
Become a corporate client. How to conclude an agreement with Russian Post for legal entities What is a postal service agreement

In activity Russian companies It is still difficult to refuse Russian Post services. Online stores send purchases, other companies send official letters and statements of claim. Branches of the state company are opened in the most remote populated areas, in which there are not even Sberbank stores or offices. For legal entities to enter into an agreement with Russian Post, this means significant savings and optimization of their interaction with the monopolist organization.

Benefits for corporate clients

The state monopoly invites firms to become its corporate clients. The terms of the agreement are located on the official website of the organization at

Both companies and individual entrepreneurs can become part of it. There you can also log into your personal account and use the service management option.

The advantages for corporate clients in communicating with an organization that provides citizens and organizations with communications that reach the most remote corners are:

  • option to choose a convenient place and time to send your correspondence. There is no need to stand in queues. For legal entities that have entered into a subscription service agreement, separate employees and counters are provided;
  • tariffs, due to the larger volume of services provided, are more profitable than for a one-time interaction;
  • greater experience with international correspondence than competing courier services;
  • payment for services from a current account.

Help: All large state-owned companies systematically work in this way, sending the most urgent letters using express delivery.

How to conclude a service agreement

To enter into an agreement with Russian Post, you will need to provide the manager serving clients from the corporate sector and entrepreneurs with a certain package of documents, which includes:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of certificates;
  • a fresh, no later than one month, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • confirmation of the powers of the executive body.

The postal employee will most likely require a copy with notarization, and an extract with a tax stamp. Upon agreement, the accuracy of all documents, except for the extract, can be confirmed by putting on them the stamp “Copy is correct”, the seal of the company and the signature of the head of the company. In order for the manager to contact you to conclude an agreement, you must leave a request at: You will need to enter:

  • company details;
  • type of ownership (private, public)
  • contact person details (phone and email);
  • required services (postage, express letters - EMS, parcels);
  • need for advertising services;
  • need for subscription boxes.

Based on the entered data, a draft agreement will be generated. The agreement proposed by Russian Post cannot be changed. It was approved at the level of its corporate management as mandatory for use. It is impossible to add your own conditions to it. Therefore, it is important to consider the benefits new client, and what issues need to be addressed with the utmost care.

Procedure for interaction: personal account

The conclusion of an agreement immediately results in a number of advantages for the company or entrepreneur. The Russian Post personal account for legal entities allows you to track the track of your letters online, without wasting time switching to a special service. A company that has signed an agreement with the Post Office gets the opportunity to use a number of services offered to it. Sending correspondence can take place not only in the offices of the monopolist; if this is provided for in the contract, a machine with company markings will pick up letters and parcels intended for forwarding directly from the client’s building.

Interesting: Payment for all services is made from the organization's current account to the post office account, but in some cases, if the monthly limits are exceeded, it is permissible to pay for the excess using a corporate credit card.


When communicating with a monopolist, it is necessary to anticipate the emergence of standard difficulties. Letters sometimes arrive slower than expected, but this problem can be easily resolved by noting the need for express delivery services in your contract.

At the same time, the giant’s updated package of offers has made it possible to take advantage of new interesting options, including:

  • verified sending of electronic messages. The text of the letter is saved as a PDF document, which is signed electronic signature. A report on its delivery is recorded by mail and can be evidence in court;
  • delivery of correspondence to counterparties' offices not according to the general rule, but with the help of couriers. This allows you to significantly reduce the time for exchanging official documents;
  • letters can be received on behalf of the company by its representative without a power of attorney, if his data is specifically indicated in the contract;
  • within the framework of a single agreement, you can send a postal order or purchase stamps, and if necessary, it is the post office representatives who will stick the stamps on envelopes and parcels. The list of services can be adjusted and supplemented after the agreement is signed.

Important: Services are paid only in advance, for each subsequent month.

Russian Post for legal entities is not the only option for sending correspondence. Express mail operates in the country, courier services And transport companies, each of which can provide the same services faster and sometimes cheaper. But, as practice shows, such a solution is beneficial for one-time shipments. For mass and systematic mailings, there is no alternative to Russian Post.

in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Customer", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Expedition", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:

1.1. By this agreement, the parties determine the conditions for the Customer’s use of the Expedition’s postal services.


2.1. The expedition undertakes:

2.1.1. Receive and store on demand the following correspondence received by the Customer: letters, parcels.

2.1.2. Inform the Customer by telephone about incoming correspondence.

2.1.3. Do not disclose information contained in correspondence received and sent by the Customer.

2.2. The customer undertakes:

2.2.1. Deliver sent correspondence to the Expedition.

2.2.2. Receive incoming correspondence upon notification.

2.2.3. Make monthly payments for postal invoices issued by the Expedition. Payment is made to the account.

2.2.4. Make timely payments for the services of Expedition employees in accordance with clause 3 of this agreement.


3.1. The Customer makes a monthly payment for the work of the Expedition employees in the amount of rubles per month on the basis of an employment agreement concluded with the employees (employees) of the Expedition, which is an integral annex to this agreement.

3.2. Payment for the month worked must be made no later than the next month.

3.3. The amount of payment due to inflationary processes may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties.


4.1. This agreement may be amended, supplemented and extended by mutual additional agreement of the parties.

4.2. The contract may be terminated:

  • by mutual agreement of the parties;
  • unilaterally, after prior (for) written notification of the interested party;
  • automatically if one of the parties violates its obligations.

4.3. Upon termination of the contract, the Customer undertakes to pay the cost of the work completed by the Expedition.


5.1. If disputes arise between the parties, they are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

5.2. The agreement is drawn up in two copies and is kept by each party.

5.3. The contract period is from "" year to "" year.



  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:


  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:

Many companies would like to enter into a direct agreement with Russian Post and pay for services by bank transfer. Our company is no exception. Our office is located in Moscow.

So, task number one is how to find a Russian Post office in Moscow where you can conclude an Agreement for the provision of services. What’s easier - on the Russian Post website there is a telephone number for contact, we call. The music is modern, the girls are friendly, but they don’t have any information, so they constantly switched me somewhere and when switching, the phone went off - then everything started again. It took three days to figure out where the Russian Post office was. But our nerves are strong!

After three days, I came across a more knowledgeable employee who told me that I should send a letter to [email protected] and wait. There should be a response from the sales department. We wait! Three days later I received a letter with a bunch of forms and documents that need to be filled out! We understand that the Russian Post is a huge, bureaucratic organization... We filled it out, sent it... We are waiting. Four days later confirmation came that everything was fine. The letter contains the address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya, 26. So here it is - the coveted address!

In 2017, the Russian Post underwent a reorganization and, if previously in every district of Moscow there was a branch where it was possible to conclude an Agreement with the Russian Post, now everything is only at Myasnitskaya, 26. And for the whole of Moscow there are three people working on the processing of Agreements.

We output a ton of documents in duplicate. One of the documents turned out to have the same name, which means it is not necessary to display it... We went to Myasnitskaya, 26. We arrived, and this is a huge building with many entrances and, as always, no one knows where documents are accepted. After running for half an hour, I finally found an inconspicuous building in the courtyard. I marked it in the picture - perhaps you will find it useful so as not to run around and look for it!

I go up to the second floor, find the right room and the right employee. I hand over the documents. It turned out that I did not display the same document with the same name and it is still needed! I asked very strongly and the postal employee’s heart trembled! At my request, the employee brought out the missing document and accepted it for work.

Two weeks later we received a message that the Agreement had been concluded. Come! They came and took it away. We were informed how to receive invoices for payment. On email address you must send a request to excel file and in three days you will receive invoices for payment. Moreover, you need to receive two separate invoices, one for communication services, the second for franking. About some kind personal account on the website where you can monitor your balance and current affairs in the Russian Post they only smile, but somehow they smile nervously!

Last year, the Russian Post underwent a reorganization and if previously it was possible to send letters by bank transfer from any post office, now in each Moscow district there are several post offices that work with legal entities. We chose one such department. I came to meet you. The head of the department greeted me warily, but I received advice and went to form the first shipment.

The second time they accepted the documents for sending letters. Now we send letters regularly and without problems.

The result of this whole operation:

  1. To conclude an Agreement with Russian Post you need a lot of patience and free time.
  2. From an economic point of view it turned out to be quite profitable. The Post Office provides a complete set of documents.

Online stores quite often send goods to customers via Russian Post. In many cases, this delivery method has no alternatives. However, working with Russian Post raises a huge number of questions. The agency's lawyers answered the most common ones.

– How to work with Russian Post? Is it necessary to conclude an agreement, and what should be included in it??

Russian Post, despite its status as a federal state enterprise, is the same counterparty for an online store as other legal entities. Therefore, when starting to work with it, to reduce risks, you should conclude contract for the provision of communication services

Online stores using Russian Post delivery must protect themselves as much as possible from consumer claims for quality and delivery times. To do this you shouldindicate in the agreement with the Post Office:

  • the procedure for receiving goods for delivery (including the packaging procedure, preparation of accompanying documentation);
  • delivery times of goods;
  • responsibility of Russian Post for the safety of goods;
  • the procedure for accepting payments from customers and the timing of transferring funds to the online store;
  • cost of Russian Post services;
  • reporting procedure of Russian Post to the online store.

A standard contract form is available on the Russian Post website. But we recommend agreeing on an individual contract that takes into account your needs.

The practice of online stores not concluding a contract and sending goods on behalf of an individual has many risks.

1) With this approach, problems will arise with accounting, since the documents will be issued to the wrong person.

2) If you conduct distance trading on behalf of an LLC (IP), and send goods on behalf of an individual, then in the event of a controversial situation it will be difficult for you to prove the proper fulfillment of obligations to the buyer.

3) If Russian Post violates the delivery deadlines, it will be very difficult to achieve payment of the penalty.

Note! According to the Rules for the provision of services postal service(clause 57) a penalty for failure to meet delivery deadlines is paid only in cases where the shipments are not related to business activities. If you are a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then the penalty should be determined specifically by your agreement with the Post Office. However, many online stores operate without concluding an agreement with the Post Office, sending their parcels as an individual. As a result, the post office may refuse to pay the penalty, citing clause 57 of the Rules, and from a legal point of view it will be right.

– Who is responsible to the consumer for violation of delivery deadlines and safety of goods?

The Consumer Rights Protection Law establishes strict sanctions for violation of the seller’s obligations (including delivery times specified in the public offer).

Some online stores are trying to get out of the situation by pointing out that the right to the goods is transferred to the buyer from the moment the goods are sent by Russian Post, and further responsibility lies not with the seller, but with the carrier.

This approach is certainly reasonable, but you need to keep the following in mind.

In accordance with clause 22 of the Distance Selling Rules, if the contract was concluded with the condition that the goods be delivered to the buyer, the seller is obliged within the period established by the contract, deliver the goods to the place specified by the buyer, and if the place of delivery of the goods is not specified by the buyer, then at his place of residence. Thus, the law places such responsibility on the seller, and not on his counterparty (even if it is Russian Post). And if the case goes to court, there is every reason to believe that it will be the online store that will be held accountable.

However, if you have signed an agreement with Russian Post, and it stipulates delivery times and liability for violating them, then you can then file a recourse claim against the counterparty (Pochta), collecting all fines and penalties from it.

– What is the correct procedure for sending goods? Do we have to pack them according to special requirements?

One of the most common delivery methods is cash on delivery. In this case, the sending procedure is as follows:

  • You pack the item properly. Russian Post has strict requirements for parcel packaging, which online stores are forced to comply with.
  • You send the parcel through a post office or through a sorting center.
  • Russian Post receives the parcel and transports it to the post office at the specified address.
  • Once the package arrives at the local post office, a notification is sent to the recipient.
  • The buyer comes to the post office, pays and picks up the order.
  • The online store receives money.

-What documents should the online store provide to the buyer along with the parcel?

  • As with any other type of delivery, you must provide the buyer with information about the product and the procedure for returning it, in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  • Clause 20 of the Sales Rules establishes that when the buyer pays for goods in non-cash form or when selling goods on credit (except for payment using bank payment cards), the seller is obliged to confirm the transfer of goods by drawing up an invoice or a goods acceptance certificate.

Thus, in the situation under consideration the transfer of goods to the buyer can be issued either as an invoice or a delivery certificate -acceptance of goods.

The forms of these documents are developed by the organization independently (Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting”). But they must contain all the details mentioned in Law No. 402-FZ.

These details include: the name and date of the document; the name of the economic entity (legal entity or individual entrepreneur), the contents of the transaction, the title of the position of the person who made the transaction and (or) responsible for the correctness of its execution, the signatures of these persons indicating their surnames and initials or other details necessary to identify these persons.

In the case of sending goods by mail, documents confirming the dispatch of goods will be considered as an invoice or acceptance certificate.

The tax authorities recognize as such documents postal invoices in Form 103 with a postal stamp on dispatch and notification of the postal service that the parcel has been delivered to the addressee. However, if you have many clients, then collecting these documents is extremely difficult.

Judicial practice recognizes the following as such documents:

  • register (list) of sending valuable parcels and/or parcels, indicating in it the client’s data (full name and address);
  • 14-digit postal identifier assigned postal item(parcel or parcel) and reflected on the postal invoice in form 103. It confirms both the fact of conclusion of the contract and the fact of its execution on the part of the seller, and also indicates the occurrence of payment obligations by the buyer.

In this case, the obligations under the concluded remote purchase and sale agreement are considered fulfilled by the seller from the moment the goods ordered by the buyer are sent by mail. And therefore, the primary document confirming the sale of goods (Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and the occurrence of obligations on the part of the buyer (client) to pay for it will be a postal invoice for sending the goods and/or a list for sending valuable parcels, which reflects the 14-digit number mail id

Note! , related to the postal invoice, full name. and the address of the client - the recipient of the order.

Note! We recommend posting on the website (including in the public offer) information on how the buyer can correctly accept the product and check its completeness. If the buyer does not make claims on the spot about the incompleteness of the goods upon receipt of the parcel, then he will practically not be able to prove that he was delivered the wrong goods or in the wrong configuration. It is worth indicating in the public offer in which case and upon presentation of what documents you accept claims for incompleteness of goods received by mail.

note! When delivering cash on delivery, you do not have the obligation to issue a cash receipt to the buyer. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of Law N 54-FZ, CCP is applied on the territory of the Russian Federation without fail by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs when they carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in cases of sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services. Article 5 of Law No. 54-FZ establishes that the organization is obliged to issue cash register receipts printed by cash register to customers at the time of payment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards. Cash on delivery does not fall within these definitions.

– How to receive money for delivered goods from Russian Post?

You can use several methods:

  1. Receiving an advance payment (partial advance payment) to a current account or using electronic means of payment;
  2. Cash on delivery (when the buyer pays for the goods upon receipt at the Russian Post office). Subsequently, the funds are transferred to your current account in accordance with the agreement concluded with Russian Post.

– The buyer wants to return the goods. How to process this and get the money back?

Postal services include the receipt and transmission of all mail sent to the company's legal address. If the company has not entered into an agreement for postal services, then the documentation sent to the company may get lost, for example, a claim for collection of a non-existent debt from fraudsters, example.

What is a postal service agreement?

Postal service is a service for collecting and storing correspondence from the post office, arriving at the registered legal address of the company.

Russian Post primarily works with legal entities, although it also serves individual entrepreneurs. The contract is concluded only upon sending an application described in writing. All possible types of contracts can be studied on the official website offered by Russian Post.

The advantages of working under this agreement are obvious:

  • the opportunity is provided to pick up and also leave orders for the delivery of letters and other postal parcels to the office of the enterprise or vice versa from the office;
  • stands out certain time and a special place to drop off mail;
  • if necessary, operators select a successful package of services that will be the most profitable for the organization;
  • a legal entity has the right to choose how to pay for services provided by Russian Post - in cash or non-cash forms of payment.


Limited Liability Company "__________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the General Director _________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the Limited Liability Company "__________", hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by the General Director _________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, and together referred to as the “Parties” have entered into this postal service agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1 The Contractor undertakes to accept, store and transfer to the Customer postal correspondence addressed to the Customer at the address: ________________ within 12 (twelve) months from the date of signing this agreement.

2. Responsibilities of the parties

2.1 Obligations of the Contractor:

2.1.1 Accept and store (no longer than within 1 (one) calendar month from the date of receipt) all correspondence received by mail to the Customer. If the Customer does not pick up his correspondence from the Contractor within the specified period, it will be destroyed without refunding the postal service fee.

2.1.2 Only the owner of the premises (Contractor) has the right to collect all correspondence addressed to the above organization at this postal address. No other persons, including those with powers of attorney, have the right to pick up correspondence arriving at the above address. If the Customer attempts to pick up his correspondence at the post office on his own, this agreement is considered terminated.

2.2 Responsibilities of the Customer:

2.2.1. Provide the Contractor with contact details for communication with the customer.

2.2.2. The Customer is obliged to provide the Contractor with powers of attorney in an amount of at least 3 pieces. to receive registered and valuable letters.

2.2.3 In case of changes in the method of communication, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor about such changes within 5 working days (full name, phone number, e-mail). Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided lies with the customer.

3. Amount and payment procedure

3.1. The cost of the services provided by the Contractor is ___________ (___________) rubles per month (including VAT/VAT exempt).

3.2 Payment is made by the Customer upon conclusion of this agreement in the amount of 100% of the cost of the Contractor’s services for the entire period of validity of the Agreement.

3.3 Money paid for postal and secretarial services and storage of documents will not be returned.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill their obligations under this agreement in accordance with current legislation.

4.2 The Contractor is not responsible for correspondence not delivered to the Customer due to the action/inaction of the Customer himself or other third parties (post offices, other government and/or private organizations and bodies).

5. Conditions for entry into force and termination of the contract

5.1 This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties.

5.2 The agreement can be extended on the same or different terms upon expiration of its validity period by mutual agreement of the parties by signing a new agreement.

5.3 The Contractor has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally if the Customer violates its obligations under the Contract or is unable to contact the Customer’s management or contact person.

5.4 If in this agreement the column “Contact information for communication with the Customer” is not filled in, such an agreement is considered not concluded. In this case, the amount paid under this agreement is not refundable, and claims against the Contractor for non-delivery of correspondence will not be accepted.

5.5 If the Tenant, two weeks after the end of the contract, does not return the signed certificate of completion of the work and does not submit a written claim to the lessor, then the work is considered completed and accepted by both parties.

5.6 This agreement is drawn up in two copies, each of which has equal legal force, one copy for each party.

6. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties

Executor Customer

Contact information for communication with the Customer:__________________________________________

For reference: Samples of legal and accounting documents.

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