
How to determine a person's location via phone. How to track a person's location by phone number and more. How to determine a person's location by phone number

Towers mobile operators capable of not only providing communication, but also calculating the approximate location of the phone owner. This function provides the ability to track location by phone number online if the subscriber has given consent to this. This option may be useful for parents or heads of transport companies.

Geolocation by phone number

Many subscribers mobile operators They actively use the GPS function on their phone. A special system of satellites sends a signal to a beacon that is built into the smartphone. The position of the phone is determined by the sensor reception speed from the three nearest communication towers. This is the only way to determine a person's location by phone number. However, this method does not work as shown in spy films: the average user does not have the opportunity to track down and check any person.

Location by phone number without the subscriber's consent

Those who are looking for how to track a phone by number via the Internet should understand that the location of the device can only be determined with the consent of the subscriber. In all other cases, this will be a violation of human rights, which may entail punishment. The only way to spy on a person via phone is to get permission from him. Next, you need to install special software on your device and the person you want to track, which will transmit location data.

Phone tracking software

If you want to track a number via the Internet for free, then you will need special program to track your phone. You can download the utility from the Internet for any version of Android, there are options for iPhones. Popular free tracking programs include the following:

  1. Where's my droid. Free app, which is designed to work only with Android phones. You can determine movement from the tablet too.
  2. Live GPS Tracker. Real-time tracking helps track the location of the subscriber.
  3. SpyBubble. This is a paid program, but it has a distinctive feature - it has a hidden (spy) mode, which will make it difficult to detect on the device.

All these applications can be downloaded from the official Google service - Google Play. Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to use them secretly: even a child will see third-party software on his device. For this reason, the person must be informed and consent must be obtained. You should explain to your child why you need control over his movement via the Internet, that this will give you a sense of calm and security. Programs that determine the subscriber’s coordinates have several significant disadvantages:

  • where there is no connection, applications will not work;
  • in a city with dense buildings there may be a significant error due to signal reflection;
  • If you turn off GPS, the programs will stop working and determine your geoposition.

How to determine the location of a phone via the Internet

Hollywood has created the misconception among many that you can track any person through the Internet simply by knowing his phone number. Such services do not exist, these actions will grossly violate the human right to preserve personal data. The options for how to determine are much more complicated. Before determining the position of the smartphone on the map, you need to install a tracking program in advance. The device must be in the coverage area, the GPS tracker and the Internet must be working.

All these conditions can only be met with the consent of the subscriber. Anyone can find out that they are trying to track him. A complete stranger will definitely not be able to see your coordinates. True covert tracking can only be performed by law enforcement agencies through a request to the telecom operator. All large companies (Megafon, Beeline, MTS) can find out where the SIM card that was purchased from them is located using network towers. In other cases, there is no way to see a person’s coordinates without a tracking program.

Geolocation by number from mobile operators

Communication companies offer their subscribers another option on how to find out a person’s location. Each of them has a special service that helps you find out where you are in this moment user, view the route for the day. This search function is not free, and also requires informed consent from the second subscriber. You can use the following basic services:

  1. . The service has several options and helps track one or more people who have confirmed the request for coordinates. The advantage of this package is the ability to search for subscribers of other operators (MTS, Beeline).
  2. . Tracking will be possible after the user consents. You will need to pay 100 rubles per month, and you will receive 100 requests to check coordinates. You can receive location data via SMS or view it through an application on your smartphone or computer.
  3. . For use, a fee is charged once a day (1.7 rubles) throughout the country, you need to obtain a one-time tracking confirmation. You can control where 5 users are at the same time.
  4. Tele2 "Geosearch". The coverage density of this operator is lower than the others, so the accuracy of the determination will also have a larger error. You can track the card after the user’s consent; the cost is 2 rubles/day.

There are several online ways to find a person's location by number mobile phone. Some of these methods were used in the TelPoisk online service, developed by the Internet Search company. This provides us with a sufficient amount of information to search for both a smartphone and a regular push-button mobile phone.

Method number 1. The approximate location of a mobile phone can be determined by sending an HLR request to it via the SMS center. Such a request will allow you to obtain information about the location of the switch (not the phone) within the coverage area of ​​which the phone is being used, as well as information about its status (the device is on or off at the time of verification).

How it works? The home location registry (HLR) database contains information about all subscribers assigned to it. Having found a subscriber in one of the HLRs, cellular network we redirect the call to the associated Switching Center (Mobile switching center or MSC), which in turn requests information from the Guest Location Register (VLR), which contains data about the last base station to which the mobile phone connected. After which the controller base stations(Base station controller or BSC) communicates with base stations within the transmitted LAC, and the call is routed to the desired cell (Cell-ID or CID).

Flaw this method: The HLR request will give us a very approximate location of the phone and its owner - just the name of the city or region. And even after receiving such data, you cannot be 100% sure that the device is located exactly in the identified zone. This is due to the peculiarities of how each operator constructs its own telephone networks. Thus, the switchboard of the Tele2 operator, the only one in all of Russia, is located in Rostov. Therefore, no matter what city the phone being checked is located in, the SMS center will “find” it in Rostov. A completely different situation is found in most European countries, where switches are installed in all regional centers and large cities. Such a strict network helps to obtain accurate information about cities, which, in turn, makes it possible to organize control over the movement of any mobile phone between them.Get information about the activity of phone numbers and the region of its registration.

Method number 2. Location smart phone- a smartphone, like a computer, can be identified by identifying and analyzing its IP address. A sniffer will help you identify the device’s IP address, and services for checking domains and IP addresses will help you check the received data. We create a sniffer, send it to the device we want to track and receive its IP address in response. Checking the IP address allows you to determine the city in which the gadget you are checking is located.

The disadvantage of this method: at the moment, none of the above services has an absolutely reliable and maximally complete database of the location of IP addresses. This means that in this case there is a possibility of not obtaining accurate information.Set the location of the phone by its IP address.

Method No. 3. The phone's location can also be determined using HTML5 Geolocation technologies. Such modern technologies used for geo-identification of visitors to Internet resources and users of mobile applications. How it works? Let's say you downloaded Pokemon Go to your smartphone. For the needs of the game, the program will definitely ask you for consent to establish your exact location. And if consent is received, then every 5 seconds the application will request and transmit data about the location of your mobile device to its server.

HTML5 Geolocation will then attempt to determine the device's location using one of the following methods. The first method calculates your position based on your relative proximity to a single cell tower (LBS). The second method involves obtaining exact coordinates using the included GPS receiver, available on all modern phones. The third method sets the location of the device connected to the public wi-fi networks, based on publicly available location map wi-fi routers. Finally, the fourth method identifies the location by IP address, no different from method No. 2 described above.Set the exact location of your mobile phone via the Internet.

Method number 4. Most reliable way Mobile phone location searches are concentrated in the hands of telecommunications companies, whose data is used by law enforcement agencies. We are talking about establishing the exact location of a mobile phone through triangulation calculations, i.e. Now the zone in which the subscriber is located is no longer limited by the range of the base station, but by the simplex between several base stations (often this is a triangle, the vertices of which are specified by the coordinates of the base stations). At the same time, the accuracy of detecting a mobile phone in the city reaches up to 50 meters. Triangulation calculations and location determination by base stations can be done manually using a database of cell tower locations.Over the past two years, many services have proliferated on the Internet that allegedly establish the location of a mobile phone around the world. In reality, they are actually scammers. They sell their victims not current cell phone location data, but an embellished extract from the numbering plan of mobile and city telecom operators. Access to this registry in Russia is free for everyone.Get information about the region of registration of a telephone number.

Hello everybody! In this article, I decided to describe how to track a person’s location by phone number. In everyday life, various situations occur when it is necessary to determine the location of a person.

For example, many people take care of their relatives, the elderly or children. In addition, as far as business is concerned, tracking is also just in place: managers need to monitor the work of their employees.

Until recently, only special services (FSB, police) could track people, but now such a specific service is available to ordinary people. Usually, to successfully search for a person's location, his consent is required, but there are also options when this can be done without his knowledge. There are various options for determining a person's location by phone. I will consider them below.

How to track a person's location by phone number?

There are quite a few methods by which you can track the location of people. Almost all current telephone devices and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and communications. If GPS is directly related to the function that helps to accurately determine the location, then Wi-Fi and GSM/3G/LTE can also indirectly operate in this area.

You just need to force them to send this information to us to further determine the person’s location on the map.

So, for such purposes you can use: phone, computer, GPS, special websites and applications.

  • GPS navigation.
  • Using this navigation, you can follow those people who are often photographed with a mark of the place where the photo was taken. Specialized programs.
  • By accessing your Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone. Global network.
  • There are many different sites on the Internet that help you track a person. Yes, the result will not be as accurate, but the approximate location can still be found out.

GPS tracker.

The module is built into the mobile phone; you can use it to monitor your smartphone. Cell phone wiretapping In the vastness

  • global network
  • There are many programs that help monitor a person’s conversations through the phone, both on Android and other devices. Such programs have their own capabilities:
  • wiretapping recordings will be transferred to your computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • in a separate folder you can view the subscriber’s call log;
  • all messages are intercepted and transmitted to your device;

all emails can be forwarded to your address;

  1. it is possible to determine the location.
  2. The most primitive option that suits everyone is to contact your mobile operator.
  3. Beeline offers its subscribers the Mobile Locator service. To use the service, you need to call 06849924 and send a message with the text “L” to 684.

The Megafon company called this service “Beacon”. You can activate the service by calling phone number 466.

To determine the location of an MTS subscriber, you can use the “Locator” service. To connect it you need to call mts 6677. GPS is GPS navigation, that is, tracking by transmitting towers. Yes, with the help of such navigation you can easily find out a person’s location, and completely free of charge. Why is this method so primitive? The thing is that many programs and applications ask the user for his location. I think everything is clear here.

Special programs

There are many applications that have been developed specifically for locating a person. The iPhone 5s even has a special app development, and Apple has a “Find my friend” app. In this application, everything is simple: just send a request to another person. If you agree, the program will be able to give you the result.


There is another option - using different sites. There are actually many services on the Internet, some of them are paid, and some are free. If you are using free services, then the result may not be as accurate. For example, the site is It is with its help that you can find out the location of a person most accurately.

Find out where a person is via Viber

If you decide to use this method, then you need to take into account that the application determines through Wi-Fi access points, so there may be an error from 1 to 120 meters. This method allows you to show your interlocutor your location using geolocation. What's the point? Now you will understand everything yourself.

So, how to enable geolocation in Viber? To do this, you need to go into correspondence with the desired person and click on the send message icon.

After sending your message to this interlocutor, an alert will appear with your coordinates. To disable this function, you need to press the same button.

Important: coordinates are sent only to the user with whom you activated geolocation. Your location will not be visible to anyone other than that person.

Using iPhone

It is possible to track a person using an iPhone. To do this, you need to install “Find My Friends”. It will not be possible to track a person without his consent, since the operation will be carried out on both devices.

Sign in. Complete all required steps in your account. After logging in account A list of friends will appear on your screen. Friends who were on this list made their location available to them. Select the right friend.

If you have just started setting up communication between iPhones, then you need to click on «+» , enter your friend's information and select Send. The person needs to be notified about his inclusion in your list so that there are no problems in the future.

If you intend to list this person on a temporary basis, then select the Temporary mode. Now go to the menu and see where you are and who might be watching you. There you can see where your friends are.

I will finish here and make a small summary. This article describes how to track a person's location using their phone number. You can choose any method and use it. By the way, almost all of these methods are effective. Thank you all for your attention, please ask questions in the comments!

One of the modern methods for tracking mobile phones is GPS system monitoring. It allows you to track your phone via satellite online. The program is designed to work with devices equipped with trackers. The latter, as a rule, is a receiver with a special module that calculates its coordinates.

By receiving data from the server, a person can monitor the location of the phone. This system has many advantages. So, having lost mobile device, its owner can turn to GPS. Then use the search network to find the lost device.

Why and for whom is monitoring needed?

Finding a means of communication will be useful for those who have elderly relatives. Many of them do not live very close. You can monitor the number via satellite whenever you want.

Parents will also find it helpful to learn how to track their child's phone using GPS. If a student decides to go for a walk, thanks to the coordinates you will monitor his mobile phone. You will be calm and confident about the safety of your child.

How tracking works

1. First, you need to connect to satellite monitoring. For example, the Maps-Info website has a corresponding section.

2. You must have a communicator (built-in or connected) in your smartphone. Through it it will be possible to track the phone number.

3. After successful registration, submit the request necessary information. Send your subscriber number and the one you want to control.

4. Online satellite tracking begins as soon as you click the “Search” button. In terms of efficiency, GPS search is not inferior to GSM mobile device detection systems.

5. In a couple of seconds, all the information about the person’s location is at your fingertips.

Other ways to find out your location

Someone can contact telecom operators and find out where the target's phone is located. But this is not always effective. Since some operators refuse to provide this service. There are also those who will ask you to pay money for this function.

Therefore, it is better to go to the trusted site using the link below. Here are the latest methods for monitoring communications. This way, you can control the actions of the person you are interested in.

At the same time, you will receive a guarantee that you will not be detected. You will also be able to receive 100% truthful information.

Cellular networks are able to determine the approximate location of their subscribers. And based on this opportunity, geolocation services were created that allow you to find other people. How to track a person by phone number and what is needed for this? The answer is simple - you need to use the appropriate services from Russian operators cellular communications. Let's look at these services in more detail.

Some people really believe that there are services on the Internet that allow you to determine the location of a person - just enter his phone number. In fact, such services do not exist; you can track a person without permission, knowing only his number.

We can determine the coordinates of a subscriber, but for this we need to prepare his phone - install a special tracking application, enable Internet access and activate the connection with satellites (or enable determination of coordinates by base stations). After this, you can start tracking.

It turns out that it will not be possible to carry out hidden tracking, since the desired subscriber can see that some obviously “fraudulent” programs are installed on his phone. Yes, and Internet access may not be available on the phone of the desired subscriber. Also, some phones do not allow you to install any applications at all. What to do in this case?

If you want to track a person's location by phone number, you need to use the services of cellular operators. You can choose from the following basic services:

  • "Radar" from the operator MegaFon;
  • "Beeline Coordinates" from the Beeline operator;
  • "MTS Search" from MTS;
  • "Geosearch" from Tele2.

Using these services, you can determine where a person is.

It is impossible to track a subscriber without his consent - all services presented in this review require mandatory consent. You can obtain consent by deception, but you will be responsible for possible negative consequences yourself.

Tele 2

In order to determine the location of Tele2 subscribers, use the Geosearch service. The accuracy of determining coordinates has increased over the past couple of years, which is associated with an increase in the number of base stations. The service is provided with a small subscription fee, amounting to 3 rubles/day. To enable tracking, you must obtain the permission of the desired subscriber. The error is 0.4-1 km.

The tracking itself is carried out through a web interface with a map or using the SMS command *119*number#. The service is activated by the command *119*01#, and disabled by the combination *119*00#. You can also use Personal Area or mobile app"My Tele2".

As you would expect, the Geosearch service only works with Tele2 subscribers - it will not be possible to track the location of other subscribers.


The simple “Beeline Coordinates” service will help you track a person by phone number. It is provided with a small subscription fee - only 1.7 rubles / day. The service can determine the location of up to five subscribers with an accuracy of 250 meters, and throughout Russia. As in all other cases, you need to obtain permission to track once - otherwise nothing will work. To obtain coordinates, use a web interface with a map. The service can be activated on the same website.

The disadvantage of the Beeline Coordinates service is that it does not allow determining the coordinates of subscribers of other Russian cellular networks.


MegaFon has big amount base stations, which allows you to count on successful tracking of subscribers by phone number. The Radar service is provided with a subscription fee of 7 rubles/day, determining the location of up to 5 subscribers - including operators Tele2, Beeline and MTS. Determination accuracy is from 100 meters. The connection is made on the service website or by command *566#. The location of subscribers is also determined here, but it is most convenient to use the Radar mobile application.

In order to track a person by phone number, you must request permission from him (this is only requested once). Add a subscriber on the website or application, wait until permission is received - he will receive instructions in the form of SMS. The service is also able to build travel routes for monitored subscribers and allows you to determine your own location. The “Navigator” service has similar functionality with a subscription fee of 5.5 rubles/day.


In order to determine where a person is, MTS subscribers can use the MTS Search service. The subscription fee for the service starts from 90 rubles/month, depending on the number of contacts identified. You must obtain permission to enable tracking. The tracking itself is carried out via SMS, web interface, mobile version MTS website and through applications for Android and iOS devices.

Additional services Mobile Employees, Transport and Coordinator are designed for business clients to track enterprise employees and transport.

How to track location using Google

Google provides its own subscriber and lost device search capabilities. Let's see how it's done.

Using Google Maps

Google Maps has one convenient function, as “Transfer of geodata”. Activate it and send a link with permission to a person who can track the location. For example, you can activate the tracking function on your child’s phone by sending a link to yourself - links are sent directly in the application settings when the function is activated. Details are in the screenshot.

Using Find My Device

This application will allow you to track the location of your lost device. Allow the function through “Settings – Privacy – Device administrators – Find device” (this path may differ in some versions and firmware). To determine the location of the device, go to this page, enter the password for Google account and find the lost device on the card.

Additional functions:

  • Remote activation of the call signal - perhaps the phone is somewhere nearby, thanks to the included ringer you can hear it;
  • Remote blocking with display of an arbitrary message - block lost phone, indicating in the message a telephone number to contact the owner;
  • Logging out of your account will prevent unauthorized access to data or block the phone;
  • Delete data from the device - if the value of the information stored on your smartphone is higher than the cost of the device, delete all data and files with the click of a button.

In the latter case, the user completely loses control over the phone.

Phone tracking software

You can use the following apps to track the location of your children, friends, and family:

"Tracking by phone number"

From the developer of Family Locator Inc. Defines coordinates any quantity subscribers without being tied to an operator, shows the charge level on controlled handsets, shows travel routes;

"Family locator - GPS tracker"

From the developer Life360. Shows your own location and the coordinates of other people, can track lost devices, and supports chat with the people you are looking for. The application is free for the first 30 days;

"Where are my children"

From the developer GEO TRACK TECHNOLOGIES. Created specifically for monitoring children - tracks location, plots movement routes, listens to the situation, tracks entry and exit from controlled areas, controls play time on a smartphone, monitors the battery.

There are many tracking apps, but these are the most popular.

Find out where a person is via Viber

It will not be possible to track a person’s coordinates via Viber without his knowledge. There are outdated instructions online for automatically sending your location, but they no longer work. Currently, there is a function for manually sending your own coordinates to another contact - select the contact, open a chat with him, click on the icon with three dots, select “Send location”. In the menu that appears, select “Send geolocation”.

Find out where a person is via Telegram

WITH Telegram messenger everything is simpler - here you can set up a temporary broadcast of your geoposition for a period of 15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours. Select a contact, click on the paperclip symbol, select "Geolocation", select "Broadcast my location".

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