
How to make an internal page for a group menu in Contact. How to make an internal sewer system in a private house with your own hands How to make an internal page

Internal linking − effective method SEO optimization. This is the placement of links within a site that connect its pages to each other. In a broader sense, linking improves the ease of navigation around the site.

Why do you need to do internal linking?

Thanks to a well-organized linking system, you can significantly increase site traffic and its position in search engines. Internal site linking not only connects pages with links, but also redistributes link juice across landing pages to give more weight to promoted pages.

How to increase website traffic

  • Convenient navigation.
  • Using the “Similar Products” or “Similar Articles” link block.
  • Use of contextual links and thematic anchors.

Located within one text, they will help you quickly find similar articles and obtain the most reliable information on a specific issue. Links make it easy to navigate the site and help increase the user’s time on the site.

  • At the end of the text, you can add a link to a similar article and the comment “We recommend reading.”

Types of Key Queries

There are low-frequency (LF), mid-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF) keywords.

  • Low frequency

Low-frequency queries are as specific as possible. They consist of 5−8 words. Users enter such queries to search for a specific service or product. Usually, this is a basic combination of words and its clarifying elements: address, price, reviews, name of certain brands. They are requested the least often, but due to their precise wording they can attract a large number of targeted traffic that can perform a targeted action on the page (buy a product, leave a request, fill out a feedback form).

  • Midrange

Mid-frequency queries consist of several words. Requested by visitors during the intermediate phase of information collection. MF queries are the “golden mean” and it is imperative to use them in website promotion. According to statistics, about 70% of users use medium-frequency queries.

  • High frequency

High-frequency queries are usually information-oriented. Visitors are looking for general information on a specific topic, product or service. HF requests are the most competitive.

Internal linking involves the following types of links:

  • Contextual

These are links placed in a fragment of text into which they fit within the meaning. Links are placed evenly across the page. Contextual links are a great source of traffic. They most often bring representatives of the target audience to the page. The effectiveness of contextual links can be checked by the time the user spends on the web resource. The best anchor for contextual links is a readable keyword phrase.

  • End-to-end

“Breadcrumbs” (from the English breadcrumbs) are an element of the site’s navigation structure. The links got their unusual name from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel,” whose characters bread crumbs scattered along the road, they found their way to the house.
Navigation elements help the user not to get lost on the site and always see the current location on the site. They are a strip at the top of the page between the header and the site article. Thanks to “breadcrumbs”, the user can return to the URL from which he began the transition to subsequent ones.

To promote a page, you need to concentrate as much weight on it as possible, that is, “the more links, the more important the page”

  • Statistical weight

Statistical weight does not depend on search queries and text. It is calculated by counting the total weight transferred by pages using links. The more links a donor page contains, the less weight each link transfers to recipient pages.

  • Dynamic weight

Dynamic weight is the result of the activity of site users, the number of clicks on links. It is constantly changing, it is not possible to measure it.

Types (schemes) internal linking

There is no universal internal linking scheme. Its choice depends on the topic of the site and the requests being promoted.

There are three basic linking schemes.

  • "Ring"

The simplest and most popular linking scheme. Weight is transferred from section and subsection pages to leaf pages, which are promoted by low-frequency queries, and the leaf pages are interconnected. This linking scheme has a significant drawback: if one page falls out, the connection is broken and all pages lose weight, and the linking scheme becomes meaningless.

An improved version of the scheme is when pages link not only to the adjacent and promoted one, but also to each other. So even the loss of one link does not break the chain.

  • "Star"

The classic linking scheme, in which all pages are linked to each other. In this case, each page receives many incoming links and the likelihood of communication disruption is minimal. If any page drops out of the PS index, the weight of the remaining pages will not change significantly. All pages will be independent, and indexing will be significantly faster. The disadvantage of the scheme is the difficulty of working with a large group of pages. The “star” linking scheme is relevant for online stores.

  • "Ladder" (hierarchical)

The weight is transferred to the pages where MF queries lead. For example, from the main page there are links to section pages, and the section page and product cards are linked to each other.

Correct internal linking of a website is the most important mechanism for optimizing a web resource. It is equally effective for non-profit and commercial topics. Proper use of internal linking schemes and principles guarantees the effective promotion of search queries, regardless of their frequency.
Interlinking will allow you to evenly distribute links within the site, which will make it more authoritative for search robots.

If you want to promote your website to the TOP of search results, then sign up for a course on SEO optimization

Internal sewerage in its structure is practically no different from. Even in some moments it is easier to do.

Firstly, most pipes are not 110, but 50 size (internal diameter in millimeters). Secondly, these pipes are much easier to join yourself without the help of another person. Thirdly, they cut faster and easier. By the way, we cut both wide and thin pipes with an ordinary wood hacksaw with hardened teeth made in Germany.

The main meaning in internal sewerage is the same as in external sewerage. Horizontal sections must be laid with a certain slope. Only in pipes with a diameter of 50 mm is it necessary to make a slope of 1 cm more. For every meter of pipe there is a 4 centimeter slope (in pipes with a diameter of 110 mm this slope was 3 centimeters).

Why is such a specific slope needed at all? Why can’t it be 10 or 15 centimeters per 1 meter, because the greater the slope, the better the water will drain? That's right, the water will drain better, but if we only poured water into the sewer. The fact is that with a large slope of the horizontal section of the sewer, the water will flow away too quickly and it will turn out that the water will drain, and small solid particles of debris may remain in the pipe. This is especially important for sewer pipes through which waste from toilets passes. In this case, if the slope is very large, then the water leaves and the poop))) remains in the pipe.

But I would like to immediately note that deviations from the norms of slopes can be allowed, but only in areas of no more than 1.5 meters. If you need to change the slope in a small area up to 1.5 meters long, you can safely do it upward. This, as I was told, is the norm.

Just like when laying large pipes, it is better to replace all 90-degree elbows with two 45-degree elbows. This is 2 times more expensive per elbow, but your sewer will be much better protected from blockages.

It is also very important when laying sewers on long horizontal sections to install so-called revisions. What it is? I'll tell you with an example. From the washbasin and dishwasher in the kitchen there is a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, the length of this section is 7 meters. So, approximately in the middle of this section, I brought the pipe up to the floor level. This outlet will be at the level of the finished floor with a plug. I made it in the corridor near the wall. Then there will be either a cabinet or a mirror. But if the sewer gets clogged, it is very difficult to break through a 7-meter section. And with such revisions everything will be much simpler. I hope that it will not be useful, but it would be better. It is recommended to do exactly the same for.

All internal sewage pipes were laid in a dug trench and covered with sand. Then you need to pour water, compact this sand well under the pipes with your hands, and then add sand, pour in more water and preferably walk around.

That's all. Now photo report:

Left: black, thinnest pipe - water pipe; the thickest pipe - output to the inspection floor level for cleaning the sewer; middle pipe - outlet for washing machine slightly above floor level. Right: outlet for the toilet and riser to the second floor. On the right in the corner: outlet for the washbasin in the toilet. Note: This is the furnace room and toilet on the first floor. There will be a partition between them in the future.

The outlet in the kitchen for the sink and dishwasher is slightly above floor level. In the future there will still be a bifurcation there.

When administering a community or group on VKontakte, page managers most often suffice with the usual post format, which involves continuous text, video or photo in the form of a gallery with an attached link leading to a third-party site, etc. But sometimes there comes a time when you need to create more formalized material on social media. networks, using headings, lists, and other design features typically found in standard pages on information sites. It is also worth considering that many VK users will be happy to read material on social media. network, but will be reluctant to move to another site, in addition, wiki pages can be indexed by search engines, which will attract visitors to the community who can subscribe.

In order to create a VKontakte wiki page, you need to copy the following URL into the address bar:

change “XXX” to the id of your public or group, change “Example_title” to the title of your future article and press Enter. Now the page has been created, and you can start filling it out by clicking on the “Fill with content” button.

Once the page is ready, you can publish it in a community or group post, indicating the address of the material without the ending “?act=edit”. When the page is pinned to the post, erase the URL, the link will still be active and will not disappear. If you attach a wiki page and a photo to a post at the same time, then when you click on the photo, your material will open.


1) Access to the page

In the lower right corner of the page you created there is a “Page Access” button, where you can specify who will have access to the page for viewing and editing. By default, editing is available only to administrators, which is not recommended to change, since your guests will most likely not miss the opportunity to make their own, sometimes not entirely useful, contribution to the material.

2) Save the address of the wiki page you created

After creating a wiki page, do not forget to copy the address of the material; this information is not saved anywhere in the community. If you create materials in a group, you can see them when editing the “Latest News” section by highlighting the title and clicking “Add link.”

3) After creating a page, the title of the material can no longer be changed

When creating a wiki page, indicate the correct name of the material in the URL “Title_example”, it will be the title of your page, which cannot be changed.

Windows and doors in the bathhouse are made smaller than in ordinary residential premises: this makes it easier to retain heat. Doors are usually single-leaf and open outward.

Bathhouse doors can be made in different ways. One of the options is a door made of boards, upholstered on the outside with some kind of insulation, and covered on the inside with drying oil, thin waterproof plywood or fiberboard.

Another option for a bathhouse is comfortable and warm panel doors made from two wooden frames of different sizes (the inner frame should easily fit into the outer one). For a tight fit, the outer frame must strictly correspond to the dimensions of the door jamb, and its edges must be slightly beveled. Both frames are covered with fiberboard on both sides and filled with thermal insulation material. Then the inner frame is inserted into the outer one and secured to it with screws.

In the washing room, you can install a steam- and moisture-resistant door from one frame, attaching fiberglass sheets to it with screws on both sides. The space formed between the sheets is filled with lightweight thermal insulation material.

Locks on doors are usually made at the top and bottom. At the bottom, any metal hook can be used for this purpose, and at the top, the lock should be wooden so as not to get burned.

Door handles are also made of wood. To make them, you can use any available material, even oddly shaped twigs and roots found in the forest. Before installation, door handles are coated with drying oil and dried well.

The windows in the bathhouse should have the form of horizontally elongated rectangles, since it is this shape that allows for better heat retention in the room. Windows can be made both in walls and in doors. The area of ​​the bath window may vary depending on the view opening, but, as a rule, it does not exceed 5-7% of the floor area. The window is positioned so that you can look out of it while sitting or lying in the steam room or standing in the washing room.

With both double and single frames, the windows in the bathhouse must have double sealed glazing (on a single frame, glass is attached to both sides). It is difficult to make a window in such a window, but it greatly facilitates the ventilation of the bathhouse.

In brick baths, it is advisable to make windows from glass blocks. They provide soft diffused light, do not require curtains, are more hygienic and durable than ordinary ones.

For artificial lighting of baths, sealed anti-fog lamps of yellow and milky color are usually used.

To ensure good ventilation, a vent is made above the top shelf - a small rectangular or round hole in the wall. It is closed with a removable plug made of a piece of wood upholstered in soft material with a handle or a sliding wooden flap.

For the same purpose, a supply ventilation hole is made at the bottom of the door or near the stove at a height of 25-50 cm from the floor. It should also be closed with a flap or valve.

The next stage of the internal equipment of the bathhouse is the manufacture of shelves in the steam room. If the bathhouse is spacious, there may be 2 or 3 shelves.

The top one is made the widest, on which they usually soar while lying down; the lower ones should be a little narrower. The shelves are arranged one above the other or in the letter “G” (the latter option is appropriate in bathhouses with a combined steam room and washing room).

To make it comfortable to steam while sitting on the top shelf, the distance from it to the ceiling should be 115-120 cm, and between the top and middle shelves - 40 cm. The bottom shelf is usually made at a height of 20-25 cm from the floor. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the top shelf should be at least 50-100 cm higher than the top stones of the stove.

The best shelves are made from linden, aspen or poplar boards: they are pleasant to the body, dry quickly and do not contain resins.

They make shelves on frames from beams, placing the boards across the frame so that there is a small gap. In this case, the boards are secured with stainless screws from the side of the beams so that their heads do not burn the body.

For greater convenience, the upper and middle shelves can be made removable on stationary supports, and the lower one can be made in the form of a portable bench.

However, do not forget that all elements of this equipment, even the smallest ones, must have a convexity or a slight slope for unhindered swelling of water.

It is also necessary to take care of the little things that will help create maximum comfort in the bathhouse: wooden grates on the floor, shelves for bath accessories, footrests.

You should not paint or varnish wooden surfaces in a bathhouse, as the wood will immediately lose its warmth and its pleasant natural appearance.


The ceiling in the bathhouse should also be insulated, in addition, care should be taken to impregnate the rafters and beams, as they will constantly be exposed to high temperatures and humidity. Insulation materials can be of various types (glass wool, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber). The main thing is that they are fire safe and sufficiently resistant to rotting.

Before hemming the ceiling, which in a bathhouse is usually made of planed boards, you should line the space between the roof and the ceiling with a vapor barrier material. This can be a special material or simply plastic film. But now the bathhouse is built, and you can’t wait to check how warm it retains. Such a test fire will allow you to identify all the shortcomings of your work, and, since the construction is not yet completed, quickly correct them.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse. Interior decoration (video):

Step 1
First, go to your group and in the “Latest News” block (in this case, I renamed it to “Menu”) click the “Edit” link, which appears when you hover over it. Important! Firstly, you must have exactly Open group, not Page. Because there is simply no such item on the Page. And second, in the Community Management > Information > Materials menu, the “Open” item should be selected.

Step 2
In the “Editing” tab we write the phrase [[Web design theory]], enclosed in double square brackets. Then click on the “Save Page” button.

Step 3
After that, a “Preview” link will appear next to the button, click on it. A preview of our menu will open below, where we see the link “Web design theory” appearing below.

Step 4
Click on this link and go to the created page called “Web Design Theory”. Then click on the “Fill with content” link. Next, edit the text as usual text editor— insert pictures, texts, videos and other objects. In this case, our created page will have a URL like

Alternative way to create an internal page
Eat alternative way page creation. It is mainly suitable for public ( public pages), since the method described above is not suitable for them. To do this we will use the following code
where instead of XXX we will substitute the id of our group, and instead of the text “Page Name” we will write Menu. Now we need to find out the group id. How to do it? Let's go to home page group and look at our posts on the wall - right under the “Add post” block it will say “All posts” - click on this link.

We go to the page and see a URL like this, where the numbers 78320145 in this example are the group id. We substitute our data into the source code and get a record like this: your numbers!). Paste this line into the address bar of the browser and press Enter. This is how we created new page In contact with.

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