
How to create a folder or file. Operations on folders and files. How to create a new folder on your computer How to create a new folder

In this article, we will learn how to create a folder, how to work with folders and files on a computer. Before learning how to create a folder on a computer, you need to know what a folder on a computer is.

Folder- this is a computer object in which you can add other files and folders for convenient further viewing and use.

File- this is a computer program, or one of the components of the program (in the event that the program is large). All computer functions are accessed through files.

Now let's move on to practice, let's talk about how to create a folder on the desktop, and anywhere else on the computer.

To create a folder on the desktop, it is enough to do just a couple of actions:

  1. On any empty space on your desktop, click right mouse button.
  2. A properties window has appeared in front of you, find a property called "Create" and move the mouse cursor over it.
  3. From the list that appears, select the "Folder" property.
  4. Congratulations, you have created your first folder, now its name is highlighted in blue, which means that you are in this moment you can rename it, for this just start typing on your computer, and you will see how the name of your folder starts to change.

Thus, you can create a folder on your desktop and anywhere else on your computer.

In the dropdown menu under "Create" you have seen a lot of files that you can create. This and text files, and files Microsoft office. The creation of these files is identical to the creation of a folder. Simply choose the file you want to create instead of creating a folder.

Now let's learn how to work with a folder, and more specifically, how to rename, edit and delete it.

To rename the created folder on the desktop, you need to do the following:

  1. Right click on the folder.
  2. In the drop-down box, select "Rename".
  3. The folder name is highlighted in blue, now if you start typing, the folder name will change into what you type.
  4. When you typed the name, press Enter, or left-click on an empty area of ​​​​the desktop.

In the drop-down list, you have already seen other properties, because the right mouse button opens the properties of the object that you click, and the properties of the desktop are completely different from the properties of the folder or files.

Let's talk about folder and file properties

Send- by clicking this property, you will see places on the computer, or external connected objects, where you can send this file.

Cut / Paste- for example, you want to properly structure files and folders, and suddenly you accidentally got a folder with music in the section with photos. There are properties for this. Cut / Paste. You right-click on the music folder and click Cut. Next, open the folder where the music should be, and click Paste. For quick select this function, you can press hotkeys. To do this, select the file or folder you need, and press together the keys "Ctrl + X" to Cut, and "Ctrl + V" - to paste.

Copy- the function speaks for itself, by clicking on it, you copy the selected file, and then you can paste a copy of it somewhere else.

Create Shortcut- consider the situation, you have a bunch of movies in a folder somewhere inside the computer, but it's not convenient for you to go somewhere deep into the computer every time to get to your movies, in this case the "Create Shortcut" item will help. After clicking create a shortcut, a shortcut to this file appears next to your files, and now you can cut this shortcut and paste it somewhere closer, for example, on the desktop. The difference with the Copy function is that the shortcut takes almost no space on the computer, it does not copy files, but makes a link to them, which saves a lot of your memory on the computer.

Delete- a function that will remove the selected file to the trash. If you accidentally clicked delete, then don't worry, the file can still be restored from the trash.

Properties- this is an item for viewing the internal properties of a file, such as file size, creation date, etc.

I hope I answered your question about how to create a folder on the desktop.

In the next article, I will

We are all at different levels of computer proficiency. And this is quite normal. The most important thing is to never stop developing. In this article, we will discuss one of key opportunities work on the computer - creating folders.

What is a folder?

You probably understand that a computer is a device for storing information. But, this is abstruse, but in fact our photos, music, games and many more useful things are stored on the computer. So, this is information.

The unit of information for ordinary users is a file. A photo is a file, usually a song is one file, a movie is often one file. Now imagine that you went to the supermarket for groceries. Let's say you need to buy a stick of sausage, cheese, beef, onion and kefir. Let's compare each of these items with a file.

How comfortable will it be for you to carry, even to the checkout, all this in your hands? That's right, you take a basket or cart. In turn, for example, you put the onion in a bag at the very beginning, and only after that in the cart so that it does not crumble. Roughly speaking, the same thing happens on the hard drive (memory of your computer). So that files (music, photos, videos and other files) do not look like one big pile, they are combined into “carts” or folders. (They are also called directories).

Enough theory, how do you create a folder on your computer?

With the Windows operating system, for example, this can be done via "Conductor". This is a built-in program that is designed to work with files.

First you need to decide where your folder should be. For example, you decide to create a folder on your desktop. For this right click on an empty part of the desktop, choose left click "Create" and in the opened supplementary list select "Folder".

After that, we need to name the folder or leave what is written by default - "New folder". We press the button "Enter". All our folder or “cart” has been created and now we can place any files in it.

The images below show how to create a folder on drive C step by step.

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Consider 4 options for how you can create new folder. All of them are simple and do not go beyond simple computer literacy.

I option. To create Windows folder, you must first determine where exactly it will be located: on the desktop or inside some other folder. Accordingly, we go exactly where the “house will be built”, that is, a new Windows folder has been created.

How to create a folder on the desktop

1) To create a folder on the desktop, right-click on a free (empty) space on the desktop.

Context menu “Create folder”

2) This opens a context-sensitive menu, in which you should click on the "Create" option.

3) In the window that appears, a list of what can be created will be offered, from which you need to select "Folder".

4) You will see a small window labeled "New Folder" in which the cursor will blink, prompting you to enter a name for the folder.

Name for the new folder

If you don't enter a name, the default folder name will be New Folder. In principle, at any time you can rename it, which will be discussed below.

Deviating from the topic, I note that the expression "" means that the creators software thought and thought and decided for the user (that is, for you and me) that in a particular case, you can do as suggested. In this case, it is recommended to agree "by default" with the name "New Folder".

But such a name is bad, because after some time it is difficult to remember what is stored in a folder with such an unsightly name. Therefore, instead of choosing "default", it is better to enter a "custom" folder name.

Having entered the name, you must press the Enter key or click the mouse outside the frame to enter the name. If a mistake was made when entering a name, it is easy to correct it. To do this, click on the erroneous folder name with the mouse, i.e. highlight this name, and then press the F2 key and you can edit the folder name.

If needed create folder inside existing folder(), click on the free space in the old folder with the right mouse button, then on the "Create" option and then do everything exactly as described above.

Other options to create a new folder

II option:

There is another option to create a Windows folder. There is a File option in the menu bar in the top right corner. We click on it, then on "Create" and, finally, "Folder".

III option:

We open Conductor(Start - Programs - Accessories - Explorer), go to where you want to create a folder. Then in the upper right corner go to the menu File - New - Folder.

Or you can right-click in an empty space and context menu select New - Folder.

Explorer will create a new folder in the location where you gave the command to create it and name it New Folder. You can enter a different name, as described above in the first option.

The Explorer option is handy if you decide to put your files and folders in order, as there is a catalog of everything that you have on your computer. You can sort by new or old folders, delete unnecessary ones.

IV option:

This option assumes that a new folder will be created the moment you save a file. This is convenient to immediately store your files “on the shelves”, so that later they can be easily found.

Let's say you create a file or edit an existing one. The resulting file can be immediately saved in a new folder (as they say, "on the spot"). To do this, in the "File" menu (in the upper right corner), select the "Save As" option.

In the window that opens, click on the "Create Folder" button, as a result of which a folder with the name "New Folder" appears. You can immediately enter a different name for the folder, after which the file name is entered. This procedure step by step (1st step, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) is shown below using the example of saving a file in Notepad:

Step 1 - Click on the "Create Folder" button

Step 2 - Enter the name of the folder, press Enter. A new folder has been created.

3rd step - Click on the "Open" button, which is located to the right of the "File name" field. Thus, we get into a new folder.

This little lesson, dedicated to working with folders in Windows. This is not a difficult matter, but novice computer users can often experience various problems. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and rename a folder.

How to create a folder on the desktop?

1) Move your mouse cursor to any clean spot on your desktop and click RIGHT mouse button.
2) A menu will open in which one of the items will be called " Create" - just move the mouse cursor over this item (without clicking anything) and another menu will open.
3) In the second menu, at the very top there will be an item " folder". Hover over this item and press once LEFT mouse button.

The figure below shows where to click:

After that, a new folder will appear on the desktop, which will be called "New Folder":

Enter any name for this folder using the keyboard and press the "Enter" key to save the changes. Done, now you have a folder on your desktop, which is called whatever you want.

How to rename a folder?

There are three ways to rename the Windows folder, they are all pretty much the same. Below I will discuss each of the methods.

The first way to rename a folder:
2) Press the "F2" key (located at the top left). Folder name editing will begin.

The second way to rename the folder:
1) Click on the folder you want to rename LEFT mouse button once. (This will highlight the folder).
2) After a few seconds, click on the same folder again LEFT
3) Now enter the name you want to give this folder.
4) Press the "Enter" key to save the changes.

The third way to rename a folder:
1) Click on the folder you want to rename RIGHT mouse button once. (This will open a menu).
2) In the menu that opens, click on "Rename" LEFT mouse button. Folder name editing will begin.
3) Now enter the name you want to give this folder.
4) Press the "Enter" key to save the changes.

Let's get right down to business. We will create a folder on a computer with installed operating system Windows 7. It is worth noting that there is no difference when using a computer or laptop with Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.


A folder can be created quickly and without using a mouse. To do this, you need to type the following keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+N.
  2. If you need to create a folder in Explorer, then you can use the following keystroke sequence: Alt, a, f, g.

To create an invisible folder, you need to perform two simple steps.

To change the default folder icon:

Why can't I create a folder named Con

But maybe it's still possible? Let's try to rename the previously created "Programs" folder. To do this, double-click on its name with the left mouse button, with a slight delay between clicks, or press F2 with the active (selected) folder. Enter the new name "con". As you can see, after that it pops up system error"Invalid device name specified." There is nothing left but to click “OK” and observe the former folder name.

Not only is CON a forbidden folder name, PRN, LPT, CLOCK$, and AUX cannot be used in the name either. Without going into details, this is due to the fact that Windows perceives these folders as system folders that have already been created earlier.

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