
What does dns error mean? The DNS server does not respond: what to do? All ways to solve the problem. Updating network settings

And configure it according to your needs, he will be able to start browsing Internet resources immediately after completing the manipulations - and this will be so until he encounters a DNS server error. This obstacle, in which you cannot open web pages, is extremely annoying - but it is also easier to fix than it seems. Let's try to figure it out what to do if the DNS server does not respond.

What does "DNS server not responding" mean?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a single universal technology for converting “natural” domain names (like, and others) into digital ones - into IP addresses. This function is undoubtedly convenient, and it is extremely difficult for a modern person to imagine using the Internet without it: no one in their right mind today would enter a set of numbers into the address bar of a browser instead of the usual site name.

When for some reason, most often related to the operation of the device, the message “DNS address not found,” “DNS address Not Found", "Error 105", "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" or similar, this can only mean one thing: web surfing will be unavailable to the user until he finds a way to solve the problem.

Problems with the provider

Yes, the reason for the DNS address being unavailable can be global failure- on Google servers, Yandex or another corporation. In this case, there are no options other than waiting or changing the DNS to another, Windows user does not remain - which means there is no point in talking about this case.

But it’s definitely worth making sure that the provider is not the culprit of the DNS connection error; To do this, just dial the phone number indicated in the contract or on the business card and ask the appropriate question. The client may be asked to introduce himself and give the installation data - however, if the problem is global, the operator will immediately report this and give an approximate time to fix the problem.

That's all - now the computer owner needs to be patient: specialists will not be able to correct the situation in a jiffy, and the next hour and a half can be devoted to life outside the Global Network. And at the same time, think about changing your provider, especially if connection errors occur periodically.

Minor glitch

Windows is reliable, fast, and undeniably the world's most popular operating system for desktop devices, but it can also be prone to annoying glitches. A user who sees a message that the DNS server is not responding should first use the standard “Problem Diagnosis” utility:

  • Find the Internet connection icon - wired or wireless - in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Right-click on it and select in the window that opens context menu the top item “Diagnostics of problems”.

  • Wait a few seconds while the utility identifies problems.

  • If the DNS server is unavailable due to the specified reason, a corresponding message will appear in the dialog box containing a way to correct the situation; if the situation is different, the user will be notified that no problems were found.

Advice: to get a little more information about the problem, you should use the “View additional information” link - perhaps this is where the computer owner will find a way to fix the connection to the DNS server.

Router failure

If your connection to the Internet is via a router or router, it makes sense, after trying the previous two options without success, to disconnect the device from the network and turn it on again after a few seconds. This can be done either using the power button, or, if there is none, by unplugging and reinserting the plug.

Important: Such manipulations, performed once or two or three times in a row, do not pose any danger to the router. Frequent repetition of forced disconnection from the power supply can lead to failure of the device - and, quite logically, the need to purchase a new one.

Incorrect DNS address settings on PC

Another common reason for the “DNS server is not responding” message is an incorrect address specified by the user himself or one of the recently installed programs. Ideally, this should not happen - and a change made by an application without the knowledge of the computer owner is in itself a reason to think about removing the product.

To fix the problem, you need to:

  • Open the Start menu by clicking on the Windows logo with the left mouse button.

  • Start typing “Control Panel” and select the top item in the list that opens.

  • Go to the “Network and Internet” section.

  • Next - in the subsection “Network and Control Center” shared access».

  • In the new window, click on the “Change adapter settings” link on the left.

  • Select your network card - or, if there are several of them, the one through which you connect to the Internet and which is encountering the “DNS server is not responding” problem, and right-click on the corresponding heading.

  • In the context menu, go to “Properties” (administrator rights required).

  • Find in the “IP version 4” section and click on the “Properties” button.

  • In the DNS section on the main tab, check the entered address and, if it does not meet the standards or simply seems strange to the user.

  • Delete DNS and enter new values ​​in the upper and lower fields: and or any other adequate ones found on the Internet.

  • Another option suitable for users who use to connect to Global network routers - switch to the “Obtain DNS server address automatically” option - in this case, of course, you will not have to enter any values ​​manually.

  • By clicking “Close”, the user can check whether sites open - as a rule, these manipulations are enough to fix the problem.

Advice: after configuration, it won’t hurt to repeat the same steps for “IP version 6”; this protocol is not the main one, and often is not used at all, however, since the computer owner has logged into the “Control Panel”, it won’t hurt to put things in order.

Incorrect DNS address settings in the router

User using wireless connection, after trying all the previous options, you should check the DNS server settings in your router - perhaps the failure occurred at this point. To fix the problem you will need:

  • Open the “Settings” of the router and go to the “Network” tab.

DNS server doesn't answer - that's typical mistake, which can be solved in a couple of minutes, without specialists. Sometimes it becomes very annoying that you cannot use the Internet due to a completely banal error “DNS server is not responding.” In the vast majority of cases, when it is not possible to find the DNS address of the server, the problem can be solved in a matter of minutes. In this article we will look in detail at all the ways to solve this problem.

DNS server is a utility that redirects the Internet user to a website. The fact is that any Internet page is stored on a server that has its own IP address. To give a user access to a site, a DNS server connects his computer to the server. In other words, the DNS server is the connecting link between the user and the site.

Errors “DNS server is not responding” or “DNS address cannot be found”

Often the browser complains that it cannot find the DNS address of the server. This message occurs most often among desktop users using a connection without cables (3G/LTE modem or Wi-Fi router). However, it can also appear in those who use wired Internet. This error means that the unit from which the user accesses the site cannot find a DNS address that will redirect him to the server with the page he is looking for.

What to do if the DNS server is not responding or is unavailable

Before you try to decide this problem, you need to first find out why it arose:

  1. Due to incorrect modem or router settings;
  2. Due to incorrect settings operating system(the site is blocked by a virus or firewall, or the Windows DNS client has failed);
  3. Due to outdated driver network card.

To do this, you need to go to the network control panel located in the lower right corner of the task bar. It has a monitor icon, next to which there is an Enternet cable. Click on it with the left button of the manipulator. Next, right-click on the field where it says “Connected”, then go to “Properties”. Click on the “Network” tab and go to the “Properties” item, after clicking “Internet Protocol Version 4”. In the DNS addresses tab, try selecting the “Load DNS server automatically” option. If this does not help, then enter the address (preferred and alternative) yourself. It is written in the contractual connection certificates. You can also find out the DNS address from your ISP by calling them.

Advice: The correct DNS address can be specified not only in the Windows settings, but also in the control panel of the router itself. If you are using software utilities from TP-LINK, then use the parameter quick setup(Quick Setup).

Often a virus carelessly downloaded by a user blocks access to other sites. To check the system for existing malware, you should scan it with an antivirus. In this case, it is better to perform scanning with a program that does not require installation on the desktop and is located on a Live-CD or Live-flash drive (Live media is storage space independent of the main system). For such purposes, we can recommend Dr. Web CureIt! Portable anti-malware programs are good because, being placed on a Live-CD or Live-flash drive, they cannot be infected with viruses.

Setting up a firewall

There is a possibility that access to the site was blocked by the native Windows Farewall or the firewall (another name for a firewall) that comes with your antivirus. The firewall blocks access to sites that it considers malicious. If you know that the blocked page is truly safe, you can temporarily disable the firewall or reset its settings to the initial settings (then the list of blocked pages will be reset to zero). How to turn off Microsoft's firewall? Click Control Panel->Windows and Security->Windows Firewall. In the left panel there will be an item “Enable and shutting down windows Firewall". Click it, then turn all the toggle switches to “Turn off Windows Firewall.” Save these settings.

Advice: Windows firewall– key. By turning it off, you will disable other firewalls.

Updating network card drivers

Often the desktop refuses to connect to the Internet due to outdated network card drivers. To check their status, use the Driver Booster utility. This application will help you find not only drivers for network controllers and install them, but also update the functionality of other components.

Advice: you can update the network card drivers and standard Windows utilities. Go to “Devices and Printers”, then double-click the left mouse button on the icon of your desktop. In the “Hardware” tab, find the components marked as “Network adapters” and go to their “Properties”. There, click on “Driver” and select “Update”.

This method consists of resetting the desktop and router settings. The sequence of actions is as follows: you need to disconnect the router from the 220V network and leave it unconnected for 5 minutes. Next, you need to restart your computer and plug the router back into the outlet.

Advice: Before turning off the router, you should go to its settings menu and reset the default settings.

This problem can be resolved in two ways. The first - the least painful - register the DNS address not through the Panel Windows management, but through the router menu. The second is to perform a system restore. Go to the Control Panel, then – “System and Security” – “Restore a previously saved desktop state”. After a few minutes, when the utility collects all the registered backup points, you need to select one of them. The date of its creation is written next to each point. Select the one where the DNS client was functioning normally and confirm the system reset.

Attention: Sometimes antivirus programs block requests/responses to/from DNS servers. Try disabling or uninstalling your antivirus to resolve the DNS availability issue. Avast antivirus software often suffers from such problems.

From my own experience I can say that Avast antivirus very often interferes with network settings Windows, which causes various problems with connecting to the Internet. Either the Internet stops working after uninstalling the antivirus, or there is a DNS error, or the network adapter does not have acceptable parameters IP settings.

You can first try stopping the antivirus completely. If this does not solve the problem, then remove it. You can reinstall it, but without additional modules. I wrote how to do this in the article linked above (about solving the problem with IP parameters).

How to find out the dns address of a server

The correct DNS address is specified in the agreement on connecting the desktop to the Network. It was compiled by the provider, so there is no possibility of error. If you cannot access the certificate, you can call your provider or contact them through technical support and ask them to provide the exact DNS address again.

Where can I configure the DNS server address in Windows?

It can be configured through Windows utilities (path: network icon in the taskbar - “Settings” - “Network” - “Internet Protocol v4” - “Properties” - tab with DNS addresses) or through the control panel of your router or modem.

Programs for setting up a DNS server

If the DNS server is unavailable, then the DNS Jumper utility will help fix this problem. Its advantage is that it is portable and does not require installation. In the “DNS Server Selection” tab, you can select a DNS address manually or let the utility itself select it. In this case, DNS Jumper will select the most stable and fast server on this moment, and the “DNS server does not respond to windows” problem will be removed. You can also download the DOT VPN add-on to your browser. This extension allows you to select not only the address, but also the country from which the user will log in. That is, you can physically be in Germany, but access the site as a resident of the Netherlands. Very useful extension, since some pages are blocked by state governments, and DOT VPN allows you to bypass this ban. “Configure VPN” in the Opera browser has similar functionality. It is turned on like this: Settings->Security->VPN (switch the toggle switch to “Enable” and select “Optimal location”).

Windows, just like any other operating system, can experience errors. Here is an example of one of these errors: “The computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.” In this case, it is impossible to connect to the Internet. How can this problem be solved?

I want to say right away that I will only describe possible solutions that can help. Each situation must be considered separately.

Possible Solution

So, the first and simplest solution is to . To do this, unplug it from the outlet and wait about 10 seconds. In this case, all warning lights on the device will go out. After the specified time, connect the router to power and wait a while until it connects to the network.

If the above method does not help, then you need to use the command line, with which you can clear the cache of some parameters. Run command line as an administrator: click the “Start” button, in the “Search programs and files” line write cmd. A program shortcut will appear at the top of the window. You need to right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”:

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /registerdns

ipconfig /release

Enter each command by pressing the Enter key after EACH one.

It may be a problem with the TCP/IP settings if certain DNS server addresses are set. This actually happens, but with some types of connections you need to register strictly the DNS addresses that the user receives from the provider. Be extremely careful.

In the control panel, select the “Network and Sharing Center” section, opening which you will see basic information about the network. On the left side of the window, select “Change adapter settings.”

Select your connection, right-click, click on “Properties”.

In the new window, select “Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” and “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in turn, and click on the “Properties” button.

Check the boxes “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” Click OK.

I repeat once again that you need to be extremely careful with these actions, because if the connection requires a specific IP address and DNS addresses, the Internet will stop working altogether until you enter the addresses that your provider gave you. All responsibility for this falls on your shoulders.

By the way, if the solution for obtaining automatic addresses helps, you can register Google’s DNS servers: and, which, as Google itself assures, provide faster loading of web pages by increasing the efficiency of data caching, as well as improved protection against spoofing.

Do you have alternative solutions? I will be glad if you share them in the comments.

When working on a computer in a browser, an error may occur, the text of which is displayed as “DNS server is not responding.” Most likely, all sites will stop opening and a yellow triangle will appear on the “Network” icon in the system tray. This situation occurs due to incorrect operation of the DNS server. What is it and why is normal operation of the DNS client necessary?

The DNS server performs the functions of converting the site address, consisting of letters, to the IP address. If DNS servers did not exist, you would have to find and write digital addresses instead of easy-to-remember characters. The considered ways to fix a dns error are suitable for any modern operating system Windows systems: Windows 7, 8 or Windows 10.

First of all, it is advisable to try next few simple ways to solve the problem or identifying the culprit of the error related to the DNS server:

  • When connecting to the Internet using a router or modem, the problem may be in the device itself (freeze or error in the firmware). Try simply power restarting the device. The model of the router, modem and their cost do not matter. Anyone can have similar problems.
  • Restart your computer, netbook, communicator or tablet. That is, the device in which the “DNS server is not responding” error occurs. Windows 8 or some other operating system has this problem - it doesn't matter.
  • If the Internet is distributed using a router, modem or any other access point, try connecting with another device and check whether the error disappears or not. This way, it will be possible to determine whether the problem is on the device side or something else.
  • Another simple option, when accessing the Internet using twisted pair cable through an additional device (router, switch), you can try connecting network cable directly into the computer itself. This way, the network device is excluded and if everything works, it means there were problems with it.
  • Perhaps some settings were changed, something was downloaded or installed additional programs. Any of this could very well lead to the “DNS server not responding” error. What to do can immediately become clear if you remember the moment when it started.
  • You need to check whether the access problem only appears when you access one site or all of them at once. If the first option, then perhaps some work is being done on the site (changing the IP address, rebooting the web server) and you should just wait until everything works.
  • You can also make sure that the DNS client is working by trying to use any other browser. They are almost all absolutely free. Download, launch and try to visit some sites. If everything works in another browser, then the problem is in the program settings. Most often problems arise due to proxy settings.

Clearing the DNS cache on Windows

If the above methods did not help, you can try clearing the cache via the command line. To do this, you need to click the “Start” button and in the line where all programs are searched, write “cmd”. Then right-click at the top of the Start window and select “Run as administrator.” A new window will appear in which you need to write and sequentially execute (by pressing Enter) the following commands in the terminal:

  • ipconfig /flushdns
  • ipconfig /registerdns
  • ipconfig /release
  • ipconfig /renew

After each command, press Enter.

Using public DNS servers from Google

It is likely that the whole issue is in the TCP/IP settings. If your Internet provider does not require you to specify specific addresses, you can enter the addresses of Google’s public DNS servers. You need to be careful when changing network parameters, so that if something happens you can return everything to the initial state. General principle going to these settings is similar to everyone Windows versions.

To begin, in the system tray at the bottom right, right-click on the network icon and click on “Network and Sharing Center.” You can also open this window by clicking “Start” or the icon at the bottom left, “Control Panel”, in Windows 7 “Network and Internet” and then go to “Network and Sharing Center”. In the left menu there will be a link “Change adapter settings”.

In the page that opens, select the network adapter through which your computer has access to the Internet and go to Properties. Open the properties of the “Internet Protocol Version 4” section. In the window that opens, do not touch the setting related to the IP address (leave the current value), but with the DNS server select “Use the following DNS server addresses.” In the preferred and alternative DNS server fields we indicate and, respectively.

Checking the operation of the DNS client

This problem may also be present due to problems (freezing, stopping) in operation DNS client services. You can open a window with a list of services from the Run program in Start or by going to Control Panel, System and Security, Administrative Tools, Services. Then we look for a service called “DNS client” and look at the status column. It should say “Working” or “In Progress.” The text itself may vary different versions Windows. The default startup type should be Automatic. For preventive maintenance, restart the service by clicking “Restart” in the left pane of the “Services” window.

System Restore

Some sites may also become unavailable due to the operation of some network utilities, programs, or even viral activity, which could lead to problems with the operating system itself. In this case you need to scan your computer with an antivirus or use the System Restore program from the Start menu where you can easily find it. If the DNS server does not respond, Let's look at other options to fix this.

The antivirus is not working correctly

It should be noted that often the antivirus itself can interfere with the normal operation of the browser. This can happen when you specify incorrect settings after installation or as a result of any other errors in the operation of the program itself. The module itself that filters the network may have different names in different antiviruses: firewall, network defender, or others. Try turning off your antivirus temporarily and check if the problem goes away. If everything works, then you need to restore the antivirus and then configure it, or disable the module that filters traffic.

Speed ​​acceleration programs

There are many programs on the Internet that offer to increase Internet speed through “smart” traffic distribution. For example, such programs may not load some advertisements or use their own servers as a proxy to compress traffic. A situation may arise that such a program will provide free access only for a certain trial period. Upon completion, Internet access will be blocked. To eliminate the possibility of blocking Internet access to user programs, You can try turning on your computer in safe mode(in this mode, only the most necessary programs will be loaded).

To transfer the computer to this mode You must reboot and press the F8 key when you turn on the computer. When a list of different modes appears, find the menu item " Safe mode network-enabled." After downloading, check access. If everything works, then you need to reboot in normal mode and, one by one, disabling running programs, identify the one that is blocking access to the Internet.

Before you find out why the DNS server is not responding or unavailable, as well as solving other problems with it, it is important to get information about the server itself or refresh your memory if you have dealt with this before. The DNS server is designed to provide information, communication between computers on the network and other similar operations. The abbreviation DNS itself stands for Domain Name System, which means their totality. For clarity, let's look at a small example.

Sometimes there may be problems with the DNS server, but they can be solved if you follow all the instructions

Let's imagine that all computers on the network are people who are assigned a number at birth (for a PC on the network this is an IP address). For even greater understanding, we will assume that the address in question belongs to some site. So, so that people don’t get confused with numbers, they give each other names. In our case, this will be the name of the site, that is, what you type in the address bar of your browser. But people understand names, but machines need numbers, which is why IP addresses exist. Thus, to ensure this exchange between alphabetic and digital data, a domain name system was invented, which stores in its memory the correspondence of IP addresses and site names. If you access, for example, and the DNS server at your Internet provider has fallen, then you will not go to the site, but will see an error warning. Now, if we understand a little about the essence of this service, we can move on to solving the problem.

Can't find address

What to do if you can’t find the DNS server address? This problem is also very common, but there can be many reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, we will consider the most popular:

  1. First, be sure to check the operation of your router (that is, there may be a problem with the connection you are using). You can reboot your Wi-Fi router or a wired modem, then try logging into the site again.
  2. Secondly, you may experience a failure on the provider side, then you should contact them directly. This will significantly save your time and nerves.
  3. The browser used to access the Internet is also important, which may also be the reason why it is not possible to resolve the DNS server address. Try using a different program or application.
  4. If problems occur only on one of your devices, then you should definitely correct its settings. First, you can try to check whether the client service itself is running. Launch Control Panel on your computer or laptop. Open the “Administration” item, where, in turn, launch “Services”. In the “General” tab, check the following parameters: startup type should be automatic, status “Running”. If it is turned off, then click the “Run” button in the same window.
  5. If you cannot find the server address on only one or two sites, then it is likely that the error lies in the site itself. Then it will be enough to wait some time until the work is restored. It's also worth trying out on multiple devices. If the problem occurs at all, then we turn to the second point above.
  6. If the methods described above do not help, try using the Microsoft FixIt utility, which can be downloaded for free from the official website ( It can also help if you are unable to resolve the server's DNS address.

DNS server is not responding

So what should you do if your DNS server isn't responding? Now we will solve this unpleasant problem. Please note that this solution is also suitable if the server's DNS address cannot be resolved. We will look at several ways to eliminate this problem, since, unfortunately, there is no single “life preserver”.

Switch to DNS from Google

  1. First, you will need to clarify the question: is the DNS client running on your device (computer or laptop)? For this purpose in search bar“Start”, write “Run” and run the found utility. In the field of the window that appears, enter services.msc. Now, in the list of services that appears, find the client we need. If it has an automatic startup option and operating status, then move on to the next point. Otherwise, set these items according to the specified criteria.
  2. Next, you will need to switch to public domain name systems from search giant Google. The only thing you should pay attention to is that when working with some providers, redirection to a page with a notification about the end of funds in your personal account may not work. But if this is not a critical problem for you, and the correct operation of the server is more important to you, then we will describe to you how to do this.
  3. Launch Network and Sharing Center in your computer's Control Panel. Open the “Change adapter settings” tab, where you need to select the one from which your Internet works. If you have both a wired and wireless connection, then configure both adapters just in case to avoid conflict situations.
  4. Right-click on it and in properties select “Internet Protocol Version 4”, where we will also need properties.
  5. In the "General" tab, enter the following parameters:
  • The preferred DNS server will be
  • The alternative will be the following:
  1. Click OK and close all settings. Check if the problem is resolved. Usually, in most cases, switching to Google's DNS helps when the DNS server does not respond or the server's DNS address cannot be resolved. Therefore, we hope that everything was resolved successfully for you too.

Solving problems for other reasons

  1. Network problems. You need to check that the server has an active allowed connection: check the client’s hardware settings, as well as their serviceability. Make sure you can communicate with other devices or modems that are on the same network as the DNS server. To do this, you can easily use the ping command.
  2. If the previous solution did not help, then you need to perform an additional check. Using the nslookup command, check the ability of your server to respond to clients themselves if the DNS server does not respond.
  3. It happens that the browser writes that it cannot find the address. It is possible that the IP address you are interested in simply needs to be added to the list of restricted interfaces for the server (addresses allowed for servicing). This solution will help those users who had a setting on the server to limit the IP addresses that need a response.
  4. Be sure to check your computer for viruses or malicious codes using a special antivirus utility. Very often, computer or network problems arise due to viruses on your PC or laptop. Therefore, do not omit this item under any circumstances and conduct a deep scan and, if necessary, clean up of infected files.


Dear friends, today we learned how to solve several problems, namely, what to do if: the DNS server does not respond or is unavailable, you cannot find the DNS server address or convert the DNS server address. We hope that you were able to resolve this issue and it no longer torments you with its presence. Please note that most methods are suitable in almost all cases, so try using universal solutions first and then specific solutions.

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