
How to make Instagram close your profile. How to make a private account on Instagram. How to close an Instagram profile

Social networks, one of which, despite the lack of actual status as such, is the popular Instagram, help in depersonalization when communicating with strangers and do everything to ensure that some people feel protected from attacks on their privacy. That is why each user of the service decides for himself - to leave his profile completely open for viewing by any people or to make access to it limited, for example, by opening his feed and everything that is posted in it for viewing only to subscribers you approve.

This choice most often depends directly on the owner of the page and the functionality that it performs. Agree that it would be stupid to close the Instagram account of a store that brings you income online or make closed profile on Instagram of one of our many popular singers. In this review, we’ll look at how to close an Instagram account completely and how to do it partially, for example, how to close comments on Instagram or.

An open account has several advantages:

  1. Any user of this service will be able to easily view all publications and become familiar with their content, and also, if he likes your content, subscribe to you, knowing about its content, thereby increasing the number of your subscribers.
  2. Even users who are not registered on Instagram will be able to view the materials that you post, which will also increase the popularity of you or the service you offer. Believe me, if your page is aimed at obtaining benefits, for example, you present some product for sale, then when open page You will have about 60 percent of your subscribers - the rest, who most often do not have their own profile on Insta, will come by search, by keywords, or on the recommendation of friends.
  3. With the advantages described above, everyone will be able to show additional activity on your profile - write comments under your publications, write messages to you in Direct (this is the local name for the personal messaging system), give you likes or .
  4. An open profile can easily be developed by you with the help of highly specialized services for promoting an Instagram account, among which the main ones can be identified - Zengram, DoInsta and Pamagram.

Moreover, if you decide to make your Instagram account private, you will receive the following advantages:

  • Only subscribers you approve will be able to be active on your Instagram - they will like you, and a person who has not been added to your list of subscribers will not be able to comment on your activities on Instagram. This is very a good option for people who don't like to put their lives on display in front of everyone.
  • If you decide to make a private Instagram account for yourself, then no one will be able to access your Instagram until the owner personally approves the addition to your friends list.
  • No one will also be able to see the list of your subscribers and those you follow - believe me, using the list of subscriptions you can get a huge amount of information about you, even if you yourself do not want it at all.
  • Your publications will not be included in the search distribution of browsers - accordingly, no one will be able to track your location using hashtags and.

When is it worth making a private profile on Instagram, and when is it better to open it?

Of course, if you are going to actively promote your personal page or create a business account on Insta, then the page must be open to all users who want to view the content on it. Also, inexpensive and effective services are often used that simulate user activity on your page, which will allow you to emphasize the importance of your person or the uniqueness of offers in the store. In this case, yours can be manually linked to your Facebook page, on which you can view statistics of visits and other activity.

The decision to make a private profile on Insta is relevant in the following cases:

  1. You plan to post personal photos with your family, photos with small or even infants and do not want to expose all this to a wide range of users.
  2. The information you share in your account is not intended for large quantity users and is confidential in nature, therefore it is not intended to be viewed by everyone.
  3. If you have become a victim of regular subscriptions to you from pages of various stores and advertising pages, then it is better to close your account from such activities so that there is no constant spam.

How to close your Instagram page

How to do this yourself and is it possible? Believe me, there is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to use short instructions that allow you to do this without problems at a time convenient for you in literally a minute:

  • In the lower right corner, click on the button with the image of a silhouette of a man.
  • At the top right, click on the pointer with three vertical dots to open your account settings menu.
  • In the Settings section, go to the subsection called Accounts.
  • In the very last line “Private account”, move the slider to active mode.

A hidden profile means that no one except your personally approved followers will be able to see anything on your page other than your main photo, as well as numbers indicating the number of your followers and subscriptions. All applications from users are approved by you manually, so no one else can do something that you don’t think they need.

For iOS, the procedure is exactly the same - the only difference is that instead of three vertical dots, there will be a gear icon. It is important to understand that Insta was originally created for use specifically on the mobile platform - the use of the browser version implies limited functionality, in which many functions are initially unavailable. Therefore, all the processes of revealing and hiding your personal information posted on Insta is best done on Android smartphone or IOS.

Important: Remember that as soon as you switched your Instagram profile to hidden mode, you immediately significantly increased the confidentiality of the information provided, but at the same time made it impossible for people from the network who are not your subscribers to view your posts on Insta. In order to return back to the world filled with likes from strangers and reposts from your enthusiastic fans, as well as interesting offers from various stores and services that have their official pages on the Instagram social network, you just need to go back to the settings and click on the toggle switch " Closed account” again, thereby transferring it to inactive mode.

We are sure that you yourself will be able to decide which option is most comfortable and profitable for you!

By default, all accounts in the Instagram photo service are public, that is, any social network subscriber can view photos and videos of another user without his permission. Instagram developers have made sure that, if desired, users can hide their profile from prying eyes and allow only a select few to view their publications.

Is it possible to view a private profile (account) on Instagram?

A private Instagram account can be found in the user search, but only the owner’s avatar, the number of profile subscribers and posts in it will be visible. The internal contents will remain inaccessible to outsiders. It will look something like this:

Moreover, not everyone can become a subscriber to the page. With any new attempt to subscribe to a profile, its owner will receive a corresponding request, after which he will decide to confirm it or delete it.

These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized persons from following your profile and circumventing the user's privacy rules. You can close your account if you do not want everyone to subscribe to your profile, or if you intend to use it only to communicate with family and friends.


How to close an Instagram profile?

First of all, it is worth noting that you can close your profile only through mobile app Instagram, but not from a computer.

1 . Launch the Instagram application.

2 . Click on the " Profile" to display your profile, and then tap the icon with three horizontal lines. On the page that opens, click the button "Settings".

3 . Go to menu "Account confidentiality".

4. Click the radio button next to the " Closed account" to position " on».

That's all. Now only selected users will be able to see your posts.

Instagram Secrets: 35 Tricks You Might Not Know

The main advantage of a business account is the presence of a statistical data section. Information from the section helps users create content that will appeal to the target audience and choose the optimal time for posting. The business profile is public by default. How to close a profile on Instagram, if statistics are enabled and whether this is possible, find out from this article.

It is not possible to make a business account private, because such pages are created to attract an audience. It will be difficult to increase the number of subscribers if users cannot view information in the account. Therefore, we will not be able to tell you how to close an account on Instagram if statistics are connected and give specific recommendations. For people who are faced with a similar problem, there is one way out - enable simple user type.

How to switch to a personal user type

  • Open the program on your device and log in.
  • Go to the section with your publications.
  • Go to the page menu - three dots or a gear at the top.
  • Go to the Account block.
  • Tap a line Go to regular profile.
  • Confirm the action.

How to make a page private

To do this, open the menu and next to the line, move the slider to the right.

Each social network has a very good feature - you can hide your page and publications from all users except your friends. Instagram is no exception. Your favorite photo hosting site (and, more recently, video hosting site) has the ability to close your profile from unwanted eyes.

What does it mean? This means the following: only your subscribers will be able to view your photos and videos, and every user will not be able to subscribe to you, as before. First, he will have to send you a subscription request. If you approve it, the person will be able to view your posts on Instagram.

The theory seems to be sorted out. It's time to tell you how to close your account.

So, in Instagram app On your mobile device, go to your profile (most recent tab). Here, click on the “Edit Profile” button.

Now scroll down all settings. Here you will find a special lever called “Publications Closed”, which you need to move to the right position.

If you did everything correctly, it will turn blue.

What now? Requests for friends, or rather for subscription, will appear in notifications, where they were before. Only now they will need to be specifically approved or, conversely, rejected.

To do this, go to the request and click the cross or check mark.

And your page for users who don’t follow you will look something like this.

You can open publications back again at any time. To do this, also go to your profile settings and move the lever to the left (it should turn gray). Now the photos and videos that you publish will again be available to any Instagram users, as well as people who are not registered on this social network, but viewing your posts on a computer from a browser.

All social media have the ability to close or hide a profile with publications from all users except their friends, Instagram also turned out to be no exception. In this way, you can rid yourself of unnecessary commentators and unfriendly users. But as practice shows, keeping an account private can soon lead to the loss of subscribers. But if you do not pursue the goal of maximizing their number, then feel free to close your profile. If you run a business page, then it would not be advisable to hide it from your potential clients, in such cases the account must interact with the external environment, since Instagram has very good user engagement.

Finally, let's move on to the question of how to close a profile on Instagram. So, privacy settings can help limit unauthorized access to your page.

To do this you need to open your account:

In the same way, you can open your profile by sliding the lever to the left.

What is important to know about hidden publications

Firstly, if you private user and share publications in related networks such as: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, then users of these networks will see all the information, even though your Instagram profile is private.

Secondly, if another user wants to have access to your page, he will need to send a request and follow you. All subscription requests will need to appear in the option with a "heart" sign, where you reject or accept requests.

Thirdly, if you already had subscribers before you hid your profile, and you don’t want them to see your publications, you can simply block them.

Fourth, the user Instagram can send you photos or videos directly, even without being your subscriber. I would like to warn you right away that regular computer or laptop, you won’t be able to close your profile. Only need to use mobile device or tablet.

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