
D link dir 300 firmware 2.5 19. I like ttk-cheat. Reset to factory firmware using Emergency Room

D-Link DIR-300 routers of various revisions in the latest firmware versions 2.5.11, 2.5.12 and 2.5.19, depending on the model, have acquired a new web interface. Despite the fact that setting up the router here is done in almost the same way as in previous version x interface, it confuses some, and there are no instructions specifically for the new firmware. (Instructions for setting up the same router with previous firmware versions are available in the “D-Link” section on this site).

This instruction will show you step by step how to configure the DIR-300 wireless router with the new firmware version, set a Wi-Fi password, and also set up IPTV. The setting is shown for Beeline and Rostelecom (should also be suitable for other providers using a PPPoE connection).

How to connect a router

First of all, you should connect the router for setup. This is easy to do: connect the Internet cable to the “Internet” port, and use the included network cable, connecting one of its ends to the computer’s network card, and the other to one of the LAN connectors on D-Link DIR-300.

Plug in the router, wait a while for it to boot, then enter in the address bar in any browser to enter the settings web interface. You will see a request for a login and password; the default login and password are admin and admin, respectively. If necessary, switch the settings interface to Russian.

If you cannot enter the router settings, then .

If your login and password do not work when entering the router settings, try.

Setting up DIR-300 with new firmware for Beeline

Let's start with setting up the Beeline connection. First of all, if you have such an Internet connection running on your computer (that is, on the computer itself you run home Internet Beeline), then disable it in the future, after setting it up, do not start it: the connection to the Internet will be established by the router itself, and you will have access to the Internet via local network.

To set up a Beeline L2TP connection on a DIR-300 with firmware 2.5.11, 2.5.12 and 2.5.19, go to the “Network” - “WAN” section, select the Dynamic IP connection that is already there and click “Delete”.

After deleting, click the “Add” button, then set the following parameters for the connection:

  • Connection type - L2TP + Dynamic IP
  • Interface - Internet
  • Name - any
  • Username is your login from Beeline Internet.
  • Password and password confirmation - Beeline Internet password.
  • VPN server address -

All other parameters can be left unchanged. If there is any doubt about their correctness, check the screenshot below.

After the settings are made, save the connection and be sure to click on the “Device configuration has been changed” notification and click “Save” to save the settings made.

If everything was done correctly, and the Beeline connection on the computer is broken, then after a short time in the Network - WAN section you will be able to see that the newly created L2TP connection has the “Connected” status, which means the connection setup is completed and the Internet is already accessible from this computer .

Further steps for setting up a Wi-Fi password are described immediately after the section on setting up a Rostelecom Internet connection.

Setting up the DIR-300 Rostelecom router

(the same settings should be suitable for other providers using PPPoE, for example,, TTK in some regions

In order to set up a high-speed Internet connection from Rostelecom (PPPoE) on the DIR-300 in the new firmware, first of all, disconnect (if it is connected) this connection on the computer and do not connect it in the future - after setting up the router, it will install it itself, the steps on you don’t need a computer for this (the Internet will be like a local network) and can cause problems.

In the router settings, go to the Network - WAN section, select the existing Dynamic IP connection there and delete it. After that, click “Add” and set the following connection parameters:

  • Connection type - PPPoE
  • Interface - Internet
  • Any name.
  • Username - your login for the Rostelecom Internet.
  • Password and password confirmation - your password for the Internet.

There is no need to change any other parameters. Click “Apply”, and then click on the notification that the device configuration has been changed and click the “Save” button (this is required, otherwise the settings will be reset upon reboot).

With the Internet configured on the router, you can check the status of the created connection in the Network - WAN or in “Status”. If the connection is successfully established, then the Internet is already available.

The next step is to configure your Wi-Fi settings.

Wi-Fi setup, wireless network password

To configure your wireless network settings, go to the “Wi-Fi” section. The two items that interest us are “Basic Settings” and “Security Settings”.

In “Basic Settings” you can set the name of the Wi-Fi access point instead of the standard “DIR-300” (i.e. the name of the network to which you will connect). This is done in the SSID field.

Do not use Cyrillic for the network name, as this does not always work (for example, some devices may not connect).

After that, go to your Wi-Fi security settings and set the following options.

Despite the fact that the DIR-300 firmware has different a large number of differences from previous versions of this device, users often ask questions about where to download such firmware, as well as how to properly use the updated web interface. However, in fact, it is enough to understand the extremely simple instructions, and then you can do all the procedures completely independently.

How to download?

It is immediately worth noting the fact that this instruction is relevant only for those routers that have the inscription H/W: D1 on the sticker below. In other cases, other DIR-300 firmware is needed.

Before you start installing the software, you should download the firmware file from the official website. On the site itself, you will need to go to the pub-Router-DIR-300-Firmware folder. You should pay attention to the fact that in this folder there are several directories under the same name, which differ from each other by underscores. If you bought your router in 2015 or made an even later purchase, then you will need to select DIR-300 firmware with the ending “A_D1”.

This folder contains the latest firmware versions intended for the corresponding router. As of January 2015 latest version - 2.5.11.


If you have not yet connected your own router, and have not previously dealt with similar procedures, you should perform a certain set of works before getting the DIR-300:

  • Connect the router cable to the computer. In the vast majority of cases, this cable is included in the initial configuration of the device. One end of the wire is connected to the computer's network card, while the other is connected to the LAN 1 connector on the router itself. If your computer does not have a network port, you should connect this device via Wi-Fi.
  • Connect power to the router. In the event that you are going to flash the DIR-300 router via wireless connection, then in this case through certain time a DIR-300 network should appear that does not have password protection installed, and you will need to connect to it.
  • Launch any browser convenient for you, then type in the address bar. If this page does not open, you should check that in the characteristics of the connection you are using in the “TCP/IP Protocol Properties” section there is a checkmark next to the “Obtain IP and DNS automatically” section.
  • When you are asked for your username and password, you will need to enter admin. It is worth noting the fact that when you first log in, most likely, you will be asked to change the standard password, and if you still decide to change it, do not forget it, since then the setting will be blocked for you in the DIR-300 router. If the password doesn't work, then you or someone else has already changed it before. In this case, it is recommended to completely reset the starting characteristics of the router using the Reset button located on the back of the device. After this, the configuration must be carried out again in the DIR-300 router.

If all the above procedures were successful, then you can immediately proceed to the next part.


Depending on what this moment The firmware version is present on your device, after logging in you will see one of the interface options. Pay attention to this point.

Gray interface

The gray background of the interface is typical for firmware versions 1.0.11 or 1.0.4, and in this case you should perform the following procedures:

  • Go to the “Advanced Settings” category using the button at the bottom of the screen. If necessary, you should switch the language using the Language button located at the top of the page.
  • In the “System” column, click the double right arrow, and then select “Software Update”.
  • Select the firmware file you need, which was downloaded earlier from the official website.
  • Click "Update".

Then you will need to wait a certain time before the firmware is installed on your Wi-Fi DIR-300. If it seems to you that everything is completely frozen or the page is in the “Not responding” state, do not be surprised, this point will be discussed in more detail later.

White interface

The white interface is typical for firmware version 2.5.4 or 2.5.11, as well as for subsequent versions. In this case, you will need to do the following work to update:

  • On the left side of the menu, select “System”, and then click on “Software Update”. Do not forget that if necessary or to ensure greater convenience in working with the interface, you can switch its language using the corresponding button at the top of the screen.
  • Go to the “Local Update” section, click on the “Browse” button and look for the firmware file that you previously downloaded.
  • Click the "Update" button.

Your DIR-300 will be updated within a short period of time, Wi-Fi connection will be completed and you will be able to use the Internet.

What to do if everything is frozen?

If, during the process of installing the update, it seemed to you that the device was completely frozen because the progress bar was constantly moving in the browser or it simply displayed that the page was inaccessible, this situation occurs because during the software update process the connection between the computer and the router is completely lost . Thus, you will have to wait for one or two minutes and then connect again. this device and go into settings to see that the firmware has been updated normally.

If you have experience from this manufacturer, you can begin to determine the device parameters on your computer, since the same principles are used in the DIR-300. Instructions for those who do not have experience in such selection of configurations are below.

How is the setup done?

Despite the perceptions of many users, there is actually nothing difficult about setting up a router correctly. To do this, you will need literally 10 minutes of free time and a competent approach to business.

How to connect?

Initially, you need to connect the device to the network itself. To do this, you will need to plug your Internet provider cable, which was provided to you during the installation process, into the yellow Internet port on the back of the router, and connect one of the LAN connectors to the network card of your computer. It is worth noting the fact that the most convenient is the wired setup of the DIR-300. The WRT firmware and other variations, of course, allow you to carry out the firmware even in wireless mode via a tablet or phone, but still it is the wired mode that can be called the most convenient among all existing ones. Now connect the router to the outlet, but do not rush to try connecting to the Internet through it from various wireless devices.

If you have some kind of TV set-top box, then in this case you can also connect it to one of the LAN ports, but experts recommend doing this after the final setup of the equipment, since in some situations the set-top box greatly interferes with normal setup.

How to go to settings?

It’s worth noting right away that a fairly common mistake made by modern users is that the network is actively connected during the setup process on the computer, both during setup and after it. You must first completely terminate the current connection if it is running on your laptop or personal computer, and subsequently do not connect it exactly until the setup is completely completed. The router will independently establish a connection and also “distribute” the Internet to all kinds of gadgets.

Now launch a browser and enter in the address bar. You will see a window in which you will be asked for a password and login, and you should enter the word “admin” in both fields. This password and the login is the default in the standard web interface of this router.

What to do if it doesn't work?

If, after entering this data, the system sends you back to the input page, this means that someone tried to change the router settings, and, in particular, changed the standard password, since you are asked to change it at the first login. It happens that you cannot remember it, in which case you will need to reset the device to standard settings. To do this, you need to press the Reset button located on the back of the case, and not just press, but hold for 15-20 seconds while the router is connected to the network.

How to setup?

After entering your login and password, you will see home page interface of your router, which contains all the settings, and where we previously updated the DIR-300. At the bottom of the page you will need to click “Advanced settings”, and if necessary, change the initial interface language.

After that, go to the “Network” item and select the WAN section. Now you should see a list of connections, where you will see the only active one, which you need to open. Its parameters should be as follows:

  • connection type - “Dynamic IP + L2TP”;
  • name - may remain standard, but often users prefer to enter something more convenient (this does not in any way affect the functionality of the installed equipment);
  • username - here you will need to enter your individual Internet login (for example, for the Beeline network it usually starts with 0891);
  • password and confirmation - again, the Internet password is entered in order to gain access to the network;
  • VPN server address - check in service center your provider.

Experts recommend leaving all other parameters at default and not trying to change them if you are not a qualified specialist. Now you can click the “Change” button, after which you will be thrown back to the page with full list available connections. After this, you should turn your attention to the indicator located in the upper right part of the screen - you need to click on it and select “Save”, which will allow you to completely save the settings in the router’s memory so that they will not be reset later in the event of a power outage.

If you enter all the relevant information correctly, and there are no active L2TP connections on the computer itself, the next time you refresh the browser page you will find that you have a configured Internet connection and have access to the Internet. Now all that remains is to configure the basic security settings, or more precisely, set some complex password for the DIR-300 router.

It is recommended to set some really complex combination as a password so that no one can connect to your Internet from the outside. You can use random password generators or simply create your own combination of numbers and letters.

Hello, dear readers of the inforkomp blog. So, as you understand from the title of the article, today I want to return to the topic again: setting up a wireless access point. To be more precise, I want to talk about: how to flash a router and why do it. I will show the process of resetting the software using an example. Wi-Fi router Dlink Dir-300. But, if your router model is different from the one shown here, it’s okay, the process itself is the same, except that only the design of the settings window and the name of the menu items will differ.

Why did I decide to write specifically about the router firmware? First of all, the idea of ​​writing an article about router firmware update, but I couldn’t get it together and do it. The second reason is that Lately, many friends began to ask me exactly this question: how to flash a router, what to press and what firmware to use.

As a rule, many users initially try to update it. For example, when purchasing or setting up a new device, I personally check the firmware version and, if possible, update it to the latest version. And you know what, my router has probably been working for more than a year now and has never frozen.

I believe that it is necessary to update the firmware on the router. The very meaning of updates is that when developers release new firmware versions, they correct all the shortcomings and errors that could appear when working with the Internet and the router. Moreover, the process of flashing the router itself is very easy.

Therefore, if you have serious problems with Wi-Fi, then be sure to read the article and try to reflash your Wi-Fi router.

Why reflash your router?

Well, there can be a lot of reasons to flash a router. Here are a few of them:

  • 1. The most common reason is updating the firmware for stable and high-quality operation Wi-Fi signal A;
  • 2. No device receives a Wi-Fi signal;
  • 3. The message that the smartphone and computer is constantly on;
  • 4. The Internet cable inserted into the WAN port is not visible or not detected;
  • 5. The Wi-Fi signal constantly disappears and appears; etc.

In general, there are simply a huge number of types of problems that the router firmware can help you deal with.

Preparation and selection of firmware


  • Choose your firmware carefully. Do not make a mistake in determining the hardware version of the device;
  • Disconnect the Internet cable from the router, leaving only the power supply and connection to the computer;
  • You should only flash the router using network cable, which we connect to any port of the access point (except WAN), and the other side to network card computer. You cannot update the router software using WiFi;
  • All settings, passwords and logins will be reset to factory settings. What, after the update you will have to configure it again;
  • Do not turn off the access point while flashing;

Well, let's start by determining the revision of the router and downloading the required firmware. In order to find out the hardware version, we need to turn the device over and look at the sticker with technical information. I have this " H/W Ver.: B5" And " F/W Ver.: 1.2.94“Therefore, for those who have the same revision or B6, then download the firmware here: link.

Those with D link dir-300 NRU B7, download the update from this link by selecting the required version. For owners of routers with revision B1, B2, B3, download. If you have a different router, then go here, and in the list that appears, select the device with the appropriate revision. Then, going to the folder " Firmware", which contains the latest firmware version in the form of a "bin" file.

Now, by clicking on the file, we save it to the computer.

Once again, be careful when choosing the firmware version. Because if you try to install the firmware that is required for revisions B1-3 on a router with revisions B5-7, this may cause it to break. And it will be possible to restore its functionality only at a service center by paying a certain amount for it.

Firmware for D-Link Dir 300 router

As always, for any setup, first use the technical data (password, login) indicated on the sticker. If you accidentally forgot your password, then you will need.

The web interface window of our device will open.

To start updating the router firmware, you need to go to the following menu items: “ System» -> « Software Update».

In the firmware update menu, click on the " Choose"We will be required to find the downloaded file and open it. If the name appears next to the selection button, then everything is in order. To start the process, click on “ Update».

All that remains is to wait for the firmware update to finish and reboot the router.

The next time you enter the settings, use the standard password and check the current software version.

Also, do not forget that all settings are abandoned. Therefore, be sure not to forget. Leave comments if you have questions or need help finding the right firmware.

Firmware update D-Link router Dir 300

The Dlink dir-300 wireless router is a kind of dinosaur among routers in its class, suffice it to say that after the first Dlink dir-300 model became outdated, various analogues of the Dlink dir-300 B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 began to appear that are superior in terms of speed and functionality of its prototype. But in order to use additional functionality without interruption, I recommend updating your Dlink to the latest firmware, which is what this article is about.

First of all, you need to configure the network on your computer/laptop to automatic acquisition of IP address and DNS server

Before updating the firmware, be sure to find out the hardware revision (H/W) of your router. To do this, look at the affixed label located at the bottom of the router. This sticker has an inscription that begins with “H/W Ver.:”. The letter and number following it indicate the hardware revision, also pay attention to the firmware version “F/W Ver.:”

Once you have determined the revision of your DIR-300 NRU and its version, download latest firmware, according to the audit
Important!!! You CANNOT install firmware for DIR-300 NRU hardware versions B1, B2 and B3 into a DIR-300 NRU router that has hardware revision B5, B6 and vice versa. This will lead to a complete failure of your device. After this, it will be possible to restore the router only for money by contacting a specialized service center.
If you have Dlink dir-300 NRU B1/ B2/ B3, then download this firmware from here .
If Dlink dir-300 NRU B5/ B6/ B7 then you need to download the firmware here from here .
If you have Dlink dir-300 A/B, download the firmware from here.
In this article, as an example, I will update the firmware of the Dlink dir-300 NRU (hardware revision B5), but the update process is similar for all Dlink routers, so it may also be suitable for updating the Dlink dir-300 NRU B1, B2, B3, B6, B7.

So let's start, in the browser (recommended Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.) enter the address of your router in the address bar, the default is used (login admin, password admin)

Then, for security purposes, Dlink will prompt you to change your password, enter and click "Save".

After this, the router's web interface will open.

In order to start the update you need to go to the path « System - Update BY".

Then click "Review" indicate the path to the downloaded update and click "Update".

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