
Where can you replace the screen on an iPhone? iPhone repair and maintenance. What does Apple-Restore offer?

Apple engineers had to surprise us with something, because it was an anniversary model and the newest tenth iPhone incorporated a lot of new technologies. The main one, which will set the trend for the next few years, is the frameless OLED Super Retina screen.

Diagonal 5.8 and resolution 2436 by 1125 pixels. True Tone technology that changes the white balance depending on the light level. There are still many different “chips” in the smartphone, but they are not related to the topic.

Why do you need to replace the iPhone 10 screen? - Frequent breakdowns and their causes.

The new smartphone has a lot of features, but, unfortunately, it breaks down just like old smartphones. Let's note the most common reasons.

(Shocks and falls have become even more dangerous due to the reduced frames around the LCD)

  • - Moisture gets inside the iPhone case.

(Talking in the rain, falling into the water)

  • - Operating system failures.

(With each update, hardware failures and malfunctions appear)

Symptoms that indicate an iPhone X screen needs to be replaced

The module can even break on its own without ever falling from a height or receiving a single blow during the entire period of operation. It is important to know the factors behind such malfunctions so that you can prevent them and save money on future repairs.

  • - iPhone X does not respond to touches at low temperatures.
  • - There is no image or the screen is black/white.
  • - The image flickers or jerks.
  • - The cable is broken or came off due to shaking.
  • - A green stripe appeared on the right or left, colored streaks, dots.

How is iPhone X screen replaced?

  • - Come to any PlanetiPhone branch and tell about the malfunction or call a specialist to your home. (Master's visit - Free)
  • - First of all, computer diagnostics are carried out and all breakdowns hidden from view are identified.
  • - The faults found, the time required for restoration and the final cost are announced. (The price already includes all original components and labor).
  • - You are notified about the completion of restoration activities and handed over the repaired gadget.
  • - You pay for the services and you are given a fully functional iPhone, a 6-month warranty and a club card.

To get a discount now, leave a request on the website.*

What is the PlanetiPhone SC?

We are an Apple service with a reputation as a high-quality and reliable company, with very beneficial services for the client in Moscow. These include:

  • - Low price for iPhone 10 screen replacement in Moscow.
  • - Guarantee on all work, up to 6 months.
  • - Own warehouse with original spare parts supplied directly from the factory. (No waiting for deliveries!)
  • - An engineer will visit your home at an address in the capital and check the equipment - As a gift.
  • - Trade-In service, payment for parking during repairs.

Replacing the iPhone X screen raises questions? Chat with our consultant or call the numbers listed on the website. We will promptly contact you and help in any situation.

Most smartphone owners sooner or later face the problem of broken screens. Statistically, this is the most fragile part of the phone. Users trademark Apple was no exception. Ordering and purchasing almost any components is not difficult. Often people try to replace a broken screen on their own, without particularly understanding all the intricacies and details of replacing the display. At best, this ends with a trip to the specialist, at worst, with the purchase of a new iPhone.

The main skill required is experience working with iPhone displays. But if you are reading this article, it is unlikely that you have one, which means attentiveness and perseverance remain. When disassembling and assembling Apple equipment, care is the most important thing. Don’t be lazy before disassembling, re-read the instructions twice, look at the disassembly points several times. And most importantly, strictly follow what is written.

Why is it important to follow the instructions? Our experience is based on many years of experience in iPhone service centers. Trying to replace the screen without instructions or an experienced technician will end badly. After such repairs, it is not always possible to restore the device.

Important! All actions occur at your own peril and risk. If you are not confident in your abilities, take the gadget to a specialist.

Materials and tools

All tools from the list can be easily obtained on the radio market or are included in the kit when ordering a replacement screen module. It is not recommended to disassemble the iPhone using improvised tools. These are high-tech devices and digging into them with a kitchen knife is at least ineffective. So, what do we need?

  • thin tweezers. Ideally, plastic, so as not to damage the tracks on motherboard, but if you act carefully, then the usual one will do;
  • spatula This is a tool for prying and opening self-latching surfaces. May be shaped like a guitar pick or similar to a pencil with a plastic spatula at the end;
  • Screwdriver Set. You will need a set of miniature screwdrivers. You can buy them at any radio market;
  • scalpel. Can be replaced with a thin construction knife;
  • a small piece of thin double-sided tape for assembling the purchased screen.

If your smartphone has protective glass, you will also need:

  • a piece of cloth (preferably microfiber);
  • needle;
  • strong thread (dental thread works well).

Give yourself a special place for bolts. Unscrewing very small bolts from different parts of the smartphone. do not confuse them: this may have a disastrous effect on your screen replacement.

Important! By screwing the bolt into the wrong place, you risk turning the groove on the motherboard or the Touch ID button. This, in turn, can cause the contact track to break.

Removing protective glass

The protective glass is attached to the phone display thanks to a silicone base, which eliminates shifts and the appearance of air bubbles (in case correct installation). With a thickness of a quarter of a millimeter, the glass has great resistance to mechanical stress, and the oleophobic coating prevents the appearance of greasy marks (such as fingerprints).

Carefully pry up one of the edges of the glass with a needle, then try to quickly insert the corner of the napkin into the lifting area until the surfaces stick together again. Next, stretch the thread under the glass and lead it to the opposite corner, moving the napkin in a timely manner.

Important! The film is generally not difficult to remove, but it is inconvenient to do it alone. Call a friend. Together, you can easily and quickly remove the protective glass.

Module change

We will conditionally divide the replacement of the screen module into four parts. Disassembling the phone and removing the display, removing components from the faulty module, installing it in a working one and assembling an iPhone with a working screen. Before you begin, make sure that all the necessary items are within walking distance. Provide good lighting and get started.


  1. We wait about 10 seconds after turning off the phone and unscrew the two bolts on both sides of the charging connector.
  1. Pry the lid off with a spatula until you hear a characteristic click. The lid has come out of the groove. The display module only needs to be lifted from the bottom. At the top, the iPhone should open up like a book.

The instructions are relevant for iPhones older than 2011 (5, 6, SE, S, X, all Plus modifications). Older models are disassembled from the lid and have a more complex dismantling process.

  1. Having passed along three sides with a mediator, we gently open the smartphone.

If you have problems with this point, you are afraid to press too hard and break something, you can use a suction cup. Place it closer to the edge and pull it up, helping with a spatula (if the screen is damaged in this place, cover it with tape).

  1. We unscrew the five bolts from the first protective cover and fold them separately.
  1. Remove the released cover with tweezers. Remember, if the tweezers are metal, then we act doubly carefully.
  1. Remove the second protective cover. It is also fastened with five bolts. It is recommended to fold them separately, together with the shield.
  1. We find the small shield at the bottom of the phone and unscrew the two bolts from it. This is the power cover of a smartphone. We carefully bend the cable under the shield towards the battery with a plastic spatula.
  1. There is another connection cable at the top of the iPhone. We carefully bend them with plastic and turn them off.

The screen module is disconnected from the main part of the smartphone. All that remains is to transfer the parts to the new one and put everything back together.

Important! Make containers for bolts and shields with signatures and lids. Signatures will make reassembly easier, and covers will prevent small parts from getting lost. After all, if they fall on the floor, they will be very difficult to detect.

Removing the Home Button, Camera and Speaker

New iPhone screens rarely come with a built-in camera, speaker, and Home key. Therefore, we take everything we need from the broken screen module.

  1. Release the Touch ID button. Protective cover is held on by three bolts.
  1. Use tweezers to pry the cable and bend it away from the button, carefully disconnect the connector from the “Home” key.

ATTENTION. The wiring connecting the button and the module is very thin and fragile. Carry out this operation as carefully as possible. If damaged, the iPhone cannot be restored.

  1. If everything works out, take out the key and fold it separately. Approximately 85% of breakdowns when changing the screen occur at this point in the instructions. So, be careful.
  1. At the top of the display, remove the camera, speaker and proximity sensor. All this is located under a large composite train. Carefully bend it over and use tweezers to take out everything you need.
  1. Next, we take out the ring for attaching the camera and the proximity sensor (two different rings). They are attached to the body with double-sided tape. You may need a scalpel (be sure not to damage the cable before using a sharp object).
  1. The last step is to unscrew the bolts from the large shield covering the sensor body. We take out a long cable that runs across the entire area of ​​​​the screen.

Important! After breaking the screen, check if all front panel functions are working properly. If one of the components does not work correctly, you will need to buy and replace them during the repair process. If the screen is severely cracked, check if there are any small fragments left on the device cables. Even a microscopic piece of debris caught in the connector can greatly affect the operation of the device.


The hardest part is over. Now collect it already new screen in the same sequence in which they were disassembled. This shouldn't cause much difficulty. The location of the connectors on the case will not allow you to miss too much.

  1. We insert the rings for the camera and proximity sensor into place. To do this, cut off small pieces of double-sided tape and put them in place with tweezers.

  1. We are assembling an iPhone with a new screen. Don't forget to check all cables, wires and connectors. The last thing to do is connect the power.
  2. Functionality check. Turn on the device, inspect the screen, check the camera, Touch ID button and proximity sensor. If everything works fine, snap the display module into place and screw in the last two bolts.

Congratulations, you've just replaced the screen on your iPhone.

Possible mistakes

When installing a cable with a camera on a new screen, a shield is often placed under it. This may cause a black spot to appear on the sensor.
When dismantling cables, people pay little attention to cleaning connectors and connectors. Many problems can arise as a result of microparticles getting onto contacts.


Repairing high-tech devices, although exciting, is a rather difficult task with a certain risk for the device.

Among the advantages we highlight:

  • saving money;
  • no need to take your smartphone to service center and take him from there;
  • your phone remains in your hands, and you are sure that you will not be deceived at the service center.
  • purchasing the right tool;
  • possibility of damaging the device;
  • there is no guarantee that everything will be successful.

To summarize, we can say that changing the screen, although fraught with difficulties, is still possible at home.

Video instruction

For more accurate assimilation of material and warning possible errors, we offer detailed video instructions.

iPhone X is a true pinnacle of engineering, an alien gadget among smartphones. Many users dislike Apple products for their high cost, many commercial applications and difficulties connecting to devices on other operating systems. However, it’s unlikely that anyone really considers the tenth iPhone model to be a pass-through smartphone. However, even this flagship has its own weak sides. For example, like all modern electronic devices The tenth generation iPhone is quite fragile and breaks when dropped from a height of half a meter. Especially if you drop it face down, as most often happens. The situation is further aggravated due to the specific design of the display module. If in models of previous generations the screen was protected by a small side, in the iPhone X it is missing, so even a fall on a perfectly flat and smooth surface condemns the smartphone screen. If you accidentally dropped your device, you need to replace the iPhone X display in a good service center that will provide original or non-original, but high-quality replacement parts. In Moscow, Fixit+, one of the leading service centers in Russia, provides competent and highly specialized services. We offer not only iPhone X screen replacement, but also more complex work - for example, re-gluing broken glass on the device. All this is thanks to the presence of an excellent material and technical base and a close-knit team of specialists with many years of experience in the field. With our support, you will understand that even this expensive smartphone there is nothing terrible, and there are practically no unsolvable problems. So hurry up to sign up for diagnostics and begin mutually beneficial cooperation with the Fixit+ workshop. Know that even a broken screen on your iPhone is valuable and can be sold for good money if only the glass is damaged, for approximately 6,000 rubles. Don't give them to masters for free!

AMMOLED matrices on iPhones can be restored. Restoration technology is labor-intensive and complex, but we know how to do it.

Screen glass technology for iPhone X The video shows step-by-step instruction

on the plywood display.

Risks when re-gluing Amoled matrices

Risks can be found in

A professional specialist can, within half an hour, make an accurate diagnosis of the depth of the damage, name its cause, and also determine ways to eliminate the problem. All this is possible thanks to high-tech equipment, rich work experience, existing professional skills and the availability of suitable premises. Regular user at home, he will not be able to accurately interpret the reaction of the smartphone and the depth of the defect in order to understand whether the iPhone 10 display needs to be replaced, or just re-gluing the smartphone screen. However, even in the absence of experience, materials, equipment and the necessary lighting, you can carry out a preliminary inspection within five minutes, which is sometimes enough to make a “diagnosis” before repairing the screen. So, if problems arise with the display due to external (shock, fall, exposure to sunlight) or internal (water leakage, battery swelling) reasons, pick up the device and perform the following algorithm:

  • Inspect the screen carefully. If there is no visible damage on it, there are three development options. Either one of the parts of the display module has failed (a contact or cable has come loose, the matrix has broken), or the damaged “internals” of the smartphone have pressed on the screen components and broken one of them, or there is no problem with the display at all;
  • If the screen is working, look for streaks, horizontal colored lines, dropped pixels, spots, or streaks. If such are present, most likely it will be impossible to do without replacing the iPhone X touchscreen;
  • If there is damage, assess its depth. To do this, you need to use the screen functions to the maximum. Drag a few shortcuts, delete or edit something, paint over the screen graphic editor with the entire brush, try taking a screenshot. If at least one of the functions does not work, you will have to change the screen on the iPhone X in 90% of cases.

And yet, “fine” diagnostics should only be carried out by a specialist of the appropriate specialization, so there is no need to self-medicate your phone - every day with broken screen aggravates the condition of the entire smartphone, which can get moisture, dust, and fungus. Therefore, contact us as soon as possible to make an appointment for diagnostics.

Where can I replace the screen on Iphone X in Moscow?

Many service centers and workshops operate in Moscow. However, not all of them provide quality services affordable price. Moreover, even fewer smartphone repair companies undertake complex work - for example, re-sticking the screen, rather than replacing the display iPhone module X. We are guaranteed to provide quality services and install only original or very high-quality analogues instead of damaged parts. Moreover, the cost of replacing the screen on iPhone 10 is guaranteed to pleasantly surprise you. So hurry up to contact us at the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section, or use the request for a call back. The operator will call you back within a few minutes.

Broken iPhone glass is the most common reason for calls to the service center. Despite the fact that the glass used in the production of Apple smartphones is quite durable, it really does not like falls. What to do if the glass on your favorite gadget is broken? In this article we will talk about all the options for solving the problem.

Option 1. Replacing the iPhone screen assembly

Beginning with iPhone models 4 and ending with the current flagships iPhone XS and iPhone XR, the phone screen is a single modular part. It consists of a display, backlight and touch glass. If it happens that the iPhone glass breaks due to a fall or mechanical impact, we can offer you to replace the entire display module assembly with a new one.

Option 2. Replacing the glass on an iPhone without replacing the display

If the original screen is installed on the iPhone and only the glass is broken, but the display is not damaged, we suggest you use the service “without replacing the display.”

The main advantage of this repair method is that only the glass is changed, while the display and backlight remain original. But relevant this method only if your iPhone has an original screen. If the screen on an iPhone was previously changed and an analogue or copy was installed, there is no point in changing the glass on it - it is easier and cheaper to install a similar version of the assembled display module.

How to replace the glass on an iPhone?

All work on replacing glass on an iPhone is done using specialized factory equipment. Removal of old damaged glass is carried out at a temperature of –150 degrees Celsius.

After this, new glass is installed on the display module. The glass installation procedure is carried out using professional equipment from the well-known manufacturer YMJ. The glue used to assemble the display is exactly the same as in Apple production. This allows you to achieve maximum assembly quality of the module, which corresponds to factory conditions in all respects.

On average, the procedure for replacing glass on an iPhone is completed within 3-4 hours. However, exact time Order fulfillment depends on the iPhone model, the current service load, and the time when you bring the phone for service. You can obtain more accurate information directly from the service center employees.

What kind of glass do we install?

If you replace the glass on your iPhone in our service center, you can be completely confident in the excellent quality of the installed components. In terms of thickness, density and sensor sensitivity, our glass fully matches the original Apple glass. We are absolutely confident in the quality of the installed components and the quality of work performed. Therefore, we provide a guarantee for all work, the same as when replacing the screen assembly.

How much does it cost to replace glass on an iPhone?

For clarity, we have collected all price options in one price list.

Replacing the iPhone display (modern models)
XS MaxXSXRX 8+ 8 7+ 7
1 Call16,500 RURCall9,500 ₽ / 13,800 ₽ *4,900 RUR4,700 RUR4,500 RUR4,000 RUR
2 25,000 RUR24,000 RURCall17,500 RUR10,500 RUR9,500 RUR9,500 RUR8,500 RUR
3 28,990 RUR25,990 RUR17,990 RUR20,500 RUR17,990 RUR13,990 RUR13,500 RUR9,990 RUR
* – for iPhone X there are two options for non-original display modules: SuperOLED and AMOLED. The first price is for the SuperOLED screen; the second is AMOLED.
Replacing the iPhone display (older models)
6S+6S 6+ 6 S.E.5/5S/5C
1 4,500₽3,990 RUR3,990 RUR3,500 RUR2,900 RUR2,700 RUR
2 8,500 RUR7,500 RUR5,500 RUR5,000 RUR4,500 RUR4,500 RUR

What is the first thing that all people who want to contact a service center pay attention to to restore the functionality of their iPhone? Of course, for the price. We all want to receive quality service at an adequate price. This is exactly what we offer you. Our company specializes in repairs Apple gadgets This is not the first year, and therefore you can safely contact us!

Apple produces truly high quality devices. She is the undisputed leader in the production of smartphones. Alas, technology does not last forever. Apple phones can also break. Replacement iPhone display at home, like any other procedure, will not be difficult for certified specialists, which cannot be said about other “professionals”. Therefore, it is important to contact the service center where the first workers work. Otherwise, the repair may be done poorly, using components that are far from the original and AAA-class. technical specifications. We advise you to contact us if you do not want to waste your own time searching for a service center.

In turn, we guarantee that we will repair the display on your iPhone in Moscow in the shortest possible time and at a really low price. We employ professionals with extensive experience who have repeatedly performed more complex restoration work. You can rely on them!

Why is it better to choose our service center for iPhone display repair in Moscow?

We are sure that this issue also worries you no less than the previous one. There are several good reasons to choose our service. Firstly, we install spare parts ourselves High Quality- AAA-class. They are not inferior in quality to the original ones.

As you understand, the risk of harming your pet is much higher than repairing it. That is why if you want to replace the power button on an iPhone in Moscow, you should trust the professionals working in our service center.

Secondly, you can always give your gadget to free diagnostics– We perform this procedure free of charge. Thirdly, as mentioned above, we employ craftsmen with truly extensive work experience. A huge number of devices passed through their hands and all of them were successfully restored. Fourthly, we replace the display on an iPhone not only at a low price, but also in the shortest possible time. As a rule, this procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

In addition, we provide a long-term guarantee on repairs!

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