using encryption.

Factors of production. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always strictly adhere to standards, so some devices may operate unstable or at lower speeds.

Energy consumption. Quite high energy consumption, which reduces battery life and increases the temperature of the device.

Safety. The WEP encryption standard is still one of the popular and relatively easy to crack, and the more advanced WPA protocol, unfortunately, is not supported by many older access points. The WPA2 protocol is considered more reliable and advanced today.

Limited functionality. When transmitting small data packets, a large amount of service information is added to them, which degrades the quality of communication. Therefore, Wi-Fi is not recommended for use in IP telephony using the RTP protocol: communication quality is not guaranteed.

Which Wi-Fi module for a laptop should I choose?

If for some reason your laptop does not have a wireless module, there are three options:
1. MiniPCI. This adapter is installed inside the laptop into the Minipci port, which is present in all laptops released after 2004. There is no need to connect or disconnect it during operation. But it is recommended to install this adapter only in service centers.

2. USB adapters. The size is a regular flash drive. They differ, like all adapters, in the following parameters: reception range, transmission speed, supported standard. The downside is that the adapter protrudes beyond the dimensions of the laptop, so you can inadvertently touch it when carrying it and damage the USB port. Not suitable for those who have few free USB ports. But this adapter can be installed in any device that has a USB port. For example, on a desktop computer.

3. PCMCIA. Installed in the widely used PCMCIA slot of a laptop. This operation can be performed by any user. In this case, the adapter only protrudes slightly beyond the dimensions of the laptop. We have a free USB port and a busy one - PCMCIA.

To sum it up, we can say that in terms of cost, all types Wi-Fi adapters not much different. Decide for yourself what to choose for yourself. Keep in mind that in order for the operating system to recognize your device, you must either install the driver from the disk supplied with the adapter, or hope that your OS will find the driver in its depths. The newer the OS, the greater the chances of this. Now let's look at the operating principle of WiMax technology.

How WiMAX works.

There is another wireless communication standard that is developing at a pace no less rapid than Wi-Fi. However, it differs from it in many ways. Let's look at its main features.

WiMax - uh the abbreviation stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, which literally means “International Interoperability for Microwave Access.” It is worth saying that WiMax is not more hazardous to health than regular cellular. The technology uses a high degree of security for data transmission, which is ideal for doing business. WiMAX uses triple data encryption using the DES 3 algorithm.

WiMAX is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (not to be confused with IEEE 802.11). A network based on this technology is built on the basis of base and subscriber stations and equipment interconnecting base stations, with the Internet and other services provider. The usable operating range is from 1.5 to 11 GHz. The speed can theoretically reach 70 Mbit/s. No line of sight between base and receiver is required.

Frequencies from 10 to 66 GHz are used for communication between bases. Speed ​​can reach 120 Mbit/s. Direct visibility between bases and the presence of at least one base connected to the Internet using wired technologies are required. The range is 6-10 km for “static” subscribers and 1-5 km for “mobile” subscribers moving at speeds of up to 120 km/h.

Features of Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

Authentication is supported as part of the mutual X.509 digital certificate layer (RK1). WiMAX devices have unique certificates, one for of this type devices, one for a given manufacturer. Essentially, you achieve data flow protection that is completely trustworthy. For this reason, WiMax-based virtual private networks (VPNs) are even appearing. They make it possible to create secure corridors that serve to transmit information both to remote users and to company employees.

In urban and private sector conditions, despite buildings, trees and even weather, WiMax is capable of transmitting the necessary data via a radio channel. The provider, by installing WiMax transmitters in different parts of the city, opens up a huge, by today's standards, opportunity to connect to the Internet within an accessible network coverage area.

In addition, WiMax can be used for voice and video communications High Quality. As you understand, WiMax is designed to solve three main requirements for network connections, high throughput, reliability and mobility. WiMax technology is the future because it gives you the ability to get projects done anywhere and gives you access to all your business applications.

To conclude this post, I will say that Wi-Fi technology was primarily created for corporate users to get rid of the tangle of wires, but now it is becoming popular in the private sector. Although Wi-Fi and WiMax technologies are brothers, they are designed to solve completely different ranges of problems.

More and more often, additional network devices appear in the family: tablet, Smart TV, laptop, mobile devices and game consoles with Wi-Fi support. And everyone needs access to the Internet. And preferably, no wires, so you can move freely around the apartment. In this case, wireless Internet will be a good choice.

WiFi is a unique wireless communication technology that is incredibly popular all over the world. Nowadays there are very few people who prefer regular wired Internet. Connecting and setting up Wi-Fi is not difficult. But even in such a perfect system, sometimes errors occur due to which Wi-Fi stops working. The most common is a problem with connecting to the Wi-Fi router.

Some people are faced with a situation where the router is connected to the network and works, but does not distribute data: the computer cannot “see” available network. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons for this:

lack of installed network drivers;

hardware type errors;

random shutdown of the connection to the computer - it is obvious why in this case the device does not work as it should;

Wi-Fi module malfunction;

Wi-Fi router malfunction.

There are other problems, but the ones listed above are the most common reasons why the device does not work. Therefore, we will focus on them.

Problem with drivers for network devices

Testing the WiFi module driver is carried out in the “Device Manager”. This section is located in the Start menu. You can also get to the section through the “My Computer” shortcut by right-clicking.

In the "Manager" you can see all the devices connected to the computer. We will be interested in network equipment. You need to switch to the branch from network drivers. If the branch is missing, this means that the drivers for the wifi adapter were not installed on the computer.

If there is a branch, the “!” sign may light up on one of the network devices. This means either the absence or malfunction of one of the drivers. Each of the problems is easily solved by simply reinstalling the software. Usually software located on the disk that came with your computer. wifi adapter for device manager it can be called Wireless Network Adapter You can also download everything you need from the Internet using mobile connection(unless otherwise available at the moment).

How to check your wireless connection status

If everything is fine with the drivers, then the next step is to check the wireless connection. It can simply be turned off. Testing is carried out differently on different operating systems. But it all comes down to one thing: you need to get into the “Network Control Center”.

There is a universal method. You need to press Win+R, after which a window with a line will appear. In the line you need to type the command control panel and press Enter. This will open the "Control Panel". Here we go to “Network and Internet”, then to “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" In the “Center” we will be interested in the “Change adapter settings” section located on the left. Clicking there will allow you to see the status of all connections that are available on the computer.

“Wireless connectivity” is what will be important to us. If the label is not colored but gray, it means there is no signal. You can start the connection by double-clicking the left mouse button. After startup, the computer begins to search for all available connections.

If they do not appear, then you can try to perform system diagnostics. It is carried out through the “Network Center” and the “Change adapter settings” item. To the label " Wireless connection"You need to right-click. In the window that opens, click the “Diagnostics” field. The computer runs the test on its own. Based on the result of the check, the user receives advice on further actions.

What to do if a hardware error occurs

A hardware error would indicate a problem directly within the network card. In a word, if the computer does not see the adapter for connecting to Wi-Fi, it means that this Wi-Fi device is not functioning. There are two main reasons:

the device is broken;

There was a problem with the wifi drivers.

The second option has already been described by us. However, if Wi-Fi drivers are available, but the computer continues to not see the adapter, this means a breakdown. One of the most common causes of breakdown is device combustion.

The cause of combustion may be overheating if the computer operates at its maximum capacity for a long time. If we are dealing with a laptop, then this happens even more often, since many users forget the device on a soft surface that blocks access to the hole through which air flows for cooling. This problem

can be solved by simply replacing components with similar ones. It is worth keeping in mind that a lack of experience in independently manipulating computers can lead to even more detrimental consequences. This is especially true for laptops that have a more complex design. The best way out would be to contact service center
, they will accurately determine the reason why the device does not work.

Hardware connection errors also include a disconnected antenna. Most often, this problem occurs in laptops or desktop computers that have been cleaned or repaired in some way. The specialist who carried out the procedure could simply have forgotten to connect the device, or he connected it incorrectly. This makes it impossible for the adapter to function normally, as it does not work normally and cannot normally catch the signal distributed by the router, even if it is close to the source. A rather rare case is the antenna terminals becoming clogged with dust. So it's broken internal contact

. The solution to the problem is cleaning.

Why does the Wi-Fi router not distribute the Internet?

The connection problems described above relate to malfunctions in the computers themselves. But often there are problems that are related to the way the router works (or, more precisely, rather does not work) and does not distribute the Internet.

There are two main problems:

inability to establish a wireless connection;

lack of access when connected.

The listed failures can be easily resolved independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Testing how the router works begins by checking the status of the indicators that are located on the external panel of the router. At normal functioning The LED next to the antenna pattern will be constantly lit or blinking. If there is no light at all, this means that the wireless module is not running on the router. On certain models there is a separate button that can be accidentally turned off by one of the family members.

The lack of a button makes solving the problem a little more difficult. You need to go to the “Wireless Network” section located in the router’s web interface. In the English menu this section is called “Wireless”. There is a checkmark next to the “Enable” box (in English – “Enable”). A click of the mouse can solve the problem.

It is possible that when the device does not distribute the Internet, the malfunction is related to the radio channel used. Most router models have a function automatic settings. If it is missing, you can try installing the 1st or 6th channel. They are the ones that should be suitable for our country.

It happens that it becomes impossible to connect to a wireless network, because the network displays a message about the incorrect password. It's worth checking the security settings in the web interface. Installed type encryption must be AES. The general security standard is WPA2-PSK.

How to solve the problem if there is no access when there is a connection

Quite often it happens that the connection begins to take place, but the process itself takes a long time. The status shows the message “Receiving IP”. After some time the connection is lost.

This means that network clients cannot obtain an address because the DHCP server is disabled. You can check this through the settings in local network. You will need the LAN section, where there should be a checkmark next to the DCHP parameter.

Access problems may arise due to incorrect operation of DNS servers. Incorrect assignment of them for network clients or complete lack of assignment, as well as unstable operation of servers are the three main reasons.

The solution to the elimination problem is as follows. You need to use public DNS. They are provided by Yandex and Google. In the first case, you need to enter in the settings, and for Google this value is The data is entered on the computer in the Internet Protocol properties of any version of TCP/IP.


All of the above are troubles that you can get rid of yourself. In any other situations, it would be better to contact the provider’s technical support or professional technicians.


Buy Wi-Fi router, if wired Internet is already installed in your home and works properly. You can check your provider's website or contact them directly to find out which device models are most suitable for your current connection.

Connect the wired Internet cable to the WAN connector of the router, and connect the device itself to a computer or laptop. To do this, insert the other cable that comes with the router into one of the device’s LAN slots at one end and into the computer’s network card connector at the other end (instead of the wired Internet cable). Connect the router to the mains using the power adapter and press the start button.

Read the instructions for the router from the manufacturer. It must indicate network address devices to configure it, for example, Open any Internet browser and enter the appropriate combination in the address bar. In the window that appears, enter “admin” as the login and password, after which the router settings menu will open in front of you.

In the “WAN Connection Type” menu, select the appropriate value, for example, “L2TP Russia”. You can find out your connection type from your provider. Next, enter in the appropriate fields your username and password that you used to connect to. Select automatic way network connections.

Go to TCP/IP setup and set the required IP address and subnet mask values. You can check with your ISP or try the default settings listed in your user manual. Set the same IP address and subnet mask values ​​on your computer. Minimize the browser window, go to “Control Panel”, then to “Network Connections”, make the necessary settings through the “Properties” menu of the current network connection. To check the connection, enter command line Windows PING and set IP address, then press Enter.

Next, try connecting Wi-Fi by going to the “Wireless Mode” menu item. Specify the desired name for the Wi-Fi connection and activate the “Enable wireless broadcasting” option. Here (or in the settings menu network connection) you can specify a password to connect to Wi-Fi. Save the settings and close the window. Click on the network connections icon in the lower right corner of the Windows taskbar. Among the available wireless connections choose yours. Enter password. Once the connection is established, try opening any website in your browser to check if the connection is working.

IN Lately Some users, in addition to personal desktop computers, began to have laptops, which can also be used to surf the Internet using a home network. To do this, you need to install a router. Its function is to split the Internet connection between two computers. Accordingly, the speed is distributed in priority, depending on the tasks being performed.

To install the router correctly, you need to determine the degree of load on the existing ones. For example, if you plan to use it to view websites, and the computer to download videos or programs, then the speeds should be set in favor of “downloading”. But at the same time, the router itself will make adjustments and distribute the speed in such a way as to ensure a favorable speed regime. If you download files at the same time, then the router will divide the speed in half between the computers.

To optimize the joint operation of two computers at home, you need to purchase and install a router yourself. First of all, you need to configure network security programs so that local network traffic is not blocked. After the router is connected to the computers, you need to go to the “My Computer” properties and in the “Computer Name” tab change (add) the workgroup name.

In other words, both computers must be in the same working group, and the IP addresses of the computers must be on the same subnet. By default, the router automatically assigns an IP address and subnet mask, as well as the default gateway and DNS server addresses. It may also be necessary to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP. Using the “Control Panel” on the “Network Connections” tab, you need to activate “Local Area Connection”, then select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and go to “Properties”. Select the “Advanced” section and go to the “WINS” tab in the new window. All you have to do is check the box next to “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP” and the router is configured to work.

Video on the topic

Internet router (router) - a device used to connect a local computer network to the Internet. The router has two independently assigned IP addresses, each with its own settings for the local and external networks.

You will need

  • To connect the router you need the device itself and a cable " twisted pair", connecting the router to the local network.


After unpacking, pay attention to its ethernet ports. One of them is always somewhat separated from the others and labeled as a "WAN" port. Other ports are either unlabeled, labeled "LAN", or simply numbered. Connect to the WAN port and the LAN cable to the LAN port. Turn on the power. Lights that light up on the router indicate the presence of a physical one. If any of the port lamps (to which LAN and WAN cables are connected) do not light up, then you need to check: whether the device connected to the router (switch, computer) is turned on, whether the cable connectors are crimped correctly, its integrity, and the absence of breaks.

From any computer on the network connected to the router, enter IP "" in your Internet browser. This IP is assigned to routers by default by the manufacturer. The router settings window will open. If the router prompts you for a password to connect to the settings, look up the password in the documentation for the device.

In the router settings window, you need to configure the WAN connection. To do this, enter the IP, DNS and Internet gateway provided to you by your ISP. Save your settings. The router will reboot. Now on the “status” tab you can see “connection: OK”.

We configure computers to work with the router. The following settings must be made on all computers on the local network. In the network connection properties, assign a gateway. This gateway will be the local IP of the router (by default it is You should also specify the DNS provided by your ISP on your computers.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If the router cannot connect, you need to contact your provider. Sometimes the ISP has a separate gateway for routers that is not the same as the gateway for computers.


  • how to connect internet via router

With the widespread use of laptops, the era of network cables began to gradually end. Now many people cannot imagine their life without such banal things as wi-fi. Creating such a network yourself is not at all difficult, and there are more than enough options.

You will need

  • 1 computer
  • 1 wifi adapter
  • Minimum 1 laptop


We will show how to create a wireless network using the Asus PCI-G31 wifi adapter as an example. Working with it is easy and pleasant, and will take no more than ten minutes. Install the adapter into the PCI slot in your, and turn on the latter. Further, the situation will develop differently for the Windows XP + Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

Windows XP. Everything is simple here. After installing the software, launch the program displayed in the tray. Select Config and go to the Soft AP tab. Place it next to Soft AP_mode. If you want wireless network users to have access to the Internet, then in the Internet column select the necessary network. Now go to Config – Access Control, and enter the MAC addresses one by one network adapters the laptops you need. Note: The MAC address is found like this: win+r – cmd – ipconfig /all.

Unfortunately, adequately working software for Windows 7 has not yet been written. But there is a way out of this situation due to the fact that Ralink wifi adapters are made on the same chip as Asus. Download and install Ralink Wireless Utility. Note: when working in Windows 7, installation of original software is not required - only drivers are needed. Right-click on the tray icon and select Switch to Soft AP mode. Launch the program and go to the AR tab. Here you can change your access point name (SSID) and password (Key Material). As usual, if you plan to distribute the Internet to other devices, then in the properties of your Internet connection, allow access to the wireless network that uses this adapter. There is no need to configure anything else, because... Access to the network is provided with a password entry.

Helpful advice

For Windows Vista It’s worth trying native software, and if unsuccessful, install Ralink.


  • wireless internet installation

With the active development of computer technology and related technologies, the attitude of users towards wired internet. The main reason for this is the priority of laptops over desktop computers. Many providers are already offering to carry out services to your house or apartment Wi-Fi internet. The disadvantages of such services are the following: firstly, you need to pay additional money for them, and secondly, the choice of equipment, most often, remains with the provider. Fortunately, with a little computer knowledge you can create your own wireless network with Internet access.

You will need

  • - Wi-Fi router


Buy Wi-Fi that has a set of necessary parameters. It all depends on the number and types of computers and laptops in the future local network. If you need both wired and wireless, then purchase a router with LAN ports. Please also note that Wi-Fi networks come in the following types: 802.11 b/g/n. Those. if your laptops are capable of working with type “n”, then it is advisable to purchase a router with the same parameters.

Connect the router to the provided one via WAN or Internet ports. Open your router settings. To do this, enter the following url in the address bar of any browser: option is suitable for routers from D-Link and ASUS). Go to the “Internet connection setup wizard” item and fill in the fields that are necessary for a stable Internet connection. Typically these are the following points:
IP address, DNS server, login and password, data encryption type.

Open the “Wireless connection setup wizard” menu. Follow directions step by step instructions to ensure correct wireless network setup. Be sure to open access to Internet all devices connected to this network. Don't forget to set passwords for accessing the router and wireless LAN.

Video on the topic

Some providers still provide ADSL Internet services. The difference from the usual connection via the LAN port is that a telephone line is used to communicate with the server.

You will need


Typical ADSL modems connect to the network through a splitter. This device is designed to separate high and low frequencies. modem connection depends only on the version of your ADSL device.

If you have an ADSL modem with one LAN port without supporting the function A, then it is impossible to configure it in such a way that several computers access the Internet at the same time.

But you can connect a network hub to this port and configure each computer to access the Internet. In this case, you can alternately access the network from any of the computers connected to the network hub.

If you purchased an ADSL modem that supports the router function, then it probably has several Ethernet ports. Their number does not play a special role, because you can always use an additional device to distribute the channel between a large number of computers.

Setting up an ADSL modem in router mode does not take much time. After you have created a local network, turn on one of the computers connected to the modem. Open your browser and enter the ADSL modem IP in the address bar.

Open menu Internet Connection Setup. Configure the modem's connection to the server. To do this, use the help of specialists technical support your provider.

Go to the Network Setup (WAN) menu. Find Encapsulation. Set it to PPPoE network setting. Enable Autodetect and DHCP features if supported by your device.

With these ADSL modem settings, all computers or laptops connected to it will have access to the Internet. In rare cases, you will need to specify the modem’s IP address in the “Default Gateway” and “Preferred DNS Server” fields in the local network settings on your PC.

Tip 7: How to connect the Internet to a Wi-Fi network from laptops

For many today, a laptop is an integral part of life. It is a means of communication, a multimedia center, and an office. The main advantage of “books” is their mobility, so users prefer a Wi-Fi connection, which can be set up at home, on the street, and in a public place. In addition, in recent years it has become possible to access the Internet almost anywhere, for a fee or even without.

You will need

  • - laptop;
  • - access point (hotspot).


The easiest way to connect your laptop to a wireless network is to left-click on the icon at the bottom right of the screen. This icon becomes active when the laptop is within range of one or more networks. If the access point is publicly available, that is, free, then the connection occurs automatically. If the network is protected or there are many such networks, then a special key will be required to enter. After clicking the mouse, click the "Wireless Networks" button in the window that opens.

IN operating system Windows connection can be done through the "Network and Sharing Center", displayed on the screen when you select "Connect to a network" in the "Control Panel" through the "Start" start menu. Select your wireless network and click "Connect".

After the connection request, you will see a window asking you to enter private key. If you know it (for example, the owner of the network is your friend, or you are in your office), enter it and you can use the Internet. In public access points (train stations, airports, hotels, cafes) connection problems may occur. Or, if it is successful, you will not be able to access the Internet. In this case, launch your browser; sometimes it opens to the network's page, where you can see prices and learn about payment methods. If this does not help, contact the appropriate employee.

The access key is usually entered once. The next time you connect to this network, the system will “remember” the entered parameters and will automatically connect when you are in range.

Disconnecting from a wireless network is done using the reverse methods. Click the icon in the lower right corner of the screen, or go to the Connections window via Start and select Disconnect.

Video on the topic


Only large cities can boast of an abundance of access points.

Many hotspots (mostly hotels) use a card payment method. The user buys a card of a certain denomination and, when prompted, enters the key located under the protective layer.

Helpful advice

The presence of network protection is indicated by the image of a lock on its icon.


  • Internet Wi-Fi how to connect

Tip 8: How to connect your laptop to the Internet wirelessly

Mobile computers have built-in devices that allow you to work with Wi-Fi networks. This allows you to connect to the Internet without using network cables. This method allows you to maintain the mobility of your laptop.

You will need

  • - Wi-Fi router.


If you need to connect your laptop to the Internet within an apartment or house, then purchase a Wi-Fi router. This equipment unites several computers and laptops into a single local network, providing them with the ability to connect to the Internet. Visit your manufacturer's website mobile computer. Find out what types of Wi-Fi networks your adapter can work with.

Based on the data obtained, purchase a Wi-Fi router. Be sure to check which connector is used to connect the device to the server. These are usually LAN ports ( network cable) and DSL (telephone line). Connect the router to the power supply by installing it in the desired location. Do not hide the device in a closet or place it in the farthest corner. This may negatively affect the quality of the wireless network signal.

Connect the cable provided to you by your provider to the Internet (WAN) connector. To the LAN port, in turn, connect twisted pair. Plug its other end into the laptop's network card. Turn on the router and mobile computer.

Open the user manual for your network equipment. Find out what internal IP address this model uses. Enter this value into the URL bar of the browser previously launched on . Go to the Internet Settings menu after entering the device settings web interface.

Fill in the required fields in the menu that opens. It is better to use the parameters that you set when connecting your laptop directly to the Internet. Check that NAT and DHCP functions are active.

Save your Internet connection settings and go to Wireless Settings. Set the operating parameters of the wireless access point. Use modes supported by your mobile computer's wireless adapter. Save the router settings and reboot the equipment.

Disconnect the network cable from the laptop. Connect to your wireless network. Check its activity.

A router is a means of connecting an internal local network to the Internet using a special device - a router. Simply put, thanks to it, several computers can access the Internet simultaneously using one channel.

Most likely, this article will seem funny to many, but there are a lot of questions about paying for the Internet when using a Wi-Fi router. Very often, this question also sounds like this: “do I need to pay for Wi-Fi?” 🙂

It seems to me that these are two different questions. I'll enter:

  • Pay for the Internet if you have a Wi-Fi router installed.
  • And do you need to pay specifically for Wi-Fi?

So, I answer: if you installed a Wi-Fi router at home and connected the Internet to it from your Internet provider, then Of course you have to pay for the Internet. No, well, you don’t have to pay, and they’ll just turn it off for you. But for the fact that you use a Wi-Fi network, for using a Wi-Fi router no need to pay.

Most likely, you previously had the Internet connected directly to your computer. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what type of Internet: ADSL (via modem), regular Ethernet (network cable laid into the house), 3G/4G modem - none of this matters. You will have to pay for it, either with or without a router.

The whole trick of a Wi-Fi router is that it allows you to distribute this Internet to all your devices: computers, laptops, tablets, phones, etc. If, when connecting the Internet directly to the computer, we could use the Internet exclusively on the computer, then after installation router, the Internet will be on all your devices. By cable or Wi-Fi. You don't need to pay extra for this. We simply pay for the Internet according to the tariff of our Internet provider.

As for paying for using Wi-Fi, you don’t need to pay anything here. Unless you have to spend money on buying the Wi-Fi router itself.

If you have I will enter free wifi Internet in cafes, shops and other establishments, it is usually free for customers. But the Internet itself is paid for by the same owner of the store, restaurant, etc.


You need to pay for the Internet in any case, according to the tariff of your provider. There is no need to pay for Wi-Fi. If you still have any questions, ask in the comments.

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