
How to do a factory reset on Android. How to do a full factory reset on Android. How to do a hard reset if Android won't boot

Why do you need a data reset?

Resetting device data (factory reset, hard reset, factory reset) is deleting all data from a smartphone or tablet: contacts, messages, downloaded applications, photos, music, mail settings, alarm clocks. After the reset, the smartphone or tablet returns to its factory state.

Typically, data reset is done in the following cases:

  • Before selling or transferring the device to another person;
  • If some problem occurs on the device that cannot be fixed by other means;
  • After updating the device software (firmware).

What to do before resetting your data

1. Copy important information from your device.

During the reset, the device memory will be cleared and all data will be deleted. If there is any important data, make a copy of it.

2. Remove your Google account from your device.

If you do not do this, then when you turn on the device after a reset, you will be asked for the account that was on the device before the reset. Without entering this account, you will not be able to turn on the device.

The first way to reset data is through the menu

The second way to reset data is using buttons

This method is used when a smartphone or tablet does not turn on or the screen is locked.

If your device doesn't turn on after resetting, you need a Google Account

If after resetting the device does not turn on (freezes)

Contact service center Samsung, the firmware needs to be reinstalled using an engineering method.

The ability to reset data is supported by any Andriod device, so every owner of this system can do it. Before you return the factory settings to your Android, you should understand that at the same time you will completely lose all data except for those recorded on the memory card. It will no longer be possible to restore their capabilities; a rollback of such actions is impossible. If you decide to reset the device to its factory state, then you will lose:

  • phone book entries;
  • applications;
  • photographs, music, books;
  • saved logins and passwords for accounts.

How to reset settings on Android

Before carrying out this procedure, it is strongly recommended to copy important files and information (photos, videos, music) to the computer via a cord. It is better to make a full backup (copy) of the system, so that if the reset is unsuccessful, you can restore the functionality of the device. There are 3 main options for how to return Android to factory settings:

  1. through the phone menu;
  2. using a combination of buttons;
  3. service codes.

Reset in phone settings

The easiest way to reset settings on Android to factory settings is through the gadget menu. To do this, the device must work and be able to go to the main section of the system. For all smartphones with Android versions 4.0 or older the procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to the main menu.
  2. Click on the "Settings" section.
  3. Find the "Backup and Reset" section.
  4. Scroll down the page and find the “Reset settings” section.
  5. The system will inform you that the data will be deleted from the smartphone. Click on the line “Reset phone settings” and confirm the desire to “Erase everything”. The items may vary slightly between different phone models, but the names are always the same.

Using service combinations

This method also requires that the device be turned on and be able to proceed to dial a number. Each manufacturer programs their devices with special combinations that help return them to the factory state. This applies to both global brands (Samsung, HTC, Sony) and Chinese inexpensive models. Codes may change over time, they need to be clarified on the manufacturer’s website, sometimes they can be found in the manual for the smartphone. Below are examples of such combinations for your reference:

  • *2767*3855#;
  • *#*#7378423#*#*;
  • *#*#7780#*#.

Key reset using Recovery

The most radical method of how to reset settings on Android to factory settings is the Recovery menu. This The best way returning the smartphone to its original state if it freezes on the screensaver with the company logo does not turn on. Each device model has a standard button combination that switches it to the Recovery menu. Sometimes you have to use recovery if:

  1. The phone's stuttering has become too severe;
  2. the system does not allow you to delete, move or change anything.

First, you should completely turn off your phone. Wait until the buttons and screen go out. Next, you need to find a suitable combination for your model (the combination for HTC and Samsung will definitely be different). You can use one of the options:

  • “volume down” + “turn on” button, also known as “Power” (the most common combination);
  • on some LG phones you need to press the keys described above, wait for the logo, release “power on” and then press it again;
  • “volume up” + “volume down” + “turn on”
  • "Power" + "Home".

Hold down one of the combinations until you are transferred to recovery mode to reset the device to its factory state. The menu is controlled using the volume up and down buttons. If the Recovery version is touch-sensitive, then you can reboot in the standard way (by touching the screen). To confirm your choice, press the “Power” or “ Context menu" Next, to reset the phone to its initial state, you need.

Android smartphone or tablet has become an important part of millions of people around the world. We can't imagine what it's like to spend a whole day without an Android smartphone in your pocket.

However, like any device, Android phone or the tablet may fail, for example, a malfunction occurs in software. Fortunately, Android developers have built in a special feature that allows you to restore your system. We are talking about a factory reset, which is also called a hard reset.

Most often, recovery (recovery mode) is used to reset Android device to factory settings. Essentially, recovery is a part of the system that is installed on your smartphone and processes data related to Android work. Therefore, when flashing your device or doing a factory reset, you need to know how to use recovery.

Now let's find out how to reset to factory settings through recovery.

How to go into Android recovery

To go into recovery, you need to press a special combination of buttons. This combination differs for different models smartphones. The most commonly used combination of buttons Power On, Volume Down/Up, Home. Look for the button combination on our website or on Google.

You need to press and hold the button combination for a couple of seconds until the manufacturer's logo appears. After this, you will see a menu of several options. This is the same recovery.

It often happens that before loading the recovery, the lyingAndroidrobot and the inscription NoCommand. Don't worry, just press the button Volume Up for 15 seconds, then press the button Inclusions.

How to reset to factory settings through recovery

Once you have entered recovery, you will see a menu of several options. Again, the recovery menu may vary slightly for different smartphone models, but general principle remains the same.

If we want to reset the smartphone to factory settings, then we are interested in the line “ Wipedata/factoryreset" Navigating through the recovery menu is done using volume keys. To select an option from the menu, you must press the button Inclusions.

Once you have selected Wipe data, you will be taken to the next menu, which warns you about deleting personal data. Select the option " Yes– deletealluserdata».

At the bottom of the screen, you will see several lines that inform you about the factory reset process. When the process is completed, you will be taken to the first menu. Select the first option " Rebootsystemnow" to restart Android and return to normal smartphone operation.

Using our instructions HowReset to factory settings via recovery, you can delete all personal data from internal memory smartphone, fix software errors or prepare the device for firmware.

Every Android smartphone has a recovery mode that allows you to erase all data from the internal memory of the smartphone and return it to factory settings. Nevertheless, this method not always effective.

If you were unable to perform a hard reset (aka factory reset) through Recovery mode, Google has provided special utility command line Android Debug Bridge to access mobile device and execution of certain commands through the computer. So you can do a factory reset via your computer.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that ADB commands to reset settings via computer are intended for experienced users. But, if you read our instructions carefully, you should not have any problems.

Instructions: How to reset settings via computer?

Step 1

Go to the Android developers website and download the Android System Development Kit. Right-click on the ZIP archive and select "Extract All". Click the Browse button and select the C:\Program Files directory.

Step 2

Go to the folder where the files were extracted and press "F2" to rename it. Give the folder a simple name, such as "AndroidADT".

Step 3

Right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties". Click on the option " Extra options System" and in the "Advanced" window click the "Environment Variables" button.

Step 4

In the System Variables window, select the Path option and click the Edit button. When the window for editing system variables opens, scroll to the very end and write the path to the archive that you unpacked earlier (“;C:\Program Files\AndroidADT\sdk\platform-tools\”) (without quotes). Make sure you add a semicolon at the beginning of the path. Click "OK" to save your changes.

Step 5

Hover over the top right corner of the screen and click the Search button. Type “cmd” in the search field and click on the program icon in the search results to launch a command prompt window.

Step 6

Turn on your smartphone and connect it to the computer's USB port. Write "adb shell" and press "Enter". When ADB connects to the mobile device, write “--wipe_data” and press “Enter”. Your phone will reboot into recovery mode and automatically reset to factory settings.

Now you know how to reset settings via a computer.

Very often in questions regarding Android settings the phrase “How to reset Android to factory settings?” is heard, or so to speak abstrusely - Hard Reset , in order to solve some problems. But you need to remember that such a procedure will delete everything that was on the device, from contacts to personal data. But the memory card called " external storage " will not be reset.

ATTENTION! Before collecting, make sure that all important data is saved on a separate drive; during the reset process, all other data will be deleted!

Below we will look at how this whole procedure occurs.

The settings are always reset to factory settings, that is, the smartphone is rolled back to the initial state . But most often the Android version remains the same after the update. Absolutely everything will disappear from the device, from downloaded applications to phone book, photos, all passwords, etc.

Why do you need a factory reset?

This reset method (Hard Reset) is used if:

  • the device is being prepared for sale;
  • need to return to the state " as when purchasing“, and this is the most convenient option. The need for this arises when it is used for a long time, something is removed or installed. As a result, hidden debris appears on the device, which slows down the system. Often resetting the settings helps solve Google problem Play Market.
  • In order to unlock your smartphone if you don't remember the unlock key screen. But in this case, there is no need to rush and it would not hurt to find out more first detailed information about how to fix everything.

Preparing your smartphone for a factory reset

  1. All important information, photos, videos, documents, contacts, you need to move them somewhere, a PC will do. You can simply create a copy (backup).
  2. Check the battery level and make sure it is charged. There are models in which it will not be possible to reset the settings until the device is charged; it itself will not allow it. And there are also models that will begin the reset process and turn off due to a low battery at the very peak of the reset. This may damage the device.
  3. On Android 5.1, you will need to delete your Google account before resetting the settings. This is due to the new privacy policy rules. In this case, after resetting to factory settings, the device will ask you to enter data. Without them, it will simply be impossible to log into the device, well, at least not easily.

How to reset Android to factory settings - 4 ways

There are four ways to do this.

  1. Using Recovery
  2. Using settings
  3. Using "Phone"
  4. Using the secret button

Video instructions on how to reset settings

Reset Android settings through recovery (Recovery)

This method will be useful for those whose phone/tablet does not turn on at all, or hangs on the logo. This method is also suitable if you forgot graphic key . Simply put, if there are no more comfortable conditions for resetting the settings, then this method is what you need.

In order to get into recovery mode, you will have to turn off Android so that all the buttons and the screen do not work. To enter recovery, press and hold a few buttons. They are individual for each device.

Factory reset on Samsung

For Samsung, you need to hold down the “+” button on the volume, “home” and power buttons at the same time. If there is no “home” in some model, then this combination – “+” and at the same time with this “Enable” key will suffice. After the company logo appears on the tap, release the power button and hold the rest until the system menu appears.

Factory reset on LG

LG models enter this menu in the same way as described above, except for further steps. After pressing the desired combination, each user will see the company logo appear on the screen, and then they need to turn on the device again.

The most common methods

  • The most common combination is the “-” key and the “Enable” button.
  • “+” on the volume key, then “home” and with them “Enable”.
  • “+” and “-” on the volume buttons and also “turn on” - this combination is used by almost every Sony Xperia model.
  • The “turn on” key, simultaneously with “home” and “+” on the volume.
  • Increase the volume and press “turn on” at the same time.
  • Simultaneously volume buttons.

One of the above methods will allow you to enter in the Recovery system menu.

You can navigate through this menu as usual if you have a touch screen. In other cases, use the volume buttons. In this case, confirmation of actions will be carried out by the power button or menu.

Next in it you will need to find - “wipe_data/factory_reset”. Next, confirm your intentions with the “yes” button. After completing all deletions in this menu, you just need to click “Reboot_System_Now” and the system will close and reboot. These menu sub-item names may be slightly different, but essentially they have the same purpose.

This method is the easiest if you can go to the menu.

  1. Start by entering the menu, the path to the settings will be different in each device, but we will look at the most popular ones.
  2. Go to “settings”. To do this, go to the menu and select the appropriate item. Found it? Then click “Backup and reset”.
  3. On Samsung devices we also go to the menu, look for settings, then “general”, then “Privacy” (sometimes a little differently).

  4. IN Huawei models- menu, settings, then go to “advanced settings”, then you need to enter - recovery and reset.

  5. In the menu in which you find yourself, you need to find the item – Reset data.
  6. After you click there, the device will warn that absolutely all files and data, including accounts and passwords, will be erased, and contacts, pictures, videos and more will be deleted.
  7. Once confirmed, the device will repeat asking if you want to change your mind. Next, it will list what exactly will be deleted, and your task is to click the confirm button. After the data is deleted, the device will reboot.
  8. Many devices have slight name changes in the menu, but, in fact, on an intuitive level they are all identical. Although almost all options for menu names and the location of the item where you need to reset the settings are described above.

Another simple method, which will probably be one of the easiest. Go to Dialer(where the buttons are located that dial a phone number during a call). Next, we write there the following one code:

  • *2767*3855#
  • *#*#7780#*#*
  • *#*#7378423#*#*

Once inserted, the removal process will begin immediately.

Reset settings using buttons

On many devices still there is a reset button. Once you press it, all settings will be reset automatically. It looks like a small hole for a needle or toothpick. You just need to insert it into this hole and press, holding it for a couple of seconds (just like any other regular button). After this, without any warnings or questions, the device will return to factory settings.

At this stage, the question of How to reset Android to factory settings can be considered resolved, and as you can see, there is nothing wrong with this. It is enough just to try, carefully read the above information and do everything possible to ensure that all data remains saved.

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