
Intertelecom assa self-service account verification. Intertelecom assa. Checking your Intertelecom account through short service commands

  • Registration in the ACCA system
  • Main features of the system
  • Code RUNA
  • Change tariff plan
  • Service management

What is it ACCA from Intertelecom?
Let's try to figure it out together. First of all, it must be said that this is not a film directed by Sergei Solovyov and not the cry of a Lezginka dancer.
There are many more different meanings this abbreviation, but in this case we are only interested in what relates to the Intertelecom operator.
And his ACCA is Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System.

Those who are already registered will immediately login page:

For the rest - more detailed information...

When a new Intertelecom subscriber connects to a direct or virtual (Internet) number, there is a need to control the amount of traffic (the number of megabytes spent) and the money in the account. Especially when the second month of your “friendship” with the operator begins and suddenly (as always) the Internet stops working or it becomes impossible to make a phone call.

The need to find out immediately arises: how much money do I have in my account?
You can do it the old fashioned way: call the operator at *11 (answering machine) or *750 (from Intertelecom phone, or you can 0-800-750-750 (free in Ukraine), give your number and find out your balance. Or you can do as they do in the 21st century - find out everything yourself using the Internet. Here it’s more convenient for someone.

Below we will look at how to register on your page on the Internet (ACCA system), but I will say right away that you can get a login (this is your number) and a password to access the system immediately upon connection. To do this, you just need to ask the manager who connects you to do you such a good favor and receive a piece of paper with your login and password on it. If you are already connected, you can contact the operator or the company’s dealer for automatic registration with ACCA.

What can be done using this system and why is it needed?
It must be said that almost everything can be done, with the exception of some key operations for which you need to contact the operator directly or its representatives - dealers.

So, ACCA is not allowed:

  • Temporarily stop using the number . For example, if you are leaving for a more or less long period outside of Ukraine and your number will not be used, then in order not to pay a monthly fee, it is possible to suspend the contract for a certain period.
  • It is also impossible to change the owner numbers through the ACCA system. To do this, it is necessary for the old and new subscribers to contact the company’s subscriber room, having in hand documents proving their identity.
  • You cannot change your number yourself . We contact the operator.
  • Also You cannot disconnect your number and restore it after disconnection , if for any reason your number was switched off by the operator.
  • Well, and one more thing you can't change your phone number (the handset itself, if it is not for a RUIM card) or the modem yourself through the Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System.

In this case, contact the operator or dealers.
This approximately exhausts the restrictions that ACCA imposes on the subscriber.

But there is much more that can be done. A lot more.

Let's list the main things that may interest the average subscriber of the company:
The first thing that is most in demand is control your money and traffic.

It is very easy to control the movement of funds. After logging into the system, in the “Data by number” section, which opens by default, you can see your balance. In line Balance The amount of money in your account is displayed. But a positive balance is not a guarantee that your number will work.
The operator Intertelecom has a system for debiting money from a subscriber’s account in such a way that it will not yet full amount subscription fee on the balance, this subscription fee will not be removed. Well, the number won't work.
For example, if you have a package with a monthly fee of 30 UAH, but your balance is only 29 UAH at the beginning of the month, then the number will not work, since the required amount is not enough to withdraw the monthly fee, in this case 1 UAH.

So don't forget to pay. First money, then chairs - no loans.

You can select it from the list that is displayed in the self-service system. When you change your tariff plan, you will see the cost of switching to new package and a monthly subscription fee for the new tariff. This amount will be withdrawn from your account if you bring the shift to its logical conclusion.

The third useful property of this system is the ability view details of calls or Internet sessions by your number. How much, when, to whom, for how long, and so on. Very comfortably.

The fourth, also quite necessary, thing that an operator can offer through the ACCA system is ability to manage services, which are on your subscriber number.
This includes turning call forwarding on and off, blocking incoming calls, etc. The list of services is quite wide; in the figure at the bottom of the page you can see a screenshot of the entire list.

For example, you want to disable international and long-distance communications on your number because you are temporarily giving it to a friend, parent, or child for use.
Nothing could be easier! Log in to the system, select a service and disable it.

These are, so to speak, the main functions of ACCA. In fact, there are much more of them, and the number of useful items in the menu of this program is constantly increasing, so you can thoroughly learn all the capabilities of the Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System only by delving into it thoroughly.

And we will look at how to register in the system, see your balance and, for example, change your Intertelecom operator tariff plan to a more interesting one from your point of view, which you saw only after you connected to an existing one. Well, as always…

ACCA system registration window. Using the link in the upper right corner, you can determine your number if you access the Internet via your modem or communicator. Copy and paste it into the top field. We come up with a password and confirm. If desired, you can enter an e-mail.

We fill in the required fields, guided by the prompts that can be seen by hovering the cursor over the question icon. The first is your login, entered in the form 44ххххххх without the first zero. Well, the password is already a field for your imagination. Latin letters and numbers. Not too complicated so you don’t forget it yourself. You can’t duplicate your login, that is, your number, in your password, you can’t just numbers, because it’s too simple and malicious hackers can pick up the password and infiltrate the system, and that’s where your money is….

Code RUNA(One-time Universal Subscriber Number) must be entered only when registering NOT through a telephone or modem with your subscriber number. If you have a modem, then we access the Internet through it and register without RUNA.
If you have a communicator, then go online through it and register.
If you have a regular “dialer” without the Internet, then we go online through any provider and get the RUNA code.

We enter the RUNA code only if you are not registering via your modem or phone. By hovering your mouse over the question mark to the right of the code entry field, you can get a hint.

It happens that a subscriber accesses the Internet via his modem, but the system nevertheless requests the RUNA code. The reason may be, as practice shows, that another network is open in parallel (work-related or otherwise), which interferes with registration. In this case, it is necessary to close all third-party connections and try to register again.

To receive the RUNA code necessary:
dial 2772хххххх, from the phone specified in the “Phone number” field and click “Call” (make a call)
send SMS message xxxxxx to number 2772
where xxxxxx - any 6 digits - your chosen RUNA code.
After the call, you can hear the following voice messages:
“Activation was successful” - the RUNA code is activated successfully and will be valid for 10 minutes;
“Invalid number dialed” - call format error 2772хххххх. Try again;
“Activation failed - try again” - the RUNA code is not activated. Please try again. If this error repeats, please contact the Call Center of Intertelecom LLC by phone *750 or 0-800-750-750.

After sending sms You should receive a response SMS to number 2772:
“kod RUNA xxxxxxx vdalo aktyvovan” — code RUNA xxxxxxx has been activated successfully and will be valid for 10 minutes;
« kod RUNA ne aktyvovan. Pravylnyi format sms: AAAAAA, de A-tsyfra vid 0 do 9″ — RUNA code is not activated. SMS format error. Try again.

RUNE is valid for 10 minutes after successful activation. The code is a one-time use; after logging out of the system, RUNA is deactivated.

After you have successfully registered in the system, return to the system login page, enter your username and password - and now access to managing your number is open!

Personal account login page. There is also a link at the top right to find your number if you have forgotten it. But it only works if you are logged into the Internet through your number.

We see something like this picture, which displays your basic data - personal account number, phone number, mobile (aka), name of the tariff plan, balance, availability of additional agreements, etc. :

When you log into your personal account, you can see the data on the number, which opens by default. Next, on the left, select the desired menu if you need to change anything.

Let's take, for example, how you can change tariff package.
There is one point here that I want to draw your attention to. There is a change of package, and there is a change of service, which can be done several times a month.
You can change the package only once a month and the change will be from the first day of the next. Well, like all operators. Nothing new here...

So, we decided what we would change - a package or a service, we logged into the system and selected “Change package” in the left menu. Then select the package and confirm your choice, as in the figure:

Changing the tariff plan in the ACCA system.

Service management it's also simple:

The list of services can be seen by clicking on the Services button on the left in the menu. A wide range of services that can be managed opens up.

For example, let's try to connect international communications:

In the Services you can, for example, enable or disable the ability to call mobile numbers or abroad.

In chapter Utilities, which can also be found in the left menu of the ACCA system, provides access to the management of the following services:

  • Who called
  • Call forwarding
  • Forwarding to SIP
  • Changing SIP password
  • Blocking a number
  • Waiting interval
  • Money transfer

Now you know the basics, which I think will be enough for the first time. And as you have free time and curiosity, you can more thoroughly study the possibilities of independently managing your number. But don’t get too carried away with experiments, so that you don’t have to correct your mistakes personally in the subscriber departments of Intertelecom.

ASSA Intertelecom: features and capabilities of the system

The abbreviation ASSA Intertelecom stands for automatic system self-service for subscribers who get access to a lot of opportunities and benefits from . Registration in this system allows you to easily keep your finger on the pulse in matters of connecting to the Internet: control the amount of traffic spent, monitor timely replenishments, learn new products and current offers from the company first-hand.

How to register as an Intertelecom assistant?

This process will not take much of your time and will not seem very complicated. To register, you will need to install the driver on your computer, connect to the network through it, and select “self-service system” on the official website. Next, you will need to indicate your subscriber number (to see it, just turn your modem or phone over), your email box and, of course, come up with a password that contains numbers and Latin letters.

What can’t you do on your own in Assa Intertelecom?

Despite the impressive advantages of this system, there are also some disadvantages, which, however, do not have such a negative impact on the operation of this functional and truly useful service. Temporarily stopping the use of a number in the event of a long trip abroad or simply because it is not needed - this is an issue that only operators can help you deal with. Also, the initially specified owner of the number, like the Intertelecom number itself, is a constant that the user cannot change on our own. It is imperative to contact the operator and leave a request, which will be considered in in the prescribed manner. You can disconnect your number if you want to suspend or completely stop using the service only with the help of specialists. Otherwise, this system will become a faithful and reliable friend and assistant to the Intertelecom user.

ASSA Intertelecom capabilities

By registering in this system, the client will always be aware of the selected tariff plan and its features. For example, if you remember for sure that there is money in your account, but for some reason there is no access to the Internet, you need to check your balance and clarify the information regarding the tariff plan. If the monthly fee is 30 hryvnia, as in the “Freedom of Speech” tariff, and there is at least one hryvnia less on the account, then the number will not work.

If for some reason Intertelecom has changed your tariff plan or its conditions, and the new ones do not suit you, then you can always choose another option. Moreover, it is easy to do it yourself. The corresponding ACCA section contains not only current data on all tariffs, but also the cost of switching from one plan to another. It will be enough to press a few buttons to change the conditions for using the Internet from Intertelecom.

Selected services can be managed additionally - enable blocking of calls from a specific number, forwarding, or disable long-distance, international communications, and so on. The changes you make will take effect immediately.

Another undeniable advantage of this system is the ability to familiarize yourself in detail with all the actions for the selected period. We are talking about traffic consumption for certain Internet sessions, detailed description calls. Thus, it is quite easy to save - you have the opportunity to completely control the costs of your business.

Directly in your personal account in ACCA, you can also not only change the basic settings, but also specify a different address Email, to which notifications are sent if necessary. Keeping up with Intertelecom updates is now even easier with ACCA!

To manage your own account as an Intertelecom operator, use the Intertelecom ACCA system ( Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System). What can you do in it and how to use it? First you need to register on the site in the appropriate form, in which you need to enter your phone number, desired password and E-Mail:

Logging into the Intertelecom ACCA system in the future will only require a phone number and password:

If you have forgotten your password, it is possible to recover it. You must enter your phone number and the one registered for this E-mail number A new password will be sent:

After which the user is taken to his personal Intertelecom account, where he can check his account, control traffic and pay for services. After logging in, the “Data by number” section immediately opens, which displays absolutely all user data. Phone numbers, current tariff, E-Mail and so on. There is also a “Balance” column. So much money for this moment on the client's account:

Data on the number in your personal account

In the following section you can track the movement of funds in your account:

Detailed account status

The following payment options for Intertelecom services are supported:

After it comes the “Call Details” section, everything is very clear with it. The next two sections are more important. "Service Management" displays full list available services Intertelecom and displays their status (enabled/disabled); in the same section they are managed:

Services control panel

The next tab “Change package” (Change package) shows the details of the current tariff plan and allows you to change it:

Changing tariff package

In the "Utilities" section connect Additional services such as call forwarding, blocking numbers, notifications when the number is not identified, and so on:

At the very bottom there are menu items that are responsible for account security, including sections where the RUNA code will be used as additional protection:

Security Settings

RUNA (One-time Universal Subscriber Number) is a six-digit digital identification code specified by the subscriber and is used to identify the subscriber during registration, additional data protection and unlocking the login (phone number) after 10 consecutive incorrectly entered passwords. The code works for only ten minutes after successful activation. To receive the RUNA code you must dial * 2772*xxxxxxx, from the phone specified in the "Phone number" field and press "Call" or send an SMS message xxxxxxxx to the number 2772 where xxxxxx - any 6 digits - your chosen RUNA code.

In the "Security" section below you can see the times and IP addresses of successful and unsuccessful login attempts:

Statistics of logins to the Intertelecom ACCA system

In the top section of the menu there are all sorts of additional services, such as antivirus protection, parental controls, online cinemas and much more:

There is also a mobile application with which you can also check your account, see your current tariff plan and connected services:

Mobile application Intertelecom

Order additional services, for example, additional mobile traffic, view the activity of additional services and top up your account:

Features of the Intertelecom mobile application

Intertelecom subscribers have the opportunity to independently control the consumption of funds, traffic, as well as service management through the automatic subscriber self-service system (ASSA Intertelecom). This makes it possible to independently (without calls to the operator’s call center or visits to customer service centers) not only control finances and traffic consumption on your number, but also change tariff plans, enable or disable additional services and much more.

The automatic subscriber self-service system allows you to receive full access to information in your own way phone number and personal account and manage them online.

ACCA Intertelecom capabilities

The self-service system allows you to:

  • replenish your personal account balance
  • activate additional services
  • change tariff plan
  • get details of calls or Internet session traffic for a selected period
  • get data on tax invoices
  • block a phone number
  • manage a group of numbers (for example, family or organization numbers) by defining a group curator.

You can also get data from:

  • movement of funds on a personal account
  • subscriber and loyalty experience
  • accrued bonuses
  • prepaid services

To start using the self-service system, the subscriber must go through the procedure of registering his subscriber number.

For corporate subscribers, connection to the system is provided through the corporation's curator, who must fill out an application for registration of the rights of the curator in the department for working with corporate clients.

Registration with ACCA

Go to the registration page on the Intertelecom website -

Attention! To register, you need to access the Internet from your Intertelecom modem. If you register using another Internet (for example, home or at work, etc.), a registration error will occur.

You will see a simple registration form to fill out

  1. In the Subscriber number field, enter your phone number in the format 44ХХХХХХХ (as shown in the example). The phone number should be entered without a leading zero, for example 0441234567 - not correct format, and 441234567 is the correct format
  2. Create a password that you will enter when logging into your personal account and enter it in the “Password” and “Repeat password” fields. Password requirements: length from 6 to 14 characters, Latin characters only, password must contain not only letters or numbers, but also letters and numbers. Your phone number on the Intertelecom network cannot be used as a password.
  3. In field Email Enter your real email address. If you lose your password, you can easily recover it using email.
  4. You do not need to enter anything in the "RUNE" field. Leave the field blank. Click on the "Registration" button

You will be taken to a page stating that registration was successful. Then go to, enter your phone number in the format 44ХХХХХХХ in the “Subscriber number” field, and your password just specified during registration in the “Password” field and click the “Login” button. You will be taken to your personal account, where you can view information regarding your phone number, control your balance, change tariff plans, enable and disable services, and much more.

Using the Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System (ASSA), it is possible to:

  1. Change the tariff plan (the tariff plan changes on the 1st day of the month following the month of application, i.e. if you submitted an application to change the tariff plan on the 17th day of the current month, the tariff plan change will occur on the 1st day of the next month months)
  2. Monitor the current balance of your phone number in real time, as well as the balance of package minutes / megabytes, the number of services used, etc.
  3. Track the movement of funds and payment history using your phone number
  4. Activate / deactivate services provided by your tariff plan
  5. Order call details (for voice subscribers)
  6. Set up call forwarding, block a number, transfer money from your account to the accounts of other subscribers, etc.

Using the Automatic Subscriber Self-Service System (ASSA) it is not possible to:

  1. Suspend the contract, terminate the contract, stop using the number - this must be done directly at Intertelecom subscriber service centers in your city
  2. Temporarily suspend the use of services - you also need to contact the operator directly for this.
  3. Change your phone number

Intertelecom operator contacts

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to manage your phone number, you can do this by phone or personally visit the contact centers of the Intertelecom operator, which are located throughout Ukraine.

How to call?


Intertelecom customer support number. Free from landlines and mobile phones in Ukraine. Works around the clock. To quickly connect to an operator, after selecting a language, press the 0 button.

How to get there?

In order to find the nearest Intertelecom subscriber service center, follow the link and in the drop-down list, select the city closest to you where there is an Intertelecom subscriber service center. After selecting a city, the system will display the address of the service center in the specified city and its work schedule.

On the official page of the Intertelecom company you can check your account, change your tariff plan and manage various services.

Your Intertelecom personal account will be available to you after completing the registration procedure. For corporate subscribers, access to the system is provided through a company specialist. This service makes it possible to: top up your personal account balance, enable various services, change tariffs, receive a printout of calls or Internet session traffic for a specific period of time. In the provider’s personal account, you can obtain information on tax invoices, manage multiple numbers, and so on.

Login to your personal account Intertelecom

Intertelecom company provides its clients with the opportunity to control the consumption of money, traffic and manage services. In order to use the system, you must register your subscriber number. After this, you log into your Intertelecom personal account.

The system allows the client not only to control the funds and traffic consumption on his number, top up the balance, but also change tariff plans, enable or disable various services, etc. After logging into your personal account, you can obtain information on your phone number and personal account, as well as manage them online.

Personal account Intertelecom account verification

Intertelecom offers its customers a simple and easy way to manage their account. For this purpose, there is an automatic user self-service system.

The Intertelecom account verification personal account will be available to you only after registering on the operator’s website. After registration, you are given the opportunity to log into your personal account and find information regarding your personal account. In addition, your personal account provides information about company promotions and discounts, new tariff plans and much more. You can use the site's services free of charge.

Registration in your Intertelecom personal account

Registration in your Intertelecom personal account takes a minimum of time and involves several steps.

To register, find the “Registration” section on the company’s website, then look for “Subscriber number” and enter your phone number there. Then we write the password in a special field, and if everything was done correctly, the message “Registration was successful” appears. Your personal account gives you the opportunity to perform the following operations: change your 3G tariff plan, connect additional services, check your account, control consumed traffic and much more.

I can’t log into my Intertelecom personal account

Intertelecom is considered the leading mobile operator, which is constantly expanding the range of its services. In particular, the operator provides mobile communications in CDMA standard, mobile 3G and home Wi-Fi.

For convenient use of all the services noted above, a personal account has been created. The registration procedure in your personal account is very simple and takes a couple of minutes. However, you can find many queries online like: I can’t log into my Intertelecom personal account. What to do in such a situation? You need to recover your password; to do this, enter your phone number into a special recovery form. To marked email address an email arrives with a new password.

Possibilities of Intertelecom personal account

The Intertelecom mobile application is a quick and easy way to manage services and account from your mobile phone.

To enter your personal account, you must register, after which various services will be available to you. Many will be interested in the question, what are the capabilities of Intertelecom’s personal account? Let's name the main ones:

  • checking the balance of package minutes, SMS and network traffic;
  • prompt account replenishment using a bank credit card;
  • activation of tariff services and a number of other services;
  • tariff change;
  • obtaining the necessary information through the Information Support Center.

Mobile app

The Intertelecom personal account is available for use on mobile device. The download link is on the provider’s official website, and you can also find it yourself in Google Play. Currently the application only works for Android devices.

The capabilities of the application largely overlap with the full version of your personal account. However, some are missing here additional functions and services, for example, online cinemas or the option parental controls. However, the application provides full functionality to subscribers. There are sections here:

    Checking traffic balance, SMS, minutes and balance;

    Change of activated services and even tariff plan;

    Customer support;

    Pay your own bill using bank card or topping up another subscriber's account.

This is quite enough to fully manage services from Intertelecom in mobile form.

How can I view tariff information through my personal account?

To change the tariff plan in your personal account there is a section “Change tariff”, where you can leave a request to switch to another tariff. The application can be left only once every 30 days, sometimes the transition to new conditions will be paid. All applications are reviewed at the beginning of the month following submission. At the same time, the activation of new conditions occurs. The section “Change of tariff” contains information about the cost of the transition, as well as what conditions will be provided to the subscriber.

Above this section are no less popular categories for checking your account, detailing expenses and managing services. Access to the tariff and services section is opened only after the subscriber checks the box in the agreement for the use of Intertelecom services.

Top up your account through your Intertelecom personal account

Payment in your personal account is available using:

    Electronic wallet WebMoney;

    Intertelecom sketch cards for 30 and 100 UAH;

    Visa or Mastercard bank card.

Also in your personal account you have the opportunity to top up not your account, but the account of another subscriber. In this case, the minimum amount is 10 UAH, and the maximum is 1000 UAH per month.

Customer support through your Intertelecom personal account

Information on how to contact technical support, is available in a separate section of your personal account - “Help”. There is a hotline number provided, and there is also a form for feedback, where you can provide your contact information and ask a question. The client does not have to call the hotline himself, because full version site, as in mobile application There is a “Order a call” function.

How to delete your Intertelecom personal account?

There is no exact information on how to delete a personal account by a user. However, he can always contact hotline by number 0800750750. To delete an account, an employee will need to identify the client, so it will be necessary to dictate the data that was specified in the service agreement.

Security and privacy rules

Your personal account uses standard security schemes by encrypting sent data. However, as an additional means of protecting subscribers, it is possible to configure access to your Intertelecom personal account using a special code. Conventionally, in the system this code is called RUNA, which stands for one-time universal number subscriber

The use of this function is indicated in the settings of your personal account. Under the password change form there is a table with the names of other sections and operations. Opposite each entry there is a checkbox. If the user wants to protect himself from hacking and use of information from this section, he can check the box next to any item or all of them at once. In the future, entry to this section will be blocked until the command is received.

You can access the protected section after sending a USSD command or SMS from the number that was specified during registration. RUNA is a permanent code that the subscriber sets himself. It consists of 6 digits and is activated by the command *2772*ХХХХХХ, where ХХХХХХ is a RUNE. Activation is valid for 10 minutes; if during this time the subscriber does not enter the protected section, re-activation will be required. If the subscriber actively uses the protected section. RUNA will be deactivated only after leaving the Intertelecom section or personal account.

The user can provide access to his personal account to another user. To do this, in the same settings section below, you need to set the “Curator” number, and also select the access level for it. After saving the settings, another subscriber with his own number will be able to use your personal account to make changes or simply view information.

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