
How to get rid of Avast on your computer. How to completely remove avast free antivirus from your computer. Removing antivirus using Avast utility

Created to protect user files and the system as a whole from malicious code, sometimes it can become a problem when it flatly refuses to be removed. This antivirus was created to protect the PC and works well, but when inexperienced users have problems with uninstallation, the question arises: “How to remove Avast correctly, without residual files and tails?”. We will look into everything in more detail.

You can’t just get rid of Avast, since the program developers have provided protection against false erasing by viruses or careless user actions. There are the following reasons why problems and errors occur when trying to uninstall an antivirus:

  • self-defense enabled;
  • malware does not allow removal;
  • residual files in the system registry;
  • moving a shortcut from the desktop to the trash.

Avast updates are released quite often. Developers are working on the antivirus, introducing new tools and various functions. When installed, Avast penetrates deep into the “roots” of the system to best protection, which is why a problem arises when trying to get rid of the defender, both by the user and by viruses. For such cases, the developers have added a self-defense function. Therefore, it is important to remove Avast correctly - read how to do this in detail. step by step instructions Further.


Almost all PC users know that to uninstall any program you should go to " Control Panel", select necessary software and double click the mouse to bring up the cleaning mode. But it is not recommended to delete programs in this way, because they leave “junk” in the system. The fact is that their residual files may interfere with the installation of other applications.

After uninstalling Avast in the usual way, installation file new defender software may display an error message that the system already has working utility to fight viruses. Because of which new program It just won't install.

So you need to wash it this program from the computer so that later there are no problems with installing a new defender.

We will look at two ways to achieve the desired result:

  • Using the official uninstallation utility.
  • Using a third party method.

Using the official utility

Avastclear is a special utility designed specifically to completely remove this antivirus program. To use it, follow these steps:

Restart PC in safe mode– optional step. You can erase Avast in standard mode, but then various files and “tails” will remain in the system, which can subsequently cause a software conflict.

Cleaning tailings

After the antivirus uninstallation operation, cleaning these files is very important. If you do not take this step, the new antivirus may not install, mistakenly thinking that the PC already has protection software. Take the following steps:

After the above steps, there is still one folder with Avast files, which is located in the root directory of the antivirus. If the path did not change when installing the program, then follow these steps:

Using third party software

We will look at two fairly popular cleaners for programs on a computer:

  • iObit Uninstaller
  • Soft Organizer

We bring to your attention instructions for each of them.

iObit Uninstaller

iObit Uninstaller is best application, which removes programs with all their tails and cleans the registry. There are 2 versions of the application: Pro and free. The program also removes not only tails, but also residual files that clutter the system.

Soft Organizer

Usually, free version Avast antivirus installs on your computer quickly and without any problems. However, if you want to remove this utility, then a whole bunch of errors and warnings already appear. To avoid them, you need to know how to remove Avast correctly. We will talk about correct antivirus uninstallation in this article.

There are three ways to remove Avast from your computer. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Removal using standard Windows tools

Developers operating system Windows has created a built-in utility that allows you to completely remove any program from your computer. Moreover, there is a system uninstaller in each Windows versions. The removal utility is quite slow. However, after uninstallation using standard OS tools, your PC is guaranteed to be cleared of all antivirus components. So to run system utility To remove programs, you must:

When the computer starts again, you need to remove all Avast entries from the registry. This is necessary to prevent re-installation of the antivirus. So, to clear your PC of records, you need to:

Removal via official uninstaller

Almost all companies create uninstallers for their software products. In this regard, Avast is no exception. You can download the proprietary uninstaller on the manufacturer’s official website ( Go to the specified Internet resource and follow the following instructions:

Removal via third-party software

To remove Avast antivirus you can use software from third party developers. In the vastness World Wide Web You can find a bunch of utilities that allow you to remove unnecessary software from your computer. We will use a fairly well-known software called CCleaner. So, in order to remove Avast, do the following:

After the program completely removes Avast, you must. Fortunately, with using CCleaner this process can be automated. Enter the “Registry” section, which is located in the main menu of the utility. After that, click on “Search for Problem”. This will cause CCleaner to start looking for unnecessary registry entries. At the end of this process, the program will issue a detailed report on the notes found. To remove them, click on the “Fix” button.

Avast is quite good free antivirus for computer. However, sometimes you may be faced with the need to remove it - for example. The system slows down or reacts too often to scanned files. One way or another, today we will look at ways to completely remove Avast antivirus from your computer.

Note! Before performing any of the following actions, it is recommended to disable Avast Self-Defense to avoid errors during the uninstallation process.

For this:

The system tools and the standard Avast antivirus removal wizard are quite enough to completely remove the program from your computer. However, despite the simplicity of this method, it also has quite serious disadvantages. There may be quite a lot of reports left in the system, and antivirus entries in the registry. Over time, these go-nowhere entries can cause your computer to slow down.

Ready. You have completely deleted Avast antivirus from your computer.

Removal using third-party uninstallers

This method has a number of advantages over the previous one. It ensures the removal of all registry entries and residual files, that is, in this case, the removal of the program will be truly complete. However, the disadvantages of this method include the relative complexity of implementation and the need to install third-party software.

Important! Be sure to disable the self-defense module.

  1. Download the application - uninstaller. There are quite a lot of them, but today we will look at the removal process using an example popular application Revo Uninstaller.

  2. Open installed program. You will see a list of applications installed on your computer. Select Avast.
  3. Click the "Delete" button located on the top toolbar. The program will launch the analysis, it will determine what degree of scanning depth you need. Whether to rely on automation or solve this issue yourself is your choice.

  4. Click the “Scan” button, this will start a search for our antivirus files throughout the entire computer and its registry. When the scanning is completed, the program will show you the result of its search.

  5. Select everything you want to remove (we recommend just clicking the Select All button) and click the Delete button. Proceed to the next step once the removal of selected items is complete.

  6. Now it's time for the files. Here it is also recommended to select all items and delete them. Be patient, files take much longer to delete than registry entries.

  7. After the removal is completed, the program will notify you that few files will be deleted when the system is restarted.

  8. Restart your computer. After the reboot, there will be no trace of the antivirus left in the system. Ready!

Remember! When you remove an antivirus, you leave your computer without protection against viruses. Try to keep this time without protection to a minimum - a computer without an antivirus with active network connection extremely susceptible to virus attacks. Good luck!

Video - How to remove Avast antivirus

There are many Avast products for a computer or laptop: free antivirus 2015, Avast 7, Avast 8, secureline vpn, grimefighter, premier, safezone, alwil software 4.0, internet security.

Many people have the habit of seeing how it works on Windows 7, Windows 8 or XP, experimenting, and if they don’t like it, remove it.

It turns out that completely removing Avast antivirus from a computer or laptop on Windows 7 / Windows 8 is not so simple.

Remove Avast antivirus from your computer in a standard way Through the control panel (programs and components section) you are unlikely to succeed.

The same applies to the uninstaller.exe utility built into the root. What to do then? Below are 3 ways.

This article was written a long time ago, only recently, when I received questions: how to delete Avast if it is not deleted, I can’t delete Avast, what should I do? I changed it a little, or rather added a third option (previously there was no such option).

The first way to remove the Avast program

There is an excellent program called “revo uninstaller” for removing everything that is not needed on a computer or laptop. It correctly and completely removes not only programs, but also registry entries.

Even if you cannot destroy the Avast antivirus with it, I still recommend installing it and using it in the future.

As shown in the image below, you just need to highlight installed antivirus Avast (I have ECET installed) and click delete at the top - then the program will do everything on its own.

The Revo Unistaler program is free and in Russian, as well.

The second way to remove antivirus avast from a computer or laptop

The second method of destroying antivirus avast from a laptop/computer is more powerful, but not complete.

After using it, you will need to clean the registry, for example.

It consists of using the free “Unlocker” utility, which you can download (you will also find instructions there).

The essence of this option is that Unlocker deletes files that cannot be deleted. Therefore, I also recommend that you have this utility on hand.

The third method is the correct and complete removal of Avast antivirus in Windows 7 or Windows 8

This is the last option, recently completed. This is due to the fact that antivirus developers in Lately They have greatly tightened the process of removing their products.

Conventional methods no longer work. Therefore, if you currently have one of latest versions Avast, then use only this method - otherwise nothing will come of your idea.

In this method you will need a utility that removes Avast -

Using this option, you will quickly and completely remove all Avast products and erase any remaining residue in the registry.

By the way special utilities now needed for everyone antivirus programs– on the one hand, this is good, viruses will not be able to carry out such an operation on their own.

On the other hand, it’s bad for many, because not everyone knows about this turn of events.

Yes, you almost forgot, and then turn it on again if it’s bothering you at the moment. Good luck.

Hello everyone Today we will talk about Avast antivirus, or rather about how to remove it. Today I will consider free version Avast Free Antivirus, for which you don’t need to pay, that is, it is a free antivirus, but this does not save it from the fact that many users want to remove it. But why do they want to delete it? Well, to be honest, I don’t know, but I dare to assume that it’s because Avast is loading the computer, or maybe it’s blocking sites, I don’t know guys. But the fact is a fact: users on the Internet often search for how to completely remove Avast from their computer.

Today I will tell you how not only to remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer completely, but also how to remove its remnants, that is, I will show you how to scan your computer for the presence of remnants, any garbage that remains from Avast. So what am I going to do, I tell it like it is. I have Windows 7, I installed Avast Free Antivirus there, that is, I downloaded it, installed it, everything is as usual. And now we will delete it. If you do everything as I write, then everything will work out and you will be able to completely remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer. Here we go?

By the way, well, I think you already know, but along with the Avast antivirus, the Avast browser appeared on my computer, it’s called Avast SafeZone Browser, do you know what it is? This is a kind of secure browser, like you can do something in it and no one can intercept the data, like no one can hack you. Well, for example, in such a browser you can perform some financial transactions, pay for something there, well, in short, you understand. Look, here is the Avast SafeZone Browser shortcut on the desktop:

So, okay, something I’m talking about here isn’t quite what I need to talk about! We begin to remove Avast. I’ll just write a little more information, Avast itself works under processes such as avastui.exe and AvastSvc.exe, here they are in the task manager:

As you can see, the processor is not loaded by these processes, which is good. The processes themselves are launched from this folder:

C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast

So, now about deletion. So you're clamping down Win buttons+ R, then the Run window will appear, you write the following command there:

Click OK, then the Programs and Features window will open, here you will have a list of all the programs that are on your computer. Here in the list you need to find Avast Free Antivirus, but usually this program comes first, well, there the letter A is the first in the alphabet. Well, in short, you found the program, right-clicked on it and then select Delete:

Then you will see a large Avast window where you can update your antivirus, fix it, change it, or, in short, that... And you can also activate a free subscription for a year, for fun! But if you are not interested in this and you still want to remove Avast, then click the Delete button here:

Then there will be such a security window from Avast, well, this is like a check, but do you want to remove the antivirus? This check is just like, what if it’s a virus that wants to remove the antivirus, such jokes also happen! Well, in short, in this window you click Yes:

The removal process will begin:

Below you see, there is another question, like why are you deleting the antivirus? You can answer this question, or you can not answer anything, I didn’t answer anything there. If you have HDD is on the computer, then Avast can be deleted in about three minutes, but I have an SSD and therefore Avast was deleted in a few seconds:

I pointed the arrow at the Restart computer button because I don’t recommend postponing this matter, it’s better to reboot right away! The fact is that there are certain files, well, there are libraries and other dregs, so in order for all this to be deleted, you need to do a reboot. It will be deleted even before the Windows kernel is loaded, well, something like this, that is, it will be deleted while Windows is not fully awake, in short, something like this! Therefore, it is better to reboot immediately

In general, we rebooted and Avast Free Antivirus was removed from the computer, but was it completely removed? Hmm, this question remains to be seen

So, here I want to tell you something else, it may be that Avast Free Antivirus will be stupid and will not want to be uninstalled. What to do in this case? Well, I don’t even know what to say. There’s such a joke here that it’s better to delete it correctly, because if you force it to be deleted, there may be bugs in the form of abandoned Avast drivers. Therefore, I advise you to visit this page, this is the official Avast website:

This page has clear instructions on how to remove Avast using their avastclear utility. I advise you to use this utility if Avast does not want to be removed normally. Just in case, I’ll also tell you that you can try deleting using the Revo Uninstaller remover, but you know what, it’s better to make a recovery point before deleting, well, just in case. I wrote about the Revo Uninstaller remover here, so you can take a look, by the way, the uninstaller not only removes, but also searches for and removes garbage in the system, well, the garbage that remains after uninstalling the program.

So, now let’s get back to the things that need to be done after removing Avast. These things are about removing leftovers. So, we have two types of leftovers, this is file garbage and garbage in the registry, let's start with the first. We need to open the system drive where Windows is installed. So I’ll show you a universal way to open a system disk so that absolutely everyone can understand it, although I understand that many already know how to do this, but still. So guys, hold down the Win + R buttons, then write the following command:

Click OK, then you will see a window where all your disks will be, here you need to select the system disk. Usually it goes under the letter C, and also has this flag, well, it’s like a Windows flag or something, in short, it’s different from other drives. I only have one disk, but it also has this flag, here it is in short:

In general, we went to the system disk. Great, let's look for the trash! But there is also a funny thing here that some files may not want to be deleted, so just in case, I’m telling you that you may need the Unlocker utility, this free utility and she is a master at removing undeletable files and folders. I wrote about the Unlocker utility itself, I already have this utility installed. So now in the upper right corner of the window system disk, then there will be a search field, you need to write the word avast there, that is, write here:

Then we wait for the results, that is, we wait until all files and folders with the word avast in their names are found. But I will say that you need to look for traces only after you have deleted Avast, but not just deleted it, but deleted it CORRECTLY, do you understand what the joke is? Well, in short guys, I’ve already found garbage like this here, look:

What a joke, I deleted Avast, but there were so many folders left after it, of course guys we need to clean this, we don’t need such jokes! What to do, how to delete? Here's how, you need to first select all the files and folders, or not select them, you can try deleting one at a time if there is not a lot of garbage. Well, I selected all the folders and files, then I right-clicked on all of them and selected Delete:

Then there will be a window like this, click Yes:

Then you will see such a window, here you need to click the Continue button:

Well, it’s a bummer, of course, but another window will appear, well, maybe it won’t appear for you, but it did for me, in this window you need to check the box below and click Yes:

Then another window will appear, or rather, if it appears, then you also need to check the box below and click the Skip button:

Apparently you can’t just remove the remnants of Avast and remove them. Then I had another window, there I also checked the box at the bottom and clicked the Skip button:

That's it, then the windows no longer popped up, but not all the trash was removed! Here you need to press the F5 button so that the search is updated, because files that you have actually already deleted may be shown here, I don’t know about you, but I have such a glitch. Well, we pressed F5, everything was updated, and now we will delete using the Unlocker utility, right-click on all the files and select the Unlocker item there (let me remind you that I already have this utility installed):

Then this security window popped up, here you click Yes:

But you may not have this window if you have such security disabled! But damn, there was a bummer waiting for me here. In short, I pressed the Yes button and there was exactly zero effect! Do you know why? All because of these files:

Well, there are still some down there! I didn’t select them, but only selected the folders, then right-clicked on them again, selected Unlocker, and again there was zero effect, what fun, I thought! Then I started doing what I now advise you to do, which is to delete files and folders one by one. I clicked on the first folder, selected the Unlocker item, security popped up, clicked Yes there, then this window appeared, here you need to select Delete from the menu on the left and click OK:

Removal started:

Then this window popped up, which means that everything went fine:

After I deleted one folder, I pressed the F5 button to update the search. Well, I tried to delete it again using Unlocker, it also worked. In short, guys, this security window bothered me a little, so I turned it off, just when it popped up again, I clicked here:

Then I lowered the slider to the very bottom:

I clicked OK and that’s it, the window didn’t bother me anymore. Well, I wrote this just in case, in case the window bothers you too, now you will know how to turn it off. The guys had to work a little while I deleted all this, but I managed to delete it and then, when I tried to search for the word avast again, nothing was found:

But I succeeded because I deleted one file at a time, for some reason I couldn’t delete two at once, I don’t know what kind of joke this is. In short, things like this, I succeeded, which means you can do it too, believe me

You're probably wondering, is it all over or is there something else? No, guys, I can’t make you happy yet, because there is still garbage in the registry, it also needs to be removed, but it’s a little easier there.. So, press the Win + R buttons again, then write the following command:

The Registry Editor window will appear, this window will appear:

It is in this window that we will look for garbage, but how? Everything is simple here, don’t worry, press the Ctrl + F buttons, then write avast in the search field and click the Find next button:

The search will begin. Now look carefully, the registry will look for everything that has the word avast in its name, this can include registry keys and keys. Everything that is found will be found one by one and it will be highlighted. That is, something was found, it was highlighted, the search stopped, you right-clicked on what was found, selected Delete, then pressed the F3 button to continue the search. Well, is the algorithm roughly clear? I hope this is clear. Well, look, for example, we found some folder (that is, a partition), it’s called 00avast, it’s a trash can, so we delete it, right-click and select Delete:

Then a window will pop up, click here Yes:

And that's it, the folder was deleted. This is what you need to do with everything, both junk folders and junk keys. It’s the same with the keys, right-click and select Delete:

Here's another funny thing: the name of the key may not contain anything at all that relates to Avast... Well, often the key may be called simply Default, but if you look at the Value column, there you will see an entry that just relates to Avast:

By the way, if you delete this Default key, it will appear again, that’s why it is Default. But the Value field will already be empty. I was just thinking, maybe the keys with the name Default should be skipped altogether? Well, I don’t know, but I personally delete everything that has the word avast in its name, because I, so to speak, care about the cleanliness of Windows. What a joke

So guys, it’s clear with the registry, yes, what you need to look for, then to continue the search you need to press the F3 button, then again delete the found garbage and so on until the following window appears:

Well, that's all guys, now you have removed this Avast Free Antivirus, I congratulate you (well, if you actually removed it). What else can I say, except that guys, you should clean your computer with the CClenaer utility, so to speak, it will generally clean the entire computer of garbage, how to use it, I wrote about this here. All guys, that’s all, I hope that everything was clear to you here, but if something is wrong, then you’ll have to excuse me. Good luck to you

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