
Dragon Age - Origins - Forming a universal group. The best mods for Dragon Age: Origins Dragon age origins robes for magicians

Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, but unfortunately it is a product of its time. BioWare released Dragon Age in 2009 while working on Mass Effect 2, so Dragon Age, in terms of design, sometimes falls into the same rake as the first Mass Effect.

If you played Dragon Age the year it was released, then it is likely that you missed out on mods that reveal a different side to the project. Over the past five years alone, enthusiasts have released several dozen amazing mods that are recommended to all fans of the series. So before you begin battles with templars and mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the 15 key ones that started the successful series. Initially, there were 18 mods on the list, but some of them had to be cut because they were either removed by the authors themselves, or they were incompatible with the game for one reason or another.

Due to its advanced age, Dragon Age does not have integration with the Steam Workshop. Honestly, it's surprising that the game itself is on Steam and isn't an Origin exclusive. All the mods collected here are available on the official Dragon Age modding portal, and each of them has a separate installation guide. I advise you to use the convenient DAModder application with a clear interface, which will simplify downloading and installing mods.

It's only now that I've gotten used to the Steam Workshop that I'm starting to realize how chaotic and inconvenient third-party modding portals can be. And while DAModder can save you a lot of headaches, it doesn't work with all mods. Some of them, like Bash Locks, require manually copying the code into files with the .ini extension. Others, like Dragon Age Redesigned, have their own installers with the .exe extension. I still recommend using DAModder, but I emphasize that the program will be useful for about half of the mods on the list.

Does this mean that I am a whiner who needs everything served on a platter? Having spent many hours fiddling around trying to understand readme.txt files and multi-page PDF manuals to install the necessary mods, the answer is: yes, I'm a whiner. And I advise everyone to be one. Now let's move on to the best mods for Dragon Age: Origins.

Gameplay mods


I almost never chose thieves/hackers/shadows in role playing games. If the characters in RPGs reflect the personalities of the players, then I guess I'm the person who smashes everything around and accidentally breaks furniture just by falling on it.

For those who also destroy everything in their path, closed chests and doors serve as a sad reminder that you cannot explore every corner of every cave. We don't have the skills to pick tiny locks, so we can't enjoy the secrets that lie behind closed doors.

Unless, of course, you have the Lock Bash mod installed. Thanks to this mod, warriors and magicians in Dragon Age can knock out castles with a huge hammer or destroy them with magic. There is even an animation of the destruction of castles, so this feature does not stand out from the general atmosphere. I ran into a couple of bugs while playing with Lock Bash installed - for example, I couldn't talk to quest NPCs through doorways (namely the blacksmith Owen in Redcliffe), so I had to remove it for a while. However, such bugs are extremely rare, and this wonderful mod deserves your attention.


The most useful and at the same time the most pretentious mod on this list, Auto Loot, makes looting corpses a noticeably faster task. You just need to click on a dead enemy, and the entire contents of his inventory will transfer to you without any delay. Let's face it, you would have clicked the "Take All" button anyway, so why waste your time on it? The game knows that you're putting everything in your pocket and doesn't judge you.

The pretentiousness lies in the fact that the modder under the nickname Pheelon really doesn’t want you to forget the name of the author of this work. Therefore, whenever you collect loot from enemies, a message will appear on the screen stating that the service is provided by the Auto Loot© mod from Pheelon. Every. God's. Once.
By the way, the last paragraph is provided by the Auto Loot© mod from Pheelon.


From time to time, melee sword fights end in a combination of powerful blows in which one of the opponents dies a gruesome death that would be better suited to some . This happens relatively rarely, but if you would like to see such cruelty more often, then the Forced Deathblows mod is at your service. The settings allow you to make special kills a regular event or even a standard ending to any sword fight. If you've played Sniper Elite, you'll see the familiar X-ray kill animations, during which you'll be shown in great detail how your enemy's insides are torn apart.

Mods to improve graphics and environment


One of the more modest mods on the list, Improved Atmosphere, usually gets left out when it comes to useful addons. But we couldn’t pass it by, since Improved Atmosphere makes simple NPCs in each city more realistic - they go about their business and give lines in response to the actions of the hero. They gather around the fires, eat, walk around the location and behave like ordinary people.

At the same time, your companions also become more talkative, which pleases you until your ears begin to ring from the endless bickering between Alistair and Morrigan. The corpses remain in place even after you have searched them, adding an element of darkness to the game. This mod allows you to make the world more alive and realistic - cities and environments now look not like doll houses built specifically for the player’s amusement, but like real fantasy places.


All Dragon Age heroes have very nasty teeth. Simply disgusting. “But wait!”, you say. "Brown Teeth is Historical Realism." Do you know what I think about this kind of realism? I do not need him. I came here for fantasy elves, magical daggers and other fairy-tale paraphernalia. That's why the White Teeth mod is on my list of favorites because it whitens the teeth of all characters. I did some serious research and realized that the characters were 600% less disgusting. Thank you White Teeth!


This mod made me realize how old Dragon Age: Origins was. After the release of Mass Effect 2, this series introduced the ability to make helmets invisible so that you can look at the faces of your favorite characters, even if they are clad in heavy armor.

But back in 2009, this required installing a mod called No Helmet Hack, which added a special book to each character that did not take up extra space in the inventory. Using this book made helmets invisible and vice versa. Simple, elegant and effective.


As I already noted, Dragon Age is inexorably getting old. And the Dragon Age Redesigned mod is a great way for all newbies to enjoy the game. It redraws the faces of the characters, making random NPCs no longer look like cartoon trolls, but instead look like sand-stained cartoon trolls. Most of the companions have also been improved - for example, Morrigan has 4 versions of her face to choose from.

The installation process of Redesigned is not as pleasant as redrawn faces: you need to download two separate file. For some reason, one of them needs to be run twice in order to install the mod correctly. For each of the satellites, a separate archive with textures was created, which also need to be downloaded manually, so to update the entire squad you will have to download and run about 8-9 files in total. The final result is, of course, pleasing, but is it worth the effort? I'm not sure, but it's up to you to decide. Let me just note that for some reason this mod conflicts with the White Teeth mod, and some (but not all) allies' teeth are painted back to their original color.

Mods to improve companions


The mabari dog is best friend Gray Warden, and is prized for his strong jaws, pointed ears and muscular chest. These are fantastic pets that magicians and fighters who attack at long distances cannot do without. However, his place in the squad is quickly taken by more powerful companions who can carry items in their inventory, use artifacts and, of course, talk.

By adding an additional dog slot, your mabari becomes a permanent fifth member of the party, tied directly to the main character. A bloodthirsty mabari dog that never leaves your character's side, of course, slightly upsets the balance of Dragon Age's combat system, but just look at those big, sad eyes. Is it possible to abandon this creature? Of course not. Who's a good doggie? Who is our good boy?


You see a dark raven landing on the fence. There is an ominous looking elixir tied to his paw. Drink it and... you can redistribute skill points at any time!
Well, this was unexpected.

Since Dragon Age's strategy can vary depending on the hero's class, it would be nice to be able to redistribute skills to create the most effective squad. And the Character Respecialization mod allows you to do this without breaking the rules of the fantasy universe. After installing the mod, you can find a dark raven in almost any city and change the skills of your hero.


Dragon Age, you know that we live in an era of tolerance, right? So it's time to wave the rainbow flags. The Equal Love mod removes all restrictions on interactions with companions, and now you can flirt, kiss and fall in love with any companion, regardless of their gender. Moreover, the new conditions of the game directly affect its ending, so the male protagonist can now [spoiler] with [spoiler] provided that he chooses the ending with provided [spoiler].
But the addition of same-sex relationships in the game does not mean that gamers will be able to arrange weddings between heroes and mabari dogs, and therefore your relationship with your faithful pet will develop entirely in a platonic manner.


Most relationships between people, as you know, are based on the presentation of gifts. In the first Dragon Age, finding special "gift" items usually resulted in a lot of dialogue as we tried to figure out who the item was for. The Madd Gift Guide mod adds hints to the game in the descriptions of these gifts, so now we know exactly which of our companions should be given them. If you are determined to win the “Best Gray Guardian of the Year” competition, then this mod is an irreplaceable find.


Many people probably remember Sir Gilmore, a kind and noble childhood friend who appears in the game for just a few minutes. Initially, he was supposed to become the new Gray Warden, but he sacrifices his life so that the main character and his mother can escape from the burning castle.

However, Sir Gilmore can be returned to the game using this mod. Moreover, he is ready to join your adventure and even has full voice acting, which is very rare in the world of amateur modding. The voice acting is done quite well, and the character himself fits perfectly into your squad. After installing this mod, you can find a miraculously surviving childhood friend in the village of Lothering.

Story mods

The hell out of Howe [plot spoilers]


Earl Rendon Howe sooner or later becomes a thorn in the side of any Dragon Age player, and his vile betrayal actually launches a separate plot thread. How bad is this character? He was voiced by Tim Curry himself, if that tells you anything.

Regardless of how you play through the game, the fight with Hou is an important story event. But the outcome of this fight is a little disappointing, since the writers decided to give Howe the death of a typical Hollywood villain, who always manages to say a few words goodbye. However, with this mod, the necessary emotional intensity appears in the scene thanks to additional cutscenes. Howe is a real bastard who deserves to suffer, and now we can at least see that suffering.


For those who want to step away from the Dragon Age universe and try something new, the Baldur's Gate 2 Redux mod is perfect. The Cave of Irenicus, which fans of the classic will easily recognize, has been completely recreated by a team of modders along with the original sounds and famous dialogue from Baldur's Gate 2. And although this project was supposed to bring the entire BG2 to the Dragon Age engine sooner or later, posts on the forums indicate that that the developers have already lost all interest in this. However, you can thank them for at least the opportunity to spend an hour or two in a familiar cave and indulge in nostalgia.


Another delightful addition to the rich Dragon Age universe, Alley of Murders features a new campaign featuring... serial killer, operating in Denerim. Local law enforcement officials can't find the criminal, which means it's time for the Gray Warden to intervene. The mod has full voice acting (sometimes not very convincing) and can be completed in about half an hour.

The battle mage's ammunition kit includes:

two types of armor - one only for women, the other for women and men, a sword, a dagger and a crossbow.

All items are made of red steel and have no restrictions for wearing according to the character’s stats

level, strength, dexterity, etc., but only magicians can use them.

The characteristics of armor and weapons allow the magician not to upgrade things that are not typical for him,

but the skills a fighter needs are strength, dexterity, cunning.

An armor model was used to make the Witch Armor set

The Battle Mage Armor is based on the Black Templar Armor mod, created by Krayzie.


unpack the archive

drag the .dazip file into the program window daupdater C:Program FilesBioWareDragon Age Originsin_ship

select it with the mouse

click install selected

Those who use the Black Templar Armor mod need to install Black Templar Armor fix

is present in the distribution, this will make it possible to avoid conflict in Awakening with the Guardian Armor

and will ensure the correct display of Battlmage Armor made based on this mod.

To install the fix, you need to place the folder from the BlackTemplarFix archive in

My documentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride.

The choice of weapons and items in Dragon Age: Origins is very large, despite the lack of the usual crafting system. It is successfully replaced by ready-made sets of armor and one-piece weapons. Among ordinary things, sometimes there are unique ones, which most often have enhanced characteristics. Separate pages in the Code are devoted to the stories of their occurrence. Weapons and armor are sold from merchants in various parts of the world - Denerim, Orzammar, Lake Calenhad and Brecilian. The cost of things varies depending on the value. The most valuable specimens can cost several dozen gold coins, but all costs are more than recouped. High-quality weapons with special effects allow you to resist strong opponents.

Weapons can be stored in a chest on Soldier's Peak after installing and completing Guardian Fortress. Over time, an understanding comes of which weapons deserve attention and which are just ordinary trash that can be used for the time being, for lack of a better one. Each character in the squad is allowed to have two sets of weapons - the main one and the spare one. The set is selected by pressing the [/] key.

The best longswords in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Oath Keeper(strength: 15; damage: 8.40; +1.5 to armor penetration, +10% to received healing effects, 1 slot for runes) - for completing all tasks from the notice board in Lothering.
  • Power of Asturian(damage: 8.40; +2 to damage, weakening of the creatures of darkness, +1 to armor penetration, 1 slot for runes) - Gray Guardians of Asturian.
  • Green Blade(strength: 19; damage: 9.10; +10 to resistance to the forces of nature, +6 to damage against animals, 1 slot for runes) - the key to the chest on the second floor is with Bevin (the boy from the closet in Caitlin’s house in Redcliffe ). High levels of the “Influence” skill will help convince.
  • Saw sword(strength: 19; damage: 9.10; +1 to damage, +1% to the chance of a critical strike in melee) - in the sarcophagus in front of the entrance to the hall of the Mistress of the Forest in the lair of werewolves in the ruins of Eastern Brecilian.
  • Duncan's sword(damage: 9.60, +3 to willpower, +3 to cunning, +2 to restore stamina in battle, +4 to damage against creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes) - a rebel ogre on the battlefield from the “Return” add-on to Ostagar."
  • Maric's Blade(damage: 9.80, +0.75 to restore health and stamina in battle, +6 to damage against creatures of darkness, weakening of creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes) - Kaylan’s chest in the royal enclave from the Return to Ostagar add-on.
  • Spellweaver(battle mage, damage: 10.50; +5 to magic, +1 to mana recovery in battle, +10% to the chance to reflect hostile magic, +3 damage from electricity, 2 slots for runes) - sectarian overseer in a large northern hall in the caves of the cultists on the way to the Sacred Urn of Andraste.
  • Imperial Blade(strength: 27, damage: 10.50; +2 to damage, +3% to the chance of a critical strike in melee, +6 to attack) - a small room in the Tevinter warehouse in the Elvenage after meeting with Denera.
  • Overlander's Honor(strength: 31; damage: 11.20; +20 to resistance to spirit magic, +6 to damage against the dead, 3 slots for runes) - on the Deep Paths.
  • Slashing Blade(strength: 31; damage: 11.20; +2 to armor penetration, +6 to attack, +3 cold damage, 3 slots for runes) - dead adventurers.
  • Starfang(strength: 31; damage: 11.90; +3 to agility, +3 to damage, +2.5 to armor penetration, 3 slots for runes) - from the blacksmith Mikael Dryden from Soldier's Peak.

Best Shields in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Havard's Shield(strength: 22, defense: 4.00, fatigue: 3.36%, deflection of arrows and projectiles: 4.50%, +4% chance to reflect enemy magic, chance to dodge projectiles) - ogre on top of Ishala Tower .
  • Kaylan's Shield(strength: 32, defense: 4.00, +1 to armor, chance to dodge projectiles) - a garlock from the front line behind the kennel from the Return to Ostagar add-on.
  • Shield of Eamon(strength: 22; defense: 4.00; +6 to defense, +25 to endurance) - chest, storage on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
  • Shield of Redcliffe's Chosen Warriors(strength: 32; defense: 4.00; +1 to willpower, +3 to defense, +15 to electrical resistance, +2 to attack) - for saving Earl Eamon.
  • Shadow Wall(strength: 38; defense: 6.00; +3 to defense, +20% to received healing effects, +1 to recovery of stamina in battle, +25 to stamina) - after solving the mystery of the adventurers.
  • Shield of Hou(strength: 38; defense: 6.00; +12 to defense, +10 to resistance to fire and cold, -2 to willpower) - chest, treasury in the estate of Earl Denerim before descending into the dungeon.
  • Portable bastion(strength: 36; defense: 6.00; +1 to strength, agility and constitution) - Bodan Feddik in the main camp of the detachment.
  • Duncan's Shield(strength: 38; defense: 6.00; +3 to willpower; +6 to defense, +1 to recovery of stamina in battle) - a secret vault of the Gray Guardians inside the trading warehouse behind the Curiosities of Thedas store in Denerim. Riordan tells how to get inside in Earl Eamon's room before, if you show him the Gray Warden documents found during the liberation of Queen Anora from the estate of Earl Denerim.

Best greatswords/greatswords in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Flat sword Hasind(strength: 20; damage: 12.10; +1% to melee critical strike chance, +1 to armor penetration) - chest, south central island with wolves behind the destroyed arches, on the side of the temple dome in the Korcari Wilds.
  • Stan's sword(strength: 22; damage: 13.20; +1 to willpower; +1.5 to armor penetration, +12 to attack, 1 slot for runes) - after completing.
  • Yusaris(strength: 34; damage: 16.50; +20 to fire resistance, +10 to damage against dragons, 2 slots for runes) - after defeating the Circle of Mages in the tower on Lake Calenhad.
  • Sword of Summer(strength: 34; damage: 16.50; +20 to physical resistance, chance to knock the target down, 2 slots for runes) - Mrs. Coutren at the exit from the estate of Earl Denerim or in front of the Assembly of Lands hall.
  • Ageless(strength: 34; damage: 16.50; +4 damage against darkspawn, +0.25 to stamina recovery in battle, weakening darkspawn, bloody mess, increased hostility and intimidation indicators) - solve the puzzle with the Throne of Orzammar in Orzammar royal palace. To do this, we approach the throne, activate it, a new entry “Locked in Stone” will appear in the Codex. We send two companions to the southwestern part of the room, stand on two tiles in the form of arrows near the wall, a characteristic sound (grinding) should be heard. We send the fourth companion into the hallway and stand on the round floor plate. Then we activate the throne with the main character. The satellites must remain in their places. Lightning will flash in the hall and a dragon will appear. We kill him and take the sword.
  • Starfang(strength: 38; damage: 18.70; +3 to strength, +2.5 to armor penetration, +8 to attack, 3 slots for runes) - from the blacksmith Mikael Dryden from Soldier's Peak.

The best hammers, axes, maces and axes in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Clumsy verse(strength: 27; damage: 9.00; +2 to damage, happy, +10% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, +4 to damage against dragons, 2 slots for runes) - pull out of a stump in the “Strange” location forest" during a chance encounter while moving across the global map to the Brecilian forest after eliminating D. by order of K. The advertisement is taken from an innkeeper with connections in "The Bitten Nobleman of Denerim."
  • Ax of Temperance(damage: 9.00; +1.5 to armor penetration, +15% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, 2 slots for runes) - Earl Rendon Howe in the dungeon of Earl Denerim’s estate.
  • Wesiall(strength: 31; damage: 9.60; +2 to strength, +5% to the chance of a critical hit in melee, +1 to restore stamina in battle, +10% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, + 2 damage from nature forces, 3 slots for runes) - Bodan Feddik in the main camp of the squad.
  • Forge Master's Hammer(strength: 32; damage: 12.60; +25 fire resistance, +6 attack, 2 slots for runes) - genlock master of the anvil in the Dead Moats.
  • Sacred Hammer(strength: 34; damage: 13.50; +2 to willpower, +10 to psychic resistance, +4 to damage against the dead, 2 slots for runes) - a vault in the southern wing of Banna Franderel’s estate in Denerim. .
  • Triana Hammer(strength: 34; damage: 13.50; +4 damage against creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes) - Belen, for his support during the resolution of the issue of the throne of Orzammar.
  • Ax of Vaskhot(strength: 32; damage: 14.00; +1 to strength and damage, +2 to willpower, 2 slots for runes) - harlock general in the Trade Quarter of Denerim captured by the creatures of darkness.
  • Hasinda Crusher(strength: 38; damage: 14.40; +3% to the chance of a critical strike in melee, -5 to attack) - sold by Farin at Frosty Pass in front of the doors of Orzammar.
  • Great Hasindian Mace(strength: 38; damage: 14.40; +5 damage, +2.5 armor penetration, +0.5 stamina recovery in battle, +75 stamina, 3 slots for runes) - sold by Gorim from Denerim shopping district.

The best bows and crossbows in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Fox bow(agility: 26; damage: 7.50; chance of dodging projectiles) - weapon rack, a vault on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
  • New moon(agility: 30; damage: 8.00; +2 to willpower, +10 to resistance to the forces of nature, +1.5 to armor penetration) - Varathorn from the Dalish elf camp in the Brecilian forest.
  • Wolfboy(damage: 8.40; +4 damage against the dead, +8 damage against beasts) - Varathorn from the Dalish elf camp in the Brecilian forest after delivering the iron bark.
  • Spear thrower(agility: 30; damage: 9.00; fast aiming, +2.5 to armor penetration) - genlock master of the anvil in the Dead Moats.
  • Golden Sun Bow(agility: 30; damage: 9.00; +4 to attack) - elf Denera, assistant to the slave trader Caladrius, in the Tevinter warehouse in the elfage of Denerim.
  • Falon'Dina's Grip(damage: 9.60, +2 damage, fast aiming) - dragon treasure, upper level of elven ruins in Eastern Brecilian.
  • Magician's Eye(agility: 34; damage: 9.60; +3% to the chance of a critical strike at a distance, +4 to attack) - chest, village shop in the village of Shelter.
  • Bow Marjolaine(agility: 34; damage: 9.60; +3 to cunning and damage, fast aiming) - chest, Marjolaine's house in the Denerim Trade Quarter after the start.
  • Antique Guardian Crossbow(strength: 14, damage: 9.60, armor penetration: 7.00, range: 44, +1 damage, fast aiming) - reconnaissance commander of the guards from Soldier's Peak from the Guardian Fortress add-on.
  • Crossbow with improved grip(strength: 26; damage: 12.00; +1.5 to armor penetration, +4 to attack) - for completing orders from the Ravens from Master Ignacio in the “Bitten Nobleman” tavern in the Trade Quarter of Denerim.

The best daggers in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Olaf's Exceptional Cheese Knife(agility: 24; damage: 5.60; +1 to armor penetration, 2 slots for runes) - Olaf’s locked chest in the village of Honnlith, the key is on the corpse next to Sheila.
  • Duncan's dagger(agility: 24, damage: 5.60, +4 to agility, +10% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, +10 to damage against dragons, 2 slots for runes) - a rebel ogre on the battlefield from the add-on “ Return to Ostagar."
  • Beastman Dagger(damage: 5.60; +10% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, 2 slots for runes) - the fourth floor of the tower of the Circle of Mages.
  • Extinct Thaig Shanker(agility: 26; damage: 6.00; +5 to cunning, +0.5 to armor penetration, +6 to attack, interrupts spells, 2 slots for runes) - a broken chest on the site with the ogre leader in the Kadash taiga from additions "Stone Prisoner".
  • Thorn of the Dead Gods(agility: 26; damage: 6.00; +3 to damage and armor penetration, 2 slots for runes) - after being at the Caridin Crossroads.
  • Gift of the Grays(agility: 26; damage: 6.00; +5% to the chance of a critical strike in melee, 2 slots for runes) - Valendrian after rescuing the slave trader Caladrius from captivity in the elfage of Denerim.
  • Raven Dagger(agility: 30; damage: 6.40; +15% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab) - Godwin from the second floor of the Circle of Mages after delivering a parcel of lyrium from Rogek from the Dust City in Orzammar (you need to ask for the amount of 75 gold for the goods ).
  • rose thorn(agility: 30; damage: 6.40; +2 to agility, +1 to health recovery in combat, +3 to damage, +5% to the chance of a critical hit in melee, +30% to the chance of a critical hit or hit in back, 3 slots for runes) - sold by Garin from the Common Halls of Orzammar.

The best staves in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Harrowmont's Staff(magic: 20; damage: 4.80; +1 to magic, +2 to constitution) - Harrowmont, for the support provided during the resolution of the issue of the throne of Orzammar.
  • Sylvan's Mercy(magic: 24; damage: 5.20; +5 to resistance to the forces of nature, +1 to magical power, +10% to damage from the forces of nature) - Bodan Feddik in the main camp of the detachment.
  • Vicious Staff(magic: 24; damage: 5.20; +1 to mana recovery in battle, +5 to magical power, -1 to willpower, +10% to damage from spiritual magic and electricity) - garlock general in captured by the creatures of darkness Elvenage Denerim.
  • Oak Branch(damage: 5.20; +1 to magic, +2 to constitution, +10% to nature damage) - Great Oak from Western Brecilian for returning the acorn.
  • A piece of wood(magic: 24; damage: 5.20; +1 to constitution, +10 to resistance to the forces of nature) - Varathorn from the Dalish elf camp in the Brecilian forest. Give the order to the mabari to look for something useful.
  • The last argument(magic: 32; damage: 6.00; +3 damage, +10 magical power, +15% fire damage) - Bodan Feddik in the main camp of the squad.
  • Breath of winter(magic: 36; damage: 6.40; distance: 58, magic power: 7; +25 to cold resistance, +15% to cold damage) - a frantic demon from the second floor of the Guardians' fortress on Soldier's Peak.
  • Lord Magister's Staff(magic: 36; damage: 6.40; +6 to willpower and magical power, +2 to mana recovery in battle, +10% to damage from fire and spiritual magic) - sold by the quartermaster from the tower of the Circle of Mages on the lake Calenhad.

The best accessories in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Belt " Blessing of Andruil"(+2 to all characteristics, +20 to resistance to the forces of nature, +1 to restoration of mana and stamina in battle, +10 to physical resistance) - sold by the quartermaster from the tower of the Circle of Mages on Lake Calenhad.
  • Ring " Zhivitel"(+10 to constitution, +3 to health restoration in combat and armor, +10 to health restoration outside of combat, +20% to received healing effects) - sold by Garin from the Common Halls of Orzammar.
  • Ring " Key to the city"(+2 to all characteristics, +4% to the chance to repel hostile magic, +10% to received healing effects) - Council in the Diamond Halls, after finding five Codex entries in the residential areas of Orzammar.
Best Armor Sets in Dragon Age: Origins: , .

Before Lost-Vegas 214 miles / This is us - sawdust...

Armored bras, armored pants and magical thongs - no immediately) I don’t even test them.
Yes, I’m not yet testing what is added through the console.
Attention!! Before installing mods, read this post. I'm serious.

1) Kits :
Assassin's Set Set for the Rogue. Comes by itself, on the previous owner)
Wings of Velvet and Green Sonata Stylish and suitable set for a magician - clothes, staff, accessories. They appear in the inventory or in the camp, at the merchant Bodan, depending on which version you install.
Phoenix Arsenal A beautiful set for girls of any race. Three types of armor (easy option um... very easy), blades, bows. Blades and bows for everyone). They appear - some from the Quartermaster in Ostagar, some in the chest, the key to which is given by the deserter, and also from Bodan/Uriah (from the Awakening).
Set of Daughters of Mythal
Bow and armor, armor only for girls (any race), bow for everyone. Despite some eye-catching colors, unexpectedly good things. Once connected, the kit will appear in your inventory. Armor for a male elf, bow for everyone. A brother of the previous mod, but less eye-popping.
Installation. The archive contains 2 folders "Armor" and "Bow".
a) "Bow". The Scorching_Wrath_Of_Elgarnan_1_03-812 file will add the bow to the inventory, the Scorching_Wrath_Of_Elgarnan_1_03-812_vendor file will add the bow to Bodan’s store.
b) In the “Armor” folder there are 3 additional folders, according to the color of the armor, select the desired color and put one of the files, the usual one will add the armor to the inventory, the one that is “vendor” - to Bodan.
Runic Armor of the Gray Wardens An interesting set for a warrior. Three shields, armor, a two-handed sword, three long swords.
The archive contains two files: one for Awakening, the other for the main campaign. Both should be installed, even if you only play Awakening. One file is enough for the main campaign.
Armor and Blades of the Bloody Angel A set for a warrior/battle mage, catchy, pretentious and somewhat cheating, but many people like it. Once connected, the kit will appear in your inventory.
Shadow Assassin Set Attractive dark armor, a little in the style of Assassin's Creed (alas, only for people, men and women), four daggers. There are two options for adding a set. The "Armor of Assasin" file will add the set to the inventory, "Armor of Assasin" vendor" will add it to Bodan's store.
Weapon set "Glory to the Griffin" (very large set) There is: a shield, a helmet, an axe, a sword, a one-handed hammer, a two-handed sword, a two-handed hammer, two daggers, paired hatchets, two bows and a staff. The stats are normal. Appearance...specific. I've seen reactions ranging from "ewww" to "wow", so look at the screenshots and think (personally, I really like the shield and daggers, just for the look) There are two options for adding a kit. The "Glory of Griffon" file will add the kit to your inventory, the "Glory of Griffon vendor" file will add it to Bodan's store.
Morozik75 generally has very high quality mods. And very frequently updated)

2) Personalized kits
Song of the Rose. A very beautiful and suitable set for Leliana (everything is included, accessories, armor, a bow, a couple of daggers). Once connected, the kit will appear in your inventory.
Stan's Helmet A pair of swords, a shield and a very specific helmet for Stan. In principle, anyone can use a one-handed weapon and a shield. There are two options for adding. The file "Stens Helmet 1.2" will add items to the inventory, "Stens Helmet vendor 1.2" will add items to Bodan's store.
Stan's Armor This is included with the Helmet. Appear in a chest in the Church of Lothering.

3) Only armor.

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