
Dll is not removed. Deleting undeletable files manually. Using system tools

Each application can be closed. This can usually be done using the red X located in the upper right corner. Where is the red cross for Windows Explorer, how can I close Windows Explorer?

Windows Explorer can be closed with two different ways. The first one is more common, but is a bit of a crude method. And the second, on the contrary, is less common, but is the correct method of closing Explorer.

How to close File Explorer via Task Manager

Task Manager provides the user with quite extensive capabilities for managing the processes running on the computer. Separately, it is worth noting the ability of the Task Manager to stop the execution of a task. This is especially useful when a program freezes or needs to be stopped viral process which does not give. Windows Explorer is also a separate process, and accordingly, it can also be disabled. To do this we need to know that the process called


and there is that very process. Don't confuse it with the process


which is the process for Internet browser Explorer.

To close Windows Explorer through the Task Manager, you need to open the Task Manager itself (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), in the tab Processes find process


After that, right-click on this process and in the opened context menu select team Cancel task.

The correct way to close Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer also has a red cross that closes it. Only it’s hidden well, because regular users, if the Windows interface is turned off, they simply will not be able to start Explorer again. As a result, questions like “Explorer closed, what should I do?” are becoming very relevant. To get to this button you need to use a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+RMB(RMB - right mouse click). This combination must be used in the free zone in the Start menu (in the case of Windows 7), or in the taskbar (in the case of Windows 8). The response to this action will be a context menu, among other commands in which there will be a command with the name Exit from Explorer, which you need to click to close Windows Explorer.

After clicking this item, Windows Explorer will close.

How to open Windows Explorer

Breaking is not building. It’s easy to close Explorer. But how can you open Windows Explorer back, which is how the user works with the computer? Fortunately, there is one effective way. Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc). After that you press File - Start new task. In the window that opens - and this is - enter the command


and press the button OK. After executing this command, which by the way can also be executed in a command prompt window, you will open Windows Explorer.

please tell me how to delete files from dll extension and got the best answer

Answer from Boris Beskrovny[guru]
Files with the DLL extension are no different from other files and are deleted, accordingly, just like any other files. Please be aware that many system DLLs are busy system processes operating system during its execution, so they can be deleted only when the operating system is not running; to do this, you can, for example, boot from a floppy disk (in this case the NTFS partitions will not be visible) or by removing the hard drive and inserting it into another computer. Also, you will not be able to delete files (any files, not just DLLs) if you do not have sufficient deletion rights, in which case you must log in under an administrator account.
In general, you need to remove DLLs with great care.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: please tell me how to delete files with the dll extension

Answer from GweNIK[active]
I wouldn't do this if I were you...

Answer from Den Denoff[active]

Answer from Shurick Letsko[guru]
del *.dll

Answer from Alexey Olegovich Pavlenko[guru]
ne rekomenduetsya udalyat" vse podryad... osobenno, esli fayli v sistemnoy papke Win32...
mojno udalit", pol"zuyas" DOS, Linux or drugoy vindoy...eto esli net razreweniya

Answer from User deleted[expert]
they are simply deleted if there is protection on them, then you need to delete the file on which the protection is based; if it is a system one, then it will not work then in safe mode!

Answer from What a nightmare[expert]
It’s better to try not to delete them at all, and if you really want to, then remove them from use or remove the read-only option

Answer from Leonov Alexey[guru]
Dll files are system files and cannot be deleted because their second name is DirrectX. , but this library needs to be restored.

Answer from Psyche[guru]
If using standard methods(the same shift+delete) cannot be deleted, which means the dll is loaded into memory. Try it at booting Windows hold F8, then select "Safe Mode", boot into safe mode and try to remove the dll you need using the usual methods.

Answer from Yoonya Kondratenko[newbie]
Shkolota, for example, CoreSync_x64.dll was not removed from Adobe, and there is no way to remove it using standard means...
Here's how to do it...
In any version Windows family NT has a tasklist command line program that allows you to display a list of processes running on the operating system. To use it to delete undeletable files, follow the instructions:
Start -> Run (Win+R).
In the window that appears, type cmd and press Enter.
In the black window that appears, type tasklist /m > c: asklist.txt.
This command displays a list of all processes with the modules (dll and exe files) involved in their work and saves this list to the file c: asklist.txt, instead of displaying it on the screen.
Open the file c: asklist.txt and find the dll or exe file that cannot be deleted.
If the file name is present in the list, then kill the process (via task manager or taskkill command) that uses this file. Process names are written in text file on the left, the names of the involved dlls and exes on the right.
Often an undeletable file is used by the explorer.exe process, which displays windows with folders and icons on the desktop. It, like any other process, can be terminated, and, of course, all windows that should be displayed by explorer.exe and the start menu panel will also close. In this case, you should not close the black window. After the explorer.exe process is completed, it will not be closed and you can type the command to delete it del file the path to the file.
I will add that there are processes that, when completed, can cause your computer to restart, usually some of them are svchost.exe, so don’t be alarmed if Windows suddenly decides to restart your computer. After a reboot, everything will be as before. In this case, deleting a non-deletable file is much more difficult; you must either use safe mode, either ERD or another operating system.
Finally delete the file. And you can restart a previously completed process.
All these manipulations can be carried out with remote computer, provided that you have administrator rights on it.
I would also like to note that there are cases when, when deleting a file, it seems to have been deleted, without unnecessary error messages, however, after updating the contents of the folder, the file appears again. In this case, it is necessary to check the file system for errors. To do this, run the command on the command line
chkdsk c: /f
where: c: is the letter of the partition on which the file is located.

How to delete a file or folder in Explorer?

You can also use several methods to delete a file or folder. For any method, you first need to select the file to delete. Further.

Þ Drag the file/folder icon onto the Trash icon.

Þ In the Explorer window, select a file and use the “File” and “Delete” menu items.

Retrieving a deleted file or folder back

When displaying the log, renames and copies are automatically detected. But the file or folder is not lost at all. If you know a file or folder has been deleted, open the repository browser and switch to that revision. Refer to the Repository Browser section and the Conversation Log section to learn more. Enter a new name for the element and you'll be done.

Addressing filename conflicts

If you want to move files within your work tree, perhaps to a different subfolder, you can use the right-click drag and drop handler. So simply renaming the file using Explorer's rename command likely won't work. The easiest way is to do it on a logger-specific filesystem, and then commit and push the changes.

Þ Right-click on the icon of the selected file and select the “Delete” command in the context menu.

Þ There is a delete button in the Explorer toolbar.

What tasks does the “My Computer” icon allow you to solve?

The My Computer icon allows you to access any file and device on your computer. To launch “My Computer” you need to double-click on its icon.

If you want to keep both or more files with the "same" name but a different new name, do this for all the files in question and rename them before continuing with the next .

  • Uncheck only one element that you want to keep.
  • Return deletion of the file you are looking for to get it back.
But what if you want to clear all ignored elements to create a clean build? Removing laptops is not as easy as you think. When you delete a laptop, it is moved to the Trash, where you can permanently delete it.

The My Computer application has almost the same capabilities as Explorer. The only difference is that the work area of ​​the My Computer window consists of one part, identical to the right half of Explorer. Those. there is no hierarchical list of files and folders.

Double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon will display a window with a list of all computer drives. Double-clicking on the icon of the desired disk will open a window with the contents of this disk - a set of its folders and files. Double-clicking on the icon of the desired folder will open a window with the contents of the folder. Etc.

Removing a laptop from a computer

Any items in the laptop cannot be recovered after removing the laptop from the trash. The notepad doesn't go away for long until you empty the trash. Keep in mind that anyone with whom you shared the notebook can no longer access the file. Among the channels most used by malware, .

The global network is the main source of distribution of all types malware. The malware can enter the computer if the user. First, attackers trick a user into visiting a specific website through spam messages distributed via email or posted on Internet message boards. This site contains code that redirects the request to a third-party server containing the exploit. Once an operating system type is detected, the corresponding exploit is activated. If the attack is successful, a Trojan is installed on the user's computer, allowing attackers to control the infected computer. Previously, malicious people were used to create malicious websites, but recently they have managed to infect legal websites.

  • Accessing a website containing malicious code.
  • The drive attack is performed in two stages.
Email messages received by users and stored in email databases may contain viruses.

Note. If you hold down the Ctrl key while double-clicking, a new window will not appear. The contents of the selected folder will appear in the previous window (where you double-clicked). This approach will allow you to avoid cluttering your desktop with My Computer windows.

What are the ways to launch applications in Windows 95?

Malicious attachments can be found in the body of the message, as in an attachment. You can infect your computer after opening a message or after saving an attachment. In addition, email messages can lead to two more threats: spam and scams. The only undesirable consequence of reading spam is wasting time.

Removable storage media

Software vulnerabilities are the most common source of attacks by cybercriminals. The vulnerabilities allow you to remotely access your computer, which will allow you to control your data, your local network resources and other sources of information. When you run a file located on removable media, you can infect your computer's data with viruses.

You can use different methods to launch applications in Windows 95:

1. “Start” button, “Programs” submenu - and select the desired application from the list that appears.

2. If there is an application shortcut on the desktop, then double-clicking the left mouse button will give a command to execute the application.

3. Find the application in the Explorer window and double-click on its icon.

Security 101: Types of Malware

Some users may install applications that appear to be safe, but actually infect their data. This method is called "social engineering" because virus writers can force the victim to install the virus themselves. After installing the application, update the databases and perform a full scan. To understand what types of threats exist to your data, it helps to know what types of malware exist and how they work. In general, malware can be divided into the following classes.

4. Select the application in the Explorer window and execute the Open command from the File menu.

5. “Start” button, “Run” submenu and in the window that appears, enter the name of the application.

6. Give a command to open the corresponding document and the application will launch automatically.

Programs that infect other programs by adding their own control code after running infected files. The main purpose of a virus is to infect. The speed of spread of viruses is slightly lower than that of worms. This type of malware uses network resources to spread. Its name means that they can penetrate from one computer to another, like a worm. Its spread speed is very high.

When a worm penetrates a computer, it tries to obtain the addresses of other computers on the network in order to begin sending copies of itself. They also typically use email client contact book data. This type of malware includes a wide range of programs that take action without the user understanding it and without their consent: they collect data and send it to criminals; destroy or modify data with criminal intent, causing computer malfunction, or using computer resources for criminal purposes, such as sending mass spam.

To solve what problems can you use a graphical paint editor?

The Paint graphic editor is designed for creating, viewing and editing various graphic images. With its help, you can create both arbitrary drawings and mathematical drawings and diagrams. Finished drawings can later be inserted into text documents.

They are not classic viruses because they do not infect other programs or data. Trojans cannot penetrate computers themselves, but are distributed by criminals under the wing of some kind of “desirable” software. They are capable of causing much more damage than classic viruses.

What tasks does the “My Computer” icon allow you to solve?

Their presence may be completely invisible to the user. They can collect data about user actions, hard drive contents, installed software, connection quality and speed, etc. There are at least two known programs that also allow you to control equipment. Another example of spyware is programs that install code in the Internet browser to redirect traffic. You may have seen how they work when another web page opens instead of the requested one.

· Drawing straight and curved lines of various thicknesses and colors.

· Pencil - when the left mouse button is pressed, a trace of the selected color, 1 pixel thick, is drawn behind the mouse cursor. When the left button is released, the trail is not drawn.

· Brush - the action is similar to a pencil, but you can change the shape of the brush - circle, square, line, etc.

· Spray - painting with the effect of spraying paint.

· Eraser - for erasing part of the drawing. You can change the eraser size. The removed area will be filled with the background color.

· Fill - allows you to paint the inside of an arbitrary closed area with the selected color. This requires clicking anywhere within the area. If the area is not closed, then the entire work area will be painted.

· Line - designed to draw a straight line (segment) of the selected color and thickness. The ends of the segment are the places where the left mouse button was pressed and released.

Sometimes when deleting files in Windows, the user receives a message that the operation cannot be completed with the notification “The file is open in another program.” Let's consider several options for solving this problem.

Simple ways

  1. In most cases, a reboot can help - after it, the processes in which our file is open can be terminated.
  2. If a normal reboot does not help, try booting Windows in safe mode.
  3. Remove the program that has associations with the file in Windows Explorer. This will terminate processes and delete the locked file.
  4. The reason for the inability to delete files may be a virus. Run an anti-virus scan on your computer.
  5. The antivirus may also block the file - temporarily disable it and try deleting the file again.
  6. Log in as an administrator - your account may not have the appropriate permissions to delete.
  7. Move the file to another location.
  8. Perform a system rollback to a previous date.

Using system tools

If the above actions do not lead to the desired result, you will have to resort to more radical means.

Task Manager

We remember the name of the undeleted file in the system message and open it. In it, go to the “Applications” tab, find our file and click the “End task” button.

Switch to the “Processes” tab and check whether the program blocking our file is in the list. If yes, right-click it and select “End process” (or “End process tree”).

After that we try to delete the file again.

Using the Computer Management utility

Open the “Computer Management” system tool.

Click on the item “Utilities”, then “Shared Folders”.

Next, go to the “Open Files” subsection.

Right-click on it and select “Disable all open files.”

If a list of files is displayed, select the one you need and close it. Now we are trying to delete the file again.

Using third party applications

The steps described above may seem complicated to users. In this case, you can use the small open-source utility DeadLock. Download it, install it and launch it. In the main window, select the “File-Open” menu and open the locked file. Right-click it and select “Unblock” from the menu.

After the operation is successfully completed, the message “Successfully Unlocked” will appear in the “Status” column and the file can be deleted.

Inability to delete a folder or separate file applications - a common problem in OS Windows, from old XP version to the new “ten”. If you're trying to delete a file without closing the program, that's one thing. In this case, it is enough to close the running application, for example, a game, and the issue will be resolved. Well, in other cases, you will need to apply certain actions to solve the problem, using system or software methods.

You often encounter these errors when trying to delete a file or an entire folder:

  • the file cannot be deleted because it hangs in the task manager (occupied by a process);
  • the file cannot be deleted because it is open in some program;
  • Administrator permission is required to perform the action.
There are a number of ways you can remove Not required file or folder. This can be done both by means of the system and special utilities and programs.

Before you begin the process, make sure that deleted file will not cause unstable operation of the operating system. When cleaning your computer from unnecessary “garbage”, do not delete system files, without which its stable operation is impossible.

Files occupied by a process can be deleted both using the system itself and third party programs. In the article we will tell you and show with screenshots how such files can be deleted in Unlocker, DeadLock and Live CD. The first two programs are free and suitable for untrained users.

If you are trying to remove files such as hiberfil.sys, the methods discussed in this article will not apply to them. In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions for disabling “hibernation”, the energy-saving mode of the PC operating system, or setting up a hidden system file swap pagefile.sys. Deleting the Windows.old folder may also help.

Deleting a file without additional programs

If a file cannot be deleted because it is occupied by a process, the system will notify you about this. In this case, the notification will contain the name of the process due to which deletion is impossible. Most often, the files are “occupied” by the main program process Windows Explorer. And if the file is “freed”, it will be easy to delete.

You can close the process in the task manager. To run it, do the following:
  • If you have Windows XP or Windows 7, press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  • If you have "eight" or "ten", press Win+X and select task manager.
See what process is occupied by the desired file. By deleting the task, you can easily delete it.

But to delete a file occupied by the main process of the Explorer program, it is not enough to simply cancel the task. You will only have to remove it using the command line. First, run it, remove the explorer.exe task, and then delete it by typing the del command full_path_to_your file.

Now, to return the standard view of the Desktop, you need to restart the main Windows process Explorer. This is done in the task manager. On the “File” tab, select “Run a new task” and in the window that opens, specify “explorer.exe”.

The process is running again, and the desktop looks standard.

Removing a locked file using a bootable USB flash drive or disk

Boot the operating system from any Live CD, such as bootable flash drive, USB drive, from the OS recovery disk. When booting from a Live CD, either the command line or the standard GUI operating system. When you boot the OS from any USB drive, the hard drive partitions may have different letters. To avoid mistakes when deleting a file, it is better to use the dir command. For example, the command "dir d" will show all folders stored on that drive.

If you boot the system from a flash drive or installation disk for “seven” and “eight”, after loading the language selection window or at another stage, run command line, using the Shift and F10 key combination. But you can also use System Restore. Here you can see a similar situation with changing drive letters, so don't forget to use the dir command as well.

Using DeadLock to Unlock and Delete Files

Many users who have previously resorted to free program Unlocker are gradually switching to an alternative option - DeadLock. In the last year, along with the Unlocker distribution package, unnecessary programs, which are installed on the computer without the user’s knowledge. The program is also perceived ambiguously antivirus programs and browsers.

The free DeadLock utility works on the same principle: it removes the lock and deletes files. The declared functions also include the ability to change the owner of a file, but we have not tested this.

So, how does the program work? If a file cannot be deleted because it is occupied by a program process, launch DeadLock and select File. Now add your file to the program list and click the mouse. Now you have three actions available to you: Unlock, Remove and Move.

The peculiarity of DeadLock is that after unlocking the file, it does not add this action to the Explorer program.

Free Unlocker to unlock files that won't be deleted

Until some time, as we already wrote above, the Unlocker program enjoyed great love from users. It easily, without problems and quickly deleted any file occupied by the process.

Using the program is easy: click on the file you want to delete and unlock it.

The program works the same way as DeadLock: it kills the process and then deletes the file. But it also has distinctive advantages: the program is able to record even those processes that are not shown by the dispatcher.

Why is the file or folder not being deleted?

The official website of the operating system developer corporation provides little information about why it is sometimes impossible to delete certain folders and files.

What may be preventing you from deleting a file or folder?

You may not have enough rights to edit the file and folder and then delete it. The file may not be deleted due to certain PC administrator settings.

Another option is also relevant - when the file works in a specific program. The problem may be resolved if you close all running applications.

Why when I try to delete a file does Windows say the file is in use?

If, when deleting a file, the system displays an error about its use by the program, you need to close it. For example, you want to delete a folder with Word, but you can’t because this moment you are working with a document from this program. Therefore, if you close the document, the folder will be deleted. Or you are trying to delete files while someone else is working on them (if you have a home network).

After deleting all files, an empty folder remains

The solution to the problem is closing all programs or restarting the PC.

If the file is open in Explorer, how can I delete it? A used object in Windows cannot be moved, renamed, modified, or erased. First, you need to close it and terminate the processes associated with it. Another or another option is to disable the conductor itself.

There are several ways to delete a file if it is occupied by Windows Explorer.

Try a few simple methods to get started.

Task Manager

The frozen item may not be on the taskbar. You won't see it even if it's open. But you don't need to restart your computer. Windows 7, 8 and 10 have a service where you can view and selectively disable running programs. Here's how to close a file in Explorer:

The program can be “hidden” in background processes. This means that it is not visible, but at the same time it works and is used by the system. And how to remove an item without restarting the PC? The same Task Manager will help.

  1. Open it and go to the "Processes" section.
  2. Find the application process there. Usually its name is the name of the executable file.
  3. Click on it and click Finish.
  4. If you don’t know what this program is and what it is responsible for, it’s better not to risk it. You may accidentally disable a system process.

Computer management

In Windows 7 and other versions of Win OS there is another useful feature. Here's how to use it to close a file in Explorer:

Close Explorer

There is no point in removing used files. You won't be able to erase them while they are active. But you don’t have to look for them in the “Dispatcher” to close them. You can disable the conductor itself. Better yet, restart it.

If you do something wrong, errors will occur. This is still a system service, not a user program. You should not close it if you plan to continue working on the computer.

Here's how to delete a file from File Explorer:

You can do it another way:

  1. Go to Start.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys and right-click on any free space. Not by the logo, but precisely in the area where the list of shortcuts is located.
  3. From the context menu, select “Exit Explorer.”

To run it:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift again.
  2. Right-click on “Start”. This time by the icon itself, and not by the area “inside” the main menu.
  3. The line “Open Explorer”.

Third party programs

You can unlock objects using special software. After that you can erase them. Such utilities are very easy to work with. They have a clear interface and a minimal set of options. They themselves are compact, weigh little and do not require resources. You will quickly figure out how to close a file in Windows Explorer 7.

  1. Find it on the Internet, download, install and run.
  2. You will see a window with a menu bar and an empty table. It will contain information about the selected elements.
  3. Command "File - Open".
  4. Specify the path to the object you want to erase. It will appear in the workspace of the unlocker program.
  5. Right-click on it.
  6. Select "Unblock".
  7. The “Status” column should read “Successfully Unblocked.”
  8. You can then delete the item.

Install this utility and it will appear in the context menu. Right-click on any icon - there will be an “Unlocker” item. When you select it, a dialog box will open. It contains the path to the file and to the program that processes it by default. If this is a music track, then there will be a media player in the “Processing” column. If this is a picture, it will be graphics editor or an image viewer.

To get rid of an object, select “Delete” in the drop-down list (bottom left). You can also move, unlock or change the name. Unlocker is free.

Before deleting a file, disable the processes associated with it. If it is open in some program, you will not be able to erase it. You can close it through the Task Manager or use “unlocker utilities”.

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