
How to completely disassemble and reassemble a computer. We disassemble the laptop and clean it of dust: step-by-step instructions with photos. Photo of the computer system unit in an open state

Many people do not pay attention to the need to periodically clean their PC. But sooner or later there will be some kind of failure in the system when you have to find out how to disassemble the computer. Sometimes such problems can be quickly fixed, but sometimes they lead to serious component failures.

For what?

Why does a user need to know how to disassemble a computer unit? It is advisable to carry out a superficial cleaning of the system at least once every couple of months. Once every six months it is better to do a deep “cleaning” of the components. To do this, you need to understand how to open the system unit and remove equipment from it in order to clean everything.

You also need to periodically replace components that are already outdated. The upgrade also requires disassembling and cleaning the system. Of course, you can try replacing some RAM module or HDD without removing motherboard. But most often you need to get all the components, and for this you need to know how to disassemble a computer.

Start with the body

There is nothing particularly complicated in this matter. In modern PCs, you can remove one of the side covers, although everything, of course, depends on the case model. Sometimes there are options in which you need to remove the top cover.

In older versions of the chassis, all parts were screwed on with special screws. They required the use of a screwdriver. Nowadays, most often there are special screws that can be unscrewed manually without the help of tools.

By the way, if you don’t know how to disassemble the computer system unit, look at the instructions. Some new devices are sold with it. Therefore, you can get information there. It is also important to check whether the PC's warranty has expired. If not, then you cannot remove the seal from the screws, otherwise you will lose free support service center.

If possible, it is better to remove all possible covers to make it easier to get to the components.


When completely disassembling a PC, you need to take into account the fact that you will have to protect yourself. To do this, you need to turn off the computer, remembering to press the power supply button on the back panel. Next you need to disconnect all wires. It is also important not to forget about the power cable.

After this, you need to press the PC power button several times, and then hold it down for a couple of seconds. This way it will be easy to de-energize the surface of the motherboard.

You need to remove static from your own body. To do this, just touch the battery. It is also better to get rid of wool and synthetic clothing. It is better to use special gloves.


How to disassemble a computer? You should start by disconnecting all possible cables. But in this case it is important to remember all the connections, otherwise it will be difficult to figure out how to assemble the components later. It is also worth noting that some cables have a latch. Therefore, you need to carefully disconnect the wires.

It is important to be careful when disconnecting wires from the motherboard. Usually the platform is very fragile and can crack.

First, you need to free the motherboard from all connections to make it easier to get it out. In this case, you need to disconnect the hard drive, the power supply, which has several wires, and the coolers.

Video card and other details

The next step is to disable the video card. Of course, you can remove the motherboard from the case without it, but usually the adapter is quite massive and it’s easier to get it out.

The video card is in the slot and secured with latches. Therefore, it is important not to pull the device, but first remove the mount, and then disconnect it. The lever is usually easy to press; just press down on it to release the adapter.

The component must be placed in a safe place. It is better to disassemble and clean in a room where children or animals cannot get into.

After this, you can remove the power supply. In some cases, it may prevent you from removing the motherboard from the case. If the power supply is located in a special compartment, then it will be enough to disconnect it from the platform.

It is also worth paying attention to the processor cooling system. If this is a standard cooler, then it will be easy to remove the motherboard, but if a more powerful fan is installed, it may need to be removed. In general, it is advisable to immediately remove everything that will interfere with unscrewing the screws and removing the board.


It has different positions in the body. Most often it is screwed to one of its side walls. To remove it, just take a screwdriver and unscrew all the screws that hold the board in place. You need to be very careful, you can’t twist it too hard. Otherwise, the threads or contacts on the platform may be damaged.

To make it easier to remove the board, just place the computer so that the motherboard is in a horizontal position. When taking it out, it is better to hold on to the processor cooler and one of the corners of the device. You can't pull or bend. You need to be careful because the board is very fragile.


In the question of how to disassemble, working with the processor plays a key role. Here you usually have to not only clean everything from dust, but also change the thermal paste. And to do this you will have to remove the cooler. Depending on the model, it may be held in place by four latches or screws. Therefore, it is enough to unscrew them to get to the chip.

Cleaning Methods

Knowing how to disassemble a computer, all that remains is to choose one of the cleaning methods. The surface can be wiped with alcohol and cleaned of excess thermal paste, and then apply new one. The motherboard itself is also easy to clean. The main thing is not to use fleecy fabric. There are also special materials in stores for cleaning the board.

Some people use compressed air to quickly remove dust from the surface; others use a vacuum cleaner as an assistant. In the latter case, you need to be extremely careful not to damage anything. You may also need a cleaning brush and paper towels.

You should also pay attention to radiators; they usually collect a lot of dust, and also take the time to clean both the processor and case fans.

The brush and vacuum cleaner can be used at the same time. But in this case it is better to do it together, since it will be inconvenient for one.

Cleaning other items

Using the same principle, you can clean your video card. Modern models are usually covered with a plastic casing, under which the fan and radiator grille are hidden. Due to the fact that they are covered with a housing on top, it is not visible how much dust there is. But as practice shows, over time they also become dirty and require cleaning.

Make sure your video card is already under warranty so you can safely remove the seal. Next, you need to carefully unscrew the casing and again, using a brush and vacuum cleaner, clean the fan and radiator.

You will also have to find out. This is not difficult to do, since this is the same principle as in the system unit. You need to unscrew the screws on one side to get to the insides. Afterwards it will be easy to remove all the dust and dirt that also accumulates inside and on the fan.

Finishing cleaning

Next comes the most difficult part: installing all the components back. To do this, you will need to place the power supply and hard drive in their slots. Afterwards, it is important to carefully screw the motherboard. We install RAM, a video card and a cooling system on it. All that remains is to connect all the cables correctly. Remember: if something suddenly doesn’t work, it’s highly likely that you forgot to connect something.

Peripheral cleaning

The mouse and keyboard also require care. They especially suffer because we can sit at a PC for hours, sometimes having lunch or eating sweets. All food particles remain on our hands and are transferred to devices.

Therefore, you then have to find out how to disassemble the computer keyboard in order to get out crumbs, dust and other debris. Of course, it all depends on the type of device. In some cases, you have to pull out button after button to wash and then clean the housing underneath. Sometimes you need to unscrew the screws from the back to get to the board and debris on it.

The mouse rarely needs to be disassembled. Usually it is enough to wipe it with alcohol or a damp cloth.

1.2. Assembly and disassembly procedure

A few basic rules. things you need to know and remember:

A.) If you started working with a computer brought from the street, stop all actions and let it naturally (within 2 hours) bring the equipment to gain ambient temperature.

b.) Ate the body or other parts system unit When wet, it is prohibited to plug in the equipment until it is completely dry.

V.) Before removing the cover or other means of protecting the housing, make sure that all power switches and power cables are turned off and disconnected from the equipment being disassembled.

G.) Know that after your actions aimed at repairing, upgrading, testing your system, you may lose all the data you have accumulated, and if you are not confident in yourself, then save all the information you need before taking your actions.

d.) Find a convenient method for remembering settings BIOS , jumpers, micro switches - these will come in handy.

Quite often, when repairing a computer, specialists, disassembling and assembling the system, do something mechanically and forget to do something else. As you can see from the first part of this chapter, computer designs are not that complicated, but repairs done carelessly or irresponsibly can do more harm than good. Losing a part or damaging anything while working is a sure way to lose a client or job (and in exceptional cases you may also be held accountable) . Below are recommendations, the purpose of which is to help you repair computers faster and better.

1.2.1 Value of data

Experience shows that the value of data stored on clients' hard drives usually exceeds the cost of the equipment itself. If your customer is an entrepreneur or corporate client, then his computer may contain financial, technical, reference, design or organizational data vital to his business. Therefore, you should make every effort to protect yourself from possible troubles associated with the loss of information stored on your computer. Even if the drive turns out to be faulty, the customer may hold you responsible for the inability to recover valuable information recorded on the drive. Start with agreement (written or oral) conditions of repair work. When negotiating these terms, please pay attention to the following points: (their list can be expanded) .

Always advise creating regularly backups data stored on hard drives. Before offering to bring the computer to your workshop, recommend that you perform a complete backup data if possible.

Please advise checking your backups regularly. They will be useless if data cannot be recovered from them.

1.2.2 Removing the system unit cover

Most desktop and vertical system cases consist of a metal chassis covered by a painted cover that is secured to the chassis with a few screws. Cases with a horizontal layout usually have nine of them - two on each side of the cover and five on the back side of the case. There are also deviations from this scheme. The fastening screws can be screwed in, for example, not from the side surfaces of the cover, but from the bottom. The number of screws on the back of the case may also vary. On the front side of the case, covered with a plastic decorative false panel, cover fastening screws are very rare, as this spoils appearance system unit.

The covers of vertical enclosures are usually attached differently. There are from four to nine fastening screws - and all of them are located on the back side of the case. The lower and upper edges of the cover when correct installation are folded inward and fall into the grooves on the chassis and front panel and are fixed in them. This allows the number of mounting screws to be kept to a minimum. If the housing design does not provide guide grooves, the cover can be secured with additional screws located along its lower and front edges. Manufacturers typically strive to minimize the number of visible mounting screws to avoidspoil the appearance of the case - it is for this reason that everyone tries to place them on the back side of the case.

When removing screws and other fasteners, pay attention to the following. First, try not to scratch the painted metal cover. Customers are very sensitive to the money they spend, and a scratch or chip on the cover is equivalent to a dented bumper on a new one for them. "Mercedes" . After removing the cover, put it in a safe place where you cannot, for example, accidentally sit on it. Second, place the mounting screws in a specific order and in a safe place. The advice of putting every little thing into the cells of cardboard egg boxes is as old as the world - but is still relevant to this day. Naturally, you can use more modern containers: plastic bags or a cash register with drawers.

The main thing is to keep fasteners away from the work area. (of course, if you enjoy picking them up off the floor, that's a different matter) , watch where you remove the screws from and arrange them in groups. This will help you later return each screw to its place. Since in most cases the covers are fastened with screws of the same diameter and length, this advice is not so relevant at the disassembly stage being considered now. But when dismantling other subsystems, fixing the sequence of actions and arranging the dismantled parts becomes one of the most important conditions successful completion of the work.

Be careful when removing the cover from the chassis. Metal posts and stiffeners welded to it can snag on flat cables and other connecting wires. As a result, not only the cables themselves can be damaged, but also the devices to which they are connected. The rule in this case is simple: don’t make any effort, if you feel that something is bothering you, stop and find out the reason . It is much easier to eliminate the interference than to replace a damaged cable.

1.2.3 Installing the system cover

After upgrading or repairing your computer, you must close the system unit. Before replacing the cover, make sure that all components and subsystems of the computer are mounted correctly and secured in place, and that there is nothing unnecessary left inside the case. The effort and time spent sorting components during system disassembly will more than pay off at this stage of the work. Be sure to connect all power cables and signal cables. Each connector must be inserted all the way and in the correct orientation. Carefully route the signal cables. A tangle of wires in the system unit can cause many troubles. In particular, during the assembly process or the next time you disassemble the system, you or your colleague may damage any cable protruding to the side, for example, by catching it with a cover. In addition, if the signal cables are poorly positioned, mutual interference may occur between them. (interference) , which will lead to unstable execution of some operations. Don't forget to check if everyone is connected “minor” cables (drive audio cable CD - ROM , two-wire cords coming from motherboard to the dynamic head, key lock, etc.) .

After assembling the computer, without putting the cover on yet, turn it on and perform a final diagnostic and system check. If the computer is working normally, replace the cover. (without damaging the wires and cables) and secure it with a full set of mounting screws.

In the process of repairing, upgrading or assembling a new computer, a lot of manual work has to be done inside the system case. Unfortunately, we learn about the existence of many problems only after they arise, and some we ourselves create. The recommendations below will enrich your technical experience and help minimize the likelihood of emergency situations. Beware of sharp edges on metal covers, strips, and other body and chassis components. Housing manufacturers often seek to save on deburring and edge processing operations. Make sure the chassis is rigid. Unfortunately, they are all different in this regard. Some stand like a house, others warp at the slightest pressure. If possible, try to strengthen the flimsy structure (unfortunately, without plumbing skills, you can only tighten the mounting screws) . Check the ventilation holes in the case and the condition of the fans and make sure that there is normal air circulation inside the system unit. Clean the dust from the fan blades and protective grilles, as well as the inlet and outlet air filters. All fans in the unit should be running.

Clean the inside of the system unit from dust. Dust is a heat insulator and is electrically conductive. If the components printed circuit boards covered with dust, their normal heat exchange with the environment is disrupted, they overheat, and electrical leaks and even short circuits between conductors may occur on the boards themselves and in the connectors.

Be responsible when choosing a new chassis. Chassis replacement (or building a new computer) - The work is, of course, interesting, but it takes a lot of time. Therefore, think in advance about the prospects for expanding the system and select a case with an appropriate number of drive bays and openings for expansion slots. powerful block power supply and the required number of connectors to supply power to the drives.

Use standard cases, power supplies and motherboards. New computers are almost never assembled in old cases like AT (full size and Baby - AT ) . Today, ATX and ATX designs are considered standard. NLX , standardization of sizes guarantees mutual docking of motherboards, power supplies and cases.

Securely secure the drives. All of them (located in both internal and external compartments) must be secured with at least four screws. With fewer screws, drives may experience vibration during operation, which will shorten their service life. Make sure all mounting screws are screwed in completely. At the same time, they cannot be overtightened, because... this can lead to deformation of the internal frame of the drive and its premature failure.

Be careful when installing the system board. Do not bend it under any circumstances, either during intermediate manipulations or during final installation: its surface must be completely flat, without deformation. Make sure that metal edges, standoffs, and other chassis components do not touch the system board.

Check the connection and routing of all cables inside the system unit. Their connectors must be connected to the mating parts tightly and without distortion. Cables (especially flat ones) If possible, they should be laid so as not to interfere with air circulation in the housing.

Inspect expansion cards. Every time you open the system unit, check the quality of their installation. The adapters must be inserted into the expansion slot connectors without distortion and completely. Quite often, when manipulating external cables, expansion cards are pulled out of the connectors and become distorted. This can lead to loss of system functionality, and sometimes to its failure. For this reason, each expansion card bracket must be securely screwed to the chassis.

Make sure each memory module is type SIMM or DIMM fully inserted into its socket and securely fastened (such a check must be carried out, first of all, after replacing them) . Check whether the heatsink is tightly pressed to the processor body and is working, and whether the cooling fan mounted on it is running when the power is turned on. Myself The processor must also be securely inserted into its socket.

There may be several reasons for replacing the housing. As a rule, the case is replaced when it has lost its aesthetic appearance as a result of damage (in the case of conspicuous scratches, dents, cracks, etc.), when it has lost its practicality and its capabilities have become insufficient (for example, during an “upgrade” computer), or when the user simply wants to change the appearance of his electronic friend.

Any person can do it, since you just need to disassemble the system unit and transfer its components to a new case. This does not require the help of a specialist or special tools - just a screwdriver with a cross head is enough. The content of the article

What is the function of the body? Many users underestimate the importance of a computer case, considering it a simple box to which the internal hardware of the device is attached. Meanwhile, it is an important part of the computer, providing not only rigid fixation of the parts of the system unit, but also protecting them from environmental influences. Moreover, only a correctly selected case (taking into account the power of the component parts of the system unit) can provide normal functioning cooling systems, as well as guarantee stable and silent operation.

personal computer

When choosing a new building, you need to have an idea of ​​its varieties. There are two main types of system units: desktop, or horizontal (Desktop), and vertical, or “tower” (Tower). The first type has long lost its popularity. The second, depending on the size, is divided into such subtypes as mini-tower, medium tower and large tower. According to another classification, which was developed to unify the connectors and space provided for the motherboard, these subtypes, again depending on the dimensions, may have the following form factor designations: mATX, ATX, etc. The most optimal option for home personal computer is the middle tower (MidiTower), or, in another designation, ATX. The size of this system unit is quite enough to accommodate all the necessary computer equipment for working at home.
When choosing a case, you need to pay attention to its quality (processing of painted elements, frame rigidity, etc.). You also need to decide on the main material for its manufacture.
In terms of cooling efficiency, an aluminum system unit is preferable to an iron one, but it is also noticeably more expensive. The functionality of the case is also important, so you should pay attention to the convenience of the location of the power button and restart the computer, USB connectors and audio. And, of course, we look at the design of the case, which should satisfy your request.

How to disassemble a desktop computer case?

When disassembling the system unit, we adhere to the following procedure:
When disassembling the system unit, try to put all related parts side by side to make it easier for you to assemble them later. The disassembled components of the system unit now need to be transferred to a new case.

How to assemble a desktop computer case?

  • We open the new case and first of all secure the motherboard with screws.
  • Next you need to install the power supply. Having secured it with screws, we attach it to the motherboard. What’s convenient here is that the wires coming out of the power supply can only be connected in one position - otherwise they will not fit into the connector. These wires include 1-3 bundles. There are either one or two sockets for the power supply. 1 or 2 bundles are simultaneously inserted into the large socket, and the small bundle must be connected.
  • When you connect the wires to all the appropriate sockets, some of the power supply wires may be unused. There is no need to worry about this - this is normal, unlike the opposite situation, when, say, you need to connect to three connectors on the motherboard, but you only have one output bundle from the power supply. In this case, the computer may not turn on.
  • After connecting the power supply, you need to install RAM. To do this, we fold back the latches, rotate the RAM bar accordingly and, using some force, press on it until the gripping mechanism clicks.
  • Then you need to install hard drives, floppy drives, as well as other disk drives and devices for reading data from external media. Having secured them with screws, we connect the cables associated with them to the motherboard, and the wires to the power supply. It is necessary to take into account that if two devices are connected through one loop, then to determine their priority when loading the computer, one is assigned as the main one (“Master”), and the other as a secondary one (“Slave”). For this purpose, special plastic jumpers are inserted into the device sockets at a certain position.
  • Having connected the drives and disk drives, install the video card, sound card(if it comes separately from the motherboard, i.e. is not integrated into it) and network card into the connectors intended for them and screw them to the body.
  • At the last stage, you need to connect the wires for the computer power button, reset button and indicators on the front panel of the system unit. These wires can have a common or separate plug. In any case, the plugs are usually marked, and there are also markings near the contacts on the motherboard, so you just need to match which plug should be connected to which socket.
  • If there are no markings and instructions for connecting a new system unit, you will have to connect these wires at random, checking whether the computer turns on and whether the reset button and indicators work.

After completing the above procedures, you can close the case panels and connect other devices to the rear wall of the system unit.

How to replace a laptop case?

Disassembling and assembling the laptop case has its own characteristics due to its compactness. In addition, there is no single standard for the placement of components in the case among laptop manufacturers, and in attempts to improve the ergonomics of the device, different designs of models may be used, even within the same brand.
Therefore, in order not to accidentally break some invisible latch or tear off a thin cable, before starting these procedures, it is recommended to find and watch video reviews online that describe in detail the correct sequence of actions when disassembling your particular laptop model. And if, after watching the video instructions, you still have at least some uncertainty that you can repeat all this yourself, it is better not to take risks, but to seek help from specialists service center, authorized by your laptop manufacturer. We hope that after reading this article you have no questions regarding how to replace a computer case, and you are convinced that with the right and careful approach to the matter, performing all the necessary procedures is not as difficult as it may initially seem.

Laboratory work No. 20

PC assembly/disassembly. Replacement of main components

1. Purpose of the work

Learn to assemble and disassemble a PC

2. Theoretical information

Preparing to build a computer

So, in front of you are all the necessary components for your future system unit. Where to begin? First of all, you need to clear your workspace. The place where the computer is assembled must, first of all, be spacious so that the parts do not lie on top of each other, are “at hand” and do not accidentally fall off the table, thereby increasing the risk of rendering them inoperable.
The computer assembly process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Assembling the “skeleton” of our computer, i.e. installing the processor and RAM on the motherboard.
  2. Preparing the case and installing peripheral devices (CD/DVD drive, disk drive, etc.), connecting cables and other wires.

The main thing you need to know before getting started is that modern devices A PC, be it a motherboard or a disk drive, has a protection system that does not allow them to be connected or installed incorrectly. That is, each part is inserted “by key” - it is impossible to insert it any other way without using force. This point will be discussed in more detail later.

Processor Installation

Let's proceed to the most meticulous process of assembling a computer - installing the processor, memory and video card.
First, let's decide what type of processor you have chosen: the method of installing it in our motherboard directly depends on this. On the MirSovetov website in the article “Choosing a computer“The differences in models from Intel and AMD have already been described, so we won’t go into too much detail. Next, we will describe ways to install modern processors on both platforms.

Processors from Intel
Today, the company produces processors for motherboards on socket 775 (socket where the processor is mounted). Unlike previous models, these processors are not equipped with “legs,” thereby reducing the risk of damage due to careless handling. Socket 775 processors have contact points, and the “feet” are located on the motherboard itself.
So, we have a motherboard and a processor. In the center of the board there is a socket protected by a protective cover. To install the processor, follow these steps:

  1. move and lift the socket lever on the socket;
  2. open the fastening plate;
  3. delete protective cover socket;

The motherboard is ready.
Next, take the processor out of the box and remove the black protective plate. Only hold the processor by its edges, do not touch the contacts! Lower the processor into the motherboard socket strictly vertically, avoiding distortion. Note the yellow arrow in one corner of the processor and the arrow on the socket These arrows indicate which side of the processor should be placed in the socket. In addition, there are notches on both sides of the processor; on the socket, in turn, there are protrusions this is the “key-based” protection that MirSovetov mentioned earlier. Once the processor has been installed, close the retaining plate and lower the socket lever into place.
In the next step of assembling the computer, we need to install a heatsink on the processor. Note the four holes near the corners of the socket. Now look at the radiator - it is equipped with four “legs”. Install the heatsink onto the processor so that all four legs fit into the holes. Next, click on them one by one. When you press on each fastener, a click will be heard.

Make sure all fasteners are securely fastened. All that remains is to connect the processor cooler to the connector marked CPU-FAN on the motherboard. That's it, our processor is installed.

Processors from AMD
The processors of this company differ from those described above by the presence of “legs” on the processor itself, therefore, the computer assembly will be slightly different. As is the case with Intel platform, installation also takes place “by key”.

Look at your processor (socket 939, socket AM2), in one of its corners several “legs” are positioned differently than in the rest. This place is marked with a yellow arrow; the same arrow is also on the motherboard socket.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Just like in the previous example, we move the socket lever, install the processor and return the lever to its place.
The radiator is installed completely differently: there are plastic protrusions on both sides of the socket, onto which the metal radiator plate clings. Next, we lower the small lever to better press the radiator to the processor, and connect the cooler.


After installing the processor, there should be no problems with RAM. special problems. The only thing that is required is to move the slot latches, place the memory there and secure it with a little pressure. Again, you cannot make a mistake at this stage of assembling the computer. RAM is inserted only one way, otherwise you simply cannot insert it, because the slot on the motherboard has a partition that matches the notch in the memory board.

Video card and additional PCI devices

Installing a video card will also not take much time. It is inserted into the PCIExpress slot, which is located horizontally under the processor. There is nothing complicated about this, we install it in the slot and press until it clicks.
Additional devices such as TV tuners, sound or network cards are inserted similarly to a video card, but into slots slightly lower than PCIExpress, which are simply called PCI.
We can say that the “skeleton” of our computer is ready. Let's start preparing the case and placing all the components in it.


After unpacking the case, you will find in it the kit that you will need to later assemble the computer. I think there is no point in describing in detail the preparation of the case and the installation of the drive and floppy drive, since it is quite simple (the drive is inserted into the very top 5.25-inch bay in the case, and the floppy drive is just below 3.5) and does not require additional explanation.
MirSovetov will pay more attention to installing the motherboard. It is screwed to the rear inner cover, into which the stands supplied with the case are pre-screwed. Before placing the board, a plug from the motherboard (shield) is inserted into the case, designed to protect components from dust and other foreign objects getting inside the system unit. Make sure that all the holes on the board correspond to the stands screwed into the case, and screw the “motherboard” with bolts.
At this stage, the computer assembly can be considered almost complete; all that remains is to breathe life into our hardware by connecting it correctly with wires.
Particular attention should be paid to connecting the front panel of the case to special connectors on the motherboard. Basically, manufacturers of both cases and boards adhere to the same standard, so all connectors are labeled with the corresponding names.
I will give the most common marking option:

HDD-LED red diode on the front side of the case (the color scheme for marking wires is mainly used, red-white)
PWR-LED green diode, network indicator (green-white)
PWR-SW On/Off button (orange-white)
RESET-SW PC reset button (black-white)
SPEAKER system speaker (red-white, often yellow-white)

We connect all wires to the corresponding connectors of the motherboard, taking into account the polarity (white minus, color plus, with the exception of RESET-SW). More detailed instructions you will find in the documentation that came with it.

Connecting loops

Please note that the power supply connectors for connecting the drive and some hard drives(mostly the old IDE format) are trapezoidal, like the inputs to the connected devices, so there is no fear of accidentally turning the connector over when connecting.

The drive is powered by a small four-pin connector, which is also easy to connect only in the desired direction.

MirSovetov will describe in more detail the connection of SATA hard drives. Power supply of this format has its own key: if you look at the connector of the power supply, you will notice that it looks like the letter “g” rotated 90 degrees; the input has the same shape hard drive. Be very careful when connecting, because the slightest misalignment can cause a “short circuit” and your hard drive will fail.

To complete the computer assembly, all that remains is to connect two connectors that supply power to the motherboard and the processor (24-pin and 4-pin). Both connectors have a small latch, which, when properly connected to the board, snaps onto a special protrusion.

When connecting the power supply connectors, make sure that the wires do not hang in the case and do not fall into the processor cooler or additional fans. Carefully secure them with special ties - “ties”, or simply with wire.

That's all! Our first computer is assembled, all that remains is to close it with the side covers and turn it on! One cheerful “beep” from the system speaker means correct work system and now you can relax and start installing operating system

3 Preparing for work

3.1 Read the instructions.

3.2 Work through the theoretical material behind the topic of the work.

3.3 Give answers to control questions of incoming control.

3.4 Think over the methodology for doing the work.

3.5 Prepare a report form.

4 Equipment:

PC and its components

5 Report preparation:

5.1 Purpose of the work.

5.2 Theoretical information.

5.3 Equipment.

5.4 Assignment.

5.5 Description of the work done.

6 Security questions:

6.1 How is the processor installed?

6.2 Marking of power wires.

6.3 What slots are intended for the Video card?

Let's disassemble the system unit. Manual for beginners

What do we need:
1) Workplace, preferably more spacious
2) Several screwdrivers, medium size
3) A box for bolts and screws
4) Brush
5) Vacuum cleaner

The system unit is very easy to disassemble!
I didn’t completely disassemble my unit, not everything according to this photo.
So, let's transgress.

1) Remove both side covers from the case, vacuum it and place it on the table

2) Unfasten all available connectors.

If you are disassembling the block for the first time, then it is better to write down or sketch in some way convenient for you, take a photograph of which ones you unfastened from where.
Pay special attention USB connection and power and restart buttons!

Unfasten the power connectors from the video card, sound card, hard drive, DVD drive a, SATA and IDI cables, fan and motherboard connectors.

Take your time with the last one.
The standard motherboard power connector has 24 pins in new power supplies (in old power supplies, the connector consisted of 20 pins + 4 additional ones), a special latch, usually located on the left or right edge of the board and looks like this:

In order to remove it, you need to press the latch and pull the connector with one hand, and hold the motherboard with the other hand. This is not easy, but without fanaticism. Don't tear it off by the roots.
The processor power connector has a square shape, four to eight pins, also has a latch and is located near the processor

In order to remove it you need to press the latch and pull it out. There are almost no difficulties here, only if you have a small processor cooler.

3) Remove the PCI device.
It is important to put all iron in a safe place, that is, not on a cabinet or in a puddle of water or in a box with children's toys - think about the consequences.
All the boards that are located on the motherboard are bolted to the case, we unscrew them, take out the boards and vacuum them using a brush.

We collect the bolts in a box.
With a video card it's a little more complicated.
There is a special fastener on the motherboard, you need to pull it to the side and remove the video card. Ready!

4) Remove the motherboard.

Well, there is nothing complicated!
We unscrew the bolts, usually four to six of them (throw them in a box)
We take the payment for the right side and take it out.

The same way we pass with a brush
Nothing complicated.

5) The power supply is attached to the case with four bolts on the rear wall of the case, and there is also a special holder for the power supply in the motherboard tray.
We unscrew it, take out all its wires (so as not to tear it off!) and take out the block from inside the case.

6) DVD drive, hard drive, card reader, Floppy drive - all this is fastened with bolts on both sides (this is why two case covers were removed), sometimes with plastic fasteners and installed in special baskets.
We unscrew the bolts, the hard drive is removed from the inside of the case, and the drive, card reader and Floppy are pulled out from the outside.
All is ready!
Assembling the system unit is quite simple! All actions are just the opposite.

1) We put the motherboard into the case with its left side, since on the left side of the board the connectors need to be combined with the so-called “Mirror” - a plug for these same connectors is inserted into the case, serves for protection and beauty, probably.

When you removed the board from the case, you noticed that the board was screwed to special bolts or protrusions in the tray.
We align the mounting holes of the board with these bolts and screw the board.
First, we do not twist it completely so that the board falls into place, then we twist it completely, starting from the middle and ending at the corners.

2) Install the power supply and screw it to the case, connect the power connectors of the processor and motherboard. Pay attention to the 24-pin connector, it can be dismountable 20 + 4 and sometimes an additional fourth one is removed, so when assembling, do not mix it up and for accuracy, check the connector with the socket on the motherboard!

4) We connect the connectors of the power button, reset button and HDD indicators, as well as USB. How to do this correctly? See your notes during disassembly or the instructions from the motherboard.

5) Install PCI devices.
Everything is in reverse order.
We insert the board into the connector and press it, but pay attention to the metal mounting plates that were screwed to the case during dismantling. There are recesses where each of the boards is installed in the PC case (at the junction of the motherboard tray and the back wall of the case). Align the metal plates and recesses, then all the boards will fall into place!
It looks like everything is ready. Good luck everyone!

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