
How Microsoft will benefit from free user upgrades to the new OS. Because progress! Enlarge the System Reserved section

Today, more than a billion devices around the world will have access to Windows 10, a new version of the operating system. Microsoft systems on the success of which the further prosperity of the company depends to a large extent. In order not to lose face, as happened with the predecessor of the "dozens", the developer from Redmon has improved his main product so much that he promises to become the most successful "Windows" in the last decade. Ten reasons to install Windows 10 found Vesti.Hi-tech.

free. Windows 10 will be the first version of Microsoft's operating system to be available completely free of charge. Here the company followed the path of Apple, which has not taken money from users for a long time and updates OS X on a regular basis. For a free upgrade to the "tens", however, two conditions must be met.

First, fully activated Windows 10 can only be installed by owners of legal copies of Windows 7 and 8/8.1 - those who bought a licensed product in a store or received it as pre-installed software on a computer, laptop or tablet. Secondly, you can upgrade for free within 12 months after the release of Windows 10, i.е. until July 29, 2016. True, there are rumors that the renewal period may be extended.

To boot a new system, your PC must be running the latest version of Windows that it supports. This can be Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update. It is impossible to make a direct upgrade to the "ten" from Vista or an older version of the OS.

You don't need to worry about upgrading hardware: Windows 10 will easily run on the same machines as its predecessor. The minimum system requirements for the "ten" are as follows: a processor with a clock frequency of 1 gigahertz, 1 (for 32-bit systems) or 2 gigabytes (for 64-bit) RAM, 16 or 20 GB of space (32/64x, respectively) on the hard drive, a DirectX 9 or higher graphics card with a WDDM 1.0 driver, and a display with a resolution of 1024x600 pixels.

However, not everyone will get Windows 10 on release day. To cope with the flow of applicants, Microsoft will update the OS in stages. First, the top ten will be sent to the participants Windows programs Insiders who have a technical preview of the system installed, then to ordinary users who have downloaded the Get Windows 10 application and have expressed a desire to receive an update themselves. Later on the availability of the update will notify everyone else.

Regular updates. In Windows 10, the company abandoned the practice of releasing Service Packs that were released on schedule. "Ten" will be the last major version of the operating system, and all further corrections and improvements to it will be made through the regular release of updates, which are also free.

"We'll be offering Windows as a service that innovates through updates on an ongoing basis," Microsoft said earlier, emphasizing that "there's no more Windows 11."

Windows 10 will enable the feature automatic download and installing updates, and it is no longer possible to get away from them, as before. Users will be forced to agree with this condition when installing the system.

Familiar interface. Vesti.Hi-tech has already written about the main innovations of Windows 10, and how it differs from its predecessors. In short, the "ten" tries to please everyone: both those who like to use the OS on devices with touchscreens, and adherents of the classic desktop Windows desktop 7. The "Start" menu, for example, can be compact, as in the "seven", or expand to full screen, as in Windows 8.1.

A full-fledged start menu not only gives you access to your most used applications, but also allows you to customize tabs with your favorite programs, utilities, and websites. Users can add live tiles, remove them, resize them, and decide for themselves how prominent a label should be. And the windows, when launched, take on a "classic" look: they can be moved, minimized, stretched and closed by clicking on the cross in the corner. Of course, if desired, it can be expanded to full screen.

All in all, Windows 10 is completely customizable to fit your needs. If necessary, the OS will be able to adapt the interface if the monitor changes to a touchscreen, or switch to "Windows 7 style" when an external keyboard is connected to the tablet.

Stable work. In terms of performance and stability, the new OS looks better than Windows 7. Microsoft has optimized the code, allowing it to run much faster than Windows 7, and at the same time has included a wider set of drivers (including native support for USB 3.0, various types of motion sensors, I2C buses). Simply put, users of "dozens" are more likely not to have to "google" why it does not work new graphics card, mouse or keyboard.

Also included in Windows 10 new monitor resources, as well as tools for diagnosing and configuring the system. Viewing and unloading "gluttonous" processes from memory has become more convenient. Also, "ten" has more flexible options for reinstalling the system. The Refresh function, for example, saves data, bringing all applications and the “axis” back to its original form, and the more radical Reset formats the disk and deletes all information from the computer, allowing you to start from scratch.

Productivity. Users can interact with the system much faster and more efficiently with a range of new features. First, there are gestures. By swiping down on the laptop's touchpad with three fingers, you can hide all active windows, and up to restore them. The three-finger gesture also enables the new Task View mode, which displays thumbnails of all running applications and files on the screen and allows you to switch between them.

Secondly, Windows 10 allows you to place up to four applications on the screen at once (Snap function), and the system itself will adjust the window size to the free space. Microsoft also tried to cater to power users by adding an improved multi-monitor window docking feature that they have been asking for for a long time.

Thirdly, Windows 10 supports virtual desktops (as in OS X), which eliminates the need to flip through dozens of windows, as in Windows 8/8.1. You can create several of these areas at once, suitable for different tasks (one "desktop" for entertainment and games, the second - for Photoshop, the third - for Word and Internet Explorer etc.).

New browser. Windows 10 includes a brand new browser, and the changes are so radical that Microsoft chose to position it as a standalone product and leave the old Internet Explorer just for compatibility. From the new browser - Microsoft Edge - all elements responsible for supporting outdated Internet technologies and standards have been removed.

Users can "communicate" with it in any way: by giving voice commands Cortana intelligent assistant using a mouse, stylus or fingers. The application allows you to add annotations and notes to screenshots of web pages, introduces a "reading mode" that adapts sites for the most comfortable viewing, including offline.

What's more, you can import extensions originally created for Chrome and Firefox into Edge. They can be managed from the browser toolbar. And when the user hovers over the tab, Edge will show a preview of the site's content, which is quite handy.

Intelligent Features. At the bottom, on the Windows 10 taskbar, Cortana's helper, familiar to the owners of Winphones, will be located. You can turn to her with almost any request, for example: "Show me the December photos", "Should I wear a jacket today?" or "Play my favorite music."

The secretary also allows you to launch applications, write letters from dictation, add events to the calendar, search for files on your hard drive, external drives or OneDrive. Unfortunately, Cortana has not yet learned the Russian language, and it will not be available to users from Russia by the time Windows 10 is released. It is expected that this will happen in the fall.

Safety. Windows 10 supports several authentication systems at once. In addition to a password, a fingerprint, eye, or facial recognition can be used to sign in to a system or application. Microsoft says that it will not work to deceive the "top ten": it can distinguish the original from the fake - for example, a photograph exposed to the camera from a real person.

Universal Applications. Windows 10 comes with a "single" Windows Store. Users who once purchase apps, games, movies, music or other content from it will be able to use it on all their devices - PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets or Xbox One.

Microsoft account is used for data synchronization. By purchasing a new device, the user will be able to transfer all previously purchased content to it. Enter serial numbers and you won't have to re-subscribe to the service.

All versions of Windows applications are now also the same, regardless of the device, and the products are tightly integrated with each other. For example, mobile version notification center - Action Center - is fully synchronized with the PC: if you dismiss any notification on your smartphone, it will disappear on the PC. Read notifications are also synced across all Windows devices. For example, a Skype message once viewed on a PC will no longer distract the user on a tablet.

Free Office. The office suite with Word, Excel and PowerPoint will become not only universal, but also free (in basic, functionally limited versions). These applications can be downloaded from the Windows Store immediately after installing the OS and used on any device with a "ten". Some gadgets, such as smartphones and compact Windows tablets, will come preinstalled with them.

The interface of the programs included in Office is also brought to a common denominator. Word on smartphones will get the "ribbon" interface familiar to the desktop version, while PowerPoint and Outlook tablets will look the same as on computers.

However, do not rush to update the OS right now.

To understand why Windows 10 does not start, you need to determine after what actions the problem arose: reinstalling programs or, removing system software or.

If the system worked stably before the problem and the black screen did not appear, then you may need to check the hardware of the device for a breakdown.

Computer won't turn on after update

In the window that opens, select the tile called "Diagnostics" and then the option "Recovery". The system will do everything for you.

Wait a while and all the missing components will be installed and the computer will restart.

If Windows did not start after diagnostics and the black screen is still present, you should roll back the updates and return to the old version of the operating system.

Microsoft developers may not have fixed the installation issue for your device yet.

To roll back the OS to a previous version, the diagnostic window mentioned above is used. Click on the diagnostics tile, then on the advanced options tab.

Start System Restore:

In the window that opens, you will see all existing restore points and the date they were created. Select the point with the current date and click "Continue".

In a few minutes, the newly installed system will be completely removed from the computer and, by restarting the computer, you will return to using the previous version of the OS.

Black screen on system boot

If the system takes a long time to boot, and you see only a black screen, you should try to restore the parameters using the diagnostic window, as described in the previous paragraph of the article.

In most cases, the system restarts and starts working successfully again. Perhaps the black screen appeared due to incorrect driver installation.

A black screen at startup may be the result of a virus or spyware infection on your computer.

In this case, you should completely reinstall the operating system without saving any user files and programs, because they can transfer the virus to the new OS.

Long boot Windows 10

If your device's RAM is less than 2 GB, it's normal for windows 10 to run slowly.

Your computer's hardware cannot handle the updated version of the OS.

For more comfortable work, install one of the previous versions of Windows on your computer, it will not start for a long time.

OS optimization includes the following steps:

  • Removing all unnecessary programs from the autorun menu. You can view the list of software that is loaded when you turn on the computer in Explorer, to do this, open the "Startup" tab;

Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc buttons at the same time and then to see all applications, just open the "Startup" section.

Then right-click on the unwanted program and click disable.

  • Scan your computer for malware with powerful antivirus software;
  • Update the store and remove unnecessary applications from it, they can run in the background and load the system;

Create a disk with a recovery version of the OS

You can only create a recovery drive using a working OS on another computer. Go to the control panel and in the search field enter the following text: "recovery disk".

Then you will see the following results. Click on the first one.

It's time to dwell on the question of whether it is worth installing Windows 10 more than a year after its release. Most new laptops and computers come with a 10 base, in fact all software adapted for the new OS and released to work in its environment.

Let's talk about whether it makes sense to install Windows 10 if you have previously used the "seven" or "eight", along the way considering the main "pros" and "cons" of the new operating system.

Pros of Windows 10

Let's start, perhaps, with the reasons why the transition to the "ten" should still be a little delayed (information is provided for owners only licensed copies previous operating systems).

One of the important factors that contribute to the rapid adoption of Windows 10 is its free distribution. The cost of computers/laptops supplied based on the new OS does not include the price of the pre-installed operating system.

For a whole year after its release, it was possible to upgrade from Windows 7-8.1 completely free of charge, however, only to one or the closest edition of the OS used on the PC (if it was Home, then it is not possible to get a professional version for free).

chance to try new system without data loss and with the function to return the previous version of Windows. Microsoft allows you to upgrade to "tens" and operate it for up to one month with the ability to roll back to the previous one Windows versions. Yes, there are often problems with this, but the fact that the function exists remains a fact.

The next reason to upgrade to Windows 10 concerns users of version 8.1. The new OS took into account the wishes of the user audience and paid close attention to correcting existing problems. Significant changes have been made to the user interface: it has become less adapted to tablets and other touch devices, and is quite adequate for users of laptops and computers. At the same time, upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 is absolutely painless and without loss of information.

Fans of the classics, who have been working in the Windows 7 environment for many years, will have to slightly rebuild and adapt to the new graphical environment, first of all, the presence of the Options menu, WinX. The redesigned Start for fans of the "seven" will be more familiar and familiar than for those who upgrade from Windows 8.1.

The list of new features will please and interest most users. Support for virtual desktops without third-party applications, which has long been implemented in a number of Linux distributions, however, with some limitations in functionality, will make virtually everyone smile. An advanced recovery system after failures and errors will facilitate the process of resuscitation of the operating system.

For laptops and netbooks, noteworthy will be the ability to bind touchpad gestures to certain functions, as is done in Mac OS. To work with a large number of windows, the function of smart snapping of application windows and Explorer has been improved with several improvements. A lot of attention has also been paid to working with multi-display systems. Do not bypass the following innovations:

  • redesigned parental control;
  • improved connectivity and monitors wireless channels communications;
  • "Storage";
  • console authorization in the system;
  • shortcuts in the left frame of Start;
  • the presence of a virtual assistant Cortana;
  • reliable integrated protector.

Some of the features are being improved with the release of updates, others, while missing, are being added and will be added. As for the "seven" and "eight", they will be updated for some time, but the updates will concern exclusively the security of the system.

For avid gamers, installing Windows 10 will provide even more options: it supports the updated DirectX API, edition 12. If you own a powerful computer with a graphics card that supports DX12, be sure to update, this will give you the opportunity to evaluate new games based on the latest DirectX.

The system requirements for the "dozens" are the same as for its predecessors, despite the fact that the latest OS from Microsoft is more productive, especially if you turn off unnecessary visual effects, biometric services and unused services. Full SSD support and no need to manually configure the system if installed on an SSD should be considered a Windows 10 asset if you purchased a flash-based digital drive.

Reasons not to install Windows 10

Update - first and important factor, which serves as a reason not to switch to the "top ten". When upgrading to Windows 10, there may be problems that not every novice user can cope with without the help of outsiders or at least thematic articles on the Internet. The most common causes of errors are:

  1. attempt to update a pirated Windows version;
  2. lack of free space on the system volume or the presence of bad sectors on it;
  3. use of outdated equipment (which is 5 or more years old).

These and many other problems are fairly easy to solve (with the exception of getting a new laptop), if you know how, the very fact of their existence sometimes discourages any desire to switch to Windows 10.

So much time after the release, Windows 10 is still damp. Regular updates bring numerous fixes to it, also related to the interface of the operating system. For more than a year, developers have been unable to resolve some driver compatibility issues and conflicts that arise when working with old applications or on outdated hardware. Even programs released a couple of years ago that are not currently supported sometimes refuse to work in a new environment, even in compatibility mode.

Search, Start, and the app store are ubiquitous, and random blue screens are no surprise.

A very serious problem of the “tens” is its espionage. Although compared to smartphones, which provide much more data to intelligence agencies and multinational corporations, Windows 10 does not hide that it shares everything it can with Microsoft servers, like any browser. Surveillance is understandable: in this way, Microsoft slips ads that correspond to the interests of the user in order to earn money themselves and pump out some money from their users. Disabling surveillance is easy, read the corresponding article about this.

Windows 10 Defender has become more independent, which, along with the inability to refuse updates, turns the concept of skynet into reality. For example, Windows Defender 10 can remove any pirated game or application without warning. Even if such software remains on the PC, it may simply not start due to the absence of any file. This document can be deleted by Defender "tens" or moved to quarantine.

Due to the desire to ensure the highest security of their system, Microsoft has established a ban on disabling Defender and refusing updates. You cannot deactivate the integrated Defender in Top Ten even after installing an anti-virus program, and you will not be able to disable updates without manually editing a pair of registry keys.

If you use a device that came with a licensed version of the "seven" or Windows 8.1 and do not want additional problems, you should temporarily refuse to switch to Windows 10 until most of the above and a number of less significant problems are resolved.

This section provides brief information and tips from both Microsoft representatives and ordinary users that will simplify the process of replacing the operating system with a new one.

  1. If there are problems with the drivers of the graphics adapter (and any other device), you should remove the problematic software, download the driver from the hardware support site and install it manually using the integrated installer or through the Device Manager. For complete removal from the driver information system of any video card, use the Display Driver Uninstaller application.
  2. Before updating the system, be sure to uninstall antivirus program and all applications that will be automatically deleted after the upgrade (they will be displayed after the system check).
  3. Provide the required volume free space on the system drive, which will be required to store a copy of the old system, install a new OS, software, store temporary files, system rollback points, etc.

From user feedback on the new operating system, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • a significant part of the negative actually repeats the dirt poured seven years ago on Windows 7;
  • the operating system really works faster if you disable unnecessary services;
  • Windows 10 is designed for spying and frankly tells the user about it;
  • after a year of operation, the "ten" is still the same raw and unstable operating system;
  • Windows 10 is mandatory for owners of powerful gaming devices due to support for DirectX version 12.

In order to evaluate all the pros and cons of the new operating system, test it and draw your own conclusions, you need to install it yourself and test everything on your own equipment.

Today, in 190 countries around the world, a new OS from Microsoft is being released - Windows 10. New and ... the last. No, the history of the famous operating system does not end, it's just that now all updates, additions and fixes will come out in the form of upgrades. We asked Sergey Martsynkyan, Windows promotion manager in Russia, to explain why we should move to Windows 10.

Because it's free

The most unexpected part of the announcement is that the upgrade to Windows 10 for all legal users of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 systems will be absolutely free. “Absolutely” means you won’t have to pay not only for a fundamental upgrade on July 29, but also for all subsequent updates of the “dozens”. In other words, as long as your computer is running, you will always have the latest edition of this OS. Just think: always!

This circumstance alone should encourage conservative fans of previous versions of Windows to put aside all doubts and move on to a product that is obviously better and much more advanced. By making Windows 10 free, Microsoft is unlikely to want to extend the life of the same "seven" and at some point stop supporting it, as happened with Windows XP. But then it will be more expensive to switch to the "top ten": from the day the update starts, users have only a year to do it for free. If you fail, you will have to pay.

Because here is the best thing about Windows 7 and Windows 8

The flexible interface of "dozens" creates a familiar and comfortable environment for both adherents of the good old Windows 7, and for fans windows tiles 8. The choice of how your device looks and the logic of interaction with it is entirely up to you - work the way you are used to. If you have a tablet, then there will be a modified G8 interface, if you have a PC, then an updated G7 interface. Moreover, if you have a tablet with a plug-in keyboard, then in laptop mode it will work with an interface in the style of Windows 7, but if you disconnect it, then in Windows 8/10 mode.

And yes - the "Start" button triumphantly returned to its usual place.

Because it's always the latest version of Windows!

The time of service packs (service packs) is a thing of the past, and with them the concept of “versions” is dying. "Ten" will be the last, and further development of the system will go on its core.

It doesn't matter how Windows 10 will work and look in a few years. As long as you have the system turned on windows update, the most up-to-date edition of the OS will always be installed on the computer. So there is no point in "skip a version": whenever you decide to upgrade, you will still upgrade to Windows 10.

Because the new browser!

What is the most famous built-in application in Windows? Internet browser, of course. And in Windows 10, we are waiting for big changes: Microsoft will no longer develop Internet Explorer. It will remain in the system, but only for compatibility with corporate resources that are optimized for older versions of IE.

For everything else, a new browser, Microsoft Edge. The epithet "new" here means - completely new. All the blocks that were responsible for supporting outdated technologies and standards were removed from the Trident engine, now surfing becomes an integral part of the intelligence of your PC. The browser interface is adapted to work with everything that is possible: not only the keyboard and mouse, but also the stylus, finger, even voice. Unique features have appeared: you can make any notes on the viewing page, and then, without leaving Microsoft Edge, send it with your own autograph in the form of a screenshot to friends and colleagues. I came across an interesting text that I have no time to read, and in one click they added it to the reading list. You will read it when the time comes, and without having to go online. And one more useful feature: quickly remove everything from the web page, except for the actual text.

Because it is convenient to work!

Windows 10 will introduce virtual desktops. This feature will be appreciated by any fan of multitasking. I suspect that most of them are. When you open many programs at once, virtual desktops allow you to organize your work with them. In addition, everything important that we usually drag onto the desktop, such as shortcuts to popular applications, office documents, photos, videos, etc., can now be neatly laid out on visually independent platforms and, if necessary, find quickly. If at some point there are too many applications and windows on the desktop, they can simply be moved to a new virtual desktop.

For the new OS, Microsoft has prepared another surprise: a set of universal Office applications for Windows 10. It includes the well known Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. These applications with basic functionality can be downloaded completely free of charge from the Windows Store and used on any of the dozens of devices: computer, tablet or smartphone. These applications are equally convenient for both touch devices and for working with them using the keyboard and mouse. All the basic functionality of working with documents or spreadsheets is present and this, I repeat, is completely free.

Windows 10 is the center of entertainment!

In Windows 10, you can not only work with a twinkle, but also revel from the heart. The most important innovation is tight integration with the X-box game console. Now your PC is ready to turn into an equal partner of the set-top box and there are countless scenarios for their interaction with each other (well, with you, of course). The dedicated Xbox app for Windows 10 brings your console's activity feed right to your desktop, laptop, or tablet. New Feature DVR allows you to shoot and edit videos on Windows device 10 just like it does on the Xbox One console.

The most interesting innovation: support for cross-platform play, when one gamer works with the Xbox One, and the other - on a regular PC. So, if you have a console owner in mind and a potential shooter or race car sparring partner, make him happy: you are in the game.

New opportunities have appeared incl. and thanks to the latest version of DirectX 12, which in some components increased performance from 10 to 15 times, while reducing resource consumption by almost half. Moreover, the improvements are noticeable not only on powerful computers, but also on relatively weak laptops with integrated graphics - they also began to work noticeably faster and more economically.

Because interactive!

The new OS has Windows Hello, a technology that allows the system to recognize a user by a range of biometric data - a fingerprint, an iris, and even just a face. It will be enough to sit in front of the computer so that it recognizes you and allows you to start working.

All further communication with the computer takes place according to any scenario convenient for a particular user: through traditional tools like a mouse or keyboard, using a stylus, through gestures or through voice commands.

Moreover, from now on, the management process will more and more resemble communication in the proper sense of the word. With Windows 10 comes a personal assistant - Cortana. Cortana understands natural speech, so you shouldn't act like a reciter with her, hitting all the hard distinct articulations. She is able to launch applications, open and read messages, add appointments to the calendar, write notes and reply to letters under dictation, and so on. She understands the context of search queries, and thanks to this she will find or suggest what is interesting for you. Like a diligent secretary, Cortana keeps a record of her boss's requests, analyzes his preferences, habits, and so on. This helps her every time to more accurately and sophisticatedly serve the wishes and even anticipate them. AT Russian Cortana will not appear immediately, but its arrival is a matter of the near future.

Single App Store

The main thing to know about the new Windows Store is that now a free download or purchase of an application will work on all your devices, no matter how many they are. Other computers, tablets, smartphones, game consoles - everything that works or will work on Windows 10 will become a home for every new application. No fuss with serial numbers, subscriptions, etc. Bringing a new system into working condition or moving to another device is a matter of two minutes. I pressed one button in the store, and all the applications installed themselves.

In addition, in the Windows Store it will be possible to buy not only applications, but also music, movies, etc. And again, you can watch and listen to them on all your devices - even with an Xbox in the living room, even from a tablet on a trip. Moreover, the built-in video and audio players get access directly to stores, and movies and music can be stored on the device for offline viewing.

Because everything is in sync!

Painful reinstallation-settings when migrating from device to device or when duplicating systems (another tablet, several phones, etc.) are a thing of the past. In Windows 10, you can sync all system settings across all types of devices, including your favorite desktop wallpaper. Bought new computer, entered your credentials - and soon all the settings from the old machine will “flow” to the new one. And with them, the settings of universal applications, and all your files from synchronized folders.

And on an old computer, it will be enough to press one “reset” button - and in a few minutes there will be a clean system, ready for the next owner. At the same time, the disk will be cleaned so that the data cannot be recovered.

Because there are many new devices ahead

Microsoft intends to develop Windows 10 as the system of the future. This means that it will not only breathe new life into already created devices - PCs, tablets, smartphones, game consoles - but will push hardware manufacturers to much more ambitious and specialized devices. HoloLens augmented reality glasses from Microsoft itself only mark the beginning of the Internet of things boom, when a variety of objects will massively and everywhere interact with each other in any environment where we live, work and play. According to forecasts, by 2018 there will be about 9 billion such devices worldwide. According to Microsoft, it is Windows 10 that should become an integrated platform for such information interaction. And when the inert objects equipped with sensors “come to life”, we certainly want to not stay away from progress.

Because progress!

Progress moves inexorably forward, which means: new solutions will always be better than the old ones. Especially in an industry like software development, where fantastic technologies from the news are already asking for the hands of users the very next day: well, try me in action!

New versions of Windows have always been faster, more reliable, and more convenient than older ones. Those who tried Windows 7 at one time did not return to XP, in many ways the same story was repeated in a pair of Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 7. And even the disputes around the Start button or the Metro tile did not raise doubts about the obvious advantage of that the same "eight" in terms of innovation, speed and performance in comparison with its predecessor.

It was possible to evaluate the revolutionary nature of each new OS from Microsoft in different ways. But for sure, everyone always expected the maximum of opportunities and convenience from her.

After all, each of us wants to feel at the forefront of progress. And Microsoft knows this weakness of ours.


So, we are offered a modern Windows OS with the latest technologies, which will always be updated and will never become outdated.

With new universal applications - reliable and secure. Which are easy to find and install from the general store - just like legal movies and music.

And all this is free.

Windows 10 is a step forward. Staying put in this situation is a little scary. In the dynamic world we live in, being late can mean falling behind hopelessly.

Microsoft claims that in three years a billion users will switch to Windows 10.

Why not join this billion? At least out of curiosity: what if this is really the road to the future?

  • Have you upgraded to the next version of Windows 10 1809 and are having trouble using it? If so, this guide will help you solve them.

    Like the previous version, Windows 10 October 2018 Update 1809 is a major update. It brings with it new functionality and performance improvements. personal computers, laptops and tablets. However, each such update carries the risk of introducing new problems.

    Typically, major Windows 10 updates contain major changes to the code, which can lead to compatibility issues, driver issues, unexpected bugs, and other issues that can affect performance and usability.

    In addition to unknown bugs, other problems that are not caused by changes in the system may appear. Sometimes an update fails to install due to incompatible software, outdated drivers, unusual hardware configurations.

    Below we will consider possible problems and options for their solution.

    Fixing Issues in Windows 10 October 2018 Update

    There are two types of problems when upgrading to a new version of Windows 10. There may be errors during the installation process, which in themselves are not problems with the new version. And there may be issues related to system design, compatibility, etc.

    This guide will solve both problems during the installation process and after.

    Fix download errors for installation files

    If you receive error 0x800F0922, the device is most likely not connected to the Microsoft update servers, or the System Reserved partition is not large enough. Try doing the following:

    Turn off VPN

    Then try installing the update again.

    Enlarge the System Reserved section

    Sometimes third party applications, like antiviruses, can save their data in this section. In this case, there will not be enough space on it to install the system update. Use third party tools to increase partition size. You need at least 500 MB.
    You can also clean Windows installation 10 when a partition of the correct size is automatically created.

    Update with Media Creation Tool

    When trying to download the installation files, error 0x80246007 may occur. It shows that the file could not be downloaded.
    In this case, you can use the Media Creation Tool to install a clean version of Windows 10 when the partition is automatically created.

    Troubleshoot installation errors

    It is recommended to install updates through the update center. However, there may be errors in the work. To solve them, you can use the built-in error fix tool in Windows 10.

    To do this, do the following: open the application Settings > Update and security > Troubleshooting > Windows Update > Run the troubleshooter. Click on the "Apply this fix" button, if available. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    After that, restart your computer and try to update again by opening Windows Update.

    Fixing unexpected installation errors

    If there is a problem when trying to download the installation files, you may receive an error number 0x80190001. In this case, use the cleanup tool in the Settings app to remove temporary files. Do the following:

    Open the Settings app > System > Device storage > Storage Sense > Free up space now. Select the "Delete temporary Windows installation files" option.

    Then try installing the update again. If problems persist, use the Media Creation Tool to install.
    How to fix problems with USB media

    If the Media Creation Tool is not downloading updates

    In some cases, downloading cumulative updates may freeze. If the Media Creation Tool cannot download the update, please restart the application. When the installation files have downloaded, disable network cable or wireless connection. When the application times out, the installation of version 1809 will begin.

    After completing the installation and initial system setup, reconnect the network to complete the installation process.

    Fix installation issues via Media Creation Tool

    Usually restarting the Media Creation Tool solves most errors, but if there are problems with dynamic updates, the application will continue to hang every time it tries to download the installation files.
    In this case, you should start the process manually:
    1. Open File Explorer.
    2. Navigate to C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources.
    3. Double-click the Setupprep.exe file.

    After that, the installation process should begin. If this does not happen, you can use the Update Assistant tool.

    Fixing errors when creating a bootable flash drive

    If you are using a bootable USB flash drive created with the Media Creation Tool, the installation process may fail. One or more files on the flash drive may be corrupted. It is impossible to fix them, so you should create installation flash drive again. To do this, do the following:
    1. Download Media Creation Tool from Microsoft server.
    2. Double-click the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file.
    3. Click the "Accept" button.
    4. Select Create Installation Media ( USB flash drive, DVD or ISO) to another computer.

    5. Click the "Next" button.
    6. Select the language, architecture, and revision version.

    7. Click the "Next" button.
    8. Select the USB flash drive option.

    9. Click the "Next" button.
    10. Select "Removable Disk" from the list.

    11. Click the "Next" button.
    12. Click the "Finish" button.

    After completing these steps, you will receive a new installation flash drive without damaged files. It can install the latest version of Windows 10.

    Fixing "The update is not compatible with your device" issue

    Although the process of downloading and installing Windows 10 updates occurs automatically, if the device has not been connected to the Internet for a long time or you turned off Windows Update, when using the installation flash drive, an error may appear stating that the update is not applicable to your computer.

    To solve the problem, make sure that the computer is connected to the Internet. Go to the update center and check for updates. You can also download and install the update manually.

    How to fix Update Assistant issues with October update installation

    Troubleshooting "Something Went Wrong"

    If you use the Update Assistant to update, you may encounter error 0x8007042B and the message "Something went wrong." After that, the update installation process will be terminated. It is not clear from this message what exactly went wrong. You can try the troubleshooting steps.

    Try to remove not desired programs and antiviruses, disable unnecessary peripherals. Then run Update Assistant again.

    If the error persists, use another update option. Try a clean install of Windows 10 or use the Media Creation Tool to create a bootable flash drive.

    Troubleshooting an update download issue via Assistant Update

    Although Microsoft created Update Assistant to install updates when Windows Update fails, sometimes the tool itself has problems. For example, problems downloading installation files.
    Usually in this case, Internet access problems are to blame:
    Disconnect and reconnect the network cable. Try unplugging the router and plugging it back in after a few minutes. Restart Update Assistant.
    Restart your computer, run Update Assistant.
    Try using Media Creation Tool instead of Update Assistant

    How to Fix ISO Issues

    When you try to update, you may receive error 0x8007025D - 0x2000C, which may indicate that one or more ISO image files are corrupted. To resolve this issue, use the Media Creation Tool to create a new image:
    1. Download Media Creation from the Microsoft website.
    2. Double-click the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file to launch the utility.
    3. Click the "Accept" button.
    4. Select the option "Create installation media ( USB disk, DVD or ISO) to another PC".

    5. Select a language, architecture, and edition.

    6. Click the "Next" button.
    7. Select the "ISO file" option.

    8. Click the "Next" button.

    After completing these steps, the Media Creation Tool will create a new iso image, which should allow you to upgrade your computer or virtual machine.

    If the error persists, you can try creating the image on another computer.

    How to fix storage issues

    Storage issues during installation

    The system requirements say you need to have at least 20 GB of disk space when upgrading from the 64-bit version of Windows 10 and 16 GB when upgrading from the 32-bit version. If there is not enough free space on the hard drive, one of the following errors may appear:
    0x80070070 - 0x50011
    0x80070070 - 0x50012
    0x80070070 - 0x60000

    Open the Settings app > System Device storage > Storage sense > Free up space now.

    You can select the following files to delete:
    Previous Windows installations
    Windows Error Reporting Files Generated by the System
    Windows Defender Antivirus
    Windows update log files
    Previous Windows installations
    Temporary files
    Temporary internet files
    Delivery Optimization Files
    DirectX Texture Builder Cache

    Important: do not select temporary Windows installation files or installation Windows files ESD because these files are needed for the update.

    Click on the "Delete Files" button. After following these steps, you should be able to install Windows 1809 without issue.

    If you can't free up enough space, plug in a flash drive or removable hard drive. You need at least 16 GB of free space so that Windows 10 can use it as temporary storage to perform an update.

    Fixing missing or corrupted files during installation

    If you get errors 0x80073712 and 0x80245006, they mean that one or more installation files are missing or corrupted. The solution to this problem is to open Memory Sense and delete temporary files.

    Go to Settings > System > Device storage > Storage sense > Free up space now. Highlight "Previous Windows Installations" or "Temporary Files", click the "Delete Files" button.

    After that, check for updates in the update center. You can also use the Media Creation Tool after updating your computer to version 1809.

    How to Fix October Update Hardware and Software Compatibility Issues

    Fix hardware compatibility issues during installation

    You don't need to have the most up-to-date components to run Windows 10, but despite this, you may encounter errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008 and 0xC1900202 - 0x20008 if the computer does not meet the minimum system requirements.
    This usually happens when only very old computers are upgraded. The minimum system requirements for Windows 10 are as follows:
    Processor: 1 GHz
    RAM: 2 GB
    Storage: 16 GB for 32-bit and 20 GB for 64-bit
    Graphics: Direct X 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
    Monitor: resolution from 800 x 600 pixels

    Usually, computers already running Windows 10 do not have problems with system requirements when upgrading. However, budget models periodically have difficulties. If you see errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008 or 0xC1900202 - 0x20008, these are usually problems with RAM. In this case, you should increase the amount of memory.

    Fix application and driver compatibility issues during update installation

    When trying to install the Windows 10 October Update, there is a chance to see error 0x800F0923. It indicates an application or driver compatibility issue.

    This is usually a graphics driver error, it may be outdated or conflict with old program or antivirus.
    To find the specific source of the problem, you need to use the update through the Media Creation Tool or Update Assistant. When you follow the on-screen instructions, these tools detect and report hardware incompatibilities.

    If the device driver is at fault, go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest driver. If not, you can uninstall the driver, install the update, and then reinstall the driver.

    To do this, do the following: on the desktop, right-click on the "This PC" icon, in context menu click on the "Properties" command. In the "System" window, select "Device Manager" from the menu on the left. Select the device you need, right-click on it, select the "Uninstall driver" command.

    After that, try updating Windows 10.

    Driver incompatibility

    If you are getting error 0x80070490 - 0x20007, one or more device drivers are incompatible. Error 0x80070003 - 0x20007 means that the installation process failed at the driver installation stage.

    When you see errors 0x80070490 - 0x20007 or 0x80070003 - 0x20007 after Windows Rollback 10 to a previous version, follow the steps above to uninstall the drivers.

    Software incompatibilities

    When an app is at fault, open the manufacturer's page to download the latest version. You can also temporarily uninstall the app and try updating Windows 10.

    Open Settings > Applications, select the desired application from the list and click on the "Uninstall" button. Try installing Windows 10 and then reinstalling the app.

    Fix driver compatibility issues during installation

    When upgrading to any version of Windows 10, you may encounter an error that starts with code 0xC1900101. This indicates a problem with the driver. The options are:
    0xC1900101 - 0x20004
    0xC1900101 - 0x2000c
    0xC1900101 - 0x20017
    0xC1900101 - 0x30018
    0xC1900101 - 0x3000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x4000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x40017

    There is also an error 0x80090011, which refers to the driver during the data transfer process.
    Solutions can be the following:

    Disable unnecessary peripherals

    To get rid of the driver error, disable peripherals with all drivers. After that, update and connect the devices again. You can disable all unnecessary devices such as removable drives, printers, cameras, leave the keyboard and mouse.

    Update device drivers

    If you are getting errors 0xC1900101 or 0x80090011, you need to make sure you have the latest drivers installed. Open Task Manager, select desired device and in the context menu, click on the "Update driver" command. You can also temporarily remove your device before you update Windows 10.

    Alternatively, you can download the driver from the manufacturer's website and install it manually. There may be separate instructions for installing video card drivers.

    Free up disk space

    Insufficient disk space can also be the cause of error 0xC1900101. You need to free up at least 20 GB on your hard drive. How to do this, we have already described above.

    Restoring the current version of the system

    Windows 10 contains tools command line System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Servicing and Management (DISM) to repair the current installation and fix potential device driver issues. Try SFC commands first, then DISM if necessary.

    Hard drive repair

    Windows 10 also includes the CHKDSK command to check and fix hard drive errors. Click on the start menu, type cmd, in the run window type chkdsk /f c: and hit enter. If necessary, type Y and press enter to schedule the scan.
    After completing these steps, restart your computer to start checking hard drives.

    Manual update

    If all else fails, you can perform a clean install of Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool.

    Fix app compatibility issues during installation

    If you see error 0xC1900208 - 0x4000C, one or more applications are not compatible with the update. The easiest way is to temporarily remove these applications. Third-party antiviruses are usually to blame. How to uninstall applications is described above.

    If you uninstall classic desktop applications, you may need to take additional steps. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    How to fix issues during the October 2018 Update installation process

    Windows 10 fixes before installing a new version

    Usually, after running Windows 10 for a long time without necessary maintenance, performance starts to drop. Problems are piling up that may show up during the update installation process.

    To resolve these issues, use the SFC and DISM command line tools.

    Fixes for problems at the beginning of the update process

    You may receive error 0xC1900107 when you try to stop updating Windows 10. It means that you recently performed an update and previous version is required to be removed.

    Restart your computer and try installing the update again. If this is not possible, go to the "Storage Sense" section and free up space as described above. Then try installing the updates again.

    Troubleshooting random reboots during update installation

    When installing version 1809, you may see error 0x80200056 after an inadvertent reboot. You need to restart the update process and do not turn off the computer during installation.

    Fixing bugs without admin rights

    Error 0x80070522 means you are installing the update using a standard user account. For a successful installation, you must have administrator rights. If this is not a home computer, you must contact your system administrator to obtain these rights.

    Fixing problems with the completion of the update installation

    When installing major or cumulative updates, two errors may occur:
    Error: Unable to complete installation of updates. Cancel changes. Don't turn off your computer.
    Error: Unable to configure Windows updates. Cancel changes.

    On Windows 10, there are known errors that occur when updates cannot be installed. We need to find the cause of the error.

    The page on Windows Update has a section that tracks information about each update and their bugs. Open the Settings app > Update & Security > Windows Update > View update history. Look at the error code. Find a description of this code on the Internet. Possible solutions to the problem can also be described there.

    How to fix problems after installing an update

    Solving the October 2018 Update activation problem

    If the device is not reactivated, you may receive error 0x803F7001 and the message "Windows is not activated" on the activation page in the Settings app.

    You can use the Activation Troubleshooter. You can also wait a couple of days for Windows 10 to reactivate on its own.

    Solving network problems

    Sometimes, after successfully updating to the latest version of Windows 10, the device may lose internet access or the speed may be slow. The reasons can be varied, including software errors in the update, changing or resetting network settings during the installation of the update, or problems with the network adapter.

    To troubleshoot, you need to open the solution tool network problems. Launch Settings app > Network & Internet > Status > Network troubleshooter. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    Reset all network adapters

    If the method above did not help, you can reset all network adapters. Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network reset > Reset now. All network adapters will be reset to their default settings.

    Solving problems with a black screen after installing the update

    Sometimes after installing an update, you may experience graphical problems in the form of a black screen. A Windows 10 update, a cumulative update, or a problem with your graphics card driver may be to blame. You can roll back to a previous version of Windows 10 until the issue is resolved.

    Go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Go back to a previous version of Windows 10. Click the "Get Started" button. Select the reason for the return, click "Next", refuse to check for updates, click the "Next" button twice, then the "Return to the previous build" button.

    How to fix problems with the dark interface of File Explorer

    One of the most notable changes in the October release of Windows 10 is the introduction of a dark File Explorer option. However, there are already reports of problems with this version of File Explorer. Because of these issues, the toolbar, background, and some other elements may appear white.

    You need to wait until the cumulative update is released, and in the meantime, there are a number of steps you can take.

    Turn on and off

    Go to Settings > Personalization > Colors > Default App Mode > Light. Then select Dark again.

    Change the graphic theme

    Go to Settings > Personalization > Themes > Windows.

    Using a new account

    If the problem persists, you can create a new account. If there is no problem with the color of the conductor, you can switch to work in this account.

    Fix screen brightness issue

    After installing the October update, some users have reported problems with their brightness settings. For some, the brightness dropped to 50%, for others, the ability to adjust the brightness was completely lost. This may be related to the video card drivers. Install the latest drivers. You can download them from the manufacturer's website or update them through the "Task Manager".

    If you already have the latest driver, you can delete the device in the Task Manager and reinstall the driver.
    Microsoft removed the brightness button from the Battery section because it's in the notification center.

    How to Fix Intel Audio Driver Issues

    If you are trying to update using the Media Creation Tool and Update Assistant, you may receive an error saying "Your Attention Needed". Microsoft claims that Intel Display Audio device drivers have compatibility issues with this update. This may result in an increase in consumption. system resources and energy, which will reduce the duration of the work of laptops and tablets.
    If you see this message, it is recommended that you press the back button and cancel the update installation. Also, Microsoft itself is blocking the appearance of the update on such devices.

    How to fix the problem with applications not accessing the Internet

    Some users write that after updating the application from the Microsoft Store, they lost access to the Internet.

    Enable TCP/IPv6

    In addition to the TCP/IPv4 protocol, Microsoft Store apps and Edge browser require TCP/IPv6 to be enabled. If you have applications that cannot access the Internet, make sure this protocol is enabled.

    Open Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center and public access. In the left panel, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the desired adapter and select "Properties". Check the box next to "IP version 6 (TCP/IPv6)". Click OK.

    Change network profile

    If that doesn't work, you can change your network profile from private to public.

    Open the Settings app > Network & Internet > Status > Edit connection properties. Select "Public".

    Reset network settings

    Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Edit > Network reset > Reset now.

    How to solve problems with the task manager

    If the "Task Manager" has stopped correctly displaying the percentage of CPU usage, you are not the only one with this problem. There is no solution yet. Microsoft should release a software update.

    How to successfully upgrade to Windows 10 October 2018 Update

    The process of installing updates on Windows 10 has improved over time, but a large number of possible hardware configurations leads to errors. However, there are simple steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of these errors.

    Creating backups

    Although the probability of errors is small, something can still go wrong. For such situations, Windows 10 has a rollback process, but it may not work. For this reason, it is always recommended to do backup system and user files.

    A backup will help you go back to a previous version of Windows if you don't have access to the rollback feature in the Settings app.
    If the installation fails, you will not be able to boot your computer. If there are problems after installation, you can use a full copy of the system to restore your computer.

    Delete unimportant apps

    Application incompatibility is one of the main reasons why you can't update. If you don't know which application is at fault, start with classic desktop programs and antiviruses. Apps are uninstalled in Settings > Apps > Apps & features. Select the desired programs and click on the "Uninstall" button.

    In addition to incompatible applications, uninstall third-party antivirus and other security software. Naturally, it is not recommended to work for a long time without such protection. You can also disable Windows Defender Antivirus.
    To do this, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Virus & threat protection settings > Manage settings. Uncheck the "Real-time protection" switch. After installing the Windows 10 update, the antivirus will turn on automatically.
    If you remove a third-party antivirus, after installing the update, return it back.

    Disabling the firewall

    Sometimes built-in or third-party firewalls can cause issues during the upgrade process. If you are using Windows Firewall or other software network protection, disable them before trying to install Windows 10 updates.

    To disable the built-in firewall, in the same Windows Security window, go to the Firewall and Network Security section and click on the section that is marked as Active. Turn off the "Windows Defender Firewall" toggle.

    Unblock updates

    There is a possibility that you have made changes to the settings that may prevent the update from downloading automatically. In particular, in advanced settings the update center may be prohibited from installing major updates. Open Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced options. Under Choose when to install updates, Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) and 0 days should be selected. The Pause Updates toggle should be disabled.

    Disabling metered connections

    If your connection is marked as metered, the Windows 10 update may not download automatically. You need to disable this restriction.

    If you have limited traffic, you need up to 5 GB to download updates. To disable a metered connection, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Change connection properties. Turn off the switch in the "Metered connection" section.

    Disabling unimportant peripherals

    To avoid driver compatibility issues, disconnect all unnecessary peripherals from your computer. It is enough to leave the monitor, mouse and keyboard. After installing the update, everything can be connected back.

    Clean install

    If installing updates does not work, you can perform a clean install. This will erase all data on the primary hard drive partition. Before installation, transfer the files you need to another partition or drive. Using the Media Creation Tool, you can create an installation USB flash drive or disk.


    A major Windows 10 update that comes out every six months is available for installation by all interested users. It is recommended to wait automatic installation, which will mean that your computer is compatible with the new version. You can also take your time and wait a few weeks to make sure that there are no problems with this update.
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