
How to transfer Windows from a disk to a flash drive. Universal method for all versions


To install Windows on a modern computer or laptop, they are increasingly using a regular flash drive rather than a CD/ DVD disc with OS. A USB flash drive has many advantages over a disk: more quick installation, compactness and the ability to be used even on PCs without a disk drive.

If you simply take a disk with the operating system and copy all the data to a flash drive, this will not make it an installation drive.

I'd like to look at a few ways to create bootable media with different versions Windows (by the way, if you are interested in the question of a multiboot drive, you can read this:).

What you need

  1. Utilities for burning flash drives. Which one to use depends on which version of the operating system you decide to use. Popular utilities: ULTRA ISO, Daemon Tools, WinSetupFromUSB.
  2. USB drive, preferably 4 GB or more. For Windows XP, a smaller one will be suitable, but for Windows 7+, it will definitely not be possible to use less than 4 GB.
  3. Installation ISO image with the OS version you need. You can make this image yourself with installation disk or download (for example, from the Microsoft website you can download new Windows 10 at the link:
  4. Free time - 5-10 minutes.

Creating a bootable Windows USB flash drive

So let's move on to ways to create and burn media with an operating system. The methods are very simple and can be mastered very quickly.

Universal method for all versions

Why universal? Yes because it can be used to create bootable flash drive with any Windows version(except XP and below). However, you can try to burn media in this way with XP - but it doesn’t work for everyone, the chances are 50/50...

It is also important to note that when installing the OS from a USB drive, you do not need to use USB 3.0 (this high speed port marked in blue).

To record an ISO image, you need one utility - Ultra ISO (by the way, it is very popular and many people probably already have it on their computer).

By the way, for those who want to write down installation flash drive with version 10, this note may be very useful: (the article talks about one cool utility called Rufus, which creates bootable media several times faster than programs analogues).

Step by Step Actions

Download the Ultra ISO program from the official website: Let's get started with the process right away.

If you are unable to create bootable media using the ULTRA ISO program, try the following utility from this article (see below).

Creating an image of Windows 7/8

For this method, you can use the recommended Microsoft utility - Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool (link to the official website:

However, I still prefer to use the first method (via ULTRA ISO) - because this utility has one drawback: it cannot always write a Windows 7 image to a 4 GB USB drive. If you use an 8 GB flash drive, that's even better.

Let's look at it step by step.

Bootable media with Windows XP

To create an installation USB drive with XP, we need two utilities at once: Daemon Tools + WinSetupFromUSB (I provided links to them in

Before installing the system, you need to understand how to burn a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive, then configure your computer to install Windows 7, and begin the installation process. If you visited this page, it means you are having difficulty creating a bootable flash drive or disk. Here you will find answers to all questions.

To record Windows image 7 on a flash drive you will need specialized tools. There are quite a lot of them, but we will describe them all. As an example, we'll talk about UltraISO, USB/DVD Download Tool and many others.

Step 1: What you need to burn a Windows 7 image

Any operating system image or programs is a common format that is recognized by most utilities. The most popular image format is ISO. It can be written to flash drives, hard disks, CD-DVD media. The format is somewhat similar to archive ZIP or RAR. In general, this is an optical disk image and is a single file or archive containing any other type of file. Modern operating systems already have built-in tools for working with the format. You can also use third-party software: UltraISO, DAEMON Tools, Alcohol 120%, PowerISO, ImgBurn, ISO Master and many others.

Before choosing an OS image, you need to understand in advance the bit depth and the volume that it will occupy on the media. There are 32 bit systems(86x) and 64-bit (64x). Here you can learn about the differences between these bit depths. The volume of the systems also differs. Below is a table of all editions of Windows 7 with system requirements:

Editorial RAM Processors CoresCPU
32x 64x 32x 64x
Windows 7 Ultimate

4 GB

192 GB

Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Home Premium

16 GB

Windows 7 Home Basic

8 GB

Windows 7 Starter

2 GB

Using these characteristics, you can choose the system for yourself. In this material we will look at two programs, using which it is possible to write a Windows 7 image to a flash drive: UltraISO, USB/DVD Download Tool.

You can download tools from virus-free resources from here:

  • USB/DVD Download Tool.
  • UltraISO.
  • Command line.

Step 2: How to burn a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive using UltraISO

Download the program from the link above or from your source and install. Using trial version UltraISO can perform the intended task, so there is no need to look for a version with a key. After downloading and installing, perform the following steps (I also recommend reading the article if you work with optical media:)

  1. Let's launch the program. If it is not complete, then we use a trial period.
  2. Insert a flash drive with a capacity of 4 or 8 GB into the USB port, preferably larger.
  3. In the program, click on the tab with the mouse "File""Open" and select the image file of Windows 7 Ultimate (Maximum) or any other version.
  4. The files will be automatically loaded into the program window, which are displayed in the right section. Now you need to click on the “Bootboot” tab and select the option “Burn Hard Disk Image”.
  5. At the next step, select a flash drive (Disk Drive), an image file that has already been registered, a recording method USB-HDD+. It is worth noting that files that are already on the flash drive will be destroyed.
  6. Click on the button "Record".

  7. A message will appear indicating that the information on the disk will be erased. We agree using the “Yes” button.
  8. Preparation for recording begins, and then the process itself, which does not take much time.

  9. The completion of the operation is accompanied by a message “Recording complete!”.

The finished flash drive can now be used for its intended purpose.

Step 3: How to Burn Windows 7 Image Using USB/DVD Download Tool

  1. We launch the program from the desktop. A window will open asking you to complete four steps. The first step is choice ISO image operating system. Click the Next button.

  2. Next, select the media type, in our case USB Device.

  3. Select the media and click “Begin Copy”.

  4. Next, formatting the flash drive and copying files will begin.

After copying, the flash drive is ready to install Windows 7. It is worth noting that using the USB/DVD Download Tool you can burn the image to a DVD or Blu-Ray disc.

Step 4: How to burn a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive using the command line

If you have a Windows operating system at hand, you can use its capabilities to create a bootable USB flash drive. We will use the command line. Run this tool as administrator and follow these steps:

  1. IN command line(CMD) enter the command to work with disks: diskpart. Using it, we will format the media and write ISO image files to it.
  2. After entering the command indicated above, the user will find himself in the disk utility, which is characterized by the line “DISKPART>”.
  3. The next step involves displaying all drives connected to the computer. There is a command for this list disk.
  4. You need to select the media that will be used as boot. Here we focus on volume. For example, now a 30 Gb flash drive is connected here, in the “Size” column this volume is indicated. To choose this disk, you need to register select disk N(your carrier number). When choosing, be very careful, because it is very easy to make a mistake here.
  5. Let's move on to copying files to a flash drive. We mount the system image (so that it appears in the “My Computer” directory) and in the command line go to the created image disk.
  6. Using the commands, go to the boot directory and execute the command bootsect /nt60 N. Where N is the letter of the flash drive intended for installing Windows
  7. Copy the image files to the USB flash drive.
  8. Installing Windows 7.

Some users may find using the command line a little difficult because there are a lot of commands to enter. The likelihood of making a mistake here increases many times over. Therefore, it is recommended to use UltraISO or USB/DVD Download Tool. The following articles will discuss other utilities:

Using all these tools, the user will quickly figure out how to burn a Windows 7 image to a flash drive. In this material, third-party and regular means to create such a medium. The next material will be about how to create a bootable DVD with Windows 7. This use case is losing popularity every year, as DVD drives are built into computer systems increasingly rare, and optical disks are being replaced by flash media.

We will look at two methods of recording an image Windows 7 to a flash drive

  • Write an image to a flash drive using Ultra ISO.
  • Write an image to a flash drive using command line tools.
This article only discusses how to burn an image to a flash drive.
  • detailed instructions For installation instructions, see this article: Installing Windows 7.
  • How and where to download the image legally is described in the same article, in the chapter on how and where to download the original image of Windows 7 64 or 32 bit.

If you are not sure how many digits Windows version 7 (32-bit ( x86) or 64-bit ( x64)) you will need for the upcoming installation, then you can learn more about the difference between Windows 7 x32 and Windows 7 x64.
Before you begin installing the operating system, you must determine what type of media you will be installing from. IN Lately This issue becomes especially relevant, since compact devices have become widespread in the computer market. Netbook"and not equipped with optical drives, as well as flash-large-capacity drives that have become so popular and at the same time cope well with the task of a boot disk for the operating system.

If you have it on hand flash- storage (4 GB capacity , because installation image takes about 2.5 GB), then by carefully studying and following the steps described in this article, you can install operating system using flash- drive like boot disk. This does not require any additional software: everything will be done using the command line and the mounted image Windows 7. At all Windows installation 7 from a flash drive- faster (albeit a little more complex option).

Burning an image to UltraIso on Flash

After you have received the image with Windows 7 you need to record it on some medium. The question arises "How to do it?".

This article will tell you how to burn an image to a flash drive ( USB-Flash or HDD-Flash) using the program UltraIso.

Step 1. Let's install the program Ultra ISO(this lesson covers the version 9.31 , although there is no fundamental difference in other versions).
located at the end of the article, in the block Attached files.
Figure 1. UltraISO installation wizard

Click "Further", simultaneously indicating the necessary installation parameters.
On the last window NOT uncheck the boxes “Associate .iso file with UltraIso” And “Install ISO CD/DVD emulator (ISO Drive)”.

Figure 2. Additional tasks for the UltraISO program

Step 2. After installation, launch the program and select in the offer to register the product "Trial period", which will give us the opportunity to use this program for 30 days (which is quite enough to record our image).

Figure 3. UltraISO installation completed

Step 3. Before we begin manipulating our image, we need to insert into a free USB-output flash drive or external HDD, which will be recorded.

Step 4. We open our image using "File - Open". Next we go to point "Boot - Write Disk Image (write disk image)".

Figure 4. Burning a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive

Step 5. In field Disk Drive you need to select your media (if several flash drives are inserted into the computer). Also check that the selected image in the line is correct "Image file". In line "Recording method" choose USB-HDD. When everything is selected correctly, you need to press the button "Record". Before the process begins, you will be asked: “Do you really want to continue the process? All information on the flash drive will be destroyed.". Check the contents of your flash drive, and if there is nothing important on it, feel free to click "Yes". Once the recording is complete, you will be notified that the recording was successful: "Burn successful!". Your bootable USB flash drive is ready.

Burning a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive using the command line.

  1. So, to prepare the image, connect flash-disk to usb-port of your computer. Make sure that the flash-the drive does not contain the data you need because flash-the disk will be formatted.

  2. Now run command prompt Windows. You can find the launch shortcut at:
    Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
    You can also press the key combination "Windows + R", then in the window that opens "running the program" you need to enter the name of the program "cmd" and press "Enter".

  3. Now in the command prompt window that opens, run the command "diskpart". After this, the system disk management utility will launch. Using this program, we will clear the contents of the disk and create a partition on it. After this we can make it active, format it and write the contents of the image to it. Then all we have to do is place the bootloader files on the disk: after that, when loading the operating system, our flash- the disk will be defined as removable media– we can start the installation from there Windows 7.
Let's consider these actions in more detail.

After the system utility loads diskpart, you will see a prompt as a line DISKPART>.

Now you can proceed to executing commands.

Using the command "list disk" you can see a list of all drives of this computer(Figure 5).

Figure 5. Preparing to install Windows 7 from a flash drive: creating a bootable flash drive

Now if you run the command "select disk number» , Where "number" is the number of the disk that is flash- drive, then we will select this drive to apply all subsequent commands that we will enter when working with the utility diskpart.

As can be seen from Figure 1, in our case this will be the command "select disk 3".

But be very careful - you can select any hard drive and delete all data on it.

  • Next we will delete all data and partitions on our flash- drive. To do this, run the command clean.
  • The next action would be, using the command create partition primary create on flash- new partition on the drive.
  • Let's select this section for further application of commands to it using the command select partition 1.
  • Let's make it active using the command active.
To format the disk, run the command format fs=NTFS. As a parameter to this command we specify the file system type ( NTFS).

Figure 6. To format the disk: format command fs=NTFS.

Now all that remains is to initialize the disk connection using the command assign(an autorun window will open, as if we had just connected it to the computer flash- disk) and exit the utility using the command exit(Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Initializing disk connection with the assign command.

The final step remains - we must copy the bootloader to flash- storage device.

To do this, mount the image Windows 7, which you want to install on your computer.

Now use the command line to navigate to the given (mounted) drive. After that go to the folder boot and run the command bootsect /nt60 K:.
note to the fact that instead of a letter "K" this command must contain the letter that was assigned to your flash drive when executing the assign command.

This command will run system utility bootsect with 2 parameters:

  • the first one indicates the bootloader version OS (/nt60– parameter required to create a bootloader OS Windows Vista And Windows 7).
  • the second parameter is the letter assigned to our flash- drive.
This will place the bootloader OS on our flash- disk.
If you mount a 64-bit image Windows 7, then you will not be able to run bootsect, if your operating system is 32 bit - because. this version bootsect is 64 bit.

Copying files to a prepared flash drive.

After the flash drive is prepared, the files are copied from the image:
you can mount the image you have with the program DAEMON Tools Lite, and then copy all the files from the mounted disk to the flash drive.


Now if you restart your computer, then by going to BIOS, you can install your flash drive to boot and install from it Windows 7 (first boot device).

You can now move on to the next chapter, which will go into great detail about further installing Windows 7.

Detailed instructions for installing Windows 7 are in this article: Installing Windows 7.

You can also pay attention to recording the image using the utility

Hi all! Today is an interesting topic, how to burn a disc to a flash drive! In general we read)

How to transfer from disk to flash drive?

Sometimes I look at the site’s statistics and see what people are interested in. I have a popular topic, and usually people are looking for how to burn an image to a flash drive, and then I see a request: how to burn a disk to a flash drive... To be honest, the request sounds strange, but when I looked at how many people are trying to find how I do it, I was a little surprised, they thousands... Well, I write topics on the site that are either interesting to people, or that I need for notes) Well, here, of course, is the first option and I hope this topic will be useful to many who are looking for how to burn a disc to a flash drive 🙂

At first I also thought whether such a program had really been written, but no, I couldn’t even find it on foreign sites, it wouldn’t be safe anyway)

1. First we make a disk image

I haven’t written an article about the UltraISO program yet, but now the time has come, I just have a portable version.

We launch it, insert the disc into the CD-DVD-ROM and select create a CD image.

Now we select your flash drive, format it if necessary, but when recording, the program itself will format the flash drive and click write.

All! Myth how to burn a disc to a flash drive destroyed :)

Greetings, dear readers! When installing a new operating system on a computer, it will be enough to open the DVD drive, then install the installation distribution and after performing some operations in the BIOS (you can read about what a BIOS is), you can begin to complete the task.

However, what to do if you need to install the operating system on so-called portable netbooks or laptops, which, as you probably know, do not have a disk reader. In this case, the operating system is installed from a USB drive.

Herself from a flash drive is no different from installing from a disk, however, the process of writing the installation distribution onto a flash drive itself has some peculiarities. In this article we will look at in several ways. It should be noted here that in addition to writing the Windows distribution to a flash drive, you can also write it to a memory card, but not all laptops have the ability to boot from a memory card. Therefore, before creating a bootable flash drive or memory card, you should make sure that your laptop or netbook is capable of booting from a memory card. And how exactly to check you can find out by reading my article:

In fact, installing Windows from a flash drive is no different from installing from a regular DVD drive.

I Method for creating bootable flash media

So, the first method that we will consider is installation using the command line. This means that by specifying special commands we will create bootable removable media. But first we need a flash drive with a capacity of at least 4 GB. This method is, I would say, the most difficult for beginners, since you will have to sequentially enter commands that are not entirely familiar to novice users. Therefore, you should not be afraid of these unfamiliar commands; the purpose of each command is described below.

1. Connect the flash drive to the computer, and then click on start and select the “Run” command. At the command line, you will need to enter cmd.exe and click OK. In this case, the command must be launched as an administrator.

2. In the window that opens, you will need to type “diskpart” to open the disk management utility. After the utility appears, you need to type the “list disk” command, which allows you to view the list of used disks on your PC. You will need to select your flash drive. Let’s say in my example this is disk 1. So, we write “select disc 1”. Thus, we indicate that all subsequent actions will be performed with this disk.

3. In the next step, we will need to clean the flash media to which we will write. Type the command “clean”.

4. After the message “Disk cleanup completed successfully” appears, the next step is to create a new partition by issuing the “create partition primary” command. Here we indicate to the system that in the future we will work with this particular section - “select partition 1”.

5. In order to select this section as active, set the “active” command.

6. Then in the next step you will need to format the partition we created on the flash drive in file system NTFS – “format fs=NTFS”.

7. After formatting the flash drive is completed (100%), you will need to activate the process of connecting the device by specifying the command “assign letter=Z” and pressing “Enter”.

8. Then, after the “connection successful” message appears, type “Exit” to exit diskpart to the command prompt.

E – Disk partition containing the Windows distribution;

Z – Designation of USB storage device.

The copying process itself takes about 50 minutes.
After the copying is complete, all that remains is to restart the computer and go into the BIOS. And then, having set the appropriate settings in the BIOS, you can begin installing the operating system.

II Method for creating bootable flash media

Let's consider the second method how to burn Windows 7 to a USB flash drive. The essence of this method is that to create a bootable flash drive we will need the UltraISO program, with which we will create bootable removable media with the Windows 7 operating system.

If you don't have it installed this program, then you can download it from the Internet, and it is distributed on a paid basis. However, you can use the demo version of this program and use this program during the trial period.

So, open the program and click “File – Open”.

In the window that opens, you will need to go to the operating system image and click “Open”. We will look at what an image is and how to create it in one of the future lessons. By the way, let me remind you that various competitions and tournaments are held on the blog, participate and win cash prizes. To have a better chance of becoming a WINNER, you should Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss new articles. You can read about how to properly subscribe to blog updates by clicking on

Then in top menu You should click “Boot” and select “Burn hard disk image” from the drop-down menu.

Therefore, before formatting, copy the data that is important to you to your hard drive.

After formatting is successfully completed, click “Burn”.

For a certain period of time, the image will be written to a flash drive or memory card. This method is the simplest compared to the first method.

In general, in addition to the above methods for creating bootable flash media, there are also others various ways. For example, to write a Windows distribution to a memory card or flash drive, use a utility called WinToFlash.

Plus, I suggest you also watch the live video:

The essence of this utility is similar to that previously discussed UltraIso programs. That is, you open the program, specify the path to the location of the Windows distribution image, copy and save. What methods of creating bootable flash media do you know? In addition, I recommend that you read the article on your computer. From this article you will learn how to properly install an operating system Windows system 7.

Having considered in this article the question of how to write Windows 7 to a flash drive, you can thereby independently reinstall the operating system on your netbook or laptop using a flash drive.

On this this article I will conclude. I hope the material was useful and interesting for you.

In the next article I will tell you =>

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