
Hamido virtual reality glasses. Review of Homido V2 and Homido Grab - inexpensive VR headsets from France. Augmented reality with Homido

Homido V2 is nothing more than an improved model of the Homido V1 helmet. The developers call one of the main advantages of this series the ability to finely adjust optical settings. This allows you to make the headset as comfortable as possible for people with myopia and farsightedness. If in the first model the adjustment was carried out by selecting attachments for the helmet lenses, then in the V2 special regulators are responsible for the delicacy of the adjustment.

Design and equipment

Let's take a closer look at Homido V2. The basic package, in addition to the helmet, includes: a belt for fastening, instructions for use, microfiber for lenses, a replaceable foam attachment and a durable case. On the body of the helmet itself there are settings for focus and interpupillary distance. The design of the device is minimalistic: the helmet body is made in black with small splashes of red. Black and red are the predominant colors in Homido products.


Despite the possibility of adjustment, the fastening of the belt may seem too tight for some - this is the only complaint that arose during the operation of the Homido V2. Otherwise there are only advantages. The adjustable optics tested by our editors have proven their effectiveness - this helmet is also suitable for people with mild myopia (−3). The foam pad provides additional comfort.

Homido Grab - glasses virtual reality, in many ways reminiscent of its older comrade Homido V2, but lacking some of its features, namely, optics settings, support belt, foam attachment and case included.


Externally, Homido Grab is noticeably more attractive than Homido V2, although there are few significant differences. The dotted relief of the case not only helps to fix the glasses in your hands, but also makes the texture of the Homido Grab more pleasant. On the sides there are two (apparently, the developers really wanted to focus on this) Works with Google Cardboard stickers. Homido's assortment includes glasses made in black, red, white, blue, yellow and pink.


Despite the inability to adjust optical settings, Homido Grab passed the test of a myopic user: the picture did not blur, and the glasses were in no way inferior to Homido V2 in terms of image quality.

Where Grab is significantly inferior to V2 is in ease of use. The glasses, made entirely of plastic, do not fit tightly to the face, which not only makes their long-term use uncomfortable, but also prevents complete immersion in the gameplay and the beauty of three-dimensional landscapes. The body presses unpleasantly on the bridge of the nose, and peripheral vision catches fragments of the surrounding reality.

Working with applications

For comfortable use of its headsets, Homido has developed the Homido Center application. In it you can find a list of VR-compatible applications, for convenience, divided into categories or supporting ordering by rating, alphabet, date or price. Homido Center also offers photos and videos in 3D and 360°.

However, using Homido Center is not at all necessary, because the application somehow refers to App Store, Google Play, YouTube or third party sites.


The helmet and glasses from Homido are not inferior to their alternatives on the market of VR gadgets for smartphones. They offer all the functions required from this category of devices, have some nuances in use and, what is important, do not hit the wallet too hard.

To order

2990 rub.

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Now domestic consumers have the opportunity to try out a new development from the French manufacturers of virtual reality helmets Homido.

This miracle of technology will make all your desires come true! Do you want to take part in a real race yourself and experience the adrenaline rushing through your blood? Do you want to enjoy the stunning graphics of excellent 3D films? Then you will like this development! With it you can make virtual trips and explore the whole world, studying interesting educational programs prepared specifically for virtual reality.

Homido is a place where there are no boundaries between truth and fiction, where everything unreal becomes real. This has never happened before! Experience the effects of the glasses for yourself.

The virtual world turns into the real one

Homido allows its owner to instantly be transported to another dimension. These are not just glasses, but a device characterized by high technology development, small size, attracting a lot of attention interesting design.

How will it work?

  1. Download the application from any market service.
  2. Install the application on your smartphone.
  3. Insert yours mobile device in Homido and enjoy everything happening right before your eyes.

Homido is extremely easy to use

Homido pleases not only with its chic design, but also with its ease of use. It is easily secured using special straps and silicone seals. And to make it possible to wear glasses for a long time, the developers came up with a soft, replaceable panel for the face.

It is very easy to attach it to your head. You will not feel any discomfort; the glasses fit tightly and securely.

There is no need to worry about your smartphone falling out of the device and being damaged. Homido did everything to prevent this from happening.

All you have to do is just enjoy the sensations you get and not worry about anything. You only have to try it once and you will understand that you cannot give up so easily.

Homido-mini is viewing without harm

French specialists have thought through everything down to the smallest detail, so the user receives not only a high-quality picture, but also maximum convenience and a variety of helmet functionality. And it should be noted that they did a great job!

  • Homido uses lenses that provide the user with a viewing angle of one hundred degrees. This allows you to get the virtual reality experience to a greater extent.
  • You can adjust the helmet to your vision and not be afraid that you will miss something important.
  • If you have difficulty seeing close up or far away, or have astigmatism, then there is no need to worry that you are not allowed such pleasure. The developers have made special frames for people with such ailments.
  • Homido is configured in such a way that both adults and children can watch without any risk. And even if yours has a small diagonal, everything will be viewed at its best.
  • The sharpness of the image is adjusted by adjusting the focal length.

Main advantages of Homido-mini

  1. Homido gives you the feeling of being completely present in the game, as if you are a real participant in everything that is happening.
  2. The glasses are multifunctional and the ability to customize them is very high.
  3. The virtual reality helmet is equipped with wires, but if the user is not satisfied with this option, you can purchase a joystick.
  4. Homido opens up previously unexplored horizons of virtual reality.
  5. Glasses like real ones game console only with a large set of functions and action possibilities.

With Homido-mini 3D video looks much bigger

Homido glasses allow you to watch videos from all sides, so you can view every corner of the picture from whatever angle you want. The sensations you get from this cannot be compared with anything else. It seems that you yourself become a full-fledged participant in everything that happens. Now you can, without leaving your home, travel to different countries, attend concerts of world stars, go to sporting events, and all this will be done by your smartphone and Homido glasses for virtual reality.

Homido mobile applications

Homido center is a service with many different free applications. Anyone can easily find something for themselves here. Games or videos can open right away; you don’t have to download them to your phone. The application is equipped with a special filter that allows you to find what you need quickly and without wasting extra time.

Download Homido 360 VR Player to your smartphone and you won’t regret it! This service allows you to watch movies in 3D format or spherical videos, which will open even if the Internet is not connected and the video was downloaded earlier, or through another hosting intended for video viewing. The picture quality is excellent.

Augmented reality with Homido

There is no need to worry that it will be difficult to find games or applications for Homido virtual reality glasses. There are a great many of them. To start the game you only need a couple of steps: turn on the camera on your smartphone and point it at the helmet box. And immediately something inexplicable will begin. A new dimension will appear on all sides, in which everything will be explored and learned. Emotions will overwhelm you with unprecedented force.

MixARVR is a functionality that complements animated virtual reality with new colors. Different video colors, sound and pictures. More than one thousand applications can be downloaded immediately!

By purchasing a Homido helmet, you get your own assistant in the field of work and entertainment, and also open up the possibility of immersion in virtual reality with a full range of senses. This is the future of the gaming industry, which has no equal today.

Characteristics of Homido-mini.

  1. Compatible with smartphones with a diagonal of 4-6 inches.
  2. Works on iOS, Android, WindowsPhone, Blackberry platforms.
  3. There is a function that allows you to record when the user turns his head.

*Without an accelerometer and gyroscope, the head tracking function will not be available, which will not allow you to fully view 360° video. However, 3D videos and YouTube videos will be available

**On this moment For Windows Phone very few virtual reality apps, however, 3D videos and YouTube videos will be available

**BlackBerry versions 10.3 and higher run Android emulation, but not all applications can work correctly. Testing required.

Everyone has long tried to immerse themselves in “telephone” virtual reality, the most different ways- as the simplest, with using Google Cardboard, and with the help of more expensive phone helmets/glasses. And many people know the products of the company Homido, which has always offered high-quality virtual reality glasses, albeit a little more expensive than the average price range. First, let's watch the video review.

Now let's move on to the text.

Of course, in terms of build quality and materials, Homido products (as far as I remember, they are French) have competitors, and this is Samsung VR. However, do not forget that glasses from Korean developers are intended primarily for Samsung phones, and only with them they fully reveal their potential. But glasses from Homido are compatible with a large number of smartphones, as we are told right on the box.

However, if your smartphone is not on this list, then it’s okay - any device from 4.5 to 5.7" with an accelerometer and gyroscope is optimally supported, and in general the size of supported smartphones is from 4.2 to 6". Traditionally, the box also lists what the glasses are designed for. However, we already know all about this.

The scope of supply for virtual reality glasses is unusually rich. Traditionally, manufacturers put in the box only the glasses themselves and a cloth for wiping the lenses; there is also a replaceable face pad, and, most importantly, a case for carrying the glasses. It will come in handy if you are going to carry the virtual machine with you.

The case is made very well, you can easily throw it into a suitcase or backpack, nothing will happen to it. It also has a mesh for storing various small items: flash drives, business cards, and the like.

The virtual reality glasses themselves are made beautifully: a shiny front surface (though it’s not very convenient to photograph and film, but these are very local problems), which will reflect a curious person who tries to look at you, a nice matte plastic top cover. Moreover, this front panel is transparent on the inside, which allows the glasses to be used in the field of augmented reality.

A wheel is provided to adjust the distance between the screen and the lenses (in fact, it adjusts the sharpness).

You can also adjust the interocular distance using the wheel located at the bottom. Pay attention to the foam rubber that adheres to the face: although it does not look very nice, it is very soft, and this is the main thing.

The straps are quick-release and fastened with special latches. At the same time, they do not fly off by accident.

This is what the latch looks like half open.

The length of the straps can be adjusted, the fittings are good.

The straps are secured at the back with a durable plastic buckle.

The holder cover is held in place by magnets and can be opened by simply pulling it lightly, without spontaneous opening.

This silver button is also interesting.

If you press it, a rubber “pin” moves forward - a magnet protected by a rubber cover. If the application is programmed with some action to trigger the magnetic sensor or touch the screen in a certain place, then it will happen. This could be play, pause, or, for example, a shot.

We open the virtual reality glasses and see this fastener on spring “legs”. Please also pay attention to the QR code - it is intended for automatic settings glasses parameters, for example in Google apps Cardboard, or on Youtube.

My OnePlus 3T fits well in glasses, there is enough space for slightly larger smartphones.

The lenses in Homido virtual reality glasses are large and bright. According to the developers, the viewing angle is 105 degrees - this is very significant compared to almost any other analogues. However, it is worth remembering that the smartphone has the main influence on the image quality inside virtual reality. So, you need it with a minimum FullHD screen, and preferably 4K resolution, so as not to be disappointed.

When installed, the smartphone is very clearly fixed inside the helmet/glasses. There is a mark for centering the phone.

The glasses themselves made a very good impression. Comfortable, not very heavy, sit comfortably on the face, with adjustments not only for the distance from the lenses to the screen, but also for the distance between the lenses. With prolonged use, the lenses do not fog up, and the ventilation is well thought out.

Another interesting feature of these virtual reality glasses is that its developers make special software for it. Of course, it will also work in virtual reality glasses from other manufacturers, but everything is optimized for Homido devices.

I found Homido Center and Homido VR Player the most valuable. The first is a selected catalog of programs that are written for virtual reality glasses. The programs are all good, no particular garbage was noticed. There are categories by type of game (strategy, roller coaster, simulator and others), there is a rating of the application, and it also indicates whether the program is paid or free. At the same time, programs are downloaded from Google Play Market or from the AppStore if you have an iPhone.

Homido Player is just a regular video player for watching 360 degree videos. Convenient, there are many screen settings for different glasses and video files.

Another interesting thing is that there is an application for the Homido 360 camera, which allows you to stream video in 360 degree format directly from the camera to your phone and control it on the video camera. I think it’s a very interesting thing, but we’ll test it later.


In my opinion, Homido version 2 is worth the money. Actually, that's how much.

Of course, you can always find something cheaper (and you can get by with a cardboard, after all, where ours didn’t disappear), but I probably have no complaints about these glasses. They are really comfortable, well made, interestingly designed, and made from quality materials. Well, the complete case is very convenient.

Virtual reality is something that has been seen in science fiction films for years, something that has been read about in fiction, and something that has generally been considered fiction. However, times are changing, science is making incredibly big strides forward, so everything that used to be the main components of science fiction literature and cinema is gradually entering human life. The same applies to virtual reality as such - already several years ago, conversations began that this would soon become possible. And now, one after another, virtual reality helmets are coming out, which allow people to completely immerse themselves in a fictional world, feeling like they are part of it. This article will talk about the Homido virtual reality helmet, which is far from the most popular among all, but has its advantages, which are definitely worth reporting. It is already available for sale, so you can purchase it at any time. However, before you do that, you'd better familiarize yourself with what the Homido VR headset can do. This way you can understand whether you really need it, and also find out why it is better than the most famous brands in this field.

Wireless operation

The Homido virtual reality helmet has one impressive advantage that sets it apart from other models - the complete absence of any wires. Of course, in the near future it is planned that all helmets will work without the use of cables, but at the moment this particular model is one of the few that provide such an opportunity. Why is it good? The fact is that when you are in virtual reality, the real reality ceases to exist for you in your brain - but not in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to use helmets where there is not a lot of furniture or other objects that could cause you to trip. As for the wire, in most cases it creates serious problems, since it restricts your movements and appears as one of the obstacles on your way. Therefore, you can use the Homido virtual reality headset in any conditions, and the cable will never get under your feet.

Compatibility of the helmet with smartphones

It's no secret that all corporations are trying to release helmets that are designed to support their own platforms. So far, no one cares about universality - if everything goes smoothly, then they will start thinking about it later. This is why the fact that the Homido VR virtual reality headset supports almost all mobile platforms is so outstanding. If you have a smartphone, then you can use this helmet - that’s all the conditions. Naturally, before purchasing a Homido VR virtual reality helmet, you should still go to the manufacturer’s official website and check the list compatible devices(for example, there may be restrictions on both technical specifications of your smartphone, such as volume random access memory or processor power, and physically - a screen diagonal of at least four inches). This way you can make sure that your smartphone is suitable for use in virtual reality.

Versatility for everyone

The description of the Homido virtual reality headset should not miss a very important fact - that this device can be adjusted for each person. The fact is that the lenses in it are not fixed, so using a special switch you can change the distance between them. This way you can adjust the helmet to make it as comfortable as possible. But this is very, very important when immersing yourself in a non-existent world. This is what’s good about the Homido virtual reality helmet. The characteristics of this device may also interest you, and now you will learn about the most important ones, after which later you will have a broader view of what this helmet is all about.

line of sight

One of the most important characteristics of any virtual reality helmet is its viewing angle. The larger it is, the much more impressive is the immersion in a non-existent world. In this aspect, the Homido virtual reality helmet, photographs of which can already be seen all over the Internet, as well as even on the pages of magazines dedicated to modern technologies, is slightly inferior to leading brands. However, it is worth noting here that the principle of operation of this helmet differs from how the main devices function - they are connected to a special attachment that creates a high-quality virtual world. This can be either a special separate device, or your computer, your console, and so on. In the case of this helmet, you use your smartphone, the power of which is not so great. Therefore, the size of one hundred degrees is far from the worst option; such an angle provides quite an impressive feeling of immersion in virtual reality. And the high-quality lenses ensure that even with this view, you'll get the most out of your experience using the Homido VR headset. The review of the device, of course, does not end here - there are still many important facts ahead of you.

Helmet design

The Homido Cardboard virtual reality helmet is a device whose creators thought about users purchasing this product. Everyone knows that being in virtual reality is not an ideal pastime at the moment. Modern technologies so far they cannot eliminate the millisecond discrepancy between human actions and their display in virtual reality. You won't notice it while using the helmet, but after using it, almost everyone feels a little dizzy. Of course, people using the Homido virtual reality headset are not immune to this effect - the three-dimensional impression is maintained at the highest level, but there is still a feeling of discomfort. To soften it, the creators decided to pay maximum attention to the design of the device. You have already learned that the lenses in a helmet can be adjusted to the user, but that’s not all. The elastic band with which the device is attached to the head is made of high-quality materials and has a wide range of adjustment; the gaskets that are placed in the places where the head comes into contact with the device can be changed, so using the helmet does not cause absolutely any discomfort.

For those with vision problems

No, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions too quickly and think that virtual reality headsets cause vision problems. In fact, they are absolutely safe in this matter, but there is one catch. At the moment, almost all helmets are created for people with perfect vision - one. If you have any deviations in one direction or the other, then the experience of using the helmet will not be the most pleasant. Fortunately, in this case the creators took care of this, and people with impaired vision will still be able to use the Homido virtual reality helmet. The opinions of users who have vision problems and who have already used this device are extremely positive. This function stated not only to attract more buyers - the helmet can actually be adjusted for use by both nearsighted and farsighted people.

What is included?

So, you decided to order yourself this device, but to do this, you should first familiarize yourself with what you will receive, so that later there are no questions about the use and purpose of certain parts. So, the first and most important thing is the helmet itself. A pair of lenses is supplied separately from it, as well as three pairs of special cones, which are necessary for those people who suffer from vision problems. Also included is a special soft case so that you can always safely carry this compact helmet with you and use it anywhere and in any conditions. Naturally, there is also a strap that is used to secure the helmet to your head, as well as a special cloth with which you will need to wipe the lenses if they become dusty.


Naturally, every person who wants to purchase a virtual reality helmet will be interested in the price of this product. Unlike most VR headsets from top brands that give you a huge amount of functionality but cost a fortune, this device, although a little more modest, is much more attractively priced. On the manufacturer’s official website, this product costs five thousand rubles, but no one forbids you to purchase it from official resellers, whose price may be slightly lower.

Special application

You should also pay attention to the fact that you need to use a special application, Homido Center, with which you can launch games, watch movies, and so on. Of course, you can use other applications, however official program will offer you maximum opportunities. You'll be able to conveniently store all the games you can play in virtual reality, as well as all the movies and videos you can watch in a completely immersive way.

How to use?

It's actually quite simple. If necessary, you can study the instructions that are also included with the helmet, but in most cases this is necessary. You just need to adjust the lenses, use the cones in case of vision problems, secure the helmet on your head in a comfortable position and insert the smartphone into the special slot with the screen, naturally, towards your face. That's all - now you can watch movies and play games without any problems.

Negative reviews

What do users write on the Internet about the Homido virtual reality helmet? The reviews are almost one hundred percent positive, but there are also negative ones - although there are very, very few of them. The main disadvantage of this helmet, based on such reviews, lies in the not very convenient controls compared to other virtual reality helmets. The fact is that other models have special buttons that allow you to directly interact with objects located in the nominal center of the screen, while in this model such a process is difficult.

Positive reviews

But, as mentioned earlier, there are very few negative reviews on the Internet - less than ten percent. As for the positive reviews, they are overwhelming. People note the various advantages of this helmet - the price-quality ratio, its incredible settings for each user even with visual impairments, the beautiful design, and a large number of elements included in the package. The build quality and the absence of the unpleasant smell that many cheap Chinese models have are also noted. In general, on almost all sites where these helmets are sold and where it is possible to leave a review, the ratings for the device are positive, most of them five out of five. So if you're looking for an affordable VR headset that will give you an incredible experience, then this model is ideal as your first VR device before purchasing a full-fledged headset from leading brands.

Rating 5

Advantages: Lightweight, excellent ventilation of lenses during use, sits comfortably on the head

Disadvantages: The softening pad has come off, glasses do not fit on a large head

Comment: Overall, I liked the glasses, I often use them to watch VR content.

Rating 5

Advantages: comfortable, lightweight, easy to adjust to any head size, interpupillary distance can be adjusted

Disadvantages: it’s not very convenient to insert the phone, the clamp is too strong (on the other hand, this is a plus, as the phone definitely won’t fall out)
I haven't found any other shortcomings yet

Comment: I wish there was a choice of colors, for a girl black is a little boring

Rating 5

Advantages: 1.very light. Not tired after long time use
2.lenses do not fog up. Many helmets have lenses that fog up and you don’t really want to wipe them every five minutes. There is no such thing here.
3. there is an adjustment of the distance between the eyes - a cool feature, because you can adjust it for a child, for example
4.bonus - a set for people with low vision. Of course it was not useful to me, since my eyesight is good

Flaws: appearance. Not the most beautiful in appearance, but the quality is better. The new helmet is very beautiful, but it doesn’t seem to be on sale yet

Comment: I really like watching 360 degree videos, I often take it with me when visiting, I can surprise my friends during get-togethers))

Zakharov Roman October 24, 2016, Moscow \Using experience: several months

Rating 5

Advantages: - high-quality lenses, in fact, lenses are very important, in Homido the eyes get tired much slower than in similar ones
- the frame that adheres to the eye area is soft
- there are many adjustments
- feels quite comfortable on the head
-can be used with glasses and there are also lenses included for different vision (most Chinese models that I looked at do not allow this)
-also, the placement of the lenses feels more typical for a European person (either the width is chosen correctly, or something else)
- durable and tactilely pleasant plastic
-suitable for most phone models
- have their own application
-there is a case)))
-ventilation (lenses do not fog up)

Disadvantages: - I would like the price, of course, lower
- a tight phone holder (probably made so that it doesn’t fall out)

Comment: Comfortable glasses for watching various videos and playing games, convenient to carry with you, as there is a case.
With friends we arrange games, like in childhood, when we had a console))) A fun toy, I recommend purchasing it

Mikhalchuk Stas October 22, 2016, Minsk \Using experience: less than a month

Rating 5

Advantages: I have experience using VR glasses, including GEAR VR....
obvious advantages of these glasses:
1.Has a useful set of its own mobile applications(Homido Center, Homido Player)
2. Availability of an additional set of frames for nearsighted and farsighted people
3. The presence of an interpupillary distance setting, which allows you to adjust Homido to different smartphone screen sizes, and is also more anatomically suitable for children.

Disadvantages: no choice of glasses colors
There is no remote control included, you have to buy it separately

Comment: Like other VR helmets, there are pros and cons, which is understandable, because... you can't please everyone...
I really liked using the helmet in conjunction with augmented reality games; at the moment it is sometimes even more interesting than VR.
And of course you need an excellent screen to enjoy the image...
As a wish, add a program for streaming video from a PC to the standard software package and it will be great... and of course more interesting games, maybe with Wii-level graphics, the main thing is interesting gameplay... and if a set of games similar to WII Fit appears, it will be absolutely awesome...
PS... well, if you build a power bank into the structure of the glasses (light and not very large), then you can use the glasses for a long time...

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