
What is Alipay and what is it used for? How to register and use an Alipay wallet for payment on Aliexpress What is an Alipay account on Aliexpress

For a long time, Alipay remained an inaccessible service for foreigners. Now the situation has changed, but not all Internet users know what to do with it. Many people find this app more confusing than WeChat. However, mastering it is not that difficult.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the application is only partially translated into English. Some of it still remains in Chinese. Therefore, for those who do not know either language, mastering the application may not be so easy.

By the way, it is worth noting that if you have used the Taobao application at least once, then your Alipay account has already been created automatically. It is created without your effort, immediately after the user enters the section called “payment details”. So, if you have already purchased on Tao, then just download the Alipay application, enter your phone number and verify.

All payment services will be available immediately after this. But not everyone uses Taobao. If you have not used this service, then these simple registration instructions will be useful to you.

1. Download the app

The very first step is to download the application or 支付宝 (zhifubao). You can download it for both iPhone and Android. Both options are convenient and understandable.

2. Register

The next important point is account registration. This is also not as difficult as it seems. In order to register in the application, you just need to switch to a clear language and go through simple registration steps.

Registration is easy even for those who do not know English well. To register, you need to switch from Chinese. This is done by clicking on one button in the right corner at the top of the screen. Then, after selecting English, a panel and a “More” button appear at the bottom. You need to click on it. Select “Sign up” and register, linking your number to the account you are creating. This is a required step. You need to select the correct region, enter the numbers and wait for a message containing a code confirming the registration of a new account in the application. These numbers need to be entered in the pop-up window. If you don’t receive the code, you can try sending the request again, but usually, if the number is entered correctly, everything works out the first time. Now you need to enter your password. That's it, registration is done.

3. Master the menu

After registration, each user is taken to the main menu. There are many possibilities here. Using this application you can pay both offline and in online stores. It is also possible to do online transfers other users can pay for various services such as taxis or food delivery.

There is no point in using all the services at once. Then you’ll figure it out, and you’ll be able to move the frequently used ones higher, and delete those that you don’t use at all. This is done in one motion: you need to click on the icon that looks like 4 squares, and then select Edit. After this, you can do all the necessary manipulations with the icons. If you click on the plus button, the service will go to the frequently used section. It is very comfortable. A minus sign above an icon allows you to remove it. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

4. Link your Chinese card

The next important step is linking a bank card. This can be done at any time, but it is more convenient immediately after installation. Binding is very simple. You need to click on the “Me” button. It is located at the bottom of the screen. This is the menu that gives access to your profile. Here you need to select the “My Cards” item. All bank cards linked to your account will be located here. Enter your card information and six-digit password.

Attention!!! It is impossible to link a foreign bank card! You can pay using AliPay only within China. In countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, etc., only Chinese people can pay via Alipay if they have an identification number attached.

5. Check your balance

The balance in the application is replenished from any of the linked cards. You can check how much money is in your account by clicking the “Limit” button. It is located at the top of the screen in the right corner. If there is no money, or there is not enough money to make a purchase, you need to click the Top Up button. The extra money won't go to waste. They can be brought back to the map at any time by clicking on “Withdraw”.

6. Use every day

Now let's move on to using the application. In China you can use it absolutely everywhere. Simply scan the code offered by the seller and confirm payment. Payment for purchases in a supermarket, food delivery or taxi ride occurs in the same way.

By the way, many people think that Alipay is an application only for locals and foreigners cannot use it. But this is far from true. For foreigners, due to the lack of a Chinese ID card, there are certain restrictions, but in everyday life you are unlikely to notice them.

7. Confirm your identity!!!

All Alipay users who simply registered on the app but did not verify their identity are slightly limited in using its various functions. To use it to its fullest, you need to apply for identity confirmation on the official website of the application.

First, you need to click on the blue button in the center of the screen and enter the password you created in advance along with your login in the two windows provided.

On the top panel you need to select the third tab. You will be redirected to the page with your account. You need to select the first menu. There you can choose a method for verifying your identity. At this stage, you can either use scans of your passport or scan it using a camera. Fill in the information about your card, confirm that the data entered is correct by clicking the blue button below.

There is a catch here: if you do not have a foreign passport and a stamp confirming that you were in China no later than six months ago, the system will refuse to verify your account. But it will still be possible to use at least limited capabilities.

The next page that will open is a field for entering information about your identity. Enter your passport details and add two scans. They must be of the highest quality so that the system can recognize them. After this, you need to press the button below again to confirm the data entry. If you did not make an error at any stage, a message will appear in a yellow frame, which will indicate that the information has been received and is being processed.

The Alipay payment system is a Chinese analogue of our popular Webmoney, Paypal and the like. The main advantage of this system is that it is well integrated with AliExpress service. At the same time, the system has several advantages over others similar to it. So, in this article, we will figure out how to register on Alipay.

A few words about the system

Right away, for those who doubt why Alipay is needed at all, if there are other options for how to pay for goods on AliExpress, we will tell you about the advantages of this system.

  1. The ability to link bank cards to your account, which greatly simplifies the purchase.
  2. Refunds in case of canceled transactions are much faster than in other payment systems.
  3. Since Alipay and AliExpress are owned by the same company, AliExpress often runs all sorts of promotions and gives discounts to those who pay via Alipay. A small but nice bonus.

For more information about the system, watch the video review:


To get started, you need to have a registered account on the AliExpress website. If you are interested in paying for goods from this site, then most likely you have it. Go to home page AliExpress, hover over the pop-up menu at the top right and select “My Alipay”.

You will then be redirected to the payment system page itself. First of all, you can change the language, which is English by default. You can do this in the top right by hovering over “English” - the name of the default language, and selecting the desired language.

After you enter everything that is required of you, click on the green button and check your email - a confirmation email should be sent to it any minute. When you see a letter in your inbox, open it and follow the link inside.

If the letter suddenly does not arrive, try waiting a few minutes; if this does not help, click the “Resend confirmation” button.

After confirming the address Email you will move to the next stage of registration. Here you are required to enter personal data - gender, name, date of birth and citizenship. In addition, you also need to provide an identification document and enter its code. If you live in Russia, then in fact you have two options available to you - a passport or a driver’s license.

Below there will be fields where you will be asked to enter your address, including postcode and mobile phone.

There is a “Landline phone” field here, which may seem unnecessary to you, because now few people have landline phones. But the field is required, so if you don’t have such a phone, enter your mobile number again.

Then you need to come up with a password for Alipay. It cannot be whatever you want - you cannot use letters in it, only numbers, and these numbers must be at least six, they must not be in order and must be repeated no more than three times.

In this way, Alipay ensures security from hackers, because you will be transferring your money into the system.

After that, select three security questions from those proposed and write the answers to them. Don't forget that the answers to these questions should be simple and understandable to you. The point is not that you remember them, but that you know them. The system warns you about case sensitivity: pay attention to where you put capital letters and where you put lowercase letters.

You will then be kindly notified that the account has been created. You can now use Alipay services.

To remove restrictions on your account, you are asked to verify your identity immediately. It’s better not to put it off until later, but to do it right away - then you will have access to many more options when paying.

First of all, the payment limit will become much higher - and this is very important if you regularly make purchases on AliExpress. In addition, the security level of your account will also increase.

Click on “Go check my identity.” You will see the words “Upload an image of your document” and below is a list of documents that can be used to verify your identity. You can choose either a passport or a driver's license - just like during the registration process.

If you are going to enclose your passport, please note that you need to scan not only the main photo page, but also the cover. In the case of a driver’s license, you scan both sides and upload the files. If it is not possible to scan documents, you can simply take a photo, just make sure that the photos are of good quality.

Working with Alipay

Let's move on to the payment process itself. To link a card to Alipay, click on the card icon on the main page of your account.

Editing cards will open, where you will be informed that you do not have a card yet and will offer to add one.

Click "Add Card" and go to the Add Card page. Here, enter all the information about the card: its number, expiration date, security code, which is located on the back of the card, and the name of the owner. The billing address will be filled in automatically if you have already ordered something from AliExpress, otherwise enter a new one. Then enter the Alipay password you created when you registered and click "Save this card."

Ready! Now the card is linked to your Alipay account, and when paying for goods on AliExpress, you can pay through this payment system. If you wish, you can unbind this card or link another one in the future.

Now you know how to register on Alipay, as well as how to verify your identity and link your card to your account. This does not require complex actions, but in the future it will greatly simplify your life.

In this article we will talk about what Alipay is on Aliexpress and why it is needed.

How to log into Alipay account on Aliexpress?

Login to your account Alipay you can only from an account on Aliexpress. The transition to the system is exactly the same as we already described above:

  • Hover your mouse over the button "My Aliexpress"
  • Next in the list, click "My Alipay"

  • On the main page of the system, select the large blue button in the center of the screen

  • The system will ask you to log in to your page Aliexpress. Enter your login information and confirm authorization

That's all! Now you will find yourself in your personal account Alipay.

How to recover the password for Alipay on Aliexpress?

  • There are situations when users forget passwords to log in and confirm transactions. Restoration is possible using this link.
  • In the window, try to enter the username and password that you remember. If you can’t log in, then click "Forgot your password?". The go button is located under the login data entry window.
  • In the new window, enter your email and captcha, and then click on the yellow button below.

Now you need to log into your mailbox and follow the link in the letter. Then follow the system instructions and recover your password.

How to save a bank card on Alipay for Aliexpress?

So, you’ve decided to pay for your purchases using Aliexpress on the same card and, in order to indicate the data each time, we decided to save it in the system. To do this, log in Alipay and on the main page click on the bank card icon.

  • A list of available cards will be displayed on a new page. If you don't have one, then it will be empty. Click "Add card" to load data into the system.

  • A form will open for you to fill out. Enter the sample data and save the result.

  • After this, the card will be saved and you can pay with it on Aliexpress without having to enter data every time.

How to remove a card from Alipay to Aliexpress?

If you want to remove your card from Aliexpress, for example, it has expired or you decide to use another one, then go to the page with the list of available cards, as described above and click the button next to the unnecessary card "Delete". Confirm the decision and the card will be erased.

How to top up Alipay account for Aliexpress?

As we have already said, from the beginning of 2017 the system stopped working with Aliexpress. To be more precise, in general it can be used to save and delete bank cards, but you won’t be able to top up your account and pay for purchases from it.

Video: What is the Alipay wallet on Aliexpress and what is it for?

First, let's figure it out what is Alipay wallet and what we will talk about today.

Today we will look at registration and use (what is it for, what is good and what is bad) of the Alipay wallet payment system, created for paying for goods and services on and In fact, this system can also accept payments. But it is unlikely that you will sell anything on the Chinese domestic market, so I will not consider this possibility Alipay in this article.
Perhaps many of you are already planning to close the page. Like, why do we need such happiness? We can buy on Aliexpress without your Alipay, and we do this regularly and without any problems. But, looking ahead, I will still say that there are at least THREE advantages of using Alipay. And personally, although not immediately, I saw these advantages, and now I use this system for purchases on Aliexpress, which I recommend to you. However, first things first...

Registration in Alipay

Let's start with the registration process. To register for Alipay, you need to go to aliexpress and select my aliexpress (1) - My Alipay (2) (or my Alipay if you use aliexpress in English)

The system will ask you to enter your login (3) and password (4) that you use on aliexpress. Your wallet alipay always linked to an aliexpress account. Enter your login (3) , password (4) and click on the login button (5) .

And you are immediately prompted to open an Alipay wallet. To agree, just click on the button of the same name (6) .

For ease of registration, you can switch the language to Russian (7). Login (8) (E-mail used in your Aliexpress account) has already been entered. All you have to do is enter the verification code (captcha) from the picture (9) .

Before clicking on the confirm email and continue registration button (11) , do not forget to click on user agriment (user agreement) (10) and read it carefully. Although, why am I saying this! Most won't do it anyway. Moreover, despite the selected Russian language, the user agreement remains in English.
And yet, in order not to keep everyone lazy in the dark, I will post under the spoiler the main points that may be interesting and useful to us. So to speak, a squeeze, an extract of the agreement.


1.1 You register with Alipay, thereby agreeing to all points. If you do not agree, you must stop the registration process.
1.2 The Agreement is subject to change at any time without notice, and current version will be located on the website and will be valid from the moment of publication.
1.3 All possible branches of Alibaba groups are listed to which certain types of Alipay services can be transferred for execution.
2.1 This Alipay can ONLY be used to pay and accept payments on AliExpress and Alibaba (which I talked about at the very beginning of the article).
2.2 If you deleted your Alibaba (Aliexpress) account or were banned there, then you can no longer use Alipay services.
2.3 Alipay may require a bunch of documents and statements from you in order to make sure that you are you and not someone else. And they undertake to use all provided item dockets strictly in accordance with the Transaction Services Agreement.
2.4 During the registration process, you will be asked to attach a payment card and you authorize Alipay to verify it.
3.1 You are responsible for the safety of your login and password.
3.2 You must not transfer your login and password to third parties. And if your login and password are stolen from you and cause some harm to the Alipay system, then you will have to pay for it (oh, how they bent it!).
3.3 If you represent an organization (and your login and password will be used by your employees on your behalf), then you bear the same responsibility as in the paragraph above.
4. To be honest, I didn’t really understand what they meant. But it seems that when you use Alipay services, when any other agreements are listed on the screen, you must read them and follow them too.
5.1 You must be honest and obey the laws.
5.2 You must provide only truthful information when registering and using Alipay.
5.3 You will not use Alipay to commit illegal activities.
5.4 You are responsible for (and pay for) any taxes and duties that may be imposed by the authorized authorities of your country in connection with the use of Alipay.
6. You agree to Alipay's privacy policy, according to which Alipay will store and use your confidential information.
7. Alipay can at any time limit the provision of services to you, introduce any limits, and even simply block you completely if it seems to them that you can harm them with your actions.
8. You agree to compensate for any damages that Alipay may cause through your actions. And they agree to protect you as much as possible.
9. Natural disasters and other force majeure events are listed, as a result of which Alipay may become unavailable, and you agree not to hold any grudge against them for this (and not to demand compensation).
10.1 You assume all risks.
10.2 Alipay is not responsible for ANYTHING!
10.3 The Services are provided "as is", with all interruptions and errors that may occur.
10.4 Once again, Alipay and all its affiliates are not responsible if you suffer any losses because of them.
11. Alipay is subject to the jurisdiction of Singapore and all courts and other proceedings will be conducted only in accordance with the laws of Singapore.
12. Nothing interesting.

Now we know what Alipay offers us. And we can safely close the browser to continue registration. To do this, click on the button (11) and proceed to confirm your email.
We check our mail and see there a letter with a link to confirm your email (12) , which we must click on.

If for some reason we cannot do this, then copy the link in the letter below, paste it into the browser window, and follow it.
A registration window opens (indicating personal data).

All fields in the form are required. You won't be able to miss anything.
It is better to fill them out in Latin letters, since the system is foreign.
(13) - select gender (male or female)
(14) - First and Last Name (no patronymic required).
(15) - Date of Birth
(16) - Citizenship. This field is selected once and cannot be changed.
(17) - Type of document (yes, you must indicate the document when registering). Choose a passport.
(18) - Series and document number
Next comes the address. The application form does not indicate whether they need a registration address or a residential address. Written contact details. This means we indicate the address of residence.
(19) - Address (in this field - street and house number)
(20) - City
(21) - Region
(22) - A country
(23) - Index
(24) - Mobile phone number (needed for verification, enter the correct number)
(25) - City phone number (the field is required, so if there is no landline phone number, then indicate your mobile phone again).
(26) - "Next" button. Click after filling out all the points in the form.
And now we are asked to come up with a password and set up options for restoring access, indicating three answers to three security questions.
(27) - enter and confirm the password. Recently it has been 6 digits. Why such a weak password, you may be indignant? I will answer. You will not be able to log into your alipay account without entering your aliexpress login and password (and this is a password consisting of symbols and numbers of any length). This means you are already protected. And this six-digit digital password will only be needed to confirm the payment itself, and some other actions in the account.
(28) - We answer the security questions we have chosen. Only three pieces.

(29) - We agree to the terms of use of Alipay (which, by the way, are also in English, and which most will not read, so again you can look under the spoiler)


1. Alipay is needed to pay for goods on Aliexpress and Alibaba (as if you haven’t told us about this yet).
2.1 You can store money in your Alipay account.
2.2 Alipay will not tell anyone how much money you have in your account.
2.3 Alipay may require documents for verification. Without verification, you cannot have more than $500 in your account, and your purchase cannot be more than $500. And after verification, the limit is raised to $5,000.
2.4 Alipay may introduce limits with or without reason.
2.5 You will not receive any benefit for storing your funds in your Alipay account (no interest accrues).
3.1 And again, you can spend money from your account only on purchases on Alibaba and Aliexpress. But Alipay may limit the number of purchases made from your account (on what basis is this, I wonder?)
3.2 Credit funds are not provided. All transactions can be paid only in the amount of funds in the account (there is no partial payment either).
3.3 You are responsible for your account and account and must report immediately if anything happens to your account.
3.4 Alipay is not responsible for the quality and legality of the goods you purchase.
3.5 Cash cannot be withdrawn.
4. In some cases, you have the right to a refund for your purchase, and you choose where to return it (to where you paid from, or to your Alipay account).
5.1 The contact information in your account should always be up to date. If AliPay finds out that the data is outdated and (or) false, your account will be suspended.
5.2 All kinds of money laundering and other fraud are prohibited.
6.1 You must not provide false information, use the account for illegal activities or for gambling (I wonder how this can be done?), behave in a way that will open many disputes against you and violate the user agreement.
6.2 If Alipay suspects you of any of the above, your account will be blocked and the money will be detained for up to 180 days, and legal measures may also be taken against you.
6.2.1 If your account is suspended, after 180 days the remaining balance will be available in your bank account.
7 Alipe is not responsible for anything.
8 If the account is not used for 12 months, it will be considered inactive and closed. And the available balance can be used to pay administrative costs associated with your account.
9 Alipay may change the agreement without warning you. But it will always be available on the Alipay website in the current version.
10. This agreement can only be interpreted in terms of the laws of Singapore and in no other way. All disputes and courts are also in Singapore.

And then comes the important point numbered (30) . We are offered to receive all refunds (except for payments by bank cards) to an Alipay account. On the one hand, this is very convenient, but on the other, it is not. You can check this item right away, or you can leave it for later. You can change this decision at any time. We will look at this process in more detail later (I will tell you what the pros and cons of receiving refunds to an Alipay account are). Now we just press the button (31) and complete the registration process.

This completes the registration process. We are offered: (32) - verify your account or (33) - go to our account.
Let's first look at the verification process. It is not necessary to undergo verification immediately. You can do this at any time. But since we are offered to go through verification first, then at a minimum, I must say a few words about this. Click on (32) and we get to a page where we are asked to upload up to five photographs of different documents confirming that you are you, and not an attacker who wants to impersonate you to further his dirty dealings

Button (34) allows you to select up to five documents (weighing a maximum of 5MB each), and the button (35) allows you to send them for verification. And, as the Alipay administration promises us, your level of security will increase as well as your payment limits (which I mentioned in the agreement).
Samples of documents (in what perspective and what documents) are attached. Please note that the passport cover must also be attached to the passport page with the photo. A driver's license must be scanned or photographed on both sides.

It is up to you to decide whether to undergo verification or not. The limit of $500 per purchase is enough for me, which means there is no special point for me in going through verification.

Alipay account. Settings.

Let's return to our account (button (33) in the previous screenshot or the Alipay logo in the upper left corner) and let’s see what’s in it:

(36) - account status. The icon means that the account is not verified. Click on the icon (36) takes us to the verification process we just covered.
(37) - number confirmation mobile phone. The procedure is fast, simple and free. A digital code is sent via SMS to your phone number, which you will need to enter in a special window.


(42) - look for your country code in the drop-down list and select it. Sorting - by country name. Russia - will begin with the letter R. Enter the phone number.
(43) - press the button and receive an SMS message with a code, which we enter in the window that appears. That's it, the phone is verified. You may need it to recover your password or access your account.

(38) - Profile. It displays all the information about you, and also allows you to enable or disable the acceptance of returns to your Alipay account, which I previously promised to talk about in more detail.

Read more about returning payments to your Alipay account under the spoiler.


The screenshot above shows the status when accepting returns to your Alipay account is enabled. Button (44) suggests turning it off. And in the next screenshot, on the contrary, accepting returns to the Alipay account is disabled, and the button (45) offers to connect it.

Before deciding whether you need to enable this option or not, I suggest you read the following information.
First, why accept returns? Those who actively buy on Aliexpress (and not only on it) know that often the transaction does not go very smoothly, and it happens when the seller does not send you the goods (due to its absence), or sends the goods with a defect, and then makes a partial return , in order to compensate for this defect, or the product is simply lost in the postal spaces of your homeland or the seller’s homeland. Or, for example, you bought a product, but quickly changed your mind (before sending the product). In most such cases, the seller (voluntarily or under duress from the AliExpress administration) makes a partial or full refund. Usually the money goes back to where it was paid from. And this process can take a very long time (sometimes it lasts for months). Enabling the option to receive refunds to your Alipay account allows you to receive your refund literally within 1-3 days. But only on the condition that you paid not with a bank card, but through WebMoney, Western Union or another method approved by Aliexpress.

Look at the screenshot. In your aliexpress account, in one of the purchases on the "Finance" tab (46) you can see that the item was purchased on January 28th. And January 29 (47) refund has already been received. Received to Alipay account (48) . In just one day I got my money back (I bought the product by mistake, so to speak, and immediately canceled the transaction), which I later spent on other purchases.
That is, the option of returning to the Alipay account (45) you should turn it on without hesitation. This is exactly what I recommend doing. But first you need to take into account the following: the money will be returned to your account in a short time, but it will no longer be possible to withdraw money from the Alipay system. They can only be spent on Aliexpress or Alibaba. Moreover, it is also impossible to pay for part of the purchase with them. this moment. This means that if you want to buy a product for $11, but you only have $10 in your Alipay account, then you will not be able to buy the product (by paying an additional $1 in another way). You will first have to top up your Alipay account with $1 (thank God, they don’t charge commissions for replenishment), and then pay for the goods. Replenishment is available via webmoney (which I will discuss in detail below). Or look for a product with a price within the amount you have in your account.

(39) - settings. Allows you to change your password and phone number. There are no other settings.
(40) - Replenishment of balance. Let's consider the point (40) (replenishment of Alipay balance) in more detail, to do this, click on the replenishment button.

Top up your Alipay account

How to top up your Alipay account? Of the proposed methods, we have access to Western Union(I don’t recommend using it) and webmoney (49) . Choose webmoney (49) . Enter the amount required to top up (50) and confirm your intention to replenish your wallet (51) . The following is the standard procedure for paying the invoice via webmoney. Alipay does not charge any commission for replenishing your account. But we must not forget that all operations through webmoney are subject to commissions webmoney 0.8%.

Finally, we see that our Alipay wallet account has been replenished (52)

Pay for purchases using Alipay wallet

Let's consider a regular purchase on Aliexpress. If you have registered an Alipay account, then an additional option appears in the list available ways Payment: Pay by Alipay account (53) . Here you can see how much money we have in our Alipay account ($6.22, exactly the amount needed to complete my purchase).

We select this option and confirm our intention to make a purchase with the button (54) .

And the balance in the Alipay account is zero again (55) , but there was a record of our purchase (56) .

Linking bank cards to Alipay

One of the advantages of Alipay is the ability to link to an account bank card so that when paying for purchases you do not have to enter your card details every time.
But you won’t be able to link a card immediately after registration. To do this, you need to make a purchase using a card, and when the payment is successful (when the transaction is closed and the goods are received), you will be asked to save the card data during next purchase, so as not to enter them manually every time you pay. I have linked my card. I don't see any risk in this. You are not afraid for the safety of your card in the PayPal system, are you? Then there is no reason to be afraid.
(58) .
All. The purchase is completed.

And in the Alipay account itself there is a new item (59) . With the loud name "Edit maps"

True, in reality, editing comes down to only one process - deleting card data from your account.

And cards are added, let me remind you, only after purchase on Aliexpress using new card and successful completion of the transaction.


As in any major and serious payment system, Alipay has its own support service and help center.

User protection (61) is a way to file a complaint about an unauthorized transaction. You will be able to do this within 90 days. True, it does not specify how exactly the unauthorized transaction could have occurred. You can find out more about the parameters of this type of protection here: Alipay Protection Service.

The support service is English-speaking and consists of:
(62) - Help search. After all, most questions already have answers, you just need to search. Well, if you haven’t found it, you can write a letter (63) or chat online (64) . And finally, you can fill out a completely useless questionnaire (65) . But we won’t do this, but rather consider the main types of support requests. This is chat and letter. Let's start with a letter of support (63) .

(66) - subject of the appeal (in order: Return, Other, Alipay Account, Payment)
(67) - Alipay ID (Your aliexpress, also known as alipay E-mail).
(68) - Another email for communication (can be the same as Alipay ID)
(69) - Your name
(70) - the topic of the appeal.
(71) - Text of the appeal (the essence of the problem)
(72) - Applications. You can attach photos or screenshots.
(73) - Verification code.
(74) - Send a request.
After sending your request, wait for a response to the specified E-mail. In general, everything is simple. But you need to write, of course, in English (or Chinese)

Now let's see how the chat works (64) .

And the chat is open from 9 to 18 Chinese time (GMT+ 8) (75) (which in Moscow will be from 4 to 13 hours). But I think you can figure it out with the chat anyway, without instructions.

We should probably end here. We looked into almost every corner of Alipay and described the most important functions. It's time to take stock.

Advantages of using Alipay wallet for registered users:

1. Easy and fast payment for purchases using linked cards.
2. Quickly receive refunds for canceled transactions.
3. As a PR measure, Aliexpress regularly holds promotions and discounts on purchases paid through the Alipay system.

Disadvantages of Alipay:

1. A small selection of account replenishment methods (only webmoney is available to us)
2. Inability to withdraw money from your Alipay wallet if you deposited it there (or received a refund). For those who regularly buy on Aliexpress, this is not even a drawback, since they will always find where to spend it.

Whether the advantages cover the disadvantages or not, it’s up to you to decide. For me, they are blocking. And I use and plan to continue to use the Alipay payment system, which is what I wish for you.

Write in the comments about the intricacies of using Alipay in other countries, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, as well as any feedback on the operation of the system.
Happy shopping everyone!

Details Belyaev Sergey Updated: June 13, 2019 Views: 95797

So, you are going to make purchases, I’m not afraid of this word, in the largest online store Taobao, or most likely a collection Chinese online stores. How to pay for your purchases or services through the Alipay payment system? To do this, you first need to register in this payment system. In some cases, you need to pay with a VISA card; I have already described how to link a card to Alipay in this article, but now we will talk about registration. So, let's go...

In general, the procedure is simple:

Alipay registration page

1. Go to the main page of the Alipay payment system and click on the button 注册

2. Make sure that the yellow tab (2) is selected. Next, select the country of registration, button (3), if we are talking about registration for a Russian phone number, then select Russia.

2.1 Here is an important point: you will still be automatically transferred to the Chinese server, although you have selected the Russia tab, so you will be given the opportunity to register only for a Chinese phone number (4). To avoid this, you need to cancel registration using your phone and continue registering using email. mail (5).

2.3. Next, indicate your working cellular telephone(7) and code (8), which will come in SMS. Next, click on the 下一步 button. By the way, if you are in China or have a Chinese phone number, then you need to select button (9).

2.4. If everything was done correctly, the following window will appear.

3. Open yours email and confirm registration

Form to fill

4. Fill out the form

  • Enter the password to enter the payment system
  • Repeat password
  • Enter the payment password (you will need it to make payment transactions)
  • Selecting a question. Select as shown in the picture (“My mother’s name?)
  • Enter your name in Latin letters
  • Enter your real name
  • Select gender
  • Select a profession (as shown in the picture)
  • Select city and region
  • Just write an email

6. Congratulations! Registration completed successfully.

9. Nevertheless, now you have your own account in the most popular payment system in China, Alipay, and you can freely make purchases on Taobao

We hope that the article was useful to you. Don't forget to leave comments.

IN Lately Cases of blocking Alipay and Taobao accounts have become more frequent; how to restore access to your Taobao or Alipay account, especially if you don’t have the phone number you used to register, read this post.

Possible questions:

Question one (screenshot 1): The window is gray, there is no CAPTCHA, what should I do?

Screenshot 1

Answer: Move the arrow to the right and, lo and behold, the CAPTCHA will appear.

Question two (screenshot 2): CAPTCHA did not appear, but in the window Exclamation point and hieroglyphs. What to do?

Screenshot 2

Answer: Reload the page or the entire browser.

Question three (screenshot 3): What to do if such a window with hieroglyphs appears?

Screenshot 3

Answer: Drop everything and call us urgently, we will register an account for you :) (another option: restart your computer, drink coffee and go through the procedure again).

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