
How to change the disk for downloading from the Internet. Where is it located and how to change the download folder in Yandex Browser

Do you often download files from the Internet? If yes, then you have clearly encountered the question: where are the downloaded files saved? In every browser you can install local disk and a folder in which all downloaded files will be placed.

IN Google Chrome By default, the location where all downloaded files are located has the following path: \Users\\Downloads. Just imagine how much your system local disk (usually Local Disk C) will be overloaded with heavy daily downloads of movies or music. And you probably know that the less free memory remains on the local disk with Windows, the more the operating system itself will slow down and glitch.

Let's choose a different folder for the downloaded files. To do this we need to directly run itself Google browser Chrome. Next, open the menu by clicking on the corresponding button.

A list of available settings and options will open. Finding the command " Settings".

Then find and click on " Show advanced settings".

Now find the section " Downloaded files". In this section you will see the previously mentioned path to the folder where all the files you downloaded are stored. To select another folder, you must click on the " Change". This will open a dialog box " Browse folders", in which you need to select a new location to store the downloaded files. Then simply click on the button " OK".

This is what the new path to downloaded files will look like.

If you check the box next to " Always indicate the download location ", this will allow you to select a specific location every time you try to download a file. This way you can, for example, sort music by genre (in this case, folders can be named as specific music genres) or images by topic.

Hello, friends! Today we will figure out where the downloads folder is located on the computer, and how you can change its location so that files downloaded using the Yandex browser are uploaded there.

By default, all files that you download through a browser from the Internet are placed in Downloads or Downloads on your hard drive. Most users have one installed on their PC or laptop. HDD, which is divided into sections. So it is stored precisely on the system partition, which is usually assigned the letter C:.

Let's look at how you can change your downloads folder in Yandex browser, and, for example, move it to a non-system partition.

How to find the Downloads folder on your computer

If you want to know where all programs, pictures, films, etc. downloaded from the Internet using the Yandex browser are saved, launch this web browser. Then click on the button that looks like three horizontal stripes top left and select “Settings” from the list.

Will open new inset with Yandex browser settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings.”

Select this path with the mouse, right-click on the field and click “Copy” from the context menu.

Now open the window Windows Explorer. You can do this by clicking on the “Computer” icon on the desktop. Select with your cursor everything written in the top line and press Ctrl+V to paste the previously copied path. Press "Enter".

After this, the Downloads window will open, in which you will see downloaded programs and so on.

If you want, you can open each item step by step. First go to the C: drive, then to the “Users” folder and so on.

How to move the Yandex browser downloads folder on your computer

In order to move it, and so that all downloaded files via the Yandex browser are still saved in it, do the following.

Find the “Downloaded Files” section in your browser, as described above. Next, opposite the “Save in” field, click on the “Change” button.

An overview window will open. Select the location where you want to save the files and click OK. In my case, they will be saved to the non-system partition of drive D: in article.

If you haven't created anything beforehand, let's do it now. For example, let’s create it on drive D: and call it “Downloads”. Select the D: drive partition and click “Create folder”.

: documents, photo and video files. Just click on the download link and the file is saved somewhere. And often we don’t notice where exactly it is located after that, which causes a long and painful search for its location. Let's look at how to find and change the downloads folder in Windows.

To solve this problem, you can use the settings of the Internet viewer you are using. But this does not always work; for example, in Windows 10, the Microsoft Edge browser does not require such changes. Therefore, we will also describe options for changing the parameter directly in the system.

The instructions on how to change the download folder in Yandex Browser are quite simple:

Now all files will be downloaded to the selected location. To find them, you can follow the path in Explorer or you can open it in the program itself: in the download menu next to the file, click “Show”.

Google Chrome

In Chrome, the change algorithm is practically the same:

Similar to Yandex, here you can open the save location using the “Show” item next to the downloaded file in the download list.

Internet Explorer

If you are one of the rare number of people who still use Internet Explorer, here are instructions on how to change where you save your downloads:

Now all files will be saved here. There is another universal way to change for all users - this is directly through the system settings.

Changing, moving and restoring a directory in Windows

If you use different programs for surfing the Internet, then it is easier to simply change the location of the system folder where the default download occurs. This need arises when the system disk is full, and you download large amounts of information from the network, which leads to freezes and slowdowns in work. First you need to know how you can find this folder on any Windows computer:

  1. In the Explorer window on the left in the menu next to the “Desktop” and “Favorites” items there will be a “Downloads” directory with a blue arrow.
  2. You can go to the system drive (usually drive C), go to Users, then click on the icon with your user name and open “Downloads”.

This directory is a system directory, so changing settings is not so easy. There is no way to simply change the folder in the system intended for downloads. But you can move it:

Restoring the previous state is possible in a similar way. Just point to the previous path.

It happens that users accidentally delete this directory, or it may disappear on its own, for example, when the computer is infected with a virus. In this case, the first thing you should do is scan your computer with an antivirus and neutralize the threats.

Let's look at how to restore the save location on the system if this folder suddenly disappears, and each browser places downloads in different places at its discretion.

  1. Go to “Start” and select “Run”.
  2. Bring up the command prompt by typing cmd and clicking Enter.
  3. Dial in command line this entry:

attrib –s –h C:\users\user\downloads

where “user” is the name of your specific computer user.

After this, the system should restore the folder.

We looked at how you can open system folder for downloads, change its location, how to change the default folder where the Yandex browser downloads and some others. All this is necessary for convenience and

When downloading files from the Internet, the browser saves them to the created folder by default. Each user, if necessary, can set individual parameters for saving downloaded files, designating the required folder for their placement.

You will need

  • Computer, Internet access, browser.


  • Depending on what browser you're using, your steps in determining the download path may look different. Let's look at ways to change the paths for downloading files from the Internet using the example of the three most popular browsers: Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.
  • If you use Opera, you need to follow these steps to change the download path. Launch the browser, then press the “Menu” button ( this button located at the top right of the browser). Next, you need to select the “Settings” item, where you need to go to the “ General settings" In the window that opens, switch to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Downloads” item. Here you can set the desired folder to save files.
  • If you need to change the download path in chrome (Google Chrome), your steps will be as follows. After launching the browser, click on the key icon located on the right side of the browser. In the menu that opens, select “Options”, then switch to the “Advanced” section. Here you can set the required download path. In order not to burden yourself with switching settings, after opening the browser, enter in the address bar: chrome://settings/advanced - the desired settings section will open automatically.
  • To configure the download path in Firefox, do the following. Click on the “Tools” menu and go to the “Options” section. On the “Basic” tab, you can set the necessary parameters for saving files.
  • Tip added August 12, 2011 Tip 2: How to change path Environment variables are used to configure many operating system settings. Thus, the path variable tells the system the path to search for executable files.


  • Right-click on the My Computer icon located on your desktop or Start menu. In the appeared context menu select the bottom line “Properties” - a new “System Properties” window will open. You can also open the System Properties window by pressing the Windows + Pause Break hotkey combination. If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, then also right-click on the “My Computer” icon, select “Properties”, and then select “Advanced system settings” on the left side of the properties window.
  • In the “System Properties” window, go to the “Advanced” tab by left-clicking on it - you will see three sections additional settings systems. Below them there will be two more buttons - “Environment Variables” and “Error Report”. You need environment variables - click on the appropriate button.
  • The Environment Variables window contains two categories of variables, one being User Environment Variables and the other being User Environment Variables. system requirements. Find the path variable in the list of system variables and select it by clicking the left mouse button.
  • Now, with the path variable selected, click on the “Change” button located under the list window - a small “Change system variable” window will open, where two input lines will be located - “Variable name” and “Variable value”. Change the value of the path variable to whatever you want.
  • Another way to change the value of the path variable is as follows: in the “Environment Variables” window, click on the “Create” button, then in the window that opens, in the “Variable Name” field, enter “path” and in the “Variable Value” field, enter the desired value. This will change the current value of the path variable to the one you just entered.
  • How to change path - printable version

    In Yandex Browser, files from the Internet are downloaded to the “Downloads” system folder, intended for downloading data. In this article we will look at how to change the download path in Yandex Browser. Download folder is a special system folder on the computer for temporary storage of downloaded files.

    All users using any browser, sooner or later, will use the function of downloading files from the Internet to their computer. Situations often arise when you need to download a file, archive from the Internet, save an image, photograph to your computer, download a video or music file, or in other similar situations.

    Downloading files from the Internet occurs using the browser itself, or using an extension (created for popular browsers a large number of similar extensions) installed in the browser. All downloaded files are saved in the downloads folder.

    Where are files downloaded from the Internet saved in Yandex Browser? With default settings, in Yandex Browser, downloaded files are saved in the “Downloads” folder, which is located in the user profile along the path (in operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7):


    It is assumed that after downloading files from the Internet, the data will remain in this folder for some time until the user finds a permanent place for it on his computer. For convenient work, I recommend on a computer, organizing convenient storage of information for more efficient work.

    Some users may not find the download folder location suitable for their default browser settings. The user can independently select any folder on the computer to store downloaded files.

    There are different reasons for changing the download in Yandex:

    • uncomfortable;
    • The location of the downloads folder is not suitable;
    • for greater safety of important data.

    In the first case, it means that to open the folder (not in the browser itself) with downloaded files, you need to make a few mouse clicks. By choosing, for example, the Desktop folder to save files, the downloaded files will always be visible.

    The second case is relevant, for example, due to the fact that there is not enough free space on the computer. system disk. When downloading files big size, on a small disk, takes up almost all the free space, which negatively affects the performance of the computer.

    Therefore, it makes sense to move the browser downloads folder to another local drive on your computer. Read the article on my website on how to move the system “Downloads” folder to another computer drive.

    The third case involves saving files downloaded from the Internet in a download folder located on another drive. Sometimes, users download important files to their computer from the Internet. There is not always time to sort files “into shelves” on your computer in a timely manner.

    In case of malfunction operating system Windows, impossibilities, the user will have to perform reinstalling Windows. In this case, the downloaded files will be lost. Therefore, placing space to save files on another drive will save important information, even in the event of serious problems with the system.

    In these cases, it is necessary to change the download path in Yandex in the browser settings. How to change the download in Yandex by selecting a different folder on your computer?

    How to change the download folder in Yandex Browser

    In order to change the download location in Yandex. Browser do the following:

    1. In the upper right corner of the browser window, click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” button.
    2. Select "Settings" from the context menu.
    3. In the “Settings” tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the “Show additional options” button.
    4. Scroll to the "Uploaded Files" section. By default, downloaded files are saved in the Downloads folder, which is located in the user profile.

    1. Click on the "Change" button.
    2. In the Browse for Folder window that opens, select a new location to store the downloaded files. You can first create a folder for downloads, for example, on another drive on your computer, and then select it as the download location.

    In this image, I have selected the Desktop folder to save downloads. Now the downloaded files are via Yandex Browser will be saved on the computer desktop.

    A file download indicator is displayed in the upper right corner of the browser panel, informing the user about the download status while downloading a file from the Internet.

    Pay attention to the settings: “Always ask where to save files” and “Open office format files in the browser (for this they are downloaded to).

    If you activate the first setting, the browser will always ask where to save the files before each download. You can choose any convenient places.

    Yandex Browser can open files in office formats, as well as video and audio files in popular formats directly in the browser.

    Conclusions of the article

    If necessary, the user can independently change the download folder in Yandex by selecting a different folder in the Yandex Browser settings to save downloaded files from the Internet.

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