
What is private access on iPhone? How to enable incognito mode (Private Browsing) by default in Safari on macOS and iOS. How to Use Private Sharing on iPhone

In this article I will look at privacy settings in standard iOS browser. I will also explain what these settings mean.

Settings->Safari. Scroll to the “Privacy and Security” item and see a set of options that are responsible for the user’s convenience when surfing the Internet.

Let's look at them - I'm sure you didn't know about everything before this review.

No cross tracking

The option appeared in iOS 11 and was subject to severe criticism from advertising providers. If enabled, the browser prevents advertising modules on websites from tracking what the user is interested in. This data allows advertising to show you only targeted ads. For example, a conditional advertising service might show ads for selling frying pans if you recently searched for information about frying pans. If the option is enabled, then this service cannot understand what the user is interested in and displays less relevant advertising. Advertising providers believe this undermines the fundamentals of targeted advertising since the option is enabled by default.

Block all cookies

If the option is enabled, then all cookies that the site can send are blocked. To understand this option, we need to define cookies.

Cookie (English cookie, literally - cookie) is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user’s computer. Every time a web client (usually a web browser) tries to open a page on the corresponding site, it sends this piece of data to the web server as part of an HTTP request. Used to save data on the user side.

And now a simple example. There is a website where I am logged in under my nickname sputnik1818. If Cookie blocking is enabled, then every time I access the site I will be asked to log in again. If the option is disabled, the site will accept Cookies from me, understand that I am sputnik1818 and I will be logged in to the site. Comfortable? Who cares, but yes to me!

In theory, it makes sense to disable Cookies if you are paranoid. More often than not they still help. And some sites without cookies enabled will not even work correctly.

Do Not Track

If the option is enabled, Safari asks sites not to track your location. If the option is turned off, then Google maps, Yandex and others will see and show your real location. By default the option is disabled.

Some sites ignore this setting.

Attention! Fake site

This option must be enabled for everyone. Its essence is that Safari warns the user about spoofed sites. For example, you go to a website that imitates a real store. Without warning, an inattentive user can pay for a purchase and then find out that the credit card data has been leaked and scammers have used it for online purchases.

Never turn this option off!

Camera and microphone

Here you can block or allow sites to have access to your camera or microphone. In theory, you can safely turn it off - I can’t remember a time when I needed a camera on any site or a microphone.

Checking for Apple Pay

If you are using Apple Pay to pay for purchases on websites, you can leave the option. Otherwise, you can safely turn it off.

Now more and more online stores are starting to accept Apple Pay, but for now there is simply no urgent need to leave this option for most users.

Clear history and website data

Well, there is a separate function in the settings - “Clear history and website data”. Clears your browsing history and cookies. Sometimes this functionality helps get rid of browser glitches. And even speed up its work.

Private Access

Well, having gone through the settings, it’s worth mentioning the special mode of the Safari browser, called Private Access. Private access is enabled in two clicks:

  1. Switch to viewing open windows in your browser. A button with two intersecting squares.
  2. Click the "Private Access" link.

In this mode, the browser border turns dark gray:

Using Private Browsing mode, you can open websites without recording your browsing history in Safari. Private Browsing mode is designed to protect personal information and blocks the ability of many websites to track user activity. In this mode, Safari does not remember pages visited, search history, or AutoFill information.

Search engine DuckDuckGo

The article would not be complete without mentioning the DuckDuckGo search engine. This is special search system, which pays special attention to user privacy. Search results are displayed regardless of the user's preferences. The system produces the best result for a specific request.

Settings->Safari->Search Engine. There, select DuckDuckGo from the list.

Try it - maybe it’s better than Google or Yandex. Or maybe not... Our site is easy to find there, which means we consider DuckDuckGo an excellent search engine. :)

Good luck to all! :) If you have questions, ask them in the comments.

The issue of online privacy is increasingly becoming a concern for Internet users. There are many ways to protect privacy online, and the simplest of them is to launch the browser in private browsing mode. This article will talk about how to launch Safari by default on a Mac, iPhone or iPad in incognito mode while browsing the Internet.

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What is Incognito Mode (Private Browsing) in Safari on iPhone and iPad?

You probably already know how to open a private window in Safari on Mac, but in your browser settings you can set Safari to run in incognito mode by default.

1 . Open Safari on Mac;

2 . From the menu bar, open Safari → « Settings» → « Basic"or use , which opens Settings in any application on Mac;

3 . In point " When you launch Safari, open" select the option " New private window».

Now every time a new window will be launched in private browsing mode. The settings are saved even after restarting the Mac.

1 . Open a new private tab in Safari on your iPhone or iPad (launch the browser, then click the " Tabs» → « Private Access» → « Ready»);

2 . Leave this tab in the foreground in Safari, that is, do not disable private mode.

The next time you launch Safari, this tab will appear and each window will launch in private mode.

Private access mode is one of the most common iPad functions. It is so popular among users because it allows you to open resources without saving their addresses in the browser history.

This mode is designed to protect personal information and block the ability of a number of sites to monitor user actions. When the function is enabled, Safari will not remember visited addresses or history search queries and data for auto-filling.

This option greatly helps to increase the anonymity of the user’s online actions when working on an iPad. Of course, there are other methods to remain undetected. And they will also be discussed in this material. But the main topic of the article is how to make incognito mode on an iPad.

Recently, this has become even easier. The switch is done directly in the browser. Moreover, the method of activating the function is the same for all iOS gadgets. So, let's start describing it.

To make the option work, do this:

  • Launch Safari.
  • Navigate to any resource on the network and tap at the bottom of the display to bring up the navigation buttons.
  • Look for an icon that somewhat resembles 2 crossed squares. Click on it.
  • Go to the private access point to activate anonymous browsing. After this, your browsing history, cookies and cache will no longer be saved.

Finding out that everything went smoothly is not difficult. This is done visually. Just see if all browser elements are gray. And everywhere – both in the toolbar and on pages on the Internet.

But remember that entering and exiting this mode will not erase the previously saved cache and history. These elements are cleared through the browser settings.

To exit private access mode, you must follow the same steps as you did to activate it. After this, all tabs that were available before activation will reopen.

Using an iPad to access prohibited sites

Sometimes anonymity is required to enter sites that are inaccessible. For example, the user was banned. Or access to a certain resource is prohibited for residents of other countries by its owner.

As you know, for some time now, online resources with illegal content have been mercilessly blocked by Roskomnadzor. Moreover, the block is superimposed on sites with films and other videos. In general, with the type of content that is of the broadest interest to the user. In the future, the list of prohibited resources will only expand. So it is useful for everyone to know how to visit the desired site in this case.

Two methods to view prohibited sites:

1. Take advantage Opera browser mini. Its trick is that all traffic through the server is compressed. Therefore, you can easily access any resource. You can download the browser absolutely free from App Store.

2. Make an anonymous installation on an Apple tablet Tor browser. He also recently appeared in the store. This way, the user will be able not only to remain unknown on the network, but also to access sites that have a block. But please note that the download speed will be slightly reduced compared to usual.

A few more ways to protect your data in Safari

If for some reason the user does not want to use password protection for his iOS gadget, he can use other methods. For example, the function of activating or disabling auto-filling of forms seems very useful.

Thanks to the flexible settings of this function, you can automatically substitute your data into forms on resources. We are talking about contact information, names, passwords, etc. All this creates a certain risk, given that the user does not use a password when removing the block from his device. Working with the option is easily done in the browser settings, in the passwords and auto-fill section.

You can also block cookies in the same settings. Disable ad tracking. Erase already saved files and data.

Most users have complete confidence in standard Apple software. However, programs downloaded from the store sometimes cause concern. I must say, they are quite justified. After all, today, with the help of gadgets, the user not only communicates and has fun, but also pays bills and transfers funds. There is also such a thing as corporate information. That's why the developer pays increased attention to ensuring application security.

Apple's main methods in this area are:

  • Address space randomization. The essence of the technology comes down to introducing random elements into the software memory space. At the same time, if the fraudster is able to control the program, he will still need to find out where the shellcode is sent. In iOS devices, this technology functions in conjunction with non-executable memory.
  • A code signature that helps prevent the launch of software whose source is not the Apple store. It is assigned during the process of downloading the application in the App Store. If the user does not have this signature, the software can be launched only with a trusted certificate. And it, in turn, can only be installed by the developer.
  • Sandbox. All software works in isolation from other applications in iOS.

To summarize, we can say that the level of security on all devices running iOS is quite high. This also applies to the iPad. The only real threat exists for jailbroken devices. This fact gives scammers the greatest freedom of action.

Compared to other mobile operating systems, it is at a decent level. However, Apple continues to work to improve the security and privacy of user data...

Do you use incognito mode on desktop browsers? Every self-respecting paranoid should know about this feature, but few people know that both the iPhone and iPad have a similar function and it’s called “Private Access” (Private in the English version).

What is “Private Browsing” in Safari and how to enable/disable it

"Private access" is additional customization privacy in iOS, it is included in standard browser Safari. After enabling “Private Access”, various sites and Internet services will not be able to collect information about your location, the device you are using, and the browser itself will not save cookies, browsing history, search history, or logins and passwords you entered.

Starting with iOS 7, you can enable the “Private Access” function not in the phone settings, but directly in the standard browser, which is infinitely convenient. At the same time, the function enable button has been combined with the ability to close all open pages (tabs) in Safari.

How to enable Private Browsing on iPhone

  • In Safari, you need to click the icon with the image of two windows (the right one);
  • click on the “Private Access” button;
  • confirm or not to close all open pages before enabling the function.

How to enable Private Browsing on iPad

  • In Safari, click on the plus icon (in the upper right corner);
  • V open tab on the bottom panel, click on the “Private access” button;
  • Confirm whether or not to close all open pages before enabling the function.

Please note that on both the iPhone and iPad, when the Private Browsing feature is active, the Safari interface becomes black, while its standard interface is made in light colors. This will help you determine whether the feature is enabled in this moment or not.

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Beginning with operating system iOS 7 browser Safari received significant improvements, including a browsing mode that does not save any information during the session, excluding cache files, cookies, browsing history after finishing working with the application.

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This feature increases the level of anonymity on the network and is very popular among users. Moreover, from now on the activation process has become much easier on all iPhones, iPads or iPad Touch. From now on, the switching occurs directly in the browser. The changes greatly simplify interaction, but sometimes they require a little clarification.

Engage private browsing pages in Safari on iOS very easy and it works on all devices the same.

Open Safari. Go to any website page and tap at the bottom of the screen to display navigation buttons. Then look for an icon on the panel that looks like two intersecting squares.

Click on it and then on " Private Access"to activate anonymous browsing mode, after which the browser stops saving your browsing history, cookies and cache.

The activated mode is easy to determine; browser elements will turn dark gray, both on individual web pages and on the toolbar Safari.

Please note that entering and exiting mode Private Access will not delete previously saved cache and history. You can clear cookies, cache and browser history through settings Safari.

To exit the mode Private Access, it is enough to repeat all the above steps in the same order. After exiting the mode, Safari will re-open all tabs that were available before activation " Private Access».

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