
What is ssl error. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR SSL protocol error - what to do? What is "SSL" and "SSL Connection Error"

The ssl connection error is an achievement that the developers of the operating standard can be proud of. Windows systems internet browser Internet Explorer. The thing is that those few users who use this particular browser in their lives will be spared from solving the problem with err ssl protocol error. But fans of third-party products designed for visiting Internet pages sometimes have to look for a way out of such an unpleasant situation.

An important nuance (which, again, Internet Explorer users will appreciate) is that the causes of the connection error ssl err ssl protocol error are difficult to determine. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to take an integrated approach to treatment. Which we will try to talk about in today’s material.

Ssl connection error - what to do?

Still, what does an ssl connection error mean? Typically, a similar problem can arise when, when trying to access the Internet, a conflict arises due to incorrect settings operating system and the Internet browser used.

Let's start looking at the problem one by one, starting with the most widespread cases. The first option is how to fix it in Google Chrome ssl connection error? Typically, in this situation, the problem is with the antivirus hardware. What’s most interesting is that trouble can arise both when an antivirus program is installed, and when such software is simply not available. In the first case, you will need to go to settings antivirus program and check the parameters of blocked connections. Those that the user uses to access the network should be excluded from it.

In the second case, you should install an antivirus program and scan the system for malicious elements. How to do this if Google Chrome is blocked by an error? Very simple:

  1. We launch our unloved Internet Explorer.
  2. Find and download the required antivirus program.
  3. Let's scan the system.

The second most popular case: Opera, ssl connection error - how to fix?

In this situation, the reason usually lies in a banal failure of the date and time set on the user’s PC. The solution is also quite simple:

  1. Quit the browser.
  2. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the Windows clock.
  3. Change the settings to the correct ones - restart the Internet browser.

Often, such a nuisance can be discovered by people who prefer to purchase games on thematic resources. For example, what should I do if there is an ssl connection error when trying to log in to the Origin company resource? You will need to once again visit the settings of the installed antivirus program:

  • Let's go to the program parameters.
  • We find an item that allows you to filter https protocols.
  • We mark it and completely reboot the computer.

By the way, hardware problems can also lead to a similar situation. Most often, this is a failure of the BIOS battery. How to fix ssl connection error in this case? You will need to purchase the required component and replace the old one. This process will cost 50-100 rubles maximum.

The last option where a similar nuisance can occur concerns the use of mobile devices to access the Internet or visit adsence pages. If an ssl connection error occurs on your phone or when visiting similar resources, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the settings of the Internet browser you are using.
  2. Select "Advanced options".
  3. In the “Personal Data” menu, find information about Cookies.
  4. Check the box next to “Saving user personal data”.
  5. Find and go to the “HTTPS/SSL” menu.
  6. Check the checkbox “Check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.”
  7. Reboot the system and repeat the procedure of accessing the desired page.

Basically, that's it. The problem called Ssl protocol has been solved and you can continue to use the Internet for your pleasure.

One solution to this problem can be seen in the video:

Computer users spend most of their time on the Internet. In the browser, they check out news, watch movies, play games and do much more. A big problem is the occurrence of malfunctions when trying to connect to sites. One error that may occur unexpectedly is a crash SSL connections. It manifests itself by the appearance of the SSL inscription Connection Error in the browser. In this article, we will look at how to fix the SSL connection error.

Why does an SSL connection error occur?

In each situation, the cause of the SSL Connection Error is individual. It can be caused either by the server from which information about the site is requested, or by the user’s computer. If the source of the problem is the site visitor’s computer, the solution should be sought in the browser from which the resource is accessed.

SSL Connection Error is typical mistake for browsers based on the Chromium platform. Such browsers include not only Google Chrome, but also its various analogues: Yandex.Browser, modern versions of Opera, Comoda Dragon and others. In all of them, the error is caused by a problem with the client authentication certificate.

How to fix SSL connection error

If an SSL connection error occurs, the browser will not be able to access one or more sites due to the message SSL Connection Error appearing in the window. To continue using the Internet to its fullest extent, you need to get rid of the problem. Below we discuss what to do if an SSL connection error appears in Google Chrome, but the instructions are universal and the problem is resolved in a similar way in other browsers:

  1. Please update your browser. If you encounter any problems related to connecting to sites on the Internet or playing content on them, you should first install current version browser. More often Google browser Chrome updates automatically or prompts the user to download it themselves latest version, but many ignore the recommendations, which leads to various problems.

To update the Chrome browser, you need to go to the settings and click on the “About” item. Next, you need to pay attention to whether the latest version is installed. If not, your browser will need to be updated.

  1. Examine installed extensions. Often problems with browser performance arise due to various extensions. Inexperienced users may accidentally install virus extensions that harm the computer. Also, some licensed extensions may conflict with certain sites or scripts running on them, which will result in an SSL connection error.

To check if the error is related to extensions, go to the Google Chrome settings and then switch to the “Extensions” item. Disable all running extensions and try again to connect to the site where the SSL Connection Error message appeared. If the error is not corrected, proceed to the next step.

  1. Reset your proxy settings. To connect to sites on the Internet, Google Chrome uses proxy server settings. They can go wrong for various reasons: due to the actions of a third-party extension, a virus, one of installed programs on the computer and so on.

Resetting the proxy server settings to default values ​​is quite simple. Just go to the Google Chrome settings, select “Show advanced settings” and in the “Network” column click on the “Change proxy server settings” button. Next, you just have to select the option with automatic detection of parameters and you can try to launch the site on which the SSL Connection Error appeared.

  1. Make sure the problem is not related to your antivirus. Antivirus applications do not work perfectly and may cause problems. various problems when connecting to websites on the Internet. To check whether the antivirus is related to the SSL Connection Error, you need to disable the anti-malware program and try to access the site.

Important: Disable your antivirus only if you are sure that the site you are visiting does not contain viruses.

If disabling your antivirus helped fix the SSL error, you will need to find an item in its settings that allows you to create an exception for the SSL protocol.

When none of the above tips help get rid of the problem, you should make sure that the site is in this moment available. It is possible that the error occurs on the server side, and it is not possible to access the resource from all devices.

Error SSL in Opera: ways to fix it.

Problems sometimes arise with any browser. Opera is no exception where SSL errors may occur. Before we figure out how to eliminate it, let's look at why it appears.

How Do You Fix The SSL Problem Without Updating To IOS 7.0.6

Reasons for the error.

In most cases, the ssl opera error means that there is a problem with the system. This problem usually indicates that a connection to the server cannot be established. Often error it can be eliminated quite easily. It may be caused by an antivirus program or firewall. They can block the connection, which is why it will not be established. In this case, the error will occur not only in Opera, but also in other Internet browsers, for example, also in Google Chrome. More details about the reasons for this error in Google Chrome and how to solve this problem you will find out here.

In addition, the problem also appears in the opposite case, for example, when the computer is infected. In such a situation, you just need to install an antivirus and scan the system. Also, the causes of the error may be a failure in the time settings or an outdated version of the browser, so it would be a good idea to update Opera.

Attention! Often the SSL error is displayed when you want to visit a site with an expired or untrusted certificate. In principle, you can go to the resource, however, such a step entails the possibility of infecting your computer with malware.


Once the problem has been diagnosed, you should look at how to get rid of it. So, how to fix ssl opera error - that’s enough frequently asked question for novice users. If the problem occurs due to your antivirus program, then to check this, disable it and restart the browser. If everything is fine, you will need to change your antivirus settings. They differ in each program, but the main thing that needs to be done is to add the Internet browser to exceptions and reduce control over incoming and outgoing traffic. The firewall will also need to have a lower level of protection.

Often the cause of an SSL error is an erroneous date on the computer. In order to fix this, you need to click on the date in the tray and set the correct one. Now let's look at what needs to be done directly in the browser. The SSL error can be fixed by going to the Cookies section and checking the box next to the option to store data locally. In addition, we do the following. Opening Opera and go to the main menu.

After that, select Settings. In the window that opens, go to the Advanced section. On the left side of the window, select Security from the list. Click the Security Protocols button. Place a highlight next to Enable SSL, click OK and restart the browser.

A similar problem may also occur in Windows XP SP2. In this case, you can get rid of it if you update the version to SP3. It is also necessary to add that cookies It is advisable to periodically clean it, which will reduce the risk of errors. It is also worth running a system scan for viruses from time to time.

As you can see, an SSL error in Opera, like in any other browser, can usually be fixed quite simply. The main thing is to find the reason why it appeared. This could be either a date failure on the computer or a change in browser settings. In some cases, the easiest way is to set the default settings and check if there is any error. If it still appears, then you need to disable your antivirus, because it is often the one that blocks the connection to a particular site. In rare cases, the error appears due to a computer infection malware. In such a situation, it will be necessary to scan the files and delete or quarantine the infected ones.

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3 Comments “ Error SSL in Opera: ways to fix it”

Thank you very much bro, I turned it off due to Avasta and everything became normal. Thank you very much.

Sorry it was old settings please show how to change the settings in the picture.


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One of the most common problems on Android devices appears as a browser notification that says, “Your connection is not secure.” This may raise doubts. This message even appears on the latest devices With latest updates and current OS. Is not a big problem, but still the question arises: “How to fix errors SSL connections on Android devices?

Let's start with SSL/TLS certificates

A little about SSL. An SSL certificate, as you probably know, is designed to authenticate the authenticity of a website. The certificate authority that issues the certificate guarantees the user on the other end of your connection that all communications between your browser and the web server are encrypted. This is essential because without SSL encryption, everything you do on a web page is in the public domain and may be intercepted or processed by a third party. However, with an SSL certificate, this communication is encrypted and can only be decrypted by the site itself. Visiting a site without a secure connection can end in disastrous consequences for you! To fully understand everything, you will need another important information. SSL is currently only a colloquial term for the protocol. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, it was the original protocol for encryption, but TLS or Transport Layer Security replaced it some time ago. They both do pretty much the same thing, but at this point true SSL has been phased out (Android no longer supports SSL 3.0 - its latest version) and we're really talking about TLS certificates.

How to fix SSL connection errors on Android devices

When you receive an SSL certificate error message on your Android smartphone You can fix this problem in several ways. If one of them doesn't work, try the next one. Ultimately, the problem will be solved.

1) Correct the date and time in your smartphone

This is a simple reason that can be resolved on Android. Just make sure the date and time are correct. To do this, go to Settings and select Date and Time. From there, simply activate the "automatically detect date and time" option.

2) Clear the cache in the browser (Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc.).

If fixing the date and time doesn't work, you should clear your browser history. This is another simple way. Let's take Chrome for example. Start by opening your browser and then click on Menu. Go to Privacy and select Settings. Then select "Clear browsing data." Check all the checkboxes on the screen and then click Clear.

3) Changing Wi-Fi connection

Try changing Wi-Fi connection on your device if wiping your data and resetting your time and date didn't work. You may be using a public Wi-Fi connection, which is known to be insecure. Find a private Wi-Fi connection and check if the error is fixed on Android.

4) Temporarily disable the antivirus

If on your Android device If you have an antivirus or other security application installed, try disabling it temporarily and then enabling it again. Sometimes these applications can interfere with your browser, thus causing your SSL connection to fail.

5) Reset all settings on your Android device

This is a last resort option, but if all the other suggestions above fail to resolve the SSL certificate issue, you may need to format your device. The first step in this case is to back up your phone so that you don't lose everything you've saved on it. After that, select "Settings" and then " Backup and reset." Then click on Factory Reset.

We hope this guide showed you how to fix SSL connection errors on your Android devices.

The error “err ssl protocol error” is quite common in Chrome and Yandex Browser. It may appear when you try to log into any Internet site.

What is this error

The SSL protocol allows you to make the connection between your PC and the website secure. He encrypts data connections.

Chrome, Yandex and Explorer have certain certificates for SSL (SSL) in their functionality. If the specified certificates malfunction in the browser, configuration problems arise, then the secure connection to the site is disrupted and the system displays an SSL connection error.

There are several ways to help fix the error.


Windows can be disrupted by viruses. Accordingly, it is enough check the system one of the antiviruses. It is recommended to use Kaspersky and Dr.Web.

date and time

One of possible reasons SSL errors may be incorrect time and date. The server considers this a danger and blocks access. Just open it BIOS settings And set exact values, corresponding to a country or a specific region. Now we reboot the device, first saving the changes made.

You can also change the time in Windows - the result will be the same.

OS update

Sometimes an error may appear when outdated operating system. To correct the situation, just perform the update manually.

Antivirus problem

Quite often, antivirus programs consider the connection dangerous and can block it themselves. To do this, go to your antivirus settings and disable SSL verification andHTTPS.

Making changes to the firewall list

In some cases, the error “err ssl protocol error” may appear when working with Google services, search engines or with the browser itself. In this case, you need to make changes to your personal Security Settings. You need to add the application to the list of allowed nodes.

Browser replacement

In some cases, it may turn out that the main tools to correct the situation do not work. All that remains is change browser. You can use Opera, Firefox, or any others.


A new protocol that facilitates fast connection to the network. You can disable it in the Chrome configuration.

After opening the browser, enter the command in the address bar: “ chrome://flags/#enable-quic" You need to enter without quotes. The system itself will issue: “ Quic Experimental Protocol". Click on the link and press the button: disable. After this, just restart Chrome.

Using the HTTPS protocol

This protocol is used for secure entry to the network. It can be used to log in when an error is thrown.

In order for the site to open, it is enough to standard address HTTP add letter S to make it HTTPS. Often, such manipulations help fix the “err ssl protocol error” error.

Changing security settings

Note that in Internet Explorer the system works in automatic mode. The settings are in effect by default.

In the control panel, open " Network and Internet". After this, you need to click: “ Internet Options". Next we go to Privacy and move the slider to middle position.

Most resources use SSL v2.0 or 3.0. Some browsers do not work with these configurations. You can change these settings accordingly. To do this you need to do the following:

Checking hosts

This tool is used to set site redirects and create routes manually. The file is located at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Open it using notepad with administrator rights. Completely delete the contents and save.

Disabling plugins and extensions

To disable all extensions for Chrome, just press 3 buttons, which are located on the right side of the browser line. Now open " Additional settings ". Now open the extensions. All plugins and extensions that are currently in use will open in the window. Opposite them there is a button that can either enable or disable use. In addition, you can immediately remove unnecessary extensions and plugins.

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