
Iphone 7 has a dull sound in the speaker. Poor audibility from the interlocutor on the IPhone. Third party programs

Official sales started in September iPhone smartphones 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Not a single launch of new Apple products is complete without close attention from the media, so any bug risks becoming a tragedy on a global scale. One has only to remember the problem with the deteriorating connection in the iPhone 4, the peeling paint in the iPhone 5, and the bending iPhone 6 Plus.

No serious defects have been found with the iPhone 7 yet. Most problems can be solved by rebooting the smartphone, others can be fixed with the release of the next update.

1. Hissing sounds during intense work

The day after the start of sales of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, the first customer complaints about the operation of the devices appeared on the Internet. We are talking about the A10 Fusion processor, which tends to make “mysterious sounds” when the smartphone is used intensively.

According to the owners of the "Seven", the new 4-core processor begins to hiss during high loads. The sound can be heard through the body even at a distance from the gadget. This happens during moments of intensive operation of the computing module, which is not typical for any other Apple processor or competing chip from Qualcomm and MediaTek.

On this moment simple way decide this problem does not exist. If you feel that the sound is excessively loud, replace the device under warranty.

2. Low battery life

There are a number of problems with iOS 10 that affected using iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. It happens that the smartphone simply stops responding to touches or cannot connect to the Bluetooth network, and Mobile Internet malfunctions. However, many have traditionally complained about the time battery life iPhone 7.

In 9 out of 10 cases, abnormal discharge of flagships is caused by the background operation of one or another application. In such cases, you need to go to settings, Battery section and look at the list of the most energy-intensive tasks. To improve the autonomy of smartphones, you need to return to main screen settings, then go to the General –> Content Update section and disable the specified option for the “faulty” application. The energy saving mode will also help extend the operating time away from the outlet: Settings -> Battery.

3. Poor sound quality during a call

Some iPhone 7 users reported poor sound quality during telephone conversations. The corresponding complaints appeared on the website technical support Apple. The first to report the problem was a user named Stefan Fischer. His message dates back to September 16, the day iPhone 7 sales started.

In the thread discussing the problem, users left many comments with similar complaints. Most of them are iPhone 7 Plus owners.

Apple has not officially commented on the problem, but there is an article on the company's website titled "Missing or distorted sound from iPhone speaker." In case of such defects, it suggests increasing the sound, rebooting the device, or removing dirt from the speaker using a brush with soft bristles.

4. iPhone 7 does not find the network after turning off Airplane mode

Some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus buyers are complaining about an issue with Airplane mode. After disabling the function, your cellular connection is lost.

Apple is already aware of the failure and has provided technical support with appropriate instructions. Anyone experiencing this issue is advised to restart their iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. If this does not help, then remove and reinsert the SIM card.

5. Problems with Lightning headphones

Some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus buyers have encountered incorrect operation of Lightning EarPods. According to users, from time to time the remote control on the Apple branded headset stops functioning and seems to freeze. This happens if you leave the EarPods connected to your iPhone 7 for a few minutes. The sound continues to work, but the buttons do not work. Users cannot switch songs or adjust audio volume, although the microphone works fine.

The problem with sound loss was resolved in the iOS 10.0.2 update. In order to restore the correct operation of the headphones, you need to update your iPhone 7 to a new version.

6. Problems with activation

In some cases, after the first turn on iPhone 7 The device cannot be activated. Activation failure usually occurs when there are problems accessing the Internet. Check your network connection. If the problem persists, try switching to a Wi-Fi network. If the problem persists, try restarting your smartphone several times, or activating it by connecting to iTunes.

7. Unstable Bluetooth operation

Owners of recently released gadgets also complain about unstable operation wireless connection Bluetooth. On Apple forums, customers write that they cannot connect the iPhone 7 to their car stereo.

Some users of the device report that the smartphone works, but voice calls through the on-board system are distorted. Some users complain that the iPhone 7 disconnects from on-board system car after 10 seconds, after which the gadget can no longer be connected to the system. Most complaints come from BMW car owners.

If you encounter a similar problem, all you can do is wait. According to company representatives, Apple is currently working on an update that should fix the problems.

More than six months have passed since the release of new products from Apple. At this point our partner is service center ModMac, has repaired more than two hundred devices and is ready to talk about the main iPhone problems 7 and iPhone 7 Plus and the cost of work to fix them.

During a conversation, the interlocutor hears your voice greatly distorted, a “trumpet” effect appears. This problem is usually solved in three ways:

– Reset settings (free);
– (4,990 rubles);
– Go to the official Apple service center and try to register this case as a warranty case (free of charge).

"Endless Questions"

When transferring backup copy various minor problems appear from the old iPhone, “endless questions” pop up that appear through certain time, even if you answer them. The solution will be to “hard reset” the iPhone or reset the settings, and you can do all this yourself and absolutely free.

New iPhone activation fails

Just imagine - you just bought the long-awaited iPhone 7, you are trying to start using it, but, alas, activating the phone takes several hours.

The solution was found after many such requests: try activating the device through different Internet providers (connecting to different Wi-Fi networks) - it has been proven that activation will take place on two out of five possible connections!

Problems with the Home button

Home button randomly triggers and goes into constant clamping mode (continuous operation of the Taptic Engine). You can contact the official Apple service center and try to fix this case as a warranty case (free of charge);

– The button gets very hot, and at some point the glass on it breaks. Unfortunately, Apple does not recognize this case as a warranty, so you will need to do the repair yourself.

Peeling iPhone 7 and 7 Plus case in Jet Black

A new color means new problems, and if everyone has more or less come to terms with scratches, then paint peeling off in chunks is something new! Several cases have already been recorded when the integrity of the paint layer was compromised to such an extent that a clean aluminium case.

After the Apple service center refuses to exchange it under warranty, all that remains for the user is to accept it or buy a new one for 12,990 rubles.

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus camera glass

Already in the second week of use, scratches appear on the camera, some are small and not scary, while others have the entire length of the eye, and this is not just a hindrance, but annoying. But the fact that the glass may break after the phone falls due to the “bulging” camera is a completely different problem. (glass) will cost the owner of an iPhone 7 6,990 rubles, and .

Small problems to deal with

Slow work iPhone cameras 7. Imagine - you are walking down the street and notice something unique - something that you will never see a second time, take your phone out of your pocket as quickly as possible, lightly swipe into the camera and... that's it - wait about 20 seconds until everything interesting events around will end.

– Problems with headphones with a Lightning connector. The sound is distorted until you pull the wires; interference, which makes listening to music simply impossible.

- The sound of the engine running. If you bring the back of the iPhone 7 to your ear, you will hear something wheezing inside. So, this is just a new processor.

Unfortunately, in these cases, going to the official Apple center is unlikely to bring positive results.

On the ModMac website you can familiarize yourself with all types of services and.!

Before you begin to describe the malfunctions and answer the question - Why is it hard to hear your iPhone interlocutor during a conversation and what to do in such a situation, you need to study the smartphone device and divide the breakdown into mechanical and software.

The iPhone has two speakers, the lower speaker, which is responsible for speakerphone, playback of music and call sounds, and the upper auditory speaker, which is responsible for hearing the voice of the interlocutor on the iPhone.

Symptoms and Causes of Mechanical Speaker Failure

During a call, you can’t hear the person on your iPhone who is on speakerphone, which means the problem is in the bottom speaker.

  • Faulty Mini-Jack 3.5 mm.

Often, this is due to a failure in the 3.5 mm plug. Perhaps the contacts are shorting in it. Sometimes it helps to connect and disconnect the plug several times, 10–20. So, you clean the connector from oxides and other debris deposited on the contacts.

But this is just a life hack that does not guarantee 100% results. If it didn’t help, then you need it. On newer iPhone models, the headphone and charging jacks come in one piece.

  • - “Mute” key and volume rocker.

If you recently became the owner of an iPhone and do not understand the device and buttons, then on the left side there is a key to switch to silent mode (Mute) which could be accidentally touched during a conversation.

It's worth checking to see if you've pressed the volume control or muted the sound. Try calling back and holding down the volume up key. If you can’t hear your iPhone interlocutor, it is possible that the problem lies at the other end of the “wire.”

  • - Faulty top speaker.

Often, people contact the PlanetiPhone service with a broken hearing speaker. It fails due to the ingress of water, dirt and dust. Water penetration causes a short circuit and leaves oxides on the contacts, interfering with the signal conduction from the speaker to the motherboard.

The mesh on the speaker, which performs a protective function, can become clogged with small particles of dust and dirt. It is extremely difficult to hear the person calling. In this situation, you will need to clean the iPhone from water and dust, and you will need to dry it and clean the contacts from oxidation.

  • - iPhone crash.

If an iPhone falls from a height, not only the speaker, but also the microphone of the iPhone fails.

During a call, it performs a noise reduction function. Due to the fall, the audio codec or cable fails, which is why the smartphone perceives all sound coming from the subscriber as noise and dampens it. He is checked by recording his voice.

If it plays with interference, noise and wheezing, you should come to our service for iPhone diagnostics. This may be the very answer why it’s hard to hear the person you’re talking to on your iPhone.

Software glitches and errors

Now we will analyze software malfunctions that we can fix ourselves without resorting to the help of a service.

  • - Bluetooth headsets.

It’s worth remembering if you connected speakers or headphones via Bluetooth? iOS may not properly disconnect the headset and think that it is still connected to the phone. Just go to settings and turn it off again.

  • - Third party programs.

On the iPhone it is difficult to hear the interlocutor due to the use of third-party software. Remember what you installed before the problem was discovered. Try removing them and rebooting. Hold down the Power and Home keys.

  • - iOS crash.

If the sound does not always disappear, but only intermittently, this may be a glitch in the iPhone operating system. Try updating the firmware.

What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone?

From the possible breakdowns and their symptoms described above, it is extremely difficult to correctly diagnose the location and cause of the breakdown. If you have little experience, it is better to start checking by checking the volume level in the settings and the silent mode key.

The best and simplest answer to the question why you can’t hear your iPhone interlocutor is to come to the PlanetiPhone SC at free diagnostics iPhone.

Stages of repair in PlanetiPhone.

  • - Come to your nearest service center and tell us in detail about the breakdown or call a technician to your home by leaving a request on the website. (Master's visit to Moscow - Free)
  • - First of all, before starting any action, a check is performed to identify all hidden problems and their causes. (This is done free of charge, even if you later decide to postpone the restoration until later.)
  • - Next, we announce all the faults found, the time it will take to fix them and the final price. (The price already includes the price of the part and the work of the master! No extra charges after repairs!)
  • - The agreed procedures and full testing of the smartphone are carried out.
  • - You pay for the services and you are given a fully restored iPhone, a warranty and a discount card.

*Get a discount now by simply filling out an application on the website.

Why should you contact PlanetiPhone?

Our service has advantages that clearly distinguish us from all competitors in Moscow. These include:

  • - Unlike other top workshops, we have an affordable cost of repairs in the capital.
  • - Free computer check of the gadget, even in case of refusal to repair it at the service center and a specialist visiting your home in the capital.
  • - Only original components, which are always in stock.
  • - Modern equipment and experienced craftsmen.
  • - Free delivery of equipment to the service center and back to your home in the capital.

We didn’t find an answer to the question - why can’t you hear the iPhone interlocutor? Come to PlanetiPhone and we will quickly find out the reason!

Quite often, owners of Apple smartphones come to me with a complaint that the iPhone speaker has become quieter, the interlocutor has become difficult to hear and they have to strain their ears significantly. In a noisy street, this becomes terribly annoying. Skeptics immediately begin to criticize Apple and the iPhone, complaining about the Chinese assembly and high cost. In fact, in most cases, the reasons why the iPhone has become quiet speaker and dull sound lie not in the device itself, but in its accessories. But first things first!

So, if for no reason your iPhone speaker starts to work quietly, start by simply rebooting it. After that, call one of your friends and during the conversation, use the buttons to adjust the speaker volume from minimum to maximum and back several times. This helps in cases where sound problems are associated with a simple malfunction of the device.

The second, quite common case is a crookedly pasted protective film or glass.

But here, as a rule, the problem arises immediately after you have glued the protective accessory to the device. Accordingly, you need to re-glue the film or glass correctly and everything will be fine.

It also happens that the iPhone became quieter due to the case, which became deformed over time and partially covered the speaker. Again, checking this is quite simple - just remove the case and make a call.

Cleaning the iPhone speaker

Now let's consider a more serious case, when the sound on the iPhone is muffled and the interlocutor is hard to hear at maximum volume due to contamination of the speaker. This could be various small debris from a pocket or bag, some sweet or viscous liquids that accidentally fell on the phone body, or ordinary dirt. To clean the iPhone speaker, you will need a stiff brush or toothbrush and alcohol.

First you need to moisten the pile with alcohol and squeeze it thoroughly so that it is damp, but not wet. Roughly speaking, our task is to prevent alcohol from getting inside the smartphone during the cleaning process. The best option is to run the lint over a piece of paper several times. After this, we try to clean the iPhone speaker grid with careful movements.

Note: A toothbrush can also be used to clean the main speaker of an iPhone. The only condition is to use it without alcohol. The fact is that its holes are much larger and alcohol can get inside the device.

Phone hardware problem

Unfortunately, iPhones also break, which means the speaker can also fail. How can this be checked? Simple enough. Here are two ways.

First, use headphones. In this case, there will be excellent audibility through them, but the iPhone speaker will still be deaf.

If it turns out that the iPhone has become quieter because the speaker is broken, then the only solution is to take it to a service center.

Despite the fact that a person who buys such an expensive gadget as the iPhone expects to receive a high-quality and reliable device, his expectations are not always met. The fact is that the speaker of Apple products quite often stops working, and this applies not only to old but also to new models. There are quite a few reasons that provoke such a malfunction, ranging from factory defects to physical damage. To put everything in its place and figure out why the speaker on the iPhone does not work, carefully read this article.

Naturally, each smartphone requires an individual approach to solving problems, since a person handles the gadget in his own way and uses his own operating conditions. Below is a list of the main causes of failures associated with loss of sound on the iPhone:

  • Water getting inside the housing.
  • The loudspeaker channels are clogged with dust or particles of various types of debris.
  • The device was accidentally switched to silent mode.
  • The device has been dropped or received a strong shock.
  • Manufacturing defects.
  • A strong drop in electricity while charging the phone from a 220 volt network.
  • Crash operating system iOS or installing a curved firmware (including jailbreak).

Software fault

Basically, applications under iOS devices are created very competently and with maximum minimization of system failures. But as they say: “once a year the stick shoots.” So, after installing some program from App Store, system parameters can be changed. Due to the privileges provided installed application, which can cause a defect in which the sound of the speaker is hard to hear or not heard at all.

To determine the culprit, analyze after what actions you started having problems with sound and remove suspicious programs. After cleaning the malware, go to the volume settings and check all the parameters, then you need to test the sound of the speaker. If the problem persists, follow the instructions below.

Speaker failure

You can find out about a broken speaker by connecting headphones to your phone. The check consists of testing the sound card itself, since if the loudspeaker shows no signs of life, but there is sound through the headphones, then in 95% of cases it is the one that is broken. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • Water has gotten inside the mini-speaker or its contacts.
  • The iPhone has been dropped or experienced strong shaking.
  • Through jailbreak, the volume and bass were increased, which led to the rupture of the membrane of the mini speaker, after which it became difficult to hear the interlocutor during a conversation.
  • You bought an initially defective smartphone.

This type of repair involves complete disassembly of the gadget, which requires special tools and skills. If you do not have them, it is better to entrust this work to professionals from the service center. Our employees will replace the necessary spare parts efficiently and in a short time, and you will again be able to enjoy the melody of your device.

Note! Under no circumstances should you disassemble the device yourself if it is still under warranty.

Failure of the speaker cable

Here, as in the previous case, you cannot do without opening the phone case. Accordingly, you need to take it to a specialist for repair. But if you are 100% confident in your abilities, then follow these instructions:

  • Using a TS1 penta-blade screwdriver, remove the two screws from the bottom of the case, at the edges of the mini USB connector.
  • Attach the suction cup to the bottom of the screen and pull it while prying the front part open with a plastic spatula (do this slowly so as not to break the latches).
  • After opening, protrude the display from the bottom without damaging its cable.
  • You will find the speaker module above the charging connection device.
  • Visually inspect the cable for breaks, as well as the reliability of fixing its edge in the clamp:
  • If the cable fits well, but there is physical damage, then only replacing the module will do.

iPhone motherboard problems

Mostly, such problems occur after a strong impact of the gadget on a hard surface or subsequently a sharp surge in electricity during charging. Because of motherboard is responsible for all processes of the iPhone; any defect in it can lead to a sound problem. At home, it is almost impossible to determine the malfunction of this damage. If you have tried all the simplest methods and they did not bring results, then most likely the problem is in the central board. There is only one way out - a service center, however, the cost of the service will hit your pocket well.

Reboot your device

A rather banal way to solve the problem, but still effective. It helps when everything was fine during the operation of the phone, but before the volume disappeared, you were using headphones, or using some new audio program, or installing an operating system update for the gadget.

First you should try a simple reboot, but if it doesn’t help, use “heavy artillery” - Hard Reset(press the Home and Power keys at the same time until the phone reboots).

Firmware update and iPhone restoration

In the process of surfing web pages and downloading various content, viruses may appear on the iPhone that cut off system files, which may cause audio problems. To fix this, you need to update iOS, if there is a fresh version, or reinstall the firmware.

In the first option, files saved on internal memory phone will remain, which cannot be said about the second one, in which it is necessary to do backup all content. To do this operation run on computer iTunes, connect your iPhone via a USB cable, update or download a new OS.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the lack of speaker volume; to identify a specific one, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of all the circumstances related to this. If neither reboot nor deletion helps suspicious programs, then it’s better not to experiment and take the device to specialists for service.


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