
How to restart the process. How to stop malicious processes? What problems and errors may be associated with starting the process

If your computer is infected and you decide to remove the virus yourself, then you will need to stop the malicious processes. If you are not a computer genius, we do not recommend removing viruses manually, since in this case you can easily harm your PC system. You should use reliable antivirus programs, such as or, with which you can easily remove viruses automatically. However, what to do in a situation where a virus on your computer does not allow you to install antivirus program into the system or does it block antivirus software when you try to run it to remove a cyber infection? Again, you need to stop the malicious process. How can you do this? Let's take a look at the options available to you:

Stop the malicious process using Task Manager:

  • To open the Task Manager, you must simultaneously press the key combination ctrl+shift+esc or ctrl+alt+del.
  • Once the Task Manager appears, select the tab Processes and look for malicious processes in the list.
  • Right click them and select Complete. It will be easier to find the malicious process in the list immediately after Windows starts.

If the virus behaves aggressively and leaves the Task Manager inactive, go to Start -> Run and enter ‘ taskmgr‘ without quotes or follow the address C:\Windows\System32, copy taskmgr and rename it with another name, for example iexplorer.exe. Now launch the manager and follow the above steps.

If you have correctly identified and neutralized the malicious process, you should notice the disappearance of annoying warnings and similar symptoms of the presence of a virus. However, keep in mind that the above procedure does not REMOVE the virus completely. To do this, you should proceed with malware removal by scanning your system with a reliable anti-spyware program.

Stop the malicious process using Safe Mode:

To stop malicious processes, you can also use Safe Mode with Boot network drivers. To enter this mode, follow these steps:

  • Restart your computer and, as soon as the PC starts to boot, press repeatedly F8.
  • Then select Safe mode or Safe mode with loading network drivers.
  • You should now notice that the virus and all its symptoms have disappeared. This means that you have successfully completed the malicious process.

Now is the time to run an anti-spyware program and perform a full system scan to remove infected files and folders.

Kill the malicious process using the Taskkill command:

If your infected computer has an operating system installed Windows system You can try using the Taskkill command and its /IM option, which allows you to kill processes by their IDs or by their image names. This product is very effective if you are trying to remove unnecessary application. However, you should be aware that this command tool is only available if you know the exact names of the malicious processes.

  • To open taskkill, click Start → Run.
  • Now enter taskkill/f/im [name of malicious process].
  • Click Enter.

Once you have completed the above procedure, you will need to scan your computer with a reliable anti-spyware program to complete the virus removal.

Stop malicious processes using Process Explorer:

Process Explorer not only allows users to eliminate malicious processes. It also shows information about active processes and their location. To use it to block malicious processes, follow these steps:

  • Download Process Explorer by entering the link in the address bar of the browser:
  • Run Process Explorer (procexp.exe) and then look for malicious processes.
  • Select them with the mouse and click DEL to remove them.

Now scan your computer with or another reputable anti-spyware program to complete the virus removal.

Explorer provides fast access to any file on your computer’s hard drive and more. Many situations and instructions require a reboot to apply the changes. Instead of restarting the operating system, the user has the opportunity to independently restart Explorer in Windows 10.

This article will tell you how to restart Explorer in Windows 10. The methods we presented also work on previous versions operating system. The user just needs to use the task manager or command line to restart Explorer in Windows 10.

The first one in a relevant way restarting Explorer is used. In order to restart Explorer, you need to stop and restart the explorer.exe process. To restart Explorer, the user needs to restart explorer.exe in Windows 10.

In this way, we terminate the Explorer.exe process and start it again. You also have the opportunity to end the Explorer process by holding down the keys Ctrl+Shift right-click on the taskbar and select the lowest item in the context menu Exit Explorer. But you will have to start the explorer process using the method presented above.

Pay attention to the ability to restart Explorer in Windows 10 using the task manager by literally pressing one button. If the user finds Conductor right in Processes task manager, then after highlighting it, instead of the usual button Cancel task will appear Restart. This method is the fastest, but not entirely convenient, since it is not always possible to quickly isolate the conductor process.

After running the file on the command line, the previous two commands will be executed. These commands sequentially terminate the Explorer process and restart it. You can also leave this same file on your desktop and simply open it if necessary. This method will be useful to everyone, since restarting Explorer is much faster than rebooting the operating system.


IN latest versions In the Windows 10 operating system, you can restart Explorer in the task manager or through the command line. The second method, although it does save time, is not suitable for all users. Overall use command line Suitable for more experienced users.

A running computer has many processes running simultaneously. The work of most of them occurs unnoticed by the user, and is not externally displayed on the screen. But when setting up a computer or searching for reasons for the operating system to not work correctly, the user is sometimes faced with the need to stop or restart some process.


All running processes are divided into those that start automatically at system startup and those that start when the user clicks on a shortcut for a particular program. The first, in turn, are divided into system processes, necessary for the operation of the OS, and user program processes for which the autorun option is installed.

To stop a process, you need to know its name. Open the command line: “Start – All Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt.” Type tasklist and press Enter. You will see a list of processes running on the system. If you cannot determine its identity by the name of the process, use the Everest program. With its help you will receive all the information about your computer, including data about running processes and paths to executable files.

There are several ways to stop the process. The easiest way is through the “Task Manager” (Ctrl + Alt + Del). Select the one you want to stop from the list of processes and right-click on it. In the opened context menu select End Process. Remember that you cannot stop critical system processes, the operating system will not allow you to do this.

You can also stop the process from the command line; to do this, enter the command taskkill /pid 1234 /f and press Enter. Instead of “1234”, enter the process identifier (PID), look at it in the last column of the list displayed by the tasklist command. The f parameter in the command specifies force termination process. To see all the uses of the taskkill command, type taskkill /? at the command prompt. and press Enter.

If you want to stop running service, open: “Start – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services”. Find the required service and double-click it with the mouse. In the window that opens, click the “Stop” button, the service will be stopped. Next, you can disable its launch by selecting the “Disable” option in the “Startup Type” menu.

After stopping the service, you can restart it by clicking the Start button. The button is visible if the “Auto” or “Manual” options are selected in the “Startup Type” menu. If Disabled is selected, the button will be disabled.

To start a process that is not a service and, therefore, does not appear in the list of services, find and run its executable file. Look at the path to the file in the Everest program before stopping the process. You can also start the process from the command line - for example, to launch Notepad, type notepad.exe in the command line and press Enter. To run the programs you have installed, you must enter the full path to the executable file.

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Good afternoon dear friends. Unfortunately, sometimes a situation occurs when the computer freezes. In such cases, we usually go to the task manager and stop the execution of the frozen application or process. This is done quite simply.

More a difficult situation Occurs when the explorer.exe process stops responding. This is the so-called conductor. The explorer process is responsible for everything we see on the screen. I mean for folders, for the start panel, for my computer, and so on.

If the explorer.exe process is frozen, we will accordingly not see any of the above. In this situation, a restart may help. process explorer. This can be done in several ways, which is what we will talk about today.

Why do you need to restart Explorer?

Of course, no one wants to restart any processes just like that, especially if everything is working. A restart requires certain reasons. They are:

  • Unauthorized termination of the explorer.exe process;
  • Third-party programs or viruses that interfere with the normal operation of the explorer.

On point one: sometimes it happens when, for example, you want to terminate some other process. Together with him, the work of the conductor ends. To avoid restarting your computer, you can start the explorer.exe process manually.

Regarding point two: it often happens that a virus is registered in the registry instead of Explorer. It turns out that when the operating system boots, it is not explorer.exe that starts, but the virus process. Hence all these blocking banners when turned on. If you can enable the task manager, you can try restarting the explorer.exe process. This often helps.

Although in this case, it’s definitely necessary!
In a word, there are different options, but you need to know the solution, let’s move on to a restart.

How to end the explorer.exe process

So, in order to end the explorer.exe process, you need to enter the task manager (press ctrl+alt+delete). Then select the processes tab, find the required ram process (explorer.exe).

Then right-click on it and select “End Process”:

If everything is done correctly, we will see that the Start menu, all folders from the desktop, and gadgets have disappeared. In a word, a clean desktop should appear in front of us.

You can also terminate the explorer in another way. To do this, click on the “Start” button, then right-click in an empty space of the window that opens (after holding down ctrl+alt). We will see a menu like this:

Accordingly, by clicking on the “Exit Explorer” item, we will achieve our goal.

How to start the explorer.exe process

We've just been left without computer control levers. Let's restore. To do this, click “File” in the task manager and select the “New task (Run)” menu item:

In the window that appears, enter the name of the process and click “Ok”:

Great, everything was restored, we restarted the explorer and we can continue to work.

Discussion: 3 comments

    Thank you, this is a useful article. Lately, I have been rebooting Explorer quite often. Or rather, it doesn’t reboot, but the system says that the Explorer has stopped working and asks me to reboot, I agree and press reboot and after a few seconds everything is restored and so on quite often. There seem to be no viruses, I checked with 3 antiviruses, but I have The architecture is 64bit and there are programs installed on 32bit and apparently some program manages to mess with it and I can’t figure out which one yet I can’t help but delete all 32bit ones

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