
How to make an explorer start page. How to make Yandex a start page in different browsers? Automatic replacement of the start page using utilities from Yandex

Setting Yandex as the home page allows you to automatically open a popular Russian search engine on the first page when you open a browser and have an Internet connection. Many people find this convenient. That is why the request is so popular how to make Yandex home page? We have already considered on the pages of our site how to do this for, and now we will do it for Yandex.

Set the start page to Mozilla Firefox ... We launch Firefox (we are using the latest version 13.0.1 at the time of this writing) and write in the address bar and press Enter so that we are on the Yandex main page. Why do this you will understand further. In the upper left corner of the browser, press the orange Firefox button and select the "Settings" menu item in the left column. In the settings window that opens, go to the "Basic" fold, if at the moment we are in another tab. In this tab, we check that in the line "When Firefox starts:" was "Show home page" and click the "Use current page" button, then click "OK". Thus, we have made Yandex a start page. To check this, you can close and reopen the browser. Yandex should load as the main page.

Set the start page to Google chrome .
As a test subject, we used Google Сhrome 20.0.1132.47 in order to demonstrate to you how to make Yandex a start page in this browser... The interface is a bit quirky compared to other browsers. Also open home page Yandex by typing into the address bar of your browser and pressing Enter. All other pages except Yandex on other tabs must be closed. Next, click on the image of the wrench in the upper right part of the browser and select the "Settings" menu item. In the window that opens, in the left column, select the "Settings" section, if in this moment you are not in them. In the settings, we work with the "Initial group" block. Click on the "Add" link. A window opens listing the start pages that run when the browser opens. By clicking on the "Use current pages" button, we will set Yandex as the starting point in chrome. Click "OK" and close and reopen chrome to check if the settings are correct.

Installing the start page in Opera.
For the demonstration, we used the browser version 12.0. We follow the same algorithm that we used to install Yandex with the start page in Firefox. In the address bar of the browser, type and press Enter to open the Yandex start page. Next, press the Opera button in the upper left corner, select "Settings" in the menu that appears and in the next pop-up submenu " General settings". You can also call General Settings by pressing the Ctrl and F12 keys on the keyboard. In the window that appears, select the "General" tab, if you did not immediately get into it. In this tab, in the "At startup" window, set the value "Start from home page" and set it in the "Home" window by clicking on the "Current page" button. Click “Ok. The settings are saved, Yandex is now set as the home page.

Set the start page to Internet Explorer 9 .
We act by analogy with the Firefox and Opera browsers. Open the Yandex start page by typing in the address bar and pressing Enter. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser. In the menu that appears, select the "Internet Options" item. We go to the "General" tab, if initially we did not get there. In the "Home page" group, click the "Current" button, then at the bottom of the window, click "Apply" and "OK". Now, when we open Internet Explorer, we are taken to Yandex by default.

Setting the start page in Safari.
Safari is not that popular with Windows users like the previous four browsers we reviewed, nevertheless it is among the five most popular browsers. It is especially popular with Apple computer lovers. Therefore, we decided to consider how to make Yandex a start page for it as well. The latest version at the time of this writing was 5.1.7. We used it in the examples. We do everything according to the scheme already familiar to us. Launch Safari and open the Yandex home page in it. Let's go to the settings. To do this, on computers under control operating system Windows click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select the "Settings ..." menu item. As you can see from the menu, the same can be done by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl (Control) and "," (comma).

On computers under the control of the operating room Mac system OS X click in the general menu bar at the top of the screen with the active browser on the Safari section and in it "Preferences", or call the settings with the shortcut Cmd (commands) and "," (comma).

Further settings are the same for Windows and Mac OS X. In the settings window, go to the "General" tab, where we check that the line "Open in new windows:" was "Home page". After that, a little lower under the line "Home page", press the button "Current page". Unlike other browsers, you don't need to click "OK" or "Apply" here. Just close the window and save the settings. Apple's journey and the pursuit of simplicity and difference in action.

Of course, there are other ways to make Yandex your start page. For example, you may not initially open the Yandex home page and not click the "Current Page" button, but simply write the correct address in the appropriate line with your hands. But these are all special cases that you will surely cope with on your own after reading this article.

Now many users prefer the Yandex service - the main page, which you can make the start page on your computer, will help you save a lot of time to manual transition. You can work on installing the start page different ways... Let's consider them further.

To make the Yandex home page open on your computer - make it the start page, several simple ways will help you save automatically.

  1. Just download Yandex browser... You can do it for free, will help you. In the upper left corner there will be an icon Set as homepage.
  2. You can open and download the application to your computer from the site We launch and change the startup one in all browsers that your computer has.
  3. In certain cases, it is currently not possible to make Yandex the start page automatically. This time it should be configure the browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome?

To go to settings at the Opera, we define a button "Tools" and click on it.

From the drop-down list, select "Settings" - "General settings". In this part of the algorithm, we find a window with a tab "Basic"... Your required inscription - "At startup"... And opposite it is a drop-down list from which we choose Start from home page. Find the inscription "Home" and print in the address bar Press the coveted button "OK" and restart the browser.

When installing the Yandex start page in Mozilla Firefox you need to find the orange button in the upper left corner. Next, we go to the point "Settings"... We are almost there. Find the mark "When Firefox starts up" and choose Show home page... On the opposite of the inscription, which we so need ( "Homepage"), we put the address already familiar to us. And restart the browser. You can use it.

And we can't wait to talk about Google chrome:

  1. We look at the browser and find in the upper right corner a button. Click to open a new tab.
  2. We have an option "Settings" and then our required command "Manage Google Chrome".
  3. It remains for us to pay attention to the button "Parameters"- that is what we need. More precisely, we need to select the function “ Basic " and "Home page".
  4. We put a tick in front of the item "Open this page"... After all that has been done according to tradition, we write our favorite address - and finish everything with a button Close.

Video: make Yandex your home page

As you can see, through simple combinations, provided that you carefully search for all the necessary options, installing the Yandex start page is a very exciting experience. Now you can quickly find the information you need or go to using programs and options.

Today one of the most widespread search engines is Yandex. Many people think that this search engine selects only the most useful answers to the question posed when giving results. Recently, we have already considered how to install the Google search engine on Opera at. According to the instructions described in this article, you can make Yandex your home page in any browser in a few minutes.

A large number of users spend a very large amount of time on the Internet, and it is convenient for many that it is Yandex that is the page that is loaded when the browser is opened. Sometimes it happens that when you install the browser that suits you best, the start page is automatically installed by the developers.

Also, the start page may be reinstalled if you did not uncheck the corresponding box when installing certain programs, free application to which there will be some completely unnecessary search engine. You can also expect such a “gift” plan from malicious programs or viruses that can install any site instead of the start page, by the way, you can find out how to check your computer for viruses.

In any case, it is in your power to change or reinstall the start page at any time to the one you need and convenient for you. Since each browser is slightly different not only the interface, but in some cases, and the manual, the method of creating the start page will be different for each browser. So let's start with the Opera browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

In order to install Yandex home page, we need to go to the settings. To do this, right-click on the tab at the top, which is called " Tools", And select there at the very bottom the item" ".

Using the buttons Alt and P you can get into the settings faster. In the window that opens in front of us, we need to select the tab " The main«.

To begin with, you should specify exactly how our browser should act when it starts. From the entire drop-down list, select the item: “ Start from home page". And on the next line, we need to specify this very page. We write the Yandex address there.

And if you now have a page of this search engine open, then it is better to click on " Current page»To the right of the home page (it is highlighted in the picture above). And after all that has been done, we press the button " OK«.

Making Yandex the start page in Mozilla

In order to in the browser Mozilla the start page was Yandex - you need to go to the tab “ Tools", Then we select the desired settings item from the proposed list, and already in it - such a tab as" The main". At the next stage, in the drop-down list, click on “ Show home page". And then we do exactly the same as in Opera- write the address of the search engine and click on " OK«.

Install Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

To create a start page in Chrome click on the icon located at the top right and select the item ““.

After all these actions, you will see a small house in your toolbar, by clicking on which you will return to your home page (Yandex).

How to make Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

There are two ways to make Yandex your start page in Explorer. First, let's go to a browser. IN Internet Explorer you can set the start page using the control panel. We open it by clicking on " Start", Then we look for and go to" Network and Internet connection". A window will open in front of you, in which you will need to go to the " General»And enter in the Yandex URL field.

You can also set Yandex as the home page and through the interface. We find for this in the right corner the settings icon in the form of an asterisk and click on it. After that, a window will open in which we select at the very bottom "" as in the picture:

We enter in the field, which is located near the house Yandex address and click " Apply«.

Or, if you are now on the page of the desired search engine, you can click on the button " Current"And the address will be entered by itself. Click on the button " OK"- and use it for our pleasure.

The process of creating a start page is not at all difficult, and you can install not only a search engine, but also any site that you use more often than others.

If you want to make Yandex your home page, you've come to the right address. To solve the problem, it remains only to go to the section with instructions on changing the home page of the Internet browser used on the computer and follow the steps presented in the article.
The home page is the page that is opened by default (when the browser is launched). As a rule, it is Email, the last page opened before exiting the browser, or even an express panel with links to frequently visited or selected by the user Internet resources.
You can make Yandex your start page directly from the search engine's web page

Despite the popularity of the Google search engine, many countries (China, Russia and some Eastern European) prefer their own search engines, due to their focus on national sites. So Yandex became the most popular and most effective search engine in the Russian-language segment. global network... In numerous tests, it takes the first place in terms of the accuracy of the results of the selection of information among Russian-language sites.

Therefore, it makes sense to use it as the default search engine and set it as the start page. Moreover, in addition to the search engine, the site displays the latest news from the region, the weather in the city, posters and other useful information.

Make Yandex the main page search engine in a web browser is quite simple. The main thing is to perform the replacement operation manually, because numerous software, as it were, developed to solve this problem, will easily add to the hassle of eliminating the consequences of its activity. The problem that users face in this case is the inability to specify the address of the start page due to the activity of the malicious program.

Such applications replace the link to the home site with your own, leading to a resource with advertisements, prohibited content, or malware... A malware detection and removal utility comes to the rescue here. The best solution in this case, the use of the functionality of the utility of a domestic developer called AVZ.

How to make Yandex the start page in Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular internet the browser due to the speed of work and a large selection of plugins that can be extended by its functionality.

  1. Open the main browser menu by clicking on the button with three vertical stripes.
Chrome Browser Instruction
  1. In the drop-down main menu, select the "Settings" item.
  2. We find: "Open at startup" and move the radio switch to the third position: "Set pages".
  3. Click on the "Add" button.
  4. Enter the address and click "Ok".

If you are on the page of the address entered above, feel free to select the "Use current page" item. Entering multiple addresses separated by commas while opening the browser will launch the same number of home pages. After restarting the application, it will start and immediately open the Yandex search site.

To use Yandex when executing a query entered in the Google Chrome search bar, proceed as follows:

  1. We still visit the program configuration menu.
  2. Find the "Search" frame and select Yandex from the drop-down list.
  3. We restart the browser in order to start the yandex site in chrome.

In all browsers, whose developers have taken as a basis the open source Chromium code (on which Chromium is written), replacing the start page is carried out in similar ways, unless the application interface is slightly different, for example, with labels or the arrangement of controls. These browsers include:

  • Maxton;
  • Comodo Dragon;
  • Orbitum;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Torch Browser and others.

If you want to add Yandex to the express panel, call context menu one of its tabs and in the properties of the element, enter the address of the search site.

Keep in mind that you can always open the starting address using the "Alt + Home" hotkeys.

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox

There are several methods to make your home page in Firefox, the simplest of which is to download mozilla firefox from Yandex as your home page. This is a regular Mozilla browser, but with pre-configured Start screen settings.

Install Yandex tabs for mozilla firefox

  1. Go to,
  2. We carry out the installation of the corresponding element.

After restarting the program, it will load with the start page, where links to Yandex services are located.

Instructions for the mozilla firefox browser

If you want to make visual Yandex tabs in mozilla firefox that are memorable for their functionality and design, use the link After installing the plugin, you will have to fix Yandex to the express panel manually, through the context menu of the tab.

Manual address change

Installing a Yandex bar for firefox

You can download Yandex bar for mozilla firefox by going to The add-on provides the user with access to a variety of company services, does not take up much space and does not distract from work. The search bar will offer tips for quickly forming a request, and the plugin will notify you of changes in social networks where you are currently logged in.

How to make Yandex your start page in Opera

  • We move to the "Tools" item of the main menu of the program.
  • We select "General settings from the drop-down menu.
  • In the first tab, in the "At startup" item, select the option from the drop-down list, as in the screenshot below.
  • In the text line "Home" enter the address of the search engine or click "Current page" if the required page is open in the active tab.
  • Click "OK" to save the parameters.
Instructions for the Opera browser

In addition, you can install the Yandex panel for the Norwegian browser by going to, and on the page you can install the Yandex tabs providing instant access to your favorite sites and services Yandex.

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer 10 and 11

Regardless Internet versions Explorer, replacing the address that opens after starting the site browser is done in the same way.

  1. Click on the button to call the program parameters in the main menu.
  2. Go to the "General" tab.
  3. Move the switch to the "Start from home page" position in the "Startup" item.
  4. In its capacity, we enter the address
  5. Click "Ok".
Instructions for Internet browser Explorer

How to make Yandex the start page in Yandex Browser

This Internet browser is made on the Chromium engine, so the Yandex browser setting is similar to Chrome, with one peculiarity.

It is recommended to install Yandex browser on your computer using the web installer located on the official website at the link:

In order to install the Yandex browser, run the downloaded executable file and follow the instructions. During installation, the program files are downloaded from the developer's server. If you are using a slow internet connection, downloading the distribution kit may take a long time, be patient. For quick access Before the browser, we recommend installing Yandex on the desktop, or rather, create a shortcut to launch it.

1. Go to the settings by clicking on the gear icon.

2. Find the item "Where to start?" and mark the opening of the quick access page.

3. Then select "Open if there are no tabs".

Instructions for the Yandex browser

Automatic replacement of the start page using utilities from Yandex

A convenient method for replacing and controlling the start page in all Internet browsers is to use the functionality of the utilities provided by the search giant.

One of these applications is loaded on the page. We pass on the specified address from the browser, where we plan to replace the address of the start page, download the application and install it, following the instructions of the installer.

Replacing the start page using the app

The second program is downloaded from and has a different purpose. It replaces the address of the original site with its own and prohibits third party applications change it, which makes the computer invulnerable to the impact of services such as Webalta.

Solving problems with automatic opening of other search engines

As mentioned above, the problem that users face when replacing the start page is the inability to enter its address. The most common problem is the launch of the site - a Russian search engine promoted by setting its own page as a home page without the permission and notification of the user. Moreover, such an action is performed in all browsers without exception.

The problem is resolved by removing unnecessary shortcut settings for starting the program and cleaning the registry from its contents.

  1. We call the "Properties" of the browser shortcut, when launched, the Webalta website, Conduit Search, Pirrit Suggestor and other search services appear.
  2. Delete everything related to these sites after the name of the executable file (see screenshot) and click "Ok".
We delete the start page


For the final disposal of traces of malicious applications, go to system registry to find all keys with the value "Webalta" or another dictated search engine and delete them. Now you know how to make Yandex your start page.

Reading 6 min. Views 2k. Published 22.04.2017

Welcome all! Today's article will be useful to all Internet users who want to make Yandex a start page. As a rule, such a setting is quite easy to perform, but as practice shows, many users do not know where to register the address and how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article, we will analyze in detail how to configure the start page in browsers:, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that setting up the main page in the browser can only be prevented by the presence of a malicious software... This happens in cases when you seem to have installed a start page, and the search for Webalta or Pirrit Suggestor is loaded in the place you need. We will consider a way out of this situation at the end of the article.

We manually configure Yandex as the start page.

It is possible to make Yandex the start page both manually, by changing the browser settings, and automatically, using special programs... First, we will look at how to manually configure the settings, this method the good thing is that you and I will not have to install additional programs, and at the end of the article we will consider a method for the lazy.

Make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

I suggest that the first on the list to consider the setting of the Internet Explorer browser. Since it, firstly, is on all computers with an operating Windows system, and secondly, setting up the start page is the same in all versions of IExplorer.

To install the initial page of the Yandex search engine, we take the following steps:

That's it, the stage for setting up the start page for Internet Explorer is complete. Now, as soon as you launch your browser, you will have a search engine open.

Setting up the start page in the Opera browser.

In, making Yandex a start page is also not difficult. To do this, do the following:

Now you can restart your browser and see which page will load at startup.

In Google Chrome, set the Yandex start page.

If you are a fan Google browser Chrome, but at the same time remain a patriot and use the Yandex search engine, then in order to customize the initial page, we do the following:

Now when working in Chrome browser, if you quickly want to go to the search engine, it will be enough to click on the icon in the form of a house.

Note! With this setting method, Yandex will not open as a start page.

If you want exactly the start page, then we do it a little differently:

Now when you start the browser, you can immediately type search query in Yandex.

Make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In the Mazil browser, everything is done in a similar way. Follow these steps to customize the start page:

The Firefox browser will now load the Yandex start page. As you can see, all the settings are elementary, but users are often afraid or do not know what to do.

How to make Yandex your start page automatically.

If for some reason you cannot manually set the Yandex home page, you can do this automatically. Fortunately, the tool is provided by the search engine itself.

In the first case, you need to go to the address: and click on the "Download" button, and then follow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the monitor screen.

The second option is to install a utility called Browser Manager, also an invention of the Russian search giant. You can download it from the link:

This manager is good in that it automatically controls the change of the home page, and warns the user about the changes. This will help you protect your computer from search engines like Webalta and the like.

If instead of Yandex, Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor and others open everywhere.

Very often, the user is faced with a problem when, after installing the desired start page, something completely different from what he would like opens, for example, the Webalta search engine. This happens when malicious code starts up on your computer and writes its settings to browsers. As a rule, getting rid of this trouble is not always easy.

The first thing to check is to open the shortcut property on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the browser shortcut and look at the "Object" field in the window that opens.

Only the path to the folder with installed program... If you see something different from the original data, for example, you see a link to Webalta or other search engines, then you need to delete the excess.

After that, launch the browser and see if the problem is gone.

Let's summarize.

Today we figured out how to make Yandex a start page in browsers. As you can see, all actions are quite simple and even an inexperienced computer user can do it. As I said above, the setup may fail only if you have viruses on your computer or the browser does not work correctly. If you have any difficulties, then write in the comments, we will discuss the problem together.

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