
Binary coding presentation. Presentation "Binary coding of information" (grade 11) in computer science - project, report. Binary coding of text information

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Binary coding

Discretization Discretization of information is the process of converting information from a continuous form of representation to a discrete one.

Sampling process Point No. Coordinates 1 (2.1) 2 (5.4) 3 (0.7) ...

Binary coding Alphabet is a finite set of symbols (signs) distinct from each other used to represent information. The power of the alphabet is the number of symbols (signs) included in it.

Binary Encoding An alphabet containing two characters is called a binary alphabet.

Binary coding 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Symbol serial number 1 2 3 4 Two-digit binary code 00 01 10 11 Symbol serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Three-digit binary code 000 001 010 011 101 110 111

The length of the binary chain - the number of characters in the binary code - is called the bit depth of the binary code. Binary coding Binary code bit size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of code combinations 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 If the number of code combinations is denoted by the letter N, and the binary code bit depth by the letter i, then the identified pattern will be represented by the formula : N = 2 i

Problem The leader of the Multi tribe instructed his minister to develop a binary code and translate all important information. Binary code What bit depth will be required if the alphabet used by the Multi tribe contains 16 characters? Write down all code combinations. N = 16 i = ? N = 2 I 16 = 2 I 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 2 I 2 4 = 2 I i = 4 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

Uniform and uneven codes Uniform codes in code combinations contain the same number of symbols, uneven codes contain a different number! Morse code ASCII code table

The most important thing Discretization of information is the process of converting information from a continuous form of representation into a discrete one. The alphabet of a language is a finite set of distinct symbols used to represent information. An alphabet containing two characters is called a binary alphabet.

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Binary encoding of symbolic information 12/17/2015 1 Prepared by: Computer science teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 2 Lipetsk Kukina Ekaterina Sergeevna

2 For binary encoding text information each character is assigned a unique decimal code from 0 to 255 or a corresponding binary code from 00000000 to 11111111. This is how a person distinguishes characters by their outline, and a computer by their code.

Using a formula connecting the number of messages N and the amount of information i, you can calculate how much information is needed to encode each character 3

4 Assigning a particular binary code to a symbol is a matter of convention, which is recorded in the code table. The first 33 codes (from 0 to 32) correspond not to characters, but to operations (line feed, entering a space, etc.). Codes 33 to 127 are international and correspond to characters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, arithmetic symbols and punctuation marks.

5 Codes from 128 to 255 are national, i.e. in national encodings different characters correspond to the same code. There are 5 single-byte encoding tables for Russian letters, so texts created in one encoding will not be displayed correctly in another.

6 Chronologically, one of the first standards for encoding Russian letters on computers was the code KOI – 8 (“Information Exchange Code – 8 bit”). This encoding is used on computers running the UNIX operating system.

7 The most common encoding is the standard Cyrillic encoding Microsoft Windows, abbreviated CP1251 (“CP” stands for “Code Page”). All Windows applications that work with the Russian language support this encoding.

8 To work in an environment operating system MS-DOS uses an “alternative” encoding, in Microsoft terminology – CP 866 encoding.

9 Apple has developed its own encoding of Russian letters for Macintosh computers (Mac)

10 International organization Standardization Committee (International Standards Organization, ISO) approved another encoding called ISO 8859 - 5 as a standard for the Russian language.

KOI - 8 - UNIX CP1251 (“CP” stands for “Code Page”) - Microsoft Windows CP 866 - MS-DOS Mac - Macintosh ISO 8859 – 5 Encoding standards 11

Character encoding table Binary code Decimal code KOI8 CP1251 CP866 Mac ISO 0000 0000 0 ……… 0000 1000 8 Delete last character (Backspace key) ……… 0000 1101 13 Line feed (Enter key) ……… 0010 0000 32 Space 0010 0001 33 ! ……… 0101 1010 90 Z ……… 0111 1111 127 ……… 128 - b A A K ……… 1100 0010 194 B B - - T ……… 1100 1100 204 L M: : b ……… 1101 1101 221 Ш E - Ё N……… 1111 1111 225 b i Neraz. space Neraz. space n 12

13 V Lately a new one has appeared international standard Unicode, which allocates not one byte for each character, but two, and therefore with its help you can encode not 256 characters, but 2 16 = 65,536 different characters. This encoding is supported by editors starting with MS Office 97.

Task 1: identify the symbol by its numeric code. Launch NOTEBOOK Press ALT and 0224 (on the optional numeric keypad). The symbol a will appear. Repeat this operation for numeric codes from 0225 to 0233. The characters in the encoding (CP 1251 Windows) appear. Write them down in your notebook. Press ALT and 161 (on the optional numeric keypad). The symbol b will appear. Repeat this operation for numeric codes 160, 169, 226. Characters in the encoding (CP 866 MS-DOS) will appear. Write them down in your notebook. 14

Task 2: Determine the numeric code for the characters Determine the numeric code to enter by holding Alt key to get the characters: ☼, §, $, ♀ Explanation: this code contained in the range from 0 to 50. 15

16 Thank you for your attention!

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The concept of “information” and properties of information Measurement of information. Alphabetical approach Measuring information. Content-based approach Presentation and coding of information Representation of numerical information using number systems Translation of numbers in positional number systems Arithmetic operations in positional number systems Representation of numbers in a computer Binary coding of information Storage of information

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The concept of “information” and properties of information

The concept of “information” Information in philosophy Information in physics Information in biology Properties of information

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What is information?

The word “information” comes from the Latin word information, which translates as explanation, presentation. The concept of “information” is fundamental in the course of computer science; it is impossible to define it through other, more “simple” concepts.

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In the simplest everyday understanding, the term “information” is usually associated with some information, data, knowledge. Information is transmitted in the form of messages that determine its form and presentation. Examples of messages are: a piece of music, a TV show, text printed on a printer, etc. It is assumed that there is a source of information and a recipient of information. A message from a source to a recipient is transmitted through some medium that is a communication channel. (Fig. 1.) The concept of “information” is used in various sciences.

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Information in philosophy

Student message

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Information Properties

Man is a social being; in order to communicate with other people, he must exchange information with them, and the exchange of information is always carried out in a certain language - Russian, English, etc. participants in the discussion must speak the language in which the communication is conducted, then the information will be understandable to all participants in the exchange of information. The information must be useful, then the discussion acquires practical value. Useless information creates information noise, which makes it difficult to perceive useful information.

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The term “mass media” is widely known, which brings information to every member of society. Such information must be reliable and up-to-date. False information misleads members of society and can cause social unrest. Irrelevant information is useless and that is why no one except historians reads last year's newspapers. In order for a person to correctly navigate the world around him, information must be complete and accurate. The task of obtaining complete and accurate information faces science. Mastering scientific knowledge in the learning process allows a person to obtain complete and accurate information about nature, society and technology.

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Measuring information. Alphabetical approach

The alphabetic approach is used to measure the amount of information in a text represented as a sequence of characters from some alphabet. This approach is not related to the content of the text. The amount of information in this case is called the information volume of the text, which is proportional to the size of the text - the number of characters that make up the text. This approach to measuring information is sometimes called the volumetric approach.

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Each character of the text carries a certain amount of information. It is called the information weight of the symbol. Therefore, the information volume of the text is equal to the sum information scales all the characters that make up the text. Here it is assumed that the text is a sequential chain of numbered characters. In formula (1), i1 denotes the information weight of the first character of the text, i2 – the information weight of the second character of the text, etc.; K – text size, i.e. total number of characters in the text

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The entire set of different symbols used to write texts is called the alphabet. The size of the alphabet is an integer called the power of the alphabet. It should be borne in mind that the alphabet includes not only the letters of a certain alphabet, but all other symbols that can be used in the text: numbers, punctuation marks, various brackets. Determining the information weights of characters can occur in two approximations: under the assumption of equal probability (equal frequency of occurrence) of any character in the text; taking into account the different probabilities (different frequency of occurrence) of various characters in the text.

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Approximation of equal probability of characters in text

If we assume that all characters of the alphabet in any text appear with the same frequency, then the information weight of all characters will be the same. Then the share of any character in the text is 1/Nth part of the text. By definition of probability, this value is equal to the probability of a character appearing in each text position: p=1/N.

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From the position alphabetical approach to the information dimension 1 bit is the information weight of a symbol from the binary alphabet. A larger unit of information is the byte. 1 byte is the information weight of a character from an alphabet with a capacity of 256. (1 byte = 8 bits) To represent texts stored and processed in a computer, an alphabet with a capacity of 256 symbols is most often used. Therefore, 1 character of such text “weighs” 1 byte. 1 KB (kilobyte)=210 bytes=1024 bytes 1 MB (megabyte)=210 KB=1024 KB 1GB (gigabyte)=210 MB=1024 MB

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Approximation of different probabilities of characters in text

This approximation takes into account that in real text different characters occur with different frequencies. It follows that the probabilities of the appearance of different characters in a certain position of the text are different and, therefore, their information weights are different. Statistical analysis Russian texts shows that the frequency of occurrence of the letter “o” is 0.09. This means that for every 100 characters, the letter “o” appears on average 9 times. The same number indicates the probability of the letter “o” appearing in a certain position in the text: p0=0.09. It follows that the information weight of the letter “o” in a Russian text is 3.47393 bits.

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Measuring information. Content approach

From the perspective of a meaningful approach to measuring information, the question of the amount of information in a message received by a person is resolved. The following situation is considered: a person receives a message about some event; at the same time, the uncertainty of a person’s knowledge about the expected event is known in advance. Uncertainty of knowledge can be expressed either by number possible options events, or the probability of expected variants of the event;

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2) as a result of receiving the message, the uncertainty of knowledge is removed: from a certain possible number of options, one was chosen; 3) the formula calculates the amount of information in the received message, expressed in bits. The formula used to calculate the amount of information depends on the situations, of which there can be two: All possible options for an event are equally probable. Their number is finite and equal to N. The probabilities (p) of possible variants of the event are different and they are known in advance: (pi), i=1..N. Here, as before, N is the number of possible options for the event.

Equally probable events

Unequally probable events

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If we denote by the letter i the amount of information in the message that one of N equally probable events has occurred, then the values ​​i and N are related to each other by Hartley’s formula: 2i = N (1) The value I is measured in bits. This leads to the following conclusion: 1 bit is the amount of information in a message about one of two equally probable events. Hartley's formula is an exponential equation. If i is an unknown quantity, then the solution to equation (1) will be:

(2) Example 1 Example 2

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Task. How much information does the message that a queen of spades was drawn from a deck of cards contain? Solution: deck – 32 cards. In a shuffled deck, any card falling out is an equally probable event. If i is the amount of information in the message that a specific card (queen of spades) fell out, then from Hartley’s equation: 2i = 32 = 25 Hence: I = 5 bits

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Task. How much information does the message about rolling up a side with the number 3 on a six-sided die contain? Solution: Considering the loss of any edge to be an equally probable event, we write Hartley’s formula: 2i = 6. Hence:

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If the probability of some event is p, and i (bit) is the amount of information in the message that this event occurred, then these quantities are related to each other by the formula: 2i = 1/p (*) Solving the exponential equation (*) for i , we get: Formula (**) was proposed by K. Shannon, therefore it is called Shannon’s formula

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Presentation and coding of information

1. Language as a sign system 2. Representation of information in living organisms 3. Coding of information

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Language as a sign system

Language is a specific system of symbolic representation of information. “Language is a set of symbols and a set of rules that determine how to compose meaningful messages from these symbols” (dictionary of school computer science). Because a meaningful message is information, then the definitions coincide. LANGUAGE

natural formal Language of computer science

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Natural languages

Historically developed languages ​​of national speech. Most modern languages ​​are characterized by the presence of oral and written forms of speech. The analysis of natural languages ​​is largely the subject of philological sciences, in particular linguistics. In computer science, natural language analysis is carried out by specialists in the field. artificial intelligence. One of the goals of developing a fifth-generation computer project is to teach the computer to understand natural languages.

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Formal languages

Artificially created languages ​​for professional use. They are usually international in nature and in written form. Examples of such languages ​​are mathematics, the language of chemical formulas, and musical notation. Formal languages ​​are characterized by belonging to a limited subject area. The purpose of a formal language is an adequate description of the system of concepts and relationships characteristic of a given subject area.

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The following concepts are associated with any language: the alphabet is the set of symbols used; syntax – rules for writing language structures; semantics – the semantic side of language constructions; pragmatics - the practical consequences of applying the text to given language. Natural languages ​​are not limited in their application; in this sense, they can be called universal. However, it is not always convenient to use only natural language in highly specialized areas. In such cases, people resort to formal languages. There are examples of languages ​​that are in an intermediate state between natural and formal. The Esperanto language was created artificially for communication between people of different nationalities. And Latin in our time has become the formal language of medicine and pharmacology, having lost its function as a spoken language.

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Representation of information in living organisms

A person perceives information about the world around him using his senses. Sensitive nerve endings of the sense organs perceive the impact and transmit it to neurons, the circuits of which make up the nervous system. A neuron can be in one of two states: non-excited and excited. An excited neuron generates an electrical impulse that is transmitted through the nervous system. The state of a neuron (no impulse, there is an impulse) can be considered as signs of a certain alphabet of the nervous system, with the help of which information is transmitted.

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Genetic information largely determines the structure and development of living organisms and is inherited. Genetic information is stored in the cells of organisms in the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules. The DNA molecule consists of two chains twisted together into a spiral, built from four nucleotides: A, G, T, C, which form the genetic alphabet. The human DNA molecule includes about 3 billion nucleotide pairs and therefore all information about the human body is encoded in it: its appearance, health or susceptibility to disease, abilities.

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Encoding information

The presentation of information occurs in various forms in the process of perception of the environment by living organisms and humans, in the processes of information exchange between man and man, man and computer, computer and computer, and so on. Transforming information from one form of representation to another is called encoding. The entire set of symbols used for encoding is called the encoding alphabet. For example, in computer memory, any information is encoded using a binary alphabet containing only two characters: 0 and 1.

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In the process of exchanging information, it is often necessary to perform operations of encoding and decoding information. When you enter an alphabet character into a computer by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard, the character is encoded, that is, it is converted into computer code. When a sign is displayed on a monitor screen or printer, the reverse process occurs - decoding, when the sign is converted from a computer code into its graphic image.

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Representing numerical information using number systems

Number system Decimal number system Binary number system Positional number systems with arbitrary base

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Numbers are used to record information about the number of objects. Numbers are written using special sign systems called number systems. A number system is a way of representing numbers and the corresponding rules for operating numbers. The various number systems that existed in the past and that are used today can be divided into non-positional and positional. The signs used to write numbers are called digits.

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Non-positional number systems

In non-positional number systems, the meaning of a digit does not depend on its position in the number. An example of a non-positional number system is the Roman system (Roman numerals). In the Roman system, Latin letters are used as numbers: I V X L C D M 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 In Roman numerals, numbers are written from left to right in descending order. In this case, their values ​​are added together. If a smaller number is written and a larger one on the right, then their values ​​are subtracted.

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MCMXCVIII = 1000 + (- 100 + 1000) + + (- 10 + 100) + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1998

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Positional number systems

The first positional number system was invented in Ancient Babylon, and the Babylonian numbering was sexagesimal, that is, it used sixty digits! It is interesting that we still use a base of 60 when measuring time. In the 19th century, the duodecimal number system became quite widespread. Until now, we often use dozen: there are two dozen hours in a day, a circle contains thirteen dozen degrees, and so on. In positional number systems, the value denoted by a digit in the notation of a number depends on its position. The number of digits used is called the base of the positional number system.

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The most common positional number systems today are decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. In positional number systems, the base of the system is equal to the number of digits (signs in its alphabet) and determines how many times the values ​​of identical digits in adjacent positions of the number differ.

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Decimal number system

Let's take the decimal number 555 as an example. The digit 5 ​​appears three times, with the rightmost 5 representing 5 units, the second from the right representing five tens, and finally the third from the right representing five hundreds. The position of a digit in a number is called…. The digit of a number increases from right to left, from low to high digits. The number 555 is a collapsed form of writing the number. In the expanded form of writing a number, multiplying a digit of a number by various powers of 10 is written explicitly. That.


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In general, in the decimal number system, the recording of the number A10, which contains n integer digits of the number and m fractional digits of the number, looks like this: The coefficients ai in this recording are the digits of the decimal number, which in collapsed form is written like this: From the above formulas it is clear that multiplication or dividing a decimal number by 10 (the base value) moves the decimal point separating the whole part from the fractional part one place to the right or left, respectively.

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Binary number system

In the binary number system, the base is 2, and the alphabet consists of two digits (0 and 1). Consequently, numbers in the binary system in expanded form are written as a sum of powers of base 2 with coefficients, which are the digits 0 or 1. For example, the expanded notation of a binary number may look like this:

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In general, in the binary system, the recording of the number A2, which contains n integer digits of the number and m fractional digits of the number, looks like this: Collapsed recording of a binary number: From the above formulas it is clear that multiplying or dividing a binary number by 2 (the base value) leads to movement a comma separating the integer part from the fractional part by one digit to the right or left, respectively.

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Positional number systems with arbitrary base

It is possible to use a variety of positional number systems, the base of which is equal to or greater than 2. In number systems with base q (q-ary number system), numbers in expanded form are written as a sum of powers of base q with coefficients, which are the numbers 0, 1, q-1: The coefficients ai in this notation are the digits of the number written in the q-ary number system.

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So, in the octal system the base is equal to eight (q=8). Then the octal number A8=673.28 written in collapsed form in expanded form will look like: In the hexadecimal system, the base is sixteen (q=16), then the hexadecimal number A16=8A,F16 written in collapsed form in expanded form will look like: If we express hexadecimal digits through their decimal values, then the number will take the form:

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Translation of numbers in positional number systems

Converting numbers to the decimal number system Converting numbers from the decimal system to binary, octal and hexadecimal Converting numbers from the binary number system to octal and hexadecimal and vice versa

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Converting numbers to the decimal number system

Converting numbers in binary, octal, and hexadecimal to decimal is fairly easy. To do this, you need to write down the number in expanded form and calculate its value. Converting a number from the binary system to Decimal Translation numbers from octal to decimal Converting numbers from hexadecimal to decimal

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Converting a number from binary to decimal

10.112 Convert the following numbers to decimal system: 1012, 1102, 101.012

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Converting numbers from octal to decimal

67.58 Convert the following numbers to decimal system: 78.118, 228, 34.128

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Converting numbers from hexadecimal to decimal

19F16 (F=15) Convert the following numbers to the decimal system: 1A16, BF16, 9C,1516

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Converting numbers from decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal

Converting numbers from decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal is more complex and can be done different ways. Let's consider one of the translation algorithms using the example of converting numbers from the decimal system to the binary system. It should be taken into account that the algorithms for converting integers and proper fractions will differ. Algorithm for converting whole decimal numbers into the binary number system Algorithm for converting proper decimal fractions into the binary number system. Converting numbers from base p to base q

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Algorithm for converting integer decimal numbers to binary number system

Consistently divide the original integer decimal number and the resulting integer quotients by the base of the system until you get a quotient that is less than the divisor, that is, less than 2. Write down the resulting remainders in reverse order. EXAMPLE

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19 2 9 18 1 4 8 0 1910=100112

Convert decimal number 19 to binary number system

Another recording method

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Algorithm for converting proper decimal fractions into the binary number system.

Consistently multiply the original decimal fraction and the resulting fractional parts of the products by the base of the system (by 2) until a zero fractional part is obtained or the required calculation accuracy is achieved. Write down the resulting whole parts of the work in direct sequence. EXAMPLE

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Convert 0.7510 to binary number system


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Converting numbers from base p to base q

The conversion of numbers from a positional system with an arbitrary base p to a system with a base q is carried out using algorithms similar to those discussed above. Let's consider the algorithm for converting integers using the example of converting the integer decimal number 42410 to the hexadecimal system, that is, from a number system with base p=10 to a number system with base q=16. In the process of executing the algorithm, it is necessary to pay attention that all actions must be carried out in the original number system (in this case, decimal), and the resulting remainders must be written in numbers new system number (in this case hexadecimal).

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Let us now consider the algorithm for converting fractional numbers using the example of converting the decimal fraction A10=0.625 into the octal system, that is, from a number system with base p=10 to a number system with base q=8. Translation of numbers containing both integer and fractional parts is carried out in two stages. The whole part is translated separately using the appropriate algorithm, and the fractional part is translated separately. In the final recording of the resulting number, the integer part from the fractional part is separated by a comma.

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Converting numbers from binary to octal and hexadecimal and vice versa

Converting numbers between number systems whose bases are powers of 2 (q=2n) can be done using simpler algorithms. Such algorithms can be used to convert numbers between binary (q=21), octal (q=23) and hexadecimal (q=24) number systems. Converting numbers from binary to octal. Converting numbers from binary to hexadecimal. Converting numbers from octal and hexadecimal number systems to binary.

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Converting numbers from binary to octal.

To write binary numbers, two digits are used, that is, in each digit of the number, 2 writing options are possible. We solve the exponential equation: 2=2I. Since 2=21, then I= 1 bit. Each bit of a binary number contains 1 bit of information. To write octal numbers, eight digits are used, that is, in each digit of the number, 8 writing options are possible. We solve the exponential equation: 8=2I. Since 8=23, then I= 3 bits. Each octal number contains 3 bits of information.

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So, to convert an integer binary number to octal, you need to break it down into groups of three digits, from right to left, and then convert each group to an octal digit. If the last, left, group contains less than three digits, then it must be supplemented on the left with zeros. Let's convert the binary number 1010012 into octal in this way: 101 0012 To simplify the translation, you can use the table for converting binary triads (groups of 3 digits) into octal digits.

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To convert a fractional binary number (proper fraction) into octal, you need to break it into triads from left to right (not taking into account the zero before the decimal point) and, if the last, right, group contains less than three digits, supplement it with zeros on the right. Next, you need to replace triads with octal numbers. For example, we convert the fractional binary number A2=0.1101012 into the octal number system: 110 101 0.658

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Converting numbers from binary to hexadecimal

To write hexadecimal numbers, sixteen digits are used, that is, in each digit of the number, 16 writing options are possible. We solve the exponential equation: 16=2I. Since 16=24, then I= 4 bits. Each octal number contains 4 bits of information.

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Thus, to convert an entire binary number to hexadecimal, it must be divided into groups of four digits (tetrads), from right to left, and if the last, left, group contains less than four digits, then it must be padded on the left with zeros. To convert a fractional binary number (proper fraction) to hexadecimal, you need to divide it into tetrads from left to right (not taking into account the zero before the decimal point) and, if the last, right, group contains less than four digits, add zeros to the right. Next, you need to replace the tetrads with hexadecimal numbers. Conversion table for tetrads to hexadecimal numbers

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Converting numbers from octal and hexadecimal number systems to binary

To convert numbers from octal and hexadecimal number systems to binary, you need to convert the digits of the number into groups of binary digits. To convert from octal to binary, each digit of a number must be converted into a group of three binary digits (triad), and when converting a hexadecimal number, into a group of four digits (tetrad).

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Representing numbers in fixed point format

Integers in a computer are stored in memory in fixed-point format. In this case, each digit of the memory cell always corresponds to the same digit of the number, and the “comma” is “located” to the right after the least significant digit, that is, outside the bit grid. One memory cell (8 bits) is allocated to store non-negative integers. For example, the number A2=111100002 will be stored in a memory cell as follows:

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The maximum value of a non-negative integer is achieved when all cells contain ones. For an n-bit representation it will be equal to 2n – 1. Let us determine the range of numbers that can be stored in random access memory in the format of non-negative integers. The minimum number corresponds to the eight zeros stored in the eight bits of the memory cell and is equal to zero. The maximum number corresponds to eight units and is equal to the range of changes in non-negative integers: from 0 to 255

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To store signed integers, two memory cells (16 bits) are allocated, and the most significant (left) bit is allocated to the sign of the number (if the number is positive, then 0 is written to the sign bit, if the number is negative - 1). The representation of positive numbers in a computer using the sign-magnitude format is called a direct number code. For example, the number 200210=111110100102 would be represented in 16-bit notation as follows: The maximum positive number (allowing for the allocation of one digit per sign) for signed integers in n-bit notation is: A = 2n-1 - 1

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To represent negative numbers, two's complement is used. Additional code allows you to replace the arithmetic operation of subtraction with an addition operation, which significantly simplifies the work of the processor and increases its performance. The complement code of a negative number A stored in n cells is 2n - |A|. To obtain the additional code of a negative number, you can use a fairly simple algorithm: 1. Write the modulus of the number in direct code in n binary digits. 2. Get the reverse code of the number; for this, invert the values ​​of all bits (replace all ones with zeros and replace all zeros with ones). 3. Add one to the resulting reverse code. EXAMPLE

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The advantages of representing numbers in a fixed-point format are the simplicity and clarity of the representation of numbers, as well as the simplicity of the algorithms for implementing arithmetic operations. The disadvantage of representing numbers in a fixed point format is the small range of representation of quantities, which is insufficient for solving mathematical, physical, economic and other problems that involve both very small and very large numbers.

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Representation of numbers in floating point format

Real numbers are stored and processed in a computer in floating point format. In this case, the position of the decimal point in the number may change. The floating point number format is based on scientific notation, in which any number can be represented. So the number A can be represented in the form: where m is the mantissa of the number; q – base of the number system; n – number order.

Slide 78

This means that the mantissa must be a proper fraction and have a non-zero digit after the decimal point. Let's convert the decimal number 555.55, written in natural form, into exponential form with a normalized mantissa:

Slide 83

Data storage

Information encoded using natural and formal languages, as well as information in the form of visual and audio images, is stored in human memory. However, for long-term storage of information, its accumulation and transmission from generation to generation, information carriers are used. (student message)

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