
How to write a nickname in contact. Setting a middle name on VKontakte. Let's start with Mozilla

In this lesson I will show how to make a middle name on VKontakte.

First, let's go into editing information about yourself. Let's click on the special link "ed." next to the My Page link. Normally, on the "Basic" tab, you can only edit First Name and Last Name.

By default, the Middle Name field is hidden and therefore needs to be added here by force. To do this, let's use a little knowledge of HTML. I will show you with an example Google browser Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In Chrome, right-click on the last name field and select “View element code” from the drop-down list.

A special panel will open at the bottom for viewing and editing the site code. Now your task is to right-click on the line with the input tag and select "Edit as HTML". It is this tag that is responsible for the information that will be sent to the server, and in this case this information is Last Name.

A field will open in front of you in which you can change the HTML code of the selected input tag. Our task at this stage is to add a new line, which will be responsible for sending data by patronymic to the server. Copy the line and paste it again below.

But that's not all. The server needs to understand that we are adding a middle name, so we add our middle name in the value field, and in the id we change “pedit_last_name” to “pedit_middle_name”. It should look like the screenshot below.

After this, click the cursor on any empty space on the site page so that the changes are applied. Now the bottom panel can be closed with a cross on its right side.

Now on the profile editing page you should have a new field next to the "Last Name" field. Don't pay attention to the fact that everything is displayed a little crookedly. To make changes, click the “Save” button below.

Congratulations, patronymic in VK added. If you go to your page now, the Patronymic will be displayed between the First Name and Last Name.

There have also been changes to the settings. A new block "Patronymic" has appeared, which already looks as it should.

By the way, instead of a patronymic, you can use some nickname.

Now let's take a look how to put a middle name in contact using the Mozilla browser. Or rather, I’ll show you how to edit HTML code in Firefox. Right-click on the Last Name field and select "Examine Element".

Right-click on the Input tag and select "Edit as HTML".

We copy the existing line and add a new one below, where we correct the values ​​in the value and id fields as in the example above.

In the following stages, everything is done exactly the same as in the Chrome browser, so I will not describe them again.

Well, the last thing we have left is how to remove middle name in contact. Everything is simple here too. Let's go to editing personal information, remove all information from the “Middle name” field and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. After reloading the page, the new field will no longer exist.

In this lesson I will tell you how to put an emoticon in VKontakte status.

Many users still do not know that on VKontakte you can switch to a new comment interface. If you communicate a lot in social network, then it will be very useful, as it allows you to switch between dialogs in one click. Today I’ll tell you how you can enable it.

  • 15.08.2018
  • Views: 3063

The changes carried out by the VKontakte administration do not always benefit all its users. This is especially true for the previously existing “Patronymic” field, which, during the next innovations, disappeared from the pages of VK users. However, there are many people who would like to return the "Middle Name" field to their pages. Is it possible to do something similar and make a middle name in VK 2019? Let’s figure it out together.

Why was the middle name removed from VK?

Initially, the creator of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, positioned VK as a youth social network for students on the borders of the CIS (post-USSR). VKontakte had a “Patronymic” field, in which those who wished to enter both their patronymic and nickname.

With the rapid growth of the VKontakte audience, the administration decided to transfer VK to the international level. In the latter format, the “Middle name” field loses its relevance, since foreign users get by just fine with their first and last names. Therefore, it was decided to remove this field from VK user pages.

As a result of the innovations, the “Patronymic” field disappeared from the VK functionality

Another argument against the existence of a middle name in VK was its absence in the search. Having a middle name did not help much in finding the right person, so it was decided to abandon it.

Field “Middle name” in VK 2019 – is it possible to add it?

Thus, today’s 2019 HTML code of the social network “Vkontakte” does not imply the presence of the “Patronymic” field on the users’ page. Nevertheless, many enthusiasts are trying to turn back “time” and edit HTML code from VK servers using a browser.

Indeed, after such changes, the “Patronymic” field appears on the user’s page. But they forget to explain that the VKontakte HTML code on the server remains unchanged. Therefore, the next time you log into VK, the “Patronymic” field will disappear from your page again.

Nevertheless, the network provides ways to enable the Middle Name field in VK 2019. We do not guarantee their effectiveness in connection with the information we provide. At the same time, everyone can try them in practice and draw a conclusion from their own experience about the working nature of these tools.

The VKOpt plugin will help you return missing fields

The “VKOpt” plugin is a multifunctional plugin for your browser that changes the functionality of VKontakte in accordance with your desires. Initially it was positioned as handy tool for downloading music and videos from VK, but over time it went far beyond its limits. Among its features is the addition of a “Middle name” field, which you can change to suit your needs.

Install the plugin, activate it, go to edit your page data. There, find the “Middle name” field in VK 2019, and change it according to your wishes.

Thanks to the “VKOpt” plugin, the middle name field is again available for editing

Editing VK HTML code

Another way to make a middle name in VK in 2019 is to change the html code of the VK page. Efficiency this method doubtful, but judging by the reviews, it helped many VK users. To edit the code, use the Google Chrome browser.

Have you ever thought about indicating in a contact not only your first and last name, but also your patronymic? Unfortunately, it is impossible to directly name your father. But despite this, at least the site has been operating since 2006. And it should be sufficiently developed, it has a lot of bugs. And today, with the help of one of the bugs, this article will reveal the secret of establishing a middle name in your profile.

We get in touch through a browser or telephone devices. Then click on your page and under the photo on the left, select “Edit” page. By clicking on the link, you can find a whole list of your data that has already been filled out or is waiting for you to provide it.

How to make a middle name on VKontakte

Now follow the directions carefully, do everything correctly and take your time. Hover your mouse over the name in italics and click the right mouse button a couple of times. Then select the “View element codes” function and click. The code will appear in front of you of this element, highlighted in blue. Next, click on the line just above “

" and select Edit as HTML. After this, a window should open. And you enter the code into it


After adding, you need to point your mouse at any line of code. And then we look at our page and you should see a line with the name “Patronymic”. To restore your middle name in VK, you need to do the same. It doesn't matter what you call it. But the code is the same and the result will be the same.

Middle name instead of last name in VK

Changing your last name to your middle name in the Contact application is very simple. Especially for those who have read the previous explanation.

  • We point the mouse at the surname in italics. And select the “View code element” action in the window that appears.
  • Then in the line that appears, highlighted in blue, we find our last name.
  • Click on it with the mouse several times to make it possible to edit the text.
  • And instead of our last name, we indicate our middle name.
  • Then save the page

This article will help you avoid too long disputes with the site administration. You can easily change your last name, first name, etc. And you won’t need to show your passport details to someone unknown

Today we will tell you interesting ways How can you make and register your middle name on the social network VKontakte. We have tried to collect only relevant and working methods for you. Why is this necessary, you might reasonably ask, firstly, to at least somehow stand out among other VK users, and secondly, the middle name makes your page more beautiful and attractive from a design point of view.

If you have any questions or something doesn’t work out for you, be sure to write about it in the comments and we will be happy to help you.

Probably, the majority of users of the social network VKontakte went to the page of some person and saw that in addition to his last name, he also had a patronymic. But how is this possible if this section is not in the service? If you have a desire to add your middle name, then you have two ways to do this, one easy, and the second not so much. However, you will succeed. In today's article we will talk about how to make a middle name in VK in 2019.

How to make a middle name in VK Method 1

This option is easy and will not take up too much of your time. In order to answer your question: “How to put a middle name in VK?” We found this method and it works. So, to make a middle name you need to follow a couple of easy steps. Ready? Then let's get started.

After that, refresh your page. The only disadvantage of this method is that your middle name will be in parentheses. And it will look, for example: “Ivan Ivanov (Ivanovich). If this option is not suitable, then consider the second one.

How to make a middle name in VK Method 2

You've probably wondered more than once whether it's possible to make a middle name on VKontakte? Fortunately, it can be done, but to do this you need to perform several steps that will take you a lot of time. If you're ready, let's get started.

In order to go to “Edit”, you can either go from your page to this section, which is located under your avatar, or click on your avatar in the upper corner of the screen.

Then click on “Last Name” by clicking on the right side of the mouse. A list of actions will appear in front of you, but you need to open “View element code”.

After this, an area with a code will appear in front of you; you need to select the one that we highlighted by then clicking on the right side of the mouse.

You will see a list of actions from which you need to click on “Edit as HTML”.

After this, this field will appear, you must enter this text here:


It should look like this:

For some, the page may not open correctly, for this reason, there is no need to update it, since it will end with you having to do everything all over again. Write down your middle name in this item, then click on “Save”.

That's all. After all these steps have been completed, you can go to your social network page and look at your creation.

Why did the "patronymic" name disappear?

However, after some time, this service became so popular and in demand that foreign users began to use it.

The developers then decided to remove the “patronymic” item, not only because it was not needed by foreign users, but also because when searching for a person, it did not make it any easier.

Now you know how to make a middle name in VK. We hope that our article helped answer all your questions. Good luck and all the best!

You've probably already noticed that on VKontakte the middle name is not displayed in the private settings. What is this field for? To supplement the nickname visible to everyone with a real middle name or another, unique nickname.

Articles on the topic

Thanks to the algorithm described below, you can make this line appear in the settings.
So, This sequence of actions is relevant for Chrome browsers and Opera

How to make a middle name on VK in Google Chrome and Opera

Go to your VKontakte profile.

3.1. Call view the page code or press F12 in Chrome
3.2. In Opera, to do this, in the Last Name field, right-click and from the drop-down menu select Inspect Element.

In Chrome, click on the magnifying glass icon (in the lower left corner) Select an element in the page to inspect it.
Click on your last name. This way you will find the directory from which you will create the Middle Name field. It will look something like this:
< div class=" pedit_general_row clear_fix ">…

Collapse the found directory.

In Chrome, click Edit as HTML.
In Opera, double-click on this directory.

Place the cursor at the end of the directory name line and press Enter, creating a new line.

Paste the previously copied line code Ctrl+V.

Now we change the value of Value: Instead of your last name, write your nickname, patronymic and other words that came in a fit of rare inspiration.
For example:
It was value="Ivanov"!}
Became value="Great".!}

In the same line, change id="pedit_last_name" to id="pedit_middle_name".

Select any empty space in the code and click on it. Now you can close the code review (inspection).

Go to the settings page of VKontakte itself. Click Save.

All is ready.
Enjoy seeing your dream nickname on the page.

How to make a middle name in VK video

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