
Xperia, sort of. Full review of Sony Xperia tipo dual: dual type. An operating system is a system software that manages and coordinates the operation of hardware components in a device

Over the past few years, mobile devices have gained particular popularity in the market. This is logical, because one device can work with two SIM cards at once, which makes its use very convenient and practical. For example, you don’t need to carry a second device with you or constantly ask friends to call the number of another operator. And you don’t need to overpay for Internet connection services either, because one phone embodies the functionality of two devices at once.

You won’t be able to guess which model will be considered in our article today, since there are a large number of such devices. Therefore, we give the answer: this mobile phone Tipo, which embodies multitasking, performance, design and affordable price. Read more about it in this article.

general information

So, the device was launched on sale back in 2012. It was then that it immediately became the object of everyone's attention - a novelty Sony Xperia Tipo was repeatedly described in various reviews, which carefully advertised the device, drawing the attention of users to the mass of advantages available to them.

Back then there weren’t that many devices with two SIM cards, so the Tipo model gained popularity quite quickly. The advantage of the device was its relatively low price and a set of advantages such as high-quality assembly or well-chosen materials. And we shouldn’t forget about the company that supplies best matrices for cameras on the market; it is necessary to study its proposals and take a closer look at them. This is what we did in the process of writing the article.

Thus, let's start with the appearance of the smartphone - we will describe the body, design and appearance apparatus, i.e. how it is seen for the first time.

Body and appearance

Myself Sony phone Xperia Tipo has a relatively small, one might even say compact, size - it fits completely in the palm of your hand. This is such a convenient little “dialer”.

As for the case materials, from the outside it seems like it is metal (the device looks good). However, upon closer examination, one can guess that this is simply painted plastic. As soon as the gadget comes into your hands, it becomes obvious. Also, the first thing you notice is another feature of the device - its thickness. As stated in the technical specifications, it is about 13 millimeters! Imagine how uncomfortable the Sony Xperia Tipo is in the pocket of tight trousers or jeans!

There can also be a lot of debate regarding how the smartphone lies in the hand. In the reviews, some users are outraged that the device tends to slip out of the hand during a conversation due to its rectangular shape with smoothed corners. Another version is that working with a smartphone, on the contrary, is very convenient due to its weight and massiveness. It is useless to argue about this, since for each user how convenient the design of the device is is a purely individual thing. We recommend that if you suddenly want to purchase this outdated (today) model, you first hold it in your hands.

Due to the compact size of the body, the Sony Xperia Tipo makes it a little difficult to access the memory card and SIM cards. As the owners of the device testify in the reviews, it is necessary to remove the battery, only after which access to the “inner world” of the smartphone will be opened. SIM cards are located in two tiers, so problems may also arise with their removal - it will not be possible to do this on the go.


Following on from what our Tipo looks like, I would also like to describe its navigation aids, in particular the row of physical keys located under the screen. They are still present on many smartphones today, since there is a fairly convenient place to find them. We are talking about the Home, Back and Properties buttons. Users complain that the backlight of this row only works for a short period of time when pressed - it is impossible to set them to light constantly.

In addition to these, there are also keys for adjusting the sound, switching SIM cards, and unlocking the screen. The last one is located on the left side of the device on the top, and the two previous ones are on the right edge. If everything is clear with the unlock button and the sound rocker, then regarding the switch button it is worth noting that this is a key that allows you to select between cards (which one will be active for outgoing call). Implemented, however, quite conveniently.


From the body and buttons we smoothly move on to the main control element of the smartphone - its display. The Sony Xperia Tipo phone has a 3.2-inch screen. Its parameters, of course, leave much to be desired - this is a resolution of 320 by 480 pixels (like in the good old keyboard smartphones), TFT technology and a large thick frame around the glass. Although multi-touch is already supported here, so the buyer already has advanced control options for the device.

With such characteristics, of course, you should not expect the clearest and most colorful picture - even in 2012, mid-range devices had better screens than the smartphone we are describing. One word - budget device...

Despite this, the technical parameters indicate the presence of a protective coating for the display. If you believe this information, then with its help the smartphone screen is protected from scratches and chips.


By analogy with the screen, you shouldn’t expect that the processor installed on the Sony Xperia Tipo smartphone will show miracles of performance. This is a relatively modest Qualcomm MSM7225A, the clock frequency of which (according to official technical data) is 800 MHz. The device runs on a single core and loading it, as you understand, is not difficult. The graphics are handled by the Adreno 200 accelerator - a “stuffing” that matches the class of the phone.

Yes, this device can handle the Android operating system, but there is no need to talk about simultaneously running several games of average visualization level - here you can play something simpler. And the 512 MB RAM indicates this.


Based on the capacity of its battery, it is also difficult to call the device durable. The phone was equipped with a battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh. For a more sophisticated device, of course, this would be enough for a day of work. But, given that our phone has a simple screen and minimal processor performance, reviews show that it can easily last up to two days on a single charge.

Basic actions like turning off can help mobile internet, reducing screen brightness, sound volume, and the like. Again, this confirms the phone's focus on calls, and not on the multimedia component. Although with a durable battery you can watch movies and listen to music on the go for a long time.


Despite the fact that we are talking about the characteristics describing the Sony Xperia Tipo, they indicate the presence of support for Bluetooth communications, Wi-Fi connection, as well as the ability to work with 3G mobile Internet. There is even GPS here, which indicates the versatility of the device and its wide operating profile.

All these services can be disabled if not needed and, thus, increase the operating time of the phone (as we wrote about above).


The device has only one camera (rear). True, you cannot rely on it - it has a resolution of 3.2 megapixels (obviously a technologically backward solution) without flash and autofocus. It is not difficult to guess that it is even difficult to make out printed text in images obtained using a phone. We're not talking about color balance, long-distance clarity, and so on.

The developers of the Sony Xperia Tipo (the characteristics confirm this) made it clear that this device is not suitable for photography enthusiasts. The maximum that such a camera is good for is taking pictures “on the go”, photographing some very simple objects in maximum lighting. Well, it’s clear that a phone with two SIM cards is for calls!


With volume internal memory Everything on this device is “totally bad.” Initially, the phone has 2.9 GB of total memory, of which the user can use only 2.2 GB, since the rest is used for system files.

As already mentioned, under the back cover of the device there is a slot for a memory card. Due to this, the user can expand it up to 32 GB. A useful feature for fans of TV series, for example.

Also, given the support for 3D games on this smartphone, you can load several entertainment apps on it and thus turn it into a gaming hub. There are a lot of variations - and with 32 GB of memory, all of them can become a reality.

Other options

To be honest, the Sony Xperia Tipo (reviews confirm this) does not even have any additional features that should be discussed. The phone has a solid appearance that does not correspond to its real “stuffing”. Therefore, there is no need to talk about any additions.

At the software level, there is a good base here - search using voice, multimedia player, standard browser, mail client Gmail, Google maps and a number of other programs needed for work. Plus, you can additionally download those that interest you in the catalog Google applications Play. This allows you to make budget phone for 2 SIM cards a real office smartphone designed for work.

Forget about dual-SIM PHONES - dual-SIM SMARTPHONES in the budget category today are not much more expensive than their “brainless” counterparts, but provide a fundamentally different level of convenience and capabilities for the user! One typical example is the Sony Xperia Tipo

Processor – single-core Qualcomm MSM7225A, 800 MHz, Adreno 200 video accelerator
RAM - 512 MB
Built-in memory - 2 GB + microSD
Screen - 3.2 inches, TFT 320x480, capacitive, multi-touch
Camera – 3.2 MP, without autofocus, without flash, video recording 640x480
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS
Battery - 1500 mAh, removable
Dimensions - 54x103x13 mm, 99 g

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Design and Features

Xperia Tipo is small but quite thick. Even, it would be more correct to say – it’s already unusually thick compared to all the latest models of the Xperia line. The thickness of the device is 13 mm, which is quite a lot by today’s standards, and visually it looks even thicker than it actually is!

The shape of the Tipo case, if you put it with the display up, is a kind of “square plate”: all its edges are smooth and sloping. Because of this, it is difficult to squeeze the phone in a dry palm: if you grab it a little tighter, it tends to slip out of the grip and turn its edge towards the owner... In general, before buying, it is advisable to turn it in your hands in a communication store and make sure that the device will be comfortable for you .

On the front panel there are standard touch control keys, backlit in white. Unfortunately, they go out in idle mode and it is impossible to force their constant backlighting. There is no dynamic backlighting, which is available on many recent Xperias. There is also no front camera - a tribute to budget!

The display frame and back cover are plastic, in the test unit they were painted to look like silver metal (black, red and blue colors are also available). Under the “sandwich” cover there are two slots for SIM cards - to remove the top one there is a cutout for your finger, and to remove the bottom one there is a convenient slide that slides out when you pull the lever! It is impossible to remove the cards “hot” without removing the battery, and in general, installing and removing them is an unpleasant process. Due to the compact size of the phone, its design makes it somewhat difficult to work with cards - tweezers will be harmless to remove them (this does not mean that you can’t do without them, of course!), and if one of the cards is a cut-off micro-SIM in an adapter, then inserting it will require and quite a feat!

Under the battery there is a slot for a memory card - absolutely necessary, because the Tipo has almost no memory of its own - only 2 GB.

On the top edge there is a power button under the index finger, on the right there is volume and a separate button for switching the card active for calling. On the left side there is a microUSB connector.

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Dual SIM cards

This main feature Tipo, because the phone is interesting primarily because of its two SIM cards.

Everything is implemented quite simply. Contacts are imported from SIM cards into a single general alphabetical list - there are no labels as to which SIM card a particular contact belongs to. A separate key switches with short presses the active card for calling (of course, both work simultaneously for receiving) - the active card is also determined by the illuminated icon in the top information line.

When selecting a contact from phone book(or entering a number from the keyboard), you can immediately click on the green tube and call from the active SIM card, or before that, change the card by pressing the button on the side.

Settings allow you to select a card for data transfer, as well as assign each card a different name (for example, “Work” and “Personal”)

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: System/User Interface

Typical "quad-Android" interface. I no longer have the strength to tell the same thing about him in every review, because there are probably no more people unfamiliar with him for a long time.

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Main functions


Two separate applications - for Gmail and for other email services

Calculator, alarm clock, calendar/planner


In the lower right corner of the radio application window there is a button for quick calling and automatic launch of the proprietary TrackID service, which allows you to recognize melodies directly from the radio broadcast

On some smartphones Sony installs out of the box Chrome browser in addition to the standard one, but only the native browser was found on Tipo

The music player sounds good, but has a simplified interface compared to other Xperia and a reduced set of settings

Of the popular formats, the video player can only handle MP4, so it’s better to install a third-party player to watch movies and videos. At the same time, the sound volume through the built-in speaker is extremely high

The gallery is a standard android one, while on most of Tipo’s “colleagues” the model year Sony already pre-installed its own branded gallery

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Camera

Are the camera parameters up to standards of approximately five years ago? - 3.2 megapixels without autofocus, without flash, and with video recording at VGA resolution (640x480) really looked good in 2007...? Today, similar parameters are suitable for the front auxiliary camera, which Tipo, however, lacks...

As a result, we have very mediocre quality shooting with minimalistic settings, which, however, is justified by the affordable price and dual-SIM nature of the device. Not everyone is a fan of mobile photography, and in this case, a modest camera will just help them save money when buying a smartphone.

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Performance and Power

The characteristics of the phone are very modest - you shouldn’t expect high performance from it and it is not positioned as a powerful device. First of all, it is a dual-SIM device, and then a smartphone.

When communicating with Tipo, be prepared to leave the rush - the phone is somewhat thoughtful in launching programs, leisurely rotating the image on the screen, etc. But if you did not initially confuse it with a dual-core processor, are aware of the possibilities of its configuration and do not require records, then it will not be difficult to make friends with it.

The device has a medium-capacity battery – 1500 mAh. These, as a rule, do not last long on one SIM card, but here there are two of them! However, due to not the most productive hardware and a small low-resolution display, the Tipo consumes energy quite economically - it’s a piece of cake for it to last two days!

We charge the battery to 100%, reboot the device to clear the memory of clogging programs, turn off all wireless interfaces except cellular communication, set the screen brightness and volume to maximum. We launch a movie in MP4 format, lasting 1 hour 23 minutes and weighing 1.45 GB. After finishing the movie, we look at the remaining battery charge using the visual and free “Battery” utility from Google Play: 84% balance is a very good result!

Sony Xperia Tipo:: Review:: Conclusions

A processor with a frequency of 800 MHz for a smartphone is, of course, not enough today... And a 3.2 megapixel camera without autofocus is unpleasantly surprising at the end of 2012... However, with all this, Tipo is certainly a smartphone with all the capabilities of a smartphone from the Internet to navigation, while being long-lasting on a single charge, dual-SIM and, importantly, extremely compact. The sum of these characteristics, in light of the average cost of 6,000 rubles, will clearly easily form a grateful audience for the new gadget.

Information about the make, model, and alternative names of the specific device, if available.


Information about the dimensions and weight of the device, presented in different units of measurement. Materials used, colors offered, certificates.


Width information - refers to the horizontal side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

57 mm (millimeters)
5.7 cm (centimeters)
0.19 ft (feet)
2.24 in (inches)

Height information - refers to the vertical side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

103 mm (millimeters)
10.3 cm (centimeters)
0.34 ft (feet)
4.06 in (inches)

Information about the thickness of the device in different units measurements.

13 mm (millimeters)
1.3 cm (centimeters)
0.04 ft (feet)
0.51 in (inches)

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

99 g (grams)
0.22 lbs
3.51 oz (ounces)

The approximate volume of the device, calculated based on the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

76.32 cm³ (cubic centimeters)
4.64 in³ (cubic inches)

Information about the colors in which this device is offered for sale.


SIM card

The SIM card is used in mobile devices to store data that certifies the authenticity of mobile service subscribers.

Mobile networks

A mobile network is a radio system that allows multiple mobile devices to communicate with each other.

Mobile communication technologies and data transfer speeds

Communication between devices on mobile networks is carried out using technologies that provide different data transfer rates.

Operating system

An operating system is a system software that manages and coordinates the operation of hardware components in a device.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) includes all the most important hardware components of a mobile device on one chip.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) integrates various hardware components such as a processor, GPU, memory, peripherals, interfaces, etc., as well as the software necessary for their functioning.

Qualcomm Snapdragon S1 MSM7225A
Technological process

Information about the technological process by which the chip is manufactured. Nanometers measure half the distance between elements in the processor.

45 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

Primary function of the processor (CPU) mobile device is the interpretation and execution of instructions contained in software applications.

ARM Cortex-A5
Processor size

The size (in bits) of a processor is determined by the size (in bits) of the registers, address buses, and data buses. 64-bit processors have higher performance compared to 32-bit processors, which in turn are more powerful than 16-bit processors.

32 bit
Instruction Set Architecture

Instructions are commands with which the software sets/controls the operation of the processor. Information about the instruction set (ISA) that the processor can execute.

Level 1 cache (L1)

Cache memory is used by the processor to reduce access time to more frequently used data and instructions. L1 (level 1) cache is small in size and works much faster than both system memory and other cache levels. If the processor does not find the requested data in L1, it continues to look for it in the L2 cache. On some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

16 kB + 16 kB (kilobytes)
Level 2 cache (L2)

L2 (level 2) cache memory is slower than L1, but in return it has a higher capacity, allowing caching more data. It, like L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not find the requested data in L2, it continues to look for it in the L3 cache (if available) or in RAM memory.

256 kB (kilobytes)
0.25 MB (megabytes)
Number of processor cores

The processor core performs program instructions. There are processors with one, two or more cores. Having more cores increases performance by allowing multiple instructions to be executed in parallel.

CPU clock speed

The clock speed of a processor describes its speed in terms of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

800 MHz (megahertz)
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Graphics processing unit (GPU) handles calculations for various 2D/3D graphic applications. In mobile devices, it is most often used by games, consumer interfaces, video applications, etc.

Qualcomm Adreno 200
Amount of random access memory (RAM)

Random access memory (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data stored in RAM is lost after the device is turned off or restarted.

512 MB (megabytes)

Built-in memory

Each mobile device has built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed capacity.

Memory cards

Memory cards are used in mobile devices to increase the storage capacity for storing data.


The screen of a mobile device is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.


One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology by which it is made and on which the quality of the information image directly depends.


For mobile devices, screen size is expressed by the length of its diagonal, measured in inches.

3.2 in (inches)
81.28 mm (millimeters)
8.13 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen width

1.78 in (inches)
45.09 mm (millimeters)
4.51 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen height

2.66 in (inches)
67.63 mm (millimeters)
6.76 cm (centimeters)
Aspect Ratio

The ratio of the dimensions of the long side of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution shows the number of pixels vertically and horizontally on the screen. Higher resolution means clearer image detail.

320 x 480 pixels
Pixel Density

Information about the number of pixels per centimeter or inch of the screen. Higher density allows information to be displayed on the screen with clearer detail.

180 ppi (pixels per inch)
70 ppcm (pixels per centimeter)
Color depth

Screen color depth reflects the total number of bits used for color components in one pixel. Information about the maximum number of colors that the screen can display.

18 bit
262144 flowers
Screen area

Approximate percentage of screen area occupied by the screen on the front of the device.

52.1% (percentage)
Other characteristics

Information about other screen features and characteristics.

Scratch resistance
Shatter-proof sheet on scratch-resistant PMMA


Different sensors perform different quantitative measurements and convert physical indicators into signals that a mobile device can recognize.

Main camera

The main camera of a mobile device is usually located on the back of the body and is used for taking photos and videos.


Information about the type of speakers and audio technologies supported by the device.


The radio of the mobile device is a built-in FM receiver.

Location determination

Information about the navigation and location technologies supported by your device.


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for transmitting data over close distances between various devices.


Bluetooth is a standard for secure wireless data transfer between various devices of different types over short distances.


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industry standard that allows different electronic devices to exchange data.

Headphone jack

This is an audio connector, also called an audio jack. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is the 3.5mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information about other important connection technologies supported by your device.


A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.


Information about some of the main characteristics and standards supported by the device's browser.

CSS 2.1

Audio file formats/codecs

Mobile devices support different audio file formats and codecs, which respectively store and encode/decode digital audio data.

Video file formats/codecs

Mobile devices support different video file formats and codecs, which respectively store and encode/decode digital video data.


Mobile device batteries differ from each other in their capacity and technology. They provide the electrical charge necessary for their functioning.


A battery's capacity indicates the maximum charge it can hold, measured in milliamp-hours.

1500 mAh (milliamp-hours)

The type of battery is determined by its structure and, more precisely, the chemicals used. Exist different types batteries, with lithium-ion and lithium-ion polymer batteries most often used in mobile devices.

Li-Ion (Lithium-ion)
2G talk time

2G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 2G network.

5 h (hours)
300 min (minutes)
0.2 days
2G latency

2G standby time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged when the device is in stand-by mode and connected to a 2G network.

350 h (hours)
21000 min (minutes)
14.6 days
3G talk time

3G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 3G network.

6 h (hours)
360 min (minutes)
0.3 days
3G latency

3G standby time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged when the device is in stand-by mode and connected to a 3G network.

360 h (hours)
21600 min (minutes)
15 days

Information about some additional characteristics of the device's battery.


Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

The SAR level refers to the amount of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body while using a mobile device.

SAR level for head (EU)

The SAR level indicates maximum amount electromagnetic radiation to which the human body is exposed when holding a mobile device near the ear in a conversation position. In Europe, the maximum permissible SAR value for mobile devices is limited to 2 W/kg per 10 grams of human tissue. This standard has been established by CENELEC in accordance with IEC standards, subject to the guidelines of ICNIRP 1998.

1.62 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)
Head SAR level (US)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation that the human body is exposed to when holding a mobile device near the ear. The maximum value used in the USA is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of human tissue. Mobile devices in the US are regulated by the CTIA, and the FCC conducts tests and sets their SAR values.

1.28 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)
Body SAR level (US)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation to which the human body is exposed when holding a mobile device at hip level. The highest permissible SAR value in the USA is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of human tissue. This value is set by the FCC, and the CTIA monitors mobile devices' compliance with this standard.

0.74 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)

Currently, mobile devices are produced in most cases with two SIM cards. This solution allowed users not only to refuse a second phone, but also to significantly save on the cost of communication services. There are situations when you need to make a call to a subscriber who uses another mobile operator. Naturally, this previously caused inconvenience. However, with the advent of Dual models, everything changed for the better.

It will no longer be possible to surprise buyers with such devices, since the market is simply overcrowded with them. Many people pay attention not only to the number of SIM card slots, but also to other criteria. Performance, design, and durability play an important role. battery life and other characteristics.

In this article, the reader will be able to get acquainted in detail with such a device as the Sony Xperia Tipo smartphone. Although this model went on sale four years ago, it is still of interest to a certain category of users.

So, let's start the review of the debut model Sony ST21i2 of the Xperia line. We draw the attention of readers that the information presented in the article is also relevant for the Sony ST21i device. The differences between them are only in the number of SIM card slots.

Release of a new model

In 2012, Sony decided to open a new segment of dual-SIM mobile devices. The surprising thing is that its activities have always been successful and active, but for some reason the developers ignored the introduction of new technologies for a long time. But it was no longer possible to delay it any longer, since competitors were supplying the market with innovative smartphones in full. The company made its debut with the budget model Sony Xperia Dual Tipo. How successful this decision was, we will find out in this article.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the new product created a kind of excitement. Since its release, the model has become a popular topic of reviews. They focused on large quantities benefits.

Success came almost immediately after the start of sales. The undeniable advantages of the model were its low price, well-chosen materials, build quality and, of course, the highest quality matrices for cameras, which at that time had no analogues on the market.


Sony Xperia Tipo has small sizes. Almost all of it fits in the palm of your hand. Externally, the case looks pretty good. It is made of plastic coated with paint. However, from a distance it can easily be confused with metal.

As soon as the buyer takes the device in his hand, the shortcomings are revealed. The first thing that becomes noticeable is the thickness. It is 13 mm, despite the fact that the length and width of the case are only 103 and 57 mm, respectively. Because of this, the device can be safely called thick, since thin ones are those whose indicator does not exceed 8-9 mm. And if you also take into account the fashion for tight trousers, this can become a big problem.

There has been a lot of controversy among users regarding ease of use. Most claim that due to the beveled corners and the rather slippery surface of the case, the phone constantly tries to “jump out” of the hand, and this drawback manifests itself both during a conversation and when scrolling. But there is also a category of owners for whom heavy weight and massiveness have become advantages. It is impossible to draw clear conclusions regarding the level of convenience, since there is a factor of individuality here.

The Sony Xperia Tipo smartphone was supplied to domestic buyers in two colors - black and silver. Due to its compact size, the manufacturer had to place SIM and memory card slots directly under the battery. Although this is a minor drawback, it can still cause inconvenience to the user.

The front panel has a standard set of elements. This speaker, capacitive screen, touch control buttons, proximity sensor. At the top there is the brand name, and at the bottom there is a logo indicating that it belongs to the Xperia line.

On back cover there is also nothing original. Like other models, the camera lens is removed. It is slightly off center to the left. At the bottom there is a white and green corporate logo, the name of the line and the output speaker are duplicated. The microUSB port is located on the left side, on the opposite side there is a volume rocker key, a hole for a lanyard and a button for working with SIM cards. The microphone is located at the bottom end, and the headphone jack is at the top. Next to it is the on/off button.

Sony Xperia Tipo: specifications

Before delving into the description of the Tipo smartphone, let's take a look at the main specifications.

  • The case is a monoblock.
  • Type - smartphone with touchscreen.
  • Network work - WCDMA/HSPA and GSM/GPRS/EDGE.
  • There is only one radio module.
  • Platform at the time of release - Android version 4.0.
  • Processor model - Qualcomm MSM7225AA.
  • Memory: built-in - 4 GB, RAM - 512 MB.
  • Memory card - capacity up to 32 GB, type - microSD.
  • Display diagonal - 3.2 inches.
  • Screen resolution - 480×320 px.
  • GPU - Adreno 200.
  • Data transfer - microUSB 2.0, Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR.
  • Battery - 1500 mAh.
  • Camera matrix - 3.2 MP.
  • Video recording - VGA.


What image will please the Sony Xperia Tipo Dual buyer? The display characteristics are hardly impressive. The screen diagonal is small - only 3.2 inches. However, this is quite expected, since the model has quite compact dimensions. The resolution is critically low by modern standards, it is 480x320 px. The number of pixels per inch is 180 ppi. The image is grainy, even the “cubes” are visible.

The device is equipped with a TFT matrix. The display is capable of displaying 262,000 colors. A significant advantage of the device is the multi-touch technology for two simultaneous touches. It is also worth noting the presence of acrylic glass, which performs a protective function. If you believe the manufacturer, then it is not afraid of chips or scratches.

The screen is completely typical for representatives of the budget segment line. You shouldn't have any high expectations for him. The image will differ little from push-button phone models.


What kind of performance can a Sony Xperia Tipo owner expect? Unfortunately, in this matter, as well as with the display, you should not expect high performance. The Qualcomm MSM7225AA processor is quite weak. Its operation is ensured by a single core with clock frequency 800 MHz. This characteristic makes it clear that the Tipo model is a typical “state employee”. The main functions work quickly, no bugs are noticed by the user. However, there are significant limitations in functionality - the device is not able to cope with resource-intensive applications. For example, when starting a mid-level game, freezes begin, and using several at once is completely out of the question. The Sony Xperia Tipo cannot handle such tasks.

Autonomous operation

An important indicator of a mobile device is the battery life. The Xperia Tipo model can hardly be called “long-lived”. Unfortunately, the battery doesn't apply either. strengths devices. Its capacity is only 1500 mAh. By modern standards, this figure seems simply ridiculous. However, for battery life, the weak processor and screen became advantages. It is precisely due to the fact that they do not use large resources that the device can work for about 2-3 days at an average load.

What numbers does the manufacturer indicate? In standby mode, the battery will only run out after 15 days. Those who like to talk on the phone for a long time need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to charge it once every 5 hours during a continuous conversation. As a music player, the device can work up to 35 hours, and in video mode - up to 8 hours.


When releasing the Sony Xperia Tipo, the manufacturer did not focus on the camera. The device is equipped with a 3.2 megapixel matrix. There is no autofocus or flash, so you can’t count on high-quality pictures. In the photo, the text turns out to be almost unreadable, the color balance and image clarity also leave much to be desired.

What could such a camera be useful for? Users claim that the quality of the pictures is only suitable for installation in a subscriber’s phone book. An acceptable photo is obtained if you take it in fairly good lighting and at a close distance. Another disadvantage is the lack front camera, so making video calls will be extremely inconvenient using the rear one.


An important performance criterion is the amount of RAM. Considering that the model used a weak processor, one cannot count on a high level of this characteristic. The RAM is only 512 MB. This is quite enough to work with simple applications offered by Android, but the device is not capable of complex tasks.

The manufacturer states in the instructions that the built-in memory capacity is 4 GB. However, not all of them are available to the user. About half of it is already occupied by operating system files. Of course, this significantly reduces the possibilities, but you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time. The developers have provided a slot for a memory card. The maximum volume of removable media should not exceed 32 GB.

Sony Xperia Tipo: reviews

So, what do buyers think of the device? Those lucky ones who purchased the smartphone immediately after its release paid about 6 thousand rubles for it. There are many rave reviews online, indicating an ideal price-quality ratio. Of course, at present the characteristics of this model are already significantly behind modern requirements, but users call this device a durable “workhorse”.

: One of the simplest models among Sony smartphones will become Xperia tipo and tipo dual. The names speak for themselves; the devices have similar characteristics, but the second model, unlike the first, can work with two SIM cards.

Other characteristics include a 3.5-inch screen with HVGA resolution, a 3-megapixel camera, an 800 MHz processor, and support for memory cards.


The compact phone has the following dimensions: 103x57x13 mm, weight 99.4 g. As you can see, the dimensions are moderate, this model will be convenient for a wide range of users. It is small and fits easily into any pocket.

There are two color options to choose from: black or grey. In any case, the body will be made of simple matte plastic. The solution is practical, since such a smartphone is not scratched, does not get dirty, and can be used without a case without fear for the safety of the surface.

The front surface received smooth shapes. Here you can see how a single part with a screen and buttons is enclosed in a black frame, and at the bottom a small smooth bevel is formed, where there is the inscription Xperia.

There is a speaker at the front; under the screen there is a block of three touch keys, which are equipped with backlight and a vibration response that is triggered when pressed; it can be turned off.

At the top right side there is a 3.5 mm headphone hole. The screen lock key is located to the left. It is very small, with a barely noticeable protrusion, and it is inconvenient to feel it blindly.

The microUSB connector is located at the bottom left side.

On the right you can see the volume rocker; it is long, but thin, with a small stroke. Just below it there is a separate button for managing SIM cards. Even lower on this side is the strap mount.

There is a recess at the bottom that will help you remove back panel, and a microphone.

At the back there is a 3-megapixel camera lens and a speaker hole. As you can see, the shapes are very simple, there is nothing to catch the eye.

There is a battery inside, and there is also space for a card. microSD memory and standard size SIM cards.

The assembly is of high quality, the removable part does not creak or play, all other parts of the case are also well made, no complaints.


The display diagonal is 3.2 inches, resolution 320x480 pixels, up to 262 thousand colors are displayed. Only manual adjustment of the brightness level is possible; there is no automatic adjustment in its usual sense.

On the street the behavior is normal, the picture goes blind under the bright sun, but in normal lighting everything is fine.

The capacitive sensor detects up to 5 simultaneous touches, sensitivity is good. The screen is of normal quality for an inexpensive phone; we can note the small viewing angles of this model.


The smartphone runs under the operating system Android systems 4.0.4. The smartphone has a single-core processor with a frequency of 800 MHz Qualcomm MSM7225a, graphics accelerator Adreno 200 and 512 MB of RAM. In addition, it offers 4 GB of internal memory, of which 2 GB remains for the user, and a slot for a memory card up to 32 GB inclusive.

The performance results are visible in the screenshots, the operating speed is normal. The device is not the best in its class, but there are no complaints about it either, the usual indicators for this level.


At the top of the screen there is a service line, which displays the time, battery charge, and signal reception level indicator. Active connections and other data are also displayed there. By clicking on it, you can find out in more detail about what programs were downloaded, what messages and letters were received, or what files were received via Bluetooth.

Both preinstalled images or wallpapers from Sony, as well as your favorite pictures, are used as design elements. There are seven different colored menu themes available. In addition, shortcuts and folders are placed on the desktop.

There are also widgets, they can also be added to the desktop. They are selected from a vertical list that scrolls quickly. There are five desktops available, their number does not change. At the same time, an interesting function works: you can swipe two fingers from different angles, all desktops will be reduced and displayed on one screen. There are 5 icons at the bottom of the screen. These are multimedia, messages, menu entry, contacts and dialing. If you click on a folder, for example, with media data, an additional menu will pop up with those applications that are in this category. The task manager is called up by holding the center key.

When the screen is locked, the display shows the date and time. To unlock the screen, you need to swipe your finger along from left to right. If you do it the other way around, the silent mode will turn on, as indicated by the additional icon. Can display here Additional Information about unattended events.

The smartphone menu consists of several work zones, initially there are three. If you install additional applications, then over time there will be more such areas. There are 12 icons on the screen on a translucent background, under which you can see the wallpaper installed on the main screen. Icons can be arranged in a way that is convenient for the user. There is also sorting by several criteria: alphabetically, frequently used, recently installed.

Phone book

The smartphone provides a convenient assistant for importing contacts both from a SIM card and from Facebook and Google accounts; they are displayed in a single list. A backup copy of the list of numbers is created on a memory card, and the data can later be restored. Sorting by first and last name works.

Many fields are created for a new contact. These are different types telephone numbers, email addresses, means of quick communication (AIM, ICQ, Gtalk, Skype and others), residential addresses and others (nickname, note, Internet call).

The smartphone has a list of letters of the alphabet located on the right side of the screen. If you press your finger on this line and move it down or up, a letter pops up on the screen - a kind of quick search, which helps in cases where the phone has several hundred, or even thousands of contacts. The search works by the first letters of the contact name for both language layouts.

There is a menu of favorite numbers where you can add the most popular contacts. A quick menu is available: you need to click on the icon with a contact photo, after which you can call, send a message via SMS or email, or view data on Facebook.

Call log

You can access the call log directly from the phone book; it is highlighted in a separate tab. There, a single list contains dialed numbers, received and missed calls; for clarity, they are marked with icons of different colors. The call history for each SIM card is displayed separately. By clicking on a line, you can delete a number from the call log, add it to a contact, or perform some other actions. Selecting a number from the list will display detailed information about the call.

When viewing call history, you can not only make phone conversation with the selected subscriber, but also send him an SMS or email from this list, without going to another menu. Dialing is carried out using a convenient virtual keyboard. Works automatic search numbers that match the numbers. The menu sets the SIM card to perform default actions. The ringtone is customized for each of them individually, this is convenient, and not all smartphones with two cards have such a useful function. The phone has one radio module, so you cannot talk on both SIMs at the same time.


For SMS and MMS there is a shared folder, where received messages go. When sending, adding various objects to the SMS can automatically convert it into an MMS. Messages are grouped by recipient into a correspondence feed. When dialing a subscriber's number, the phone displays a list of matching numbers in alternating numbers.

While typing, a small field reserved for characters will be displayed. The longer the message, the more the space allocated for the character set increases. The device can copy, cut and paste text. A convenient cursor is used for navigation, which helps to correct typos and highlight the necessary sections of text.

Smart text input is available, where word correction and auto-completion systems help you type text, allowing you to avoid wasting time correcting errors. Possible options words are shown as a separate line above the keyboard. Copying and pasting of fragments is supported. Sony provides fast text input similar to Swype.


To work with e-mail it starts automatic setting mailbox(unless it's Gmail, which connects immediately after the email address was entered during the initial activation of the phone). It includes entering basic information (login, password). The phone perfectly understands various encodings and supports loading attachments in familiar formats.

Various files from the device memory are attached to the new letter. Both the text copy function and automatic check mailbox (the interval is set manually). The device simultaneously runs two applications – Gmail and Email. The only difference is that in the first, mail comes only from the server, while the second application works with any mail storage.


The smartphone uses a simple 3-megapixel module. There is no separate button, so the application is launched either from the lock screen or from the menu. The interface is designed not only for landscape, but also for portrait mode. The screen displays auxiliary icons that make it easier to set up photography modes and conditions.

In the upper left corner there is a settings mode, at the bottom the flash is turned off. At the top right is a lever for switching between photos and videos, then there is a shutter button. Even lower is a stack of icons that show thumbnails of recent photos. If you click on it, you can go to the gallery.

Various options are available:

Photo resolution: 3M (2048x1536), 2M 4:3 (1632x1224), 2M 16:9 (1920x1080 pixels).

Shooting conditions: normal, night photography, beach, sports.

Exposure number.

Timer: 2.10 seconds.

White balance: auto, indoor lighting, fluorescent, daylight, cloudy.

Measurement: center, middle level, point.


Shooting method: screen button, touch shooting.

Shutter sound.


The quality of the shooting can be assessed in the examples below, nothing outstanding, the smartphone doesn’t take good pictures.

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