
What does code 10 mean when installing the driver? Solving the error problem. Here is a list of possible reasons

In Device Manager you can often see error code 10 on
USB devices. It appears as an exclamation mark. IN
In most cases, this problem affects devices with internal memory,
However, this error can also occur on USB modems.

Below we will describe the most common ways to solve this problem.

Method 1 - Solving the USB Problem

Sometimes the system cannot allocate the amount of power to the device
which is necessary for its functioning, as a result of which there arises
error 10.

There is not enough food due to the fact that it is distributed over
other devices, and accordingly there is no place to allocate for a new one.

Therefore, if a card reader is installed on your PC, it must be disabled.
This can be done in two ways: hardware and software.
In the first case, you need to disconnect the device from motherboard.

ATTENTION: Remember to be careful when disconnecting devices from
motherboard, if you are not sure what you are disconnecting at this time
moment, it is not recommended to do this.

To programmatically disable the card reader, right-click
on the card reader in Device Manager and selecting Disable. After
To do this, it is recommended to reboot the system, however, in some cases
Just reconnect the desired drive.

Enough effective way, often found on thematic sites and YouTube.

Method 2 - code 10 (software solution)

If the first method does not work, there is no card reader or
ability to disable it, the problem may not be a lack of

Press the key combination "Win" + "R". In the “Run” window that appears
you need to enter the command: diskmgmt.msc

A window will open in front of you "Disk Management"- right window in the figure

Here you need to check whether the volume letter is assigned to the media, i.e. letter
C, D, E, etc.

  • Find the required media based on its size, name, label.

If a volume letter is not assigned, then the volume name will not be preceded by
letters, for example (E:).
In this case, this letter must be assigned.

To do this, right-click on the media and select “Edit”
drive letter or drive path."

  1. Next click the add button...
  2. Select "Assign a drive letter (A-Z)
  3. Select a letter, and the first unoccupied one will be immediately installed.
  4. Click OK to confirm
  5. Click OK again

After this, the error should be resolved.

However, this method will not work for 3G and 4G USB modems, since
modem has its own virtual drive, and there may also be
built-in slot for MicroSD drives.

From this we can conclude that the problem lies not in nutrition, but in
an error caused by a conflict at the software level. It arises due to
In addition, a card reader is another device that includes several
devices, most often four, and, accordingly, redundant for all
components the required number of letters.

This device cannot start - CODE 10

From time to time, every user of the Windows operating system
encounters errors. Some of them are more common than others, some
more complex than others, but the built-in Windows tools are not
help solve any of these problems.

One of the most common mistakes I've encountered
Almost every user of operating systems from Microsoft,
is error code 10. This error often occurs when installing or launching Dr. Web, as well as when setting up a network adapter.

If this error occurs, it is impossible to start the treated device, and the problem arises both with
USB devices, for example, wi-fi adapters, flash drives, modems, and
with video and sound cards.

Why does error code 10 occur?

You will never be able to determine the exact cause the first time.
an error occurs on the connected device. The reason is that by
At its core, the code and name of the error only indicate the occurrence of
certain problem - the device cannot be started, and
possible, but not about the possible sources of this error. That's why
the user has to figure out for himself what exactly happened.

Here is the list possible reasons:

  1. There are no drivers for the device;
  2. Already installed ones transmit error data to the operating system, which cannot decrypt it on its side;
  3. Identification data and other information located on the device and necessary for its operation are not transferred to Windows;

It is important to note that error 10 does not only occur on the first connection.
and defining a new device in the system, but in the process of working with an already
a known device or the next time it is connected. From here we do
conclusion that the main cause of this error is
drivers, or rather their absence or incorrect installation.

Fixing error code 10 - port not found

Thus, to fix the error code 10 port not found, you need to do:

  1. Open the “device manager” by right-clicking on “Start” and selecting the appropriate item in the window;
  2. Check all the required sections in the device manager and find the device with the error. It is marked with a yellow triangle with
    exclamation point;
  3. Right-click on the problematic device and select “Properties”;
  4. In the window that opens, go to the “Driver” tab and click “Update Driver”. You can search for the driver on the Internet using the item
    “Automatically search for updated drivers”, and it will download and install automatically. If the computer already has the required
    driver, then select “Search for drivers on this computer”;

If the search does not produce results, then the best solution will download the driver from the official website of the device manufacturer and install it;

Installing and updating drivers most often allows you to fix the “this device cannot start” error code 10.

Attention: Incorrect installation of drivers will not resolve the error.

Also, if updating drivers for an already working device caused it to
failure and error 10 occurs, then the manufacturer’s website is recommended
or download more from other trusted resources old version drivers.

In the event that the installation suitable version drivers didn't help
To resolve error code 10, then here are some more general tips:

  1. Reset the registry to standard settings;
  2. Connect the problematic device to another computer;
  3. If there are several connectors for connection of this device, for example, if the problem is with the USB drive, then change the connection port,
    perhaps it is not the device that has failed, but the port;
  4. If the problem occurs after installing any drivers on your PC, then remove them. For example, the chipset driver was updated, but after that it did not
    If the discrete video card is working, then you need to remove the chipset driver;
  5. The error may occur due to incompatibility of the connected device
    and the current version of the operating system. In this case it may help
    reinstalling the operating system;

If the device worked until recently, but at the same time
no changes have been made to drivers or operating systems, or
it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the causes of the error, then
do Windows recovery from the control point.

It is difficult to say for sure how many people encounter errors in Device Manager. However, anything can happen, especially given the latest changes. Now we are talking about users of an operating system that has already been discontinued. This will not only cause more and more errors to appear, but will also affect the security of the system. You need to carefully monitor the state of the registry and constantly clean and correct it. If one fine day you still receive a message that this device cannot be started “code 10”, then let’s figure out how to fix the problem.

Some general useful information

The device manager performs many functions, which ones can be understood from the name. In fact, the error can be anything, and in all cases a code is indicated that indicates exactly where the problem is and where it came from. Device Manager contains a huge amount of information. Here you can enable or disable certain systems on your computer, configure settings, and much more. You need to understand that if everything works fine, then you will not see any errors. When the drivers were not downloaded from the official website or the antivirus database is outdated, you are not surprised that you are unable to launch the game, listen to music, etc. But let’s talk specifically about our case, since we are interested in “code 10” . It is worth noting right away that this error does not appear due to viruses, so do not sin on protecting your computer, it is better to follow the instructions that will be given below.

The device cannot be started: “code 10”

As for the occurrence of errors, most often these are incorrectly installed drivers. As noted above, to avoid such problems, it is better to always use the official website, then you will definitely not get a virus or a “crooked” version of the driver for a particular device. This code, which is generated by the device manager, means that the program cannot be launched. First of all, we check our firewall, which for unknown reasons can block access to the device; it can even be disabled for a while. It is worth immediately noting that this error you can get it for both the video card and for, etc. But all this only means that there is a problem with the system, or there is something wrong with the drivers, or they are not installed at all. To understand the reason in more detail, you need to dig deeper. To do this, go to the device manager, since this is where we will spend the next half hour of our time.

We are trying to update the drivers

So, before you panic, you need to follow these steps. Go to device manager. Opposite the faulty element there will be a yellow triangle indicating the presence of a fault. To do this, we need to do a few simple manipulations. First, go to devices and look for a tab called “Properties”. This is exactly what we need. Click and see the line “Update driver”. There are several current options here. Or we will use a rollback to previous version and further upgrade to the latest one, or simply provide the operating system with the correct path to the driver and begin updating it.

Here you will need an Internet connection. If this method for one reason or another does not suit you, then go to the official website of the device, for example your video card, and download the most “fresh” driver from there.

Automatic troubleshooting

Fortunately, Microsoft has made sure that life is a little easier for users of their operating systems. For this purpose, automatic troubleshooting services have been created that work in offline mode. Most often, this method is applicable for hardware devices that, for one reason or another, are not detected or are displayed incorrectly. We won’t talk about why this happens, it’s better to say how to fix the problem. We start the service, follow the instructions, and upon completion we will see the result.

Let's look at this using the example of a flash card that is connected via a USB port. Let's say it is displayed incorrectly or is not visible at all. If so, you will be prompted to run USB diagnostics. The program itself will try to find it and, if possible, the problem will be fixed. By the way, this kind of service is not used on Windows 8, so users of this operating system will have to do everything manually.

Contact technical support

Let's say our video card driver doesn't work. Even after installation last update you were unable to get it to work correctly. In this case, you should contact support. The ticket should be written in as much detail as possible; it is also not recommended to be rude to company employees. You should write that you receive the following message: “This device cannot start, “code 10”.” After this, it is advisable to indicate what you tried to do to resolve the problem. In this case, there is a chance that they will help you with practical advice or some kind of patch or fix. I would like to note that this code indicates possible driver incompatibility in the system. Additional software, which may conflict with a particular file.

Damaged, outdated or incompatible drivers

It is not worth repeating once again that this type of malfunction occurs most often. Let's see what can be done to solve the problem. To do this, it is advisable to go to the “Control Panel”, and then to the “Center” Windows updates" We are trying to update our drivers from here. If the error disappears, great; if not, don’t panic. You also need to make sure that your operating system is compatible with those drivers that have failed. If everything is good, we move on, if not, then download another platform, for example, x32 or x64, x86. If we are dealing with damage that could have occurred due to a virus or malfunction of an antivirus program, then it is advisable to completely remove the driver and then install it from the official website. This should resolve the error. If this does not help, then we are looking for another solution.

Software is to blame

It is quite possible that the lack of necessary updates operating system. You need to understand that this also includes software that is directly related to stability Windows operation. In this case, you need to download the update package for your OS. This is quite easy to do. You need to go to and then select “Windows Update”. It is advisable to check the box under automatic upgrade, for example, do this once a week. Thus, if there is an Internet connection, the computer itself will download necessary files, which should eliminate error code 10. The same applies to individual devices. For example, it is recommended to periodically update the driver for sound card realtek ac 97, since modern games may not support older versions. It's the same with a video card. Please ensure that your antivirus program did not block update requests, as this occurs quite often.

Correcting the registry using software

A broken system is another option why “code 10” occurs when you try to launch a certain application that requires the operation of this device. You can fix the registry using: special software, and manually. If you are just starting to use a computer, then you will be better off using special programs that will do everything for you. To do this, you need to install them and select the disk to scan. Although it is better if you check the entire hard drive for faults. Pay special attention to the disk where the operating system is located, since this is where broken files are often hidden.

Manual editing

As for trying to do everything yourself, without programs, then, in principle, there is nothing particularly difficult here. First of all, go to “Start”, then “Run”. This can also be done by pressing the Windows + R hotkeys. There is one important point here. Before you fix or replace anything, create backup copy registry We will need it to restore the system in case something goes wrong. In the line, enter the word regedit and press enter. After this you will see HKEY_LOCAL\control\class. After you press enter, strings of numbers and letters for each device will appear. If there is an inscription “code 10” opposite any of them, then this needs to be corrected. To do this, you need to find the GUID. It is located in the UpperFilter section.


I would like to summarize everything that was said in this article. As you can see, there are many reasons why you can get an error in the form “This device cannot be started “code 10”.” There can also be many solutions to this problem, depending on where it actually comes from. But there are several general points that will help you avoid such an unpleasant misunderstanding. For example, download special program, which will monitor the status of your drivers, and absolutely the entire system. As soon as it comes out a new version, you will be notified about this. The program can be configured so that it downloads the necessary drivers itself, which is even more convenient. You essentially don't have to do anything.

You can also advise setting the optimal antivirus settings; it is advisable to use proven programs that have already proven themselves. As for Windows Update, this is optional. As practice shows, updates are often quite voluminous, but mostly useless, and only in 40% of cases do they solve the problem when the system gives an error stating that this device cannot be started “code 10”. That's all I would like to say on this topic. The main thing is to understand that in any case there is a way out, the device can be started if you know how, and you already know how to do it.

Sometimes when trying to use a flash drive, mouse or any other gadget that is connected when USB help, an error occurs: the device cannot be started with Code 10.

In some cases, to see it, you need to go to the “Dispatcher” and, again, open it in the section "Network adapters". This is done using a search.

Let's look at all the ways that can help solve this error.


Method number 1. Restart

Often they help to the utmost in solving a problem. simple ways, and more specifically:

  • Remove the flash drive or other device from USB port and reinsert it. Often minor system conflicts prevent the drive from being easily detected by the PC. This is especially true for other operating systems older than the G8.
  • Insert the storage medium into another port. It also happens that this particular port has stopped working correctly. This does not necessarily mean that there are any serious problems with it. It happens. After a while, try using that port again.

Of course, it is best if this procedure is successful and they are found on the Internet.

In this case, you will only have to follow the installer’s instructions to launch them and continue to safely use yours, and so on.

If you can’t find them, you will need to do it yourself.

“But where can I find them?”

They are usually stored on the servers of your equipment manufacturer. You can find them on official websites.

When they are found, in the window shown in Figure 4, select the second option, "Search for drivers on this computer". If the downloaded files are suitable, they will be installed.

Method No. 3. Working with the registry

Also, sometimes situations arise when some residual or simply malfunctioning files prevent it from starting normally.

In this case, it's best. The easiest way to do this is using CCleaner.

Step by step this process as follows:

  • Download and install CCleaner (link) on your PC or laptop. Launch it. Go to the Registry tab on the left.
  • Place marks wherever this can be done in the column "Registry Integrity".
  • Click the "Search for Problems" button. This process will start. It will take a little time for it to end.
  • Click on the “Fix…” button - then it will become available.

You can perform this task using large quantity others good programs. For example, there is . Its use even simpler:

1 Launch the program. Go to the tab Cleaning and optimization up.

2 At the bottom, check the box next to Cleaning the registry.

3 Press the button Start in the middle. Cleaning will begin. It usually doesn't take much time either.

Method number 4. Renaming a flash drive

If we are talking about , it is likely that the system is simply already registered with the same name. Because of this, of course, conflict arises.

Therefore, it is logical that it is advisable to change the letter. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to "Control Panel" and choose there "Administration".

Clue: If this section is not visible, install « Small icons» in the upper right corner. Then everything will fall into place.

  1. In the window that opens, select "Computer Management". To open this program, you need to double-click on it.

"Computer Management" in the "Administration" section

  1. From the menu on the left, click "Disk Management". On your flash drive, which is not detected, right-click. In the drop-down menu, click "Change letter...".

  1. In the new window you need to click the “Change…” button again.
  2. Next, all you have to do is select the desired letter next to the inscription “Assign a drive letter (A-Z)” and click "OK".

After that, remove it from the PC and reinsert it. Everything should work well.

If nothing helps, write about it in the comments.

Sometimes it also helps to disable the antivirus before. This is explained in the video below.

When connecting a device to a computer, for example, a mouse, users may encounter an error that the device cannot start (code 10). This error can also occur without connecting new equipment, but after performing a Windows update.

The cause of error code 10 may be:

  • Lack of drivers or installed drivers not suitable for this device model
  • Presence of errors in the Windows registry
  • Operating system failure

But most often, error code 10 occurs when a device is faulty, or there are errors or driver malfunctions. To resolve the error and restore the device to functionality, you need to perform a number of actions.

Is the device working?

First you need to make sure that the device is working properly. If this peripheral device, such as a mouse or webcam, then try connecting it to another computer port, or better yet, to another computer or laptop. If the device is working properly, then move on

device Manager

Launch Device Manager (Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager). In the list provided, find the connected device that is generating the error. Most likely, there will be an exclamation mark next to it, which indicates that the device is not working correctly. We remove it from the device manager by selecting the appropriate item context menu by right-clicking the mouse.

We reinstall the device by updating the hardware configuration (by clicking on the corresponding item in the “Action” menu):

After this, the system will try to reconfigure the connected device and install the driver on it.

If the system could not correctly recognize the device or select the appropriate driver for it, then it should be done manually. To do this, download latest version drivers for connected equipment from the official website. Make sure that the driver is suitable for your model, be it a mouse or LAN card. Do not use drivers downloaded from third-party resources, they may not be suitable for you or may have errors and built-in viruses.

If the downloaded driver cannot install itself (there is no setup.exe), then unpack its archive and install it manually. To do this, right-click on the device and select “Update drivers...”. Select “Search for drivers on this computer” and then follow the wizard’s instructions.

Usually after installation updated driver the problem with error 10 will be resolved. If not, then move on to the next stage.

Windows Updates

If you don't regularly update your operating system, now is the time to do it. Released updates for Windows allow you to maintain stable and secure operation of the system, and ensure normal interaction of all computer devices with the system. On the other hand, if a problem with the device appeared after updating Windows, then you should run.

Registry check

Additionally, you need to check the system registry for errors. To find and correct errors in the registry, you should use special utilities eg CCleaner.

If no software manipulations allow you to restore the functionality of the device, then you should check the functionality of the connectors into which the equipment is connected. We know that the device is working fine, it works fine on another computer, but we are not sure that the computer's port is also working. Therefore, we connect another gadget to the computer and check the port.

If the other device works fine, then the problem is not with the hardware, but with the drivers or the operating system. Perhaps in that case.
If you connect internal organization, and for example a network card, then try installing it in a different slot. Often such a simple rearrangement allows you to restore work. In this case, the cause of the malfunction may be either poor contact or a malfunction of the slot controller.

If you experience problems with Internet access or local network, then the first thing you should check is network adapter. If in the device manager there is an exclamation mark on it and in the properties it says “This device cannot be started code 10,” then it is immediately clear who the culprit is.

In this article we will tell you what it means this message in the properties of the network adapter, as well as what to do to restore the network and Internet on the computer.

What does “This device cannot start code 10” mean on the network adapter?

Typically, this message appears on the network card after a strong surge in the electrical network, a sudden shutdown of the computer, or after a thunderstorm. In all these cases, with a 99% probability we can talk about the complete failure of the device and the need to replace it. But first things first, because before removing the network card, you can try to revive it in several ways.

Error "This device cannot start code 10"

What should I do to restore the Internet?

The first step is to try reinstalling the network adapter driver. To do this, go to the device manager by right-clicking on the “Computer” icon on the desktop or in the “Start” menu and selecting “Computer Management” in the submenu that opens.

Go to computer management

Select “Device Manager” at the top left.

Go to Device Manager from the Computer Management window

In the list that opens, find your network adapter. It will be marked with a yellow exclamation point. Right-click on it and select “Delete” and agree to the warning about deleting the device.

Removing a network card in Device Manager

If your network card displays “Code 10” again, this means that it has completely failed and only installing a new network card will help restore the Internet on your computer.

If the network card is displayed as a device for which drivers are not installed, then you need to install them. Usually they are present on the disk from the motherboard. If it is not there, then the driver needs to be found on the Internet on the official website.

If the network card is installed as a separate board, then the driver is determined on the Internet by the device code (hardware ID).

ID code used to search for a device driver on the Internet

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