
How to make a beautiful frame in Photoshop cs6. Creating a frame in Photoshop. Round, oval frame. Round or oval frame

A frame on a photo allows you to separate the photo from the surrounding space and give it a more finished look. In this article we will talk about how to make a frame around a photo in Photoshop.

Stroke a photo

The easiest way to make a frame in Photoshop is to use layer properties.

Open the photo in Adobe Photoshop. In the layers panel, right-click on the layer with our photo. If the layers panel is not visible, you can open it using the menu item Window → Layers.

If there is one layer in a photo, then it will be the main one. An icon in the form of a lock will appear next to its image in the layers panel, which means the layer is locked to prevent accidental edits.

In order to unlock it, simply double-click on this layer with the mouse. The padlock will disappear, and the layer itself will be called Layer 0. After that, right-click on the layer and select the item in the context menu Blending Options.

The dialog box that appears is a little scary with the number of items, but we only need two of them.

The item is responsible for adding a stroke along the edge of the frame. Stroke/“Stroke”. Find it in the left panel and check the box. After that, in the central part you can set the stroke parameters:

  • Size/"Size"- stroke thickness in pixels. The higher the resolution of the photo, the higher this value must be for a noticeable effect.
  • Position- stroke position. Possible locations inside, outside and centrally. We have a stroke along the edge of the frame, which means that all options except the location inside (Inside) do not make sense.
  • Blending Mode- stroke blending mode.
  • Opacity/"Opacity"- density (opacity) of the stroke.
  • Color- color.

In principle, this is enough to draw a line of varying thickness along the perimeter of the frame, but you can go even further and make the frame more creative.

So, you can add volume to the frame using the settings Bevel & Emboss. Their choice here is quite large, and the impact on the image of each is clearly displayed in the preview, so we suggest you just try different options and choose the right one.


Inner frame

Open the photo in Adobe Photoshop. In order to make a white frame in Photoshop, you need to select the entire photo. This can be done either using a key combination Ctrl+A, or using the menu command Select → All.

After this, the entire image will be outlined by the so-called running ants, which are an alternation of white and black strokes.

After the photo is selected around the perimeter, you need to make sure that the selection goes exactly where the frame is needed. To do this we will use the command Select/"Selection" → Modify/"Modification" → Contract.../"Compress...".

In the dialog box that appears, you will need to enter an offset in pixels from the edge of the frame where the frame should be located. The indentation will be made inward. The amount of indentation depends both on how far from the edge you want to frame the photo and on the resolution of the original photo. Don't forget to check the box Apply effect at canvas bounds/“Apply effect on canvas borders”, which indicates that the indentation should be made from the border.

Click Ok and we see that the selection has shifted to the center of the frame. If the position of the future frame suits us, then we move on; if not, we cancel the selection using a key combination Ctrl+D and repeat it all over again until we find the ideal position.

When the desired position of the selection is selected, you just need to stroke along this contour. To do this we will use the command Edit/“Editing” → Stroke…/“Stroke…”.

In the dialog box that appears, set the stroke parameters: line thickness and color, its position relative to the selection, and overlay parameters.

In this example, we specified that the stroke should be 3 pixels thick and white. And it should be located in the center of the selection. This means that the selection line in the form of “running ants” will run through the center of the future stroke.

And here is the result.

Frame with jagged edges

How to make a beautiful frame in Photoshop? To do this, you can add a frame with uneven and torn edges to the photo.

As in previous cases, we make a selection indented from the edge of the frame.

After this, go to quick mask mode either using the Q key or by clicking on the quick mask icon on the left toolbar.

The area for the frame is now highlighted in red. All that remains is to add jagged edges to it. To do this, we will use filters, which are available in abundance in Adobe Photoshop. This is a menu item Filter → Filter Gallery….

To get the desired effect, we need filters from the block Brush Strokes. We choose the one that suits your taste and set its parameters. The higher the resolution of the photo, the higher the parameter values ​​should be, otherwise the effect will not be noticeable.

After applying the filter, the jagged edges are added to the red quick mask. We exit the quick mask mode by converting the mask into a selection by clicking on the quick mask icon.

Now let's invert the selection using the command Select → Inverse.

After this, press the key Delete on the keyboard to delete the highlighted area. At Photoshop removal will offer to immediately fill instead of the part of the photo to be deleted. We indicate which color to use for the fill.

Here is the result.


All the methods described earlier in this article in one way or another contributed to cropping part of the photo and shifting the boundaries inside the frame. That is, part of the frame overlapped part of the photo. Now let's look at a method that allows you to add a white frame to a photo - an analogue of a passe-partout.

As before, open the photo in Adobe Photoshop and remove the lock from the main layer.

After this, we need to increase the size of the canvas, for which we will use the command Image/"Image" → Canvas Size.../"Canvas Size...".

In the dialog box that appears, specify the new canvas dimensions. It is not necessary to enlarge the canvas evenly horizontally and vertically. Here you can experiment.

After applying the command, the canvas size will increase and new areas will be transparent. All that remains is to fill them with the desired color.

To do this, create a new empty layer in the layers panel. It will automatically appear above the main layer; we will need to drag it down with the mouse.

With this tutorial you will learn how to create simple frames for your photos.

I'll show you several ways to create different frames, so you can consider this one big tutorial to contain several on the same topic.

Frame No. 1. Simple strip frame.

Despite its simplicity, this frame improves perception and gives the work a finished look.

Step 1. Open our image. Select the entire image by pressing CTRL+A.

A selection frame will appear around the image.

Step 2. Select from the menu Select - Modify - Compress(Selection - Modify - Contract). In the dialog box, select the amount of indentation in pixels.

Let's use the command.

Step 3. Press RMB while holding the cursor inside the selected area, and in the menu that appears, select Stroke.

In the dialog box that appears, set the color and width of our strip.

Step 4. We apply the command and get the result.

Don't forget to deselect it by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 2. Frame with rounded corners inside.

Step 1. From the toolbar, select the Rounded Rectangle tool.

Let's switch to the path creation mode (on the top tool settings panel)

Step 2. Let's enter the required corner radius.

Step 3. Let's create a contour with the necessary indents from the edges.

Step 4. Convert the outline into a selection. Press RMB while holding the cursor inside the outline, and in the menu that appears, select Create a selection area.

Step 5. Invert the selection using the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the foreground color or ALT+DEL for the background color. Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 3. Jagged edges.

Step 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2. Quick mask(Quick Mask).

Step 3. We apply Filter - Strokes - Airbrush(Filter - Brush Strokes - Sprayed Strokes). Filter settings are selected individually, depending on the image.

Step 4.(optional). We apply Filter - Distort - Wave(Filter - Distort - Wave) The parameters are also selected empirically.

Step 5. Exit Quick Mask mode by pressing Q. Now we have a selection.

Step 6. Invert the selection using the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the background color (white by default) or ALT+DEL for the foreground color (black by default). Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame No. 4. Stepped

Step 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2. Press Q to enter mode Quick mask(Quick Mask).

Step 3. Apply Filter - Appearance - Fragment(Filter - Pixelate - Fragment).

Step 4. Apply the filter several times by pressing CTRL+F. Usually for a picture measuring 900x600 pixels, 4-5 times are enough.

Step 5. Repeat steps 5 and 6 of the previous section. We get the result. In this case, I used the default foreground color, black.

I wish you all creative inspiration and success!
Author: Evgeny Kartashov.

Hello everyone, my dear friends. Let's return to my favorite graphic editor, and today, for beginners, I would like to tell and show how to make a frame in Photoshop around a photo, insert a ready-made one, or draw it yourself in the form of a rectangle. I myself have witnessed how harshly and incorrectly people do this. They just put the photo on the frame and erase everything around it. But this is terribly inconvenient and wrong, so we will do everything right.

Insert the photo into the finished frame

Even a complete teapot who just learned about Photoshop today can handle this method. If we already have a certain frame or blank for a vignette, of which today you can find a whole bunch on the Internet, then there is no problem with this at all. Let's say we have two photos: a portrait of a girl and a blank with a transparent background in the right place.

But this can only be done in the most ideal situation, when our workpiece already contains a transparent background.

Inserting a finished frame without a transparent background

Things get more complicated when the image is not intended to be a frame. Then you will have to do it yourself. You can, of course, overlay images on top of the object, cutting off unnecessary ends, but this, as I said at the very beginning, is terrible. If you later want to change the photo, its size or position, this can become problematic. It's better to just make a hole and just insert our frame around the photo.

  1. Open the image with the intended frame and select the selection tool. In this case, you can use a rectangular selection, but I still prefer to use the Rectangular Lasso Tool. However, the picture may have errors.
  2. Next, we begin to allocate space inside the frame around the perimeter. You should have dotted lines appear.
  3. After that, check if you have a padlock icon on the layer thumbnail. If yes. then click on it to make it disappear. After this, press the key DELETE, after which the inside of the frame will become transparent. This is exactly what we wanted.
  4. Next, open the image of the girl (or whatever you have) in the same document.
  5. But again, it is our first layer, so we will need to move it. Go to the layers panel, and just like in the first option, move the thumbnail of the layer with the girl lower than the frame layer.
  6. Next, all that remains is to move and adjust the size as needed using movement and transformation. You can also apply some layer style, such as an inner shadow. It will look more realistic.

This is the final version we got, and we didn’t even have to crop the photo.

Clipping Mask

A very cool method that has long proven itself among designers is creating a clipping mask. I already considered this method when I wrote an article about it, but here I will consider this point in more detail.

We do the framing ourselves

The easiest way to make a frame in Photoshop is to draw it yourself, for example in the form of a colored rectangle. It will be simple, but stylish.

  1. Let's go in and take it "Rectangle". After that, set the stroke color in the properties (whatever you want), and set the fill color to whatever you want, since then it will be removed anyway. I'll put yellow.
  2. Now, draw the rectangle we need on the canvas. You can pinch SHIFT so that it turns out square. If you are not satisfied with the thickness, you can always change it in the properties. It is only important that at this moment the Shape tool is activated.
  3. If you want the outside of the stroke to be rounded or polygonal, you can select this option in the properties.
  4. You can also add some effects to your frame using . For example, I added embossing and shadow. The remaining properties are unlikely to particularly affect the stroke, since they will be focused on the internal content.
  5. Now open the image with the girl (or whoever you have). It, as you already understood, will appear as a new layer on top of the figure.
  6. Next, right-click on the thumbnail of the layer with the girl and select "Create Clipping Mask". Just before doing this, make sure that under the miniature with the girl there is our rectangle with a stroke.
  7. As you can see, now the girl is inside, as if in the window of a house. All that remains is to move it using " ". You can also enlarge or reduce the image to suit your vision. The most important thing is that the picture is not cropped, but its edges are simply out of sight.

As you can see, everything is simple. You can add some other effects, or write text inside so that it is clear who is depicted. Download some beautiful font which will look great.

A little later I will definitely post a video tutorial so that there are no problems.

Clipping mask for the finished frame

If the frame is separate, that is, it is on its own layer and is just an element of some composition, then here you will need to do things a little differently, since hiding the image behind a layer simply won’t work.

Of course, you can try to do this, but the result is unlikely to suit you. In many cases, people come with the excess trimmed off. And I will not tire of repeating that this is wrong.

But there is an ideal solution - make a clipping mask.

In principle, everything is very simple here.

Voila. Now the girl is in the frame and can be moved using the Move tool. The most important thing is that the movement will occur outside the frame and no edges will come out.

Online Photoshop

The most interesting thing is that you can insert a photo into a frame in Photoshop online, but forget about the method with a clipping mask. This item is unfortunately missing from online versions graphic editor. Let's look at our actions from the second example.

  1. Login to the service online-photoshop and open an image from your computer, namely the very frame into which you will then insert your photo.
  2. Next, be sure to remove the lock from the layer. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button twice. This will allow us to remove the unnecessary part from the picture.
  3. Now, select any selection tool. True, in online Photoshop you don’t have much to choose from, since there is only a rectangular selection and a regular lasso. Perhaps it would be convenient to use a rectangular selection here.
  4. And then, holding the left mouse button in one corner of the recess, drag it to the opposite corner. Thus, you should have this very recess highlighted.
  5. After that, immediately press the button DELETE to remove the core. Part of the picture in the center should become transparent.
  6. Now, select "File" from the menu - "Open image" and find the photo you want to use inside. I'll take the same girl. But only the photo will open in another document. To drag it onto a document with a frame, hold down the left mouse button on the thumbnail of the layer with the girl and simply drag it to the layer we need, where we have already worked.
  7. As you can see, the image was transferred too small. To increase it, select the menu item "Edit"- "Free Transform".
  8. Now, drag it by the corner to enlarge the photo. Just be sure to hold down the key SHIFT so that after enlargement all proportions are preserved. Pull until you have enough, or until the photo overlaps the frame.
  9. As a final touch, we will need to move the thumbnail of the layer with the girl under the layer with the frame so that it is at the back and no edges are in the way.

We got what we wanted. So, as you can see, even online Photoshop can cope with this task. Of course, most of the functions here are neutered, but sometimes even the standard functionality may be enough.

Well, if you want to seriously learn Photoshop, then be sure to check this out cool video tutorials. They are perfectly structured according to methods from simple to complex, everything is told in simple and human language, so that after studying you simply should not have any questions.

Well, that's all for me. Be sure to subscribe to all my public pages and YouTube channel to always be aware of all the interesting things. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Quite often you need to draw a frame around a photo, icon, avatar or any other design to visually separate it from the surrounding text or other photos. You can outline a picture with a thin line in any graphic editor, for example, in standard Paint. But better than Photoshop So far no other program can cope with photo processing. Fits Photoshop and for drawing frames, and I counted about a dozen ways to draw it. In this lesson, prepared for beginners in Photoshop, I will tell you about the two simplest methods.

Method 1: Border Around a Picture in Photoshop as a Background Layer Effect

Let's say we have a picture around which we would like to see a 2 pixel thick frame. The easiest way to do this is to use an effect on the background layer, which draws a frame of the desired color and thickness. If a picture has one layer (an ordinary photo or drawing that has not just been processed in Photoshop), then it is also the background layer. For this:

1. Open a window with drawing layers ( – F7) and double-click on the background (only) layer in this window:

There is no need to click on the name of the layer (for us – “strawberry”), unless we are going to rename the layer.

2. A window will open Layer Style, in which you can change many properties of the current layer. We are interested in the bookmark Stroke window Layer Style, with which we will make a green frame 2 pixels thick:

Pay attention to the field Position, whose value must be set to Inside(the frame is shown inside the picture rather than outlining it, as is the default). To change the frame color, click on the rectangle next to the field Color and select the desired color in the window that opens.

3. Actually, that's all. All you have to do is press the button OK in the upper right corner of the window Layer Style and save the drawing in the desired format.

In order to change the color, thickness, transparency and other characteristics of the frame drawn in Photoshop, repeat steps 1 and 2 of this lesson. To remove a frame, right-click on the layer in the window Layers and from what appeared context menu select Clear Layer Style.

Method 2: Draw a frame with a pencil in Photoshop

To draw an arbitrary frame, for example, around a fragment of a picture or different thickness and color on each side of a photo, you can use the tool Photoshop entitled Pensil Tool (hotkeyB). Using a mouse to draw a straight line with a pencil is difficult, but if you hold down the key Shift on the keyboard, the pencil in Photoshop only draws a straight line. The instructions in this case are very simple, although detailed, and do not require illustrations.

1. Select the pencil tool ( Pensil Tool), by pressing a Latin letter on the keyboard B.

2. In the list of pencil properties that appears immediately below the main Photoshop menu, indicate the desired thickness of the frame that you plan to draw. The line color will be the active Photoshop color (the top of the colored squares in the toolbar Photoshop).

3. Create a new layer ( Ctrl+Shift+N), in which we will draw a frame. You don’t have to create a new layer, but this way we risk ruining the layer with the main pattern and we’ll have to start all over again.

4. Click with a pencil in the place of the picture where the frame will begin, then click Shift and, without releasing the pressed left mouse button, drag the cursor in the desired direction.

5. Release the left mouse button, but do not release the key Shift. Now you need to click where the remaining corners of the picture frame should be. Since the frame is non-standard, there can be any number of angles. Experiment by undoing bad moves using extreme CTRL+Z and CTRL+ALT+Z.

In the simplest case, when you need to draw a rectangular frame around a picture, the picture will not look different from the one we got in the first way in this lesson:

Framing an image, separating it from the background is traditional for the design of paintings, for publishing, and - with the advent of computer technology - in web design. The pictorial canvas is inserted into the frame not only to strengthen it, but also for decorative purposes - to give it completeness, to make the geometry of the canvas more defined. The color of the frame and the presence of a mat often form a single whole with the painting; the presentation and perception of the work largely depends on them. When preparing images for printing or publishing online, you often also need to frame them, and the most effective way to do this is not text editors(for example, “Word”), and graphic ones, in particular, “Photoshop”. This article is devoted to how to make a frame in Photoshop.

Framing the entire image

The simplest and quick way How to make a frame in Photoshop is to change the size of the canvas. It is suitable if you need to make a one-color and simple frame around the entire image.

Open the file in the program, in the “Image” menu, find the “Canvas Size” item and click on it. In the window that opens, you will be given the opportunity to reduce or increase the size of the file area by cropping or adding new pixels. If you enter positive numbers in the “Length” and “Width” fields, the canvas will be enlarged; if negative numbers are entered, the canvas will be reduced. To create a frame, you must enter positive numbers. Below in the “Location” field you need to note where exactly the canvas will be enlarged: on all sides or only on three. To do this, you need to mark the appropriate box.

Below you need to select the color of the future frame and confirm the action.

By repeating this operation many times and changing the color of the new area of ​​the canvas, you can create multi-color frames.

Inner frame using effects

The advantage of the method described above is its simplicity, the disadvantage is that it is impossible to further regulate or change such a frame. In addition, it increases the image area. If you want to create a more interesting and customizable frame, you can use layer effects.

Before making a frame in Photoshop using this method, you need to duplicate the layer. Open the file and select “Duplicate Layer” from the “Layers” menu. External changes will not happen to the file, but a new layer will appear in the Layers window, it’s like putting two identical photographs on top of each other. The difference between the new layer and the original one is that it allows you to work with effects.

A frame for a photo in Photoshop can be made, for example, using the “Stroke”, “Inner Glow” or “Inner Shadow” effects. To experiment with them, you need to open the “Effects” window. The first way to open it is through the main menu (Layer - Layer Style - then you can select any one, a general window will open). The second way is through the Layers window. At the bottom of this window you need to find the “Effects” button. You can use any of the effects, the main thing is to select the “Inside” option everywhere, since otherwise the effect will not be reflected - after all, all “external” effects and frames will be outside the boundaries of the canvas and simply will not be visible.

An example of creating a frame using an effect

An example of how to make a frame in Photoshop decorative and attractive is to use the glow effect. Open the file and create a duplicate layer. Open the Layer Effects window. Select the “Inner Glow” tab, check the “Preview” option on the right - then all changes will be immediately reflected in the open image. Next, you can experiment with the frame settings. First of all, move the “Size” slider to the right so that the glow (frame) becomes visible. Then you can select the color of the glow, adjust its transparency and type (it’s better to start with “Normal”), the degree of shading, usually such a frame is created by repeatedly adjusting all the options to achieve the result that you would like to see.

If you plan to then return to editing the frame, the file must be saved in a format that preserves layers - for example, in psd format.

Copying a frame created using effects

Photoshop can remember layer settings, so if you need to process many images and create the same frames for all, just open the file, select the layer with the effect and copy the effect. This command can be found either through the main menu (Layers - Layer Style - Copy Layer Style) or through the Layers window (right-click on the layer and select the desired command).

Open the file into which you want to paste the already created frame, duplicate the layer and - either using the main menu or using the Layers window - use the Paste Layer Style command to apply the copied effects.

Storing created frames for future use

Many designers store frame templates in Photoshop in one multi-layered file containing images with different effects. By copying layer styles, you can apply settings to layers in other files and - if necessary - edit them.

Using the Frame Tool

In general, the “Frame” tool in Photoshop is needed, first of all, for cropping (cutting out a fragment of an image); its use in creating a decorative frame can only be indirect - you will need it if there is a need to frame a fragment of an image.

Select the Frame tool, place the mouse over the image area, click the left mouse button, draw a diagonal line and release the mouse. A portion of the image will be highlighted. The selected area can be edited - enlarge, reduce, rotate (move the mouse pointer over the sides of the rectangle and drag in the desired direction) and move (place the pointer inside the selected area, press the left button and move the area). To confirm the cut command, press the Enter key or click the check mark in the upper right corner of the toolbar. To cancel cropping, click on the crossed out circle icon.

You can apply any effects to the cut part of the file.

Round frames

Round frames in Photoshop can also be created using effects, but to do this you need to cut out a round (oval) part of the file and place it on a transparent layer.

In the Layers window, select the image layer. In the toolbar, find the “Selection” tool, press and hold the left mouse button - a submenu of selection options will open. Select Elliptical Selection. Using this tool, select the portion of the image that you want to frame. Copy it (Editing - Copy) and paste (Editing - Paste). A new layer will appear in the Layers window. Remove or disable the base layer. Now you see an image of a round (elliptical shape) on transparent background.

Create a frame around this layer using effects (in this case, you can use not only the “Inside” option, but also the “Outside” option). Crop the image using cropping, removing the excess empty area.

Frame around text

To create a frame for text in Photoshop, you also need to create a new layer enclosed in a frame and “lay” it under the text.

This layer can be either a fragment of the image on which the text is placed, or a new layer filled with a certain color (select an area of ​​the image, create a new layer, fill it with the Fill or Gradient tool, apply effects to it to create a frame) .

Photoshop provides great opportunities for creating editable frames of varying degrees of complexity; in order to achieve originality, you need to experiment a lot and save the results of your successful experiments.

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