
Where is synchronization on the iPhone? Correct synchronization between iPhone and iPad. All ways to synchronize iPhone with computer How to synchronize programs from iPhone to iPhone

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How to Sync iPhone to iPhone

Ability to transfer data from one Apple devices on another is one of the best features. Numerous users of Apple devices, despite some difficulties in performing everyday operations, remain loyal to the brand precisely thanks to synchronization. After all, it’s much easier to start using a new phone when mail, contacts, reminders, documents and other data can be moved in a few clicks.

Let's take a closer look at how to sync one iPhone to an iPhone using standard and alternative methods.


We will first analyze the methods that were created by the company’s developers, since with their help you can transfer maximum amount information. Next, let's imagine new feature iOS 11 called "Quick Start" and an alternative option using third-party storage.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone via iCloud?

Using iCloud, it will be easiest to synchronize two devices, since there is no need to use additional equipment or programs. The advantages of the method include automatic execution

operations and constant availability of fresh versions of data.

Will be useful Among the negative aspects, there is a limitation on the volume of stored information (5 GB), the need to connect to high-speed Internet via Wi-Fi networks

, as well as the inability to transfer music and videos.

The process of synchronizing two iPhones is divided into two stages: creating and restoring a backup. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Creating a Backup

Wait for the operation to complete. When data is copied to cloud storage

, you can start downloading them on the second phone.

Data recovery To download saved information to new phone


  • To sync your iPhone with an iPhone you're already using:
  • Reset settings and content by selecting the appropriate item in the settings menu. Attention! This will delete all data stored on the second instance of the phone, so it is recommended that you back it up on that as well.

Wait for the operation to complete and the device to reboot. Since all information has been reset, the setup wizard will launch on first boot. Next, you need to follow the steps described in the previous list.

This completes the process; the second smartphone will display exactly the same information as the first. Using the program iTunes allows you to sync information without an Internet connection.

In addition, the backup volume is limited only by the computer's memory.

To synchronize a second smartphone, you will need to perform similar steps, only this time press the “Restore from copy” button. The system will offer a list of records from which you must select the most recent one.


Following these steps will allow you to synchronize your iPhone contacts, documents, music and other information.

In some cases, you may need to full reset settings. Then When you first launch the setup wizard, you should select “Restore from a copy of iTunes.” Next, connect the smartphone to the PC and repeat the steps.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone on iOS 11?

IN new version operating system a special feature called “Quick Start” appeared. With its help, you can quickly transfer settings from an old device to a newly purchased one.

It is important to know

The only condition for using “Quick Start” is the presence of iOS 11 on both smartphones.

To complete the procedure you must:


Mobile devices must be nearby until copying is complete. It is also recommended not to turn off Wi-Fi and put the smartphone on charge so that the automatic download media files from iCloud.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone via cloud?

Alternative option synchronization of two devices from Apple will be the use of third-party cloud storage. The method will allow you to continuously update specified files between two phones without using a recovery system backup copies.

Currently, the most popular services are:

  • DropBox – 2 GB free, can be expanded by inviting other users;
  • Yandex.Disk – 10 GB of free space;

Regardless of the cloud storage chosen, the process for setting up synchronization is almost identical. To start exchanging information between two iPhones you need to:

  • Visit the AppStore and install the appropriate application on both mobile devices.
  • Register in the cloud system on any of the phones.
  • Log in to your account on the second smartphone.
  • Select files or folders to sync. The information will be uploaded to the server and will be available for viewing on any device with the same account.

Changes made to files will be saved and updated, thus, when accessing them, the user will only have the current version of the data.

It is important to know

The advantage is space saving, which is achieved by storing it on the server: the document is downloaded to the device only at the time it is launched. To use a file without an Internet connection, you should set the “Offline use” option.

The methods discussed allow you to synchronize two iPhone devices for partial or complete transfer of existing information. Application of iCloud and iTunes implies a full transfer, which in most cases will require preliminary deletion of existing information. Cloud storage will provide synchronization and access to current version separate files.

In this tutorial we will look at quite a few simple operation- synchronize iPhone and iPad with iTunes. And we will describe it from both sides, touching at the same time on such a not so trivial task as synchronizing a mobile device with iTunes via Wi-Fi.

Let's start with the simplest - the process iPhone sync and iPad with iTunes via cable. If you are no longer a novice user and are here to familiarize yourself with the possibility of wirelessly synchronizing an iPhone or iPad with iTunes, then feel free to skip to the section for beginners by clicking on this.

Step 1. Launch iTunes on your computer, if the program is not already installed, then latest version you can download the Apple multimedia combine from this link

Step 2: Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable

Step 3: Wait for iTunes to detect your device

By syncing your iPhone or iPad with iTunes, you get a huge number of possibilities. You can download music, movies, podcasts, images and other supported file types to your mobile device for later working with them. In addition, you can buy music, movies, applications and games directly from iTunes and immediately synchronize them with your gadget.

How to Sync iPhone or iPad with iTunes via Wi-Fi

Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes

Step 2. Go to the mobile device tab and activate the “ Sync this iPhone/iPad over Wi-Fi" In chapter Options

Step 3: Click " Synchronize»

Step 4: Disconnect your device from your computer

Step 5: Go to Menu Settings -> Basic -> Sync with iTunes over Wi-Fi

Step 6. Select the computer that appears there by clicking on its name

Step 7. Click the button Synchronize" and wait until the operation is completed - the progress of its execution will be shown as in mobile device, and in iTunes on your computer

In this simple way, you can synchronize your iPhone or iPad with your computer without resorting to those hated wires.

The iOS platform on which the iPhone runs is closed- this means that every new owner of an Apple smartphone will have to forget about how he previously copied music to his Android and start mastering the program iTunes. No synchronization with iTunes nowhere: of course, there are other programs that can help fill the iPhone with media content, however, all of them are either paid or cannot boast of working correctly.

iPhone synchronization is a process during which the contents of the program iTunes transferred to the gadget. Please note: exactly is the recipient of information, which means that:

  • Transfer any data from your smartphone to your PC (for example, photos taken with the device’s camera) via iTunes will not work. Other programs are suitable for this, for example, iTools.
  • Deleting a file in the media library means that it will also be deleted from the gadget during the next synchronization.

Many users, unfortunately, do not understand the essence of synchronization.

Common Mistake: After downloading music to the iPhone, the user clears the library so as not to “get confused” when adding new songs. Naturally, the next synchronization will erase all tracks from the device.

How to sync iPhone with iTunes via USB?

If you want to download music or video to iPhone via iTunes, proceed like this:

Step 1. Connect the gadget to the PC with a USB cable and launch the program iTunes. The following window will appear:

In the left column in the section " Devices"you will find your gadget (in our case, iPhone, highlighted in red).

Step 2. Click on the device icon located in the top bar:

You will find yourself in a section dedicated to the connected device.

Step 3. In the " Review" Scroll down and check the box next to " Sync only tagged songs and videos" This checkbox will prevent you from losing data that was downloaded to your iPhone. just now, in the course of general synchronization.

Step 4. Click " Apply", Then " Synchronize»:

In the top field (highlighted) you can monitor the progress of synchronization. You can also use the gadget during synchronization if the version of the smartphone operating system exceeds 5.0. Upon completion of the procedure, you will see that new songs are already available in the built-in application " Music».

Important: do not pull out USB cable from your computer or device until the data transfer is complete. The fact that synchronization will stop is the lesser of evils: you can also cause the gadget to malfunction.

What to do if iPhone won't sync music?

If you have exactly repeated all the steps described, but there are still no new tracks on your iPhone, then the problem is 90% as follows: Synchronization is not activated in the " tab Music». Go to this tab and check the box next to “ Sync music»:

You can choose the most convenient synchronization option from two: when transferring data to iPhone, either all tracks will be copied indiscriminately (“ Entire media library"), or individual albums, playlists, compositions of specific artists (" Favorite playlists...").

Here you can set up synchronization so that clips and voice recordings are copied along with the songs to the iPhone.

How to sync iPhone with computer via Wi-Fi?

In 2011, after the release of iOS 5.0, it became possible to synchronize without connecting the gadget to the PC with a USB cable. But those users who are already looking forward to saving on accessories should know that a cable is still required for the initial setup. Set up synchronization like this:

Step 1. Connect the gadget with a cable to the computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2. Click on the button Device».

Step 3. In the " Review» find the block « Options", and in the block itself - the item " Sync with this iPhone via Wi-Fi" Check the box next to this item.

Don't forget to enable music (video, sound) synchronization in the appropriate tab.

Step 4. Click " Synchronize" And " Ready" Now you can transfer data to your gadget without using a cable.

Now let's consider how to synchronize via Wi-Fi. Before transferring data using this method, the user must complete a number of preliminary steps:

  1. Put your smartphone on charge.
  2. Connect iPhone and computer to one Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Launch iTunes on PC.

Step 1. On your device, follow the path " Settings» — « Basic» — « Sync with iTunes over Wi-Fi».

Step 2. Click " Synchronize", and you will see that in the status line in iTunes The usual countdown of steps began.

During synchronization via Wi-Fi, you can also fully use your iPhone.

Synchronizing a gadget via Wi-Fi has several disadvantages compared to transferring data via cable: firstly, the device’s battery drains much faster, and secondly, the synchronization itself takes longer.

Synchronization does not work: possible reasons and how to fix it

Most often, the problem of lack of synchronization is solved by simply restarting the iPhone. If this doesn't help, the reason is most likely one of the following:

  • iTunes not “fresh” enough. Try updating the program to the latest version - in the menu iTunes select " Reference» — « Updates" and in the window that appears, click " Download iTunes».

  • The synchronization process is blocked by the antivirus. Turn off your protection and dare again. If the problem really is with the antivirus, consider installing another program, because the iPhone owner is forced to deal with synchronization all the time.
  • The router settings are set incorrectly (when synchronizing via Wi-Fi). Set the security type WPA-Personal, and the encryption type is TKIP(but not AES). You should change the operating mode in the router settings wireless network(paragraph Wireless Mode) With Auto on B/G.


The fact that you will have to use additional software to download music iTunes confuses many new Apple users. However, the application iTunes acting as an intermediary between a PC and a gadget is extremely important from a security point of view: downloading a malicious file onto a smartphone through this program is a minimal risk. Besides, iTunes is one of Apple's effective tools in the fight against music piracy, as it distributes music completely legally and at a low price.

Prerequisites for the fact that in the near future Apple's future will provide other free options for downloading music to iPhone, no - so about methods of synchronization and elimination possible problems Every Apple fan should know about iTunes.

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