
How foreigners breed. Tariff "bespredelsheee". how taxi drivers swindle foreigners for money . Marriage agencies in Odessa: how girls breed foreigners for money

I meet Oleg* in front of the coffee shop. We go down to a cozy hall, sit down at a small table hidden in the corner of the room. We order herbal tea.

Oleg is a programmer by profession, this year he graduated from one of the leading Kiev universities. For more than two years, he worked on a paid dating site and corresponded with foreigners on behalf of young Ukrainian women.

Singing teacher, music channel journalist, model, housewife, student - this is an incomplete list of his online roles. Much has already been heard by the walls of this coffee shop, but such a story, perhaps, for the first time.


Everything happened according to the principle: "A person is formed by his environment." I was in my fourth year, lived in a hostel and decided to change the room. In the new premises, I met the guys who worked in this business. Once I noticed how my new neighbors were vividly discussing some kind of correspondence. Every now and then exclamations were heard: “The letter has arrived!”

Then I already had experience working on the Internet: I sat, clicked on sites, increasing their attendance, so that the owners would “rip off” more from their advertisers. For a month I “clicked” for six bucks - it was enough to replenish the phone or buy a pack of cigarettes.

Once I asked a neighbor, who, as it turned out later, was one of the organizers of this business, what exactly they were doing. It turned out that they just wrote letters on dating sites and got paid for it. It was spring, I just wanted to earn some money for the summer. So he became a "translator" ( The "official" job title of the guy is ed.). When I agreed, I realized that in fact I would correspond, posing as women.

How the system works

At first glance, it seems that this is just a dating site. But such portals are not aimed at ensuring that people find true love. In two years of work, I realized that the goal of all these sites is to “shake out” funds from wealthy and naive users. For them, all functions are paid: registration, correspondence, chatting, gift exchange. So, to write one letter, you need to lay out 5 dollars, the next - another 5. Registration costs about the same. Relatively speaking, everything is 5 dollars.

Each such site has "affiliate program". This is the conditional name of the way to attract women to the site. It works like this: there is an organizer or director of the agency, whose task is to register as many profiles as possible. To do this, he, in particular, offers to register all the girls he knows in exchange for part of the profits. If the girl agrees, she fills out a questionnaire with information about herself and provides the site administration with a copy of her passport so that they can make sure that she is a real person. The girl also records a video with the words: “I, full name, voluntarily register my profile on the N site.”

Then the choice is up to the girl. If he wants, he can correspond with clients on his own, if not, “translators” like me correspond from her profile. From my experience, I will say that the vast majority of registered girls do not need online communication with foreigners, and they choose the second option.

With the consent of the girls, the director can register their profiles on other sites. People don't even realize how many there are! I know at least five, worked for three of them. I will not be mistaken if I say that there are dozens of such sites.


Salary depends on the amount of communication. That is, the more letters they write to me, they send presents, they call me in a chat, the more my monthly income will be.

From the $5 a user pays for messages, roughly 3,5 taken by the administration of the dating site. The rest is divided between the director, translator and profile owner.

On the sites where I worked, they were distributed approximately as follows:

    agency director receives 40% ;

    translator - 50% ;

    the girl from whose profile the correspondence was conducted, - 10% .

If a girl texts herself, she gets 60% arrived.

Can you imagine how much you can raise? Specific numbers are mostly kept secret. And I heard that the directors made a lot of money on this, which you can fly to Sri Lanka, Egypt, Spain and ride the BMW X series.

At the beginning, I worked with two questionnaires, so my first salary was very modest: only 50-60 dollars. But then I still did not know all the nuances and did not fill my hand. For example, sometimes you can take risks, put pressure on the client, saying: “You don’t love me, don’t write to me.” However, you should always be careful with this, as the client can complain to the site administration about blackmail, and she will impose a fine of $ 30.

I don't remember when my monthly income dropped below $100. I was able to lift as much as possible 17 thousand hryvnia, on average, you can get up to 10 thousand hryvnia per month.

Communication with customers

The target audience of paid dating sites is mainly foreign men over 35 years old. The topic of communication depends entirely on the client. From my experience, I can divide users into two groups:

    men seeking satisfaction of their sexual needs;

    men who say: "That's it, I love you!" - and they say they want to get married.

Right now, one client constantly confesses his love, invites him to America, tells me every day about how he spent the day. Recently bought a house where he wants to live with my heroine.

In communication, I adjust to the client. It's simple: he writes about some of his fetishes - well, let's sharpen the note and start writing about sexual fantasies in response. I avoid intimacy until the client himself starts to develop this topic. Although the policies of the sites I worked for, this issue is not clearly spelled out.

It's harder when interlocutor intellectual and looking for the love of a lifetime. At first I thought up a lot, but now I don’t think about pseudo-biography for a long time. After all, fantasy is a finite thing, especially when you work with various profiles and have to live several lives. In addition, work in general quickly gets boring. Therefore, I usually describe my day, adjusting it to the personality of my heroine. Like, “Hi, honey! Today I was called for an interview, told about my work.

Clients rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like that. There are a lot of profiles of girls, so my task is to interest, to call a man for a conversation. After all, this is the job I get paid for. Therefore, I usually start with a mass mailing of the same type of messages like: “Hi, dear! I want to meet you / What brought you to this site? / Who are you looking for? / Take a look at my new photo shoot” - and so on. And I am attaching a photo where the heroine is all so beautiful, walking down the street or swimming in the pool. Like: "Here, look what I am!" In general, I always write the way I think, without thinking about how a woman would write.

"Translators" can conduct both one questionnaire and many. In fact, the number of heroines depends on how much time and effort is enough. The maximum number of profiles from which I simultaneously corresponded was six. Right now I'm only doing one survey.

The duration of the relationship is very relative. There are users who have enough to write twenty letters. There are those that send more, but there are very few of them now. An important role is played by the financial viability of the client. They chat until they empty their wallet. I once got a client "from the red book": he wrote about 2000 letters.

Recently, an American who was invited to Trump's inauguration wrote. Even sent photos from the event. At first I promised to come - we'll meet. However, he stopped writing. Very often, clients have seven Fridays in a week.

Meeting, or Gulchatay, open your face!

On dates - it all depends on whether the girl on whose behalf I am corresponding agrees to such a meeting. If she doesn't mind, the meeting can take place. Usually, a translator or director follows with her: he knows English well and, if necessary, can translate.

If the girl doesn't want to date, then here's how the scenario might play out. For example, John from America or Peter from Britain arrives, goes to the Maidan and writes:

Darling, I'm here on the Maidan, come out!

Where are you? I'm on Khreshchatyk, - I ask him.

I'm at the Mac.

And I'm at the theatre.

There is an imitation of a game of hide and seek until the foreigner realizes that this is all a scam.

Moral component

My attitude to work is different. When they write those who have only one thing in mind - to come to Ukraine and seduce a young girl, I feel that I am protecting Ukrainian women from old foreign perverts ( laughs - auth.).

There are also opposite emotions. One of my clients is a former military man who was abandoned by his wife. He is lonely: he writes every day, tells how his day went, shares his plans for the future. It is morally crushing, emotionally exhausting. Sometimes I feel that my nerves will give up sooner or later, and I will report that this is all a complete lie. Although most people who register on a dating site with serious intentions of finding their love sooner or later realize that this is a scam.

Yes, this work itself is partially dishonest. But you still need to have at least some conscience and moral principles. For example, I know that one organizer guy had little income, so he registered his girlfriend, mother and sister on the site. All three, of course, knew about it. These are the stories that shock me.

Perhaps two years ago I made a mistake when I went to work as a "translator". Yes, I made money. Yes, good ones. But instead, I could have found a normal job and gained good experience, developed new skills, and been useful to society. I'm sorry I didn't quit sooner. The only plus is that I improved my English.

Several acquaintances knew who I worked for. They were interested in whether there are free profiles and whether it is possible to earn extra money on them. I immediately dissuaded them from this idea. I feel that this made a good contribution to their future, because both now have normal jobs. Now I am also leaving this business: that's enough already, I've played enough. I want to find a job in my specialty, which I will not be ashamed to talk about.

At the end of the conversation, we go to the job search site. My interlocutor enters the keywords: “translator” and “marriage agency”, and we find quite a lot of the same type of ads “English translator for a wedding agency”, “translator, chat operator for a wedding agency”. Oleg looks through them and smiles: he knows what the job description is silent about.

* The names of all heroes have been changed for the sake of anonymity.

Illustrations : Anastasia Babash.

Rome))) and not his hacienda. I told him this. Then I came up with another address. and in parallel at that moment his friend began to write to me. in the end, when I reset the route of his house and address, etc. he was afraid that I would come and disappeared. then Marco got in touch and said. that he is jealous of me for him and took to drink. went to the basement, etc. and when I said that I would come and get him. Allegedly, he ran away and the police are looking for him)) it was so funny to me. He couldn't answer - the pretext was supposedly jealous of a friend, etc. Santa Barbara. those. this is the same person from 2 profiles. the photos were apparently over and there were no new ones when asked to send them)) I was already openly making fun of him, then he brought me to the ch.s. , and eventually a friend, when I wrote in the comments that he was a deceiver. but there is such a story.

Divorce of a foreigner on the Internet

So, to write one letter, you need to lay out 5 dollars, the next - another 5. Registration costs about the same. Relatively speaking, everything is 5 dollars.
Each such site has an "affiliate program". This is the conditional name of the way to attract women to the site.


It works like this: there is an organizer or director of the agency, whose task is to register as many profiles as possible. To do this, he, in particular, offers to register all the girls he knows in exchange for part of the profits.

If the girl agrees, she fills out a questionnaire with information about herself and provides the site administration with a copy of her passport so that they can make sure that she is a real person. The girl also records a video with the words: “I, full name, voluntarily register my profile on the N site.”
Then the choice is up to the girl.

How do dating sites "spread" foreigners for money


In communication, I adjust to the client. It's simple: he writes about some of his fetishes - well, let's sharpen the note and start writing about sexual fantasies in response. I avoid intimacy until the client himself starts to develop this topic.

Although the policies of the sites I worked for, this issue is not clearly spelled out. It is more difficult when the interlocutor is an intellectual and is looking for the love of his life.

At first I thought up a lot, but now I don’t think about pseudo-biography for a long time. After all, fantasy is a finite thing, especially when you work with various profiles and have to live several lives.
In addition, work in general quickly gets boring. Therefore, I usually describe my day, adjusting it to the personality of my heroine. Like, “Hi, honey! Today I was called for an interview, told about my work. Clients rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like that.

How Russians swindle foreigners for money on the Internet: NTV investigation

The rest is divided between the director, translator and profile owner. On the sites where I worked, they were distributed approximately as follows:

  • agency director receives 40%;
  • translator - 50%;
  • the girl from whose profile the correspondence was conducted - 10%.

If a girl writes on her own, she gets 60% of the profit.

Can you imagine how much you can raise? Specific numbers are mostly kept secret. And I heard that the directors made a lot of money on this, which you can fly to Sri Lanka, Egypt, Spain and ride the BMW X series. At the beginning I worked from two questionnaires, so my first salary was very modest: just 50-60 dollars. But then I still did not know all the nuances and did not fill my hand.
For example, sometimes you can take risks, put pressure on the client, saying: “You don’t love me, don’t write to me.”
There are users who have enough to write twenty letters. There are those that send more, but there are very few of them now. An important role is played by the financial viability of the client. They chat until they empty their wallet. I once got a client "from the red book": he wrote about 2000 letters.


Recently, an American who was invited to Trump's inauguration wrote. Even sent photos from the event. At first I promised to come - we'll meet.

However, he stopped writing. Very often, clients have seven Fridays in a week. Meeting, or Gulchatay, open your face! On dates - it all depends on whether the girl on whose behalf I am corresponding agrees to such a meeting.

If she doesn't mind, the meeting can take place. Usually, a translator or director follows with her: he knows English well and, if necessary, can translate. If the girl doesn't want to date, then here's how the scenario might play out.


Like, “Hi, honey! Today I was called for an interview, told about my work. Clients rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like that. There are a lot of profiles of girls, so my task is to interest, to call a man for a conversation. After all, this is the job I get paid for.

Therefore, I usually start with a mass mailing of the same type of messages like: “Hi, dear! I want to meet you / What brought you to this site? / Who are you looking for? / Take a look at my new photo shoot” - and so on. And I am attaching a photo where the heroine is all so beautiful, walking down the street or swimming in the pool.

Like: “Here, look what I am!” In general, I always write the way I think, without thinking about how a woman would write. "Translators" can conduct both one questionnaire and many. In fact, the number of heroines depends on how much time and effort is enough.

Consider the different types of fraud on dating sites.

Reply With a quote Go to the gossip-news quote book by name Tuesday, October 20, 2009 3:26 pm (link) Kisoula, yes, and you also need to be able to cash out this phone money (by the way, how to learn?)) About 10 years ago, Russian brides they traveled well for a freebie - the grooms then invited for a visual acquaintance at their own expense. Reply With quote To quote book Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:32 pmlink

Kisoula Believe me, even now they invite and send money. ReplyWith quoteTo quoteboxSpeak by name Glupets address by name Tuesday, October 20, 2009

16:58 (link) Competent? 😀 Reply With quote To quote book Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:17 pm link Elena_Orias Does your program evaluate texts? “The victim rated it at five points!)) Probably, the breeders hired a psychologist to compose more touchingly ...

How to breed a foreigner for money on the Internet

If you take off for 5 years, you will forget about them, they will be fed there for free. Do not play with fire! no, and you are unlikely to get money, well, in general, the article is such a fraud for the purpose of profit). It’s not good for such girls to deceive, first they confess their love, then they write a statement about rape ... I don’t know about criminal liability, but no one has repealed the boomerang law 🙂 you will be easily found ... foreigners are not Russian suckers. . what you do, do you know what it's called? I don't know about girls. . But an uncle drove up to me in Moscow on Tverskaya and began to communicate in perfect English.

To say that his wife died, and I am a copy of his wife and he would like to marry me. Then he invited me to a cafe. Good thing I even gave up tea.

And he takes out a wallet and like: Oh, just dollars. Will I lend him rubles, and he will give me back later. I look, and there is a currency exchange office nearby.

How to breed foreigners for money on the Internet

Every now and then exclamations were heard: “The letter has arrived!” Then I already had experience working on the Internet: I sat, clicked on sites, increasing their attendance, so that the owners would “rip off” more from their advertisers. For a month I “clicked” for six bucks - it was enough to replenish the phone or buy a pack of cigarettes.

Once I asked a neighbor, who, as it turned out later, was one of the organizers of this business, what exactly they were doing. It turned out that they just wrote letters on dating sites and got paid for it.

It was spring, I just wanted to earn some money for the summer. And so he became a “translator” (“official” title of the guy’s position - author). When I agreed, I realized that in fact I would correspond, posing as women. How the system works At first glance, it seems that this is just a dating site. But such portals are not aimed at ensuring that people find true love.
Best Dating Sites Error! The browser is configured incorrectly! The site is not fully displayed. Some features don't work! Disabled Java Script and Active X features.

For the full operation of the site, allow the site to run Java and Active X scripts. Set up your browser, right! Read about how to set up your browser! Various types of scammers tend to dating sites from offline.

With the development of the Internet, a wide variety of ways to deceive gullible users are also developing. And the more the network develops, the more victims of deception, as the Internet becomes available to more and more people who, due to insufficient technical literacy and little experience in communicating on the network, are actively led to a variety of tricks. Dating sites are no exception: they are constantly under the gun of all sorts of scammers and scammers who profit from gullible users.

For 400 rubles they can bring, only those who do not know that the World Cup is now.

For some, the World Cup is a celebration of football, and for others, it is a celebration of the wallet.

I did a whole investigation and realized that not only redheads, but also taxi drivers have no soul.

My journey through the vast capital began from the most festive place - Nikolskaya Street and the nearest free streets with taxi drivers. I walked like an ordinary Russian tourist and found out the prices for a taxi to Novy Arbat. The cost of the application is 268 rubles, taking into account the increased coefficient.

The first taxi driver asked for 500 rubles, referring to the high workload, after the refusal, he threw off up to 400 rubles, which in general is not at all critical, unlike subsequent prices. - From a thousand or more, and more - this is a loose concept, how much the taximeter will count there. The taximeter is mine, and it appoints how much I want. I took 3 thousand for the trip, but I am a very modest person, there are those who go for 12 thousand. - To the Arbat? Well, 1500 thousand, will it go?

Terrible prices are heard from each car for 3 kilometers. But I found a "life hack" for those who fundamentally do not want to use various applications, but want to take a taxi at an affordable price. I approached, said that I was a journalist and I wanted to know how much the trip to the Arbat would cost me? Taxi drivers immediately reduced prices to 500 rubles. Later, one driver admitted that they were rounded up, they are checking for fraud, sending ordinary people, if the amount is higher than it should be, then they write a complaint against them, and then they sort it out according to the law.

World Cup standings - 2018

Taxi driver earns 95 rubles per minute

If they charge 1,000 rubles for 3 km, how much will they dare to ask for a longer trip? - For a thousand? No, I won’t go, well, at least two, three thousand - this is the World Cup! My maximum amount is small, but the guys sometimes have 10 thousand per order, if you go to the outskirts of the city, yesterday I took 5 thousand rubles for two km, but this is only for foreigners, we don’t even talk about ours. The Russians come up, I immediately say that they will not be satisfied with the tariff. So, if you want, then for 3 thousand, I will take you with a breeze. Someone can finish for 400, but only those who do not know that the World Cup is now.

And for my Australian friend, a trip of 7 kilometers cost 2590 rubles, 299 rubles is a fixed starting price, 672 rubles for 7 km and 1619 for 17 minutes, that is, it’s a little more than 95 rubles per minute of staying in a taxi, yes, I I earned an hour when I handed out leaflets as a child.

If you are Russian, take the subway!

It turns out that a huge amount for a taxi is not the worst problem! After the match Germany - Mexico, Ksenia Kazakova, the former press officer of Moskomsport, decided to take a taxi, but the drivers rudely refused the service.

Ksenia shared her impressions and told me her story in detail: - There were about fifty cars there and all were marked “Yandex. Taxi”, as you can see in the video, they had a sign “Free” or “Vacant”, respectively, when foreigners approached, they voiced some amount to them and some of them left. We walked around 15 cars, no one agreed to drive us, not only they didn’t offer us the same 3 thousand, we were told that the car was busy. We asked why it was written on the car that it was free, we were told that it was none of our business. They were just waiting for the foreigners to come out. We approached two cars, the drivers were driving, and when they heard Russian speech, the windows were closed in front of us. At night, I called Yandex. Taxi”, but they said that it was not clear who the taxi was from, and when I asked to find out by number in order to find out which taxi company this car was from, no one gave me such information.

The history of the cost of a one-room apartment in Moscow

It seems that these stories can’t be cooler, but at the end of the day, one taxi driver told a story that draws on a “odnushka” in Moscow.

My friend in Saransk rented a house, 200 square meters, 25 beds, for 6 million rubles per month. According to the law, one bed can cost from 800 rubles to 3,500 thousand, he put 3,000 thousand there, 25 beds, 75 thousand per day, plus he also calculated the sauna and everything, so it came out 6 million rubles, 1.5 million at once made an advance payment.

Someone catches a wave of celebration and fun, walks around the city, sings songs with the Mexicans, and someone catches a wave of easy money, and make a huge fortune on mere mortals. But is it worth it?

07.08.17 187 301 72

Recognize a scammer by the first letter

Once I was lonely and I created profiles on several international dating sites at once.

I had experience of communication on language exchange resources, once it came to a vivid romance, so I decided to try: suddenly I would meet my fate in the ranks of Spanish doctors and Argentine pilots.

Ekaterina Papatsenko

getting acquainted

In parallel, I began to study forums where girls shared their experiences. So I found out that there are a lot of scammers on international dating sites. They also tried to scam me.

How it works: residents of Russia and other countries create fake profiles, fall in love with women and swindle money from them under various pretexts. To do this, they manipulate, deceive, impersonate other people, lure them with promises of gifts and moving to a luxurious mansion for permanent residence. This is already a whole industry, scammers work on a stream, and it is easy to fall for tricks. That's how I protected myself.

Communication style of scammers

If you think that you have received a message from the perfect man, most likely you have encountered a scammer.

The following scheme usually works: scammers compose a generic universal text that will affect all women. This text is sent out in bulk to all new women on the site. If someone responds, they begin personal work with her with the ultimate goal of extracting money.

The first mailing is such networks, an attempt to identify the most gullible ladies. In the first letter, the man will only say good things about himself, the letter itself will be stereotyped and impersonal, it will not contain references to your profile.

If they write something about you, then the maximum is about the eyes. The calculation is very simple: almost everyone has eyes, and even if a woman is unhappy with her figure, she obviously will not refuse a compliment to her eyeballs. If your new interlocutor is drowning in the pool of your eyes - a reason to think.

Here is what Rafael writes to me: “I am from Peru, but now I live in Spain. I have been a doctor for almost 5 years. I am single but would like to find someone special for a relationship. I am a romantic, dreamer, hardworking, very honest, I respect people. I don't smoke or drink. Instead, I read books, go for walks, watch movies, enjoy life and play the guitar.”

Fraudsters often call themselves romantics, very honest, hardworking, to appear as goodies. Most often they present themselves as doctors and rescuers. There may be another profession, but certainly an unusual one, for example, an airplane pilot. The most popular job of a scammer is a doctor. Another on-duty bike is a widower who brings up children alone.

The reader should get the following general feeling from such messages: this person has a difficult life, so he needs not just a woman, but a special, “lady of the heart”. If you have such an impression, sound the alarm.

Other signs of mass email scams:

  1. A man does not ask you questions, he only talks about himself.
  2. A man from the very first message is looking for a serious relationship, a life partner, everything is serious with him.
  3. A man lives in a prosperous European country, he has property and a well-paid job, but at the same time he meets on an international site.
  4. The man has no bad habits, he goes in for sports.
  5. All this looks like a fairy tale.

Of course, a man who is serious about dating can also start with a template letter. But it will not contain such romantic words about yourself that scammers use. A man tuned in to a real meeting will write something like this:

Another scammer is unlikely to start his correspondence in monosyllables - this is a bad filter for simpletons. The first message should help the scammer select gullible ladies, and not include everyone in a row in the dialogue.

Successful scammers understand that emotions make a person more vulnerable and less sensitive to the truth. Your task is to keep cool until the real meeting. This is easy to say, but not easy to do, especially for those who are fundamentally important to get married as soon as possible.

Even if you have fallen in love with your pen pal, don't take any action until the actual meeting. Otherwise, you can fall for one of the fraudulent schemes.

Basic fraud schemes

Here are some ways a scammer will try to get money from you.

“We really need money for the treatment of a relative.” The scammer uses this scheme when he understands that you believed in his love and completely trust him. Therefore, a man needs to ingratiate himself with you, talk about how beautiful you and your children are.

It seems that no woman in her right mind would send money to a man she has never seen in her life. So it seems to everyone until they fall into the clutches of experienced scammers. These guys are well aware of the typical psychological wounds of Russian women, they know how to grope and use them.

It’s good when a woman has friends with whom you can discuss the situation: people from the outside will immediately see the absurdity of the moment. But often women on dating sites are lonely, scammers shake them emotionally - and now they are already standing in the Western Union office.

If you refuse financial assistance, the scammer will disappear. You drop off his list of prospective sluts, he turns his attention to others. Remember that a scammer has several women in processing at once and he will not waste extra time on you.

"I've been in trouble." The scammer writes that he is in a difficult situation and asks you to help him with money. If you refuse, the man will most likely ask you a lot, then he will start bargaining (reducing the amount), and then he will disappear altogether.

Screenshot from the Candidates Forum

"Send me an SMS to a short number." The man says that he is now in extreme conditions, for example, in the mountains, and he only receives SMS to a short number. If you send an SMS to this short number, an unusually large amount will be debited from your account.

"Money went out for a ticket." The scammer says that he really wants to visit you, but he cannot afford it financially. He asks for a money transfer, which he will use to buy tickets to your city.

Offer him this option: he tells you his first and last name (you can require a passport photo), and you buy a ticket on the airline's website. If a man refuses, then most likely he is deceiving you.

Toll scam. The man asks for your address and full name to "send a gift". You only need to pay customs duty - transfer money to the current account, which he will inform you. Often this is a bank account or Qiwi wallet.

Of course, you can actually send a gift. The fact of fraud is indicated by a request to transfer money to a specific account. There is another psychological nuance here. It may seem to you that 1,790 rubles of duty is nonsense, and you can pay it. But scammers have it on stream, so they are happy with such small amounts.

To pay the state duty, you must receive an official notification from the customs broker. To be sure that you are not being deceived, contact the customs service directly.

How to check a candidate

Fraud on dating sites is a real business. New female profiles are registered daily, scammers immediately take them into processing and squeeze out money. Some scammers operate alone, while others build entire networks of accounts. Most often they write to newcomers who have not yet encountered negativity in international acquaintances.

On forums and in personal correspondence, girls told me that scammers most often imitate Americans. Often scammers are not Americans or Spaniards, but your fellow citizens with Google Translate.

Some dating sites specifically warn users not to send money to online acquaintances. For a request to send money, you can receive a complaint and be removed from the site.

Despite such warnings, fraud is rampant. I advise you not to waste time and check the candidate as soon as possible.

Check the photo on Google Images. Often scammers find an attractive photo on the Internet and put it in their profile, because there is a demand for handsome men. Your task is to make sure that there are no photographs of the same man under a different name. You can also ask the interlocutor to send his photo with a certain gesture or an inscription especially for you. A gentleman will not refuse a lady such a whim, and swindlers will not have time for these nonsense.

How to Check Photos with Google Image Search

Check the interlocutor in the lists of scammers. Type in the search "black lists of suitors", "list of scammers". You will receive links to sites, forums, discussions. See if there are any mentions of the man you are talking to. It is unlikely that scammers will use the same accounts for many scams, but there are lazy ones among them.

Read the forums and learn from other people's experiences. My favorite forum is Here you can read about scammers (scammers), "virtual writers", see personal stories. The forum is useful for girls who are serious about looking for a husband from abroad. Well, a lot of hell for those who love hell.

Check the text of the first letter in an anti-plagiarism program. Fraudsters exchange email texts over their network. They can also copy an email template from a scammer forum, hoping that the girl won't bother looking for plagiarism. Use or another resource. It will show the number of matches in the text and the source where the repeated fragment is placed. Make sure the text is not posted on a scam site.

Call a man on Skype or any other video messenger. Most likely, the scammer will refuse. He simply does not have time for this: he needs to write to other girls. In addition, on Skype you will immediately see that the photos posted in the profile do not correspond to reality. Skype refusal is difficult to explain, so if the object refuses, goodbye.

Take a closer look at the details. There are always inconsistencies in the stories of scammers, because there are many of you, and he is alone, he has no time to fact-check his letters. For example, he says that he lives in a big house, but in the video he only shows a small room. Or he writes that he has a house and 8 acres (3.2 ha) of land, and the next day he says that he has 5 acres (2 ha). As in the example below. Well, a person took a different template, well, it happens:

How not to lose money, even if you were not asked for it

Sometimes you can lose money on a dating site, even if you are not asked for it. For example, if a man made an appointment for you, but he did not appear at it. Here are the main mistakes.

Go to a man to visit for your money. The man invites you. The woman arrives, but he ignores this meeting. There can be many reasons: maybe he has a binge, or maybe he's just a bad person. There are many stories on the forums about similar cases when traveling abroad.

Ask the man to issue an official invitation to your arrival. This requires the provision of personal data. A man who is not serious will refuse such a step. Sometimes a man says: “Come visit me. Buy tickets - I will return it to you on the spot. No, let him buy the tickets in your name.

Invite a man to your house. You never know what an internet friend will throw out. At first, it may seem silly to invite a stranger to your home. But men weave such webs of words, put pressure on emotions, logic, and anything else, just to have a good time, and at the same time profit from something from your property.

Ask the guest to take with them copies of the passport pages, where the full name and address will be visible. Let him show them to you when you meet at the airport. If you don't feel comfortable, tell them that the crazy Russian KGB men can then invite you for interrogation and you don't want to risk it. Here is a phrase book for you.

Folk phrasebook: how to ask a friend from the Internet to show you a passport

Compiled by the Internet. It may contain errors, but your friend from the Internet will understand you.

A classic scam for the money of foreigners, rich guys from neighboring countries and compatriots. A profile of a charming girl is posted on a dating site or in a social network. The beauty is such that you can't take your eyes off it. As a rule, there is a sad status, such as "I'm sad without your eyes ... Where are you, my betrothed?".

Several photos posted. This is a face and, of course, a slender body (for example, on the beach). The photographs, although open, are very chaste, with a clear targeting of the target audience. The latter are young and not very bachelors who have free money and a desire to have a wife or mistress.

As a rule, the girl herself makes contact with you, admiring your photo, brilliant comment or witty status.

Correspondence is very unobtrusively and quickly tied up. The girl does everything to meet your expectations. If you need it, she will be a victim of a crime, and a young nurse, and a virgin, and the daughter of a politician, and a lover of extreme sports, and a homebody, and a rocker, and an admirer of Byron ... Everything is done to fall in love with a man. After all, as you know - love is akin to madness.

And now, when the "client has matured", the divorce for money begins. At first, these are completely harmless allusions to running out of money on the phone, then - for a birthday, then for a sick mother. Then the girl agrees to come to visit, but she does not have money for a ticket (they, as a rule, are all excellent students).

When it turns out (at any stage) that the “groom” lives in a neighboring city or even in the same one, the correspondence stops instantly. After all, you can’t get much out of this! But if a foreigner is caught - real luck for scammers. According to the Russian police, the sums fished from foreign suitors reach hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Of course, in 99% of cases there is no charming girl in nature. An elderly lady, a swindler grandfather, a half-educated student, or even an overly inquisitive schoolboy is hiding behind the account. "Male" divorces, by the way, are much more successful than women's ones, since men are able to guess and play along with the wishes of "colleagues".

At a certain stage, a female voice may be required. For example, the groom will persistently seek a phone call. Or even worse - Skype video calls. Scammers and swindlers, of course, do not go for this (there is nothing to show) and the scam instantly goes out.

There are also real girls who are not afraid to call or talk on Skype. However, these are either already terry swindlers who care about the evidence base and rarely take the initiative themselves. Or it’s completely, sorry, beautiful fools deprived of their minds, who immediately get into the police, not suspecting that this is a criminal offense - fraud. More recently, such a bride was detained in the capital. She bred a foreigner for permanent illnesses - either she had an appendicitis operation, or her leg was broken. And laughter and sin ... True, the conviction will not be ephemeral, but quite real.

Morality: If you met a girl on the Internet, BEFORE giving even one cent, talk to her on the phone and insist on a video call via Skype or video chat! Even if you don’t plan to communicate like that, or you don’t have Skype at all. A categorical refusal indicates only one thing - swindlers on the hunt ...

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