
“Innovations in regenerative medicine research” presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation on the topic "information technologies in medicine" Use of modern technologies in medicine presentation

Today there is a colossal hunger for social innovation. All aspects of the social sphere need updating. Traditionally it was and is believed that the social sphere is very
conservative. People get used to living in certain conditions and are afraid
change even where it is desperately needed. Secondly, almost everything
innovations in the social sphere are adopted without taking into account the positions of the citizens themselves.
Unfortunately, we have not learned how to interact with people, how to prepare them
to innovative changes.
For example, how difficult is the process of switching to electronic media. Just
because many, especially older people, do not know the simplest
computer skills. Sometimes they don’t even know how to turn it on.
Therefore, a program to teach computer literacy to older people
did not arise by chance. Until we teach citizens to use the benefits
innovative achievements, we will continue to meet resistance from them
any changes.
Over the past three years, about 200 people have passed through the Center for Social Innovation
projects. But one of the first directions in which they began
innovative changes have become healthcare.

Innovations in the healthcare sector are carried out in the form of the creation of new technologies, medical devices, drugs,

therapeutic techniques, or organizational processes implemented in
production of goods or provision of services.
From the perspective of innovation management, it is advisable to highlight
the following types of innovations in health care:
Medical technological innovations that involve the emergence of new methods
(methods, techniques) of prevention, diagnosis and treatment based on available drugs
(equipment) or new combinations of their use.
activities of the healthcare system, improving the organization of personnel work and
org. management structures.
Economic innovations ensuring the introduction of modern methods
planning, financing, stimulating and analyzing the activities of institutions
Information technology innovations aimed at
processes of collecting, processing, analyzing information flows in the industry.
a type of medical technological innovation, but one that involves
imperative, use of new medicines (technical systems),
competitive in price and basic parameters of medical effectiveness.

Innovation may be technical, involve the development or improvement of products, or
processes, or administrative, i.e. be aimed at improvement
organizational structure and processes for managing and carrying out work. Such innovations
can often be carried out independently of each other. However, in some cases
the implementation of innovations in one area may depend on or even require innovations in another.
Innovation always means a leap into a new area or an attempt to implement an innovation. IN
In this regard, the results of innovation activities do not always become obvious
immediately. On the contrary, the path to improvement can be paved over time.
for a long time, making many experimental attempts, both successful and not
very successful.
The unity of science, education and practice should ensure healthcare not only
fundamentally new ways of diagnosing and treating a wide variety of diseases, but also
modern methods of quality management in healthcare. Continuous progressive
the process of updating medical technologies, ensuring increased efficiency of treatment and
prevention, requires the formation and adequate financial support of targeted scientific
programs in priority areas of development of medicine and healthcare.

Progress is obvious: 10 Russian innovative projects in the field of medicine
Steve Jobs envisioned that the greatest breakthroughs of the 21st century would come at the intersection of biology and science.
technologies that will lead to a new era of medicine. The trend of the last five years confirms his words:
the developments of modern scientists endow devices with the abilities of superheroes, which attracts more and more people
business attention. In Russia there are also incubators and separate clusters that support
exclusively high-tech startups related to the development of medicine. Innovation actively
are being introduced into various areas of healthcare, as well as into the system of interaction between doctors
with their patients. T&P has compiled a review of Russian projects illustrating the situation in the industry.

The Teledoctor service is a telephone clinic that plays the role of
an intermediary between patients and doctors in real clinics. In addition, in the state
“Teledoctors” consist of their own specialists who advise and conduct electronic
medical records of patients.
From a financial point of view, the service is quite affordable: a single request costs
from 180 rubles, annual subscription - from a thousand. The main advantage of the platform
is, after all, the principle of remote work on which it is built. The idea is that
from now on, patients do not need to waste time and effort waiting in queues: with the help
With just a phone call you can get access to the right specialist.
Russian Forbes recognized the project as the country's best startup in 2014.

Oriense develops high-tech assistance devices
visually impaired: the device is mounted on the chest of a blind or visually impaired person,
analyzes the environment and using a speech synthesizer
reports obstacles and ways to avoid them.
The device's stereo camera helps you navigate during daylight hours or
in illuminated rooms, as well as in the dark thanks to the infrared sensor.
The project has been developing since 2006 in St. Petersburg. Since the company's founding
became a resident of Skolkovo, and in March of this year took 3rd place in the world
final of the StartUp Cup competition.

Cloud medical CRM system founded in 2008 by Khabarovsk programmers
Dmitry Lazutkin and Vladimir Kovalsky. The first one got excited about this idea after
how I ended up in one of the Tokyo hospitals, where the paper bureaucracy was completely replaced
computers. Medesk is a medical platform for clinic management aimed at
to improve its efficiency.
Over the course of six years, the startup managed not only to cover a considerable territory of the Russian Federation (services were introduced
in 21 regions of the country) and receive the approval of Dmitry Medvedev. In 2013 he was ranked 15
the world's most promising digital health projects according to Stanford
university, and in 2014 became the winner of an international high-tech competition
companies The Cloud Innovation World Cup. Now the company is scaling, and in the foreseeable future
plans to connect clinics in Ukraine, Turkey, Brazil and Argentina to its system.

Tomsk company "Akvelit" was created in 2005 with the assistance of the Bortnik Foundation,
one of the few organizations supporting domestic innovative
projects. VitaVallis is a unique development of this company, which is
antimicrobial sorption material and wound healing dressings. This modern
An alternative to antibiotics, it protects against infections and is suitable for all types of wounds.
The principle of operation of the material is based on a safe mechanism in which growth
germs are suppressed within the dressing itself. Thus, the infection is destroyed
not toxically, as is the case with antibiotics, but physically. The innovation was developed
and tested by the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch
RAS and can be widely used in surgery, dentistry and many other fields

My gene
"My gene" - Russian service by human DNA analysis. The company is engaged
determination and analysis of the composition of the human genetic chain in order to obtain
the most diverse information about the body: from hereditary predisposition to certain
other diseases to the ethnicity of his distant ancestors.
All you need to do is pay for the order and hand over the saliva to the courier who arrives on call, using it
a specialist will analyze your genome, taking into account epidemiological data
across the territories of the Russian Federation. The project was created with the assistance of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences
and young businessmen. The idea came to Russia from Western countries, where a similar service
appeared three years ago.

The project will compare prices for laboratory tests, ECG, ultrasound and other functional
research and will offer the best option based on the location of the laboratory
or clinics. Here you can read descriptions of the tests and make a preliminary
order, and also find out about possible discounts. The project covers not only Russian
clinics, but also Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For service users
"AnalysisMarket" is free.

3D Bioprinting Solutions
Thanks to the efforts of Russian innovators, printing organs on 3D printers is becoming increasingly
more real. The “3D Bioprinting Solutions” project was created in 2013 and represents
laboratory, which is engaged in the construction of a device with three-dimensional technology
bioprinting of organs and tissues of the human body, as well as the printing itself.
The company's specialists presented the first domestic 3D bioprinter with its own
configuration and design. Scientific leader of the team - Vladimir Alexandrovich
Mironov, professor at the University of Virginia, author of the first publication on printing

A free online service connecting patients and private doctors in Moscow
clinics “Infodoctor” works on the principle of ordering air tickets online. Client
fills in the search criteria: doctor’s specialization, city district and desired cost
initial appointment, and then selects the appropriate option, that is, makes an appointment with a doctor,
working in one of the project’s partner clinics.
The project is growing: several hundred patients access the company’s services every day,
and the platform’s database consists of more than five thousand doctors from 443 Moscow clinics. Exists
and the service application of the same name for iPhone and iPad.

"Life Button"
A project designed to help older people, people with disabilities in case of an accident, deterioration
health or fall caused by it. According to statistics, 30% of elderly people over 65 fall
once a year or more often. Half the time they can't get up and get help.
on your own if no one is around.
The device itself is mobile phone with a single button configured
on call emergency assistance. There is also a built-in GPS tracker, thanks to which the dispatcher
automatically sees a person's location. The “life button” works around the clock. After
determining the reason for the call, the doctor on duty contacts the necessary assistance service: ambulance,
police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and notifies relatives or caregivers. The “Life Button” project became
the best socially significant startup according to several ratings, and also made it to the finals
startup competition from Forbes.

The project was developed by the young company Liandri Healthcare, founded by Moscow
students and has already managed to interest the Skolkovo Foundation. Medical expert
The iHematologist system allows you to get a transcript of the blood test and diagnose
more than 50 syndromes and diseases without leaving home. The patient simply needs to enter
the results of your blood test in an electronic form on the website and receive a test in return,
done automatically by the system. The authors of the service emphasize that their project
does not replace an appointment with a real hematologist, but only serves the purpose of obtaining a primary

Dengvaxia - the first dengue vaccine
Dengue fever, spread by the yellow fever mosquito, affects 400 million people
annually. The disease causes fever, excruciating headaches, nausea, and sometimes leads to
to death. About 40% of the population is at risk, and increasing
climate change could further increase this percentage. Dengvaxia from Sanofi Pasteur became
the first dengue vaccine that protects against all strains of the virus. For its development
It took scientists 20 years. The vaccine has received WHO approval, and residents of Brazil and the Philippines
have already been able to receive Dengvaxia vaccinations. Containing the virus will cost $9 billion a year
reduce the losses that dengue causes to the global economy.

Probuphine implant for the treatment of opioid addiction
When treating opioid addiction, skipping one or two doses is enough
replacement drug, and the condition will worsen again. Probuphine implants
from Braeburn Pharmaceuticals are sewn under the skin where they remain for
six months. Four matchstick-sized sticks of Probuphine consistently deliver
a dose of buprenorphine, a substance that makes the syndrome easier to bear
opioid withdrawal. The development has already received approval from the Department
Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

IMLYGIC - virus against cancer
Scientists have long known that viruses can cause the immune system
attack cancer, but it took time to debug and modify these viruses.
Amgen's viral melanoma drug IMLYGIC receives
FDA approval at the end of 2015. It is based on a modified virus
herpes - when injected into a tumor, it can provoke an immune response
against cancer.

Absorb - soluble cardiostent
Metal stents are small tubes that help unclog
and treat arteries - are widely used in cardiac surgery. Often around
metal plaques begin to form, which is not beneficial to the patient. Stent
Abbott's Absorb is made from a bioabsorbable polylactide polymer,
which has the same therapeutic effect and then dissolves
in organism. Clinical trials have shown that it is in no way inferior
metal analogues.

Thermo - high-speed thermometer
To measure temperature using modern thermometers,
which are placed under the tongue can take up to three minutes. Thermo
from Withings performs the same task in a couple of seconds, and
The measurement takes place in a non-contact manner. Device
equipped with 16 infrared sensors that collect
more than 4000 parameters when applied to the temporal artery.
The thermometer costs $109.

Autonomous robotic surgeon STAR
Developed by the Danish National Medical Center
STAR robot copes with one of the most difficult tasks
in surgery - by stitching together intestinal tissue. Special
The touch system helps the device work correctly
surgical instruments - somewhere to press harder, somewhere
weaker. An experiment on pig intestines showed that
that the robot copes with the task better than people and than machines,
assisted by people.

Second Skin - second skin with increased elasticity
Sunburn, wrinkles, pigmentation - soon these inevitable
age markers can be hidden, and perhaps
and prevent. Elastic polymer Second Skin from Olivo Lab
applied to the skin as a protective covering and visually
adds youth. The coating can also be used as
a delivery vehicle for medications, such as eczema ointments, or

Nima - pocket gluten detector
Patients with celiac disease - gluten intolerance - when ordering meals
forced to rely on the honesty of the cook, in the hope that the food
It really won't be gluten free. Nima allows you to test your food
on one's own. $199 miniature device detects gluten
even at 20 parts per million, the lower limit set by the FDA.
In the future, the startup plans to create detectors for other allergens, for example,

Freestyle Libre - needle-free glucometer
People with insulin-dependent diabetes have to have their blood drawn
from the finger up to 10 times a day. Abbott's device eliminates this painful
necessary. It is enough to install a tiny sensor under the skin, which
Continuously monitors blood sugar levels. To find out the indicators,
you need to bring a small scanning device to it. Research
showed that patients using the Freestyle Libre experienced a 38% reduction in
low sugar level.

Fast and cheap test for Zika virus
The main threat posed by the Zika virus is the likelihood of developing
birth defects in the fetus, while the mother of the child may not even suspect
that she is sick. Traditional laboratory tests require several
days for diagnosis, and in rural areas there are almost no specialized
laboratories. Scientists from MIT have created a paper test that gives results already
in three hours. If blood that is infected comes into contact with the surface of the card
Zika, then the yellow dots turn purple.

Kovanaze nasal spray as anesthesia at the dentist
The most unpleasant part about installing a filling is the injection
anesthesia. Spray from St. Renatus has exactly the same effect as
like an injection. It is enough to spray twice into the nostril that
is closest to the diseased tooth - and treatment of caries
it will pass painlessly.

NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN MEDICINE IN MEDICINE Author: Evgenia MOTOVILOVA, student of class 10 “B” of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School 19 of Mogilev” Head: Nadezhda Yuryevna KURTASOVA Head: Nadezhda Yuryevna KURTASOVA III Mogilev Science Festival International competition electronic presentations"Science and its Creators"

“new technologies new medical technologies The term “new technologies” sounds very intriguing and positive, creating a feeling of a wonderful future. But more often than not, these technologies do not excite people too much, remaining incomprehensible and distant to them. What this definitely does not apply to is the medical field: new medical technologies are of interest to almost everyone. Sooner or later, every person understands that health is not unlimited and does not last forever. So new technologies in medicine are highly relevant.

The world's first 3D printed chest In 2015, doctors at the University Hospital of Salamanca in Spain performed the world's first operation to replace a patient's damaged chest with a new 3D printed prosthesis. It was decided to use titanium alloy as the material for the new sternum. After conducting high-precision 3D CT scans, the scientists used a $1.3 million Arcam printer to create a new titanium rib cage. The operation to install a new sternum in the patient was successful, and the person has already completed a full course of rehabilitation.

Retinal implant The retinal implant is intended for partial recovery vision in people who have lost it due to degenerative eye diseases. The invention of this device gave hope to millions of people from all over the world to gain sight. The Argus II retinal implant gained access to the American market in February 2013, and to the European market two years ago, becoming the first officially approved implant of its kind in the world.

Artificial Pancreas The artificial pancreas uses technology to help people with diabetes control their blood glucose levels through mechanisms found in a healthy pancreas. The first patient to test this device was four-year-old Australian Xavier Hames, who suffers from type 1 diabetes.

Tablet with a camera Those who have had the misfortune to experience the beauty of gastroscopy will certainly appreciate this invention. Now, instead of an invasive probe, patients suffering from ulcers and other similar diseases will only need to swallow a tablet equipped with a microscopic camera to diagnose their digestive tract.

Surgical and android robots Thousands of daVinchi surgical robots are already operating in the world. Some medical schools are beginning to teach future surgeons the skills needed to control a robot instead of performing the surgery themselves. This craft becomes more complex and at the same time more reliable and intuitive.

Surgical and Android robots Soon, robots will be so precise that they will be able to translate the movements of a human hand into ultra-precise movements of a robot. Perhaps there will come a time when, in areas where there is a shortage of doctors, simple surgical operations will be performed by a doctor who controls a robot from another city.

DNA Printing 3D printing technologies have led to the emergence of a unique new industry for printing and selling DNA. Millions of pieces of DNA are placed on tiny metal substrates and scanned by a computer, which selects those strands that will eventually make up the entire sequence of the DNA strand. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden went even further and began to create various figures from DNA chains. DNA origami, as they call it, may at first glance seem like simple pampering, but this technology also has practical potential for use. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden went even further and began to create various figures from DNA chains. DNA origami, as they call it, may at first glance seem like simple pampering, but this technology also has practical potential for use. After this, the necessary connections are carefully cut out with a laser and placed in a new chain, pre-ordered by the client.

Smartphones used as biosensors and wearable medical devices allow patients to measure almost any health parameter right at home. Life style will adapt to the demands of such devices that want to make us healthier. Health sensors for portable diagnostics

Nanorobots living in our blood This seemingly crazy question, asked in 1996, formed the basis of a scientific work that took two scientists 6 years to complete. The short answer is that within a few years, nanorobots will theoretically be able to replace our blood. “How about replacing human blood with 500 trillion robots?”

In the more distant future, robots a few nanometers in size will be able to live in our blood and prevent possible diseases by signaling to the patient what is happening. They will be able to interact with our organs, measure all health parameters and act when necessary. On the other hand, imagine what opportunities this provides for bioterrorism and how vulnerable our personal lives and information about them can be. In the future, people will need to find the right balance in this area before these technologies are already available to us. Nanorobots living in our blood

Today there are tremendous achievements of progress in science and technology, which involuntarily affect modern technologies in medicine. Every year, more and more new technologies appear in medicine, which simply surprise many patients with their capabilities and effectiveness. Many diseases that were previously considered difficult to treat are now easily amenable to modern medical interventions.

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GBOU SPO MU No. 13 DZM Scientific-practical conference on the topic Leader Molodova E.Yu. Innovations in regenerative medicine research

Objectives: talk about new achievements in this area of ​​research; the possibility of applying the obtained research results in practice in the near future; present conclusions about the prospects of the reported studies.

Relevance Nowadays, there are a lot of disabled people (without one or more limbs) due to traumatic or surgical amputation. They are limited in movement and other human capabilities. In our time, modern engineering and the medical industry in the form of prostheses come to their aid. But prosthetics can never completely replace a real lost body part.

In this regard, scientific and industrial programs were launched aimed at developing priority research and practical developments in regenerative medicine.

The objectives of regenerative medicine are: the creation of new medical devices; creation of artificial organs (this science is called “bionics”). Tissue engineering and cell therapy are also involved in the creation of new developments. New biomaterials are being developed and translational medicine is advancing to quickly introduce advanced regenerative technologies into clinical practice.

American scientists made a great discovery in the field of regeneration by conducting experiments on laboratory mice. Their main goal was to inhibit the processes of tissue scarring for complete healing without residual scars on the damaged surface.

The honeycomb-like material turns stem cells into bone. It was created by staff from the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton. The material has a honeycomb-like structure. This allows the stem cells to linger in a specific location. By attaching to the material, stem cells automatically turn into bone cells.

This will save people with osteoporosis. New ones will grow in place of the old worn-out bones, and the frame will dissolve. The material is already being tested on animals (it was tested on mice and work with sheep is planned). Efficacy has also been proven in vitro using human tissue. Clinical trials will begin in at least five years.

As a result of all the scientific information that was presented on this topic, we can conclude: Currently, regenerative medicine is developing at a rapid pace and, given its enormous potential for restoring damaged human tissues and organs, in the near future we will witness amazing discoveries that will help people with disabilities to become full-fledged members of society. Conclusion

Thank you for your attention!

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Information technology– is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment.

In the diaries of a brilliant Italian Leonardo da Vinci(1452 - 1519), already in our time a number of drawings were discovered that turned out to be a sketch of an adding numeral machine on gear wheels, capable of adding 13-digit decimal numbers.

This was the first digital adder, a kind of embryo of the future electronic adder - the most important element of modern computers, still mechanical, very primitive (manually controlled)

In 1641 – 1642 nineteen year old Blaise Pascal(1623 – 1662), then a little-known French scientist, creates a working summing machine “Pascalina”.

Over the next four years, he created more advanced models of the machine. They were six and eight bit, built on the basis of gears, and could perform summation and subtraction decimal numbers. Approximately 50 models of machines were created, B. Pascal received royal privilege for their production.

  • Stage 1. Until the end of the 60s: processing large volumes of data in conditions of limited hardware capabilities.
  • Stage 2. Until the end of the 70s: lag software on the level of hardware development.
  • Stage 3. Since the beginning of the 80s: the computer has become a tool for the professional user, and the information system has become a means of support decision taken. Problem: maximum satisfaction of user needs and creation of an appropriate interface.
  • Stage 4. Since the 90s: creation modern technologies interorganizational connections and information systems. Problem: developing agreements and establishing standards, protocols; organizing access to strategic information; organization for the protection and security of information.

  • New employees have appeared in British hospitals - robots that can perform not only simple actions, but also perform surgical operations. At St. Mary's Hospital in London, Remote Presence (RP6) Robots will “look after” patients. Hospital staff named the machines "Nurse Mary" and "Dr. Robbie." With their help, doctors will be able to not only monitor the condition of patients from anywhere in the world, but also conduct video conferences. A doctor located, for example, in another country will control the robot

  • Today in Russia there is a computer in every dental clinic. Most often, he works as an assistant accountant, and does not serve to automate the office work of the entire dental clinic
  • Most widely used in the dental market computer programs– digital radiography systems, often called radio video graphs (Fig. 1). Systems allow you to study in detail various fragments an image of the tooth and periodontium, increase or decrease the size and contrast of the images, save all the information in a database and, if necessary, transfer it to paper using a printer. The most famous programs: Gendex, Trophy. The disadvantage of this group of programs is the lack of information about the patient.

  • Currently, patient information storage systems using smart cards are widely used in different countries. This is possible with the “Dent Card” program, which has proven itself well in European countries and Russia.
  • This card allows you to quickly, accurately, and unambiguously determine by whom, when and to what extent the patient is insured. All information about it can be divided into visual and information recorded in the memory of the number.

  • Today, more and more attention is paid to the introduction of modern information technologies in hospitals and clinics, as this allows them to take their work to a qualitatively new level. The leading Russian system integrator company Open Technologies guarantees that the use of information technologies in medicine allows:
  • · improve the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction;
  • reduce the non-therapeutic burden on medical specialists;
  • · improve the availability of medical information and the speed of its provision to medical personnel;
  • · increase the efficiency of support services;
  • · reduce the percentage of accidental losses and unreasonable waste of medical materials, equipment and inventory;
  • · improve internal medical records;
  • · optimize the process of mandatory reporting to higher organizations, present the results of the clinic’s work to management in real time;
  • · increase the loyalty of doctors and medical personnel.
  • · Computers play an important role in medical research. They make it possible to establish how air pollution affects the incidence of disease in the population of a given area. In addition, they can be used to study the effect of impacts on various parts of the body, including
  • in particular, the consequences of an impact in a car accident on the human skull and spine.
  • · Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances.
  • · Computers are used to create maps showing how quickly epidemics spread.
  • · Computers store patient medical histories in their memory, which frees doctors from time-consuming paperwork and allows them to spend more time with the patients themselves.

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The innovative path of development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 is determined in accordance with modern world requirements for the formation of the competitiveness of the economy and leading industries in the global market. Of course, the development strategy affects the areas of healthcare and medical technology. From the point of view of ensuring a decent standard of living for Russian citizens, healthcare and medical technologies are a key link that determines, first of all, the level of social development of the country. Increasing the length and quality of life of Russian citizens is a priority task of the state. Solving these problems contributes to economic growth, as well as reducing the costs of treatment and social benefits. The development and production of medical equipment and medical products, the development of modern technologies are inextricably linked with issues of ensuring national security - the basic level of medical care and healthcare needs must be provided primarily through our own production. All this is impossible without developing the country’s human resources potential and training specialists of the highest professional level. Strategy for innovative development of Russia until 2020

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Qualitative medical education– a basic element of modern healthcare in the context of unstoppable progress and an increasing flow of information

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First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov is: the richest traditions, integration of the classical school and innovations, all possible vectors of medicine, academicians and professors concentrated in one institution, world-famous specialists who created the existing system of modern healthcare and medical education; broad international connections

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Disadvantages of modern medical education: significant imbalance of theoretical and practical knowledge; difficulty in mastering the steadily increasing volume of medical information; weak integration between various clinical and fundamental disciplines; insufficient emphasis on the development of a specialist as an individual, taking into account his characterological characteristics; separation from professional practical activities in the basic training of students

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Modern standard of higher professional education: the student is one of the main elements of the education system, taking into account the formation of professional competencies. Interest in the subject and pleasure in the process of acquiring knowledge should become the main driver of professional medical education.

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Main ways to improve the educational system of the University Radical changes are not acceptable! Selection of students who are not afraid to experiment, are capable and motivated for self-development and self-realization Immersion in practical activities directly or using simulators. The student must feel significance and be aware of the consequences of the decisions made! Interactivity - maximum involvement of each student in the educational process and Feedback with the teacher.

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The First Moscow Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, the largest university in the country, is deservedly considered one of the leaders of the Russian Federation in the field of training highly professional medical personnel; all conditions have been created here for innovative and effective solutions in the field of specialist training. Thanks to the accumulated experience in the field of training the most promising and in-demand personnel for modern medicine - first-class doctors and pharmacists, researchers and managers in the field of healthcare, within the University with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Russian Academy Medical Sciences, a new structural unit has been created - the Center for Innovative Educational Programs “Medicine of the Future”.

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joint innovative educational project

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    The mission of the center: training medical specialists capable of meeting the challenges of the time, generating promising ideas and implementing innovations, being energetic and active leaders in a team, capable of making important, strategic decisions.

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    Admission based on multi-stage competitive tests for students who have completed: 2 years of the Faculty of Pharmacy 3 years of the Faculty of Medicine Students from medical and pharmaceutical universities in any Russian region can enroll in the Center.

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    At the Center for Medicine of the Future, a key role in the training of students is assigned to the individualization of medical education. Students are taught by the most experienced and talented teachers of the University with mandatory research experience

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    Multi-level innovative system of student training

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    The principle of “scientific pairs”. Russian-European cooperation of the Center for Medicine of the Future.

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    Studying foreign languages ​​at the Center “Medicine of the Future”

    We see a modern doctor and pharmacist as high-level specialists who speak foreign languages ​​and are able to adequately represent their country in the international arena both in practical healthcare and in research work. In-depth study of a foreign language (English, German, French) with skills development: reading, translation and reviewing scientific literature, public speaking and business communication in a foreign language, consecutive and simultaneous translation

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    New directions in healthcarePersonalized medicine

    Personalized medicine is the right drug in the right dosage for the right indications at the right time and more... Personalized medicine (PM) is a healthcare model that involves adapting all medical decisions and actions to the individual characteristics of the patient. Currently, this is successfully achieved through the systematic use of the patient’s genetic information to optimize treatment and prevention tactics.

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    Personal development

    A modern highly qualified specialist must understand the basics of working in a creative team, know theory and practice teamwork, be able to lead, share responsibilities, set tasks. The Center provides: Leadership training Fundamentals of teamwork Rhetoric and public speaking techniques

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    Study of business processes and business models in medicine

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    Open educational innovation platform CIOP “Medicine of the Future”

    Uniting all “innovators” into a single network with registration and support of projects and areas of scientific activity and provision of all necessary advisory assistance. Already today, the center’s employees, with the involvement of leading specialists, are implementing a set of measures aimed at developing the innovation infrastructure of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University ( program "Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship")

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