
How to make a hdd from a flash drive. SSD for the poor or SD Card to IDE Hard Drive Converter (Secure Digital). From ISO image

I have long wanted to write this article, I think it will be very interesting to you. I received a question from a friend about how to make one out of a flash drive. HDD. So, we will analyze two options: changing the flash drive to 64-bit Windows and to 86-bit.

If you decide to use programs such as or others to view the flash drive, then you will not see it there, because there is a so-called descriptor Removable Media Bit (RMB), which is found in any flash drive and forces Windows to identify such drives as removable, and not as local disk. To fix this issue, we just need to delete this descriptor.

Why did I say there will be two options? Because on systems of different capacity this operation will be carried out differently. This will be quite simple to do, so let's get started.

How to make a flash drive a hard drive on Windows x86?

To do this work, we need to download a special driver Hitachi Microdrive. You can download it from here.

Now we find out the device instance code. In this case, we need to go to the device manager, there go to the tab disk devices. Look for your flash drive and right-click on it. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Intelligence", and select from the drop-down list "Path to device instance". In field "Meaning" select the entire line and copy.

Let's move on to the driver. First, unzip it to any location, and then, using any notepad, open the . Find the item there and in the very last line, starting with the word USBSTOR We replace everything with what we copied in the device manager. Here's how it will work out:

At the end of the line, after REV_ХХХ, you need to remove a small tail:

After everything is done, save the file.

Now go to the device manager again and open the properties of our flash drive again. Let's go to the tab "Driver" and press the button there "Update".

On Windows 7

Here we need to choose "Search for drivers on this computer" and select exactly the cfadisk.inf file that we changed.

On Windows XP

In this OS we choose "Install from a specified location", Then "Don't search" And "Install from disk". Again select the cfadisk.inf file as the driver.

After this, your flash drive should be recognized by the system as a hard drive.


How to make a flash drive a hard drive on Windows x64?

So, in this case, we download this archive.

Now go to Device Manager, open the properties of our flash drive and go to the tab "Intelligence". There, from the drop-down list you need to select "Equipment ID". In the “Value” field you will need to copy all lines except USBSTOR\GenDisk And GenDisk.

Open the F2Dx1.inf file that we downloaded with regular notepad. In general, it is advisable to use Notepad++. Having opened the file, we find the item in which we delete the first 5 lines, and then simply replace them with what we copied. The main thing is that each line begins with the phrase: %attach_drv% = f2d_install.

Next, we must again go to the properties of the flash drive and in the driver tab click on the button "Update". Here we do everything the same as in the first option, we just select the F2Dx1.inf file as the driver.

In addition, I want to say that the flash drive will be detected as a hard drive only on the system in which you performed this operation, since we just changed the driver in the Windows environment. If you insert a flash drive into another computer, it will be recognized there as a flash drive. That's all.

Good day!
I want to talk about a rather interesting, unusual, uncommon, but at the same time relatively useless adapter (capable of turning your SD card into a “real SSD”). Meet the adapter for connecting SD cards to an IDE connector for using them as a PC hard drive. Yes, you heard right - this is a working SD -> IDE adapter. Answers to questions - “How?!” and for what?!" under the cut.


The kit was damn rich, it had absolutely everything you needed for the card to work. That is, the card itself and the antistatic bag in which it was wrapped.


Everything is fine here, the adapter is a brutal piece of black PCB.

The assembly is done well - there are no snot and the connectors are not loose. True, over time, the solder faded, and the Molex connector became yellowish and the card began to look less gothic.

How to use it
It’s very simple, just insert the SD card into the connector on the adapter, and connect the adapter with a cable to the IDE connector on the motherboard.

Then we turn on the computer, go into the BIOS and rejoice - we have an “IDE SSD”.

And if we first download the system onto the SD card, we can even boot from our IDE SSD. By the way, booting from another HDD is problematic; the adapter is in the MASTER position and always starts first. And even when using this miracle, you must wear rubber gloves, since 5 and 12v power is connected to the board, and the tracks and contacts on the back of the board are not isolated in any way.

Why is this necessary?
To be honest, now I could come up with an excuse to buy it. The thing is certainly interesting, but I can’t think of any application for it in real life. So far the only thing it has been useful for is loading LiveUSB on an old computer with physically closed usb ports and launch Windows from it, as a sport. In principle, you can carry drivers for USB flash drives under Windows 98 :). But this is some kind of fantasy. And now why is it difficult to find a use for this gadget - it only supports SD 1.0, that is, cards no more than 2GB, and therefore low speed.

Experience of use, test
I checked the card as follows, rolled the LiveCD image onto the SD card and booted, there were no problems at this stage. After Windows boot I defined the SD card as follows.

And Paragon Manager said - “unknown model”.

And finally, an obligatory dish, a device speed test.

As you can see, the speed is simply non-existent; comfortable work is out of the question. Unless the card is suitable for some lightweight Linux distribution.

As you can see, the thing is certainly interesting - but at the same time useless. Due to the limitation on memory cards and the resulting low speed, even despite the low power consumption and lack of noise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to constantly use them in everyday life. I will not recommend this particular model for purchase.

P.s. There are similar devices with SDHC support, if anyone is interested, look in their direction.

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I have long wanted to write this article, I think it will be very interesting to you. I received a question from a friend about how to make a hard drive from a flash drive. So, we will analyze two options: changing the flash drive to 64-bit Windows and to 86-bit.

If you decide to use programs such as Acronis Disk Director or others to look at the flash drive, you won’t see it there, because there is a so-called Removable Media Bit (RMB) descriptor, which is in any flash drive and forces Windows to identify such drives as removable, and not as a local drive. To fix this issue, we just need to delete this descriptor.

Why did I say there will be two options? Because on systems of different capacity this operation will be carried out differently. This will be quite simple to do, so let's get started.

How to make a flash drive a hard drive on Windows x86?

To do this work, we need to download a special Hitachi Microdrive driver. You can download it from here.

Now we find out the device instance code. In this case, we need to go to the device manager, there go to the disk devices tab. Look for your flash drive and right-click on it. In the window that opens, go to the “Details” tab, and select “Path to device instance” from the drop-down list. In the “Value” field, select the entire line and copy.

Let's move on to the driver. First, unpack it to any location, and then, using any notepad, open the cfadisk.inf file. Find the item there and in the very last line, starting with the word USBSTOR, replace everything with what we copied in the device manager. Here's how it will work out:

At the end of the line, after REV_ХХХ, you need to remove a small tail:

After everything is done, save the file.

Now go to the device manager again and open the properties of our flash drive again. Let's go to the "Driver" tab and click the "Update" button.

On Windows 7

Here we need to select “Search for drivers on this computer” and select exactly the cfadisk.inf file that we changed.

On Windows XP

In this OS, we select “Install from a specified location”, then “Do not search” and “Install from disk”. Again select the cfadisk.inf file as the driver.

After this, your flash drive should be recognized by the system as a hard drive.

How to make a flash drive a hard drive on Windows x64?

So, in this case, we download this archive.

Now go to Device Manager, open the properties of our flash drive and go to the “Information” tab. There, from the drop-down list you need to select “Equipment ID”. In the “Value” field you will need to copy all lines except USBSTOR\GenDisk and GenDisk.

Open the F2Dx1.inf file that we downloaded with regular notepad. In general, it is advisable to use Notepad++. Having opened the file, we find a point where we delete the first 5 lines, and then simply replace them with what we copied. The main thing is that each line begins with the phrase: %attach_drv% = f2d_install.

In addition, I want to say that the flash drive will be detected as a hard drive only on the system in which you performed this operation, since we just changed the driver in the Windows environment. If you insert a flash drive into another computer, it will be recognized there as a flash drive. That's all.

Http:// uploads/2016/05/drive-150x150.jpg2016-05-02T12:18:50+00:00EvilSin225Windowshow to make a flash drive into a hard drive, make a flash drive into a hard drive, flash drive like a hard drive I have long wanted to write this article, I think it will be very interesting to you . I received a question from a friend about how to make a hard drive from a flash drive. So, we will analyze two options: changing the flash drive to 64-bit Windows and to 86-bit. If you decide to use programs such as Acronis Disk Director or others,...EvilSin225Andrey Terekhov Computer Technologies

How to turn a USB flash drive into a hard drive

Many users may have noticed that any programmer who comes to fix system-related problems has the operating system with him directly on a flash drive. This trick is very useful, because in case of any problem with the system or hard drive, the user will always be able to restore access to the computer and understand what the problem with the computer is. In this case, not everyone wants to have the system on a computer, since it is much easier to carry a small system disk With additional files. Therefore, anyone should know how to make a hard drive from a flash drive.

But how to turn a flash drive into a hard drive? It would seem that such a process should be difficult and resource-intensive, but in fact everything is done quite simply, and the size and “age” of the flash drive does not matter. The main condition for a flash drive is that it works properly. Also, not only a USB flash drive, but also an SD card is suitable for this role; the process of changing properties is identical.

It is worth knowing that multi-partitioning should not be applied to such external media, since many operating systems support only the first partition in disks that are not HDD-type. HDDs are non-removable media that are installed in a computer. You can remove them, but it takes a lot of time and effort, so people use cards and external drives to make the whole process of transferring information or an operating system directly with them easier.

First, you need to make Windows recognize the USB flash drive as a non-removable device. In this case, any flash card standardly has the opposite parameter, then you need to start making changes. Some people don’t think at all about the security of their equipment, so they simply modify the flash drive. But this method is dangerous because many flash drives simply will not be able to change to the selected parameter, which is why they will break and will have to be carried to service center. It is much easier and safer to replace the response from the device with the desired result. A special driver is installed for this. Flash drive instead hard drive on Windows 7 will work the same as with any other operating system.

First step

Before turning a flash drive into a hard drive, the device must be connected to the computer, and then determine the type of flash drive.

Open Media Manager. You can find it using the “Run” button, enter “diskmgmt.msc” here and press “Enter”. Now you can see what type of drive it is, removable or non-removable.

Second option

You can also view the device type by opening the Volumes tab in the properties of the flash drive.

Third option

You can also enter the command diskpart.

So, now the user knows whether the flash drive is a removable or non-removable device in this case.

Second step

If the device is defined as “non-removable”, then it can already be used as a hard drive. Otherwise, before using a flash drive instead of a hard drive, its type must be changed to “non-removable”. For this, a special filter driver is used, which can easily change the incoming information, changing it to the necessary one. One of the most common and simple filters is the Hitachi Microdrive driver. Thus, the user does not invade the microclimate of the flash drive, while simply deceiving his system by giving it a false answer.

After the media becomes non-removable, the computer will consider it a full-fledged hard drive that can be divided into partitions, each of which will function simultaneously. The main thing at this point is to download a program that is suitable for the bit size of your operating system.

Third stage

After the user has been able to deceive the computer, the device code can be identified. You can find the code in the “Details”, “Device Instance Path” tab.

As a result, it is necessary to copy the information; it will then be manipulated in the Hitachi Microdrive program. When copying, you must remove all information after the second “\”.

On a 64 bit system

Now you need to find the cfadisk file in the Hitachi Microdrive folder, where we find the cfadisk_device and cfadisk_device.NTamd64 sections.

In the sections, instead of information after “\”, we insert the code of our device.

On the system 32 bits

The process is similar, only in the file for the 32-bit version you need to find the “cfadisk_device” section.

Here you need to replace “DISK&VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_2.0&REV_P” with the device code.

If you want to set your own name for the device, then you need to replace “Microdrive_devdesc” with the desired name, for example “USB_hard”.

Fourth stage

The last stage is replacing drivers. On 64-bit operating systems Before this action you need to disable the check digital signature driver so that it does not update itself due to third-party intervention.

You need to open the “Drivers” => “Update Drivers” tab. Next is the folder with the Hitachi Microdrive driver. This driver is selected, all that remains is to ignore the message about the absence of a digital signature, then restart the computer and see the result of the work. The drive has become non-removable.

The driver is removed using the “Update drivers” button.

Here's how to easily make a hard drive from a flash drive. This procedure can be carried out by anyone if you follow the instructions, and the computer and the storage system cannot be damaged at all. If you use high-quality volumetric external storage with good performance, then there is no question whether a flash drive can be used instead of a hard drive. In this case, she will cope with the task no worse hard drives.

Replaceable USB drive as a hard drive in Windows

In this article we will show how to make a USB flash drive or SD card recognized in the system as a regular local hard drive. You might ask, why is this necessary? The fact is that Windows by default defines all flash drives and memory cards as removable drives, which cannot be divided into several partitions using Windows standards. And even if the flash drive is divided into two or more sections using third party utilities(in the same Linux), then in the OS Windows family Only the first one will be available. Those. Windows supports normal operation with multi-partitions only for HDD drives, which are defined in the system as local (i.e. non-removable).

Let's connect to any free computer port USB flash drive, then open the Disk Management Manager (diskmgmt.msc) and make sure that its type is defined in the system as Removable.

You can also see the device type on the Volumes tab in the disk properties (as we see here Type: Removable).

Or using the diskpart command:

List volume

Filter driver for Hitachi Microdrive flash drives

To USB flash drive or SD card is recognized in the system as a hard drive, we will need a special filter driver that allows us to modify the data transmitted through the system stack of the current device driver. We will use a filter driver for USB flash drives from Hitachi (Hitachi Microdrive driver), which at the OS driver level allows you to change the type of flash drive device from removable to fixed (USB-ZIP -> USB-HDD). Thanks to the use of this driver, you can hide from the system that the connected device is removable. As a result, the system will consider that it is working with a regular hard drive, which can be divided into partitions that will be simultaneously accessible in the system.

Hitachi Microdrive driver archives:

You need to download the driver version for your system according to its bit capacity. Both archives have the same structure and consist of two files:

  • cfadisk.inf – installation file, with driver settings
  • cfadisk.sys - Hitachi driver file

The next stage is identifying the device code of our flash drive. To do this, in the disk properties on the Details tab, in the Device Instance Path parameter, select and copy (Ctrl+C) the device instance code.

In our example it would be:


Let's assume we plan to install the driver on a 64-bit system. Using any test editor, open the cfadisk.inf file for editing. We are interested in the cfadisk_device and cfadisk_device.NTamd64 sections.

%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,IDE\DiskTS64GCF400______________________________20101008 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,IDE\DiskTS64GCF400______________________________20101008

We change the value DiskTS64GCF400______________________________20101008 to the code of our device.

We get:

%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,IDE\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Linux&Prod_File-CD_Gadget&Rev_0000 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,IDE\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Linux&Prod_File-CD_Gadget&Rev_0000

Save the file.

If the driver is installed on a 32-bit system, you need to download the recommended archive, unpack it and open the cfadisk.inf file for editing. Let's find the section:

%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JD_LIGHTNING_II&Rev_1100 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_JetFlash&Prod_TS1GJF110&Rev_0.00 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\ DISK&VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_2.0&REV_P

Then we change the data in the last line, indicating the code of the instance of our flash drive, i.e. in our example we get:

%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JD_LIGHTNING_II&Rev_1100 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_JetFlash&Prod_TS1GJF110&Rev_0.00 %Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\ Disk&Ven_Linux&Prod_File-CD_Gadget&Rev_0000

Installing the Hitachi Microdrive driver instead of the native USB drive driver

All that remains is to replace the driver with the USB flash drive you are using.

Open the Drivers tab and click the Update Drivers button.

Let's indicate the folder to the directory into which the downloaded archive with the Hitachi driver is unpacked:

Let's choose new driver.

We ignore the warning about the missing driver digital signature.

All that remains is to restart the computer and, by opening the disk manager, make sure that our flash drive is now recognized as a regular hard drive (Type: Basic), and the Hitachi driver is used as the driver.

By opening Explorer, you can also make sure that the icon of the flash drive has changed; it is now displayed as a hard drive, a regular drive.

Now you can work with this flash drive like a regular HDD: create partitions, specify the active partition, create dynamic disks, install software that does not work from flash drives, etc.

Important. On others Windows computers Without this driver, the second partition of the device will not be accessible.

How to remove Hitachi Microdrive driver

To remove the Hitachi Microdrive driver, open the disk properties and on the Driver tab, click the Update Driver button - the system will install the native driver itself.

How to make a flash drive a hard drive

How to make a flash drive a hard drive on Windows x86

Users who prefer to work with different operating systems know that it takes a lot of time to install at least two operating systems on one computer.

If you want to cover much more operating systems than a couple or three, then a simple and banal flash drive can come to your aid.

What does it mean? In simple words, you create an operating system on a USB drive and can work with it directly without installing it directly on the computer.

This is much easier than splitting the hard drive into many parts and installing all sorts of Linux, Ubuntu and Open Solaris on each of them for a long and painful time.

That is why the question “How to make a flash drive a hard drive?” is a popular question among computer geeks.

It's not that difficult for experienced users, but if you are well versed in programs, then it will not be difficult for you to go through this process.

Driver for creating a hard drive from a flash drive

First of all, you should get a special driver on your computer, which will make your work much easier. It's called Hitachi Microdrive. Download here...

After downloading and installing it, go to the device instance code that you are about to find out.

To do this, open Device Manager and find the “Disk Devices” tab.

Find your USB device and open context menu.

In the “Details” tab, open the drop-down list and click on “Path to device instance”.

  • Pay attention to the “Value” field, where you need to select the entire line and copy it.

After the work has been done, you will need the help of a driver, with the help of which we make the flash drive a hard drive.

If this is your first time working with it, then first unzip it to any folder, then use Notepad and open the cfadisk.inf file.

You will need the item, in the last line replace the text you previously selected, all starting with the word USBSTOR.

At the end of the line, remove the so-called tail that comes after REV_ХХХ.

Open the device manager and find your flash drive there, and in the “Driver” tab, update it.

How to make a flash drive a hard drive in Windows 7

In this case, you should click “Search for drivers on this computer” and select the file that you previously modified.

Namely cfadisk.inf.

How to make a flash drive a Windows XP hard drive

Here you need to select “Install from a specified location”, then “Do not search” and finally click on the “Install disk” button.

The driver will again be the file that was modified.

Now the flash drive is detected by your system as nothing other than a hard drive!

However, you should remember that the flash drive will be a hard drive exclusively on your computer and exclusively in the operating system in which you worked with it.

This is due to the fact that you only changed the driver in Windows OS, but not the structure of the USB device as a whole.

Therefore, if you need to open the hard drive on another PC or laptop, you will have to repeat the entire procedure again. Otherwise, you will just have a regular flash drive.

How to make a hard drive from a flash drive

When there's not enough free space on your hard drive and you can’t free it up, you have to consider various options to increase space for storing new files and data. One of the simplest and available ways is to use a flash drive as a hard drive. Many people have medium-sized flash drives, so they can be freely used as an additional drive connected to a computer or laptop via USB.

Creating a hard drive from a flash drive

A regular flash drive is perceived by the system as external portable device. But it can easily be turned into a drive so that Windows will see another hard drive connected. In the future, you can install an operating system on it (not necessarily Windows, you can choose among “lighter” options, for example, on Linux based) and perform all the same actions that you do with a regular disk.

So let's move on to the transformation process USB Flash in external HDD.

In some cases, after completing all of the following steps (for both Windows bit depth) you may need to reconnect the flash drive. First, safely remove the USB storage device, and then plug it back in so that the OS recognizes it as an HDD.

For Windows x64 (64-bit)

For Windows x86 (32-bit)

After this, you can split the flash into partitions, install the operating system on it and boot from it, and also do other actions, as with a regular hard drive.

Please note that this will only work on the system on which you have completed all the steps above. This is due to the fact that the driver responsible for recognizing the connected drive has been replaced.

If you want to run a flash drive as an HDD on other PCs, then you need to have the edited driver file with you, and then install it through the “Device Manager” in the same way as indicated in the article.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

Windows users with a standard set of knowledge about the capabilities of the operating system are unlikely to encounter the need to divide the memory of a USB drive into two halves. However, such an operation may be necessary in the case of recording certain Windows versions to a flash card with the possibility of subsequent installation or reinstallation of the system.

The USB drive itself has almost completely replaced CDs due to the following reasons:

In general, splitting a flash drive into two parts will be needed for many purposes. The end result of such an operation is that the flash card is recognized by the computer as one of the hard drives. Fortunately, you don’t need any special knowledge to do this: just learn about the following methods.

How to turn a flash drive into a hard drive?

On this moment The following options for dividing a flash drive into two parts are known:

  • usage special programs or so-called utilities. You should look for them on the website of the brand whose authorship belongs to specific model USB drive. Downloading from third-party resources can be not only unsafe, but also pointless;
  • replacing drivers. In this case, the digital signature is checked initially installed driver flash drives. As a result, the user must save the driver without this signature;
  • installing the Hitachi Microdrive driver. Drivers for cards from this manufacturer will help you split drives of almost any other brand into two parts.

All this is quite simple and, moreover, free ways, which are worth considering in more detail.

Using Utilities

Using such a program, you can not only turn the drive into a hard drive, but also achieve the opposite effect. The most famous utility of this kind is Lexar Bootit.

With its help, it is possible to store the most common OS - Windows, regardless of the latest version.

How to install Lexar Bootit utility?

  1. Download the archive with the program from the official website of the brand. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the mentioned site contains versions for both MacBooks and personal computers.

  2. Run the program. A prerequisite is to run as an administrator.

  3. Next, the user will be presented with a selection of portable devices. Accordingly, you should choose the flash drive that you plan to share.

  4. Click on the “Flip Removable Bit” button.

  5. Confirm completed actions.

  6. Remove the flash drive using Safe Eject, and then plug it in again. In the “Volumes” tab, “Basic” should be indicated opposite the “Type” characteristic.

In case of problems with the operation of the utility, it is recommended to restart Windows. As a rule, in this case, the “transformation” of the card into a disk occurs within a few minutes.

Replacing drivers

This operation is considered more complex, however, in case of inaccuracies with the previous way she can become his worthy replacement.

How to install a third-party driver instead standard version the flash drive itself?

  1. Find the required flash drive in the “My Computer” tab.

  2. Right-click to open the menu and select the “Properties” line.

  3. In the fourth tab “Drivers”, select the “Update Driver” button.

  4. In the next window, select the location of the utility.

  5. Next, select the pre-downloaded driver and confirm with the “Next” button.
  6. After this, a warning window will appear in front of the user. The system will notify you that the driver does not have a digital signature. Among the two options offered, you should select “Install this driver software anyway”.

This completes the installation process. Be sure to restart the computer itself and reconnect the flash card.

Installing the Hitachi Microdrive driver

In this case we are talking about the so-called filter driver. This method is considered one of the most reliable and, importantly, safe.

How to install Hitachi Motodrive filter driver?

  1. Determine the type of your operating system - 32-bit or 64-bit. To do this, you need to open the “Control Panel”, and then the “System” tab. The bit capacity of your computer will be indicated there.

  2. Download the Hitachi Microdrive driver depending on the information received. Accordingly, downloading should be done from the official website of the mentioned brand.

  3. On the flash drive icon in “My Computer”, go to the “Properties” menu using the right mouse button.

  4. Open the “Equipment” tab, click on the “Properties” button.

  5. In the very last tab “Details”, click on the button and select “Device Instance Path” from the list. Next, copy the code to the clipboard.

  6. Next, open the downloaded driver. You can use any type of text editor to open it.

    Important! For 64 bit system open the file "cfadisk".

  7. The user is presented with two lines, each of which contains the word “Disk”. The data after this word should be replaced with the code you just copied.

  8. After the manipulations have been performed, the file must be saved.

  9. Go to the “Drivers” tab, select the “Update Driver” button, then follow the instructions described in the “Replacing Drivers” section.

As in previous cases, the computer restarts.

Video - Convert micro SD into HDD hard drive Windows 10

Many users may have noticed that any programmer who comes to fix problems related to the system carries with him. This trick is very useful, because in case of any problem with the system or hard drive, the user will always be able to restore access to the computer and understand what the problem with the computer is. In this case, not everyone wants to have the system on their computer, since it is much easier to carry around a small system disk with additional files. Therefore, anyone should know how to make a hard drive from a flash drive.

But how to turn a flash drive into a hard drive? It would seem that such a process should be difficult and resource-intensive, but in fact everything is done quite simply, and the size and “age” of the flash drive does not matter. The main condition for a flash drive is that it works properly. Also, not only a USB flash drive, but also an SD card is suitable for this role; the process of changing properties is identical.

It is worth knowing that multi-partitioning should not be applied to such external media, since many operating systems support only the first partition in disks that are not HDD-type. HDDs are non-removable media that are installed in a computer. You can remove them, but it takes a lot of time and effort, so people use cards and external drives to make the whole process of transferring information or an operating system directly with them easier.

First, you need to make Windows recognize the USB flash drive as a non-removable device. In this case, any flash card standardly has the opposite parameter, then you need to start making changes. Some people don’t think at all about the security of their equipment, so they simply modify the flash drive. But this method is dangerous because many flash drives simply cannot be changed to the selected parameter, which is why they will break and will have to be taken to a service center. It is much easier and safer to replace the response from the device with the desired result. A special driver is installed for this. A flash drive instead of a hard drive on Windows 7 will work the same as with any other operating system.

Before turning a flash drive into a hard drive, the device must be connected to the computer, and then determine the type of flash drive.

First option

Open Media Manager. You can find it using the “Run” button, enter “diskmgmt.msc” here and press “Enter”. Now you can see what type of drive it is, removable or non-removable.

Second option

You can also view the device type by opening the Volumes tab in the properties of the flash drive.

Third option

You can also enter the command diskpart.

So, now the user knows whether the flash drive is a removable or non-removable device in this case.

Second step

If the device is defined as “non-removable”, then it can already be used as a hard drive. Otherwise, before using a flash drive instead of a hard drive, its type must be changed to “non-removable”. For this, a special filter driver is used, which can easily change the incoming information, changing it to the necessary one. One of the most common and simple filters is the Hitachi Microdrive driver. Thus, the user does not invade the microclimate of the flash drive, while simply deceiving his system by giving it a false answer.

After the media becomes non-removable, the computer will consider it a full-fledged hard drive, which can be divided into partitions, each of which will function simultaneously. The main thing at this point is to download a program that is suitable for the bit size of your operating system.

Third stage

After the user has been able to deceive the computer, the device code can be identified. You can find the code in the “Details”, “Device Instance Path” tab.

As a result, it is necessary to copy the information; it will then be manipulated in the Hitachi Microdrive program. When copying, you must remove all information after the second “\”.

On a 64 bit system

Now you need to find the cfadisk file in the Hitachi Microdrive folder, where we find the cfadisk_device and cfadisk_device.NTamd64 sections.

In the sections, instead of information after “\”, we insert the code of our device.

On the system 32 bits

The process is similar, only in the file for the 32-bit version you need to find the “cfadisk_device” section.

Here you need to replace “DISK&VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_2.0&REV_P” with the device code.

If you want to set your own name for the device, then you need to replace “Microdrive_devdesc” with the desired name, for example “USB_hard”.

Fourth stage

The last stage is replacing drivers. On 64-bit operating systems, before this action, you must disable driver digital signature verification so that it does not update on its own due to third-party intervention.

You need to open the “Drivers” => “Update Drivers” tab. Next is the folder with the Hitachi Microdrive driver. This driver is selected, all that remains is to ignore the message about the absence of a digital signature, then restart the computer and see the result of the work. The drive has become non-removable.

The driver is removed using the “Update drivers” button.

Here's how to easily make a hard drive from a flash drive. This procedure can be carried out by anyone if you follow the instructions, and the computer and the storage system cannot be damaged at all. If you use a high-quality, voluminous external drive with good performance, then there is no question whether a flash drive can be used instead of a hard drive. In this case, it will cope with the task no worse than hard drives.

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