
How to hide a folder on the desktop. How to make an invisible folder on the desktop? How to find an invisible folder

There are many reasons why we may need to hide this or that folder on our computer from prying eyes.

One of them is whether family members or co-workers have access to our PC if the computer is working.

Also, information in hidden folders may be confidential or personal. Or these are adult files that are undesirable for children who occupy your computer from time to time to watch.

Making a folder invisible

So, we follow the step-by-step instructions:

Stage I. Create a new folder on the desktop

Right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select “Create” in the menu that opens, then “Folder”.

In order to create new folder, right-click and select the desired function

Stage II. Assign an invisible icon to the folder

In order to continue the process of hiding a folder, you need to change its icon. To do this we do the following:

We move the cursor over the newly created folder;

Right-click and select the “Properties” option in the menu that opens (at the very bottom);

Right-click on the new folder and select the "Properties" option

A dialog box appears in front of us in which we select the “Settings” function;

At the bottom we see the “Change icon” button, which we activate;

A window appears in front of us with big amount proposed icons, among which we select a transparent icon - approximately in the middle of the menu, it is invisible to the eye, so to activate it we move the cursor over a free field, as shown in the photo;

A folder with an invisible shortcut and visible name appears on the desktop

Stage III. Hiding the folder name

So, on our desktop there is an invisible folder with a readable name. To also hide it, do the following:

press the “ALT” key and, holding it, enter the next combination of numbers “0160”, then “Enter”.

We see our folder completely disappear from view.

Note: For everything to work out, it is important to dial the numbers “0160” exclusively from the computer’s numeric keypad (located on the right), and not from the numbers that are located at the top of the keyboard.

But, if after performing all the manipulations, the folder name could not be hidden, try experimenting with the set of entered numbers and held keys, as follows:

after hovering the cursor over the name of the folder and selecting the “Rename” function, press simultaneously the two keys “Alt” and “Fn”, and then, while holding them down, type the numbers “0160”, after which “Enter”, and our folder has completely become invisible .

You can also try the numbers “255” instead of dialing “0160”.

Alternative way to hide folders

There is another way to make a folder or file invisible to the eye. It is based on the use of built-in functions of the Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.

So, let's proceed point by point:

Right-click on the desired folder (file) and place the cursor on the “Properties” function.

A functional menu opens in front of us and on the first tab “General”, at the very bottom we see “Attributes” - put a check mark on “Hidden”.

In the attributes, select the "Hidden" option

In "Search" we find "Folder Options" and select the "View" tab

In the “View” section, select the “Do not show hidden files, folders and drives” option, then “Apply” and “Ok”. After which we see how our folder has completely disappeared from the desktop, that is, it has become invisible.

Select the option "Do not show hidden files, folders and drives"

It should be noted that using the above methods, by analogy, you can hide folders, files, pictures, music not only on the computer, but also on the disk and flash card.

Opening hidden folders and files

After we have looked at all the ways to make folders and files invisible in the operating room Windows system, the question may arise - how to open them, look at them, find them, and so on.

This is not difficult to do, if only because you can follow the steps of hiding a folder that we studied above, but now in reverse order.

For example, to find our hidden files and folders, go to the “View” section again and change our checkbox to the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” function, then “Apply” and “Ok”.

To open our hidden folders and files, select the option "Show hidden files, folders and drives"

Then, by pressing and holding the left mouse button, select part of the desktop field, as shown in the photo.

We will immediately see our hidden folders.

Admins of, tell me how to make an invisible folder on the desktop in Windows 10?

Creating an invisible folder on your desktop in OS Windows is very simple. In such a folder you can keep some important files that you would like, for one reason or another, to hide from prying eyes. But I want to make a reservation in advance that the “Invisible Folder” hidden by this method can always be found through Windows Explorer and other file managers.

Confidential files can only be kept in a hidden “Invisible Folder” temporarily. Important files should always be encrypted. We described how to do this using the ArxCrypt program in the article “”.

And if you need even more reliable encryption, I can advise you to hide the encrypted section hard drive. We wrote about this in the article “How to hide and”

So let's get started. Let's create a folder on the desktop. Right-click the mouse to call up the menu “Create” ===> “Folder”. You can also use the command “Ctrl+Shist+N” to create a new folder

Now let's name this folder something. In my case I named the created folder "HideDir"

Right-click on and select from the menu “ Save object as" Save the file HideMy.ico on the desktop

Creating an Invisible Folder: New Folder

By right-clicking on our HideDir folder, we will call up a menu in which we go to “Properties” ===> “Settings” ===> “Change icon” ===> “Browse”, select the transparent icon “HideMy” downloaded to the desktop .ico".

Creating an Invisible Folder: Selecting an Icon

As you can see, after these manipulations the folder became completely transparent, i.e. invisible.

Creating an invisible folder: Invisible folder

All you need to do now is completely delete the folder name.

Creating an Invisible Folder: Removing the Name

Instead of the old name, while holding down the “Alt” key, type the combination of numbers 0160 (typing on the numeric keypad).

Creating an invisible folder

That’s it, now you can release the held key “Alt" and press the key "Enter"

Invisible folder on the desktop

How to find an invisible folder?

In order to find the hidden “Invisible Folder” you need to select the elements. This can be done using the key combination “Ctrl+A”.

You should also remember that Windows itself has a built-in function for creating invisible folders and files. We wrote about it in the article “”. It is worth noting that this method works on all versions of Windows

That's basically it. As you can see, creating an invisible folder is not so difficult, but as I said above, it is far from the most reliable way store your confidential files.

IN modern world Every person has an inalienable right to personal space. Each of us has information on our computer that is not intended for the overly curious eyes of others. The problem of confidentiality arises especially acutely if, in addition to you, several other persons have access to the PC.

IN Windows files various types, not intended for public access, can be hidden, that is, they will not appear during standard viewing in Explorer.

As in previous versions, in Windows 8, showing hidden elements is disabled by default. But if, for example, someone made changes to the settings operating system, then hidden folders will be visible in Explorer as translucent objects. How to get them out of sight? Nothing could be simpler.

By the way, you can hide any folder on your computer by installing third-party specialized software from different software developers. Using the links below you can familiarize yourself with the list of such programs and read detailed instructions on hiding individual directories in Windows.

Method 1: System Settings

Windows 8 has a built-in ability to configure the visibility of hidden directories. The view can be changed for folders with user-assigned hidden status, and for system closed files.
And of course, any settings can be canceled and changed.

Method 2: Command Line

Using the command line, you can change the display mode of one specific selected folder. This method is more interesting than the first. Using special commands, we change the folder attribute to hidden and system. By the way, for some reason most users undeservedly ignore ample opportunities Windows command line.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of one simple truth. Assigning hidden status to a directory and changing its display mode in the system will not reliably protect your secrets from attacks experienced user. To seriously protect sensitive information, use data encryption.

Quite often, computer users are faced with the task of making a file or even an entire folder invisible. That is, they are still on the computer, but you can’t just see them. Only you, as the PC owner, will know where the file is in order to open it or restore visibility. The need is quite common. But not everyone knows how to make a folder invisible in Windows 8. Fortunately, there are no particular difficulties here, and you can get the desired result different ways. If you are planning for a PC or laptop, then this information will be useful to you.

Making a folder invisible on the Win 8 desktop

Let's consider the first and most affordable way, which will allow you not to lose hidden documents and always find them with ease.

  1. Create a folder on your desktop. Place the necessary files into it.
  2. Rename the folder. To do this, you must strictly use the Numlock key block located on the right side of the keyboard. You are required to press the alt button and type the name 255. As a result, you will get a folder without a name.
  3. Change icon. To do this, right-click on the file, select “Properties”, go to the “Settings” tab and click the “Change icon...” button. In the new menu, select an empty image. Save the changes.

After this, there will be an invisible folder on the desktop. It can only be detected when selected. And only you will know about it. It’s also worth adding here that if you have a laptop, then most likely there will be no Numlock block. In this case, typing the name must be done with the Fn key additionally held down, using the usual number buttons. The result will be the same - a hidden folder.

Hiding a folder via the command line

There is another method that is suitable for advanced PC users. First, you need to create the folder itself in any convenient place: on your hard drive or desktop. Next, you need to copy the full path to it. For example, this could be C:\MyFiles. The next step is to perform these actions:

  • run command line(via Start or the Win+R key combination);
  • type the character set “attrib +h +r +s” and at the end insert the path to the folder;
  • press Enter to execute.

After this, the folder will become completely invisible.

Alternative solution

In addition to the methods presented, there is another option, which for many is almost standard. It allows you to create an invisible Windows folder 8, and hide all files inside it. The set of actions is simple:

  • right-click on the folder;
  • select “Properties”;
  • in the new window, check the box next to “Hidden”;
  • choose what to hide.

To see all invisible files later, you need to open the “Folder Options” menu in the control panel, select the “View” tab and in the list additional settings find the item " Hidden files and folders." By selecting the desired value, you will cancel hiding.

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