
Access to test page atol. How to check whether a connection has been established between the atol cash register and the office. Solving all sorts of problems

To set up data exchange with OFD on ATOL fiscal registrars, you will need to useofficial utility from the manufacturer of CCP “ Test "KKM Driver""". This utility is supplied in a single archive “Trade Equipment Drivers”, which can be found and downloaded in the ATOL Download Center (section Software-> DTO). After you have downloaded and unpacked this archive, the utility can be found in one of the folders depending on the bitness of the OS architecture and the bitness of the architecture of your computer:

  • .../nt-x86-msvc2015/fptr_t.exe - for Windows OS 32-bit
  • .../nt-x64-msvc2015/fptr_t.exe - for Windows OS 64-bit
  • .../linux-armhf/ - for Raspberry Pi
  • .../linux-x86/ - for Linux OS 32-bit
  • .../linux-x64/ - for Linux OS 64-bit

Option 1 (TCP only)

    Run the “KKM Driver Test” utility and openProperties

    Select from the listKKT model

    Specify as portTCP/IP

    Please indicate correctIP address And IP port KKT online

    Click Check connection to make sure that the cash register is connected (the result field should display a line describing the cash register model indicating the software version)

    Open CCP parameters

    IN section 18 OFD -> Exchange channel Select the connection type that corresponds to your case from the drop-down list ( Ethernet/WiFi)

Option 2 (TCP + USB)

First, you need to make sure that the correct Exchange Channel with OFD is selected in the cash register settings. For this:

    First make sure that this fiscal recorder is not added to the list of Dooglys Connect devices and is not used by any other third-party program

    Run the utility “ Test “KKM Driver"" and openProperties

    Select from the listModel CCP

    Specify as portCOM port

    Click Check connection to make sure that the cash register is connected (the Result field should display a line describing the cash register model indicating the software version)

    Open CCP parameters

    IN section 18 OFD -> Exchange channel select the connection type that corresponds to your case from the drop-down list (Ethernet/WiFi/GSM modem)

    In the remaining fields of this section, check the correctness of the connection parameters in accordance with the documentation of your fiscal data operator: OFD server address, OFD server port, OFD DNS, etc.

In this case, to transfer checks to the OFD, the Internet connection of the computer to which the fiscal registrar is connected will be used. To set up such a connection, you will need to install and configure a special service on your computer -EthernetOverUsb (EoU), which will receive checks for sending from the connected fiscal registrar and send them to the OFD using the Internet connection configured on this computer.

Before setting up the EthernetOverUsb utility, you need to make sure that the correct Exchange Channel with the OFD is selected in the CCP settings. For this:

    First make sure that this fiscal recorder is not added to the list of Dooglys Connect devices and is not used by any other third-party program

    Run the utility “ Test “KKM Driver"” and openProperties

    Select from the listModel CCP

    Specify as portCOM port, through which the cash register is connected to the computer

    Click Check connection to make sure that the cash register is connected (the result field should display a line describing the cash register model indicating the software version)

    Open CCP parameters

    IN section 18 OFD -> Exchange channel select the connection type from the drop-down list EoU

    In the remaining fields of this section, check the correctness of the connection parameters in accordance with the documentation of your fiscal data operator: OFD server address, OFD server port, OFD DNS, etc.

Next, you need to download the utility to your computer, which can also be found in ATOL Download Center (section Software -> DTO -> EoU). After you download and unpack the archive, you will find all current versions of the EoU utility (we recommend choosing latest version). In each directory, under the version names, there are distributions of this utility for each supported OS version.

Attention! The methods described below are not the only possible and correct configuration methods. Dooglys is not responsible for the performance of the Atol software.


The distribution kit for Windows OS is located in a folder callednt-x86-mingw. Further point by point:

    Copy from directorynt-x86-mingw file settings.xml to the directory C:\ProgramData\ATOL\EoU(if there is no such directory, then you need to create it)

    Create a shortcut to the fileEthOverUsb.exe from directory nt-x86-mingw with parameter -e

The instructions cover the issues of installing the driver, connecting the cash register to a computer via a USB cable, and fiscalizing the FN.

When the ATOL CCP is connected to a computer via a USB cable, data is transferred to the OFD using EoU (Ethernet-over-USB) technology. The required service is installed together with the retail equipment driver (DTO).

The driver "ATOL:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ) 10.x" is developed in a two-level architecture and consists of two parts: an integration component (supplied as part of the 1C configuration) and the main driver delivery (installed using the supplier's distribution kit and , as a rule, downloaded from the supplier’s website).
The main task of the integration component is to redirect calls from the 1C configuration to the main driver delivery. The main driver supply directly interacts with the hardware.

Installing the main driver package

Download the DTO distribution kit version 10.4.2 or higher from the ATOL company website. To do this, you need to select a section in the download center Software – DTO – 10.x. Download distribution Driver KKT 10.4.2.

The archive file in the installer folder contains the following files:

  1. KKT10-10.4.2-windows32-setup.exe
  2. KKT10-10.4.2-windows64-setup.exe

You should run the file KKT10-10.4.2-windows32-setup.exe if you are using a 32-bit 1C client.
You should run the file KKT10-10.4.2-windows64-setup.exe if you are using a 64-bit 1C client.

Connect the ATOL cash register to the PC.

The default communication channel is USB. If another exchange channel is selected, then to establish an exchange channel via USB, you must do the following:

  • Turn off the cash register (if enabled).
  • Press and hold the check scroll button.
  • Without releasing the button, turn on the cash register.
  • Release the button after the fifth sound signal.
  • Information with service mode items will be printed on the receipt. The item is selected by the number of times the scroll button is pressed.
  • Select in service mode Exchange channel: Press the receipt scroll button twice.
  • Information with the parameters of the exchange channel will be printed on the receipt.
  • Select in exchange channel USB: Press the receipt scroll button twice.
  • It will be printed on the receipt USB enabled, and the cash register will return to service mode.
  • Exit the service mode: press the receipt scroll button once - the cash register will go into operating mode.

Go to device Manager, find Ports (COM and LPT). When connected, two COM ports are created.

One virtual COM port is for connecting a cash register, the second is for the EoU data transfer service.

If COM ports are not detected, but 2 “Unknown devices” appear, then you need to install a driver for them: open the “Unknown device” card, click Update driver and specify the path manually. Default driver path: C:\Program Files (x86)\ATOL\Drivers10\KKT\USB_Drivers.

After installing the driver, the ATOL mark will appear in the device names.

Checking connection with cash register

KKT ATOL can be connected to a PC via a COM/VCOM or USB port. When connecting one CCP, it is recommended to select the communication channel via USB. If two or more cash registers are connected, it is recommended to select a communication channel via COM/VCOM.

When selecting a communication channel via USB: in mode Properties select from the drop-down list the model of the connected cash register and the communication channel via USB. Press the button Check connection.

When selecting a communication channel via COM/VCOM must be additionally specified COM port, set the port that was assigned to the device (in our example, COM 4).

COM ports:
atol-usbcom_proxy1 is used to connect the cash register,
atol-usbcom_proxy2 – for the EoU data transfer service.
In field Speed number must be set 115200 .

After pressing the button Check connection in field Communication - Result information about the cash register model should be displayed.

Checking communication with the cash register via USB:

Checking communication with the cash register via a channel via COM/VCOM:

Installing Ethernet over USB service

The service for working via a USB cable (EthernetOverUSB) is installed along with the retail equipment driver.
The port for EoU is determined automatically. If this does not happen, then you can specify the required port for communication with the OFD in the settings file, which is located in C:\ProgramData\ATOL\EoU V settings.xml. Enter the required port number and save the file.
In our example, an ATOL USB port (COM5) was created for EoU, so we enter port number 5:

Important! Folder ProgramData by default has the attribute “hidden”. To see it, you need to open it hidden files and folders.

Specifying OFD parameters

Run the KKT driver test: Start – ATOL – KKT driver test.
Open the CCP settings, specify the OFD parameters: Properties – CCP parameters – 15 OFD – enter the OFD address, OFD port, select the exchange channel with the OFD – USB (EoU).

Click Apply.

Checking connection with OFD

In the KKT driver test, open the tab Lower level. Diagnostics is performed by sending the low-level command 82 01 06 00.
KKT driver test – Lower level– check the box Included. In field Buffer with CCP command enter 82 01 06 00 – press the button Run command.

KKT should issue a diagnostic check.
The connection of the cash register to the computer is completed.

Connection of ATOL cash register and fiscalization of FN in 1C:Retail

Creating an instance of connected equipment

In chapter Settings connected equipment ( Administration – Connected equipment) checkbox must be checked Use connected equipment.

Then you need to go to the directory Connected equipment, to do this you need to click on the link Connected equipment, and select the type of equipment CCP with data transmission.

A new equipment instance is created using the command Create. Create a new element (click the button Create). In the form that opens, you need to check that you have installed Type of equipment: cash register with data transmission. Next, you need to select the organization on whose behalf the goods will be sold on this fiscal registrar, enter the name and serial number of the cash register (serial number indicated on the device body). In field Hardware Driver select a driver handler from the list. Click the button Write object.

After recording, settings for connection parameters and operations with FN will be available. Also in the window Connecting and setting up equipment the button will become available Tune.

Self-installation of the driver integration component

The integration component of the KKT ATOL 10.x driver is included in the 1C: Library of Connected Equipment. If necessary, you can add the component yourself.

To do this, click the button Hardware Drivers:

From the downloaded driver archive component must be removed 1C. In "1C" click Add new driver from file– select the archive from the extracted “1C” driver folder and press the save button Write object. Next, click Functions - Install driver.

After successful installation, the driver status will be displayed on the form – Installed, as well as the driver version.

Setting up a connection to a cash register

Click the button Tune. The driver and connection configuration form should open. Choose Model connected device Port, COM port, Speed specified in the driver settings. Click Device test. A message appears Test completed successfully indicating information about the connected cash register.

Registration of a fiscal drive

After connecting the cash register to the program, you can register the fiscal drive, if this has not been done previously. This operation is also performed when replacing a fiscal drive after its expiration date or when the memory resource is exhausted - the used fiscal drive is closed, then the physical device of the drive is replaced and a new one is registered.

To carry out the registration operation, you must select in the program Administration – Connected equipment – ​​CCP with data transfer, open the record with the required cash register. Check filling serial number(required field to be filled in). To uncover CCP parameters, install Method of format-logical controlSplit lines, install Acceptable discrepancy of format-logical control0,01 .

Select item Registration from the drop-down list when you click on the button Operations with fiscal storage.

The registration form will open. It requires: fill in the field KKT registration number number received when registering the cash register with the Federal Tax Service, check the correctness of filling in the organization details, indicate KKT installation address, Place of settlement, select a tax system, fill in all other parameters, enter TIN OFD And Name OFD and press the button Continue operation.

The cash register company must issue a receipt confirming successful registration.

Important! Enabling an option Data encryption sign– irreversible operation. Encryption may be an additional service from the OFD; check with the OFD before fiscalizing the FN.

If it is necessary to change the details of the organization, CCP parameters, replace the FN, etc., it is necessary in the menu Service choose Changing the registration parameters of a fiscal drive.
Select the appropriate re-registration reason code and set new parameters.
The cash register must issue a check confirming the successful re-registration of the cash register

Closing the fiscal drive– irreversible operation.

After its completion, the use of FN is impossible.

The ATOL cash register can independently diagnose the connection with the OFD - you do not need to connect it to a PC for this. To carry out diagnostics, you must:

  • turn on the machine with the receipt tape scroll button pressed;
  • wait for the fifth beep and release the button;
  • wait until the CCT performs diagnostics and prints out its results.

If the Internet connection speed is low or an error has occurred, the diagnostic process may take up to 5 minutes.

As a result, the user will receive a document called “Diagnostics of connection with OFD”.

There are 4 interfaces through which the cash register is connected to the OFD: Ethernet, EthernetOverUSB, WiFi and GSM. The check with the diagnostic results will look different for each of them. However, in any case, it will contain the basic technical parameters of the operator’s server, data about the communication channel between it and the cash register and its status (whether the connection is established or not). Also, regardless of the diagnostic results and interface, the following data will be shown at the bottom of the receipt: date and time, user’s INN, cash register registration number and fiscal drive number.

Communication via EthernetOverUSB

Successful diagnosis

If the connection between the cash register and the OFD is established, the device will report that the diagnostics were completed successfully. The receipt will print the IP address or OFD website address, port, DNS, channel type (EoU). The check will also indicate that:

  • The cash register is connected to the computer via USB;
  • the application for transmitting data to the operator is running;
  • Internet connection is established;
  • there is a connection to the operator's server.

Errors detected

Errors can be one of three types:

Ethernet communication

Successful diagnosis

If no errors are found, the check will look like this:

The first block contains information about the address of the OFD website (or its IP), port, DNS, and Ethernet communication channel. Next comes information about the LAN module: mac address, IP type (dynamic or static), availability check results local network and that the module is initialized. The next block lists the network settings, followed by confirmation that the cash register is connected to the OFD.

Errors detected

When connecting a cash register via Ethernet, two types of errors may occur:

GSM communication

Successful diagnosis

In case of successful diagnosis, the cash desk will issue a check of the following form:

In it, along with the OFD data (site or IP, port, DNS) and the parameters of the cash register instance, there is a modem diagnostic block. This contains information that the modem and SIM card have been detected and installed mobile operator(Beeline), mobile data transmission is turned on and there is an acceptable signal level. The device has Internet access and is connected to the OFD server.

Errors detected

When connecting via GSM, the following errors are possible:

WiFi communication

Successful diagnosis

If the channel diagnosis is successful, the check will look like this:

In addition to the blocks already familiar to us with the technical parameters of the OFD server and information about the cash register, the receipt will contain data on the setup and diagnostics of the wifi module. There are two modes of operation of the cash register - station or access point. The following is information about the name of the router (SSID) and the password to access it (Password). Diagnostics of the wifi module should determine its presence, the presence of a connection to the access point, and the signal level. Next, the IP address of the cash register is indicated and it is confirmed that it is connected to the OFD server.

Errors detected

If the connection is established via wifi, then there may be 4 different types of errors:

If the cash register does not transmit data to the OFD, a notification “no documents are received from the cash register” will appear in the operator’s personal account.

First, check that the cash register is connected to the OFD. In the “cash registers” section next to the cash register it should be indicated “connected to the OFD”. If the cash register is connected, but documents are not received, check the connection with the OFD.

What to do if data is not transferred to the OFD

  1. Check that the data in the registration card on the Federal Tax Service website matches the data in your personal account. To do this, on, go to “Taxpayer’s Personal Account”, and then to “Accounting for Cash Register Equipment”.
  2. In the list that opens, select the cash register from which the data does not go to the OFD and click on “RN KKT”. After this, the cash register registration card will open. Leave it in a separate window.
  3. Go to Personal Area Kontur.OFD and open the cash register section. Download the list of cash registers in Excel.
  4. Compare the data on the cash register in the file with the card of this cash register on If the data in your personal account Kontur.OFD is different, add the cash register to your personal account again with the correct data.

The connection between the cash register and the OFD can be checked through utilities for cash registers. The instructions are suitable for a cash register that is connected to a computer via USB. If the cash register is connected differently, connect via USB.

Checking the connection with the OFD using the example of the Atol cash register

  1. Right-click on Start. In the menu that opens, select “Computer Management”. Click on it and go to Services.
  2. In the section that opens, select “EOU” or “EOUService” and run. If there is no such service, contact the service center or cash register supplier for help.

Check the OFD settings

  1. Open Start and search bar enter KKM and run the “KKM Driver” utility. Disable the cash register software to work with the utility without errors.
  2. Go to "Properties Settings".
  3. Select Hardware Options.
  4. Go to the OFD section and check that the settings are correct.
    • Address:
    • IP address:
    • Port: 7777
    • DNS: do not specify or set to
  5. If the settings are correct, write to technical support -

To check the connection with the OFD at the ATOL online cash desks, you need to run the KKT Driver Test (included in the drivers, as a rule, you can find it by clicking Start-ATOL-"KKM Driver"), check the "Device on" checkbox and send a lower-level command in Selection mode 82 01 06 00 to the checkout.

The result of executing the command will be a check with detailed information about the connection between the cash register and the outside world and the OFD in particular.

Link- a way to connect the cash register to the Internet. The options are as follows: EoU - Internet access via Ethernet over USB service on a PC, Ethernet, WiFi.
USB device - is the USB device connected to the cash register (the command can be issued via COM or ETHERNET);
Internet access- result of the Internet connection test;
Connection to OFD- the result of testing the connection with the OFD;

What can go wrong when running a ping command?

  • If you haven't turned it off cash program- the testing utility will not gain access to the cash register and the “Device is on” checkbox will not be able to be checked.
  • You will also not be able to access the cash register if the utility is incorrectly configured to connect to the cash register;

What could go wrong when checking communication with the OFD?

  • The main reason is that the Ethernet over USB (EoU) service is not configured or started. If the cash register is connected only to a PC via a USB channel, then the EoU service is the only way to send checks from the ATOL cash register to the OFD.
  • Incorrect settings for connecting to the OFD at the cash register - check the port settings and IP address of the cash register in the properties.
  • The cash register parameters may indicate an incorrect communication channel with the OFD - check it. Also on some firmware... you need to install a WiFi communication channel so that the transmission takes place via EoU...
  • If all the settings are correct, there is a connection with the OFD, but checks are not transferred, call the OFD, it is possible that either your data transfer agreement is not activated, or the OFD, for “its own reasons,” does not accept checks from your cash register.
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