
How to change the extension of a text file. How to change extensions of all files at once. Using standard Windows tools

In the information world, there are more than a dozen different text formats. To work with text files, most computer users use the package Microsoft programs Office. Extensive functionality, ease of editing of almost all known formats and constant updates allowed Microsoft Word become the most popular document editor. Since there is no single format for text files, users often have questions about how to change the format text document. Are you faced with an “unreadable” format or do you urgently need to change the format?..

Before you start changing the file format, you need to understand the difference between a document format and its extension. The format is the contents of the file, and the extension is just a set of letters that tell the system which program should open the file. For example, if the file has the extension .avi, then Windows will open it with the default video player.

Changing the format of Word documents

To change the format of a text document, it is recommended to use the built-in capabilities of the Microsoft Word editor. Open the document in any version of Office, click on the “File” button at the top of the screen and select the “Save As” tab.

In the drop-down list, specify the format in which you want to save the file. Select a location to save the new file and click “Save.”

In this way, you can “translate” any Word document into the desired format.

Changing the txt file format

If you need to change the format of a txt file, then it is much easier to change the file extension. But first you need to enable the display of extensions in Windows. Open My Computer and press the Alt button on your keyboard. In the line that appears, click on the “Tools” button and go to the “Folder Options” tab.

In the new “Folder Options” window, go to the “View” tab, scroll through the list “ Extra options" to the end and uncheck the box "Hide extensions for known file types." Then click the “Apply” button, followed by “OK”.

Right-click on the text file and select “Rename” from the context menu. For example, if a text file in .txt format is changed to .html, the file will already open in the browser.

In the same way, you can “translate” a txt file into .doc or .rtf format. But if you try to rename the extension of any Word document in .txt, problems will arise when opening the file.

If you don't have a software package at hand Microsoft Office, then you can use special converting utilities or online services.

Today we will analyze such a moment. Each element of the operating system has its own name and extension, which is separated from the name by a dot and consists of three characters. Each set of characters identifies a file type. There are a huge number of different types of files, executable (exe), text (txt, doc), music (mp3) and many others.

In Windows 7, users are faced with such a problem that they do not know how to change the file type. By default, this option is disabled and you can only set a new name. Don't be upset, there are several simple and straightforward ways.

Note: change the extension of those files that you can work with after renaming. There is no point in assigning an executable type (exe) in place of a music type (mp3).

Standard Windows 7 tools

First, you need to find the window that is responsible for the properties, settings of folders and files. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. In Explorer (my computer), click "arrange" and select "".
  2. In the “Start” menu, in the search form, type the request “folder options”.
  3. In the “start” menu, select “control panel”, look for the desired tab.

Go to the "View" tab. Find and uncheck the "Hide extension for known file types" option. Then apply the changes and click “ok”.

After this, the extensions will be visible in Explorer. Now we can change file type in windows 7 using several recommendations. Select the file and do one of the following:

  1. Click on the right mouse button. From the drop-down menu, select the “rename” command.
  2. Press F2.
  3. From the "organize" menu at the top of File Explorer, select "rename."
  4. Click on the object to be changed with the left mouse button, then after a couple of seconds click again. If you press too quickly, the file or folder will open.

Specify your extension and click enter.

Total commander program

The most powerful tool for working with files. Many functions, and most importantly ease of use. After installing the program, you will be able to . Use the recommendations above (points 1, 4).

Another important difference from the conductor, group file type change. To do this, select several elements (hold CTRL and left-click). Right-click and select “rename”.

In the window that opens, you will see the standard renaming template *.*, where an asterisk denotes any sequence of characters. We change the template, for example, *.php, so all selected files will have the php extension. You can configure this filter as you like, even by partial occurrence.

Command line (CMD)

We will change it using the rename command. Below we will look at ways to use it.

From the beginning. To do this, press the key combination windows icon+ R and enter CMD in the line.

Below is an example of changing one file. Enter the rename command, followed by the path and change options.

Rename c:\computer\document.txt *.php

In this example, the type will be renamed from txt to php, but the name will remain the same. Instead of *, enter any sequence of characters to change the name.

If a file name or path contains two or more words separated by a space, you need to enclose them in quotation marks.

It is possible to change several files at once. Type the following command:

Rename c:\computer\*.zip *.rar

In the current directory, all elements with a zip extension will be renamed to rar, but the names will remain the same. If the input structure is incorrect, you will see a warning “error in command syntax”.

So you know how to change file type in windows 7, this also applies to 8, XP. Do not forget that changing the extension helps open the file with another program, but does not change its structure. Of the methods considered, the most practical is using total commander.

Everyone uses Explorer, but due to the limitation of working with a group of files, it is not very practical. And with command line not everyone wants to deal with it.

We all quite actively use modern technologies, so we want to know as much as possible about what opportunities are open to us. Sometimes we are faced with very complex tasks that we do not know how to solve; in this case, it is necessary to gain new knowledge and skills in order to solve the issues that have arisen. If we talk about us - ordinary users - we are not interested in them very often, so there are no problems. However, in a situation where a file cannot be played on a device due to a format mismatch, users may sooner or later be faced with the question of how to change the file format? What cases may cause such a need? Sometimes the size of a particular file is incredibly important, since it can differ in different formats. The format needs to be changed in cases where we need to reduce or increase this size. Well, what about others? important factor is that some devices are only capable of playing certain types of files. Here you can give an example of a phone that does not want to play a video; in this case, you only need to change its format and everything will work. You can come across quite a lot of similar reasons. If you are wondering how to change the file type, I can say that it is not at all difficult, but you need to try.

To begin with, it would be worth understanding the concept of a file format, because not everyone can understand what we are talking about. By format we mean a specific specification of the structure of data that is recorded on a storage device. The format is usually indicated in the name of the file itself, separated from the name by a dot.

How to change the file format

First of all, you must decide what format you need as an output. If you already know this, then we can suggest you at least three ways to do this. First, it’s worth talking about how to change the file format manually. Since this method is considered the simplest, it is worth talking about it. It's a shame, but it can't always be used. Roughly speaking, you can get a file in a new format by changing its extension. To do this you need from context menu file, call the “Rename” item, then find the format you need in the menu, rename the file itself, and then save.

Now we can talk about Windows 7 using special software. This method is appropriate to use in cases where you want to edit a video or graphic file. There are several most common applications with which this can be done: SuperC, ZuneConverter, FormatFactory. After you install the program on your computer, you need to run it, find the file you need, and then specify the format that should be output. The program converts the file in just a few seconds.

You can try to change the format of your file using special Internet resources. This method applicable in cases where for some reason you cannot install the converter. It's not at all difficult to do this. You will need to go to resources such as or A field will appear on the page in front of you where you can upload your file, after which the system will offer formats available for of this type file. After that, all you have to do is select the required format, click “Convert”, and then in a few seconds your file will be changed and you can download it.

This short article talked about the most available ways How to change the file format, if you need information in more detail, you should turn to Internet resources for help.

Hello, dear users! In this article you will become familiar with the topic of changing the file format. Instead of the word “format” you may also come across an option such as “extension”. These are two equal meanings!

Any user may be faced with the need to change the data extension on a PC, and many have found it difficult to resolve the issue when performing this action. In fact, there is nothing complicated about how to change the file format on Windows 10, 8, 7 - there are many ways available to the user!

Can be found big number special programs, with which you can change the extension. Such applications are called converters. They can be freely downloaded from the Internet, or you can simply use online converter and do not go through the program installation procedure. Before you start changing the format, you need to understand what it is.

What is a file extension?

The file extension or format is the part of the file name that appears after the dot. It is this abbreviation, which is written at the end of the name and indicates what type of file it is.

How to determine file type by format?

Please consider these examples:

  • On the sea.jpg – we read what is written after the dot (jpg) and understand that this is an image, since jpg is an image format.
  • Protection of the report.pptx – we read what is written after the period (pptx) and understand that this is a presentation.
  • Let Me In.avi is a video file as avi is a video file format.

Now let's look at what formats the file types have, so that you can also easily identify them by extension yourself.

  • Archivers have the following extensions: rar, zip, irj;
  • Programs: exe, com;
  • Web pages: htm, html;
  • Texts: txt, rtf, doc, docx, pdf;
  • Graphics: bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg;
  • Audio: wav, mp3, midi; video: avi, mpeg.

Among Microsoft Office, there are tables: xls; presentations: pptx, ppt, pps and publications: pub.

Algorithm for changing the file extension in Windows XP, Vista

In the window that appears on the screen, select the tab "View". Then you need to click on the item "Extra options", and then go lower and hover your mouse over the phrase "Hide extensions for registered file types". If there is a checkmark here, then it must be unchecked. If you unchecked the checkbox, be sure to confirm the action by selecting "Apply" so that the changes are saved. You should get something like this screenshot.

Now you can start changing the format the desired file. To start changing the extension, hover your mouse over your file, click on it so that the window appears, then select the option at the bottom "Rename".

Let's imagine that you have an image format png jpeg. After you clicked "Rename", highlight the file name and its extension (On the sea.png). And now, without changing the file name, we change only its extension, that is, after the dot, write the format that you need (On the sea.jpeg). "Enter". "OK". The file extension has been successfully changed!

How to change file extension on Windows 7, 8, 10?

Hover your mouse over the item "Start", then go to menu , there click on « Small icons» , then stop at the “Folder Options” item. These items are shown in this screenshot.

Next, a window will appear in which you need to select a tab "View", then click on "Extra options". Go down and stop at the phrase "Hide extensions for registered file types." There should not be a check mark; it must be unchecked if there is one, and then confirm the action with the button "Apply" so that the changes are saved. You should get something like the picture.

Let's say you have a video file of the format avi, and you want to convert it to the format mpeg. After you click "Rename", highlight the file name and its extension (On the sea.avi). And now, without changing the file name, we write only its new extension, that is, after the dot, indicate the format that you need (On the sea.mpeg). After this operation, press the button "Enter". Next, another window will appear, but all you have to do is click "OK". After completing these steps, you can be sure that the file format has changed.

The process of changing the file format in Windows 8 and 10 occurs in exactly the same way as in version 7 of the operating system. Through "Start" go out to , where you need to click on "Small Icons". After this, go to where you need to click on tab "View" and go to additional options.

Then, in a way that is already familiar to you, we check whether the extensions are hidden. Then accept the changes, if they have been made, and proceed to renaming, namely, changing the file extension, writing the format you need behind the dot.


So, thanks to this article, you remember which formats belong to a specific file type. As you noticed, changing the file extension (format) was not so difficult. The main thing is to know the ways!

We will be very happy if you recommend the page to your friends so that they too know how easy it is to change file formats without installing third-party conversion programs. Leave comments and rate the article! Thank you!


Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the file type. Truth installed on your computer operating system does not always meet the user halfway. So, in the same Windows XP, everything is easier than ever: in order to change the file extension, you just need to right-click on it and then rename it. As you can see, nothing complicated.

In Windows 7, the function that allows you to change the file extension is disabled for user convenience. So he can edit the file name, but not the file type.

Let us remind you: the file extension is the part of its name separated from the main name by a dot. So, for example, the file “Book.rar” has the extension .rar, the file “Report.doc” has the extension .doc. Files with different extensions can be opened by different programs.

But almost any problem can be solved. So, first of all, you need to make sure that the extension is displayed in Windows 7. Click “Start” and go to “Control Panel”. Find the “Folder Options” item in the general list.

In the window that opens, you need to open the “View” tab (it’s the second one) and drag the slider down until you find the “Advanced options” item. Here you need to uncheck the “Hide extension for known file types” item and save the changes by clicking “Apply” and then “OK”.


Now the extension of each file in Windows 7 will be displayed and you can change the file type. How to do it?

Select the file whose extension you need to change. Select the file with the right mouse button (even easier - left-click on it and press F2) and in the menu that opens, select the “Rename” command.

Now you just need to change the file extension (edit what is written after the period) and agree to the changes.

After these steps, you will be able to change the file type without any problems. We hope you find these tips helpful.

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