
Functioning of information processing and control systems. Automated information processing and control system (ASIO). Universities that offer this specialty

An automated information processing system (AIPS) is a human-machine system that ensures the collection and processing of information necessary to optimize management decisions in various fields of activity and at various hierarchical levels. Such levels are state, sectoral, territorial automated control systems, automated control systems for enterprises and technological processes.

The effectiveness of using automated control systems largely depends on their compatibility at various levels and functionality.

The technical base of the ASOI is the complex technical means, which includes personal, mainframe and small computers; equipment for collecting, preparing and pre-processing information, means of communication and information transmission; devices for replication, assembly and final processing of information, automated storage and issuance of documents.

Compatibility of automated information processing systems is established based on the following criteria:

· organizational compatibility of ASOI of different levels and

functional purpose;

· technical compatibility, providing for automatic

social functioning of a complex of technical means of automated information systems at different levels, including the exchange of information and the possibility of jointly solving large-scale problems;

· software and mathematical compatibility with the use of

we use unified mathematical methods, models and algorithms in ASOI of different levels;

information compatibility using a single database

data from ASOI of different levels;

· linguistic compatibility – using the same

scientific, technical and economic terms, rules for formalizing natural languages, including methods for collapsing and expanding texts.

For the effective use of ASOI, mathematical software is important - a set of programs, procedures and rules associated with documentation components that allows the use of a computer to solve various tasks using human-machine dialogue mode

Cybernization of scientific research work is the main direction of development of the technology of this process, aimed at enhancing the role of science in social production.

Information compatibility of different levels of management is ensured with the help of classifiers of technical and economic information, in which objects are systematized according to certain classification groups, their characteristics and code designations.

The Unified State Standardization System operates in Ukraine. It is under the jurisdiction of Gosstandart, which ensures the development and approves classifiers based on uniform methodological criteria, ensuring the compatibility of ASOI of various ranks. These classifiers are divided into national, sectoral, regional and local.

The functioning of the ASOP makes it possible to automate the search for information located in the database of a research organization, as well as to solve research problems on a computer using the batch processing method.

The researcher, as a user of information, must master the methodology of algorithmization and formulation of problems for their subsequent programming and solution on a computer by specialists from other industries (programmers, systems engineers, etc.).

The full cycle of data processing for scientific research in ASOI includes the following stages:

· collection, transmission and preparation for entering primary information into a computer

· introduction, accumulation and processing of received information;

· introduction and transmission of information processing results to the user

Usage computer technology in the processing of economic information makes significant changes to the methodology for studying the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, creates conditions for increasing the validity, reliability and quality of scientific recommendations.

Creating an automated workstation (AWS) for a scientist allows you to solve problems in routine and query modes, control the results of calculations, make changes to the research methodology and obtain multivariate solutions, create local networks that provide real-time data exchange between automated workstations for various purposes.

Technical support for a researcher's workstation, as a rule, includes a two-level computing complex. At the top level - a computer with a high-speed processor with a large amount of operational and external memory, on which the main flow of researched information coming from personal computers(PC) lower level equipped peripheral devices. The results obtained are transferred to a PC and allow you to consistently monitor the entire data processing process, while changing the values ​​of individual parameters to obtain the best possible result.

Industry-wide guidelines give legal force to magnetic tape and paper documents created by computer technology. This document must be prepared and marked in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and encoded taking into account the requirements of the national classifier of technical and economic information. The operator who prepared this document puts down his code and is personally responsible for its accuracy.

The original document on magnetic tape is the first recording on it, recorded in the prescribed manner.

Changes to the original are made on the basis of a specially drawn up notice, which contains: the name of the organization that created the original document; content of changes; an indication of the reasons for the change; time of changes; corresponding signatures; stamp or seal of the organization that created the original document on magnetic tape. It is also necessary to carefully check the cancellation (cancellation) of the original document copied onto magnetic tape.

A machineogram has legal force if it is created on paper in printed form by means of computer technology in accordance with the procedure established for the technological process of data processing, and meets the standards for unified documentation systems. The machine diagram, which will be used in accounting, control and audit of the economic activities of the enterprise, must contain the details of the organization that created it, and the necessary forms of certification (signatures of employees of the information and computing center, which controls the accuracy of the output of the original information, and accounting employees.

The machinograms and primary documents on the basis of which it was created are preserved for the period established for these documents by state archival authorities.

Information stored in computer memory must be reliably protected from unauthorized access. The concept of information security includes both the development and implementation of appropriate means and methods of protection, as well as their constant use. The need to protect information is due to the centralization of the collection, storage and processing of information in shared computing centers, which facilitates access to data due to means of communication with more powerful computers and stricter state regulation of secrecy requirements, as well as market relations in business activities when the need arises for maintaining trade secrets.

The functioning of the ASOI is based on the creation of information banks. Communication tools make it possible to make this data available to everyone who has access to a common telephone line. The further increase in data concentration, along with its accessibility due to the availability of communications, increases the need for information protection.

Powerful computers create conditions for increasing unauthorized access to computer resources, during which the following are possible: destruction of information in order to conceal the facts of theft of material and financial assets; changes in factual data for various criminal purposes, etc.

Information protection is carried out by special services of computer centers. Physical protection covers technical means, the computer room, communication lines and remote terminals, logical protection concerns the data itself, application programs and operating system software.

The functions of a special information protection officer include responsibility for data confidentiality and include:

Responsibility for maintaining information files;

· fight against file protection intruders;

· reporting to management about cases of file security violations;

· use of technical means of protecting computing devices, data or programs in these devices.

Data protection measures may be included in system packages programs into application systems by simulating, using tests, various options for correcting or stealing data for the purpose of carrying out illegal actions. Programs are constantly being improved to protect classified information, trade secrets, and intellectual property.

State Committee of the Russian Federation

in higher education

Nizhny Novgorod Technical College

Laboratory of modern technical office equipment


Specialty 2202


“Technical means of information processing”

Automated information processing and control systems

Developed by: Shishanov Yu.A.

Approved at the meeting

subject commission

Protocol No.___ dated ________19___

Chairman of the Commission


N. Novgorod 2000

1. Introduction............................................... ........................................................ ........... 5

1.1. Concept: information and computer science. The impact of the media on the senses. Types of computer information................................................... 5

2. Copying and reproduction tools.................................................... ..... 12

2.1. Electrographic copying................................................................... .......... 12

2.1.1. Basic principles of electrographic copying........... 12

2.1.2. Operating principles of modern analogue copiers.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 14

2.1.3. Planar electrographic apparatus EP-12 R2 (ERA-12RM). 21

2.1.4. Portable desktop copier "Canon" FC-2. 22

3. Desktop electronic printing house. PC, peripheral equipment and software.................................................... ... 32

3.1. Input Devices................................................ .................................... 32

3.1.1. Keyboard, mouse. Purpose, device and principle of operation 32

3.1.2. Joystick, light pen, digitizer. Purpose, device and principle of operation.................................................... ........................................................ .. 35

3.1.3. Scanners, types of scanners and theirs specifications. Purpose, composition and principle of operation.................................................... ............... 37

3.2. Output devices........................................................ ................................ 45

3.2.1. Monitors and their characteristics. Purpose, composition and principle of operation.................................................... ........................................................ ................. 45

3.2.2. Impact printers................................................................... ........ 55

3.2.3. Non-impact printers................................................................. .... 59

3.2.4. Thermal printer........................................................ .................... 64

3.2.5. Plotters........................................................ ..................................... 65

4. Multimedia methods and tools.................................................... ............... 67

4.1. Multimedia methods and tools................................................................. ............ 67

4.1.1. The concept of multimedia, multimedia PC.................................... 67

4.1.2. Sound card. Purpose, composition and principle of operation............... 70

4.1.3. Analog-to-digital conversion.................................................................... 71

4.1.4. Encoding of audio data. Characteristics of recording and playback modules.................................................... ........................................................ 72

4.1.5. Synthesizer module. Sound synthesis based frequency modulation, tables of waves, physical modeling and their characteristics................................ 73

4.1.6. Memory size................................................ .................................. 79

4.1.7. Video card. Purpose, composition, and principle of operation according to the functional diagram................................................. ............................................... 84

4.1.8. Multimedia accelerators................................................................. .............. 90

5. Office equipment............................................................. ................................ 92

5.1. A television................................................. ............................................... 92

5.1.1. Television standards................................................... ............. 92

5.1.2. Simplified functional diagram of a sound transmitter.................................... 98

5.1.3. Color kinescope .................................................... ........................ 104

5.1.4. Teletext system................................................... ....................... 107

6. Cassette video recorders.................................................... ............... 115

6.1. Cassette video recorders “Electronics VM-12”.................................... 115

6.1.1. Tape transport mechanism................................................... ......... 123

7. Telecommunications.................................................................... 128

7.1. Fax communication................................................... ................................ 128

7.1.1. Fax Basics................................................... 128

Lesson 1. The principle of operation of a modern fax machine 131

7.2. Cell Phones................................................................................ 137

7.2.1. Construction principles cellular network........................................... 137

7.2.2. Cell Phones................................................ ....................... 145

7.2.3. Organization of a cellular communication network................................................................. ... 152

8. Paging.................................................................... ................................... 155

8.1. "The history of paging"................................................... ........................... 155

8.2. "Radio Signal Characteristics"................................................................. ............ 156

8.2.1. 16K0F1D................................................... .................................... 156

8.2.2. "Basic paging protocols"............................................. 156

8.2.3. POCSAG protocol................................................... .................... 157

8.2.4. FLEX protocol................................................... ........................... 157

8.2.5. ERMES protocol................................................... ........................ 158

8.3. "Conventional propagation of radio waves"................................................... .. 159

8.4. "Radio paging in Russia"................................................... ....................... 160

8.5. "The Future of Paging".................................................. ................. 161

9. Telecommunications.................................................................... 166

9.1. Local and global computer networks.................................... 166

9.1.1. Concept: local and global aircraft.................................................... 166

9.2. Network topology................................................... ..................................... 169

9.2.1. Star topology................................................................. ....................... 169

9.2.2. Ring topology................................................... ................... 170

9.2.3. Bus topology................................................... ....................... 171

9.3. Local network components................................................................... ............... 172


O. Kolesnichenko, I. Shishigin “RS Hardware” Dusseldorf, Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

User's Guide. “Modems”. Lan S. Petersburg 1997

Barry Nance. “ Computer networks“Bipom Moscow 1996

G. Vachnadze. “World Television” Tbilisi ed. “Ganatleba” 1989

V. Figurnov “IBM PC for the user.” St. Petersburg 1994

A. Kotsubinsky, S. Groshev. “Modern self-instruction manual for working on the Internet” Ed. Triumph. Moscow 1997

Berry Press “PC Repair and Upgrade” User's Bible. Ed. Dialectics. Moscow. St. Petersburg, Kyiv. 1999

A. Bobrov “Copying equipment”, Service “Repair and Maintenance”, Issue 9, Ed. DMK, Moscow 1999

V. Polyakov. “Initiation into radio electronics.” Ed. Radio and communications. Moscow 1988

V. Jaconia, A. Gogol, Y. Druzin and others. Television: a textbook for universities. – M.: Radio and Communications, 1997.

V. Vinogradov Lessons from a TV master. Ed. 2. – St. Petersburg: LAN, CORONA-PRINT, 1997.

1.1. Concept: information and computer science. The impact of media on the senses. Types of computer information

Concept: information and computer science

Information- (from the Latin word Informatio explanation, presentation). Initial - information transmitted by one person to another person orally, in writing or in some other way (for example, using conventional signals, using technical means, etc.), as well as the process of transmitting or receiving this information itself.

Computer science, a discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as well as the patterns of its creation, transformation, transmission and use in various spheres of human activity.

Due to the presence of five sense organs in humans, information about the environment comes to a person constantly. Vision provides the most information. If the eyes are open, then a huge amount of information comes through them about the shape and color of objects, where they are, and even how they move.


¨ All information coming to a person consists of signals.

¨ A person receives these signals, processes them and either executes them or remembers them.

The impact of the media on the senses.

A person is designed in such a way that he protects himself from unnecessary, incomprehensible and unpleasant information. She walks past him. In this case, a person does not process it, which means he cannot remember and turn it into knowledge.

Information that cannot be understood and assimilated is called information noise.


1. It is difficult for a person to consume information. He can only do this in very small portions. Any overload turns into information noise, and... it becomes useless, that is, it does not turn into knowledge.

2. It is difficult for a person to process information. This makes him tired.

3. Man, we can make mistakes. Due to information noise, we can incorrectly process information and turn it into false knowledge.

4. A person is biased (i.e. he perceives information not as it is, but as it seems to him). If the information coincides with his personal opinion, he accepts, processes and assimilates it very easily. If information is unpleasant to him, he assimilates it with great difficulty and much remains unattended.

5. A person cannot store information for a long time. If you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, information is forgotten very quickly.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic machine that can:

¨ Receive information;

¨ Process information;

¨ Keep information;

¨ Give out information.

As was previously said, humans also have these functions. However, he does this slowly, sometimes with mistakes and not always willingly. A computer frees us from the need to process mountains of information, but it does it quickly, reliably, produces it in a form that is convenient for a person, and stores it indefinitely.

/ Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI)

Information technologies (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing and control systems (ASOIU), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since information is the most important resource in the modern world, automated information systems play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern automated information systems rely on the use of local and global networks, processing of graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technology, systems artificial intelligence. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated control systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

Specialty 230102 "Automated information processing and control systems" - this is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming and want to be fluent modern means computer hardware and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

This specialty is included in the general direction of training 230000 "Informatics and computer technology." The direction “Informatics and Computer Science” is a field of science and technology that includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating and using:

· Computers, systems and networks;

· automated information processing and management systems;

· computer-aided design systems;

· computer software and automated systems.

An engineer in the field of training “Informatics and Computer Science” can perform the following: types of professional activities:

Ø design and engineering;

Ø production and technological;

Ø scientific research;

Ø organizational and managerial;

Ø operational.

Basic disciplines Junior year students study mathematics and physics, which provide basic fundamental knowledge; computer science, programming and information technology, developing algorithmic thinking and creation skills own programs; circuitry, which provides basic knowledge about computer architecture and operating system and an understanding of what is happening inside the computer. In senior years programming technologies, databases, networks, expert systems, various programming environments, methods of systems theory and system analysis, system design. Students receive advanced education in the field of system analysis, mathematical methods of information processing, methods of scientific research, design of information systems. It is this cycle that transforms students from computer users into highly qualified specialists capable of developing and improving modern information systems.

All of the listed disciplines include the mandatory use of computers in laboratory classes and independent work of students. In all cycles of disciplines and especially in special disciplines, teachers who took part in and supervised the development of real complex projects of automated systems pass on their practical and theoretical experience and knowledge to students. The organization and content of the educational process is constantly being improved. Every year new sections of disciplines and entire disciplines are introduced, the content is updated laboratory work, new software is being studied and included in the educational process.

The demand for graduates who have completed this specialty increases in proportion to the growth of the computer park, because The level of informatization is becoming one of the significant factors in the development of society.

Many students of the faculty actively participate in departmental scientific research, participate in scientific conferences.

Graduates of the department who have completed their studies with honors can enter the



1.1. Basic Management Concepts

1.2. Basic concepts of automated information processing and control systems

1.3. History of the development of automated information processing and control systems






6.1. Classification by type of problem to be solved

6.2. Classification of control automation tasks according to the method of information service

6.3. Classification of control automation tasks based on the principle of information transformation








The specialty “Automated Information Processing and Management Systems” was approved by Order No. 180 of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated March 3, 1994.

Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI) are a field of science and technology that includes a wide range of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at developing technical, information, software, mathematical, linguistic, ergonomic, organizational and legal support for these systems, as well as structures of systems as a whole.

In accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education, a specialist in the field of automated information processing and control systems, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can perform such types of professional activities as design, scientific research, and operation in this field. He must know and be able to use basic mathematical concepts and methods, mathematical models of processes in natural science and technology, probabilistic models for analysis and quantitative assessments of specific processes, basic concepts of information science and computer technology, patterns of information processes in control systems, principles of operation of technical and software, basic techniques for processing experimental data.

From the point of view of general professional disciplines, an engineer in the field of automated systems must have an understanding of:

On the basic laws of the functioning of systems and the possibility of their system analysis;

On modern methods of research, optimization and design of ASOIU;

On the use of the basic principles of control theory in various fields of science and technology;

About the possibilities information technologies and their applications in industry, scientific research, organizational management and other fields;

ABOUT current state and trends in the development of computer architectures, computer systems and networks, about the architecture and capabilities of microprocessor tools;

About modern algorithmic languages, about the problems and directions of development of programming technology, about the main methods and means of automating software design, about methods of organizing work in software development teams.

The specialist should know:

Qualitative and quantitative methods of systems analysis, methods of set-theoretic description of systems;

Fundamentals of the systems approach, formal apparatus for analysis and synthesis of automated systems structures;

Main classes of models and modeling methods, methods of formalization, algorithmization and implementation of models on a computer;

Basic principles of management theory;

Principles of organization and functioning of individual devices and computers as a whole, computer complexes and networks, principles of constructing the architecture of computer systems;

Models, methods and tools used in ASOIU to solve intellectual problems;

Principles of construction and methods for developing expert systems.

As a result, a specialist must be able to:

Formulate and solve problems of designing automated control systems using information technologies;

Construct design solutions and implement them in a given software environment.

“Basic concepts of control of automated information processing and control systems”

Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI) - a field of science and technology that includes a wide range of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at developing technical, information, software, mathematical, linguistic, ergonomic, organizational and legal support for the named systems, as well as the structure of the systems as a whole.

In accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education, a specialist in the field of automated information processing and control systems, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can perform such types of professional activities as: design, scientific research, operation in this field.

He must know and be able to use basic mathematical concepts and methods, mathematical models of processes in natural science and technology, probabilistic models for analysis and quantitative assessments of specific processes, basic concepts of computer science and computer technology, patterns of information processes in control systems, principles of operation of technical and software means, basic techniques for processing experimental data.

From the point of view of general professional disciplines, an engineer in the field of automated systems must have an understanding of:

  • - about the basic laws of the functioning of systems and the possibility of their system analysis;
  • - about modern methods of research, optimization and design of ASOIU;
  • - on the use of the basic principles of control theory in various fields of science and technology;

Under automated information processing and management system is understood as a set of economic and mathematical methods, organizational measures, information and technical means that ensure the collection, transmission, processing and presentation of results on the activities of any object, enterprise, division.

  • - about the possibilities of information technologies and their application in industry, scientific research, organizational management and other areas;
  • - about the current state and trends in the development of computer architectures, computer systems and networks, about the architecture and capabilities of microprocessor tools;
  • - about modern algorithmic languages, about the problems and directions of development of programming technology, about the basic methods and means of automating software design, about methods of organizing work in software development teams.

Information in ASOIU can be classified according to several criteria.

Based on the nature of the change, information can be classified as follows:

  • · conditionally constant, changing its quantitative characteristics occasionally;
  • · a variable that quickly changes its quantitative characteristics during processing.

An example of conditionally permanent information is planned and regulatory indicators, prices, and the cost of fixed assets.

Let's consider the classification of information according to the method of use in the system:

  • · input information,
  • · output information.

Input information submit source documents. The entered information can, in turn, be divided into basic and current (operational). The basic one is formed on the basis of input information and is stored during the entire operation of the ASOIU, undergoing correction and replenishment if necessary. The base includes planned performance indicators of the managed process or object. Operational information is generated on the basis of constantly arriving source data and is regularly used for processing.

The quality of management depends entirely on the completeness and reliability of the source data.

Output information is the result of logical and mathematical processing of basic information. It is presented in the form of documents reflecting the state of the managed process, and in the form of commands sent to the executive bodies.

In addition to the basic information (databases) characterizing the problem being solved, the information support includes the so-called service information: arrays reference information, dictionaries that simplify the process of communication between the user and the system, as well as an information coding system.

It is useful to consider the concept of “data” and how to organize it. On the one hand, the data is characterized by details. The props contain two groups of information: basis and attributes. The basis is related to quantitative assessment. An example of a basis is price, quantity of material, final indicators. Signs express qualitative properties and characterize the processes by which they were obtained: names of materials, works, grade, size, storage warehouse, date of receipt.

Data can be presented in two ways:

  • * specific quantities - constants that do not change values ​​in the process of solving the problem;
  • * in generalized form as variables.

A variable is a named data whose value may change during the process of solving a problem or when solving it repeatedly.

Data processed in a computer differ in the set of permissible values ​​and types of operations that can be performed on them. These two characteristics determine the type of the given. There are numeric, symbolic, logical and date type data.

Numeric data accept signed or unsigned numeric values. The operations that are allowed on numerical data and implemented in a computer can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation. The result of their execution is a number. The second group includes operations comparing two quantities (relational operations): greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. The result of their execution is the logical value TRUE (true) if the condition is true, and FALSE (false) otherwise.

Character data takes values ​​as a sequence of any characters.

Note. Typically, character data is highlighted with special characters (for example, `hello').

It is permissible to perform the following operations on character data:

  • - comparison operation “equals”, as a result of which the value TRUE or FALSE is formed;
  • - the operation of concatenating two character data into one.

Logical data takes one of two possible values ​​(TRUE, FALSE).

Valid operations on logical data are operations of the algebra of logic: negation, disjunction, conjunction (see section 3).

Data of the “date” type accept date values ​​represented in the computer in the form MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY, where MM is the two-digit number of the month in the year, DD is the number, YY is the last two digits of the year.

The following operations can be performed on data of this type:

  • - arithmetic - addition, subtraction (an integer can be added to a date or subtracted from a date - the number of days), the result of which is a date;
  • - an operation of comparing two dates, the result of which, of course, is the logical value TRUE or FALSE.

Let's look at ways to organize data. It is allowed to organize data into arrays, structures, lists.

ASOIU software includes system software in the form operating system(OS), application software (for example, database management systems, table processors), as well as specialized software aimed at solving a specific class of problems.

An OS is understood as a set of programs that supports the functioning of a computer, freeing the user from allocating resources and controlling their use for the purpose of storing and managing data, optimally performing several tasks in parallel (including taking into account the priority of their execution), and using input/output devices.

There are the following processing modes for user programs: batch, dialog mode and real-time mode. The latter, as mentioned above, is a control mode for real processes.

As a rule, automated information processing and control systems are a complex complex of parallel operating subsystems that occupy a certain place in the overall control chain. Complex problems are expediently decomposed into smaller subtasks (“divide-and-concuer” - “divide and conquer”). At the same time, the choice of decomposition into subtasks - structuring the problem statement - is one of the most important steps in the design of an automated control system. Each subsystem has its own control area with independent inputs and outputs. The results of solving problems of one subsystem serve as initial data or restrictions for the performance of functions by another subsystem.

Multi-level systems provide for both vertical and horizontal information links. Based on interaction, a distinction is made between monohierarchical and polyhierarchical multi-level systems. In the first, only radial information transmission lines are implemented. In Fig. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a single-level automated information processing and control system.

The following figures show block diagrams of multi-level automated information processing and control systems. They differ in the nature of the lines of communication between the sources of information and the centralized point of its processing. There are radial (Fig. 3), main or chain (Fig. 4), tree-like (Fig. 5) and hierarchical, that is, mixed structures (Fig. 6). As the number of managed objects increases, the structure of the automated control system also becomes more complex. The most characteristic are chain and tree structures. With a chain structure, the subsystems are dispersed along the communication line. This design principle is typical for transport and other systems.

When choosing the structure of the ASOIU, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • · minimizing the number of hierarchy levels and communication lines,
  • · providing the most simple circuits interactions between system elements.

But at the same time, it is necessary to comply with the condition of complete independence of each of the subsystems.

In Fig. Figure 7 shows a more detailed block diagram of the automated information processing and control system.

Let's consider the essence of each of the components.

Information base is a collection of data, namely arrays of processed information, dictionaries and arrays of reference information.

Software should be considered as a set of system software that controls the functioning of the computer, application software that implements the processes of text processing, database maintenance, processing tabular information. In addition, each ASOIU is characterized by a specialized software, implementing control procedures.

Organizational component unites people whose joint activities, on the basis of certain rules and procedures, are aimed at achieving management goals. It regulates the flow of information in the system, the timing of information submission in accordance with the network management schedule.

Software is based on the theory of automatic control and is a set of mathematical methods and algorithms for implementing a task on a computer.

Technical support is based primarily on computer technology, and is also represented by telecommunications means of receiving and transmitting information, equipment for interfaces with communication lines, means of documenting information, and devices for human interaction with a computer.

The following requirements apply to the technical support of ASOIU:

  • - ensuring the necessary throughput (response time to a user request should not exceed two to three seconds);
  • - unity information base all users of the system with the right of collective access to it while ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access;
  • - interactive mode of human interaction with the system;
  • - possibility of system development;
  • - ability to work online.

Methodological support presented with documentation reflecting the composition and functioning of the ASOIU.

Let's consider basic functionality of automated information processing and management systems.

These include:

  • 1. Collection of information.
  • 2. Data processing: carrying out calculations, sorting information.
  • 3. Search for information using standard queries.
  • 4. Issuance of certificates on all indicators characterizing the information being processed.
  • 5. Generation of information and analytical data for human decision-making necessary at various stages of management and planning.

Automated information processing and control systems - human-machine systems. A person participates in decision making based on the analysis and evaluation of the information received. ASOIU should always be focused on the general user (a specialist in his professional activity) and have a dialog interface that involves the implementation of the following modes:

  • · “question-answer” mode with the initiative to ask questions at the computer,
  • · extensive use of hints,
  • · providing the user with various menus with the right to choose one of the positions.

There are three levels of communication between a person and a computer:

  • - logical,
  • - relational,
  • - level of knowledge representation.

Information issues are dealt with by a special branch of knowledge - information theory, which studies the processes by which relevant information can be collected and transmitted through communication channels. In this case, information is assessed using quantitative characteristics, as a rule, without taking into account the meaning of the transmitted information.

The main problem that arises with this approach to assessing information is the creation of the most effective forms of transmitting information while maintaining reliability.

The information message consists of symbols , specified by an alphabet of letters and numbers. If a message contains N characters, then the number of possible different states in this message is L = MN. When using the binary number system, a bit is used as a unit of information - one binary digit. To measure information, a byte is used - eight binary digits sufficient to be represented in binary system counting the codes of all characters of the alphabet used. Encoding significantly reduces the total amount of information used in the system and, accordingly, the memory required to store it.

Basic information processes , characteristic of ASOIU can be formulated as follows:

The introduction of automated information processing and management systems is associated with a large amount of work on studying information flows, formalizing operations, unifying primary documents, and eliminating their duplication.

Analyzing information processes, it should be noted that one of the first tasks solved when creating an automated information management system is the typification of documents, which is associated with the selection of a minimum number of indicators from which, through appropriate processing, information sufficient to achieve a result can be obtained.

In connection with the multi-level ASOIU system, the task of aggregating information arises, which is associated with the hierarchical nature of management: to make a decision at each level it is necessary various information. At the highest level they deal with generalized information, at the lower level they deal with detailed indicators.

Analysis of information flows in ASOIU shows that, along with the necessary information, there is a large proportion of redundant information. The urgent task is to highlight essential information and reduce the share of redundant information.

An automated information processing and management system is understood as a set of economic and mathematical methods, organizational measures, information and technical means that ensure the collection, transmission, processing and presentation of results on the activities of any object, enterprise, division.

Automated information processing and control systems belong to the class of human-machine systems, and their development in each specific area of ​​application follows the line of increasing the role of computers both in the field of decision-making and in the field of implementation of decisions made.

The limiting case is when responsibility for both decisions made, and their implementation is entrusted to the computer, should be considered as a separate sphere of application of the computer, namely the sphere of automatic control in real time. To enable real-time operation, corresponding programming languages ​​and programs must contain time-dependent constructs.

In this case, the computer is used in the circuit feedback some control system, that is, human intervention in the control process is completely excluded.

So, one should distinguish between the terms “automated” and “automatic”.

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