
The screen shows upside down how to return back. How can I flip the monitor screen to its original position. How to rotate the screen using standard Windows features

Question from user


Tell me what can be done: on my laptop, the screen turned 180 degrees and everything became upside down. The picture itself seems to be clear, without distortion, the laptop turns on and otherwise works as usual. Is it possible to rotate the screen without going to the service?

Sincerely, Marina.

Good day!

A fairly popular problem that occurs equally often, both on laptops and on PCs. Most likely, you just accidentally changed the video driver settings, or pressed a certain key combination. In this article I will give several ways how you can return everything back ...

Note: in some cases, flipping the screen is very useful! Do not think that software developers are specifically plotting you. For example, if you are watching a photo or video taken upside down - you clicked a couple of buttons and the screen turned. Conveniently? Conveniently!

Ways to flip the screen

Method number 1: using hot keys

Now on many laptops there are special keyboard shortcuts for rotating the screen. (they are called hot) . They allow you to change the orientation of the image on the screen in a matter of seconds, for example, make it portrait or landscape. As mentioned above, this function is quite convenient in some cases.

Keyboard shortcuts to rotate the image on the monitor:

  1. Ctrl+Alt+↓ (down arrow. By the way, you don't need to press the pluses!)- turning the screen 180 degrees (ie upside down);
  2. Ctrl+Alt+← - rotate 90 degrees to the left;
  3. Ctrl+Alt+→ - rotate 90 degrees to the right;
  4. Ctrl+Alt+ - return images to normal position.

Note: these keys will not work for everyone, for example, they can be disabled by default in the driver settings. Or the manufacturer did not lay them at all ...

Method number 2: through the video driver settings

To begin with, I want to say that you must have video drivers installed (as well as the control center for them. By the way, Windows often installs drivers during system installation, but they will be without the control center!).

If the driver for your video card is installed, you just need to look in the tray (next to the clock): there should be a corresponding icon (example below)

Or right-click anywhere on the desktop: there should be a link to the control panel in the context menu (example below).

In the Intel settings, you need to open the "Display" section. In the "Rotation" subsection, you can select a value of 90-180-270 degrees (see screenshot below).

In addition, in this section you can set the refresh rate, set the resolution, scaling, and other settings.

Note: Please note that after changing the resolution or rotating the image, a warning will appear on the screen asking you to confirm the changes. If suddenly the picture on your monitor has completely deteriorated, and you can’t see anything, then just wait 15 seconds, the changed parameters will be reset and return to their original values.

In panel NVIDIA control open the "Display" tab (on the left side of the menu), then open the "Rotate display" link. There you will be able to choose the orientation:

  • landscape (default);
  • book;
  • landscape (folded);
  • book (folded).

When choosing between these modes, set the option to suit your viewing experience on the monitor.

IN AMD Catalyst Center everything is also quite obvious: open it in the menu on the left "General Display Tasks/Rotate Desktop" , select the mode from the list: landscape or portrait (there are also mirror options for them).

AMD Catalyst Center // display orientation selection: portrait, landscape

Note: The settings menu can vary greatly depending on the version of the video driver.

Method number 3: through the Windows settings

Windows 7

Right-click anywhere on the desktop, in the pop-up context menu, select "Screen resolution"(as in the screenshot below).

Important! When you change the resolution or orientation, Windows will wait for you to confirm the changed settings. So, if something goes wrong, just wait 15 seconds. and don't press any buttons...

Windows 8, 10

In principle, changing the orientation of the image occurs in the same way as on Windows 7. When you right-click on the desktop, a menu will appear - you need to select "Display Options".

Why can't the picture on the monitor rotate?

Sometimes you press buttons, change settings, but nothing happens - the picture on the monitor does not change in any way ... This can happen for the following reasons:

1) Changing the orientation of the wrong monitor. This is relevant if you have several monitors connected to your computer (or were previously connected). When setting up, pay attention to which monitor you are changing the orientation!

3) I also recommend checking your computer for viruses.. Some types of malware play games: change the resolution, make the mouse cursor "jump", rotate the image, and so on. Popular antiviruses of this year were cited in this article:

4) Lastly, try boot your Windows OS in safe mode. Often it is in this mode that one or another error can be corrected. In addition, if the problem is related to video drivers, then the image on the screen should be displayed in standard mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7/8/10 -

I hope the question is over!

Recently, a friend had such a case - the image on the monitor screen on the laptop turned upside down. No matter how he turned the laptop, he could not understand what had happened. I did not find any additional keys, the laptop itself is new.

In this article, we will try to figure out what actually causes such a problem with turning the monitor screen on a laptop, and also show possible ways to fix the problem.

What could be the reasons why the laptop screen suddenly turned upside down? For example, the user accidentally pressed some keys on the keyboard, causing the screen to rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

So, let's move on to how to solve the problem:
1) If some hot keys were pressed, then everything is solved by pressing Ctrl + Alt + up arrow. If it doesn't help, move on.

2) Use System Restore. This option is good helper when there is a malfunction of a personal computer or laptop. We select a restore point before the moment when the case of flipping the laptop screen occurred.

3) We are trying to deal with the settings of the video card. Usually the video card icon is placed in the tray (at the bottom next to the time). If there is no such icon, go to the Control Panel, look for the video card control panel. The settings and types of panels may be different for different video cards, but whoever searches will find it.

4) If the third method does not help, then this one will do for sure. Understanding hotkeys. You can disable them altogether at the video card, so that they do not interfere once again. But first we rotate manually using the settings:
In the graphics card settings we find "Graphics Options" (or right mouse on the desktop) - "Rotate" - "Normal View" or "Normal Position" (there may also be rotation options: 90, 180, 270 degrees, but they are not available to us now needed).
Now we are trying to remove the ability to use hot keys on the laptop video card. Go to the "Graphics" settings of the video card. Here we are looking for hotkey settings. We find something like " shortcut key functions" Or "using hot keys", uncheck the box, and rejoice.

5) If nothing helped, no matter how sad it may sound, reinstalling the operating system will help. It is extremely rare to resort to this method, because reinstallation is usually a long process, from half an hour to a whole day.

6) Last tip, give the laptop to a service center or workshop, I hope that this will not be needed, because I tried to outline the main ways to solve the problem above.

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Users who are not familiar with computer settings are very scared if they have a flipped screen on their laptop. How to fix this problem in a few steps you will read in this article.

Windows Tools

If the image is turned upside down on a computer or laptop, you do not need to immediately go to the service. First, check the Windows settings (you will be interested in reading the article ""). The easiest way to change the screen orientation is to use hotkeys:

  • Ctrl+Alt+right or left arrow → rotate 90 degrees left or right (depending on the arrow pressed);
  • Ctrl+Alt+up or down arrow → display 180 degrees.

Not all devices support hotkeys. If you encounter such a situation, use Windows to configure.

  1. RMB on the start menu → control panel (turn on the display of small icons) → display.
  2. On the left side, click "Adjust Screen Resolution".
  3. In the "Orientation" field, select the one you need from the drop-down list → confirm the changes.

Good to know! In Windows 7 and 8.1, you can open the display resolution setting by right-clicking on an empty spot on the desktop - Screen Resolution.

Alternative way for Windows 10.

Start menu → Settings application → System → Display item → Orientation block.

Good to know! Manufacturers install an accelerometer on some laptop models and changing the orientation of the display may be the result of its operation. This feature can be disabled in Settings → System → Screen.

In video card management programs

To fix the problem, use the built-in programs for the video card. They are installed during the installation of the video adapter drivers. Each manufacturer offers to use a unique utility: Intel HD, NVidia, AMD Catalyst, in which you can configure and. You can run it in the Windows Control Panel.

In its settings, the item "Display Rotation" (in the NVidia Control Panel) should be displayed. In it, specify the desired display orientation position. There are similar items in other utilities.


Watch the video on how to rotate the screen on Windows in several ways, including using the "God" mode.


You can change the screen orientation in Windows using built-in tools or using utilities for configuring video adapters. Also use hotkeys, but they do not work on all computers or laptops.

Today, there are various ways to rotate the screen on a laptop. On the one hand, such a reversal can happen by accident. With the help of such a solution, working conditions are significantly improved when solving some special, specific tasks. But one thing can be safely stated with great confidence - this knowledge will not be superfluous.

In which cases?

Did you let your kid go behind your mobile PC, did he accidentally unfold the image during the game and now it’s inconvenient to work on the gadget? Nothing strange happened, and getting out of this situation is not difficult. It happens that there is not enough portrait orientation of the screen and it makes sense to change it to landscape. For example, such a need may be caused by working with a large text document. Conventionally, the ways to rotate the screen on a laptop can be divided into three types:

  1. Using the video adapter control panel.
  2. With the use of OS tools.
  3. Special key combination.

When installing video card drivers, it is mandatory to install which significantly expands its functionality. Starting with the Windows 7 operating system, it became possible to expand the image on the monitor screen. Some video adapter developers have gone further and provided the ability to rotate the image using a special key combination.

Panel Application

This is the most commonly used method of how to rotate the screen on a laptop. Simultaneously with the installation of the drivers, the video adapter control panel is installed. Her shortcut is on the bottom right corner. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be of the following form:

Consider how to rotate the screen on a laptop, using the example of an Intel video card. To do this, point to the shortcut. Do a left-click on it. In the menu that opens, select "Graphics Options". It will open in which you need to find the item "Rotate". A list of possible options will open:

  • normal appearance;
  • 90 degrees;
  • 180 degrees;
  • 270 degrees.

By default, the checkbox is next to the first one. If you press the left mouse button in front of any of them, the image will instantly unfold. In this case, a request will appear, which must be answered within 15 seconds, otherwise everything will return to its original state. The principle of changing the screen orientation is similar for other developers, but since their solutions have more functionality and there are much more menu items, it is more difficult to find the necessary section.

Keyboard shortcuts

To rotate the image, special key combinations are used. Each manufacturer is different. For example, for Intel products, "Ctrl" and "Alt" are used simultaneously, and, without releasing them, any of the cursor keys.

OS Tools

How to flip the screen on a laptop? Such an operation, for example, can be done with using operating system tools. To do this, call on any free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desktop and select the "Screen Resolution" item. In the window that opens, in the "Orientation" drop-down list, you can select the desired image rotation. To save the changes, click "OK".


A properly configured laptop screen is the key to fast and productive work. This must be remembered and taken into account when processing texts or editing images. With this tool, you can significantly reduce the time spent. On the other hand, if the picture was accidentally rotated, then it can be returned to its original position without any problems using any of the previously described methods.

The desktop is a key tool in managing the entire system, where the most important and frequently used files are located. Thus, setting up such a tool cannot bypass the user, because the desktop is the first thing a person encounters when using Windows.

It is not often necessary to turn the screen along with the desktop, but in cases where you attach the monitor to the wall and have any difficulties installing it in its original form, you can resort to using this Windows function. Also, this function can be convenient for transformer computers and tablets with a mobile station. You can safely install it in any position, and then turn the display in any convenient direction with simple movements.

Often such needs are faced by users who use programs where there are hotkeys similar to those installed in Windows. This problem is especially common on Windows XP, since it is on it that screen rotation occurs due to keyboard shortcuts that are often mistakenly used in applications, which we will discuss below.

There are 3 main ways to flip the desktop or return it to the correct position. Let's start with the simplest and fastest option, which is suitable for Windows Vista and newer versions.

Flip the desktop through the "Screen Resolution" menu

  • You need to right-click on an area of ​​the desktop that is free from shortcuts;
  • In the window that opens, you should find the option "Screen resolution" and click on it;

  • Among several settings, select "Orientation" and indicate the one you need, what they mean, we will consider below;

The video driver stopped responding and was restored, how to solve the problem?

Available desktop screen rotation options

  1. landscape– this is the standard screen view;
  2. Portrait- rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees;
  3. landscape inverted- this is a 180-degree inverted view (the taskbar is located at the top of the screen);
  4. portrait inverted- rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees or clockwise by 90.

Along with the flip of the desktop, the taskbar also changes its place accordingly, the mouse cursor is inverted, starting to work along other axes X and Y. Use this function only when necessary, because it is extremely inconvenient to turn the desktop to an angle that does not correspond to this monitor.

Flip the desktop through the settings of the video adapter

We will look at an example with nvidia, that is, a Geforce video card, but similar actions are also performed for the Radeon manufacturer. The only difference Radeon - is in the title of the table of contents.

1 way

1. Click on the desktop with the right mouse button;

2. Select the item " NVIDIA Control Panel", Note this item will be available if you have installed driversfor your device model, most likely you already have them;

3. Find the "Display" chapter in the right menu, from which a few more sub-items will drop out, for Radeon the name is "General Display Tasks";

5. You will see the same settings as in "Screen Resolution", so we will not dwell on this.

Pay attention to the chapter at the bottom of the window, which says "Typical Application Situations", it may help you to correctly set up your monitor screen.

2 way

Another method, which also applies to this point, is discussed below, since it uses the same video adapter driver.

In a hurry, accidentally or out of inexperience, when you press all the keys on the keyboard in a row, which just does not happen. For example, - this is the most common option. But no less rare is another situation that can throw a novice user into shock and even panic (which I myself have witnessed more than once). One of my friends, with anxiety in his voice, turned to me for help in urgent laptop repair. His screen is broken. And to be more precise - flipped computer screen. And no matter what he does (and this concept of his includes restarting Windows;)) nothing comes out. And since he had recently purchased a laptop, he was already at a “low start” to take it to a repair shop. What was his surprise, after a few seconds in front of his eyes with the help of hot Windows keys 10 , the monitor has returned to its original position. In this article, I'll show you a few options. And since I started talking about it...

How to flip the screen on a computer. Key combination

CTRL + ALT + arrows (up, down, left and right) will turn the monitor screen upside down and in different directions. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Just need to know! ;)

Why flip at all? Personally, I know only two types of people. Designers and brokers often work in an upright position. It's just that much more necessary information, graphs, drawings fit in this position ... Therefore, they usually have several monitors on their desktop.

Well, we figured out the simplest option. I want to introduce you to others for common development, so to speak.

How to flip the screen on the monitor through the Control Panel

Go to the “Control Panel” of the computer, then “All Control Panel Items” -> “Display” -> “Screen Resolution” or even easier - right-click on an empty space on the desktop.

Recently, a friend had such a case - the image on the monitor screen on the laptop turned upside down. No matter how he turned the laptop, he could not understand what had happened. I did not find any additional keys, myself ...

Recently, a friend had such a case - the image on the monitor screen on the laptop turned upside down. No matter how he turned the laptop, he could not understand what had happened. I did not find any additional keys, myself ...

It is customary to perceive the monitor screen in this orientation, in which it is. But sometimes it becomes necessary to change the screen orientation, or, simply put, flip the image on a laptop or computer. Why might this be necessary?

Due to some kind of software glitch, the screen has turned upside down and the image is upside down or turned on its side. It needs to be fixed and returned. Sometimes you need to turn the monitor itself, but leave the image in a normal orientation relative to the viewer.

So, how to flip the screen on a monitor in a computer, laptop? Extremely simple. Depending on the device (whether we are talking about a laptop or a simple computer) and the operating system installed on it, you need to do a simple set of manipulations. They will take no more than 10 seconds! But in order, because these 10 seconds also need to be done correctly ...

To change the screen orientation on a computer (desktop, laptop) with these operating systems, you need to close all open windows and right-click on an empty spot on the desktop. will come out context menu, in which, among other items, there will be an item "Screen resolution". And you have to click on it. A settings window will open, in which you should look for a drop-down list labeled "Orientation". Then everything is simple.

There are four positions in the drop-down list: landscape, landscape mirror, portrait, portrait mirror. It is enough to select one of them, and the problem on the monitor is solved. To return to the previous state, you must select the rotation in opposite direction. You see - 10 seconds, no more, and the image is what you need.

Windows XP

In the system tray, also called the notification area, there is an icon for the video card. You can right-click on it, select the "Rotation Options" item, and there you can figure out how and where to rotate the screen.


In the Windows XP operating system, the keyboard shortcut is usually enabled by default. In older operating systems from Windows, the ability to use them is often disabled in the video card driver settings. You can change these settings if necessary. It’s convenient with them, it’s not 10 seconds anymore, but one.

  • Pressing the combination Ctrl+Alt+up arrow will return the screen to its normal position if it has suddenly rotated 180 degrees.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow - Rotate the screen 180 degrees down.
  • A set of keys Ctrl + Alt + left arrow - will rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.
  • A set of keys Ctrl + Alt + right arrow - and the screen rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

Rotations of 90 degrees are sometimes preferred or just needed over 180 degrees, as 90 degrees is a more "fine" setting that can be used for special occasions.

Video cards

Each video card model has its own settings (control panel), in which there will definitely be an item regarding the screen orientation. If we are talking about an NVIDIA graphics adapter, you need to open its control panel by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray. In the control panel there is a sub-item "Display Rotation". Then it's easy to choose. If there is no icon in the system tray, then the standard operating system driver is used. This driver should be updated to the native one for the video card, then the icon will appear. Similar options for changing the screen orientation exist for all types of video cards.

How to return back and is it difficult to do it? These questions are most often asked by laptop users. But there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. If this happens, do not rush to call the master and do not panic. Try on their own correct this misunderstanding. The recommendations in this article apply to Windows 7, 8, and 10.


The Windows operating system has many settings that the user does not even know about. What to do if the screen on the laptop suddenly turned upside down? How to return back and why did this happen? The fact is that one of the "hidden" settings of the system is to rotate the image up to 270 degrees. You can flip the picture yourself, but it happens that Windows crashes and displays the image on the monitor in a twisted form. There are several reasons why the screen turned upside down on the device.

This happens due to the carelessness of the user. Turning on the "hot keys" responsible for screen rotation (Ctrl + Alt + arrow) accidentally leads to similar consequences. Software issues also cause the screen to flip. If this happens, then the laptop may need diagnostics to help eliminate the cause of the inverted image. Another cause of this phenomenon are viruses. The orientation from landscape to portrait changes if the laptop is struck. What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over due to viruses? How to get back the image? First, you need to check your computer antivirus program; secondly, restore the system; Thirdly, reinstall Windows.


If the screen on the laptop turned over, how to get the image back? There are ways to fix the problem. The picture can be flipped back using "hot keys", the usual settings of the installed OS and a flip in the video card software. All these methods are effective and solve the problem quickly and without the help of a specialist.

How to flip

What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the image? In addition to the "hot keys" flip image is possible using the OS settings. For Windows 7 and 8, the following solutions are relevant.

The user should right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select the "Screen resolution" line. A menu should open with various options. Find the "Orientation" column. Select landscape orientation or another, in case of non-standard settings, and save the changes.

For the Windows 10 operating system, there are several ways to change the orientation. Second-click the Start icon and select Toolbar and Adjust screen resolution. Set the orientation to landscape and click Apply and Save Changes. Another way that is relevant for the tenth version of the operating system. On the desktop, click the second mouse button, find the line "Display Settings". In the system menu that appears, set the landscape orientation, which is standard for all versions, and save the changes.

Now users know what to do if the screen is flipped on the laptop. How to return back from Windows 10 if this OS is installed on laptops that combine the functions of a tablet and a computer? In this case, make sure the device has an accelerometer. It is responsible for auto-rotating the screen depending on the position of the laptop. Such a function exists in modern smartphones and tablets.

Setting in the video card

What to do if the screen is turned upside down on the laptop? How to return back? Windows 7 and later versions of the operating system provide the ability to adjust the display using a video card. If a discrete graphics card is installed in a laptop by the manufacturer, then it has its own software. It is the video card that is responsible for displaying the image on the device screen, so if it turned over, you should look at its settings. If the video card is manufactured by AMD, on the desktop field, click the 2nd mouse button and select AMD, find the line "General display tasks" - "Rotate desktop". Apply changes and save. If the video card is installed from the manufacturer NVIDIA, click, as already described, call up the settings, select "Display" - "Display Rotation". Next, set the required orientation. As you can see, the problem of flipping the screen is easy to solve on your own and without outside help.


What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the correct image orientation quickly? There is a simple shortcut for this. This option is suitable for modern operating systems Windows 7,8,10. Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+ arrow left, down, right, up depending on the direction. This combination may not work on some laptops due to the lack of appropriate settings.

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