
History of Motorola. Motorola mobile devices - history of development and current state The history of motorola phones

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hello moto

This company is strongly associated with most mobile phones. But in fact, the spectrum is much richer and more colorful.

It all started in 1928, when businessman Paul Galvin founded the company with his brother Joseph Galvin. The story included the amount that he possessed at that time - $ 750, of which most of it immediately went to the purchase of the necessary, miscellaneous. By that time, Paul already had a wealth of business experience. According to him, he had already "fallen repeatedly and thanks to this, he learned to rise."

At first, the company was engaged in mains rectifiers, which were assembled by hand by a team of five employees. In 1930, the range of products was expanded - the Motorola car receiver appeared. In those years, the suffix "-ola" became very popular among manufacturers of electronics associated with sound (it has survived to this day - radio, radio). So the company simply combined this ending with the word "motor", hinting at the automotive component. Motorola became the first commercially successful model car radio. His first model was installed on a car Studebaker owned by the company.

Things went on, the range began to expand. Not only philistine models appeared, but also specially designed for use by the police (1936). Further more. Not only radio receivers began to appear, but also transmitters, as well as radio telephones. The Second World War brings additional income. Constant development and research is underway. In 1943, the first Walkie-talkie (Walki-talkie) appears - a pocket walkie-talkie with a short range. These devices became the basis for a whole class of devices named after them.

The popularity of all this technology has led to the fact that since 1947 the company Galvin Manufacturing Corp. changed its name to . The logo familiar to us, in the form of the letter "M" formed by two peaks, appeared later - in 1955. With this logo, the company symbolized its desire to rise to leadership. This logo, also known as emsignia(or even at all "batwing""bat wings"), existed all this time practically unchanged - only in 1967 it was enclosed in a circle. Word emsignia arose as an M-modified word "insignia""symbol, emblem".

Equipment is becoming almost standard. In 1956, the first pager appears. The first ever rectangular kinescope for a TV is also a development (1963). The Apollo spacecraft carried the equipment of this company, so it is credited with the first radio transmission from the Moon to Earth (1969).

But the most important event in the history of the company took place in 1973 - the world's first working cell phone model appeared. Motorola DynaTAC(DYNamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage). These devices were given to carry out a real revolution. 10 years have passed before commercial implementation - the first DynaTAC went on sale in 1984. Despite high cost the number of cellular users in a few years was in the millions.

To very, very many developments, you can attach the prefix "first in the world." The company stands at the origins of the development of the now popular GPS and GPRS standards. In 1991 she founded Iridium Inc.- a satellite communications company covering almost the entire surface of the Earth.

She also took part in the development of various microprocessors. So, the first computers Apple were built using these processors. They were also used in the first handhelds. Palm. In 2004, the division Semiconductor Products Sector (SPS) turns into an independent company Freescale Semiconductor Inc. .

Motorola MOTORAZR V9

But, as already mentioned above, it was mobile phones that brought the greatest fame to Motorola. Especially her famous folding beds - StarTAC(1996) and later MOTORAZR V3(2004). True, in recent years, things have been on the market mobile phones did not work out; the company slipped from second place to fourth, losing Samsung Mobile and LG Electronics. The blame is on Ed Zander, the former CEO whose misguided policies almost led to his downfall. But the beginning of 2010 brought hope for the revival of the company. In the face of smartphones running an operating system Google Android. However, in the same year, she lost the palm in the United States to the company Apple, and also, for the first time in history, flew out of the top five mobile phone manufacturers. In its place came the Canadian R.I.M..

By the beginning of 2011, it was divided into two enterprises:
Motorola Solutions- solutions in the field of communications for government and commercial structures;
Motorola Mobility- smartphones, telephones, tablet computers. In May 2012, it was acquired Google. And starting in January 2014, it went to a Chinese electronics manufacturer Lenovo .

At the beginning of 2016, it was decided to abandon the use of the name on mobile phones.

Interesting Facts:

Motorola "invented" the mobile phone in competition with Bell Laboratories. More than 10 years and more than 100 million dollars were spent (at the then exchange rate!). And Motorola was the first, not by much, but still ahead of its competitor. On April 3, 1973, one of the leading developers of the telephone, Martin Cooper, made the first call in history. Naturally, he called the office Bell Laboratories. Make fun.

The same Martin Cooper later recalled how hard it was for him during the tests DynaTAC. After all, I had to walk a lot in order to check the signal level and the overall performance of the device in different conditions. What to do with a kilogram brick-phone in hand was not easy for an elderly person.

Traditionally, on all official photos of phones, the time is set to 11:35 AM (now this rule is not always followed). Entire legends have already lined up around this time. A more or less plausible explanation claims that it was at this time that Martin Cooper made his famous call. Another legend is built on a reason of a completely different kind: at this time, on August 8, 1969, the musicians The Beatles crossed the famous Abbey Road to record the album of the same name. This moment is captured on the cover of the album, which was the last (“Let It Be” was mixed after the breakup The Beatles). And if so, then apparently the work of the legendary group was highly valued.

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Motorola is a corporation engaged in the development and implementation of new electronic systems and business solutions. Is one of world leaders areas of introduction of new technologies in the sector of consumer solutions (mobile devices). The headquarters is located in Schauburg, state Illinois.

Was created in 1928. Before 1947 year was named Galvin Manufacturing in honor of the Galvin brothers who created it. But with the release of the automobile portable radio entitled Motorola, which had huge popularity, became known as Motorola.

General Manager company is - Sanjay Jha(Sanjay Jah).

From the merit of the company can be distinguished - invention pager in 1956 year. The devices are still being used in hospitals and other places where you need to urgently announce that someone's presence is needed.

Also, the company was a pioneer in the development of the mobile phone market, the first commercial mobile phone Motorola DynaTAC 8000X (price $3995 ). But more importantly, it was an employee of the company who made the first cell phone call in the world. Motorola, 11:35 AM - April 3 - 1973 year, opening the era of mass mobile technology and phones. Therefore, on almost all demo slides of new products, the clock says 11:35.

The company has three divisions:

  • Mobile solutions for home and mobile networks (Home & Networks Mobility ) (sold in 2010 to the companyNokia Siemens for $1.2 billion)
  • Moby l devices (Mobile Devices, Motorola Mobility )

Motorola Mobility is engaged in the production of mobile devices, from sports watches with a pedometer to.

  • Mobile Solutions for Enterprises (Enterprise Mobility Solutions )

Motorola Solutions deals with security systems, industrial equipment, video surveillance systems and motion sensors. The company is also a consultant on quality assurance of communication and improvement of the productivity of enterprises and communications. The company's customers are large enterprises and mass-market products Motorola Solutions not released with rare exceptions.

Company financial position 2007-2012 and merger with Google Corporation.

FROM 2007 before 2009 years, the company's business went very bad. It was connected with failures in sales of division of mobile devices. Things began to improve only in 2010, not without loss in the assets of the company that sold the business of biometric devices (French Safran) and telecommunications division for mobile systems and operators (companies – Siemens).

But even without the sale of divisions, the company would have remained in the black in terms of revenue.

On the this moment, the company produces Cell phones, modems for cable television, equipment, radio stations, as well as some types microchips.

In the third quarter, it was announced that the mobile division ( Motorola Mobility ) will be sold corporations Google, for a little less $10 billion For Google, the main reason for the purchase was to receive huge package of patents available to Motorola and the presence of a device manufacturer for their operating systems Android. Yes, and competitors in the form and Apple started filing lawsuits in the patent field to crush Android. Companies Motorola and Google, before that there were pretty close, because "Moto" one of the first to support Android release of their communicators (due to experience in the production linux compatible devices it was pretty easy). Representatives Google stated that won't get too involved to the management of the company being bought, and this was one of the terms of the deal.

Antitrust Services USA and European Union the deal was approved without any problems, however Chinese antitrust authorities were against. Will the deal go through without problems or will it be known by the end 2012 of the year.

For many, this company is associated as a manufacturer of mobile phones, but the range of products is much more diverse.

In 1928, entrepreneur Paul Galvin, together with his brother Joseph Galvin, formed the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation. The starting budget was $750, the main part of which went to the purchase of working material and the wages of five workers (for the first week of work, it was $63 for all).

Galvin Manufacturing Corporation produced rectifiers that allowed radios to run on batteries or electric current carried out in ordinary residential buildings. In 1930, the first radio receiver for Motorola cars rolled off the assembly line. In the future, the suffix "-ola" began to be popular among manufacturers of audio electronics, which has survived to this day (radiola, radio tape recorder). Consequently, the company combined "-ola" with the word "motor", alluding to an automotive theme.

Things went well, the range gradually expanded. The export of radiograms for the police (1936), which worked on only one frequency, was adjusted. Research and development was constantly carried out. By 1943, Motorola releases the Walkie-talkie (Walki-talkie) - a pocket radio station with a short range and two-way communication. This device served as the basis for a whole class of electronic devices named after them.

In 1947, Galvin Manufacturing Corporation rebranded and changed its name to Motorola inc. The familiar logo, in the form of the letter “M”, consisting of two peaks, appeared in 1955.

Motorola's developments occupy a huge part of the market with their developments. In 1947, the company's first television set, called the Golden View, was born. As with radio equipment, televisions are sold at a relatively low price compared to competitors ($179.95 versus $300 for competing firms). It is thanks to the low pricing policy Motorola TVs have become a popular commodity. This gave the company a large market share and sales stimulation.

In the early 50s, Motorola began to produce transistors and conductors, which it used in its own products. It is this step that will become one of the main components of the future success of the company. Already in 1955, the company announces its first germanium transistor radio, as well as the world's first pager. The Apollo spacecraft were equipped with Motorola equipment that transmitted data from the Moon to Earth (1969)

One of the most important events in the history of the development of Motorola Corporation can be called the first mobile phone DynaTAС, which carried out a real revolution. The first such phone could be purchased in 1984, and, despite the impressive cost of the phone, in a couple of years there were already several million users of the device.

The rapid development of mobile electronics was largely determined by innovations from Motorola.
So, in 1989, the first phone with a flip cover appeared - Motorola MicroTAC.
In 1996, a clamshell phone appeared - Motorola StarTAC.
In 1998 - the appearance of the mobile satellite phone Motorola Iridium 9500.
In 2000, Motorola introduced a mobile phone equipped with an FM receiver - Motorola V2288, as well as the first phone with Internet access (GPRS) - Motorola Timeport 260.
The following year, a phone was released in a new rotator form factor - the Motorola V70.
The resounding success of the company in 2004 was the flagship Motorola RAZR V3, a thin "clamshell" with metal inserts, which was very similar to a razor (Razor), hence the name RAZR.
True, all the achievements of the company did not help the company to stay in first place throughout its existence, Motorola fell in the ratings from 2nd place to 4th, leaving Samsung and LG ahead. Experts blame this on Ed Zander, the head of the company's CEO department, who was responsible for promoting the brand on the market. However, the beginning of 2010 gave hope for a revival - Motorola released a popular series of smartphones on operating system Android.
By early 2011, Motorola restructured into two businesses:
Motorola Solutions - production of radio electronics for commercial structures and government departments;
Motorola Mobility - tablet computers, phones and smartphones. Since mid-2011, it has been owned by Google (the deal amount is $12.5 billion).

Interesting Facts:

Motorola Corporation spent about 10 years and more than $ 100 million on the development of the first cell phone (this is for that time!). At that time, their competitors were AT&T Bell Laboratories. Motorola managed to be the first, on April 3, 1973, the main developer - Martin Cooper (Martin Cooper) made the first phone call on mobile communications at the Bell Laboratories office.

The same Martin Cooper later recalled his DynaTAC tests. He needed to move a lot with a heavy phone handset (its weight was more than one kilogram), which was not so easy for a not so young developer.

Motorola is a symbol of the advanced achievements of radio electronics of the twentieth century. Most of her successful projects were based on the timely introduction into mass production of the most advanced inventions in the field of radio engineering, electronics, telecommunications and computer technology. The list of the company's most famous products includes a whole series of military developments in the field of communications. The company's products are widely used in the space industry. At present, the name of the company in wide circles is associated with the name of the cell phone brand, which was popular about 10 years ago. Being at the origins of the creation of modern methods of communication and communication, as well as having a significant baggage of patented technologies, the company, however, lost its independence and was absorbed by other companies in parts.

Company `s logo

The history of the creation and development of Motorola

Motorola was founded in 1928 in Chicago. The original name of the company was Galvin Manufacturing Corporation.

It was founded by two brothers named Galvin, Paul and Joseph, on the basis of the company they bought out for the production of rectifiers. These devices became the first products. The office, trading floor and production facilities were located in the same building. The circumstances of the start of the Motorola business have become legendary:

  • $750 Purchase of bankrupt Stewart Battery
  • equipment for the production of rectifiers;
  • assembly technology;
  • $565 in reserve.

In two years new company developed and launched the Motorola radio for cars, which brought the first commercial success. In 1947, the name of this product will become the name of the company (Motorola Inc.), and its trademark. In the first year alone, about 3,000 copies were sold for nearly $300,000. But the real commercial success of the company brought the Second World War.

A military order for the production of portable radio stations for the US Army brought hundreds of millions of dollars, so that by the end of the 40s, Motorola became one of the leading companies in American industry. The year 1947 was marked not only by a name change, but also by the release of Motorola, the cheapest TV in the United States. In 1948, Motorola receivers became standard on Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors vehicles. The course towards the development and implementation of new technologies provided Motorola with a long and happy life until the end of the century. The company had sufficient resources to spend huge sums on new developments. In the early 50s, a whole research and development complex was launched, the patented developments of which are still the most valuable capital of the company.

Motorola's first car radio

Devices that changed the world

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the history of the company has been a series of breakthroughs in the field of radio-electronic technologies. In 1955, the production of cheap germanium-based transistors began. This served as an impetus for the development of fundamentally new systems of radio equipment and opened the way to contracts related to the space program. Radio signal transmitters produced by Motorola have long served as the basis for space communications in the United States, were used in the lunar program, on military and research satellites. The world's first transistor receiver (1956) is a product of Motorola, as well as a pager (the design is the same receiver). But the production and sale of televisions became the main engine of Motorola's commercial success in the 60s. At the beginning of the 70s, the company relies on radiotelephony and computers. Active participation in space programs continues. Motorola was a pioneer in many areas:

All these developments were widely used in industry and became the basis for the further commercial success of the company. In the early 80s, Motorola became one of the leading suppliers of electronics for the automotive industry.

At the dawn of the cellular era

The production of the first commercial cell phone was the culmination of several decades of research and development and multi-million dollar investment. This phone went on sale in 1983 and was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. Weighing a little less than 1 kg, this product worked for only 60 minutes. in talk mode and charged 10 hours. He already had a keyboard, which became the prototype for all subsequent generations of cell phones, as well as a memory for 30 numbers. The device cost $4,000 and was very popular with buyers in the United States. But the Motorola MicroTAC phone, which went on sale in 1989, already outwardly differed from the forms of modern devices only by a protruding antenna. It could be carried in a pocket. In terms of content, this device was very similar to its predecessor. It had an LED display and the same price category- 3.5 thousand dollars. This device with a hinged cover can be considered the prototype of all mobile phones of the 21st century. The bulk of the population in Russia saw for the first time this miracle of technology, when one of the characters in the movie "Pulp Fiction" picked it up.

One step ahead

Golden times and worldwide fame for Motorola, as a manufacturer of cell phones, came in the 90s of the twentieth century. Since 1996, Motorola's StarTAC flip phones have begun their triumphant march around the world. The first models were tightly tied to a specific operator in the United States.

SIM cards in the earliest phones of this series were similar in size to a payphone card. The latest variations of this device supported the GSM standard. One of the most memorable technical innovations, applied for the first time, is the vibrating bell. Over the next 6 years of the grandiose commercial success of Motorola's flip phones, many modifications were released that were very different from the technical side, so "StarTAC" should be considered the name of the concept, and not specific model. All developments in the field of "telephone construction" from Motorola, made at the turn of the century, were distinguished by some technical novelty, which competitors immediately copied. Motorola V3788 (1999) - a budget device, accessible to all segments of the population, had a special adapter where you could insert ordinary AAA batteries. Motorola V2288 (2000) - these are multi-colored cases, FM radio and a notebook.

The Motorola Timeport 7389i (2000) could be used as a PC modem as it supported GPRS data transfer.

The Motorola V60 (2001) is a phone similar to the StarTAC but with a player and a second display on the outside of the lid. Models V70 and V80 (2002-2004) - "rotators" - are very indicative in terms of the history of the company's crisis. In terms of content, these devices did not differ from competitors, but in shape they resembled a butterfly knife.

The company increasingly relied on external design, and competitors have made great strides in introducing technical innovations. The era of powerful smartphones has begun.

fatal failure

The Iridium project, in which Motorola has invested hundreds of millions, is cellular from anywhere in the world with the help of one operator via satellites. This idea was way ahead of its time. Cheap roaming left no chance for the success of this project. The Iridium global communications system, like many of the company's other cutting-edge ventures that were heavily invested in at the turn of the century, failed to turn a profit.

RAZR V3 (2004) - the last success, or the decline of the empire

The phones of this series were the last successful project of Motorola. But again, their shape made them popular - they were very thin. In terms of content, they were losing to competitors from the very beginning. A bet on design could not ensure success for a long time, since Samsung immediately began to churn out ultra-thin phones that surpassed Motorola not only in terms of functionality, but were also more diverse in form. Gradually, the RAZR V3 evolved from an image phone costing $800 to a mainstream model costing less than $200.

The "wow factor" of exquisite subtlety was profitable for a while, but in the cell phone market, other factors became paramount to success. The outdated triplet platform of these devices did not allow turning the RAZR V3 into powerful smartphone, filled with entertainment and communication innovations to the maximum.

Attempts to create smartphones on Windows platform Mobile (L, U, and K series) and Linux (phones with touch screen Z and A series), led to the creation of very expensive devices that were functionally inferior to competitors and were not successful in mass sales. As a result, in 2007, the reduction in the market share of cell phones was from 23% to 13%, a net loss of almost $50 million.

Separation and sale of the company in parts

Attempts to release highly profitable smartphone models on a modern platform led to the emergence of a number of solid and high-quality models, which still could not regain the company's lost market positions. The Z8 and Z10 series sliders on the Symbian UIQ platform deserve mention as an example of a company's failed capital investment.
Motorola has acquired a 50% stake in the developer of this platform, UIQ. Motorola Droid smartphones (Android OS) in all modifications failed to attract buyers, because they simply joined the long line of all kinds of android devices that filled the shelves of stores where other brands were in the lead. As a result, Motorola suffered losses, and the share price fell to a critical level. In the history of the company, there have already been divisions and sales of entire lines of production. Back in the early 70s of the last century, Motorola sold the production of televisions to a Japanese company. In 2004, the production of semiconductors and automotive electronics was spun off and sold.

The next division took place in 2011. The status of an independent company was acquired by the production of telecommunications equipment (Motorola Solutions). The unprofitable production of mobile phones was transformed into Motorola Mobility, which was bought by Google in August 2011 for $12.5 billion, $40 per share. The high price was due to the value of the patent portfolio, which forms the basis of Motorola's intellectual property. The production part of the company was immediately laid off. Google partners, who used the Android OS in the production of their products, feared that Google would abandon the partnership and become a monopoly. As a result, the production potential of Motorola Mobility suffered an irretrievable loss.

Was dedicated to Nokia. Today we offer you material on Motorola. This company stood at the origins of the birth of mobile phones, and is still one of the top three manufacturers in the world. The solutions presented by Motorola at different times have largely determined the current state of the global mobile phone market. The more interesting to follow the development of the company.

history of the company

The history of the American company Motorola is inseparable from the history of mobile phones. However, even before their inception, the company was considered a world leader in a number of areas. The birth of the company, as well as the first 30 years of its existence, is associated with the name of the founder of Motorola, Paul Galvin. Thanks to this charismatic personality, the company has become a leader in the field of radio communications. He also laid the foundation for Motorola's future success as a manufacturer and supplier of semiconductors. Which eventually led the company to the telecommunications market, where Motorola is now one of the leading players. On September 25, 1928, the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation was founded in Chicago, Illinois. It was founded by Paul Galvin and his younger brother Joseph. Before that, Paul had already had two unsuccessful business experiences - in the field of manufacturing batteries for a portable radio. Yes, and this time the beginning was not impressive. The company's assets included $565 (Joseph E. Galvin's share), mains power supply manufacturing equipment (purchased by Paul for the last $750), and mains rectifier design. At first, it was the rectifiers, which made it possible to power a portable radio from the mains, that were the main products of the company. Then Paul Galvin, with his usual vigor, switched to a new market - radios. In 1930, the company introduced the first inexpensive ($110) and practical (no need to turn off the engine) car radio. For publicity purposes, Paul Galvin even placed it in his car. The car radio was a hit on the bull's-eye. By the end of the year, sales reached $287,256. For car radios, Paul Galvin came up with his own trademark - Motorola (from the English. Motion - movement and Victrola - the name of the radio receiver then known). Following the car company began to produce portable radios. As an assortment solution, in 1936, special car radios for police officers appeared. They were tuned to only one frequency. Cooperation with the state did not end there. Possessed of amazing intuition, Paul Galvin foresaw the Second World War. Therefore, the company set about creating a portable army radio station that provided duplex communication. In 1940, the Handie-talkie radio appeared. And the company's revenue due to military orders increased significantly (up to $9,936,558). In 1943, an improved walkie-talkie was released. It was even more compact and perfect. And also gave a name to a whole class of devices, like copiers in Russia (by the name of Xerox products). Today, "walkie-talkie" is commonly referred to as all pocket radios. With the end of the war, Paul Galvin (and therefore the company in general) began to look for new markets. And already in 1947, the company's first television set, Golden View, was developed. As in the case of radio, the price dumping policy ($179.95 versus $300 for competitors) affected the success of TVs. Paul Galvin was not afraid to produce products with a minimum margin. It is thanks to the cheapness that televisions have become a mass product. This provided the company with market share and boosted sales. Also in 1947, the original name of Galvin Manufacturing Corporation changed to the current Motorola Inc. In the early 50s, the company began to develop the production of semiconductors. It will be one of the components of Motorola's future success. Already in 1956, the company introduced a transistor radio. And also - the world's first pager. In subsequent years, Motorola developed in several directions at once. Radio receivers were improved, the production of automobile synchronous generators began. With the direct participation of the company appeared CRT for color TVs. The first transistorized color televisions were produced. Motorola products have been widely used in NASA space programs. Including lunar expeditions. In 1974, Motorola released its first microprocessor, the 6800. Later, the company became one of the prominent players in the processor market. But still, the most important event in the history of the company was the emergence and further development of cell phones and mobile communications in general. The first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973 by Motorola engineer Martin Cooper. Although it all started much earlier. You can get acquainted with the history of the emergence of mobile communications in the relevant material. Here it is worth dwelling on the contribution of Motorola. Prior to the appearance of the brainchild of Motorola, only car radio telephones (AT & T company) were offered to customers. The devices weighed more than 10 kg and were installed in the trunk of a car. Therefore, the first cellular telephone, Motorola DynaTAC (Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage), weighing just over 1 kg, was a revolution. It was one of the company's most expensive projects. It cost $100 million and 10 years of research. Development was carried out in parallel with competitors from AT&T Bell Laboratories. No wonder Martin Cooper made the first call to Joel Engel of AT&T.

Over the next 10 years, Motorola perfected mobile devices. As a result, the first commercial cell phone DynaTAC 8000X released in 1983 turned out to be twice as light and much more compact. The further development of mobile phones was largely determined by the innovations of Motorola. So, in 1989, the first phone with a flip (hinged cover) was released - Motorola MicroTAC. In 1996, the world's first clamshell phone appeared - Motorola StarTAC. In 1998, the first mobile satellite phone, Motorola Iridium 9500. In 2000, the company introduced the first phone with a built-in FM tuner, the Motorola V2288, and the first phone with GPRS support, the Motorola Timeport 260. The following year, the first phone was released in the rotator form factor. - Motorola V70. Well, the resounding success of the Motorola RAZR V3 released in 2004 has never been repeated by anyone. There were changes within the company as well. In 1998, the company's communications business was reorganized. As a result, mobile phones are now the company's main source of income. The staff of the company was reduced (this year, by the way, the reduction process was resumed), some divisions were separated into separate companies. For example, the release of processors for mobile devices is now handled by Freescale. However, today Motorola produces a wide range of products beyond mobile phones. These are radio communications (for example, professional radio stations of the GP series - GP140/320/340/380-640/680/1280), wireless broadband solutions (Motorola Canopy Advantage data platform), including those based on WiMAX (representatives of the product family MOTOwi4 - CPEo 200/400, CPEi 200/300/400/600 series), telecommunications equipment, etc. Unfortunately, in the mobile device sector in recent times Motorola is not in the most rosy situation. Following the release of the Motorola RAZR V3, the company seemed to drop out of the technological process for a couple of years. Representatives of the new RAZR, SLVR, PEBL, RIZR, KRZR lines were interesting, but secondary to the RAZR V3 and, in general, to the "triplet" platform, which appeared back in 2003. In addition, novelties were constantly delayed, renamed, repositioned or canceled altogether. This allowed other companies to play ahead of the curve. The situation last year is indicative, when Samsung became the leader among thin solutions. The implementation of technological innovations (support for EDGE, 3G, hardware video accelerators NVidia GoForce, etc.) was delayed or occurred in single models. And, thus, did not affect the overall concept of the devices. As a result, with rare exceptions, Motorola's products have come to be seen as fashion dummies. As a rule, Nokia devices, Sony Ericsson functionally superior to them. The situation began to change only this year. Interesting solutions appeared or were finalized, reorganization began inside the company, in addition, high-profile acquisitions were made by the company. But more on that in the final part of the article. And now it is worth moving on to the consideration of the company's iconic products.

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