
Chronograph functions. A new type of optical clock could revolutionize time measurement technology. Types of men's chronograph watches

Wristwatches appeared more than 100 years ago. During this period of time they underwent many improvements. Often wrist watches are not just a device for measuring time, but a multifunctional mechanism. Chronograph and chronometer- concepts that are often encountered and, due to the consonance of names, are sometimes confused. Especially novice watch lovers.

Chronograph is a useful and sought-after instrument

The word "chronograph" is made up of two Greek terms - "time" and "write". This is a device that records time. Its inventor is said to be George Graham, a horse racing enthusiast who needed to mark short periods of time. The device is always an integral part of a watch, unlike a stopwatch, which is sold in a separate case.

There are separate buttons on the case to control the chronograph. Their use does not affect the course of the main hands. The mechanism can be simple or complex (with the possibility of summation). The first involves counting one period of time. Complex - allows you to summarize time periods without resetting previous indicators.

There are also split-seconds chronographs with two hands; they make it possible to monitor two events at the same time. And they are controlled by three buttons. Even the simplest variations will be useful:

  • in sports (to measure the duration of a race or race);
  • in medicine (for example, measuring pulse);
  • in science and laboratories;
  • in navigation and military affairs.

Chronometer is a title awarded only to particularly precise watches.

This term refers to a very precise wristwatch. They bear the confirmation inscription Certified Chronometer, but only after the product has passed a series of tests and received a certificate.

The document is issued by COSC, the Swiss Institute of Chronometry. The manufacturer must send a sample to laboratory researchers who will conduct various tests, check the effects of temperatures and see how the mechanism works in different positions.

Research is quite expensive, so chronometers are usually a couple of hundred euros more expensive than their non-certified counterparts. The document is a source of pride for the manufacturer, but in practice it has no particular significance. After all, the accuracy of the watch is influenced by the habits of the watch owner and even how often he winds the spring. Therefore, in reality, the actual accuracy does not coincide with the nominal one.

What is the main difference?

In a nutshell, then chronograph in watch- This is a stopwatch in an analog (arrow) clock. It is placed on the main dial in the form of a small additional one. And the chronometer is an ordinary mechanical watch on the wrist. But they have greater accuracy, which is confirmed by a special certificate.

People have been trying to organize their time for quite a long time. But, oddly enough, not everyone knows what a chronograph is in a watch. Watchmakers came up with it not so long ago. Many people don’t even know how to use it and don’t know how it came about.

A little history

Only in 1821 did the first device appear that made it possible to record time. He was introduced by Nicolas-Mathew Rieussac. It was invented to keep track of time at horse races. At the tip of the hand that counted the seconds was an inkwell. When the mechanism stopped, the needle touched the dial, thereby leaving a speck on it. Previously, they also tried to create a device that would help measure time intervals, but it was not at all like a chronograph. George Graham, a watchmaker from England, was the first to introduce watches with such capabilities. So it was thanks to him that we learned what a chronograph is in a watch. Then mechanisms appeared, the second hand of which had an independent wheel system; it simply made a jump once every second. They work in a similar way today. The first to describe such a mechanism was Jean Moise Pouzet, a Geneva watchmaker, in 1776.

Some interesting facts

First, you need to define how a chronograph differs from a watch. In fact, these are the same watches that have the ability to record a certain period of time. The operation of the pointer mechanism is completely unrelated to the chronograph. It requires buttons to control it. There are devices with one, two and three buttons. The first ones are not convenient enough, because starting, resetting and stopping are carried out with one button.

Such models cannot be started after stopping. This is where a device with two buttons comes to the rescue. After stopping, the second hand can start.

Types of chronographs

After we have found out about watches, we need to find out what they are. There are simple models with one or two buttons. Using them, you can measure one period of time or several consecutive ones at once. Split is a more complex device. It has two seconds hands, which are located in the middle of the dial, one above the other. Such a chronograph allows you to measure the duration of various events that began at the same time and ended at different times. Such devices are equipped with three buttons. Fly-back is used to take measurements that have zero gaps between values. Moreover, a new measurement can be started by pressing one button.

Scope of application

Such devices are used quite widely. It is very important to know how to use the chronograph on your watch. For convenience, different scales are marked on it. The main one is used to make readings more convenient. It is often divided into fractions of seconds. Today there are models that can measure 1/10 of a second. This is Zenith El Primero. This chronograph is unique. Its balance is 36,000 vibrations per second. With such a device, very clear measurements can be made.

Varieties by type of scales

There are models on which the color indicates an interval of three minutes to control phone conversation. Some are able to determine the parking time or the duration of a football match. Quartz models even beep when the time is up. In a word, everyone can choose the device they need.

A wristwatch is an important and necessary accessory that helps to add a “zest” to an image and emphasize a person’s status and position in society. Modern wristwatches are not just a device for measuring time, but also multifunction device, which can be very useful. After all, such accessories may contain a calendar, chronograph, alarm clock and many other useful functions. And if an alarm clock with a calendar does not raise questions about their use, then with a chronograph they do.

What functions does a chronograph perform?

First of all, it must be said that a chronograph is an independent measuring system, which has no connection with the general clock mechanism. This complicates the design to some extent, but at the same time allows you to obtain the highest quality and accurate measurements. In fact, a chronograph is a counter that records certain periods of time. By using of this device you can record seconds, hours and minutes. For example, it is often used to time runs or bike rides, business meetings, and even advertised “food deliveries down to the second.” In addition, chronographs are used by doctors to measure the heartbeat, by housewives when preparing dishes, and by the military in calculations.

How to use a chronograph?

The chronograph is turned on and off using separate buttons on the case. Note that some models have a multifunctional chronograph activation button, pressing it multiple times allows you to stop recording a period of time. One of the advantages of using a chronograph over a regular stopwatch is that there is no need to change the dial. That is, the operation of the watch itself, which continues to show the exact time, is not disrupted.

Using a chronograph on most watch models is standard and does not present any difficulty. Therefore, you can quickly learn how to use the chronograph on your watch. In single-pusher models, the first press starts the chronograph, and when you need to complete the interval measurement, you need to press the corresponding button again. If you need to return to initial position arrows, press the button a third time.
Chronographs with two control buttons are very popular today. The first button starts measuring the segment, then the second stops this process. In this case, you get the opportunity to continue measuring without returning the arrow to its original position. This is necessary when defining any specific cycles of actions.

High-end wristwatches can be equipped with a chronograph with three buttons. This is the so-called split system. With this split-seconds chronograph you can simultaneously record several events that started at the same time. You can start and stop measuring segments independently of each other.
Modern complex chronographs allow not only to measure several segments at once, which began simultaneously and at the same time end at different times, but also have the function of summing such calculated segments. There are also special types of chronographs that allow you to measure periods of time up to 12 hours.

Currently, in specialized stores you can choose wristwatches that are equipped with a high-quality and accurate chronograph. All this will allow you to use your watch with maximum efficiency.

By design, chronographs can be modular (when the stopwatch module is placed on top of a conventional base watch movement and connected to it) and integrated (when it is initially assumed that the caliber will be equipped with a stopwatch). The latter, of course, are much more reliable and cooler.

A little history

In 1910, Gaston Breitling introduced the world to the first wrist chronograph, the ancestor of modern examples. And it was intended for pilots of aviation, which was emerging at that time. It is worth noting that the aviation theme has remained attached to the famous Swiss brand Breitling to this day. But there was one small inconvenience in this chronograph, there was only one button (sometimes combined with the crown) that performed all 3 functions (start, stop, reset), in 1934 Breitling eventually corrected this nuance. Another interesting fact, that self-winding chronographs began to be produced only almost 50 years later, in 1969. Most likely, this is due to the fact that it was very difficult to fit all the nodes at the same time in the limited space of the case.

IN modern world, the chronograph has a slightly different position from the original one; now its presence is more of an aesthetic addition to a wristwatch than a sought-after function. Its analog indicators add some “complexity” to any watch and look organic in the overall concept of the dial.

It is a mistake to believe that a chronograph looks organic only on sports watches or makes the watch device too massive. There are very sophisticated options that look very elegant and are perfect for a business or even evening look. These include, for example, watches

To put it simply, a chronograph in a watch is a stopwatch, separate and independent.

There are mechanical chronographs - for example, in expensive Swiss
mechanical men's watch Epos (with automatic
factory). This is when there can be two at once on one main dial
second hands, or installed on the large main dial
several small dials with arrows, or when in mechanical
the clock simply displays several windows with readings behind which is hidden
complex clock mechanism.

IN high precision quartz watches digital chronographs display
all your numerous readings on a convenient LED display.

In quartz watches, digital chronographs can display hundredths
split seconds and have additional functions, and compared
with mechanical ones, they are more accurate. Mechanical chronographs are complicated
themselves, even simple ones (single-task), and therefore very expensive.

A simple chronograph has one counter, while a complex chronograph can have several counters.

For example, if several counters are installed on the dial or in the digital chronograph mechanism, then with their help you can easily determine your speed or pulse rate. Or, for example, fuel consumption, or the distance to the aiming point in artillery, and similar indicators.

Therefore, chronographs are successfully and very effectively used by professionals in military affairs, navigation, science, and aviation.

The photo shows a simple example of a regular chronograph. Watch the same with one
The chronograph also has only two keys: one is “start” and “stop”, and the second
“reset” key, it resets (zeroes) the reading of the built-in counter.

But there are also unique chronographs with a “fly-back” function, which allows you to instantly reset the chronograph readings with a single press of one button and immediately start a new countdown.

This is incredible useful feature appeared in chronographs in the distant 30s of the last century by order of German aviation.

For whom were such mechanisms needed?

Pilots of small aircraft of the time followed a given course solely by compass for clearly defined periods of time. As soon as there is a need to change course, the pilot must immediately begin a new countdown on a new course until the next maneuver. The “fly-back” function allows you to reset the readings with one click of just one button, and immediately start counting seconds and minutes again.

The "Infantry Co" gun steel military quartz watch from the "BRIGADIER" series features an expensive and therefore rare stopwatch design: a split-seconds chronograph. A split-seconds chronograph records the duration of two processes occurring simultaneously. That is, one stopwatch records the time of one process, and the second stopwatch completely independently counts the time of another process. For example, you can easily track the results of two sprinters starting at different times.

In more expensive mechanical watch sometimes a “yacht chronograph” with a countdown counter is built in.

In principle, such a chronograph works as a timer, and is also successfully used in sports, military affairs, sailing, and any other life situations where it is necessary to manage time. Simply, you just need to read the instructions for the watch once, and you will easily understand everything.

So, a chronograph in a mechanical watch or a quartz watch is a fashionable, authoritative, complex and very useful thing. If you purchase, we invite you to our online store of men's watches.

Accurate measurement of time has always been important for humans. With the advent of the first watch, the usual life changed. Progress does not stand still. Now having a simple watch is no longer enough. They are being improved, becoming more accurate and functional.

Many futurologists predicted a decline in the popularity of wristwatches with the advent of mobile phones and others electronic devices, allowing you to find out the time. They were far from right. It’s just that these products have ceased to be just a device for measuring time. They became something more - an object reflecting the status of a person.

What is a chronograph?

A watch with two independent systems for measuring time is called a chronograph. The task of one is to record the current time, the other - short time intervals.

In analogue watches, the second time indexing system starts the central hand, stops it, returns it to zero, ensures the measurement of the required time intervals and does not interfere with the operation of the main mechanism.

Most mechanical chronographs have small minute dials. Some models are capable of taking smaller measurements - counting tenths of a second. Chronographs can have one or more counters.

History of origin

The first watch with an accuracy of measuring time intervals of the order of 1 in 16 was presented by the English watchmaker Georg Gragam. Before this, no one knew what a chronograph was. This invention can easily become the basis for further developments in the field of precision watch mechanisms. Later, in the 18th century, a prototype of the first stopwatch was developed, but there was a problem with returning the hands to their original position. It was not until 1844 that Adolphe Nicolet, a Swiss watchmaker and inventor, patented a device that became the prototype of modern chronographs.

At the London Exhibition of 1862, Nicolet introduced the first stopwatch, the hand of which returned to zero thanks to a heart-shaped cam. In 1879, the first split-seconds chronograph was released, that is, a device that combines the functions of a watch and a stopwatch. Six years later, a two-pusher chronograph appears.

At the beginning of the 20th century, along with the massive appearance of wristwatches, people finally learned what chronographs are. But they were created for the needs of the army and were not put on free sale.

Monopusher chronograph in wristwatch appeared in 1910, but the two-button one took another 29 years - it was introduced by Breitling only in 1939.

What is a chronograph for?

Thanks to the accuracy of measurement, men's chronographs have found their application in sports, engineering technology, the army, and aeronautics. Previously, navigation in the air was carried out using a watch and a compass. With the advent of chronographs, this process has become easier. When moving to the next air corridor, the pilot of the aircraft must only switch the chronograph to count the time of movement along the new segment.

Accurate time measurement in sports is one of the most important tasks. Thousands of fractions of a second can be decisive for victory. When runners finish, for example, the time difference may be so small that an ordinary watch will not be able to record it. To measure time in pair competitions, chronographs with a split-seconds function are often used, which ensures almost 100% accuracy.

Launches of rockets and satellites into space can also be carried out only with an error not exceeding hundredths of a second. Any delay could cost millions, if not billions of dollars in losses.

Types of men's chronograph watches

Depending on the type of mechanism, there are digital (electronic, quartz) and analog (arrow) chronographs. The former have greater accuracy (up to thousandths of seconds) and a larger measurement limit. The error rates of such watches are minimal. Other advantages include ease of maintenance and the ability to withstand kinetic impacts.

Analog clocks are considered less accurate. Their error over the course of a month can be more than 10 minutes. In addition, they are exposed to greater influence of magnetic fields, which have a negative effect on the accuracy of measurements. These chronographs need to be cleaned at least once every two years. To carry out the procedure, it is better to use the services of watchmakers. At the same time, pointer models can boast of a smoother running and elaboration of every detail of the mechanism.

Functions of a chronograph watch

Modern technologies make it possible to improve the watch mechanism and bring it to perfection. Chronographs could not do without modernization. Now, in addition to the ability to calculate time with minimal errors, new functional features have appeared:

  • perpetual calendar;
  • presence of a tourbillon;
  • the ability to reset indicators simultaneously with the start of a new countdown;
  • the presence of an additional split-seconds module, which drives the second central second hand (necessary for accurately measuring the time of intermediate finishes).

The split-seconds mechanism is needed to index the duration of two events that start at the same time but end at different times. Split chronographs are used for such measurements.

What is a tourbillon?

The tourbillon is one of the most complex functions in a modern watch movement. Its task is to maximize the accuracy of time measurements by compensating for the effects of gravitational forces. The first such mechanism was developed in 1920 by the Zenith manufactory, which remains the most famous watch factory in the world.


Chronograph watches are considered a luxury item. They emphasize the status of their owner, his taste and desire to always be ahead. Almost every famous watch brand has its own line of chronograph watches. Rolex, Vacheron Constantin, Michael Kors, Casio, Edox, Aviator and Fossil manufacture such accessories. Some models presented by them belong to the average price category, the other part is for luxury-level goods.

Fewer companies produce mechanical watches with automobile factories. These are, as a rule, chronographs from Maurice Lacroix, TAG, Montblanc. They are intended for navigators, athletes and aircraft pilots. Prices for such chronographs can be tens of times higher than for some models with quartz movements. These watches are most often assembled by hand, and exclusive products are always distinguished by their quality. As you know, you have to pay for quality.

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