
EaseUS Partition Master Free: the optimal solution for partition management. EaseUS Partition Master - a program for partitioning a hard drive

For normal installation and Windows operation 7/8.1/10 20-25 GB of hard disk space is enough, but in practice you have to allocate much more for the system partition, at least 50-60 GB, since in addition to the system itself, users also install packages of different applications. But over time, this volume may not be enough.

In such cases, you can remove some of the programs and then reinstall them, but on drive D, but this is far from the most the best option. It is much easier to increase the size of the system partition by borrowing some of the disk space from other partitions. There are several ways to do this, but the fastest and most reliable is software. To expand the system partition, it is not at all necessary to use expensive applications like, their free analogues, for example, EaseUS Partition Master Free, will also work.

This program is powerful, convenient and simple. In addition to the Free edition, there is also a commercial version, but in this case we don’t need it. The application can work with disks up to 4 TB, supports converting primary partitions into logical ones and vice versa, creating copies of partitions to transfer data to another computer without Windows reinstallation, view, split and resize partitions of any type.

Additional features programs include hiding and showing disks, completely deleting files, and checking the disk surface for bad sectors. There is no Russian language in EaseUS Partition Master Free, but it doesn’t matter. The application's interface is simple, and most operations are performed using intuitive graphical controls. To get to the Disk Wizard window, after installing and launching the program, click the “Launch Application” button located in the center.

In the larger right pane of the window you will see a list of your partitions. It is possible that this list will also include a Windows reserved area without a letter (it will be marked with an asterisk) and some unallocated space. So, to enlarge partition C, we need to cut off part of partition D, and then “solder” it to partition C. Right-click on partition D and select the very first option “Resize/Move Partition” from the menu that appears.

In the window that opens, drag the slider so that the resulting unallocated space borders the system partition. Click OK. The same can be done without calling an additional wizard window by dragging the slider on the graphical representation of the disk panel located at the bottom of the main window. We do the same procedure for partition C, only this time we drag the slider to the area of ​​unallocated space, thereby increasing the volume of drive C. Click OK again, and then apply the new settings by clicking the “Apply” button.

As soon as you do this, a window will pop up notifying you that the operation has begun. To prevent the program from asking unnecessary questions, check the “Shut down the computer after changes are applied” checkbox. Click YES and confirm starting the procedure. The computer will restart and you will see a black window with the progress of the operations, after which the desktop will load. Wait until the procedure is completed and do not turn off the computer, even if it seems to be taking too long. Otherwise, you risk damaging the file system, which will prevent Windows from booting.

As you know, many computers have only one HDD and for more secure data storage it is better split into sections. Such structuring will help to divide the disk into a partition with system Windows files and to a section containing all other objects. That is, in case of damage boot sector OS and operations related to its recovery, the risk of losing data written on the disk is much less if it has already been partitioned.

You will also need to partition the disk if you want to create an encrypted or password-protected partition or if you plan to install two operating systems on one disk. But, despite the obvious advantage of dividing the disk into partitions, many users store all files on an unpartitioned disk for a long time, and when they come to the conclusion that the disk needs to be partitioned, it not only contains the OS, but also stores a lot of other valuable information, and if it is necessary to perform a breakdown, it is necessary not only special software, but also very reliable.

EASEUS Partition Master

Of the well-proven programs, I would like to recommend EASEUS Partition Master. This application has both commercial and free versions. To perform basic actions related to dividing a disk into partitions or, conversely, connecting partitions, the free version is quite enough. Among the functions that are included only in a commercial program, the most valuable is full copying operating system to another disk. Unfortunately, the program has not been officially translated into Russian, but a group of enthusiasts has created a crack on the Internet, which is strongly recommended to be used, since all operations related to disk partitioning, if performed incorrectly, can lead to the failure of the OS, and therefore, in order to did not happen, all actions must be conscious. The developers also recommend not performing more than 5 actions simultaneously in the program. If you need to perform other operations, restart the PC, and only after making sure the result is positive, continue working. You should also know that you can restrict access to the program by setting a password.

How to use EASEUS Partition Master

After installing EASEUS Partition Master, you will see an interface represented by horizontal and vertical menus, a horizontal panel with buttons for performing the most popular actions, and a work area that displays the disks and partitions of your PC.

To divide a disk or partition, first find it in the list of the workspace, select it by clicking on it with the mouse, press the “Change/Move” button on the panel and in the window that opens, clicking on the extreme part of the partition or disk indicator with the mouse in the right corner, we begin to move it to the left side of the window, reducing the size of the disk or partition. The filled part of the section is colored in a more intense green color, and the empty part is colored in light green. Having reduced the size of the partition, we will see that we have an area on the right, colored white, that is, an unallocated part of the disk, where we will create a new partition. To do this, simply click on “OK” in the window and make sure that the new line“Unoccupied”, select it and click the “Create” button on the toolbar. In the window that opens, to confirm the intention to create a new section, click the “OK” button, and if everything is done correctly, it will appear in the work area. Now click the “Apply” button, restart the computer and get a new full-fledged partition.

In addition to creating a partition, the program will help you merge several partitions into one, as well as make a complete copy of a disk or partition, convert a disk or partition into a logical one, and also, if Windows crashes, restore a partition or disk if a copy of it was previously made. Among the interesting features of the program is the ability to hide a section, that is, move it to an unallocated area. The hidden section will become invisible to other users, but if necessary, you can retrieve it from the unallocated area at any time. In addition to the above features, it is worth noting the formatting of the section, as well as complete destruction data recorded on a disk or partition.

The first thing you can start with is a free (for home, non-commercial use) program that significantly simplifies working with partitions of hard drives and flash drives.

Key features of EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition:

Resizing a Partition
- Moving a section
- Creating and deleting partitions
- Setting the partition label
- Partition formatting
- Creating an active partition
- Hiding a section
- support for 32- and 64-bit JC and hard drives up to 4 TB.

It should be noted that the partition hard drive is certainly not an everyday task for any user - this operation is usually done once when purchasing a new hard drive. On the other hand, a situation may well arise when it is necessary, for example, to change (increase or reduce) the size of an already created partition, so as not to lose the information on it, and in this case EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition will come in handy .

The interface of EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition is very simple and generally convenient, although it cannot be said that it is visually attractive; The graphic design of this program is perhaps its weakest side.

As for the process of using EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition, it will be simple and understandable even when you do not have any experience in such actions. This is facilitated by a fairly detailed help system, prada, in English.

So, to change the size of a partition, you just need to select a disk, specify “Resize/Move Partition”, and define new parameters, and you can enter new values ​​manually in any of the available fields (Unallocated space in front, Partition size , and Unallocated space after), or simply move the slider on the graphical representation of the hard until the required size is reached. For the convenience of the user, this process is designed in such a way that changing one value automatically affects other parameters, i.e. you don't have to deal with changing the values ​​of all the fields.

It should be clarified that EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition can perform not one, but several actions at once, and a significant part of the operations will be performed without rebooting the computer (a reboot will only be required if the operation is performed on the partition where the operating system is installed ).

Finishing this short review EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition program, I would like to mention such a useful option of this program as data protection: to prevent its use by strangers, a password is provided.


Section editors hard drives- these are modest workers who save in the most unexpected moments. You can’t do without them if you are planning to move your system from an outdated HDD to a fast SSD, have purchased a new hard drive, or want to repartition existing partitions.

Difference between physical disk and the icon in the “Computer” folder is the same as between the cabinet and the drawers in it. There is only one disk, but there can be as many partitions inside as you like.

To work with hard drive partitions in Windows, you need programs like the hero of my review EaseUS Partition Master Pro. With its help, you can format your hard drive and manage its partitions.

The program is paid, but until August 23, 2018 there is a good discount, which appeared for a reason. At the end of the review, the reason why I recommend purchasing this software is described.

For those who don't know

On any Windows 10 computer, you will find a main partition where system and user files are stored, and hidden sections with recovery system and bootloader. Advanced users go further and independently divide the disk into several partitions in order to somehow organize the storage of documents or separate personal files from system ones.

In each section, responsible for storing data file system. For example, system disk Windows will definitely be in the NTFS file system, camera memory cards use FAT32 or exFAT, and USB flash drives can be in FAT32, exFAT, NTFS or (if you use Linux) ext3, ext4.

Information about what partitions are on a disk can be stored in different ways. The most popular standard is MBR- supported by a huge number of devices and operating systems, but, alas, maximum size The partition is limited to two terabytes. Therefore, on modern PCs they are increasingly using GPT, which is devoid of this disadvantage.

Confusion arises due to two simultaneous standards. So an opportunity happened to me, in which the EaseUS Partition Master software helped a lot, when I connected a new TOSHIBA HDWD130 hard drive with three terabytes. Relying on the capabilities of the Windows 10 operating system, I formatted the disk and received a metaphorical rake in the forehead, because the partition turned out to be much smaller than stated - 2 TB. It turned out that for some reason the manufacturer laid out the partitions according to the MBR standard.

It was then that I remembered Partition Master, where you can clearly see the list of partitions and painlessly partition the disk in GPT, using the maximum volume.

But manipulations in standard “Disk Management” did not help; Windows stubbornly saw no more than two terabytes. This happens with this system component; I have not identified a pattern.

EaseUS Partition Master Pro

You can download and buy a hard drive partition editor on the official website: EaseUS Partition Master Pro(button "Free Trial" For trial version or "Buy Now" for purchase).

System requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP.
  • Hard disk space: at least 100 MB.
  • Processor: with a frequency of at least 500 MHz.
  • RAM: 512 MB or more.


  • Devices: internal and external hard disks, solid state drives (SSD), USB flash drives, memory cards, RAID arrays(several physical hard drives work as one), etc.
  • File systems: NTFS, FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, ReFS, EXT2, EXT3.

There are several versions of the software: Pro, Server And Unlimited. There is an interesting table on the authors’ website, which shows that the only difference is in price, supported operating systems and RAID-5 support. That is, for a home user, the cheapest “Pro” version will be enough.

Support Windows Server 2016/2012/2008/2003 and Home Server- + +
How many PCs can be used on?1 PC1 serverNo limits
Types of hard drivesAllAllAll
Editing hard disk partitions (resizing, moving, copying, merging, creating, deleting, clearing, checking, hiding, viewing)+ + +
Working with dynamic disks (resizing, moving, copying, checking, creating, formatting, deleting, viewing files on dynamic volumes)+ + +
Optimizing SSD speed by fitting 4K clusters+ + +
Recovering deleted and damaged partitions+ + +
Cloning a disk (or partition) to another data store+ + +
Storage Spaces Direct support+ + +
Cleaning and optimizing disks (removing unnecessary and finding large files)+ + +
Converting disks and partitions (from the main partition to logical and vice versa, MBR to GPT and vice versa, FAT to NTFS, dynamic disk to regular and vice versa)+ + +
Transferring the operating system from disk to disk (including from/to SSD without reinstallation)+ + +
Command line support+ + +
Recovering RAID-5 partitions- + +
Price at the time of writing the review39,95 $ 159 $ 399 $

Without purchasing, the program works in trial mode, which is enough to understand whether you need it on your farm. Exists free version Partition Master, it does not know how to convert MBR to GPT and many other things, so it is not very useful.

How does it work

EaseUS Partition Master Pro is software that is not overloaded with whistles. The interface is visual and understandable. There are no settings; all necessary options are specified during the execution of actions.

In area (1) a list of physical disks and partitions inside is visible. In area (2) - visual representation of the location of sections. In which area to click the mouse is up to you. No difference.

When one of the disks or partitions is selected, in the “Operations” section (3) a list of available actions appears.

For section:

  • Resize/Move partition- change the partition size. Often used to attach a “piece” of one section to another. Just reduce one, expand the other.
  • Clone partition- clone a disk partition. To do this, there must be enough unallocated space on the receiving disk.
  • Merge partition- merge partitions without data loss.
  • Convert to logical/Convert to primary- converting a section to a logical type or primary. MBR only. Due to the limitations of this standard, only 4 primary sections can exist. Using logical partitions allows you to circumvent this limitation. Do not use on flash drives and memory cards, where logical partitions are not always visible.
  • Change label- change the disk label (which is visible in the “Computer” folder).
  • Change drive letter- change or remove the drive letter altogether. A useful thing when, due to some failure, hidden partitions of a Windows disk become visible.
  • Set active- for MBR, indicates boot partition to launch the operating system from it (no longer relevant now).
  • Hide partition- as far as I understand, it not only deletes the partition letter, but also changes its properties so that the letter is not assigned again. Use with caution.
  • Delete partition- delete a partition, leaving behind unallocated space.
  • Format partition- format the partition into one of the supported file systems. The data will naturally be deleted.
  • Wipe partition- erase data from the partition so that no recovery programs will return it.
  • Properties- service properties of the partition and the disk on which it is located.

For disk:

  • Clone disk- clone the contents of the entire disk.
  • Convert MBR to GPT/Convert GPT to MBR- conversion no data loss from one type of partition layout to another.
  • Delete all partitions- delete all partitions en masse.
  • Wipe data- wipe the entire disk so that the data cannot be recovered.
  • Rebuild MBR- recreate MBR markup. Fixes some specific problems with file table placement. Better not touch it.
  • Surface test- checking the disk for bad sectors. It is useful to scan the disc immediately after purchase to make sure there are no defects, and after a year and a half of work.
  • Properties- some service information about the disk.

For empty disk space (Unallocated):

  • Wipe data- erasing data that remains after deleting the partition.
  • Properties- some service information about the unallocated space and the disk itself.

Operations that change partitions are not applied immediately. They appear in the list of pending actions (4). You need to press a button "Apply" (5) to begin the process of changing partitions.

On the toolbar (6) there are several “chips” of Partition Master:

  • Migrate OS to SSD/HDD- procedure for transferring the system to new disk. If the system is transferred from a regular hard drive to a solid-state drive or vice versa, change the program Windows settings to optimal for of this type drives.
  • 4K Alignment- alignment of virtual clusters (sectors for data storage) and physical ones. This will speed up read and write operations. In modern operating systems and the program itself, when created, the position of the partitions is already adjusted, but there are many hard drives left in the world created in XP...
  • Cleanup and Optimization- launch a separate utility that can remove junk data, find and erase large files and run disk defragmentation.
  • Wipe data- reliable removal of data from the media.
  • WinPE bootable disk- Creation bootable flash drive or CD/DVD, from which you can launch a special version of EaseUS Partition Master, which works without starting the main operating system. I recommend using it when you need to manipulate the system partition - this way there is less chance of losing files.

On the menu (7) All the operations described above are duplicated; you can also call up help for the program.

Partition Master Pro in action

There are several nuances that novice users should know so as not to be perplexed later: “Why is the disk not visible in the “Computer” folder?” They do not concern the program, everything is fine with it, but the disks: For different types media must use different file systems. I’ll show you a clear example with a portable HDD connected via standard USB.

Creating a section

When creating partitions on a new hard drive, be sure to look at its type - MBR or GPT:

If you have Windows 10, it won't care, but external drives with GPT markup may not open on computers with Vista and certainly will not open on ancient XP. So if you bought a new drive with a capacity less than or equal to 2 TB and use it as a flash drive, convert the disk to MBR using the “Convert GPT to MBR” command.

This feature helped me when I purchased a new hard drive and decided to properly partition the partitions.

After that, right-click on the unallocated space and select “Create paritition.”

A window will appear where you need to select the disk size and its file system.

If the disk needs to have multiple partitions, move the sliders to the right and/or left to make room for the rest.

The file system should be NTFS if it is a hard drive or SSD, and FAT32 for memory cards and flash drives.

Cluster size (cluster size), Drive letter (drive letter) and so on can not be touched, everything is standard and optimal there. Just check the “Optimize for SSD” box if your portable hard drive is not a hard drive at all, but a solid-state one.

After " OK" And " Apply" to apply the operations. It will turn out something like this:

In unallocated space, you can create not one, but several partitions of arbitrary size.

Partitioning the hard drive into partitions

Let's say you need to create another partition on a disk. To do this, you need to shrink the existing one. Do this with the right button:

And indicate how much space to free up. For example, 100 gigabytes. This is done by moving the round sliders or directly indicating it in the digital input fields below.

A nuance that concerns almost all programs for working with hard drives: due to the peculiarities of partition alignment, if you free up space on the “right”, the moving process will be faster, because. Typically, data on disks is stored at the beginning (“left”). But at the same time, an unmarked space of several sizes is formed on the left. kilobyte(this is very little, if anything). If for some reason this is critical for you, do as in the screenshot above - free up space on the left.

Then click on the unallocated space and continue as when creating a partition normally.

The size of the resulting partition will be smaller than the unallocated space, since part of it is used for the needs of the file system.

Disk formatting

In the process of formatting all data is deleted and the file system is recreated - the place where information about the location of all data on the media is stored.

Formatting is an unpleasant procedure, because you have to look for where to copy files from the media, but often this is the only way to make the flash drive work normally.

It is with portable media that there are the most problems, because users do not want to wait for files to be copied and they tear out flash drive from a USB port at the most crucial moment. When I first saw this I was shocked. Afterwards, the shock increased: it turned out that there is an opinion that files are copied to them instantly, and the copying progress indicator is only beautiful animation. And where does this nonsense come from?

In fact, when recording is interrupted (this also happens with dead photo and video cameras), the file tables are damaged, because memory cards and flash drives often use the very unreliable FAT32 file system. Checking for errors (in Partition Master there is a “Check” item for this) is not magical; you have to format the partition.

An interesting observation: in the EaseUS partition manager, in the formatting options you can only select the file system type, cluster size and label. In the standard utility Windows formatting The option of full (long) formatting is also available, when the data on the partition is erased so that it difficult recover (not impossible). Partition Master has a separate “Wipe partition” function for this.

Recovering deleted and damaged partitions

Partition Master Pro has a “Partition recovery” function, which returns erased or damaged disk partitions from oblivion.

A choice of scanning type will open - quick or full. The full one is terribly long, choose only if you fail with the first one.

Select one of the found file system options (there may be several of them), click on Pause (if the scanning has not yet come to an end, and you are in too much of a hurry and the quality of the result is not important) and Proceed.

Pay attention to the blue stripe in the screenshot below - the recovered partition was full of files.

After all the creation, resizing and formatting, the original data is back! It’s not a fact that all the files on it will be intact, but at least it’s something. For a more detailed restoration, you can try the product of the same developers

Bottom line

EaseUS Partition Master Pro is a representative of adequate software for working with partitions on the most common types of storage media. Some may not like the “paid” option, but this is the price for the opportunity to receive advice from technical support at any time. The program is simple, easy to use and not overloaded with irrelevant functionality.

Remember: do it often backups, force majeure situations can never be excluded. Data is perhaps the most valuable thing in a computer for its owner. Family photo and video archives, documents and work projects - all this must remain safe and sound at all costs.

Make the world a better place

EaseUS, legally known as CHENGDU Yiwo® Tech Development Co., Ltd, is celebrating its 14th birthday at the time of writing this review.

Software from EaseUS for data recovery, editing and backup was awarded good reviews not only from my site, but also from such well-known giants as CNet, PCWorld, Softonic, - you have heard about some of them if you have been searching useful programs on the English-language Internet.

1. Raffle iPhone 8 or 500 $ , as well as smaller amounts. To participate, you need to make a video review of one of their products that is at least three minutes long and post it on YouTube. Details at the link above.

2. Promotion "Help make the world a better place." Follow the link above and “light” the candle on the cake at the bottom of the page. The more candles that are lit, the more EaseUS will donate to an educational program for children in need through the international charity World Vision.

There is another charity attraction: you can buy the following programs with a 30 percent discount:

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