
How to add new photos to classmates. How to add photos to classmates. How to upload your photo on the main page in Odnoklassniki

One of the most frequently carried out by participants social network Odnoklassniki action is to upload photos to the expanses of the resource. The article suggests several methods that allow you to quickly and easily upload a photo to the OK.RU website, having an Android smartphone or iPhone at your disposal.

Devices running the Android OS are initially equipped with a minimum set of software that allows you to work with social networks, but before proceeding to follow the instructions for placing images on Odnoklassniki, it is recommended to install the official application of the service. All methods of transferring pictures to a social network, with the exception of instruction No. 4 from those proposed below, imply the presence of a client OK for Android in system.

Method 1: Official OK Client for Android

Considering the methods for uploading pictures to Odnoklassniki from Android smartphones, let's start with a description of the functionality of the official social network application for the most common mobile OS.

  1. We launch the OK application for Android and log in to the service if we haven't done it before.
  2. Open the main menu of the client "OK" by tapping on the three dashes at the top left. Then we go to the section "A photo".
  3. You can proceed to uploading files to the social network immediately, once on the tab "PHOTO". There are two options here:
  4. The screen that opens as a result of the previous paragraph shows all the pictures found by the Odnoklassniki application on the phone (essentially the "Gallery" of Android). Before initiating the sending of pictures to the OK.RU storage, it is possible to perform some manipulations with them. For example, you can expand a photo to full screen for viewing and selection accuracy by tapping the icon in the lower right corner of the preview, and also edit the added file using the editor built into the Odnoklassniki client.

    Of the additional features here - the presence of a button "Camera" top right. The element allows you to launch the corresponding module, take a new picture and immediately proceed to copying it to the social network.

  5. With a short tap, select one or more images on the screen showing their thumbnails. We select the directory in which the downloaded pictures will be placed by tapping at the bottom of the screen (the menu that opens also has an option that allows you to create a new “folder” on the page on the social network).
  6. Click "Download" and wait until the files are copied to Odnoklassniki. The unloading process is accompanied by the appearance of notifications about its progress for a short time.
  7. You can verify the successful completion of uploading images to the social network by going to the tab "ALBUMS" In chapter "A photo" OK Android app and open the directory you chose to place the files in step 5 of this guide.

Method 2: Imaging applications

  • In the pop-up area we find the icon "OK" and tap on it. Now you need to answer the system's request about the specific purpose of the files sent to Odnoklassniki by touching the desired item in the next displayed list of possible actions.

  • Further actions are determined by the chosen sending direction:
  • Method 3: File managers

    For users who use file managers to manage the contents of the memory of Android devices, it may be convenient to use one of them to place photos on Odnoklassniki. It doesn’t matter what kind of “explorer” application is installed on the smartphone, the algorithm of actions to achieve the goal from the title of the article is approximately the same in any of them. Let's demonstrate, as an example, adding files to "OK" through the popular ES Explorer.

    1. Open ES File Explorer. We use the filter for displaying the contents of the phone's storage, which allows you to display only pictures on the screen - tap on the area "Images" on the main screen of the file manager.
    2. We find the photo uploaded to Odnoklassniki and select it by long pressing on the thumbnail. Additionally, after the first picture is marked, you can select a few more files to send to the service by tapping on their previews.
    3. In the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the item "More". Next, you need to touch the item "Send" in the displayed list of possible actions. You should pay attention - there are two items with the specified name in the list, and the one we need is highlighted in the screenshot below. On the menu "Send with" find the icon of the social network Odnoklassniki and click on it.
    4. Next, select the menu item depending on the final goal and act in the same way as when working with the above-described photo viewers for Android, that is, we follow step No. 4 of the instructions proposed earlier in the article "Method 2".
    5. After completing the previous step, the image appears almost immediately in the selected section of the social network. You may have to wait only if the content is placed in a package that includes many files.

    Method 4: Browser

    As mentioned above, in almost all cases, an application will be used to post photos on Odnoklassniki from an Android smartphone. OK for the considered mobile OS. However, if the client is not installed and for some reason its use is not planned, you can use almost any web browser for Android to solve the problem of sending files to the social network. In our example, this is the “smartphone” option. Chrome from Google.

    How to post a photo in Odnoklassniki from iPhone

    Apple smartphones, or rather their operating system iOS and applications installed initially or by the user make it easy and quick to post photos on social networks, including Odnoklassniki. The operation can be carried out by far not the only method, but almost all the instructions (with the exception of method No. 4) offered below assume that the device has an official OK application for iPhone.

    Method 1: Official OK client for iOS

    The first tool that is recommended to use in order to upload photos to Odnoklassniki from an iPhone is the official client of the social network. This approach can be called the most correct, because the application was created in order to provide users with comfortable work with the resource, including when adding their own content to it.

    1. Launching the application "OK" and log in to your account.
    2. Click "Menu" at the bottom of the screen on the right and then go to the section "A photo".
    3. Moving to "Albums" and open the directory where we will place the images. tapai "Add photo".
    4. Next, the application takes us to a screen that displays thumbnails of pictures contained in the device's memory. We find photos laid out on open spaces "OK" and select them by touching each desired thumbnail. When you have finished marking, press "Ready". It remains to wait for the completion of uploading files, which is accompanied by the filling of a barely noticeable progress bar at the top of the screen.
    5. As a result, new pictures appear in the selected album on the social network user's page.

    Method 2: Photos App

    The main tool for working with pictures and videos in the iOS environment is the application "A photo", preinstalled on all iPhones. Among other features of this tool is the ability to transfer files to various services- it can be used to post images in Odnoklassniki.

  • Click "Choose" at the top of the screen and checkmark(s) on one or more thumbnails. Having selected everything you need, touch the icon "Send" bottom left of the screen.
  • Scroll the list of possible recipients of files to the left and tap "More". Activate the switch next to the icon OK in the menu that appears and then click "Ready". As a result, a social network icon will appear in the "tape" of services.

    This step is carried out only once, that is, in the future, when sending files to Odnoklassniki, you do not need to activate the display of the social network icon.

  • Tap on the icon "OK" in the list of recipients, which opens up three options for transferring photos to a social network.

    We select the desired direction and then wait for the files to be uploaded:

  • Method 3: File managers

    Despite some limitations of the OS of Apple smartphones in terms of manipulating the contents of the memory of devices by users, there are solutions that allow you to perform a wide range of file operations, including their transfer to social networks. We are talking about file managers for iOS, created by third-party developers. For example, to place a photo in Odnoklassniki from iPhone, we use the application file master from Shenzhen Youmi Information Technology Co. In other "Explorers" we act in the same way as described below.

    1. Open FileMaster and on the tab Home manager, go to the folder containing the uploaded files "OK" files.
    2. By long pressing on the thumbnail of the image sent to the social network, we call up a menu of possible actions with it. Choose from the list "To open with". Next, we scroll to the left the list of applications displayed at the bottom of the screen, and we find as many as two icons of the social network: "OK" and "Copy to OK".
    3. The following steps are two-way:
    4. After a short wait, you can check for the presence of the photo uploaded as a result of the above steps in the selected section of the OK.RU resource.

    Method 4: Browser

    Despite the fact that using a web browser to “go” to Odnoklassniki cannot be called as convenient as using the official social network application for the same purpose, many iPhone users do just that. At the same time, there is no lack of functionality, all features are available through any browser for iOS, including adding photos to the OK.RU storage. To demonstrate the process, we use the browser preinstalled in the system from Apple. safari.

    1. Having launched the browser, go to the website and log in to the social network.
    2. We call the main menu of the resource by tapping on three dashes at the top of the page on the left. Then we go to "A photo", touch the tab "My photos".
    3. Open the target album and click "Add photo". Next, select "Media Library" in the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen.
    4. We go to the folder containing the images to be uploaded and mark one or more images by touching their thumbnails. When you have finished marking, press "Ready"- the process of copying files to the storage of the social network will immediately begin.
    5. It remains to wait for the completion of the procedure and the display of pictures in the previously selected album. Click "Ready" at the end of the file transfer or continue replenishing the profile in "OK" pictures, tapping "Load more".

    As you can see, adding a photo to the Odnoklassniki social network from the point of view of the owners modern smartphones operating under Android control or iOS, is a completely simple task that can be performed in far more than one way.

    How to add a photo to Odnoklassniki? For the old-timers of the site, who already know it like the back of their hand, this will not be difficult. But beginners can still get lost in the vastness of the popular social network. In fact, this procedure is quite simple, and any user can handle it.

    So, how to add a photo to Odnoklassniki?

    To begin with, the desired photos should already be on your computer, and you need to know what folder they are in. You can also just move them to your desktop. To do this, open the folder with the photo and drag the necessary ones with the mouse.

    Now we go to our page and begin to figure out how to upload photos to Odnoklassniki. This can be done in two ways. The fact is that there all the photos are divided into personal and photos from the albums that you will create.

    Method number 1. If you add personal photos

    On your page on the left side, go to the "Add a personal photo" section. A window with folders on your computer will open in front of you, find the photo you need, select it and click on the "Open" button.

    After that, your photo will be uploaded to the server, and you will automatically go to the "Tag friends and add a description" section. There you can sign your photo and tag whoever is in it.

    By the way, later you can freely edit your signatures and marks. And one more thing: it is from the section " private photos» images are installed on home page, this cannot be done from albums.

    Method number 2. How to add a photo to Odnoklassniki in the Photo Albums section?

    On the main page, under your last name (it can be just a first name or anything at all), there is a line with sections. Go to Photos. Here you can add personal images and create your own albums.

    If you want to create an album, then click on the "Photo Albums" tab, then on the "Create Photo Album" icon. A window will appear in front of you where you can write a name and mark those who can view it. Click "Save" and add the necessary images, as described earlier.

    Not so long ago, it became possible to add a video to Odnoklassniki. In principle, this could have been done before, but you had to place your video file on another resource (specially designed for this), and only a link to this file was added to Odnoklassniki, and the ability to view it was preserved.

    Now this is done much easier. On your page at the top, find a thick orange bar with the sections listed, go to "Video". On the page that opens, in the upper left corner, click on the "Add Video" button. A window appears in which you need to select the desired video, select it and click on the "Open" button. In the next window, you give your file a name, description, insert keywords and click "Save". Your video file will be uploaded to the server. Now you can view it in the "My Video" section, which you will find on the left side under the "Add Video" button.

    That's all the answers to the question of how to add a photo to Odnoklassniki, as well as a video. Everything is quite simple, and special knowledge is not required for this, you only need to do it yourself once. By the way, in the same way you can add some interesting or funny pictures and create albums with them, for example, for congratulations. And then mark your friends on one of the postcards, congratulating them in this way on the New Year or Birthday.

    We already somehow wrote in one of the articles. Indeed, it is in the activity chronicle that all the most interesting and, importantly, relevant information is reflected. If you made a new publication on your page, your friends will know about it just from it. And today we will analyze one specific case - we will tell you how to add a photo to the feed in Odnoklassniki. Believe me, it's very easy!

    We publish photos / videos on the wall in the web version of OK

    For starters, your friends' activity feed will show the photos and videos you add, even if you don't want to post them on the wall. And all because all the updates of friends appear in the news timeline, except for those cases when users set restrictions on the publication of a particular category of news. But we will still consider the situation when there is a desire / need to post a photo directly on your wall.

    The first case - we post a photo from our archive on a computer. So, the scheme of actions is as follows:
    1. go to your page in Odnoklassniki;

    2. click on the box “What are you thinking about?”;

    3. in the window that appears, click "Photo", and then - "Add photo from computer";

    4. select the photo you want to place, click "Open";

    The added photo will appear not only in the activity feed of your friends, but also on your page. According to the same scheme, you can also put a video on the wall by downloading it from hard drive computer.

    The second case is to transfer uploaded photos from albums on a social network to the page. The instruction is similar to the above - repeat steps 1 and 2, and then do the following:

    A similar scheme applies to videos in the video archive of your account.

    Publishing via mobile app

    Surely, most of the photos are in the gallery of your smartphone. Yes, and Odnoklassniki, most likely, you use more often through mobile app. Of course, you can post a photo on the wall of your page in mobile version social network. And it's done like this:

    1. open the application on your smartphone;
    2. tap on the window "What are you thinking about?";
    3. click on "Add photo" or "Add video", depending on which file we want to insert;
    4. tap on the image to post. You can click "Edit" to correct the photo. For example, you can rotate or crop images, add filters or decorations to them;
    5. When all the photos are selected (and you can post several photos at once in Odnoklassniki), click "Finish";
    6. Add text as desired and tap "Done".

    You can also upload photos from albums if you have already posted something interesting.

    Actually, this is where all the instructions end. As you can see, both photos and videos in Odnoklassniki are very easy to upload to the page. It's a pity that a separate photo feed in this social network has not yet been thought out. So it would be much easier to keep track of new photo publications. But that's a completely different story...

    How to add a photo to Odnoklassniki on your page is the first question that interests users after registration, so we will consider it in this article.

    Despite the fact that the site interface is simple and understandable even for a beginner, inexperienced users often get lost when they want to publish a photo. It's actually very easy to do this.

    • Go to your profile.
    • Click on the photo menu.

    • In the center of the page you will see the "add photo" button, click on it.

    • Explorer will open, where you must specify the path of the file or select the desired folder.

    • Then double click on the desired picture and click "open".

    After these steps, the avatar will be loaded on your page. (By the way, you can choose the right one by the link).

    To upload a photo to Odnoklassniki from a computer, you do not need to have special knowledge. You only need to know the location required file, and the process itself will take half a minute on the strength.

    How to upload a photo to Odnoklassniki from a computer to an album

    If you do not know how to add a photo to Odnoklassniki from a computer and create an album, study the following procedure:

    • Sign in to your profile.

    • On the main page, select the appropriate section.

    • In the right corner you will see a button "create a new album", click on it.

    • Next, you will need to enter the name of the album, for example, " New Year 2015" and indicate the circle of people to whom the album will be available. You can choose to open it for all users, friends only, or certain friend lists.

    • Next, click on the "add photo" button, as in the first case, and repeat the same steps for all files.

    You can post a photo from my documents or from computer disks. It is not necessary to add one file to the album - select several at once and click "open".

    How to set a profile picture

    It remains to figure out how to add the main photo to Odnoklassniki, that is, the avatar that will be displayed on your page.

    To post the main profile picture, go to your page and click on "add photo" under the future profile picture. After that, a computer explorer will open for you and you can place a photo on a page in Odnoklassniki by specifying the path to the file or selecting from the required folder. Click on the selected file 1 time and click "open" - the image will appear in the place of your avatar.

    Now friends will be able to comment on your photos, rate them and like them, and it will be much easier for old acquaintances to recognize you in the search results.

    You can always change your avatar, but this will require you to delete the previous one. We will tell you more about whether from the main page or from a personal album in another article.

    How to add a photo

    Before you start working on the social network, no matter what you are going to do in Odnoklassniki, you must first log into your account. To do this, you need to enter your credentials on the main page of the site - login or password - or save a link to your personal page in your browser bookmarks. In this case, it will be enough for you to click on the inscription "Odnoklassniki" to open your account. After that, you can safely add photos to your page. Depending on where you intend to post images, your steps will be slightly different.

    Photo on avu

    If you are going to add a personal photo, then under the main image - an avatar located on the left side of the page, find the corresponding inscription - "Add photo". Click on the link and in the new window that opens, specify the location of the desired image and select the image. Click on it and click the "Open" button. Wait for the image to load, after which you can make the necessary caption or comment to it. To do this, enter the desired text in the "Add description" line.

    If there are multiple people in the photo, you can tag them. To do this, under the uploaded image, click the question icon and in the window that opens, click on the inscription "Who is this" or "Tag friends" and select the users you need from the drop-down window that opens. After adding the corresponding tag, your friend will receive a notification that he is tagged in the photo. If a person is not in the list of friends, just write his name in the "Tag friends" field.

    If you want to continue uploading images, simply click the "Add Photo" button - it is located to the left of the uploaded image - and repeat the process.

    The added images go to the personal photos section, where you can select one of the pictures and transfer it to one of the albums. To do this, you need to mark the “Transfer” item on the photo and select one of the photo albums available on your page in the drop-down window. You can also make a downloaded image, for which it is enough to click on the link with the corresponding inscription, which opens when you hover over the photo with the cursor.

    It is possible to greatly simplify the procedure. To do this, hover over the main photo and click the "Change Photo" link. Then, in a new window, select one of your personal photos or add an image from your computer, flash drive, or phone. The principle of operation is similar to that described above.

    Photos in albums and statuses

    It's just as easy to add photos to existing on the page or created photo albums.

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